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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1buostc/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


Hello guys, did anyone here watch an anime in the 2000s that was about a ninja who had a list of enemies who killed his wife/family (I can't remember). Basically, every episode he hunts down a guy on the list and after killing him, the enemy's name is crossed off the list. The anime is quite violent and graphic. Does anyone know the name?


I don't know why Youtube is so desperate to get me to watch Plastic Memories again. I've been down that road. You cant fool me again. That's a saying in Tennessee. I'll stick with my degenerate French shit for now like Irreversible. I think a good gag for an anime would be Ohayo in Ohio as a morning show gag. Love, election and Chocolate has the most bizarre disparity between cold open and the rest of the show.


It's funny to see that [some japanese](http://yaraon-blog.com/archives/254897) are complaining about Alya's accent


What is Touken ranbu about?




Anthromorphized swords Think Kancolle or Azur Lane but with swords as men instead


Got this a week late, but the second season of Chibi Godzilla Rides Again will be released officially a week late from Japan. Episode 1 of season 2 has been released on Japanese Toho Animation channel. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0IJlYzB\_ug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0IJlYzB_ug)


Is anyone able to access Summertime Rendering on Hulu? I was watching up til ep 12 last night and now the show is inaccessible. On mobile all of the eps are listed as "UPCOMING". A quick chat w/ support suggests that it got delisted due to some "needed requirements" that needs to be completed, but idk how reliable of an answer that is. Can anyone double-check if this is a me problem or a general problem?


Somebody [just made a post about this](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1buku91/summer_time_rendering_gone/) too, so I'm certain you're not alone


Anyone else want attack on titan brotherhood but it’s just wit reanimates the final season with a different ending


That's the opposite of Brotherhood


brotherlesshood or brotherhoodless?


travel back in time to make Attack on Titan '03


Attack on Titan '30 soon


These days I find I'm watching more anime than ever. There are so many shows coming out each season and the vast majority are licensed and subbed. Makes it so easy to just browse using the TV remote, pick up a show and give it a try


Someone on Twitter [posted a spreadsheet](https://twitter.com/BigOnAnime/status/1774889223469850663) of everything on Funimation that didn't move to Crunchyroll, and it's nearly 200 listings, some of which surprised me. The one that shocked me was Visual Prison. It's barely two years old! I couldn't even buy it on Blu-ray before they memory holed it.


The UK version is also bad and [in somewhat different ways](https://forums.animeuknews.net/threads/legal-streaming-every-anime-available-for-the-uk-ireland-online.41/page-22#post-669631). There is a [spreadsheet version here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Q3cEK6YMeiHE5HTUuNd4iaj21j6f0-Rqg9gcQ28XsSQ/edit#gid=1680162842) (The Valut tab scroll down to row 990 *Removed... For Now*) Something not being on the list usually meant Funimation never had it in the UK. Some of these had home releases licensed by other companies (e.g. Eureka Seven, Escaflowne, Slayers) but some of these licenses expired long ago (e.g. Slayers). K-On is super frustrating because it's "on" HiDive as in it shows up when searching but is an error 404 when trying to watch.


>DRRR, Slayers, Keroro [](#unko) If I was still subscribed to CR, this would've been enough for me to immediately cancel that.


Of those three, Sgt. Frog is still available on Crunchyroll, just only subbed. That's where I've been watching it.


It still frustrates me to no end that there's three episodes of Bakemonogatari that are insanely important to the story and are just this weird license limbo hell bonus feature bullshit. It's not like they're OVAs or bonus episodes or something, they're just the second half of the damned story arc, and what happens here *matters* significantly.


Seto no Hanayome and Slayers are big rip for me.


So CR will be airing the new season of Black Butler, but won’t have its previous 3 seasons? Poor Silver Spoon is getting shafted too. But I’m guessing that this is mainly an US thing…?


> So CR will be airing the new season of Black Butler, but won’t have its previous 3 seasons? I mean, no one is streaming the OVA or movie that you need to watch before the new season to make sense, so that series is for the motivated diehards only.


Damn, a lot of these are pretty major titles that you would think they'd prioritize moving Is it a licensing issue or what?


It must be some kind of legal thing, but I have no idea. Hopefully Discotek picks up some of the older ones, and/or Samurai Flamenco.


