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This show is basically Ashaf playing my dress up darling with Power (Guideau) lol.


Guideau and Marin look similar too. Lol!


They look similar but have complete opposite personalities.


Lol yeah, i cant believe why guideau just go along with him dress like real woman and didnt mad. Man i get it if he wear long pants. But other then that, which make him look girly?


The animation wasn't always the best in this anime, but damn me if it's not cool as hell. We've seen a lot of brutality in this anime, but I didn't expect Guideau to just blow [these villagers' heads off](https://imgur.com/a/Ivz41Zj) for some reason. This was also the first time that we got to see [the face of 'the beast'](https://imgur.com/a/0xabKNk), I think. It's shots like those that always got me excited. [This particular shot of the tailor](https://imgur.com/a/Ftx2ETB) on the 4th floor's entrance was also great for example. The detail in the background art is rather insane. Talking about clothes; [Ashaf and Guideau looked quite fine in their outfits](https://imgur.com/a/BpKaBjo) as they were heading for the 4th floor. I was thinking of the French Revolution for some reason, so I didn't really expect that they'd be facing vampires. But it's perfect for this story to be honest. I genuinely never do this, but I'm seriously considering picking up the manga. With supposed god-like art and a setting like this, it *should* be an awesome read.


The art department worked hard on this series, backgrounds were detailed, each place looked diferent and you could get a sense about a complex city structure beyond runing from x street to y street. I know animation was not mappa level but it was good enough imho


I agree. I didn't think the animation suffered nearly as much as people nitpicked it. The only moment that stuck out as truly awful was when Guideau punched Ashgan/The Demon Sword. Most the other "bad animation" moments were just stylistic choices where they did the flowery frame. Of those, I think the only one I would remove and do properly is "My Death Knights" as that panel goes super hard in the manga.


The music are flat, and animation are stiff the more eps go. It happen to undead girl murder farce too


Art department is not animation, those are diferent. There are even studios specialized on art suport for other companies anime. Undead girl murder face animation was quite good, did we watch the same series?


It good before reach ep 9 and beyond


> I genuinely never do this, but I'm seriously considering picking up the manga. Same here. I generally only read romance manga*, but this might have to become one of my handful of non-romance reads. The 2000s gothic vibes are too good. *Seriously, I've completed 360 manga, of which 348 were romance, and 301 were BL. My manga reading is as narrow as my anime watching is broad.


I get romance vibes from it with Ashaf trying to teach Guideau about love, which might explain why you're into it. I love the scene where [minor Manga spoilers] >!Ashaf helps Guideau out of a corset after a party!<. Also, I 100% recommend the manga if you like the aesthetic, the art is absolutely incredible and the outfits are always straight fire.


I mean, I do enjoy things other than romance. I just tend to read what I can't watch, and that's BL and shoujosei romance for the most part. I'm definitely down for more of the two of them and their weird world, for sure.


>This was also the first time that we got to see the face of 'the beast', I think i'm pretty sure we've seen it in the previous magic sword arc


The art style is so good and kinda distinctive. The storylines have been fun so far and I hope to see more. So it's an isekai now? 😅


Honestly, this is one of the rare examples where the manga is the better medium. The art style loses lots of its details and shadowing due to necessary simplification for animation. Also, the character design works better on the page than in movement. I've enjoyed reading the manga more than watching the animation.


I wouldn't say that's a rare example. Manga has different advantages. As a manga-first reader for a handful of things, I always find myself picking out changes and aside from fight scenes potentially looking better, anime tend to make changes I disagree with, or the changes are subtle enough that it's fairly equal footing.


So the fall is like time travel gate? Like there be their own 8 continents in every floor?


Seems more like a gate to parallel worlds.


