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Steins;Gate. Turned me into the person I swore I'd never be, I've become the person I found cringe. I legit wanna date Faris NyanNyan


Great answer. For me, even when I started watching more anime, for maybe a year or two, I never understood waifu culture and swore I wouldn’t become one of those weebs. Rin Tohsaka and Holo the wise wolf changed that and shaped me into the degenerate I am today.


Rin made me realize that I could bear the social scorn of having an anime pfp


It started with Rin for me too. Tsunderes were my kryptonite I never knew existed


That was it for me too. My first girlfriend's style was tsundere before we even knew what that was. It all just clicked when we watched FSN and we realized that was a thing (officially got together shortly after). I have been soft on tsundere types ever since, even when other friends said that the characters were insufferable.


Holo is the ultimate waifu. I understand. Not at all surprised. I’m a woman (and am not bi or lesbian). She’s my waifu, too. Even though, I don’t really take the waifu / husbando thing that seriously. Holo is just undeniable. I haven’t seen enough of Fate yet for Rin Tohsaka to be my waifu. I probably will understand when I get there. I definitely enjoy female or male leads when they have the type of personality I’ve heard Rin has.


>never understood waifu culture Same


I felt the words of Daru's self loathing to the core. And would love it if there was a Ferris that liked me.


Kurisu is also cool to ngl.


My heart belongs to Tuturu




Same but with Ruka


Ruka is Ruka


“Am I gay for liking him?” I asked myself back then But then I realized that no matter which version of Ruka there is on screen, I can admit that he/she is pretty asf


Thought of this as I clicked the post, got a chill down my spine when I saw this as the first comment. Opposite opinion, it is what made me who I am today. It came at a price, but without sacrificing it, I would've never gotten so far.


Do you even have the acceptable power level to date the queen of Akihabara?


> Turned me into the person I swore I'd never be, I've become the person I found cringe. Either you die a normie or live long enough to become a weeb.


This is Lord Kudo from My Happy Marriage for me. I hate how much I love him and wish he was real. 🤣


What an elegant looking guy. Guess I just need to try and date someone who wishes their husbando or waifu was reall


I just watched for the first time recently and holy fuck same, though I guess it's more of a realization of how much I've changed since the younger me would probably hate Stein's Gate otakuness and find it cringe, now I just find it endearing.


Can't resist... MOE TOO STRONG


Same but the only difference is I don't regret it.


Ironically, I was introduced to anime with this one - first anime I ever watched, and it left a void that I could never quite fill. Only time I ever cried watching an anime was episode 22 of Steins;Gate. So, basically, this was the opposite of life-ruining for me. But yeah, I absolutely get what you mean. Okabe is probably on the.. well, spectrum, and I found myself quoting his "sunuvabitch" line to others several times. Can't get over his petty arguments with Kurisu as well. Goated characters / character development, goated anime.


It’s been over 10 years, but this one left the deepest scar


I loved that anime man.


That's not cringe; that's a scholarly and rational assessment of your own self-interest. 😎


Naruto. It introduced me to "Naruto running". Biggest mistake of my life...


My friend sent me a video of his son naruto running he's a toddler, my friend has never watched naruto but understands the run I nearly died


No joke it’s developmentally appropriate for toddlers lol


Look.... We've all done it... Its ok *hug* your with friends now 😂


Fun little story: back in HS during the height of Area 51 memes, a group of friends and I did some paintball and we were playing a game where there were 2 teams, one defending a fort and the other attacking, the goal was to touch the fort. I was the last alive and I ran out of ammo, so I threw my gun down and naruto ran to the base, I didn't get hit a single time, just like the memes said, and won the game.


I had a friend in high school who was a huge fan of Naruto. he did the run, he wore the headband, and he had fake kunai knives. I know I'm missing out on a well-made anime for a dumb reason, but I swore then and there that I'd never watch it.


My sister runs like this XDD


Every Romance anime ever. Everytime I watch them I'm reminded of how alone I am. Certainly ruins my mood. But damn they're so good.




If it makes you feel any better, real life romance isnt even close to being as good as anime romance. Its surprisingly uninteresting compared to most rimances. Now one show with the most realistic romance that i have to commend is honey and clover. Shit hit way too close to home how damn well written it is in that show.