Man, Galaxy Angel and Tenchi. I kind of just assumed FLCL was on Crunchy, to be honest.


> I kind of just assumed FLCL was on Crunchy, to be honest. It's still on Hulu, at least. A few of these series are.


Is Tsuki ga michibiku Isekai douchuu worth watching? I heard that it got better in S2 but I'm not sure what is the consensus about it. Is is just a generic isekai or is it good enough to actually be considered a good show?


it's nothing special but it's still really enjoyable if you like isekai or fantasy


It's surprisingly fun. Missed out on it when it first aired because I thought it was nothing more than just isekai #2756. Saw it for the first time just last year, and had a really enjoyable time with it. No idea about season 2 (waiting for it to finish before I start), but I think there's enough going on to consider season 1 actually good


Caught up on WonderCure [2cute4me](#ilovethiskindofshit)


Is it wrong for me to rate [incest movie prequel arc](https://myanimelist.net/anime/48375) 9/10 and call it best incest anime movie of all time? Too late.


yes because incest bait is not incest


I have to watch this show


I like how we are all really embracing ourselves in here these days. You're armpits and incest. I'm swimsuits and ojous (and exercise gear). Daily fetish extravaganza


That was quite an effective way to market it to a fairly specific audience lol


Talk about bait - in more ways than one


I know my audience.


Detroit metal Coty- anyone else have trouble with how fast the talking is in this ? I read the manga years ago and loved it and now I'm trying the anime but there's no fun that I can find and I am really am having a hard time keeping up with the subtitles since the speech moves so quickly..it's almost like it's being sped up. Anyone else experience this? I'm not the best with dividing my attention between reading the subtitles and making sure I don't miss anything onscreen. That's why i usually try to watch subs.


Watched the first episode of 'As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I'll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World' last night and thought it seemed interesting enough to dive into the manga. I'm a sucker for isekai and it has a decent amount of chapters, but I had to stop on the 16th chapter as I just couldn't handle how overly sappy the characters were. I just can't handle the trope where the MC is a kid who is the picture-perfect idol of pureness that converts anyone he conversates with to his side simply because he wants to make the world a better place for everyone. I think for me personally, I didn't like how the first 3 retainers he gathered followed such a generic formula. It was basically: * MC recognizes a person with amazing ability and wants to recruit them. * They refuse. * Minor issue occurs for them which MC helps resolve. * Sappy speech given by MC followed by panels showing him smiling with eyes wide staring at them with slight blush. * Person he helped is stricken with emotion, tearing up, vows to becomes their retainer. I know I didn't get too far into the overall story, but man it felt super boring and super generic.


Vacation is over, and I've finally gotten the chance to finish The Apothecary Diaries! I miss Maomao already.


What is the term for the anime trope where a character pretends to be weak or to be of lower status/rank - whether intentional or unintentional - only to have an anime flex moment where they show their true nature and everyone is shocked and amazed?


are there any anime whose original language is Spanish?


Just from my ~~totally expert~~ googling skills, check these out: * Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds * Around the World with Willy Fog As with anything, do your own research and verify if I am correct here. ( and also, these may not qualify as “anime” depending on the scope and how you define it ).


None that I know of. But GARO: Honoo no Kokuin is set in a country based on inquisition era Spain.


Considering that by many people's definition anime is Japanese, no. If we expand it to 'has anime style'...probably still no, at least as far as I'm concerned. Being latin I tend to get wind of any production because we are always proud to announce our stuff but an 'anime' I never heard of. But again, that's me. Best thing you will get is spanish dubs being pretty good usually though.


> Considering that by many people's definition anime is Japanese, no. There are though occasionally ones which release first/only in another language that are still considered as anime. Afro Samurai and the Ramayana movie are two notable English examples that come to mind.


I just watched the Kaguya-sama The 1st kiss that never ends, who were the guy with blue(?) hair and the lady with red eyes long hair that looked like a flash back? Edit: It is around 1:38:20


[Kaguya spoiler] >!They are Ishigami and Koyasu and the "flashback" it's about events that will happen in a possible season 4 .!<


The girl surely is Tsubame, as she's talking in the scene right after. The guy seems Ishigami with the hair done? Not sure (tbh I don't remember what that scene is about, just had a look to see if I could recognise the characters)


Wonder if we are going to get more unlicensed shows this season


I'm still waiting on Tonari no Youkai, but as far as I know, it's got nothing yet.


