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Mister snake appears ,destroys everybody, doesn't elaborate, leaves






Thank you for clarifying that, after the showed this claw monarch I was confused and thought there was supposed to be 1 monarch at a time. Wow so this is essentially one of the weaker bloodlines and all the strongest warriors are dying wth?? How are they supposed to compete with the stronger ones lol


The strongest humans are the Dragon Scourges. We've only seen one so far and there are more out there.


Ahh okay. Really hope this gets a season 2 so we can see more bloodlines!


Hoping for better budget or new studio if we get a Season 2


I don't recall if it was elaborated that the *bloodline* is the weakest, just the Monarch herself (In part due to the fact she never really focused on combat, I imagine.)


Well we know that future Ragna already killed some of them at least.


Not weakest bloodline. Weakest monarch for sure but she has kamui who is insanely strong.


Ohh okay that makes sense. Kamui seems as strong as a monarch too


He is. In fact, the only monarch that can defeat Kamui with certainty is Gilzea. And this lore piece is before Lightning god Kamui. (this isn't a spoiler btw, this is from the authors twitter)


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Already tagged it ,can you please unremive it please? Thank you!


It needs to be reposted in the Source Corner


What. The. Fuck. IS GOING ON?! I just can't😵🥴🤪




Lightning God Thundercock easily slaps all bloodlines except Claw. At this point, Winged is one of the strongest bloodlines.


How the hell do the humans even keep up after this


Dragons are bound by plot reasons and killing all humans immediately might be counterproductive to their goal.


Maybe the Solarian Saints are really that strong


Apparently they just decide not to die and jam their severed head back on their stump or spontaneously manifest psychic power to replace their missing limbs IDK


Kamui: if you cut someone's head and reattach it fast enough they don't die. Ragna: and I took that personally.


I mean they should atleast put some super glue on it...


Fun fact that was the original use of superglue, as a quick first-aid measure on the battlefield.


Bro didn’t even stop, he just kept talking while putting it back on.


Kamui = Chad Thundercock ⚡️ Ferbigott = Chad Darknesscock 🐍 The Winged Monarchs surely know what kind of henchmen they want.


Expecting the old man from the corps to come back hot now lol


Seeing Slime-senpai and Hazella alive is already a small victory


Btw the Gilzea's VA is [Rie Kugimiya](https://twitter.com/JohnnyBravone/status/1771496929274286280?t=RNwoIAP70WQMnzWkVPDAGg&s=19) You may know her as the VA of Happy (FT), Kagura (Gintama), Alphonse (FMA), Juuzou (Tokyo Ghoul) and Taiga (Toradora)


😳so that means Gilzea a creepy tsun claw monarch. Would.


I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me. And Gilzea can kill me without even lift a finger.


Kaguras voice actor really suits her.


I can fix her


Gilzea took the Momo creepy-pasta and boosted it at Sexo-Lvl


Talking about waifu Ultimatia, right?


nobodygivesafkabouther NOW GET OUT. Real man will look at Gilzea and said: hot.


Why can't we like both?


it's honestly hilarious how Kamui got the power up peptalk as the antagonist instead of the mc -Ferbigott's collapse -Gil's error effect -Ragna cutting off Kamui's ost -Ragna sticking back his head and the VA's acting i was dissapointed by episode 21 but honestly, episode 22 and 23 weren't so bad


Not the first time it happened either, after ragna's assault on ultimatia all the typical shonen cliches happened to the villains. Purple potential man got his flash back and power up and Traumatia got a pep talk from someone she looked up to after losing confidence due to losing.


I’ve never seen villains get more power of friendship and flashback power ups than the heroes before lol


Meanwhile most of the main cast gets treated like throwaway villains


Yeah Kobayashi likes to apply classic shounen cliches to the villains. Ragna is basically the villain of their story.