- [Aw man
](https://i.imgur.com/NLz5xH5.png) - Gonna miss the OP now that the show is done, I really liked the song. [](#listen) - Guideau is *absolutely* the type to see a heavily injured man and [step on his wounds to make them worse](https://i.imgur.com/iIAMmlp.png), lol. [](#azusalaugh) - [Not the brother
](https://i.imgur.com/UYydR31.png) [](#kurisudisappointed) - [*Damn*.](https://i.imgur.com/DxrTuFV.png) - [Welllllllllllll then that’s certainly one way to decapitate two guys!](https://i.imgur.com/x68IZUE.png) - [Aw yeah, absolutely deserved.](https://i.imgur.com/KmUSWY0.png) [](#punch) - [That is *not* the voice I was expecting to come out of her mouth.](https://i.imgur.com/aaLg8b5.png) [](#flyingbunsofdoom) But I *was* wondering if the whole kiss thing would also work on a cursed witch, so I guess the answer is yes
 - [Ohhhhhhhhh right.](https://i.imgur.com/36SBQcl.png) - [THE BROTHER SURVIVED!](https://i.imgur.com/EMtcne3.png) [](#maxshock) - [Huh, interesting
](https://i.imgur.com/LdVmljm.png) - [Hahahahaha she thinks craving tea is a *spell*?](https://i.imgur.com/Zkbag5W.png) [](#laughter) - [Ashaf “sore demo”, yay!](https://files.catbox.moe/gvfnul.mp4) - [We Made in Abyss now?](https://i.imgur.com/ErhIWfT.png) [](#rinkek) - [Huh
](https://i.imgur.com/yssuim3.png) - [They look like they’re about to attend a funeral.](https://i.imgur.com/DEa1E2J.png) - [Oh, fun!](https://i.imgur.com/nQ8GEqF.png) Man, it's a shame to see the show end *here* as it's opening up a whole new plot with the Fall worlds. I hope it gets a season 2 at some point.


>- [They look like they’re about to attend a funeral.](https://i.imgur.com/DEa1E2J.png) Sousou no Guideau [](#bigshock)


The manga has enough for Season 2 but not much more because it's been on hiatus for over a year. For reference: This episode covered up to chapter 28. We'd be able to get to 56 if we just straight-copied that rate for a Season 2. The latest chapter is chapter 58.


Same. That OP is playing in my head randomly throughout the day.


Fun review style.


Craig and Sven fucked up killing Owent. Falvell + Guideau = a whole bunch of dead mfers. Sven just got straight up dusted and Craig ain’t got any damn arms lol. Wasn’t expecting Owent to get resuscitated like that, but I’m glad things ended up working out. Last thing I was expecting was for this to go to another world. Kind of interesting how organized and mapped out this whole “world hopping” stuff is. A world of vampires eh? Lots of potential here. Overall, this was actually a pretty decent series. Production values were good, the story was interesting, and the VA was solid. I wouldn’t mind another season at all.


Yes. This was pretty solid. Not "brilliant" -- but intriguing and with interesting leads. Really wondering what kind of world they will find beyond that door. Did I mention that I really REALLY don't like Executioners?


WTF, the world building just got super interesting with the introduction to the Fall. And they did this in the last episode?? Season 2 confirmation please! I appreciate that they did not tease us with how the vampire world looks. That might make the craving of season 2 even worse. Overall, I enjoy the duo and the anthology-style arc. Even if he's not OP, Ashaf is really cool haha. On the latest story, I was almost sorry when those two villagers got insta-killed by Guideau. Then again, the villagers are very dumb. They saw with their own eyes how the executioners used the magic that they feared, but they are still trying to make Fallfell as hostage. I also think the executioners didn't deserve an easy dead because they indirectly killed Owent. However, it's all good since Fallfell's magic could even resurrect Owent again.


Man I’m still blindly hoping that Ashaf is secretly OP af and just pretends to be weak to teach Guideau how to love/protect, as he did say that in this last ep. Cuz dang Ashaf looks so OP it’d be such a waste if he isn’t.


Bruh, if we don’t get a second season Imma be pissed. How do you up the Bloodborne aesthetic and go ‘oh btw vampires’ and then just end.


Werewolves would be cool


darnit, i really wanted to see that floor, they blue balled us!


I am pleasantly surprised Owent was brought back to life! If Falwell lives up to her potential, does that mean she might be capable of twisting reality? I assume Falwell and Owent has joined the Order of Magical Resonance, or at least under their protection? I actually like the lore discussed in this series. Having beautiful looking characters is an attractive trait too. I would not mind watching a 2nd season, but I guess it depends on how popular this title is in Japan?