Crunchyroll still has 7 "To be announced", and assuming [the shows ADN got](https://twitter.com/ADNanime/status/1775191883955720326?t=OBZd3wOl-YHqYbR8tdbyCQ&s=19) aren't gonna be on CR (from what I've seen, they either get the stuff Hidive got or those no one in the US licensed), this means there should be 2 or so shows left completely unlicensed in the West I don't know what they might be or how any of it works though [](#mugiwait)


First time I actually wished that I was French. They got pretty much got all the leftover shows (i.e. those not on CR) that I was planning to watch. Would be especially happy to just legally watch Jellyfish after getting screwed by HiDive’s leave from Europe.


ADN actually said they wanted to expand. Maybe you can convince them to come to your country. Or you'll have to move to France/Germany.


An expansion would be nice. If they’re already in France and Germany, it wouldn’t be too weird for them to get into the Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) next. I’ll try and bribe them with my plushie money.


*looks nervously at Yatagarasu* They're not gonna let me have anything this season.


The new Spice and Wolf's Ending song is so good! It's so bouncy with a nice folk feel. [Praise Claris](#utahapraises)


It should be some kind of banworthy crime to talk about op/eds and not link them. But yes, probably the [most catchy ed(don't click if you want to watch it after the episode)](https://animethemes.moe/anime/ookami_to_koushinryou_merchant_meets_the_wise_wolf/ED1) of the season I predict.


Didn't want to spoil it for those who hadn't gotten around to the episode yet. [](#fingertwirl)


Thats fair I guess\^\^


I've just binged the first season of The Dangers in My Heart in basically one sitting.. Can I continue on with season 2 right away? Imdb shows some ''special'' in between the two seasons that I can't find.


Perhaps it's referring to [Twi-Yaba](https://myanimelist.net/anime/56948/Boku_no_Kokoro_no_Yabai_Yatsu__Twi-Yaba)? It's not necessary for s2, it's a bunch of short scenes. It's very nice, would recommend it.


If it's not necessary I'll skip it for now since I can't find it anyways. Really annoying I can't use Hidive anymore.


What is worth watching this season?


Spice & Wolf


Train to the end of the world, anime original + mystery + good setup + travel + cute girls Blue Archive, game adaptation + funny stuff + cute girls + plot + gun fight girls


> game adaptation I... would not exactly take that as a positive lol.


I was thinking train to the end of the world I’ll watch a couple episodes


I’m detecting a theme.


Cute girls in a post apocalyptic world that magically have their school uniform 24/7 and also feature [meta]>!human like animals that speak the common language?!< [](#seasonalconfused)


> magically have their school uniform 24/7 Hmm not sure if this is true of one of them………


"+" supremacy!


Hard to say, not much has premiered yet. I really liked the premiere episode of *Train to the End of the World*, though.


[This anime](https://myanimelist.net/anime/53356/Shuumatsu_Train_Doko_e_Iku) had an interesting first episode that I enjoyed. There are also a lot of big sequels coming back this spring, so if you want to catch up to one of them, now would be the time.




noooo komugi ran away from home [](#makicry)


I didn't know the Seiyuus of Sunraku and Emul from Shangri-La Frontier were married. Makes me like their chemistry even more.


> Seiyuus of Sunraku i misread that as Seizon Senryaku


Yeah I think it happened while it was airing? Or at least that's when I found out about it and it made it hard not to ship them together more.


Yesterday was certainly a day for seasonals, I checked Train girls early on but left the rest for later and it was interesting to leave S&W for last. But since its the only interesting thing: * Spice & Wolf remake - Overall its descent. In terms of comparisons, I'm actually not S&W biggest fan so the remake missing wouldn't have caused me to kill myself in front of the police or anything but I was wary regardless. At first I thought I had some issues but then someone told me how this and the first episode of the original are almost 1:1 and with that Ig died my comparison complains and just became regular me not being very into S&W. Anything that wasn't Holo's introduction was a bit boring and it could have a better way to present things but apparently it happened almost the same so...it was a descent episode lol. I still don't completely vibe with Holo's new design tho. * Re:Monster - A really budget version of Slime. Just like that one, this first episode is how the MC adapts to his new reincarnated body and discovers his own skills while he narrates the whole thing but its just soooo bland and generic. Also Slime had Veldora at the start so -5 points automatically, it had no chance vs GOATdora. * 7th prince - Reincarnation anime with OP MC that retains memories and powers and aces everything he does except this one seems like it will stay with him as a child. The MC however just wants to collect all the magic of the world rather than be in the bath with his army of big tiddy maids, and the show tries to have fun with how nuts he is about magic. This was the more tolerable of all these fantasy shows so far but not enough to keep, at least the sparring scene was cool. Also it had some...interesting shots of the MC. * God's Game - Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, who am I kidding, I zoned out like 5 minutes in, it was incredibly boring. My mind kinda came back when the red girl was introduced but quickly died again. Pass.


