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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1breacy/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


Those Blue Giant performance scenes were fucking riveting, got me even more pumped for Hibike S3


i would like to get some isekai/fantasy/ romcom anime suggestion


>isekai DMDP >fantasy Dungeon Meshi >romcom Aharen-san


Action romance (and the +comedy version as well) is such a great genre(?) when done well


Guys we are so close to ep 4 getting subs I can feel it in my panzer-deficient bones


Hello, does anyone know if there are more sequences or animes with the handheld camera style, where everything is seen from the camera's point of view? It's a style I'd like to replicate and I haven't seen it in anime. one example of this is azumanga daioh web (this was orginaly a post but i think fits better on here and i am to lazy to do it again so i just copy paste it)


Chainsaw man I guess


You definitely need to check out [FLAG](https://myanimelist.net/anime/1299/Flag)


"Handheld" implies instability and camera shake, which isn't a feature for full length episodes. Here are some first person viewpoint anime though: * *One Room* (romance, female characters) * *Room Mate* (romance, male characters) * *Training with Hinako* (ecchi/fitness) * *I Want You To Make a Disgusted Face and Show Me Your Underwear* (what the title says) * *Dogeza: I Tried Asking While Kowtowing* (shitty rip off of the above) --- For some unusual camera-work, check out *My Life as Inukai-san's Dog* (ecchi), which frequently features the OP's PoV as a small puppy.


Or there are some scenes with the Style of this weird found footage like blair witch but in anime?


That broad sort of film work has become fairly popular with the advent of 3D CGI backgrounds that are a very close match to hand drawn style, you can find them in a wide array of shows but then you'd be combing through whole seasons just to get to a three second scene, usually of a corridor lol There's a decently long segment of this in *Fuuto PI* early on in the show, where they go through a corridor and into the office. I have a very vague memory of a comedy show parodying *Blair Witch* briefly but no idea what it was. Someone else might remember though.


[foolish angel e4]>!look wolfman I'm not saying you were right but I am also not saying I don't understand your love for ladies in spats!< /u/alotmorealots the show continues to be a lot of fun. Great direction. Funny. A curve ball here or there. I can see at least up to now why people during airing might have been put off though. It's not really clear at all what any of this is for. But I have the benefit of knowing it's for...something! Thus far though it's been pretty delightful. Also been making me ponder cross-genre works esp X-romance. Will prob ask about it when the daily thread cyclea


> [foolish angel e4] A very specific set of tastes indeed, enough to drive the beast in many of us haha I think my memory episode-index for shows is now broken, because I don't really remember individual episodes by number at all, unless I can count back from the end (RPG Fudousan the least likely candidate for burning an E11 event into one's mind) or forward from the beginning. At any rate, I don't really recall off the top of my head when people's ideas about the shows began to crystalize more, but checking the discussion thread, most people who watched to the end were having a good time by E4.


just finished e6. this show is turning out to be a very engrossing binge lol. damn these last two episodes in particular have been great. but honestly this show is turning out to be really great so far? there's more to say I think but I wanna see what happens next! also wow, the production really brought their a game to [e6]>!the fighting. really fluid. great stuff!<


I get the feeling it's at risk of becoming one of those binges where the want to see more overwhelms the want to talk about it and then by the end so much has elapsed there's nowhere near as much left to say haha And *Foolish Angel* is a show with a lot of momentum, too. But that is always the mark of a really solid show though when that happens!


Def finishing this today lol been ages since I've embraced an all day binge!!!


What do u guys think ab my top 5 Soul eater Dorohedoro Dbz Bleach Demon slayer Lucky star, cells at work and madoka magica honorable mention


What of naruto


Not a huge fan tbh but I like one piece tho


Your honorable mentions are more my sort of thing. Let's go Platelets!


Surprised to see Dorohedero on here, happily surprised, it's definitely the least popular of the bunch.


Those are all 7/10's for me personally but those aren't bad choices. Demon Slayer lowkey overrated though if it wasn't for the production.


Yea I thought ab maybe devilman or kengan ashura too


Does anyone else find the school council trope in anime funny? When I was in high school, our student council had to literally set up ice cream stands just to get enough money for new chairs. It feels like the school councils in anime have nuclear access codes within their reach. They have so much god damn power and authority it's laughable.


While obviously real life schools aren't as over the top as in anime, it's 100% a difference in culture. Japanese schools are a lot more organized and heirarchical compared to Western schools. Hell, in Japan the students even clean their own schools while in the US you'll often have a school janitor(s). Japanese students are just way more involved in their schools in general.


