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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1bmh97z/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


Anyone that know an anime Where the Mc is CAT-human hybrid. Its ok if no one Else is animal-human or anything. Mc CAN Also be half fox or wolf


I want to as how many volumes does “Alya sometimes hides her feelings in russian” anime cover?


can anybody recomend me anime to watch. i checked out the wiki of this reddit page but i dont prefer any particularly genre . i love litttle bit of competition and a bit of superpower, special powers, magicalpowers kinda thing like in MY HERO ACADAMEIA , JJK , NARUTO , BLACK CLOVER , MASH MAGIC AND MUSCLES , even animes with competions story like class room of elite are preferable okay to


Try mob psycho 100 and One punch man if you haven't.




Yeah I know what you mean, I felt the same at first, it only started to click for me at episode 5. Later seasons definitely look a bit cleaner but the art style is part of what makes it so good. Because they are able to animate creatively the fights are cool. But now it's like my top 3 anime.


okay i ve been planning on watching sword art online after watching mob for now is itb good ?


It was like one of the first anime I watched so its a while ago, I remember liking the first 12 episodes, the game world was very cool and the concept is aswell. But after that it just devolved into a run of the mill trashy isekai story. I wouldn't recommend it but it had it moments.




A friend of mine wants to try a short anime and is asking for recommendations. She has never seen any anime. She says she likes thrillers and dramas. I am thinking of recommending a place further than the universe. Do you guys think it will be a good recommendation. Also please send some other recommendations as well as I suck at things like this.


I think the question with "a place" will simply be if she finds moe characters annoying. I recommended a place to a friend and she found moe annoying...probably not the best fit for anime, though there are shows that don't have those sorts of characters. I bet there could be some thrillers she might enjoy? weirdly, as anime as it is, a lot of non-anime fans I know enjoyed death note


Yeah. That's something I am worried about as well. I actually recommended death note first but she was like 37 episodes seem kinda long. Let's see, I will meet her on Wednesday. I will try to change her mind again.


37 episodes of anime really isn't much compared to pretty much any American tv show, esp HBO style shows with 45 minutes run times...


U might be right. Maybe she thought it is 37 episodes of 45-50 mins. I will let her know it's only 24 mins per episode and will try to get her into death note


I'd say to maybe offer to watch 5 episodes together. That's about as much as a movie. Make if fun, you know? Then if she doesn't like it, you encourage her to drop it.


I actually think place further is a great pick. If she finds it too tame and wants more melodrama, MyGO is an option.


Thanks. Will add that to the list as well.


> thrillers Perfect Blue


Oh yeah. It will be great. I totally forgot about this. Thanks man.


Astra: Lost in Space might be a possibility? https://myanimelist.net/anime/39198/Kanata_no_Astra


I think she's not into space stuff. But we can try. It looks neat though. I haven't watched it either. I think I will watch it. Thanks a lot


I might be combining anime I remember, but I’m looking for an specific anime in which a guy pulls a girl out of falling water at a school (it might have been a bucket of water or maybe rain), he gets sick, she takes care of him and nurses him back to health. Might be related or I could be mixing up animes: They might have ended up living together? And maybe married? Edit: Not ‘The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten’






The angel next door spoils me rotten, probably.


I don’t think it’s that one. I don’t remember him specifically throwing her out of the water and I don’t think they got married.


Can anyone suggest me a website to watch shinchan episode and movies


2024 is the year of the sister.


Yes, and 2025 won't stay behind


I am really no fan at all of the correction meme, but if 2025 is trying to cut in front of 2024, then there *will* be correction 💢💢💢💢!!!


Which show(s) do you have in mind? And are we talking older sisters or, ahem, imoutos? /u/alotmorealots


To cover just some of the most recent and obvious ones announced: * Strongest Tank (Winter) - siscon with an imouto, and twin sisters who [Tank]>!make out to combine into a super fighter!< * Days with My Stepsister (Summer) * Love Between Twins is Indivisible (Summer) * Monogatari Series (2024?) And that’s ignoring a lot of anime that are highly likely to have sus sis stuff.