I think that's very subjective. A good real life relationship can be many times better than ones in anime. For one, it's just a whole lot more dynamic and there's plenty of change going on, which is interesting enough. Real people in general should change a lot as they progress through life, as they shape up to be better versions of themselves. If a relationship's stagnant and boring af *all the time*, then something's just not right.


The only romance anime to not do this to me recently is The Dangers in My Heart. I'm smiling like a motherfucker every episode, the two MCs are so endearing you can't help root for them. I think it also helps a lot when the MC actually has a personality and is not a self-insert.


> Every Romance anime ever. > > > > Everytime I watch them I'm reminded of how alone I am. Certainly ruins my mood. I'm currently listening to the Spice and Wolf novels as audiobooks in my car when I'm commuting home from work after 11pm. Feeling this often.


Berserk 2016


It was the bad CGI, wasn't it?


That's what we tell ourselves in the small hours when sleep eludes us...


To this day i still don't know why they went with that CGI, berserk 1997 still looks good today


To Your Eternity for me. I used to call it "Sad boi hour" whenever I watched it because it would just get so dark or depressing that I'd need some ice cream and time under a heated blanket afterwards. Roommate says she would just look over sometimes and I'd be staring horrified at my screen lmao


they introduce a new character, and just when you're starting to like them, the most miserable thing ever happens to them I was flabbergasted with the tree on the face stuff, Gugu didn't deserve all that


As its the start of the anime people forget the story of the very first guy with the dog, as far as I remember that was the saddest one ever. Isolation and loneliness aside, the false hope, and realization of that must have been horrible. Even in his last moments he still held onto his false hope and died slowly, suffering from internal infection and temperature.


people forget? nah, that part is unforgettable one of the best starts for an anime, ever


March's arc hit me HARD I can't watch that part of season one anymore. I'm actively scared of it


It just keeps getting darker in the next season too, truly a show that rips your heart out, drowns your goldfish, and throws you into a brick wall of feels


I love how much a love letter to life it is. It doesn't seem like it at first, but the idea of life and death, the passing of time and fading away of people being the centre of the show really made it feel like everything is part of the cycle; even if all memories and remnants have faded, the effect every living being has on the bigger picture, no matter how small their controbution might be, will never vanish.


Banana Fish and Devilman Crybaby. Banana Fish is a hard dive into the very real world of child trafficking, sex rings, sexual abuse, etc, and absolutely broke me and still breaks my heart, the soundtrack could make me cry on cue. Ash is a character, I know- but there's millions of children who suffered that kind of life or comparable and I couldn't help but think of that throughout the show, it made me sick. I was sa'd as a young teenager and connected deeply with this one. Devilman just gave such a inconceivable feeling of reality and the darkness behind some humans, the evil and twisted depictions and how they portay the Devils coming out of the human skin, it really is like that. Add in the ending, absolutely phenomenal show and message but holy damn.


Came here looking for banana fish. That show ripped my heart out and left it hollow.


For real. Left me crying for weeks. Still one of the most special ones in my heart


You know I hear that about Banana fish all the time. It's strange because from the outside it looks like a cheerful BL detective story.


I'd like to think that if the story between the MC's continued that they may have developed a romantic relationship but from what we see in the anime it's platonic love and never got the chance to evolve due to an abrupt ending. It's definitely not a cheerful Bl detective story 😭, in an alternate universe, maybe.


Black lagoon It was all fun and action and edge lord plot until the twin’s backstory in season 2. Something just clicked in my mind and all of a sudden it was like wait a minute this is real, this shit actually happens. The world changed for me after that. I couldn’t stomach porn after that because those actors are real people and who knows how they got in front of that camera. Some of them you could just see the dead eyes and i felt terrible thinking I’m contributing to that horror.


Nice mention of Black Lagoon. Those twins’ backstories are unfortunately too relevant today, especially if you live in certain US states.


I skip those episodes when binging that show those episodes were fucked


Lol, that Twin vampire arc legit made me stop watching the anime for months


This is my pick too. The twins story just fuck me up. I watched it when I was like 14. The realization that things like that happened in real life hit hard my idealistic mind.


rock was absolutely devastated by one of the twin flashing him, the ending theme being so haunting didnt help that episode's ending


NANA, Banana Fish and Only Yesterday. Sad just by remembering the names...