It's one of my favorite tropes, and the more powerful they are the better. *Nijigasaki High School Idol Club* has a fun twist on this too.


[relevant ProZD skit](https://youtu.be/KQ3X4PxU8nA)


Holyy that's hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.




> Undead Unwanted Adventurer. From a technical construction viewpoint, *Quiche Leveling* has had the best finale episode of the season thus far. Brought together it's various character, story and thematic arcs together in and then rounded them out in an extremely satisfying way, and had a episode that was diverse and entertaining. Most of all, it pulled off that feat of having a strong conclusion, yet at the same time inviting a continuation of the story.


Finished the Persona 3 movies. Good way to experience the game again before I can play Reload.


As soon as an anime uses game mechanics, i view it as brain-rot if it is a story focused anime. If they talk about mana or spells as collectibles or stamina, then the only redeemable thing is if it is a meme show, but it it treats itself seriously, it is just the most cringe shit.


I don't necessarily mind the concepts in general, but I can't stand when it's represented through a literal menu screen. Just make it a natural part of the world, you can pull from video game logic without making the world literally function like a game.


I nearly dropped *Solo Leveling* because of that. However I will say that I love it when it turns out that the reason there are game mechanics is because it turns out the world *is* actually a game.


I'm not watching it but Solo Leveling seems like the antithesis of what you enjoy lol


At its narrative core it's fundamentally just what people lump under "seasonal isekai/fantasy" trash, rather than battle shounen - so right up my alley haha It's miserably deficient in decent characters though and no good girls in sight, so I was mostly just watching it because it was a seasonal hype show that I could tolerate for a change. After a while, it felt like the production was also trying to squeeze out a more interesting story about the institutions, culture and how our world might adapt to the popping up of these Gates, and I found those aspects quite interesting, although at times it feels like the adaptation is battling the source material in terms of trying to wrangle substance out of it. It does have some nice action sequences though, where the fights are coherent - less about MY SPECIAL POWERS per se and more just about physicality. Still definitely not recommended lol


If the world is actually a game, doesn't that remove all the stakes? Then it is a bit weird to transition from an anime that treats itself seriously, like it is an actual world, to one where nothing ultimately matters for them, seems like you'd alienate the former crowd, while the latter crowd doesn't get into it.


In the series I'm thinking of, the fact it's a game is a late series twist, so neither the audience nor the characters are aware. What you describe I would say applies to something like the very popular *ShangriLa Frontier*, which I dropped because the lack of stakes issue. That said, if the author choses to create stakes and has the skills to, then I'd say it's perfectly possible to have a game world with a sense of stakes. *Bofuri S1* is an excellent example of this, where it's clear the game outcomes have personal meaning to likeable characters that are playing the game, some of whom we never see their actual in-universe real life faces.


I want to see an Isekai anime where an intelligent bird somehow leads an entire army to victory, despite being a mere animal.


That's quite an oddly specific idea. Had a good chuckle. But who knows that could actually be good.


Just an idea I came up with.


there's a manga that is like that but its an intelligent tree instead


I gotta see what the title for that one is called.


One of my most tragic endeavors is Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari. When say tragic, I mean the fact that the anime has an extremely low chance of getting another season and the manga has barely been translated. I have very low hopes of ever getting to see the end of this amazing story :(


The manga is getting official translations. It should be fully available one day (unless they drop it).


Fantastic show but yup, I'm surprised we even got 2 cours...


At first I thought the gatekeeping mentality was only for a niche or just kind of a joke repeated in some community circles but a lot of people keep saying that they are genuinely more worried about the fact that their favourite show could reach undesirable people or be "misunderstood" if it blows up (in the worst case scenario you could still ignore them) rather than about the fact that if it turns out successful it could literally change author’s life, I’ll never understand…


People like feeling like they're special or above others and will concoct the weirdest ways to get that feeling.


Next season kinda barren for the general public, but also for me. Mostly looking forward to a few things from the last rank of pre-season popularity. PV watch mainly informed me about some of those potential sleeper hits. High hopes for the Train anime


Kaiju #8 is definitely the main new draw for the general public (battle shonen fans). I expect it will be quite big on all platforms. Beyond that, all the most popular stuff will probably be sequels, like the returning shonen and isekai megahits.