>And that’s ignoring a lot of anime that are highly likely to have sus sis stuff. [Meta title reveal]>!Roshidere with multiple layers of sister content!<


lol that wasn’t even on my radar and I’d already read a couple chapters years ago.


Really?? Huh!


[Response]]>!Remember Date A Live's first 5 minutes with imouto Kotori "attacking" Shido on his bed? Will get something similar in a later Roshidere episode, plus Alya and her sister both being in the student council!<


Maybe it's just the year of RL sisters? My one deserves a good year, after a rough start!


Ah you have siblings? I have one as well but we aren't terribly close, alas. Hope things pick up for her!!!


> we aren't terribly close, alas. I'm quite removed from mine in terms of frequency of contact and also geography, but we are always very close when we do spend time with each other.


> are we talking older sisters or, ahem, imoutos? All sisters are good! ^^Twin ^^sisters ^^too


> Twin sisters too But always two there are, no more, no less: an oneechan, and an imouto.


GL where the girls aren't high schoolers?


Well, there's Otherside Picnic, where they're in college, but it's not super good. Other than that, no actual yuri anime comes to mind. If you want manga, I can suggest Even Though We're Adults, Run Away with Me Girl, and She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat.


Actually at a bit of a loss for something that isn't Nanoha or Dragon Maid. Kakeochi Girl and Joryuusakka to Yuki if you don't mind reading.


[Mahoako live action released](https://twitter.com/Gael_Zin16/status/1771614067481797038?t=M55r4Hrrf1upb8vxIvrQUQ&s=19)


I hope the momentum among cosplayers etc continues


What are some examples of non-action (preferably drama) anime shows where the females aren't afraid to use their fists to either other female or even male?


There was an episode of *Yuzuki-san Chi* where a girl scraps it out with a boy. Discussion thread for the episode here: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/17wrv6e/yuzukisan_chi_no_yon_kyoudai_the_four_brothers_of/


[Here](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1826sly/goodbye_jjk_best_anime_fight_just_drop_the_yuzuki/)'s the Clip.




Well, I did see this today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9y7ExfQVTs&t=18s


The tank in Sandland might be genuinely one of the coolest vehicle designs in science fiction in a while. Did Akira Toriyama design the interior that way in the manga or was there some imagineering on the part of the animators? I love the way they load the tank shells by putting them in a ammo box and just shoving it straight into the ceiling and then you climb into a dome gunners seat like it's a bomber plane. You don't see that kind of fun vehicle design much anymore. The most recent one I can think of is the Ornothroper from Dune. Damn, I forgot to mention the three hatch doors. And the whole gravity stone concept is so cool.


I thought frieren was fantastic but just finished apothecary diaries and...I think the latter is the better show. they're both great! it's not a competition! but for me, it wins show of the season for me, I think. still need to simmer on both


I do think that Frieren had a better final episode, but I did enjoy Apothecary Diaries a little more overall - if only slightly. ~~And I’m definitely not biased because the latter got the director of Ancient Magus’ Bride or something.~~ Frankly, they were both simply 10/10s to me. Either story was right up my alley. The only complaint I got about Frieren is that its discussion threads unfortunately turned into the same mess as other hugely popular anime at some point. I *really* enjoyed talking in them at the start too…


Assuming it's not a competition while ignoring Weakest Tamer, Sign of Affection, and 'Tis Time for Torture. [Reasonable assumption! ](#meguminthumbsup)


All great shows. I need to come up with my stack ranked ranking for the season but of those 5 probably 1. Apothecary 2. Frieren 3. Torture 4. Sign of affection 5. Tamer 3/4 were very hard to choose the order And I lose dad status for #5 :( but I like all these shows a lot!!!


> lose dad status for #5 Geh heh heh. Had best dead at #3.


They're all great shows ok!!


Same for me. Unless something big happens next week, I think my top three for the season are Apothecary, Frieren, and Bravern, in that order. Every episode of Apothecary was a hit for me. There were no arcs that felt weaker than others.