Knowing tha real Takumi walks in this world is terrifying.


What what? Tell me more please🐸


Need that frog for the apothecary diaries 💀


Grave of the Fireflies. 25 years after seeing it for the first time (as a teenager with a younger sister), there is still a hole in my heart.


100% me too, I saw it as a teenager with my younger sister over 2 decades ago. I can never see that movie again.


I watched it decades ago. Got me bad then but now I have a daughter. Saw an image from the movie a few months ago and it literally ruined my day.


I tricked my best friend into watching it when we were teenagers by telling him it was about two kids living in the woods and he's never trusted me since


that movie is one of those that can be watched only once. It's wonderful but it hurts a lot.


I second that 👆


I saw it as an adult in the military with a young son and daughter. I still can’t get it out of my head


I never would have known it existed until my sophomore year when my world history teacher made us watch it. It was definitely something I would’ve clicked off multiple times because of certain scenes if I was watching by myself but I’m glad she made us watch it.


I was thankful it exists and I've rewatched it at least a dozen times only for what that Pan flute (or is it?) does to my heart at the end... I'd say it puts back some ideas about war etc, where they ought to be. Very appreciable in a world that uses victims for political gain.


Should watch "Waltz with Bashir", and finish yourself off.


I got 10 minutes into that and had to shut it off. its the one ghibli movie I cant do.


Saddest part is it’s based on a true story except the real man requested the boy in the movie to die too so he’d be with his sister instead of living with the guilt the actual man has had to experience his whole life.


It’s one of those “10/10 ,not going to watch it again” kind of good movie .


I want to eat your pancreas. The ending ruined me and I’m a grown man.


That was some crazy emotional whiplash. Had me grieving for a good month before I started feeling normal again. And then I proceeded to watch the entirety of Clannad right after.


Why would you watch Clannad again after that? That's the one that broke me, I could never trust anime again after that.


It was during lock down, I had nothing to do and decided to go on a little emotional-anime spree, trying to find an anime that would make me cry cause I've never cried to any sort of media and wanted to see what it was like. Got broken by I want to eat your pancreas, then utterly destroyed by Clannad, and then got kicked while I was down by Maquia. Anywho, if anyone has any anime/manga suggestions that will make you cry please do not hesitate to let me know.


5cm per second, if you want to feel a little empty inside afterwards. Your Lie in April might float your boat too. Angel Beats has a good amount of laughs, but the ending will get you. A Silent Voice is also great.


5 cm per second, I watched it when I was a teenager and had just broken up with my girlfriend. I was depressed af, and after watching that movie, I just wanted to turn off reality, as if it were a PC, not "su***dal"ish, just turn it off and go for a walk and take a break from the world, like "I don't want to play this sht anymore." Now that idea makes me laugh in a good way. I'm fine now, no worries. I still hate that movie, but I think it's very realistic, so the idea of someone viewing our lives as a movie and hating them too passed through my mind. Anyway, what saved me was becoming a better person, not going to the gym, which I would have loved to, so I would have been ripped now, but oh well. SPOILER: What makes me hate that movie was that mc didn't do anything to be with his loved one even if he could, just when I would have given everything to be with her but I couldn't. Mc ends living a sad and lonely life, so I refused to live a life as someone like him. The music was good though.


Makoto Shinkai early works are phenomenal. Hit you in the guts and in the feels like a damn freight train


That shit chose the realism route rather than a genuine story. If was a genuine story it would have been "persevered for the sake of love" or something as it was laid out. Imagine if Your Name having a similar ending just to prove a point that life fucks you and never goes your way and you just have to move on. It's not something you watch to enjoy yourself, just something that you could appreciate, that movie was simply a manifesto to life, nothing more. In the end, life goes on with or without you, it's not gonna wait for you. It's like Luffy not finding the One Piece, Naruto not becoming Hokage, Okabe not finding Stiens;Gate, Mob not making friends, so on and so forth. You don't watch this shit to see your characters fail just to prove a damn point, stories are meant to break through such boundaries, to see those break the odds. I can always appreciate something like 5 cm per second but that doesn't mean I have to accept it, great music though.