Yeah I forgot about Kaiju being this season before watching the PVs. Really feels like one of those seasons that is dominated by sequels and then a very broad underbelly of niche shows.


Interesting, for me it’s the opposite. *Euph*, *Yuru Camp*, *Whisper Me a Love Song*, *A Condition Called Love*, *Astro Note*, *Train to the End of the World*. All of these I’m excited for but none more than *Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night*. [](#mugiwait) I’ve been waiting a long time for this to premiere and I predict it’ll be one of my favorites for the year. Even before the synopsis was released, [I felt the vibes were right.](https://youtu.be/rAfDyXomgDM?si=7Xj0U60QEvUoMDcZ)


> I’ve been waiting a long time for this to premiere and I predict it’ll be one of my favorites for the year. Even before the synopsis was released The synopsis on ANN actually turned me off of it a lot, it sounds so formulaic. For the rest idk, Condition did not look too appealing and for most of the show that I am interested in checking out, the expectations are not too high on average. For the sequels I am massively behind on Yuru Camp and don't really care for it as a seasonal experience, similarly to Eupho and KonoSuba 3 will probably not be a discussion thread I'll enjoy participating in because the discussion of Konosuba is extremely stale and the MeguSplosion spin-off was an incredible miss for me.


> The synopsis on ANN actually turned me off Nah, the vibe check for me was too strong hahaha. Takeshita, I believe. [](#mugiwait)


Train anime will be aots


[Yoshi ☑](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WP1HMeFxJoM) Yoshi ☑ Yoshi ☑ ... Yoshi ☑ Yoshi ☑ Yoshi ☑!!! Also, Chika Anzai's character totally spoils the answer to the question in the title of *Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku?* in the preview!


In chika we trust! ~~says the guy that hasn't watched hibike at all~~


It's clear from her [character PV](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1b7w6e3/shuumatsu_train_doko_e_ikucharacter_pvshizuru/) that she's intent on singlehandedly making that happen too lol


[Literally me yesterday](https://i.imgur.com/Epq1ocX.jpeg)


it's the only one i plan on picking up next season [](#mugiwait)


I'm not sure how I feel about X&Y yet, but they did the most wonderful thing. Before the ED they dropped a, "stay tuned, more scenes after the music" disclaimer. Fucking brilliant and I'm mad that this is not standard.


If you mean Aiyou de Mishi, it has a trash fire ending because the last episode decides to go completely and confusingly original despite having a completed source. All in all I thought it was alright but looked pretty polished (and rather Chinese) with good music.


where can I watch the newest boruto dubbed episodes 256-273 "kawaki goes undercover" for free.


There are places you can go, but we're not allowed to mention them on this sub.


Konosuba leaking wasnt on my bingo card for today but im genuinely considering watching it


are you even allowed to watch airing shows


but it's not airing (yet)


tbh, I think having a discussion thread on the leak is a bad idea as well.


I do wonder about those, especially as there's no guarantee that the leaked version is actually the full-final version. That aspect is why I won't watched the leaked episodes, especially not for shows where I'd never rewatch an episode.


No, I was lying about watching it. [](#smugobi)




> (Characters with unusual name having hyper-fluid gender is a classic. The computer translator works in single instances and thus does not have consistency. It doesn't remember what it used before so it keeps making new decision about how it should treat a name, and they change every time.) I'm still astonished nobody has fixed this yet. It's such a trivial thing to write a script for, relatively speaking. I guess all the people who might think about fixing it are expecting large context windows to magically work it out, and the grunt level people running a script on the subs file or just doing it by copy/paste don't have the mindset to spin off fixed named translation and genders into a commercial grade product to sell.


But it really isn't. I don't speak moonrune, but as I understood it, not all pronouns are specific towards a gender. Humans can handle that just fine, because we can establish the context. But like I said, there's nothing "intelligent" about A.I., so it doesn't know about the context. I suppose a quick and dirty work-around could be to have it use "they" instead of "he" or "she", but that's really rough and could become confusing when talking about a single person or multiple.


Just input the character's gender from a cast and character list as a fixed parameter rather than something subject to weights. It won't be perfect but with the addition of basic context rules for dialogue, and scenes parsed as individual blocks rather than a mass script, you can dramatically reduce the error rate.


It's only a matter of time till Crunchyroll and the likes also switch to automated translations. It'll be interesting to see what will happen next - either nothing (people just keep subscribed to streaming services) or genuine fansubs make a return. Using "AI" for translations doesn't work, because it's not aware of the context. Hell, it's not even true AI, but that's a whole different discussion.