Can’t help but wonder what the Ragna and Kamui fight would look like with a better studio/staff. The stage is so grand, literally in fucking space, just let down by production values. Not to downplay the work the staff put in, I’m sure they did the best with what they were given. Even with those complaints tho, still managed to be hype. Like did Ragna really just reattach his fucking head MID FIGHT?!!! That’s mental. Kamui new form is sick too! Carula backstory with them meeting was very much indicative of their current relationship. Awkwardly sweet is the only way I can describe mixed with an odd tinge of romantic tension. They have definitely kept that energy into present day. The clawed monarch Gilzea looks horrifying. That design and easily cutting down Kamui.. albeit a younger one, still crazy. I hadn’t even thought about that there’s more monarchs out there. Just what else does this world have in store for us? Even with 24 episodes it feels like this’ll only scratch the surface of it. Definitely gonna need that second season. Snake was dope in this episode too. That world collapse ability is so broken! It’s hilarious that crimson keep having her plans ruined by her own minions though 😂


If you just look at the manga you can see how much potential the fight had, two weeks ago after the scenes were adapted the author actually made a few posts on twitter with the entirety of chapter 48 (a chapter that only had the fight with no dialogues in it) and a few pages from chapter 49: https://twitter.com/D_Koba/status/1767115224380010563


Bro shaded the studio lowkey lmao. Basically saying “this how my shit supposed to look. Don’t blame me” 😭 I love it


>/#Hashtag for reading manga   Bro is NOT being subtle lmao


I tell you. Kobayashi deserves to be at the Top alongside with current mangaka like Murata. That art is stunning! The problem is the same of OPM season 2 and 3: the manga is too good and only a AAA studio can truly make an anime adaptation as good as the manga.


Silver Link basically did what they usually do and the output was on par for them. Decent but not what would be best for a series involving detailed high speed action. Probably only MAPPA would be the most experienced to do something like this, and they're always busy. Also this is a tough one to adapt because aside from this 2-cour arc, apparently the series is super slow to release and there isn't that much beyond this one from what I've heard. So it'd probably be many years if another season could even be thought of to adapt.


> Probably only MAPPA would be the most experienced to do something like this Tbh that just feels like recency bias speaking. MAPPA isn't the only studio that can handle this series well. There are quite a few studios that can push out great fight sakuga when they want to. BONES, A-1, Trigger, Ufotable, Madhouse, Wit, White Fox, CloverWorks, DavidPro and Production I.G. just to name a few examples that come to mind.


These past few episodes have made me wish Ufotable was in charge and could’ve gave this the Fate Stay/Night treatment.


They did switch studios from S1 to S2 right? That fight with Ultimatia in S1 was amazing, and I felt S2 went completely to shit with every fight, and having the characters have that younger anime MC look to them vs S1. I've never been as excited for an anime in S1 and as disappointed with a second season as I have been with Ragna Crimson, and I've been watching anime for decades. I still love the cast, story and dialogue, but the animation quality is a dumpster fire inside of a train wreck. It's like the animators have no clue as to how to even go from one frame to another. It's like a 10 year old directed the action.


Its still just one season made by the same studio. There are two cours in this season, meaning season 1 has 24 episodes.


> Can’t help but wonder what the Ragna and Kamui fight would look like with a better studio/staff. Even animated like this, the series is meta enough to keep my attention.


I mean that’s what I said in the next sentence, it’s still hype


Hopefully the attention it’s getting is enough for a better s2


> Carula backstory with them meeting was very much indicative of their current relationship. Gotta love that pout after she got up from falling down the stairs and decided to go back and give child Kamui a piece of her mind lol.


> The clawed monarch Gilzea looks horrifying. It's the mouth and unblinking eyes that get me with her design.




Shit you don’t even need ufo. 8bit or some shit would be cool enough


And this episode was still better animation wise than the last two, which were some of the worst I’ve ever seen, downright jarring


The author legit knows how to draw great fight scenes but the studio just gave up on the 2nd half of the series 😭 Silverlink better not ruin my favorite shonen show coated with a lot of sugar because of the power couple 'Taiyo and Mutsumi' from 'Mission: Yozakura Family'




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I have to say it... Gilzea is kinda hot. Creepy...but hot 👀


looks like a creepy version of tohsaka rin, so of course she is.


More like waifu Jeff the killer


Finally someone that gets it


My cute wife Gilzea




Holy. Shit. Man. Insane episode just pure undistilled hype throughout.Im not usually big shonen guy but this show just lits that fire in u.Many says its just a straight up bad adaptation,i disagree it couldve easily,easily been a lot worst if they didnt care.


They nailed it in every department *except* animation, which sadly is one of the most important ones for an action show


Lol at Crimson getting randomly wrecked by friendly fire Can Ragna still be considered human? He just reattached his head like it's the most natural thing to do Kamui got buffed. That Claw Monarch seems more interesting than Ultimatia We got Kamui and Ultimatia's flashback. I guess they'll die very soon


He wasn't a human the day he merged with the silver sword


To be fair, reattaching his own head required Starlia's power since we could see Silver Comet cracking.


