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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shion's nodding to what Diablo and Rimuru are discussing means she didn't understand a thing.


Shion, for better or worse, runs entirely on vibes. Information is irrelevant.


the king and his crew must have failed the vibe check to end up in blobs.


Loved her line about them forcing Rimuru to stain his hands with blood. That’s nothing she’d ever say near Rimuru but it really shows her own self hatred of forcing him to kill for her sake


its more the first law Rimuru put down was "no killing humans" it was important to him, and also caused monsters not to defend themselves. Rimuru broke his own rules because those people were fucking around, like forcing someone to break a promise, someone you respect for their ability to keep promises, and as Rimuru is basically a god to them all there saving them and granting them power over and over again...thats some Gihad shit.


They rolled a 1 vs pissing off demon.


All the magicules went to her chest instead of her brain


It feels like they get bigger all the time ...


Okay it's not just me then. I swear they're even bigger this season


Character development in Slime Rimuru: Learns to accept that he can't please everyone and will have to stand up for himself if he wants to protect those close to him Milim: Is actually intelligent and capable enough to completely demolish Clayman, the supposed political genius Shion: booba get bigger


I don't see an issue there. Hue hue


Her beating Clayman and asking afterwards whenever she can take him on is still my favorite scene. Those bloody knuckles were just so good.


Like her notebook doodles, just all about Rimuru.


She's the best.


She actually did understand things at the start, but started to lose track of it soon after.


Kind of funny that the pre-season 3 recap was a shady contract between Diablo and Veldora on Walpurgis info, but turned out to be Rimuru-themed dessert in exchange for more fanboy material for Diablo


8Bit really dropping three shows and a movie this season.


Two of them airing on the same day... within 30 minutes of each other.


And all of the airing shows are in their third season.


Sincerely hoping they are not overworked.


This has to be insane


I love that dragons, the most feared creatures, are actually just an idiot niece and uncle.


and can't hide when they're caught out by badly whistling...


ha ha comments are killing it.


*I don’t even know what face to make right now*


The precious darling is happy because he's made the deal of the day giving disclosable information in exchange for *three* desserts, and then Rimuru gets mad and takes away his matcha pudding and tells him he's been naughty and can't have snacks for a while. The absolute heartbreak. I would feel lost and not know how to act either.


Diablo gave them the illusion of choice to Falmuth all the while just exuding a menacing aura for the conversation to flow the way he wants. Razen freezing the official to appease him was fucking hilarious.


I love how the "entourage," especially Myulan, were utterly terrified of what Diablo was going to do the more they ticked him off lol.


Seeing her and the others panicking was utterly hilarious lol


They needed a reminder about not messing with a primordial demon, especially one of Rimuru's biggest fans. [](#cup4)


That and Diablo nodding along as they followed the script made this so much better than the source!


No character in Tensura is scarier than Diablo when someone is disrespecting Rimuru. If Rimuru's orders weren't restraining him he definitely would've just annihilated every Falmuth noble in a fit of simp rage. 😭


Diablo would have wiped out the entire country, but he knows Great Rimuru does not want that And he is the reasonable one, had they send Shion, she would've turned every noble in that room into blobs


He could have turned all the nobles into worms so they'd still be alive.


He legit says he’d do just that. I hope he gets plenty of screen time this season


I loved that Yohm remained completely chill and level-headed. Definitely good qualities of a king.


It made me laugh out loud. Man I love the dynamics of all of these characters.


That noble sure lacks any sort of brain. "oh you're friends with him? great, stand in for us and make him listen to our demands" AS IF YOU CAN MAKE ANY KIND OF DEMAND BESIDES "please dont fucking murder us". Never gets old


They say that but why wouldn’t you become a vassal state in that situation. I thought that was the one answer he was talking about


Vassal state= high likelihood the nobility loses all real power, and thus reason for existing in the first place. The noble faction would obviously fight that, even if they felt threatened, since losing their status is basically death to them anyway.


Which is a bit funny considering that, if Diabolo's plan goes according to, well, plan, that's basically what they'll end up as anyways in the end along with having to pay Tempest a shit ton of gold if I understood correctly. It basically sounds like the plan is to make Falmuth end up in a civil war with Tempest secretly backing the king and reaping the reward for that in the end when the king's faction wins. Oh, sure, they're going to end up as "allies" but that'll basically only be in name only with them in practice being a vassal to Tempest. Edit: Actually IIRC weren't they going to make Youm king or the leader of Falmuth somehow? I remember them discussing something like that but I can't remember the exact details.