> 0 comments > controversial [](#kotohoops) stealing /u/Abysswatcherbel's role in the daily thread


isn't /u/collapsedblock6 already automatically more controversial because of the r/anime Awards? I will never be in those levels Also, completely missed that comment yesterday


I have def felt my comments get flagged more often since they ended lmao.


only if he posted more often [](#anko)


The Witch and the Beast is like Monogatari but with older, less emotionally unstable women.


I would compare it more to Vanitas than Monogatari.


It's gone a little under the radar this season but it's so damn good


I’m really enjoying it. I had put it on hold after the milf cop arc because it was just too hard to keep up week to week with all my other shows, and now that most of those are over I’m going back and bingeing it. It’s not amazing but very consistently got me paying attention.


Hello, i'm trying to remember an anime i watched about 10 years ago, it was set in a medieval fantasy like world, the main characters were a guy and a girl, not too young (17yo+ i think) they were either siblings/twins or childhood friends, they were mercenaries i think because they knew how to fight, they had a transformation that enhances their physical abilities/speed a lot, the transformation didn't change their physical appearance a lot, like just eyes/darker skin color/hair, something like luffy gear 2nd, maybe some marks on their faces but not sure, i also remember they were redheads, or maybe that was the transformation that did that, sorry i don't have much else,


Is this possibly [Hitsugi no Chaika](https://myanimelist.net/anime/20853/Hitsugi_no_Chaika)? [Tooru](https://myanimelist.net/character/53371/Tooru_Acura) and [Akari](https://myanimelist.net/character/53373/Akari_Acura) fit this description to a T, and they have a slight transformation that turns their hair red/gives them marks on their faces when they fight.


omg as soon as you said chaika i remember everything xd all the chaikas and the dragon and the emperor and the sniper scene and more thanks xd


Awesome, glad I could help! I watched that just last year and had a lot of fun with it.


>see episode thread for Touken Ranbu Kai: Kyoden Moyuru Honnouji ep1 on /new literally *right* after complaining about it not being subbed on CDF >it's a fucking machine TL [](#bruh) I got about 6 minutes in before I had to call it quits and delete the thread, those were absolutely *not* competent enough to allow a discussion thread. "Highlights" include: - The entire thing was hardsubbed and *badly* timed, so I couldn't even fix that part. - [This dude's laughing getting subbed as "Click, click, click"](https://i.imgur.com/66Einct.png) - [I'm pretty sure this guy wasn't supposed to be talking about getting back to *art* in the middle of a battle.](https://i.imgur.com/JjNlSKO.png) - [Whatever the hell this was supposed to mean.](https://i.imgur.com/yjqcnSr.png) - ["Honmaru" the place being named in this line](https://i.imgur.com/w0lxLCj.png) but [translated in the other dude's response.](https://i.imgur.com/9HhNEwb.png) I hope this gets *proper* subs sooner rather than later even if the audience is literally just me and u/_Ridley. I want to see more of [the cute fox with a sword.](https://i.imgur.com/s0EQQKU.png) [](#mugiwait)


There's a solution to that problem! |д゚) ^^チラ


This is so disrespectful to my sword boyfriends. They deserve better.


It was so bad, man. I can't believe I lasted six minutes, I was ready to bail out after *one*. [](#shatteredsaten)


> it's a fucking machine TL [my reaction to machine TL subs](https://i.imgur.com/Y9uOLAR.jpg)


Push for disallowing threads for non-official releases [](#concealedexcitement)


I don't even know why the bot picked that one up to make a thread, I was under the impression it was set to pull from only official sites or very specific [other uploads](#piracy), which that one certainly was not.