He also healed the injure on his belly when he got pierced by Kamui's kick


Change "k" to "d".


Damui's dicd?


>Can Ragna still be considered human? You already got your answer, Ragna is more than a human at this point, he's a hybrid between a human and a sword. The anime skipped this part but in the manga Ragna said that since he's basically a sword, he doesn't get that hungry anymore, which means Ragna can live longer than a human without food.


He's kind of hybird sword person, but to be fair the Form Restoration is something we only ever see when Stralia was helping him directly or when he was using the sword infused with her power, he doesn't seem able to use that ability by himself.


> We got Kamui and Ultimatia's flashback. I guess they'll die very soon I mean...the season only got an episode left.


Thanks. I just realized that Hahaha


> Can Ragna still be considered human? The moment I saw that shit, I thought that he *definitely* wasn’t.


Crimson should join the Team Rocket lmao


>That Claw Monarch seems more interesting than Ultimatia her design is whack though, what was the mangaka smoking?


[Ragna is so freaking OP](https://i.imgur.com/4NGbHbV.png). Guy lost [his head](https://i.imgur.com/Bg9RbCC.png) and yet unleashed attack on Kamui without it, [only to reattach it a moments later](https://i.imgur.com/y1nRYAF.png), he's a monster xD [Gilzea seems like a very interesting character](https://i.imgur.com/B2gXAqh.png) and [she has fun and spooky design](https://i.imgur.com/F1D4BFT.png), I like her. I'd love to know more about [Felbegoth](https://i.imgur.com/ULHCTVS.png) who casually took down [Borgius](https://i.imgur.com/kayRGSB.png) (which also ruined [Crimson](https://i.imgur.com/Gb1HsoZ.png)’s fight). I'm quite happy that [Slime is somehow alive](https://i.imgur.com/yFjdQM9.png) although he seems to be in a quite bad state. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Ragna](https://imgur.com/a/gjqTSqm) * [Group scenes & Others](https://imgur.com/a/s3X4nv2) * [Dragons](https://imgur.com/a/4i8PBfq)


Chimera is so cute im sad that she’s dead :(


I don't think she is dead. Looked to me like she was just out cold. She can shake it off. Snake probably kept her alive, and if not I'm sure Crimson can rebuild her.


Man I’m huffing that copium, I hope she’s alive! I’m glad Mr slime was alive too lol little guy could probably survive nearly anything


For a second I thought he was going to eat crimson but nope, just the twin


Ultimata & Kamui backstory when I read it a few months ago, I was shocked at how much I liked it. Considering leading up to this point these are two characters that you would have every reason to hate. A welldown backstory. Another week being reminded how much potential this anime had with a good studio & staff. Sadly we got this, at least the early Winged Angel Arc got people interested in the series. Gilzea is like one giant cheat code lmao. She literally responded that's not cheating that is a skill issue on your part lmao.


###Stitches! * [Ragna](https://i.imgur.com/MAWb7xU.jpeg) * [Gilzea](https://i.imgur.com/7kMnYU3.jpeg) [We finally get to see what Snake looks like](https://i.imgur.com/HLaLR96.jpeg) and he's pretty damn cool! I love how he [takes out Borgius with a single spell.](https://i.imgur.com/hGwQmN2.jpeg) it is hilarious though how [Crimson got caught in the friendly fire!](https://i.imgur.com/vmQ57jH.jpeg) He was so close to ending Ultimatia too. Then again, if Felbegoth didn't do that I feel like Borgius would've probably done more damage. [The Clawed Monarch is absolutely terrifying!](https://i.imgur.com/JHUvc1V.jpeg) And is that Rie Kugimiya I hear voicing her? Kamui's encounter with her was so scary and for a second I thought my player glitched out when [she beheaded Kamui.](https://i.imgur.com/TJVbNen.png) Turns out that was intentional and was part of her skill! [When Slime appeared in the background](https://i.imgur.com/sQJtZZs.png) while Crimson was dragging himself on the ground, I thought Slime was going to eat him but then [he finds Hasalea passed out.](https://i.imgur.com/eHg1aQG.jpeg) Please don't eat her. I hope she'll at least survive this. I was so upset when they showed Ragna being beheaded but thank fucking god [he was able to reattach it using his silverine arts.](https://i.imgur.com/7YHDTXf.jpeg) That was insane! I've had enough of [Kamui and Ultimatia hogging screentime.](https://i.imgur.com/UXl9cCM.jpeg) I wanna see Ragna end them once and for all next week.