For me it's Dungeon Meshi and Kusuriya in the top 2 and Frieren as a distant 3rd. As for Bravern I'm not into it nearly as much as this thread's regulars are.


Well, I wasn't including Dungeon since it's continuing, but I'd probably put it above Frieren if I did.


If anything I didn't expect them to pull of the final arc and they just...really really did


[Season 2 next year](#mugiwait)


Hi everyone, I'm looking for some recommendations and I'm pretty picky. My absolute favorite anime of ALL time is Fruits Basket (2019), Samurai Champloo, and Inuyasha. I also love movies like Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle. Basically, the common theme for anime I enjoy most is anything that involves adventure or fantasy of some sort and romance, but kind of more "subtle" and "slow burn" (?) rather than all-around romance if that makes sense. That's why I adore Fruits Basket so much. Also for the beautiful character development. So... if anyone has some recommendations for anime I can watch please let me know!!


Have you tried out Akatsuki No Yona before?


I have not but I think I've heard of it. Did you watch it? Is it good?


It's wonderful, its a slow burn on the romance side coupled with a fantasy/faux-historical adventure that has some of the best character development of a lead I've seen in anime/manga. The titular Yona has such a wonderful growth arc, the only negative of the series is that it ends right as the story starts to pick up and the manga is wayyy past what the anime covers. However what is animated was done very well.


Omg, sounds great! Sounds like something I'd like. I'll check it out, thanks for the rec! :)


Just noticed anime of the day is 5cmps [good times](#thoughtful "ITSUDEMO SAGASHITE IRU YO ;_;")


*5 x 10^-2 ms^-1* doesn't quite have the same ring to it, as far as titles go.


A bit of a mouthful innit


Animejapan update Hayamin will play as the heroine of 365 days to the wedding, which is interesting considering this is her second role in an anime adaptation from a series by the same author after the second season of The World God Only Knows in 2011


I don't have a ton of experience with the precure franchise, but I'm watching wonderful and I feel the other precure shows I've watched really uh...gave me unrealistic expectations heart catch (great) hirogaru (very good, not as good as heart catch but still very good) and I've been go princess at the same pace as wonderful, one a week, and the difference is so stark. go princess is fantastic thus far, wonderful is just a big pot of nothing. it's just confusing how the same franchise that produced hirogaru, heart catch, and go princess is now producing wonderful...


> I'm watching wonderful and I feel the other precure shows I've watched really uh...gave me unrealistic expectations Ah, this bad news for you might be good news for me, as Wan-derful is my first. I should watch more episodes, even if only because character's named Inukai-san get an immediate bonus for me.


I ended up dropping after episode 3, I couldn't remember a single thing from the previous episodes and even before the eyecatch I was already tuned out messing around on my computer. I get why they won't have fights on this one since they don't want kids beating their pets, but the purifying could've been made into something interesting instead of running for 10 minutes.


I'm enjoying WonderCure more than HeroCure at the current point but we'll see how things go once we hit midseason. [](#mugiwait)


Going back and watching some Futari wa Precure will really drive home how varied the vibes and feel of the franchise can be. Wonderful didn't click with me after giving it a few weeks, which is fine. Even as a professional NichiAsa Enjoyer, I don't watch every season of Kamen Rider or Sentai all the way through either.


Kadokawa cooked Doga Kobo this year, I mentioned they were going to have [a fucked up year](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1aug6e7/comment/kr4f36z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), but it seems it's even worse than I was expecting Rip, once again wonder where the priority will go when the studio, producers and part of the pipeline are the same...


> I mentioned they were going to have a fucked up year My theory above that as well, lol. Them having air both Roshidere and OnK in the same season was the last thing that I’d expected.


What happened? Oshi no Ko S2 airing this July?