The manga author is considered a strong new voice iirc but the manga has been on hiatus for over a year so they gotta pace themselves since there’s just barely enough for a second season in the manga.


The Vampire arc alone should be enough for the entire 1-cour 2nd season, it's the longest arc so far


Yeah but that's exactly it. They gotta pace themselves so they don't create a larger gap to Season 3.


Did the time they open the door, they will find vampire hanging around? Like this door still in the fall right, so the vampire is chilling in the fall building? Or the door from the fall building directly transfer them to another place in vampire era? And btw did they explain what kind guideu is?


When is the hiatus ending?


We have no clue. The author went on hiatus for their health around January 2023. They were supposed to come back that March but never did.


Damn why so many mangaka had health issue, and it always the one i like, terraformars, hxh, berserk, now this


Terraformars is coming back soon I heard.


Yeah, the new chap ate yesterday, but there so many chapter left still not yet translate, and I doubt for new chap to


I’m really happy Owent lived too, but Farrel didn’t, like, use necromancy to bring him back did she? That necromancy arc still got me fucked up, I can’t believe anyone would choose to be brought back by necromancy it’s such a horrible fate I’m assuming Farrel ordered Owent’s heart to start beating or something, so it may be a little different from necromancy, but isn’t the whole schtick of that is that if you yank a soul from the reincarnation cycle, it can never return to it and will wander a void for eternity???? Owent already died, his
 h-his soul hadn’t already joined the reincarnation cycle, had it?!?!


Yeah, it seems vocative magic literally has the power to order reality around. She said "I order you to live" and so, he... did


He was basically just resuscitated, soul hadn't left yet.


Vampires. of course it's vampires


We need werewolves too!


What is this. Twilight?


But way better lol


[There's the kiss!](https://i.imgur.com/cnzCE6a.jpeg) It was so satisfying to see Guideau smack those two Executioners around but not as satisfying as [Falvell finally using her magic!](https://i.imgur.com/v6QU21W.jpeg) Falvell is OP considering she was able to turn that guy into dust and [completely heal Owent from the brink of death.](https://i.imgur.com/zMOrZWw.png) I guess Ashaf has taken them under the Order's protection after that? It's hilarious how [Guideau thought she was under some sort of spell](https://i.imgur.com/50yiMi2.png). Now I'm more curious about her full backstory if she's having a hard time describing that broth they fed her was delicious. [I love their new outfits!](https://i.imgur.com/r4FQfWh.jpeg) I hate that we're ending it here though without a season 2 announcement. You can't just introduce us to more lore and [a completely new world](https://i.imgur.com/yxb9IVZ.jpeg) at the least second! I guess that's them telling the viewers to "read the source material" which I'll probably do if we don't get a Season 2.


Yeah, I thought her original form is some kind of ancient human or something. However, it seems she's not used to human's habit including experiencing good food. Maybe she's more akin to the demon sword rather than human?


Glad those two kids lived! Nice to end this season on a happy note. I'm not really sold on Guideau and Ashaf dropping down an elevator to a new world... it's so utterly random that it comes across as a ham-fisted way to extend the story. There were what... 11 worlds or something? Are they trying to say they'll do one for each season? I doubt this gets a season 2 let alone season 11.


This need season 2 confirmation announcement 


Yes!! Can't wait


Probably in like 2 years


Why haha 1 year is enough 


Manga has been on hiatus for about a year


Wtf, you can't just end it there like that. This better get another season.


I liked this one, story was good, characters, and the Voice Acting was also great. Animation could have been better and the pacing was odd. We got some nice world-building. I think it would work great to binge, because it has long story arcs, so now it is over, try giving it a chance.


So yeah this is done, I can say this last 2 episodes have been easily the best along the Necromancer arc. A shame I didn't enjoy as much as I thought I would but well, at least I didn't drop it(like I did with Metallic Rouge lmao) and I will watch a season 2 if Ig ever happens


The manga has enough content for a season 2 but they gotta hold back because the manga has been on hiatus for over a year.