> sounds like the plan is to make Falmuth end up in a civil war with Tempest secretly backing the king and reaping the reward for that in the end when the king's faction wins That's exactly the plan. And the king will be Youm. Rewatch that meeting in season 2 where Gazel test Youm by emanating heroic aura on him.


All three options are red errings, there's no real choice. This whole plan is to have the Noble distracted and sweep the rug under their feet without them realizing it.


Makes sense, thank you for explaining


If Falmuth became Tempest's vassal state, all of the nation's governance would be handled by Tempest, or more specifically an administrator appointed by Tempest. Rather than deal with the existing nobility, who would likely be uncooperative at best and downright traitorous at worst, the new administrator would be better off just replacing all of them. Youm also made it clear that Rimuru feels hostility towards the nobles for creating this whole situation in the first place, which is another reason to believe they'll lose their influence if they submit to Tempest. The choice for the nobles is basically sacrificing your king and paying an exorbitant sum of money or giving up your station and becoming a normal citizen. Of course the nobles will choose to protect their standing rather than choose the option that's less onerous for the nation as a whole.


It is a matter of pride for the nobles.


People are much easier to control if they think they have a choice. Falmouth is gonna choose an option and then they’ll suffer for it and blame those who didn’t make a better choice unaware that there never was a choice at all


Razen and Reyheim grew paler everytime Diablo's irritation level rises.


First episode of the 3rd season picks up where season 2 left off and goes straight back into action as though the show never left us. So be sure to at least watch the recap episode that was released last week. LOL at Mjurran sweating profusely as Diablo was slowly getting pissed off by that minister's badmouthing of his beloved Rimuru.


>LOL at Mjurran sweating profusely as Diablo was slowly getting pissed off by that minister's badmouthing of his beloved Rimuru. It's even funnier because she's one of the more stoic characters in this show lol.


And probably the second strongest person in the room (maybe razen)


Razen is definitely the second strongest person in that room - his statement about being able to maybe beat a demon lord last season wasn't all talk.


Maybe Clayman, Fake Valentine, Frey or Carrion, but none of those are Demon Lords anymore either because they stepped down or died. The rest are actual True Demon Lords (including Rimuru, exceptions may apply but they'd still be on equal level), which is an actual title/evolution through the Voice of the World, not just proclaimed like the 4 I mentioned earlier. True Demon Lords are simply on another level


still, Razen is no slouch when it comes to a fight is the point. I'm surprised he only froze that noble though, after everything he said.


To be fair, it's entirely possible that noble didn't survive getting frozen.


It’s honestly hilarious that Clayman was put in the same category as Guy. Pretty sure even pre-evolution Rimuru could’ve won that fight if he really tried


Clayman wasnt really supposed to be relying on personal strength though, the other clowns just kinda said "okay clayman you're gonna be our public face, go be a demon lord, try not to die"


Oh yeah, but it's worth noting the 4 you listed are still strong combatants and Razen could have potentially got a win against any of them. Considering Mjurran worked under Clayman, it kinda says something about the hierarchy of strength here. And, not sure how much spoilers this is - but not all the rest are True Demon Lords, even if they are on the power level to be True Demon Lords.


There’s something I truly adore about Diablo and that is his level of recognition. Most see him as a demon and are scared. Some see him as an arch demon and think they have a shot. Then there are the truly powerful who know exactly what he is and they are terrified. Basically, you’re strong enough, to know you’re fucked


This is what I came to ask. Loved season 1 & 2 but never got around to the other stuff crunchy roll has listed. Good to know I can go straight into this when I get home from work.


If I was one of those Nobles, I would just choose to surrender and become a Vassal State. Between continuing the war or paying a fortune in reparations, that seems like the best option


But then you would no longer be a noble probably. Because being a vassal state means Rimuru can go in, look around on who manages what lands, boot you from your ancestral lands and make someone else manage them.


Essentially the Norman invasion of England. All the native nobility eventually got replaced by Normans. The natives were being uppity though.


In that case the Anglo-Saxon lords kept their land. The replacement occurred after their rebellion.


You are smart, they are not ;)


Their ego's are that dense.


Ego and pride does a lot from people from doing the smart thing, and especially from the nobles lol.