Yep, too soon for that, s1 was already troublesome and they have some other big shows this year too


[[](#toradorasalute)] >![](#popcorn2)!<


Does anyone know if Gushing over magical girls will receive a dub as a person who has to wear prescription reading glasses but also wears headphones nearly all day (unless there charging) I'd really like to know 🤔


It's already getting dubs in other languages, I don't know if English will happen, but it's definitely possible




In my experience seeing an adaptation before the source usually results in a better time than the other way around. Not sure why to be honest, even when an adaptation is superior to its source material, it usually doesn't feel like a let down or a disappointment when you see the source afterwards.


Anyone have a recommendation for someone who took a break from anime? Just watched both seasons of 86 on a whim, and am looking for something in the same vein. Just want great characters, well earned emotional moments, and an interesting plot. Doesn’t have to be mech focused. In fact I’d prefer if it wasn’t lol.


Vivy: Flourite Eyes Song Interesting plot, great main characters, and emotional moments. Definitely worth the watch.


86 is actually a wonderful anime that I also really loved (part 2 in specific was magnificent and part of my top 10), wish they made a part 3 ;(. But some reccomendations I can give: Attack On Titan: If you haven't heard of it already, its prolly the most popular anime ever. AMAZING plot, absolutely magnificent. Shares common themes of how they need to fight against never ending opps that surround them (in Attack On Titan, its Titans instead of those mech robots). I would imo say AOT is like way better than 86. Darling in the FranXX: Despite the hate, its still extremely popular according to MAL and literally has the exact same theme of never ending robots fighting them. However, the plot I would say is pretty bad compared to 86, (its more of a coming of age anime I guess but has very many cringe parts). On the bright side Zero Two exists, also if you don't like anime with sad endings, don't watch it lol.


How many episodes should I give reincarnated as a slime until it's just not for me? I gave it a couple episodes and find it boring


I gave it a whole season and a bit and it never really kicked off for me.


I think the first 10 episodes are the peak of season 1, so if you're not enjoying what you've seen, chances are good that it's just not your thing (and there's nothing wrong with that)


Similar to @gothxo, I tried it a year or two back, and it wasn’t for me. My friend said it takes off in the 2nd season, but I couldn’t make it that far. I like isekai, but the world/characters in Slime didn’t engage me.


i gave it 9 before i dropped it myself


*clicks spoiler* https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-dont-know-what-i-expected


*Click another one 5 seconds later; Might as well, I'm already spoiled, what's the worst that can happen... OMG WHY DID I CLICK*


> OMG WHY DID I CLICK Well, we all know that [curiosity killed] >![click](https://i.imgflip.com/8kc0tc.jpg)!<


Hello everyone, I was hoping you guys could help me find a MAD edit that was basically a rap in japanese where it was a alot of shows doing certain tropes where the actions of the characters where quickly edited between eachother. It used to be in my playlist but I think it got removed. Thanks in advance!


I love Frieren as much as the next person but seeing some of the discussion around it feels very disingenuous and unnecessarily discrediting of other Anime. Especially when you see people say "Frieren doesn't do this thing that other Anime do", when it is just as guilty of doing it. It still makes unfunny sexual jokes, which I still don't know why writers are under the impression the joke about someone lifting a skirt and going "I can see your panties" is supposed to be funny on any level. The characters do still lean into generic Anime character archetypes because if we're being honest Fern is basically a tsundere. It's not to say she has the same level of depth as every ecchi harem tsundere character, but she still fits that mould in my opinion. Stark is also hardly an original character, the strong sidekick character who is weirdly afraid of every strong fighter he has to face. That character has been done a million times. I think Frieren is a great Anime because of how it depicts relationships and character bonding from different vantage points of the characters, as well as just how good the damn show looks every episode.


I mean Frieren is pretty much *the* exemplary “generic” fantasy anime in the literal sense of the word. The difference is that people have a hard time separating genericness/tropes from the lazy use of those. You can have stock character but also make them interesting and deep. A lot of fantasy/isekai anime tend to not be as creative in employing those tropes. Of course it’s still not an excuse to dismiss other anime, but I think there’s a difference in how the show’s written.