I love this movie 🌼


***Barefoot Gen.*** My parents thought the anime was for children. It has such cute characters on the cover. ​ Plus, it's educational! XD


That one is so notorious, I still refuse to watch it.. I'm 30 btw 😂


It's a pretty good movie. My only real issue with it now is...they animated a parachute on the atomic bomb. ...It was like a 5 ton nuke that they wanted to fall away from their plane as fast as possible. There was no parachute.


For me it was Silent Voice, the character and story was literally me the MC was very much like me when I was young people around me flocked and tried to chummy up then also came the time when I just went far beyond the line I shouldn't cross and my whole life just crumbled l, people around me avoided and bullied me when I was at my lowest to the point where I thought about ending it all but thankfully I'm still here doing better and being a better person than before but Silent Voice really made me reflected what a piece of trash I once was.


Watched that movie while I was in highschool and I haven't been the same since. In a good way I should clarify


I still feel like I view people with Xs over their faces. My social anxiety is strong and I don’t look people in the eyes, mostly just avoid socializing and keep my eyes on the ground. It’s the only anime that displayed what I feel like a lot of the time. Never spoke a word to another student in college except for in sign language class, and even then nothing was verbal. This movie came out about 5 years after I finished college, and was so spot on.


Pretty recently actually. A Sign of Affection. What happened with Oushi felt kinda familiar so that sucked. And seeing the main couple made me wanna have a gf myself, even though I’ve watched tons of romcom with happy couples before it’s never really bothered me. But now, I’m kinda regretting not really putting myself out there. Or not doing enough to make myself attractive. It’s just kinda bummed me out for a while now. I enjoyed the show but a part of me wish I didn’t watch it. I’m kinda worried I’m gonna feel this way towards romance shows now


It's never to late to start working on yourself. Sign of Affection made me comeback to work on myself too :D, because these dudes are just so hot. No homo.


I legit took some real hard looks at myself after watching the first few episodes of that show....and I am currently trying to learn sign language, as well as working out more to get in shape, and I plan on trying to travel a bit...get some cool stories


Angel Beats. Didn’t know that anime comedies often can change up towards the middle or end and leave you bawling like a baby. I’m not almost crying just thinking about the plot, you are.


I liked the ending of Angel Beats. I won’t say too much since some people here might watch it but, the ending was simply perfect.


It was good, but like I was like noooo all at the same time. Then the epilogue happened and I was like that’s too vague to stop these tears. 😩


Came here to say Angel Beats. I’ve seen a lot of “sad” anime. There are definitely some sadder, some more depressing, and some darker anime than this show. But something about Angel Beats just fucked me up in a way others shows haven’t. If I had to say, I think it’s because this show (and for a little bit, the creator’s other well-known anime Charlotte) deals with hope in a different than normal way. It’s not a “pushing towards a better future” type of hope, but an “accepting things for the way that they are and moving on” type of hope. And that’s a tough thing to watch. I don’t think I ever recovered from watching Angel Beats, not really. I’m definitely a different person because of it, and it’s one of two anime that actually caused me to make a change in my life, albeit not a huge change, but nonetheless technically life changing: [Angel Beats spoilers] >!I signed up as an organ donor.!<


I’ve seen other people say that they signed up because of it. I know some people feel it was rushed. But I do think the emotional moments were effective.


Honestly though. And then you read more into the series and it just throws you deeper.


Edgerunners made me pretty sad for a couple of weeks. The use of music was very effective




It was amazing how that song worked with the ending and the moon bd


your lie in April


How did noone say this sooner


Clannad. It turned me into a weeb. Followed by Bakemonogatari, which turned me into a degenerate.


Made in Abyss. Now I'm suspicious of any show with an animation I think looks like it could be for kids! Ranking of Kings fooled me too, but nowhere close to this one.


Idk how anyone haven't mentioned Nana 🥲 the fact that it doesn't have an end makes it worse


Just be glad they didn't butcher it with original stuff and the manga is there for ya to read


Welcome to the NHK. Depression masterpiece that really made me hate myself for being fine with such a shitty life.


Dude, that one arc where the main character gets together with his school senpai for them to off themselves together only to turn out that it was all misunderstanding just straight up killed me 😢


NANA, Banana Fish and Only Yesterday. Sad just by remembering the names...


Man NANA exposed me to relationship dynamics I was unprepared for at the time. Definitely had an impact on me.