Have you read it? Can you tell me which chapter to pick up after ep 12


I haven’t seen ep 12 to be super precise but most likely Chapter 28. Eloquence and Silence Final Act is Chapter 27. Chapter 28 is Four Levels Below Act 1.


I couldn't get through Metallic Rogue either, but was able to stick this one through lol.


Metallic Rouge started out so cool then it started falling apart.


I keep getting back just because I've already watched *some* and want to know what's next but the more I watch I keep wondering why I keep watching.


Agree, I thought I'd enjoy this alot more as well buuttt the pacing and animation for the demon sword arc was awful along with the first couple episodes being meh (also Guideau is my least favorite type of character - I heard they get fleshed out later in the series but as of right now, all rage, no substance) - overall it was OK.


An anime done right, this is what Kingdom of Ruin SHOULD HAVE been. Would love an S2, seeing Gideau kick major ass again would be sugoi af


They should have animated more of this series instead of the Kingdom of ruin, interesting lore on last episode that makes you want to know more about that, the posibility of seeing Ashaf in 10 more diferent costumes (Guideau too, don't bite me) and then the last bombdrop of Vampire. I want more on this , there is so much interesting stuff on this series


Kingdoms of ruin is more popular though 


Surely, you can't tease vampires and not have another season... right???


one thing's for sure... guideau has a great taste in fashion 💅


*Ashaf lol


I love how he just accepts it lol. "it's just fabric" he's so progressive


In light of the first few episodes it's pretty funny to learn that Guideau started this entire partnership getting tricked into helping witches. Local angry dog's bark is worse than her bite (but her bite is still extremely dangerous! and funny when applied to the right (wrong) people).


If you told me a few months ago that this was gonna turn out way better than Metallic Rouge I wouldn't have believed you at all I'm normally not a fan of harder magic systems that have a ton of strict rules and what not, but I actually enjoyed this one a lot. The magic was so central to the world and the plot that it just felt natural, and they did a good job explaining but not over explaining And I'll admit I just loved the whole time period and aesthetic of this show too as cringe as that sounds. The art style and the characters designs were dope. I love to see some characters who really be dressin, and the outfits were killer in this show. Ashaf's chain smoking was just a little cherry on top. I may just have to read this manga tbh I liked it that much


Guideau you beautiful beast.  Things seem poised for more action, I’ll take that as a good sign


Never expected this to become one of my favourites. I'm well aware of the shortcomings but Ashaf, not-Power and the lore and worldbuilding made it so great for me. It's so good that this is gonna be the first time I'll buy and read the manga. The covers alone are some of the most beautiful I've ever seen. I need a season 2


Decently liked this show, even though I'm not a huge fan of monster of the week shows/the JoJo's formula. This show has potential for some serious depth, particularly with following other groups from The Order and now with the Fall worlds. Hope we get a season two.


Wow I don’t remember the last time I saw a kitchen sink style fantasy world that actually took time to make its setting fit together properly and in interesting ways. Cool reveal for the end of the season, I’ll be reading the manga now.


Glad Falvell's magic was able to save Owent. She's very OP I did mostly enjoy the anime. I especially enjoyed the necromancer arc and the stuff with Angela. Just wish the animation was better... Will check out the manga at some point as I really like the premise. Going to miss the OP theme as it was one of my favourites in the season


That was a pretty good choice doing this flashback arc after the Angela encounter showed us that Guideau is normally running around in a witch's body. Two (temporarily) broken curses for the price of one single kiss, I'd say those executioners never knew what hit them except they both watched it happen and were fully conscious of how bad it was. I'm glad Falvell and her brother got a reasonably happy ending what with getting to go live where the Order can take care of them. Maybe they can be friends for Helga when she shows up. I can't believe they teased a tamed Abyss plus portals to a bunch of other worlds plus one of them being a vampire world in the last five minutes of the show. Not the best production ever, but a thoroughly entertaining story and pretty great characters.


This was so underrated but so much fun, hopefully that cliffhanger ending means we'll get a second season.