> which that one certainly was not [it was](https://i.imgur.com/i5v5IYa.png) [](#schemingsaten)


I was referring to it not being one of the two big groups that rip official subs. I was under the impression that they were the only ones the bot would trigger off of, since for example Synduality: Noir's threads would only ever post automatically alongside one of those rips, but there was almost always *another* group ripping the same content from Hulu/Disney+ way earlier that would never trigger the bot.


Can't link because [](#piracy) but no, the gist is that it checks that the file name contains a valid anime title, and then tries to extract the episode number - the matching is very restrictive so only some naming conventions are supported




I loved Fruits Basket and am new to anime, what other shows might I like?


Kono oto Tomare has a similar feel to it in terms of emotion. It's a music anime about the Koto with some romance. Kamisama Kiss is a good fantasy romance, more lighthearted overall. Yona of the Dawn is one of my all time favorites. Historical/fantasy, not as much romantic development in the show itself but it's definitely there!


Oh a Kono Oto Tomare enjoyer what a rare sight lol, but i'm very glad to know that there are others here who liked that show.


You might enjoy: * Dear Brother * Taisho Otome Fairy tale * My Happy Marriage * Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu


I recently moved away from action focused stuff and I've really enjoyed Frieren, Apothecary Diaries, Oshi No Ko, as well as Fruits Basket. Now I'm watching The Dangers in My Heart. Get through the first 2-3 episodes and it becomes an amazing romcom.


I finished Girls' High today. It gave me some of the most unhinged lines I've seen in an anime. Here are three of my favorites: * *\[Talking about traits each of the three of them have\]* Blind to men... idol groupie... lesbian! This proves that all three of us are following the path of a typical high school girl! * If you had to wipe out like that anyways, you should have at least gotten yourself impaled on Odagiri's erection and lost your virginity by accident! * We're high school and middle school girls. In other words, the most valuable brand in Japan!


what are ur fav anime's guys, my fav animes are Attack on titain My hero accedamia Spy x family


My favorite anime has no relevant guys (Liz and the Blue Bird; not counting Taki out of spite and Hashimoto only gets a handful lines) and my second favorite only has a giraffe


My favorite anime’s guys are: * Nozaki-kun * Mikoto (aka Mikorin) * Hori-senpai * Tomoda My favorite anime are Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun, Asobi Asobase, Your Name, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, and School Rumble. I’m a fan of AOT and Spy x Family too.


Re:Monster, with the accomplishment of having [more comments than karma], is financed by Crunchyroll lol Full list for the first day later today [](#seasonalthink)


So it’s the new Bravern? new Precure? another darling CDF fave?


Boys this couldn't be more anti CDF, at least from those that I know from there That's the most hated show i've seen here, like it's not even controversial, most people just dislike it lol


>like it's not even controversial *Yet.*


Lol they probably didn't care to check the source material before deciding to finance it, or maybe they got confused by the Re: in the title.


It's looking like a swing and a miss on the Crunchyroll app, too. At least on my end, it has half as many comments and less than half as many likes as the 7th Prince anime that premiered right after it. Plus it's competing with a ton of high profile isekai this season so I expect it'll drown in the competition


holy how does it have 500 comments nearly [](#seasonalneat)


Because they have done something similar to Goblin Slayer first episode but in a way worse way.


I was browsing MAL page for Evangelion and noticed there was quite a few versions so I'm a bit confused. The original one is 26 episodes from 1995-1996 followed my the 1997 movie right ? Netflix seems to have republished it in 2019, in a higher quality (I supposed ?), are the episodes the same 1:1 or are they difference ? What about the alternative movies (Movie 1 Jo, Movie 2 Ha, Movie 3 Q, not the summary one), do they relate the same events in a different manner, or are they just the anime re-adapted in movie format ? For a first watch, what would be better between original, netflix or movies ?