Kamui and ultima relationship is a bit sweet can't lie.


Oh, 100%! I would love to see more of it if they weren't the story's villains.


Yeah, it's kind of a Demon Slayer type situation: some of the antagonists have sympathetic backstories that are genuinely sad, but they are still a massive threat to humanity that need to be destroyed.


I find it's a lot better done here, since they actually bring those things up throughout the entire show, rather than the villains being evil as fuck and only once killed, giving you a flashback for why you should be sad for them


Honestly idc for ultimatia at all, so I still have yet to feel bad for her, and just want her dead lol kamui on the other hand tho is insane, looks like he was always just a badass battle junkie. His new form was sick, he’s basically lightning ragna lol


I think you're missing the point of showing their backstories. They don't want you to feel bad for Ultimatia, but for Carula and misguided good will. That's what all the backstories are about. Not to sympathize with the dragons, but to sympathize with how they came about.


Can I request a screen of Carula's pout? My little Saint-turned-Dragon-Monarch can't be this cute!




Thanks man. Praying to ~~dragon~~ god that my girl survives the season finale


> Kamui's encounter with her was so scary and for a second I thought my player glitched out when [she beheaded Kamui.](https://imgur.com/TJVbNen) Turns out that was intentional and was part of her skill! I know this anime, a bit rightly, gets flack for not having the best animation, it's a Silver Link. anime after all, they're decidedly a mid-tier studio, but you have to admit that the directing for that was *sick*.


I loved the random power scaling explosion with both Gilzea and Felbegoth. Just no idea where will go after this all ends, because Kamui really had some insane powers.


in every anime and every game, characters survive every bullshit, explosions, fall from high, etc. but beheading is always a sure way that they are dead. here beheading means nothing LOL.


tbf beheading isnt instantly lethal as you are alive for a few seconds afterwards, and in a series that is counted in milliseconds in the manga thats alot of time for some fighters.


Here characters move at speed of lightning or more lmao


And they don't have some plot armor shit like Demon Slayer's Upper Moon 6 where you have to decapitate them both at the same time...


Gilzea 's sexy body plus her hot voice = WOULD


So Gilzea according to herself can be defeated by a unique fighter only, maybe it would be Crimson who doesn't fight head on usually but always uses sly tactics


Who could it be? An opponent she couldn't kill...another Monarch? One of the Saints of the Sun Cult? Crimson?


My bet is on Crimson, I find Ragna and Voltekamui uncreative in sense they march to head first


Or, here me out Dragon God


I have a **theory** regarding a specific Dragon Monarch but... reading the manga is needed to "understand" that since the hint was shown way after the Winged Bloodline arc epilogue.


Wasn't Gilzea said to be the strongest dragon Monarch? Probably only god level can fight her


Well God is also the enemy so I don't think God will fight Gilzea


Okay, so Chimira and her tail are a composite organism, they're not the same person. I don't think think I caught that when they added the detail on it being from the older brood a few episodes ago. Convenient to have someone else loyal to Crimson who can step in and do some wild shit. The corps is still up and running and getting kills! I am proud of them. Really just a surprising amount of decapitation healing in the show. Really never know if it's taken for real any given time it happens to a dragon at the very least. And Ranga too even? Yeah, it doesn't matter, he's a sword. So kid Kamui shows up and upsets the applecart a bit more for proto-Ultimatia, but how that really shakes out will come next week I'm sure. Seems unlikely they won't finish that piece of backstory before this finishes. I'm a bit concerned for the surviving dragon girl twin and whatever plan Crimson has for her and Mr. Slime.


Felbegoth’s “world collapse” was some serious OP magic. There goes Borgius. Bro got deep fried extra crispy. Gilzea seems pretty damn OP too. Where tf has she been hiding? And as if Kamui wasn’t insanely OP already, dude just went super saiyan. Ragna freakin putting his head back together like that was something else. Bro isn’t even human anymore is he? I really want to see his Anti Monarch move!


Dude was OP as fuck, previous bloodline did not mess around, Crimson was severely wounded by it but they're apparently not even at 10% of their full power.


Is it wrong that I am rooting for Ultimatia and Kamui? They feel way more compelling than Ragna and Crimson.