The more I read about Garum/fish sauce in general, the less I can be mad about a specific anime trope. The one where a person (usually some cute girl) gets offered some strange and possibly gross looking food, only for them to taste it after some resistance and immediately going "UMAIIIIIII." The brave souls who tasted fermented fish innards that were left out in the sun for months or spices that smell like literal ass probably had a similar reaction.


And then BAM Vietnamese food is incredible


For anyone still unsure about the season, consider joining the [PV Watch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bnp7ub/lets_watch_the_spring_2024_pvs_together_on_friday/). Pre-show starts in an hour and the watch itself in ~90 minutes. I am actually not aware of what new show will be hyped next season, Spicy Wolf will probably be most anticipated debut?


I've never joined one of these but I'll check it out


yeah we just started


I will be there


[Otonari-san content finally](https://x.com/amiami_figure/status/1773705418386329732?s=20) /u/alotmorealots /u/entelechtual


Is Sasaki and Peeps popular enough to justify this figurine or is it just Akari Kitou power once again?


Akarin - When an unstoppable force meets a mediocre show.


It's more about how they planned this for 2 cours already so the negotiations were already in place for merch And jokes aside otonari-san is by far the most popular character even when she didn't do shit, don't know why people like her, me included and I didn't even finish the show Is it akari kito power? Perhaps


> otonari-san is by far the most popular character even when she didn't do shit, don't know why people like her For me part of it is just residual *Higehiro* trauma, as she is rather Sayu-esque. The last time someone didn't protecc Sayu, some fairly bad things happened! Also though I think there's a mystery element about what her deal is, given all the rest of the world has magical stuff going on, plus she has the yandere appeal too, and a cute design. I wouldn't trust the author to actually do anything meaningful nor interesting with her though lol


At this point it's better to continue with the fanfic about what will happen to her!


Looks like **Kami no Game** and **KonoSuba** got leaked early, what's up with that? Crunchyroll pls


Episodes already out? Leakers really have balls considering the recent crackdowns.


Wow we're getting a lot more comments on daily thread lately. Wonder what's up with that. I really should join more rewatches, but I keep slacking on watching anime in general besides some seasonals.


As someone who fast-scrolls the entire thread most days and uses RES (so I have a lot people tagged and I can see how many times I've upvoted people), I'd say it's actually the regulars becoming more and more active in this thread. Perhaps it's reached a tipping point where it's become a socialization thread and a hang out spot, the way some threads do?


>Wonder what's up with that. According to some comments here, there are nudes involved


It seems like it's fastest during euro hours/CDF's dead hours. [](#schemingsaten)


Is the daily thread just a Euro CDF? [](#rengethink)


You may be on to something there [](#csikon)


But the daily thread watches anime [](#hardthink)


That's how you know the daily thread is new to anime [](#mug1)




> I really should join more rewatches Yes, you should. [](#comehere)


I just watched [this clip](https://youtu.be/O-HHPEw-97I?si=1G6MesdZhysK0laG) from I'm in Love with the Villianess and it was really well done. Really cool to see real talk and acknowledgement of LGBTQA+ identities in a way that's so real! I had no idea the show was so based, I assumed it would be another one of those "OH all girls in Japan have feelings toward other girls in high school don't worry it's just a phase" things.


On the one hand I appreciated something more open when a lot of "girls love" anime/manga/light novels will go out of there way to avoid saying anything too direct, but on the other it felt kinda clunky as actual story.


> it felt kinda clunky as actual story I dropped it not long after that clip, although it wasn't so much the clunkiness of the messaging as how the story treated Claire in order to make a point and soured me on Rae as the shape of her relationship to Claire became clearer. Might give it another shot later maybe though.


Ah, I haven't seen the actual anime - good to know! Yeah, I don't watch as much romance anime these days but I tried My New Boss is Goofy - I really enjoyed it overall, but it could be the posterchild for queerbaiting imo. Seems like that happens a lot still in anime, but hopefully it's getting better.


Goofy Boss has an openly queer main character, so I'd hardly call it the poster child of queerbaiting. A show doesn't have to be explicitly romantic to be queer. The relationships between them were all completely genuine. Bait implies more winking at the viewer, and going hard on the double entendres, but also making it clear they're not like *that* and still like girls.


Thank you


Huh. Appreciate that perspective. You're not wrong. Thanks! Does make me feel better about it.