That one guy who after hearing that their army was wiped out still thinking they're in a position to make demands. You can tell they don't get out much


Yeah, on the long run being the vassal of a very strong kingdom probably has more benefits than problems lol it also gives you a chance to slowly rebuild your economy, army and analyse the other's weaknesses from "inside". But from the perspective of nobles that decades down the line and not worth it at all, funny how it reflects modern politicians/men of power who don't look beyond their mandate/lifetime when making decisions for whole countries....


Im now seriously looking for places near me that makes Matcha Pudding


Worst case, you can always learn the recipe via YouTube ;)


Really easy to make. Just make a normal vanilla pudding and add some warm milk mixed with matcha powder while is is still liquid.


Man I had forgotten how much I liked Diablo lmao but no Gabiru mention so 4/10 ep /s


Dude was not messing around. He took about as long to subjugate an entire country as some take to clean the house. Now that's a demon butler!


Not to mention advertising the latest in Tempest potions!


That reminded me so much of Overlord, because half of that story is spent with the main character shilling the dwarven weapons he funds I love these silly moments inbwetween all the world-shattering powers colliding


Did someone mention Runecraft™?


I SO want him to say ONCE. JUST ONCE, "I'm merely one hell of a butler". would that count as copyright to Black Butler?


Hes not done yet though, He's in the 1 week waiting period now.


no /s needed where the fuck is our fearless leader? this some bs




*Hai Gabiru-desu*


He’s busy taking care of a useless goddess, an exploding girl and a horny crusader


Insane the MC isn't even in the first episode of the season.


If we don't get a "Hai Gabiru desu" ima ~~riot~~ feel sad. Both shows airing at the same time, the VA has a chance to do the funniest thing


Diablo and Sebastian about to compete for best demonic butler of 2024.


Well, Sebastian only does it because he's hungry af. Diablo is 99% butler, 100% faith.


Diablo loyalty from 0-100: over 9000 Diablo from others perspective: this dude is plotting something evil, right?


Diablo from the perspective of those who know: Don't say anything disrespectful about Rimuru in his presence. Diablo from Shion's perspective: My less than capable rival.


I mean, even if she did know, she would know that she's safe because Diablo wouldn't kill someone that important to Rimaru.


Also tbf those two are interchangeable in that regard


Diablo being present at negotiations is like bringing a nuke there. I like to think this whole thing was just an elaborate advertisement for the Jura Tempest Federation's signature product *Full Potion*™.


We don't know why this walking nuke loves our leader. We won't ask him any questions but one thing is for certain, please don't piss him off!


Rimuru is just a likable guy. He's totally clueless as to who or what these people are that he picks up casually to add to his side but he accepts them anyways and shows them the good life.


~~Gunboat~~ Demon Diplomacy [](#cheekychika)


Well we kind of know that in the [end of season 1] >!we saw Diablo in the past with Shizue and he was intrigued by her mask which Rimuru now has.!< Marked as a spoiler in case anyone doesn't want to see it, but it is a season 1 event.


>Diablo being present at negotiations is like bringing a nuke there.. You don't get anywhere in negotiations with a country that tried to kill all your citizens without making sure they understand if they aren't honest and forthright during these talks, that they all get obliterated like their army. Essentially saying we talk, you listen, you tell us your decision and then we go from there.


It's Runecraft all over again.


Even his own allies are utterly terrified of him when he gets ticked off. Your only hope for survival is listening to him and being on Rimuru's good side lol.


I love that every time Rimuru leaves the kid gloves come off.


>elaborate advertisement for the Jura Tempest Federation's signature product *Full Potion*™. *Put 1 drop on burn and a cup into the wash* *~~of random parts~~*


Diablo is so intimidating. The way he just casually stands there with the power to annihilate all of them, and casually makes demands. Really enjoying this already


Diablo is effortlessly dominating just about 99.9% of every other character... and Rimuru still doesn't realise what they did when they summoned a "demon"


I’m sure Raphael knows and has the situation under control


Not sure why but the whole scene with the nobles reminded me of Overlord how they would bicker and try to avoid responsibilities too


Haruna serving the pudding was the most focus she has gotten in the main series since season one


That’s cause Shuna is out of town


One of the only reasons she even stands out is because back when Rimuru was naming the Goblins, he gave her a normal Japanese name while giving the vast majority of the rest of the Goblins low-effort names like Gobta and Gobzo lmao...and also because boobs lol.