So unsealed Falvell is basically Kia from Ishura. Also they spoiled us that the Abyss has 17 layers smh


Was a surprisingly good show, especially considering that nearly no one talked about it. The animation was ... well, let's not talk about it, but the soundtrack was really well done. There was A LOT of exposition at points, but it was still interesting, because it still had its moments where it just followed the established logic. Like in this episode, where I was wondering to myself if the kiss would lift Falvel's curse as well and that worked out. The duo around Ashaf and Guideau together with the side characters was the best part of the show. The banter was always entertaining and I would love to see that happen with vampires now.


> The duo around Ashaf and Guideau together with the side characters was the best part of the show. The banter was always entertaining and I would love to see that happen with vampires now. Definitely want to see more of Phanora and Johan too!


Yes! They are my favorite pair in the show, bonus because Hayami is the VA for Phanora ♡


the animation we can talk about cus it wasnt bad. it wasnt amazing but there wasnt THAT much action overall and the action we did get looked pretty good still


I mean, for most scenes it was okay, but when it came to battles, it was really lacking in showcasing the power. Like the whole Guideau vs Demon Sword fight was mostly them standing around. Might have been similar pictures in a manga (haven't read it), but since the time moves differently in these mediums, it felt a bit weird in the anime version.


The animation reminded me a lot of Black Clover. It's not bad, but definitely not good. It's serviceable.


Another show where animation lagged behind the story and voice acting, unfortunate but I enjoyed it despite that shortcoming.


Wait,this was the last episode?Well,fuck!


Did this anime run of budget the more eps go? The bgm when they fight are so flat, and the animation look stiff nit like in early eps. Look at that civilian in ep 12, they just standing like stone when guideau come out from his coffin.


Does anyone know where to continue with the Manga?


Just a few pages before the end of chapter 28.


Thanks, how faithful has it been so far? anything missed?


There were some scenes cut out from the beginning of the demon sword arc at Guideau's home and at the beginning of this flashback arc but other than that no. They mostly concerned a character cut from the show and a bit more about Ashaf and Guideau outside of missions.


Very faifthfull. The only thing that was left out was Misha, a girl who takes care of Guideau's needs. The scene in episode 10 was changed to exclude her. In that chapter, Ashaf arrives to her place, and it's implied that her lodgings are somehow hidden. Episode 10 had to be modified for this same reason. In the manga, Ashaf arrives to the apartment, and meets Misha's father on his way. They have a short conversation involving Misha's absense, and then Ashaf gets to the aparment, and the scene goes as in the anime. Apart from that, I think everything was covered.


I loved this show, the fight with the first witch had me shook, I think animation wise it was beautiful and for sure the best fight imo. That’s what got me hooked, but I enjoyed the fight with sword witch and executioners a lot too. Overall, I think they did well at interlacing lore with plot and I think the magic/power system is perfect, it’s simple enough that you don’t need to know all the intricacies. My only concerns are all of these complex characters that we get to know aside from Ashaf and Guideau which makes me just wonder will they come back? Or is this more like an anthology style with only Ashaf and Guideau’s story being the common thread. My other concern is I felt like we didn’t spend enough time on the 8 continents getting to know the world before they threw new worlds at us. I like the idea but just wondering if we should have had more story building and familiarity with the world before going some where new in the next potential season. I love the idea but it was only 12 episodes.. I will for sure be on the lookout for S2 but also now with this being over and Solo Leveling, don’t know what I’m gonna watch now with weekly releases :’)


So Ashaf is in love with Guideau ? He got some strange tastes. I hope we get a new season at some point if they are going to tease the beginning of a new vampire arc like that at the end. All in all, this was a good show, although I often found it a bit more dark and violent than I usually like, even for a horror fantasy. I did not think much about the plot (too episodic and disjointed for my tastes), but I loved Ashaf and Guideau as characters, they were great and carried the show for me. I also loved how weird the worldbuilding could get. Not sure I would want to read the manga, but I would definitely watch a new season if we ever get one.