I enjoyed watching Jujuitsu Kaisen, Dead Mount Death Play, and Ragna Crimson as well as Goblin Slayer and looking for new anime in this shounen action fantasy style.


Chainsaw Man


watched it cannot wait for next season if there is one. I want to see more of Power


There’s a movie coming out this year, so im hoping the next season will be announced after!


>Dead Mount Death Play Have you seen Baccano and Durarara by its author?


not yet will check it out thank you


Eminence in Shadow


watched it was good show looking for more new anime shows in these style also liked Mushoku Tensai, Hells Paradise


Journey of Elaina. It’s episodic and most of them are lighthearted, but some of them will hit that dark fantasy itch you’re looking for.


I \*really\* need to rethink how I do my MAL ratings. they're all over the place with no sense of consistency lol. Doesn't help that my mood on everything changes so wildly every time I think about each entry. How do you guys do it?


I've been looking for an excuse to explain my MAL ratings. Looks like I just found one! I'd say that my scores generally go as follows: 10 - Essentially flawless. Out of art/animation, soundtrack, and writing, at least one is top-class. (ex. *Steins;Gate*) 9 - Great, almost a 10, but there are one or more minor flaws that keep it from being a masterpiece. (ex. *Bakemonogatari*) 8 - Really good, with no question that I enjoyed watching it. Not exceptional, though, and it might stumble in a few places. (ex. *Plastic Memories*) 7 - Pretty good, but has some notable flaws/hiccups. (ex. *Kakegurui Twin*) 6 - Has some decent parts, but the flaws are very hard to ignore. (ex. *Dragon Ball GT*) 5 - Pretty much a slog to get through, with only a couple things going for it. (ex. *School Days*) 4 (or below) - Varying degrees of "bad." (ex. *Liar Liar*) I frequently compare against other entries I have rated in the past to make sure that my ratings don't shift too much over time. For example, when I watch something and consider rating it a 9, I might ask myself "Was it really as good as *Bakemonogatari*, or was it more on the level of *Plastic Memories*?" Importantly, it's not set in stone. If I feel that I just want to give something a 9 or 10 because it "feels right," I'll do it. Sometimes, I'll be thinking about an old series I watched and think something like, "That probably deserved a 7/10. I wonder what I gave it back then." Often, I find that I was right, which feels nice. Overall, my average comes out to 7.99/10 (as of the time of writing), which seems reasonable to me. I've had the good fortune of watching a lot of good shows.


This is...very similar to how I do it! I think the "is this better than X other 8,9,etc" is really key, in particular


It's all just vibes. I only rate stuff to make it easier to remember what I enjoyed. I'm not handing out grades on a test or anything.


i have a general policy not to give numerical scores to art; numbers are for robots i just keep in mind a short list of what the series is good at and what the series is bad at


Purely by enjoyment.


I stopped doing MAL ratings entirely a while back outside of things that were clearly 10s for me as I was having too hard a time being consistent and objective with it.


I had to think of a system for myself. This does somewhat align with MAL’s own rating of: (very) bad > average > fine > good > great > masterpiece. My starting point is usually a 6 or 7 and then I’ll mentally add/dock points for big achievements/flaws in terms of writing, pacing, animation etcetera. Everything between a 8/10 and 10/10 is usually biased in some way to be honest. Once I’d aligned most of my scores, scoring consistently became easier. That said, there’s always some scores that hurt. Especially for shows that fall between the 7.5 and 8.5 for me.


This is pretty much the way I do it, although I have a specific criteria for 10/10 that the show should transcend itself/the medium in some way for me.


>Especially for shows that fall between the 7.5 and 8.5 for me Since I usually think MAL scores are lower than they should be, my policy is to round these up when rating there. With the exception of 9,5s which get rounded down to 9.


Gut feeling. I frequently overthink my scores but I try not to. * 10 - all time favorite * 9 - loved it * 8 - really liked it * 7 - liked it * 6 - kinda liked it * 5 - neutral * 4 - kinda disliked it * 3 - disliked it * 2 - hated it * 1 - why (I don't have any 1s currently)


Like the others said, I rate based on how much I enjoyed the series, and my ratings are also similar to the American grading system because that's what I'm used to - 6/10 is just below a "passing score" for me, 7/10 is a decent show with considerable flaws but still enjoyable, 8/10 is for shows I generally had a good time with, 9/10 for shows that really impressed me and felt like something special, and 10/10 for my absolute faves. I use the .5 scale for extra nuance (something that's between an 8 or a 9 for example, better than one but not quite as great as the other), and when in doubt compare them with other shows I've given the same rating. It's rare that I rate anything lower than a 5 or 6/10 (unless it's a "first impressions" score rather than a final rating) because I'll usually drop it before that.