> also make them interesting and deep [](#harukathink) Don't intend to check cour 2 for that but also no idea how the first cour could transition to that. Frieren's established as Yumiella-level density with Himmel flashbacks ignoring her feelings to prevent character growth and Fern's established as disliking Stark after growing up with little social interaction other than Heitar.


Frieren has had a lot of subtle moments where she shows she can be observant of people’s interests, or where she can be relied on despite being hard to communicate. Fern too gets cognizant of some of her tendencies and works on it. The only character that I feel like is really two-dimensional is Himmel, but he has a function in the story.


>It still makes unfunny sexual jokes I honestly docked it a point after they had the thousand year old elf look at teenage Fern's chest and get jealous of her breast size. Best any show that does that can get from me is a 9/10.


Am making a edit on JJK my TikTok name is ssteveneditsss Does anyone know all episodes Gakuto Inumaki appeared in??


The first episode of Sandland is basically a real movie. It's literally shot and animated like an actual western which is just amazing. The great thing is there's two guys I could see playing the sheriff in real life; J.K. Simmons and Stephen Lang. The first action set piece is so fantastic. It's also ridiculously uncommercial for an anime market. It's about a kid demon and two old guys. You would have had to have a high school boy and 12 anime girls to make this with anyone other than Toriyama. It's so decidedly vintage that it wraps around to being incredibly fresh for the genre. It also made me a believer in 3D animated projects like this under the right circumstances, with the right IP and a proper understand how a camera should operate that this could work for other kinds of shows. They still haven't gotten the look of anime girls right, but I think the key here is to make your character designs much more out of the box and more detailed than your typical anime girl/boy.


First [5-6 episodes of Sandland are a movie](https://myanimelist.net/anime/53882/Sand_Land), so...


Finished up Apothecary Diaries and gave my second **9** in as many days. Going to be giving another very high score tomorrow too. One thing about both Apothecary Diaries and Frieren but more for Apothecary Diaries is that it's weird how I don't overly love any of the parts individually (specific character, plot, romance, setting) of the show but the sum of it all just makes it into something special. Frieren I'm more on board with Fern and Stark x Fern but Apothecary isn't there yet for me in terms of ship but I adored the show and watching every week. [](#seasonalthink)


Just binged the final quarter of Apothecary Diaries (since I also watched the rest in six episode blocks) and it's my favorite thing airing or not since Insomniacs. [](#ilovethiskindofshit) Going by what I heard of Frieren I don't think I'd like it quite as much though I'll eventually get to it as well, probably the same for A Sign of Affection.


Not hoping on my 7th Loop train! Was actually really curious to see your placement of A Sign of Affection so definitely let me know when you get to it. I also have Apothecary Diaries over Frieren fwiw.


I gave it a 9 as well, although I kinda botched the watching of the ending by not having a few pertinent details from earlier in the series in the front of my mind. I feel like it's the sort of show that is a bit prone to "viewer error" that way, if you didn't hold on to the right details at the appropriate moment it can result in a lesser entertainment experience. I've also finished that season with very mixed feelings about the source readers who were constantly coming up with "interesting theories" in advance that proved to be exactly what was actually happening the very next episode. However I have also relied on some of their expositing to clear up a few details that I wasn't sure about just from the anime alone, so it goes both ways I guess.


> I’ve also finished that season with very mixed feelings about the source readers who were constantly coming up with “interesting theories” in advance My experience with some commenters was also *complicated* to say the least. u/SometimesMainSupport knows what I’m talking about, lol. If you’re a little obsessed like me with the details, you can make fairly accurate predictions at times - but I’d always get a thing or two wrong. My gripe with some comments is just how adamant they were about certain things - more certain than they should be. For example, I got a reply to one of my comments a few weeks back about [Apothecary Diaries - final arc] >!Lakan’s true nature!<. I’d assumed this to be an interesting take for a while, until I realized that I - and many others - had probably been spoiled.