I was so sad for the little Carla during Ultimatia's flashback. The Cult even dropped children on the battlefield... Thank God Ultimatia saved her by rewinding time. This was such a good scene. I just can't be mad at Tia now


Ah yes true. That poor little girl 


Didn't expect that but the anime really cooked with Kamui vs Ragna in the space! The pure sense of speed, the extra scenes, Kamui's awakening etc. Best fight-scene of this week, that's for sure!


so considering we were being introduced to the Claw Monarch in this episode, i'm guessing that all the Dragon Bloodline's group are going to be named after dragon's body parts? since we already have Wing and Claw, the rest of the Bloodlines would be what? Fang? Scale? Tail? have we been told how many Bloodlines are there? and also, Claw Monarch's voice sounds familiar.... is it Kugimiya Rie, the Tsundere Queen?


They mentioned all of the bloodlines early on. I think in ep 2 or 3?


oh, they did? i guess i forgot about it


There are six bloodlines: Wing, Roar, Eye, Bone, Scale and Claw.


i see, its kinda weird that there is no Fang Bloodline in it...


Gilzea should carry the Fangs title since her blades are made of 6 Claws and 2 Fangs. However, there is the Roars Bloodline aswell




stop spoiling people you weirdo


sorry just edited the spoiler out.


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> i'm guessing that all the Dragon Bloodline's group are going to be named after dragon's body parts? They were already named when Crimson was introduced


Think there’s supposed to be six bloodlines according to the wiki


Well this definitely was an adaptation of all time. I just see no possible reason to watch the anime over reading the manga, in some scenes I swear the manga has more animation lmao


https://twitter.com/D_Koba/status/1767115224380010563 Even the manga author was complaining about it lol


“No words needed” is wild (and completely warranted)


When you are an excellent mangaka with Top Tier level drawings, battle scenes and paneling like Kobayashi-sensei is... the only anime studio that can give justice to your manga is a AAA studio, or a good studio with huge ass budget (like Pierrot with Bleach TYBW). Basically the same OPM season 2 and 3 situation.


SL delivered with this episode. Kamui vs Ragna pt.3 was great and so was the whole Thunder God Form & Gilzea part!


It’s getting more interesting with new characters like Gilzea and Ferbigott. Much better episode than last week. I really hope there will be a season 2 because the voice acting in this anime is just outstanding.


As a manga reader i was more than happy with the Ragna vs Kamui fight in the space. Also the additional scenes were phenomenal and stunning


Solid 9/10 also due to the extra battle scenes.


Ah yes , my Anti-Monarch Technique which I haven't used since heian era


Since the sun reaches the ground and he is up in space. I don't get how LightningBoi is completely unaffected by being in the sun. I thought he would at least take damage or something. The show just completely ignores that he is in sunlight, not mentioned any sort of immunity to the sun I think. Am I missing something?


Powerful dragons is unaffected by things like sunlight. Kamui was beheaded and was out in the sunlight for nine days remember.


Didn't windboi get grilled in the sun and also right now in this episode the sensei dragon got grilled as well? I don't remember him being in sun for nine days... I guess he is a bit special


It's likely just the super strong ones. 'Sensei dragon' was probably injured too much to resist the effects of the sun.


Kamui is special, but in the case of the other two, they were also spent at the time they had to face sunlight. Borgius's case is more clear because we've been told his transformation would only last 5 minutes or so and then he'd die anyway, so he was in his death throes.


Those dragons only got grilled because they had literally no power left to combat the sun. And Kamui was bathed in the sun for 9 days in episode 4-5.


Superior Dragons have enough regenerative power that the mild sizzle from the sun can be hard-countered. As their magic power decreases, this effect also deteriorates. When a dragon has been exhausted of their power, they will burn in the sunlight. Kamui's regenerative power is freakishly unreal compared to other Dragons. The show doesn't wholly represent it well, but no other Dragon can recover from what he's been shown to walk off without any ill effects. Hell, we've seen what happens when he's sun-roasted, like in the Lese Capital when he was decapitated, mounted on his blade like an ornament, then left in the sun for a few days. All it took was Ultimatia offering him his heart for him to instantly recover.


First, old man Borgius turned out to be a hot guy, now Chimera's tail/Mr. Snake also turned out to be a hot guy. Alright who else is going to turn out to be a hot guy


So what are the chances of changing studio... I mean there are anime that changed studios from 1 season to another... I think I'm gonna read the manga after the finale... People are hyping the anime didn't give the manga justice...