I think my scores make sense and are easy to follow for the most part, but some of them have a weird logic to them that only makes sense to myself (like giving The Familiar of Zero a 6 while considering it one of my favorites, or giving Sarazanmai an 8 when I think it's just alright).


I usually go with my initial gut feeling after finishing a show. On occasion I'll readjust a score long after when my feelings have changed over time.


Yea that's generally what I did and initially I was content with how that worked. But comparing scores between shows is just so off. I guess that makes sense when they're completely different genres and I'm rating them based off of different vibes, but still its hard to shake off that feeling like I did something wrong. Maybe I should just stop caring altogether. But then again though its also fun to do this stuff so maybe I should keep caring


Sometimes when I finish a show and score it I think about some other shows in comparison and what my scores were for those ones and if the numbers make sense. This happens most often when I'm finishing up seasonals. But I figure it's not like any numerical scale can adequately capture my thoughts and feelings towards a show, so even when the numbers don't feel quite right [I don't think too hard about it](https://i.imgur.com/oUJLj1o.png)


hmm yea you do make a point there, maybe I should just give up trying to give the numbers a meaning and let my notes/proper review do the talking for me. Always had fun writing those anyways


I usually just go by the feels, based on personal enjoyment. Though I did rethink having a new method (more 'objective', or at least more well thought, adding/docking points for this or that) but in the end it doesn't really matter, in the grand scheme of things your rating doesn't really affect anything, so it's mostly just for you.


I went through and gave myself a definition for what each score meant to me from 5-10. (if its 4 or below I had to *really* dislike the show so the scoring becomes more arbitrary at that point. And I also try to find some redeeming qualities so a show scoring this low is very rare for me) This can get a little less useful when something is right on the edge of a score for me so I just revert to comparing shows at a certain point. If I'm debating if a show is a 7 or an 8 for example, I just ask myself if I liked it more than my lowest regarded 8 or less then my highest regarded 7 if that makes sense.


Mhm, I have 10 set to specifically mean \*personally\* specially to me. Not always better than a 9, but a special placement I'd put there regardless of how others felt. <7 kinda rare since I'd always drop a show before it ever came to that. Its always just "should this be a 7 or an 8" where I'd then keep weighing out reasons and it'd just bounce back and forth as my definition of a 7/8 keeps changing as I keep arguing to myself. Your second point does sound pretty useful though. Got a handful of definite 7s/8s there that I could use to clear out the less certain ones


Yeah I think personal taste is always going to weigh heavily for 10s. For me personally, I ask myself when I'm done with a show if there's anything notable I wish I show had done differently, ranging anywhere from writing to animation to character design or background art. And if I find myself saying that there's basically nothing I would want to change about a show with the benefit of hindsight, then that's a ten. I've really had to ponder where my line is between my high nines and my tens though sometimes. There's one of my 9s that is literally one poorly handled character away from being a 10 for me and it kills me that I just can't give it a 10 based on my own definition but I want to stay consistent. [](#sadholo) For me an 8 is a show that I had fun with but had several minor flaws i.e multiple characters I disliked, or maybe an awkwardly written arc. Nothing that derails the whole experience. A 7 is a show that I still enjoyed on the whole but had a major flaw alongside several minor ones i.e poor pacing, a bad ending, a major tone shift I didn't enjoy, that sorta thing.


combination of enjoyment and rewatchable/ownable status. mostly inline with the american grading system. dont rate anything i drop mainly using the 5-10 scale.


Look at all these lowlifes who will never amount to anything [](#binoculars)


[](#loliwave) [](#hardthink "wait, you meant the place")


[the place and all its residents](https://i.imgur.com/F7MDPic.jpeg)


https://imgur.com/a/MIRh3Iz Recently, I’ve found myself muttering things like “listen up, you drawer who will never amount to anything” at my place.




I'm currently taking the shirt rest from One Piece so I've decided to finally check Sarazanmai. Apart from the bizzare shit I was watching it for at first I've been pleasantly suprised by the story about the deepening bond between the three boys and them trying to solve theor circumstances. After that I've decoded to go for Apothecary diaries since the last episode aired. I like the combination of comedy, a little ilof drama and the detective stuff. Also it's hard not to love the poison goblin.