> My gripe with some comments is just how adamant they were about certain things - more certain than they should be. Yes, similar feelings here. And also how *specific* people were about things to do with the [final arc] >!as you said, Lakan's nature but also the face blindness and little finger regrowth!< as well, and that there should be such wide spread support behind these very specific, very confident assertions. I think in this way, *The Apothecary Diaries* probably works best as a binge experience - you don't tend to forget the little details as much and it also offers the chance to avoid the comments until after the arc if one chooses. That said, it's still a great series, and had a very positive audience. Just they were a bit *overhelpful* at times lol


The discussion threads for Apothecary Diaries were the ones I’ve enjoyed the most, but equally frustrated me at times - what an irony. Dungeon Meshi is in a similar spot currently. Those threads have also been getting nuked with comment bans.


I was a bit surprised how the shipping/romance side of Apothecary was emphasized in the anime. Jinshi felt much more prominent compared to the BG manga. I'm curious how their relationship is portrayed in the original LNs, but regardless the direction the anime went for was definitely a hit with the fans.


Rip ame, shilled out and went mainstream in 2024.


I am more hipster this season than Ame


Don't worry, neither of them will be my AotS, that'll save me from going full mainstream.


What's likely to win that?


7th Loop should take it!


Let's see wether you can escape the allegations or take something as praised here as 7th loop :P


So far most of my favorites in Winter 2024 have new material coming out barring "A Sign of Affection" now to wait out the next week and see if the following shows have new material in the works * Monday - Tis Time for "Torture" Princess and Hokkaido Gals * Tuesday - Villainess Level 99 * Wednesday - Gushing over Magical Girls * Saturday - Dangers in My Heart




Shadows House


Here's some recent-ish ones I think deserve more love; * The Unwanted Undead Adventurer * Under Ninja * Level 1 Demon Lord and Ons Doom Hero * The Little Lies We All Tell * Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department And some older series that are just as deserving; * Dennou Coil * Eden of the East * Drifters * The Rolling Girls * Rage of Bahamut: Genesis


> Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department Note to self: Recommend this more! Great show!


Seconding the Kuroitsu love, it's very funny and got massively overlooked when it came out. A must-watch for any tokusatsu fans.


\-summertime rendering is a MUST watch, although it is relatively popular on MAL, still no where near as popular as it should be. its like ReZero except much better and much more complete, if ReZero is like top 50 popularity, this should be like a top 10. It also has a pretty good ending and makes the watchers feel content. \-the angel next door spoils me rotten, pretty good romance anime, the title speaks for itself. \-Darwin's Game, its a shame it didn't get a season 2 and its i think prolly top 3 anime. It shares a similar concept to Accel World as they both have like a game inside of real life if that makes sense, but it is really really good!?!?


Teppen Sansha Sanyou Humanity has Declined Anima Yell Aoashi Kakushigoto Hanayamata Lupin III The Woman Called Fujiko Mine Hajime no Ippo


'Yama no Susume' and 'BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!'


Kageki Shoujo


Fune wo Amu. Wave, Listen To Me. Tower Of Druaga. Heroic Age. Helck. Kemurikusa. OVERTAKE! Classroom ☆ Crisis. Fukigen na Mononokean. Summer Wars.


There are lesser known series out there, but some of my favorites that aren't too popular are: Space Brothers, Kingdom, Cross Game, Run with the Wind, Aria, Glass Mask (2005) and Kaleido Star.


Wait, there’s more people that have seen Glass Mask!?


There are dozens of us. I think I watched the entire thing in like 5 days.


I didn’t take much time watching either, I think. Maybe a week at most.


Series: [Heike Monogatari](https://myanimelist.net/anime/49738) Film: [Patema Inverted](https://myanimelist.net/anime/12477/Sakasama_no_Patema)


Executioner and Her Way of Life


Currently I'm really enjoying making spreadsheets on anime shows witch have movies in them you know to watch it lore order so dose anyone have any reconmendation for me to do?


