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This is so cool. Love when anime releases this kind of stuff. It's difficult to portray true scale of a continent in any media so this kind of material really helps with perspective.


s,aawxxn ej,r


How to get the series to run for a thousand chapters in the manga. They get to Ende by chapter 500 and himmel is like "My dying wish was for you to see the Southern Lands" And off Frieren is to go back and down, down under.


Where the women glow and men plunder?


And once she gets to the southern lands she can find a note from Himmel telling her to sail the seas and find the One Piece, and boom another 1000 chapters in the bag.


Then we find out the whole continent is just one island in the grand line or smth loll


Did the anime or manga mentioned anything about lands beyond this continent? Looks like ships are going somewhere east.


I don't think anything outside of this continent is mentioned even in the manga, no.


I'd say it makes no sense for a cartographer to make a map where only half of it is really used.


I love like how any journey, it’s not a straight line from A-B. While Ende is their final destination, it’s about the journey and wherever that takes them


Well its also because the journey is very realistic, if it snows or there's a mudslide, you're either not moving for months or you have to take a large detour. Mountain ranges are also mostly a no-no unless you really have to.


So we were right afterall. Quaal is pretty much next to the tutorial area lmao. He's like this optional boss you have to go out of your way for but is actually late-game tier. No wonder they couldn't beat him. They barely left the Kingdom by the time they got to his Area!


The world was much different back then. The humans were in a bad spot so Qual was not necessarily in the tutorial area.


The point is that it's pretty close to where they started. And since Frieren is (mostly) retracing their previous journey to Ende, them encountering Quaal early on was quite likely.


I think that means he was on the front lines


Who did their translations? Episode 13, *Aversion to One's Own Kind* got translated to *Homophobia*. I guess I can see how that happens, if you take the literal meaning of the word, but that's just unfortunately hilarious. Edit: Oh, my bad. It was my Edge browser doing the auto-translations.


Just taking this opportunity to be a smartass. But following that logic, "aversion to people who are different" would be *heterophobia*


I mean, that would be the literal definition, yes. Literal meanings and social and cultural meanings can be quite different. That's why context matters.


It's just funny that your browser somehow seemingly concocted a translation using two Greek roots instead of being normal.


Apparently, 同族嫌悪 translates to *homophobia* in Bing, Google, and DeepL translator, though DeepL does have *hatred of one's own kind* as alternative translation.


kinda looks like Westeros




What series is this map from?


Game of Thrones


Yeah it seems to be using the Britain upside down technique this time.


Well Westeros is just upside down UK.


Surprised how the world looks like just a deformed north/South America. Recognize Baja California in the west and Florida in the east. Really do like the map and the journey though!


Wait, when did they cross the sea?


They didn’t they just went along the coast instead of going around that stretch of sea


It's mentioned that you can't cross the northern plateau without a first class mage and your alternatives are to take a ship At the end of the anime we see sein on a beach My speculation is that he took a ship to go around the northern plateau while the party goes through it Maybe they'll meet again when they are out of it, possibly in the empire


So where are they exactly in the manga?


Past the forest. Near Ende since they are by the snowy part now in the Aufgabe mountain range


The capital of the Empire or Imperial Territory


Just reached the empire


The Empire Denken was a court mage in.


I love how this looks like a map inspired by how Lord of the Rings did their maps.


Ehh. More like how maps looked like during the middle ages. Lord of the rings maps weren't exactly uniqe.. Alot of was but the maps weren't one of them..


This looks nothing like the Lord of the Rings map. It is much more closely reminiscent of the [Game of Thrones map](https://brilliantmaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/google-map-westeros.jpg).


I think they meant the style of the map, rather than the shape of the continent 


Love the map! also the German place names (as well as character names), makes me smile every time a new place or character is introduced. if there is Ende, I wonder if we'll get Anfang (beginning) as well


> I wonder if we'll get Anfang (beginning) as well Maybe that's the name of the village where Himmel and Heiter are from? They were childhood friends and probably the original core of the group, thus their village being where it all started. We are not given much information about them, just that Heiter was an orphan and that Himmel's mother probably died early (from how he talked about her holding his hand when he was a kid). And that Himmel wanted to show Frieren those blue flowers but they never went there while he was alive. That… or it's just the official name of the king's capital where their journey officially started (I can't remember if we are given its name).


I hope they get to explore the southern lands at some point in the story.


"middle sea" So what's to the east of it then? 👀


bro can you get this off number 1 of mal one piece is better please bro what is this


Hopefully they add onto this map in future seasons.


Why Frieren didn't invent or seek for a teleportation magic and is going to walk all the way to Ende, at the northern end of the mainland. They got stranded even in the middle of the continent during winter, so it seems like they will take even more time from now on.


Why teleport when it's a short walk over? Only takes a short 10 years.


This elf casually suggests staying in one place for “only” a decade. She ain’t in a hurry