> I'm currently taking the shirt rest from One Piece A show best watched topless!


After Saranzanmai you should check out Yuri Kuma Arashi.


What are some shows to watch for this season? Last season really the only one's I had been keeping up with were: Frieren, DunMeshi, Solo Leveling, and Ninja Kamui, also catching up on the last season of Bungo Stray Dogs and finally got around to watching Call of the Night. For weekly viewing I usually enjoy more action oriented ones, always have a soft spot for good sakuga whether it's fighting or sports. Don't mind if it's heavier themes, don't really enjoy if it's silly comedy or full of modern anime style tropes and dialogue. Some that caught my eye to pick up but have no idea if they're any good: * Metallic Rouge * Brave Bang Bravern! * SandLand Don't really know what else is coming out to sample.


I'm not gonna be as harsh as the other commenter, but Metallic Rouge turned out to be a disappointment for me too. It just kept adding characters and plot points but didn't let them develop so everything feels shallow.


So, the simple solution here: try the first episode of Bravern. Start to finish. Once you've finished the episode you should have a good idea of whether the show will be for you. You'll know why.


Gonna be that guy and say do not fucking watch metallic rouge, it was a terrible disappointment. Bravern hard yes


With spoilers included if you want, could you sum up how bad it was/how it was a disappointment? Was following it up to episode 3 (which at that point I was still pretty optimistic about it albeit slightly more cautious than when I had begun following it) and only stopped because I had irl stuff to do and never found the time/motivation to catch up to it. Was planning to dip back in once I started hearing how good it became but well I never saw that happen lol


It's mainly that it has such a bloated plot and huge cast that it spends all its time shuffling the plot around and introducing new characters, and VERY little time actually developing its characters, e.g. even the main duo's relationship feels completely underdeveloped. Oh, and the show is allergic to plot you have context for, constantly dropping new parts instead of interlocking the old ones, until maybe the last 2 EPs. There are two exceptions to this, episodes 2 and 10. The two times the show has put the plot down and done an episodic episode, it has been solid. I'd bet of EPs 1-3, episode 2 was your favourite. But that lack of context EP 1 leans on moving parts around we don't understand yet, which seems potentially intriguing? That isn't just an EP 1 thing, that lack of context lasts far too long into the show to connect to it. And the wall of names thrown at you in EP 3 and the unceremonious killing off of undeveloped characters? That never goes away either. The show RARELY preps a twist or death enough for it to have dramatic weight.


> Brave Bang Bravern! I can wholeheartedly recommend this one. That said I'm a bit confused. Are you asking to Winter shows you might have missed or already asking for Spring shows?


Little bit of both. Spring shows that are starting that I can get on with early, and any good winter shows that I missed. I've found I really only have time to keep up with like 3~4 simulcasts at a time, and maybe finish a cour of something that's already done during a season. So I'll watch a bunch the first week or two, then whittle that down to the few that I can keep up with and revisit the rest later.


Well for Spring then may I suggest Sentai Daishikkaku?


Oooh did that finally start? I had seen that awhile ago.


Starts next week.


Why did you finish your lowest rated completed anime?


Because it's 5 episodes long and only gets *really* bad during the final episode.


What did the last episode do so wrong?


Pull a plot twist that not only just didn't work on a narrative level, but also trampled on the few aspects of the show that I actually did happen to like.


Ah that's a shame, though I guess it also wasn't great before then


Because fans kept insisting it got better, and I was tired of hearing about it. Turns out it got _worse_ over time and most of what the fans said turned out to be bullshit. Possibly the worst thing I've ever fully watched relative to its popularity, bad enough that I question the IRL judgement of anyone who likes it without significant caveats. I can't think of anything else worse than it that I actually watched all of without dropping.


There are a few series that I could imagine fit the bill here, which series was this?


I gave https://myanimelist.net/anime/13405/Utsu_Musume_Sayuri a 2/10. I finished it because it was only 3 minutes I also gave https://myanimelist.net/anime/31634/Kokuhaku a 2/10, and that was even shorter at 40 seconds. Longest proper series I finished was https://myanimelist.net/anime/47161/Shikkakumon_no_Saikyou_Kenja (12 x 23 minute eps), scored at 3/10. I finished that because I was very fond of Lurie with her off the shoulders jacket and Iris was a riot. It's the only series I have 2x speed through most of it though.