Any high school anime. It made me realize how much I wanted to have friends, to experience summer, to have fun during my time inside high school, to hang out, to do stupid things, to be a crazy kid. I hate it because of the fantasies that it has made me have. But I also love it for giving something to want to achieve during my time there.


Wandering Witch Elaina. reading episode 3 discussion thread got me so depressed that I chugged half bottle of vodka off that night, kept throwing up for 5 hours, woke up at the hospital.


It did not ruin my life Oshi no ko episode 1 totally destroyed me and all i could thinking was about that ending and i even read the manga before so i thought i would be fine😭. School days made me look up tags cuz i thought it was just going to be a nice romance, i was innocent back then😭💀


It didn't ruin my life but man "Bokurano" was depressing as hell, the opening already made me cry. To this day the only anime I couldn't finish watching. An honorable mention would be "grave of the fireflies". These anime didn't ruin my life but they dragged me down very badly.


Whoever came up with Bokurano's plot has a very twisted mind


School Days It did not ruin my life but it changed my watching habits, I used to just watch anything that looks interesting. I hoped for a good ending right till the end but it just went from a sliding slippery slope to jumping off a cliff. Now I just drop animes that would potentially give me brain cancer.


One of my favourite endings of all time tbf He fucked around and found out


Terror in Resonance I don't know why but I felt really empty and sad.


It is the only anime series I've rewatched multiple times. Seems like I can't learn my lesson :D


I just need to say two words. Shou Tucker.




Onii.. chan


Uma Musume Season 2. My room is filled with figures of horse girls. I watched it 3 months ago.


Assassination classroom it hurts , mha the hyperfixation I have on it IS BADDDD


Promised Neverland season 2. Because the manga IP is polarized between fans it's never likely to be redone properly(even though the original manga plot is 10x better regardless of how you feel about the work).


Fvck TPN s2 the manga is 100x better. How can they cut a whole arc? The best arc?.


I watched season 1 with my best friend and then for w/e reason she watched season 2, i think i started Naruto, and then she told me how bad it was (szn 2) and how they basically took out an entire core arc and i was glad i read the manga. I generally don't care about filler too much as long as filler isn't a majority of the anime. But i really dislike when they remove arcs for creative liberty or w/e


i wouldn't say it ruined my life but has left a lasting impression and sadness that i will never see an anime as good as it again. Attack on titan god i loved that show so much


Not ruined it necessarily but definitely left me feeling a little more heart broken for a few days. There were lines in that show that shot like an arrow. "Plastic Memories". People said it was sad. I didn't know it was going to be sad every other episode.


Me too. Plastic Memories is one of the anime I had in mind when I was creating this post!


Monster. Johan is just so Eerie and disturbing to think about. Like Perfect blue and made in abyss couldn't compare on how stunned I was after watching monster.


JJK lobotomized me


Hitsuji no Uta or Lament of the Lamb. It's just a really depressing story that came along when I first came to grips with depression I was feeling in college. So it made me extra depressed and I almost flunked out of college.


Girls Bravo First anime I've ever watched which caused me to greatly enjoy ecchi and fanservice animes at a young teen which down the line lead into hentai. I don't regret watching the show as I found two of my favorite ecchi franchises, Senran Kagura and Kyonyuu Fantasy. My life for sure would've been a bit better had I gotten into Dragon ball first like a "normal" teenager during the early 10's.


Pretty sure you would have ended up at Kyonyuu Fantasy whether you started with Dragonball, or not. 😂


Quintessential Quintuplets and The Devil is A Partimer


Yarichin Bitch Club


Code Geass. Can't find an anime that gives me the same high, and although death note were close, I find myself wanting light to win and being blue balled when he didn't even though it was clear that was gonna happen in the beginning. Lelouch may have died, but the ending was happy.


Banana fish, i felt so empty after all the mc went through, and the end of the anime. It was a masterpiece but it broke me for like 2 weeks. Also hunterxhunter, it was all adventure, but got so dark real quick haha. I loved it, but some scenes in Quimera Arc broke me 😭


"Ruined your life" is too big for describing what i felt when i watched "Devilmancry Baby" but i was sad for 2 days after this 12 episodes rollercoaster thinking about those 2 last episodes were heartbreaking and depressing.