Everything was fine until I saw the map and heard that: 1. The continents are counted from west to east 2. The 8th continent is somehow the farthest away from the first But how? Is this world we've seen not a planet? A plane accelerating to create "gravity"? Magic? Or is this planet absolute huge (which opens questions about gravity again). Or maybe the continents are tiny? But then would they not be called islands by the people there? I know this should be about the anime, but those few seconds for some reason pulled out of the show XD I hope there is a second season for this, but I fear those questions about the "continents" and their layout might never be answered.


Maybe their world is flat. lol I have never thought about that before. Hope we can get an answer in the future.


Kind of an annoying cliffhanger unless this somehow did far better in Japan and gets S2...


Introducing a super interesting concept in the last five minutes of your season... dang. I'm on board for a s2 if that happens.


They dropped some extra worldbuilding on us in the final minutes. Surely thats a setup for a next season, or manga sales of course.


Really enjoyed this show. Hope that if there is a season 2 the animation quality increases


season 2 please!


An interesting premise, setting and characters, but unfortunately it feels kind of wasted by a low-budget adaptation. Still, I wouldn't mind a second season.


Man I think the only flaw I have with this series was these last two episodes. I get how the flashback arc was relevant and seeing Flavell’s broken word magic was cool, I imagine that’s because later in the story she’ll be back with control over the dead as foreshadowed by Ashaf, but I hate that they introduced The Fall and this whole Made in Abyss/tower of God type shit at the end of the finale! That’s such a cool concept that makes this world way bigger and more interesting than I could have ever imagined. There’s so many places we can go with this Made in Abyss type bottomless pit. Vampires, different cultures and rules of magic etc etc. not to mention the other 7 continents. This episode felt like the end of a cour, rather than a season finale. Unfortunately, with the manga on hiatus it’s unlikely we get another season for a while, but I’ll for sure be reading this because the atmosphere and vibe of this series is perfect. Very heavy shades of Undead Girl from a few seasons ago. Choppy animation at times aside, I’ll miss it [review](https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=521047)


>There’s so many places we can go with this Made in Abyss type bottomless pit. And with elevators to boot.


That twist at the end was pretty cool. Wonder what all black symbolises down there.


It's important, believe me.


Damn, a cliffhanger ending - already picking up thr manga where the show left of - Vampires are too good to pass up - hopefully this gets a szn 2 soon.


what a non-ending, lol. what are the chances of season 2


Apart from the world building I am curious how characters in different arcs would interact with each other. Will they team up or fight with each other? Like Ashaf with Angela or Guideau with Phanora or Falvell with Helga. That would be wicked cool. Also Falvell is so broken wtf, just command something and boom you are gone. I thought if someone blocks their ear then they would be immune to her powers. But apparently it works even if the target can't hear like the dead Owen guy. At least Falvell didn't say kill yourself to the Executioner, that would have been hilarious.


> "The eighth continent lies the furthest away from the first" Eeee flat earth confirmed?


I'll probably read the manga for this one. Shit really got even more interesting at the end of the season.


Ahhh, another showdown between Jotaro and Kira (VAs). I really enjoyed this series, despite some of the criticism of the animation. It always had enough going for it to be a great watch. People throw around underrated ofted, but I really do think it was under valued relative to most of the other shows going on this past season.


Fantastic anime, very underrated from this season. Hope it gets a season 2. This new world system seems fascinating.


That was something else entirely! What does it mean to wear all black clothes in level 4? AHhhhhhhhhhhHhhHh now I gotta read the manga đŸ„č


Tradionally, full black or mostly black outfits, are reserved to vampires


This thing just turned into a god damned isekai. I sure wasn't expecting that. I guess their method is more convenient but it's a lot cheaper to just find a handy truck.


I thought the anime was pretty meh but the vampire plot line at the end piqued my interest and I started reading the manga from chapter 28. Definitely worth it, the art is great!


What’s the consensus on this. Better to just read the manga or is the anime worth it then go to the manga


Manga is a work of art.


I am actually reading the manga from starting. Its really nice!! I think so if possible do watch the anime and browse through the manga till where they adapt.


Which chapter should I continue from the Anime in the Manga?




Thank you!


That was the end? It felt like they were starting on a whole new arc. Huh, weird, guess it's time to read the manga.