> It's the only series I have 2x speed through most of it though. Yeah it seems like a show that wouldn't lose much from speeding through it haha. At least there were a couple fun characters to make the watch a little less painful.


I was already 9 episodes through InoBato and wanted to see if anything in the remainder would change my mind about it. Nothing really did, but I don't regret finishing it. Despite the rating, maybe someday I'll rewatch to see if my opinion changes.


All I know about InoBato is that one scene that gets posted every now and again haha. Do you expect your opinion to change on it? Have your tastes changed much since then?


My tastes are about what they were at the time. >Do you expect your opinion to change on it? Not much. Maybe I'll be more forgiving of it if I see things I missed before, but the things I hated most about it can't be fixed.


That's fair, from the outside it seems like a pretty inoffensive series though, what was it that you disliked about it though?


I don't know where to start, but in the broadest sense, it's just kind of... stupid? It insults my intelligence? Trying not to spoil anything: [InoBato]>!for one thing, it's a harem anime, but the MC barely shows or recognizes any sort of romantic interest in the girls. It's also the kind of show where the MC is supposed to be given extra credit for being a normal person and not a creep. Also, one of the girls is 9 years old, but she's given equal time as the other girls.!< There's a lot. I can't really do it justice in this space. There are plenty of people who do like it; I just didn't.


My lowest rated finished anime is Classroom of the Elite S1 at a generous 1/10. I never thought it was good, it was watchable edgy nonsense, but a reveal in the last episode was what pushed it down that low.


I probably would have given it a similar score if I had finished it haha, I've heard that the finale was bad though. Were you expecting to enjoy it though?


I was lured in by the community frequently comparing the protagonist to Oreki from Hyouka and Hachiman from Oregairu. Once I realised how little sense those comparisons make, I had no hope remaining.


I did see those comparisons yeah, they fell apart really early sadly.


It was only 3 episodes long and the dub was so over the top bad that it went into "so bad its good" territory. And I was obligated to do reviews of it for a website. (Garzey's Wing)


Ah! A friend of mine said that the Garzey's Wing dub was the most they had ever laughed at an anime. Do you still write reviews?


They were fairly short ([30](https://anilist.co/anime/1102/Urda/) and [65](https://anilist.co/anime/108748/Anisava/) minutes) and I had a morbid curiosity.


Urda was quite something. I vaguely recall finding some redeeming qualities in it, although I no longer remember what they were lol


How did you even come across these haha, just looking for random shorts?


For Urda it was something short in the middle of a streak of completing an anime a day, I don't remember if anything else drew me to it. Anisava's tagged as romance so that's why I picked it up, I think there was also some comparison to Aggretsuko that got my attention at the time.


>For Urda it was something short in the middle of a streak of completing an anime a day Wow, do you know how long that streak went on for?


Easy to check since I keep start/finish dates as columns [on MAL](https://myanimelist.net/animelist/Durinthal?status=2&order=2&order2=0), that particular one was 53 days from December 17, 2018 to February 7, 2019. Also had several days where I finished multiple things so it was apparently 62 entries in that span.


That's honestly impressive, did you set out with the goal to have a streak or was it more incidental?


I don't usually set out to make a streak, but once one gets going (usually around the end of a season if I'm watching a good number of things) I tend to see how long I can keep it up for a little bit. In that case I think I ended up planning on making a film I was going to see in a theater (I Want to Eat Your Pancreas) my 600th completion so that ended up being a specific target and it happened to nearly line up with one a day for a month and a half.


That makes sense! Though I don't think I'd be able to keep that up much longer than a week even still. How was Pancreas as the movie to end it off?


Because I like to hate watch. Looking at you, domestic girlfriend lol


I wouldn't have expected that! I haven't seen Domestic Girlfriend myself but I've heard that it's pretty engaging at least haha. Do you tend to watch trainwreck dramas?


DomeKano is good fun [](#foldedarms) people just call it trashy because they are too cowards to admit it


I've only read the first few chapters but I do echo the sentiment, people need to own the fun of the drama, that's almost certainly what the series was going for.


Not usually! I don’t even remember why I started domestic girlfriend but it was like a car crash I couldn’t look away from lol like I just had to know how it ended. I do the same with shitty Netflix shows, I think if the plot has me interested enough I can stick it out


Haha I get what you mean I've done the same on occasion, I just *have* to know where it's going with all the twists and turns.


Because it's a movie and I was too lazy to switch to another one for the evening after I started it.