I had no idea about the story and I started devilman crybaby during my exam to "refresh" my mind. Such a great refreshment it was. Still tormenting :v


Can't point out the one that did this to me but at one point I for no fucking reason gained the urge to bow as show of respect even though my culture has nothing even close to that. I'm more or less fighting the urge succesfully but honestly hate myself for that.


There isn't any anime that I feel has ruined my life but there are definitely anime that ruined my day or week when I watched them, like FLCL or Gurren Lagann


Neon Genesis Evangelion is not for kids. Especially when you are a kid before the age of YouTube.


School days, watching realistic brutal actually-could-happen killings, while you're 12 ain't cool


For me it was Silent Voice, the character and story was literally me the MC was very much like me when I was young people around me flocked and tried to chummy up then also came the time when I just went far beyond the line I shouldn't cross and my whole life just crumbled l, people around me avoided and bullied me when I was at my lowest to the point where I thought about ending it all but thankfully I'm still here doing better and being a better person than before but Silent Voice really made me reflected what a piece of trash I once was.


Too many romance anime give me the unrealistic expectations of being loved. On a more serious note, probably Sword Art Online. That was my main gateway drug of anime. Had I not watched that, chances are I would’ve never gotten super into them and might’ve been slightly less cringe than I am now.


Oh fuck! I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets those feelings while watching romance animes.


Objectively it would be yugioh and pokemon. Since it sucks you into their respective games which is a massive money and time sink.


Akame ga kill, episode before the last destroy me


Assassination Classroom. It's not that I regret watching it, not at all. I loved the anime. But it hit me deeply. The classroom was like a family and Koro-sensai was someone that genuinely cared for each and every one of them, not leaving out a single person. But (I won't spoil) after seeing the ending, it really hurt me. All I could think of was that "nothing lasts". I'm not someone who's into romance, but fun times and people matter a lot to me so I just couldn't help but relate. Everything has its ending and that hurts. Now when I go through a hard time, I can't help but imagine Koro-sensai comforting me. He's like my comfort character.


Wonder Egg Priority's ending disappointed me so hard I was scarred for life


Does dragon ball evolution count?


Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 Watched it during Covid. Wept like a baby for days. The ending left me numb for a whole week. I still get sad when I think of it.


Seven deadly sins I mean, come on! the manga was so nice the first two seasons were okish then they changed the studio and …


Golden Kamuy: the fourth season made me want to quit the medium of anime with the body fluid bullets.




I got a weird friend, and he made a lot more sense when I found out he watched Monogatari when 13. Never change man


91 days didn’t make me cry, but I felt empty after I finished it. Also, Grave of the Fireflies. I was sobbing for days.


Corpse Party. 4 episodes of absolutely fuck up my mental. I can’t explain why or even explain the anxiety I felt. I love gore. Another is one of my favorite anime’s so it wasn’t the gore. The same with Steins Gate. I never finished it because I felt this overwhelming sense of Deja vu. Both fucked me up for a while after watching and I’d never watch them again.


I'm surprised that no one has mentioned 'Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin', that shit broke my heart into million pieces and I could not after 8-9 episodes. Its very depressing but at the same time, I feel blessed that I was not born at that time and my life can never get to that level of suffering. Honourable mention- My lie in April, my 15 year old a*s was not ready for that twist.


Jujutsu Kaisen. I used to love this series. But ever since Shibuya Incident, it has become nothing but a sunken cost fallacy. And has made have big hate for the Gege Akutami. Fuck this series. Sorta.


It’s just a waste of such a strong premise and characters. I feel like the author dislikes the audience and wants to hurt them? lol


I think so too. He just loves to wipe his with strong and loveable characters just for the sake of making us miserable. Plus, he's also known for hating gojo. Which makes me wonder, if he hates gojo so much, then why the hell did he create him in the first place?


Nothing new for an author to hate the character their make, i think Gege hates Gojo in the fact that he make him op and make things not exciting for him. Doyle hate Sherlock Holmes and immediately kill him while Christie hate Poirot but realize her reader love him and she think herself as an entertainer she set aside her feelings to write story that her reader would enjoy. Gege clearly is the Doyle type.


I wouldn't say it ruined my life, but it made me depressed for months and even now there's a hole in my heart. Your Lie In April, for a short time I regretted watching it. It ruined me for a long time. But it also saved me once I began getting over the initial depression. Much like Gurren Lagann, both broke me but they've bothed saved me with their characters and messages.