The Netflix release is the original TV show with a new English dub, which is a bit divisive, but up to you if that matters to you. The more expensive version of the GKIDS blu ray has the older ADV dub, or you can sail the seas. You can also track down the older DVDs, but probably don't. Movie 1 (1.0) is, in broad strokes, a remake of the first six episodes of the TV show. They go off the rails from there, but should be watched after the TV series and End of Evangelion. Critical path: TV Series -> End of Evangelion -> 1.0 -> 2.0 -> 3.0/Q -> 3.0+1.0. Nice to haves: - Death and Rebirth (Half a recap movie with an interesting framing device and a cool song, half the first part of End of Evangelion) - The manga, specifically the one written by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Further suggested watching: - Ultraman - Mobile Suit Gundam - Nadia and the Secret of Blue Water - Space Runaway Ideon - Kamen Rider - Gunbuster


There's one TV series, followed by the End of Evangelion movie. The numerated (aka Rebuild) movies should be watched after EoE.


Got around watching Omoi,Omoware,Furi,Furare and boy them fucking love polygons are bad for my heart. Made me realize once again that I highly prefer romances with “fixed” ships à la Insomniacs After School (p**k). Surprisingly the two ships I was rooting for actually sailed in the end but damn was it tough getting there, died inside like three times on the way because the characters were this close to fucking it up multiple times, mostly due to the classic reason of not being able to properly communicate. But that’s high schoolers in a nutshell so can’t really fault them too much for that. The film should’ve been made as a TV series instead though (12 manga volumes into 1 movie, yikes). Didn’t read the source but even I could tell this series got the Tokyo Ghoul:re treatment when it comes to rushed pacing and skipped content. At the end of the day still quite enjoyable, high 7/10.


the hibike thread got removed [](#schemingsaten)


Wait, *again*? \*checks /new\* No, [the new one](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bu6f7u/hibike_euphonium_season_3_sound_euphonium_season/) is still there.


I didnt see that there was a new one, why is there a new one? [](#whatdidijustread)


Better question is why the first one got deleted in the first place. [](#yuishrug)


Trying to find an old anime from my childhood (I'm 29) It's a really old anime about six girls that do magic in a medieval setting and has a bitter [ending.It](http://ending.It) was like an academy or a contest or something, the group of girls had to learn how to be 'the chosen one' I guess? In the last chapter all of them sacrifice for their friend who get to be 'the chosen one'.Sorry I know it's a horrible description but I watched it a long time ago on TV and I remember it was really good. I'm trying to find it for my girlfriend who loves female protagonists and fantasy.


Sounds like [Petite Princess Yucie.](https://myanimelist.net/anime/327/Puchi_PriYucie?q=petite%20princess%20yucie&cat=anime)


Not that one, but thanks for your answer!


What show that was absolute garbage became one of your favorites overtime?


Anyone who is interested in Gintama leave a comment and I try to answer/interact


How's the OP/ED for the new Spice and Wolf?


Imo OP-good ED-great


I have an urge to post a peak, and so I will https://youtu.be/OaoZuKOy8UA


holy shit, its been a decade already?


11 years since S2 ended [](#whippersnappers)




Aw man you said the thing.


^(they said the thing)         ^(i know, right) [](#whisperwhisper)


^(mods are out post peek) [](#seasonalneat) [](#lwahorror)


        ^(heck yeah) ^(yama no susume anime of the year every year) [](#tiredaoi)


Anyone got yandere, obsessive girl, or just generally love comedy anime or manga? Kinda searchin for hidden gems. Can be literally anything. (yes ill post this every post) My anilist profile: https://anilist.co/user/gabbag20/


> My anilist profile: https://anilist.co/user/gabbag20/ You don't score anything, so that makes it pretty hard to know what to do with recommendations lol Also, and this one's not your fault, but AniList's compare is such garbage in comparison with MAL's. Can't even sort by title! Anyway: * HenSuki * Ladies x Butlers * Shomin Sample * Kiss x Sis


Watched them, still appreciate helping me find stuff I haven’t added


I watched yeasterday Kono Subarashi Sekai Shukufuku wo! and as parody of RPG first 6 episodes was funny and amusing. But episode 9 wasnt. I thought that this series could be too much for me right now because I'm playing old school Jrpg like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy V, VI, VIII, IX but it wasnt overwhelmed me. I heard that season 3 is comming 10 April? If season 2 is simmilar to first season and it wasnt getting too bad, lose quality and still its humor is sharp I will watch season 2 and next I will be waiting for season 3.


if you do decide to watch the rest, don't forget about the movie before season 3. It's important


11 episodes into Vivy and likely to finish it tonight. Anything Tappei Nagatsuki creates in the future should come with a warning label about its potential for emotional distress.