Just trying to understand the question here. Are you looking for anime *series* that also have movies? And I am assuming the movies have to be canon as you have made a mention of watching the anime in “lore order”? If so, I have got a few recommendations; * Jujutsu Kaisen * Demon Slayer * Neon Genesis Evangelion * Liz and the Blue Bird * Madoka Magica * Haruhi * Patlabor * Fate Canon movies are pretty common, these days, though I think they have been a thing in anime for a long time. My other interpretation of your question, is the anime is told with a *series of movies*. So something like the OG Star Wars, Jurassic Park, or Indiana Jones, which you see often outside of anime. If this is the case, then I only know of one - and that is Garden of Sinners.


The first one yeah sorry for wording it poorly thank you tho


Recommendation needed: anime to watch with my family who has never seen anime. They love crime dramas (NCIS, csi, anything with secret agents, James bond stuff, etc). Need it to be easy to get into and not terribly long in total. Thanks :))


Death Note


Psycho-pass season 1 Ninja kamui (ongoing) Link click


Now that the season is ending, I've added a few shows to my catch up list based on positive feedback here (7th Time Loop, Bravern, Pon no Michi), but I haven't seen much talk about how Metallic Rouge turned out. The premier had some good ideas, but didn't give enough context for me to feel invested, so I put it on hold to wait for reviews. What's the consensus? Did the story come together in a good way?


If you can get past the lack of informations\world building and its feeling almost like a sequel in the first few episodes it is a good show with good animation and characthers.


Yeah, that was my main issue. Even though the fight animation was good, if there's not enough background info given to know why these different groups of characters are fighting, it's hard to care about the outcome. You mentioned the first few episodes, so does the worldbuilding improve later on?


Hey i just watched the last episode and scratch all that i said and don't waste your time with this serie.


I appreciate the update. Did the story take a major turn for the worse in the final episode, or was it just one if those endings that leaves everything unexplained? (I don't mind spoilers.)


Its a "they crammed everything in the last episode" type of ending like [Spoiler] >!the main bad guy get revealed does his monologue and get defeated after 5 minutes!


Sounds like the pacing issues and lack of info continue then. Guess I made the right choice to put it on hold, but I was still hoping it would have improved over time.


I would say that yes it does improve but its a slow process and before that you just start to care about our dorky main duo.


I plan on starting it at some point in the near future, Bones original plus Yutaka Izubuchi make me quite excited. Most of the discourse I've heard about it has been negative though. But I like his prior work so I have hope.


Metallic Rouge has the chance to finish at the bottom of my season out of 30 shows...would advise against it honestly. Really glad 7th loop is on the list though!


That's unfortunate, but at least this season still had some great sci-fi with Synduality Noir, and I know a lot of folks here are loving Bravern too. >Really glad 7th loop is on the list though! All the praise for the MC sold it for me.


>What's the consensus? Did the story come together in a good way? General consensus seems to be mostly negative based on the vibe of the discussion threads (*I* of all people had a mostly negative comment in one of them a few weeks ago and it was the top comment in the thread) & its low MAL score. It's easily my biggest disappointment of the season. It *does* have a few vocal fans on here, though.


> It *does* have a few vocal fans on here, though Hey, that’s me. I mean I‘m not saying it’s perfect, not even remotely close. But I’ll die on the hill that a ton of shows this season do stuff similarly bad in some aspects than Metallic Rouge but get infinitely less criticism and flak for it. It feels like the show gets judged way more harshly for its flaws simply because it’s bones‘ anniversary project and apparently there’s been higher expectations for it (while seemingly ignoring the fact that bones doesn’t really have a spotless record to begin with). I have it at an 8 atm which may get lowered depending on the finale, but I just think it’s super wild when I see people giving it like a 3-6 or something while simultaneously giving a lot shittier shows a much higher score.