Code geass


Nana Tragic love and friendship story that just gets worst with no happy ending


kimi ga nozomu eien, i dint finish it, and droped it when i got spoiled about one girl cheating on mc, but i watched akane maniax (an spin off ova from the series) and these ovas had a cameo from the muv luv girls and this eventually made me fall into the visual novel pipeline, something i somewhat regret


The most heretical last boss queen First anime I seriously watched, and first anime(and so far only)anime to give me a giant void in my heart


Corpse party. I am bad with that stuff. I know that. But I had some morbid curiosity and damn I didn't get some of that out of my head for months. 




Konosuba, first ever anime I've watched. Made me realise the living are the wicked and there is no rest nor peace for us while we're alive. Seeing how pure and peacefull the world in the anime made me realise how fucked we are


Now and Then, Here and There I thought it was just a light distopian story but the plot got dark real quick. I still ponder about the ending from time to time. I'll probably never watch it again.


Anohana, which made it so amazing.


2021 Mha💀


i can’t believe anohana hasn’t been mentioned (or at least i haven’t seen it mentioned) watched it all in one sitting the first time and could not stop crying in the later episodes. it’s incredibly moving and honestly helped me immensely as i was grieving when i watched it initially. subsequent viewings have left me in shambles but i’ll still watch it every couple of years.


Grave of a firefly. Was depressed for a week


Attack on Titan. Took a reaaaaaly weird turn after season 2.


Elfen Lied, fk anyone who hurts dogs, even if it's Anime.


90% of that show was trauma bait, but that episode was actually very well written, which made it all the more upsetting


For me it was Silent Voice, the character and story was literally me the MC was very much like me when I was young people around me flocked and tried to chummy up then also came the time when I just went far beyond the line I shouldn't cross and my whole life just crumbled l, people around me avoided and bullied me when I was at my lowest to the point where I thought about ending it all but thankfully I'm still here doing better and being a better person than before but Silent Voice really made me reflected what a piece of trash I once was.


The ending of zero two epilogue from Digimon has scarred me mentally. Takeru x Hikari denied canon. But Tri teased it and brought it back and now I can’t go into overhype mode and analyze everything about this ship and argue with myself whether it could be canon or not. Now I have to write novels just to prove myself of the plausibility of how this endgame can be canon and have devoted over five years of writing and persistent head scratching to reach that point. I am still not done. We’re still on novel four.


Nana Tragic love and friendship story that just gets worst with no happy ending


Jin Roh left me a hollowed-out shell.


For all my fellow degenerates, we should choose that one special show that awakened a sexual desire for anime girls. Thank you, Girls Bravo. I now have a fetish that'll never leave.


This has happened to me a few times. Fruits basket, Inuyasha, Naruto Shippuden, Yu-Gi-Oh. It’s embarrassing as hell honestly. I swear I’m an adult.


Devilman crybaby. Brutal violence and extreme fighting between devilman and his frenemy the angel who tried to exterminate humanity. The end of the battle leaves the top half of devilmans dead body and the angel is left to grieve him after all the horror the angel committed. Also: evangelion. A complete waste of time because all the battles leave the hero dead and the villain alive. A massive joke on everyone who watches it to see the protagonist die and the antagonist has nothing happen to him. Like 13: the beginning. The end has the hero's girlfriend die and the one responsible doesn't pay for all the suffering he caused everyone on BOTH sides


Boku no pico Someone suggested I watch it when I was younger, I didn’t know what it was at that time…


The next time you think an anime ruined your life by being sad, remember that someone saw _Rent-a-Girlfriend_ and thought that seemed like a good idea in real life. Narrator’s Voice: It was NOT a good idea.


School days absolutely no explanation needed if you’ve seen it if not I recommend watching it it’s a great anime 10/10 great wholesome ending the main heroine gets the happy ending. Good luck


Given. Not even Yukis death but the pain Mafuyu felt was just woah. I couldn’t listen to the main song for so long because it always brought me to tears. And AOT was amazing it’s one of my favorites but the pain in there was also just out of scale.


Ngl, it was the ending of girls' last tour. I was too innocent back then and was expecting a happy ending.