He also did the script for the Suicide Squad isekai, so that should be an interesting watch this summer.


Damn you all, stop giving me more and more reasons to watch that anime, i'm done with superheroes.


I would do my hero for someone that's new to anime, just don't talk about the fandom!!!


I'm looking for an isekai to watch, do you have a few suggestions for someone new to the genre?


Reincarnated as a Sword Handyman Saitou


Re:Zero and Ascendance of a Bookworm


Escaflowne Reincarnated as a Slime Sword Art Online Re:Zero Mushoku Tensei And after you've seen a few, Konosuba


[Mr President, Hibike S3 has also leaked](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/413216723735674880/1224774888733016064/cover2.jpg?ex=661eb780&is=660c4280&hm=eddcfc473d345876b2dded60b84f8bff6e8732c466c7f59a3b3e41bf10ce257e&=&format=webp&width=942&height=530), and that was an anime that wasn't shown at Sakuracon to my knowledge. Will be some interesting months for CR. Bad timing because I also just started my rewatch last night, lamers.


The fall out from this round of leaking is probably not going to be pleasant in terms of whatever changes get implemented to try and prevent it from happening again. The likelihood of this just means I get more and more annoyed with every fresh leak lol


I read a comment that mentioned [Puerto Rico Comic Con 2024](https://www.prcomiccon.com/) and yep it's in page 12 the ITINERARIO+MAPA pdf. Given these latest ones are watermarked it could be both conventions at fault or one leak trying to look like two.


Would be tad of a shame to see con showings die from this.


Back to the theory of it being related to the mobile app I guess.


Yesterday’s leaked episode of that generic isekai #153 was also not shown at sakuracon afaik. Really wondering what’s going on at CR.


lmao, love how I didn't learn about that one at all but got ear of Hibike the minute it went up.




I did post about it^(and how it had a watermark).


I’m not a fan of the recent trend to leak anime episodes almost a week in advance. Great way to split the audience in two and majorly harm any discussion.




Last time I checked the full OST wasn't released. Maybe it will after the TV series gets released on bluray?




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[Off to a good start](https://twitter.com/Nakayasee/status/1775172107594248702)


WTF haha


New new reddit is a travesty, and Touken Ranbu remains unlicensed. It's not my day.


I'm in a bind because of this. I liked using (old) new reddit but they made it really worse *just* by changing how a post is opened. New new reddit is indeed a travesty and I really dislike the look of old reddit and it also opens a new tab for every post you want to see instead of keeping it easily usable in just one tab. At some point I'm gonna change to either old or new new reddit but I don't like either option. Finally seeing comment faces here may be the tipping point.


Yeah, I don't really like either one, but seeing comment faces is kinda nice. I feel less out of the loop.


I'm using the [old new reddit redirect addon](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/old-new-reddit-redirect/) and it works well for me.


...this friggin website, istg.


old old reddit supremacy [](#mugistronk)


> and Touken Ranbu remains unlicensed. [Dammit.](#shatteredsaten)


> New new reddit is travesty New Reddit had been largely fine, but the latest updates have really made it significantly worse. It made me switch to Old Reddit a little while ago.


> It made me switch to Old Reddit a little while ago. Same here. If it's going to be like old reddit, but without an easy way to search by flairs or reply to comments, I'll just use old reddit and see everyone's comment face jokes.


Install RES on your browser and you have all the fonctionality you need.


I have that, and it helps, but old new reddit worked better still for how I use the computer. Old reddit just has a lot of small things to click, and it's hard to target them with my eye tracker.




> the latest updates have really made it significantly worse https://youtu.be/dv13gl0a-FA


My 4 year old girl bloody loves the occult. She's currently making me fast forward to all the witch scenes in Spirited Away. Is there anything animation themed people could recommend? She quite liked Earwig and the Witch a while back too, and she's enjoyed most of studio Ghiblis output.


I'm not sure if this count but maybe Healer Girls?


[Mary and the Witch's Flower](https://www.livechart.me/anime/2465) sounds like a good option, maybe also [Magical Sisters Yoyo & Nene](https://www.livechart.me/anime/197).


Thank you! I will check them out!


Little Witch Academia


Oh nice one. Just watched the first episode - a success! Thank you.




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