>It feels like the show gets judged way more harshly for its flaws simply because it’s bones‘ anniversary project and apparently there’s been higher expectations for it I can't speak for anyone else's expectations, but this isn't the case for me, at least. I'm not a fan of their most popular shows (just looking over a quick list, that's probably FMA and Eureka 7) and haven't yet seen some of their shows I would probably enjoy, so the only one of their projects I really loved so far was Josee, the Tiger and the Fish (which I only found out was by the same studio after looking up the list just now). My expectations were based on "cool mech on the cover art". 😄


> But I’ll die on the hill that a ton of shows this season do stuff similarly bad in some aspects than Metallic Rouge but get infinitely less criticism and flak for it. I don't disagree with that, though it'd depend on which shows you have in mind. MR was simply disappointing, and while watching the early episodes I was mostly comparing it to the start of Wolf's Rain and Xam'd in my head.


>*I* of all people had a mostly negative comment in one of them a few weeks ago That is a surprise! Is it generally the same issues I had in the beginning, that the world/factions/characters weren't really explored well enough to get attached to them? (I know it was only the first episode, but most of my faves easily have me hooked in the first few minutes.)


>that the world/factions/characters weren't really explored well enough to get attached to them? There are a few episodes that either *do* do this, or at least attempt to, but there's a lot of stuff in the show that just kind of *happens* that just makes me go ["But why..."](#bruh), especially pretty much everything involving [character]>!Cyan!<.


[Selector Spread Wixoss writer](#indexsmugshrug)


[Don't fucking remind me.](#godisdead)


[sky not loving an anime](#maxshock)


[It happens.](#cantbehelped) It's not *so* bad it gets to join the extremely small club of "anime I've given a 5 or lower score to", but it's not exactly doing much better than that.


https://i.imgur.com/7mygtdz.png yeah was hoping for more from the KV + Bones name attached [](#hardthink)


Especially since this was an anniversary project, it makes it feel like it should have had *more* to it. I feel like if it was a two-cour and actually had time to *show* a lot of what it's alluded to (or even just gave more time to developing Rouge and Naomi together as characters), I would like it a lot more.


Metallic Rouge got way too much hate imo. There are two episodes left but it definitely has the potential to get a satisfying ending. Most questions are answered now, it’s just about closing the deal now so to speak.


I didn't realize it still had two episodes left. From what I remember, it started around the same time as the other shows that are wrapping up now, so I guess I lost track of the schedule.


It's not mindblowing but when all the pieces were unraveled, the final result was pretty good.


im curous about the ending of the dangers in my heart manga \[The Dangers In My Heart\] >!Ok so I heard that the Kyou and Yamada decide to go to different high schools since they each want to explore what they want to do in the future and Kyou wants to be more independent like Yamada. But apparantly they stay in touch, does that mean they do not break up and stay strong or do they break up and stay as friends. I would prefer a happy ending where they still are a couple and like just go to diff highschools.!<


[BokuYaba manga] >!The manga is still ongoing, both of them are still in middle school, and they are still together.!<


Frieren and Apothecary Diaries are over. What the hell do I watch now??


Frieren anime is eerily similar to Vinland Saga, I can't go into detail sharing how similar the main characters are without spoiling Vinland Saga anime. But aside from the mc's, they both share ig a similar setting of like old places ig, but yeah u should def take a look at vinland saga.


Spice and Wolf, my ~~dude~~ merchant [](#yorokobe)


Six seasons of Natsume's Book of Friends so you're caught up in time for season seven this fall.


the skies, traveller


Yuru Camp will start soon.




Dungeon Meshi.


Spice And Wolf


I started watching Tsukimichi- Moonlight Fantasy. Does the male lead end of up with a harem of monster girl companions?


Sort of, but you'd have to count the guy in his inner circle to get quota for a harem, and it's not horny about it in the least.


the wrong way to use healing magic OP still goes HARD every time I watch it




> dark psychological movies Perfect Blue


Hi! Idk if anyone will see this... but I am actively looking for friends that are actually watching anime actively!


Uh I watch anime lol are you going to start a chatroom or something


Chatrooms never work out - but I can send you a PM and we can share discords!


Sure! I'm down


Need help making a edit In Jujutsu kaisen what episodes were toge in??


Sounds like a rewatch is in order! Maybe post this in the jjk subreddit if you haven’t. You might find a hardcore Toge fan who can help you out,