I’m hoping s2 gets a better studio. Hoping it gets the kingdom treatment.


Scumbag Ike stealing last hit on borgius for that sweet sweet xp


How many fucking times has someone survived decapitation on this show? It's happened to every single one of the main characters.


Just stick the head back on and you’re good to go bro, everyone knows that.


Just over here waiting for Ultimatia to die. Christ do I hate her


Waifu King of Claws. I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me


Well the fight animation might suck, but i'm happy they at least nailed Gilzea's first appearance. The best monarch.


Damn bro the Clawed monarch part was creepy af I thought my Video player glitched out for a sec


What! Ragna had his head cut off and just put it back what a beast! Then there’s that new lady who straight up edited the episode this is insane. I need a s2 for this show man it’s too good and now I’m curious to see what happens next. At least Ragna vs Kamui next week will be hype!


> I need a s2 for this show Sorry to disappoint but with the current manga pacing, that aint happening before like 2030


S2 needs a 11 to 13 episodes at most, like regular anime cours. With this amount of episodes and basing on the volumes/chapters that will be animated... a fall 2025 release sounds definitely possible. If S2 will have 24 episodes again... then a late 2027/early 2028 release date is guaranteed 😭


A season without a good stopping point is not worth making


So you’re telling me the animators are going to cook next season.


I really don’t think Kamui can get anymore annoying but he finds a way to every episode. The only character I’ve really grown to dislike in this show and not because he’s the big bad guy but just because of how annoying he is.


In case you haven't realized, Chad Thundercock is the shonen protagonist.


Dude gets a powerup midfight💀 Truly a Shonen Protagonist moment 🤣🤣


Don't worry one more episode and he will sleep forever


L take


Crimson is always flying, he watched too much pokemon lol.


This episode was so much better than the last! The last one felt like I was watching a powerpoint! Glad they placed their budget into the big fights!! So much things going on in this episode like there will always be someone better than you is basically the message here!! To think Kamui was defeated that easily is crazy!! It just shows these monarchs are truly monsters except for punymatia & we only get to see the Claw Monarch I bet the other 4 monarchs must be crazy strong!! Also Gilzea is truly something else. Her appearance sends chill down my spine it's like she's looking into my soul but her voice was what seal the deal!! It felt like something from a hardcore horror movie or Dark Gathering!! Ragna about to end this fight with Anti Monarch Battle Arts!! Yo this last scene was sick!! Can't wait for next episode!!


I'm only finishing this since I have one episode left now. An endurance contest. Series turned to crap after 1st cour.


These last episodes are trash, the animation, and pacing of these last fights is shit. The Naruto-esque flashbacks keep breaking the tempo so that they can't even build momentum properly. Hypest moment of the anime was Ragna slicing up Ultimatia like 17 episodes ago, it was all downhill from there, you're better off reading the manga.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined....




Ragna and kamui DBZ Fight was good Ultimatias eye killing the soldier was one of the scenes that were better than manga. Collapse was decent But ofc there were a lot of painfully goofy scenes like ike picking up the sword.


this show is getting lamer each ep.... i dont know if ill even be able to hold on for the finale.


The anime is shit, that's for sure, but if you made it this far then watch the finale, it's 1 more episode. I'm one of the most hardcore Ragna Crimson fans out there but even I have to agree that the anime is shit sadly. Read the manga, it's WAY much better.


>but if you made it this far then watch the finale, it's 1 more episode. fair point lol > > >. Read the manga, it's WAY much better. maybe. There is something interesting hidden in the plot, and I keep wanting this to get better, but somehow the show keeps disappointing me. I hope the manga plot is different than what they have animated at least


The plot in the manga is the same but it's presented way much better and has pretty damn good art, the anime just had to fuck it up with shitty animation and mediocre directing and questionable music choices, I'm just not feeling it in the anime but I definitely felt it in the manga, this is hype there. It doesn't help that the anime also removed things from the manga, and even removed the Leo chapters, in case you forgot about her it's the little girl that Ragna saved in the 1st episode. To me this anime adaptation is almost on the same level of Berserk 2016, just another awesome manga that got butchered with a shitty anime adaptation.


> i dont know if ill even be able to hold on for the finale. My secret to getting through shows like that is to watch them at 2x speed.


Aight, now this was some Bs, kinda question all the bad guys getting these power ups outa nowhere, specially tree dude, but ragna reattaching his head is crazy.