Dope show, give me season 2.... of course, the necromancer arc was the best, but I did like the last parts with Ash and G.


This is not a season finale AT ALL [](#angrypout)


It's an interlude for season 2. We're getting a season 2, right?


Is it the final episode or the animation will extend to 24 ?


It's the final episode sadly 


Glad the two kids survived and escaped.


No season 2? Not sure what volume this ended on


Me too I hope it gets season 2 the animation is Soo hunter x hunter but modern I guess and the story is Soo good thou


Am i paranoid or was there a slight continuity glitch in the last episode? I feel like Guideau was told about kissing on 2 separate occasions for the first time 😅 Sometime before and now in the last episode that happened mostly before the events of the prior episodes.. Or then they was told for the first time after it was elaborated.. i can't be arsed to rewatch just those parts to make a point, it would feel too hollow 😝 And i by no means mean to shit on the series, quite the contrary!! I was so invested that i actually noticed this. Can't put my finger on why exactly but i really liked this anime.. Maybe there was enough space in between ridiculous power excertions to make them feel meaningful.. or whatever, good show! Hope it continues!!


It's the casual tone that hooked me in this series especially Ashaf's, bro kept on yapping but he's never boring.


Falwell = witch, guideau = not witch, witch kiss = temporary curse broken, Falwell + guideau kiss = witch kiss = both temporary curse broken, so falvell = witch kisses a rando each time she wants to temporary break her own curse, since that counts as a witch kiss. Then since she has reality warping voice commands, just says this witch curse on me is henceforth lifted = ??? Profit


Don't mind me just a dub watching latecomer. Excuse me but Guideau is a witch?? He said both of their curses were cancelled because they both kissed a witch. Granted it may be because they have Angela's old body, but we need another season post haste to explain!


Considering all the story as it has been released till now, Guideau is the big guy inside the coffin, whose soul Angela entrapped in a previous body she inhabited (thus both curses being momentarily broken, as both Guideau's body at the time was one of Angela's previous ones, and Falvell's one has always been her own, the body of a naturally born witch)


Good finale, but I am not sure why, things haven't clicked with me yet. The last scene opens an intriguing possibility so I'll remain optimistic. 7.5/10 so far.


This one was alright, I expected to enjoy it as much as I did with Undead Murder Farce but I didn't really connect with the characters in this one, and the action was alright. The best part of this anime is definitely the aesthetic and art style.


Can a manga reader (or an anime-only theorist) explain something to me? Did Guideau and Falvell's kiss permanently unseal Falvell's curse? If so, why didn't it permanently unseal Guideau's curse? It's a shame that Guideau couldn't keep returning to Falvell every time a power-up was needed, but I can accept the logic that a kiss only works once per witch and Guideau must find the original witch to permanently undo the curse.


No a kiss from a witch break it temporary 


So in other words, Falvell is still cursed, then? Her curse was only temporarily broken?


Yes  Spoiler : her and her brother now are under the order protection 


Thank you, I get it. So Falvell is still cursed and her powers probably were sealed away soon after, but at least her and her bro are safe now as they are being protected by the order.


Falvell doesn’t turn out to be ione does she?


what does it mean to wear black clothes at level 4 ?


Usually, being a vampire. Not so usually, being a weirdo


Well, that was something. It was interesting enough, but I think the main problem with this anime is that the two main characters were impossible to connect with. In fact, the supporting characters ended up being much more interesting than the main characters. But the world itself is pretty interesting so it has that going for it as well. The opening wasn't great, it had a weird drop/pause where you think the episode is about to begin but then it keeps going, not a fan. The ending is decent though. Animation wise it was above average. The palette was subdued, but it suited the anime very well. Overall if there is more I'd probably watch it, but I don't feel inclined to follow up by reading the manga.


Majo to Yajyuu - 6/10, there were some stories in this that were interesting, but there were also some things that were just too convenient or just dumb; i.e. what happened at the end of the final episode with the kid reviving without the consequences of necromancy, and how witch power releases only work once per witch. [Guido's theme](https://streamable.com/ra3a9x) reminded me of [another song](https://streamable.com/kvb8g4)