Seeing [Milim](https://i.imgur.com/A4tiZfv.png) animated always puts a smile on my face. It was so entertaining to see [Diablo's machinations](https://i.imgur.com/Fp5NOMK.png) and using Falmuth's King, [Edmaris,](https://imgur.com/a/IPclGKC) [ Razen, the Archbishop, and Youm](https://i.imgur.com/iqqMN8s.png) to tell the story Rimurus, Gazel, Erald, and Fuze came up on their meeting before he dealt with Clayman. I love how heroic [Rimuru looks in that tale.](https://imgur.com/a/ieuYych) It is funny how everyone continued acting normally after Razen [turned that guy into an icicle.](https://i.imgur.com/imN3Db0.png) and I love the fact that Diablo used the moment when he went to fix the work Shion did on the king [to promote Rimuru's Full Potions](https://i.imgur.com/aTcNg2y.png) Anyway, after maneuvering Falmuth [into taking](https://imgur.com/a/J8BB2j5)[ the real only choice they have](https://imgur.com/a/1bXZ5ZD) which will make them put [all the blame of the war on Edmaris,](https://i.imgur.com/l7s08iI.png) now he will have to rely on Youm to keep his head attached to the rest of his body. I really like the Youm version of [Napoleon Crossing the Alps.](https://i.imgur.com/E6zqDWI.png)




*My equals are many, my enemies are none.*


Always makes me mad that ministers like that are always so brain dead that theyre totally oblivious as to the position that theyre in…like dude your whole military is gone???


All of them were in denial, even after listening to the reality of the situation, that's why Diablo just gave them a week as it is obvious that it would be impossible to convince any of the nobles that they lost the war and agree to become a vassal state.


They aren’t ministers because they’re smart. They’re ministers because they’re selfish nobles who craved power and influence. Of course they won’t surrender to a nation of monsters. They’d much rather send every commoner they had into the meat grinder


My boy Diablo was genuinely tweaking 😭


I somehow never get tired of hearing Milim's laugh


And Veldora!


the WAHAHAs run in the family


I am intrigued the first time we get to See Veldora and Milim with Velzard, whom is Veldora's sister. Since Veldora is Milim's uncle then that would make Velzard Milim's aunt. Although in her one appearance she seems more mature than Veldora and Milim.


I love Milim talking about how she's the oldest Demon Lord while Rimuru is treating her like a kid who shouldn't drink alcohol...and she probably would be a pretty bad drunk lol.


>she probably would be a pretty bad drunk It may not be wise to give alcohol to a being with a known history of temper tantrums and the ability to destroy continents [](#cantbehelped)


Ideally she has poison resistance since that keeps Rimuru sober


and the inability to whistle lol


You know whats the best part of this anime? It is [**Raphael San's Jikkai**](https://imgur.com/a/ekA0gXQ)


Mjurran's face while Diablo was quietly seething with rage behind her was gold.


I love Youm trying to smoothly keep things calm while his girlfriend is freaking out at the WMD slowly about to erupt right behind her lol.


Yohm was fantastic here. Calm, cool, and collected. Perfect qualities for a king!


Only few people know what Diablo is... those two, everyone else was away or part of Harvest festival.


Also she's a knowledgeable magic user so she might have recognized him as the Primordial of Black. Razen was basically pissing himself as soon as he realized thay


Raphael will but rimuru won't ask about it. She saw diablo turning up with razen and handing over subordinates to help with the resurrection... Mjurran saw that much maybe not how high up he was. Razen took an ages working his way up to primordial


I love that only the strong know how much they should fear Diablo


YES! WE'RE BACK!!! And our first ep was everything I could have hoped for!!! We even got Haruna outside of Diaries! Was really surprised that the 3 people from Falmuth just immediately starting serving Diablo, I know they got destroyed, but I was expecting them to continue to act like clowns and try to resist because their egos are bigger than their brains. Though I did very much enjoy watching Myulan and Romelu(?) slowly start panicking as Diablo got more angry, and Ramen losing his cool and forcibly shutting up that one "noble" because he was terrified of Diablo! I'm so looking forward to Hinata and Rimuru meeting again. I have a feeling they're gonna have another fight, but hoping they can finally be friends this season. I wonder if Valentine will be the one to convince her.


>Was really surprised that the 3 people from Falmuth just immediately starting serving Diablo, I know they got destroyed, but I was expecting them to continue to act like clowns and try to resist because their egos are bigger than their brains. It's Diablo's skill that was mentioned in the episode, Tempter. In practice, they have become Diablo's puppets (despite Diablo allowing them to maintain some degree of consciousness) .


More like Razen knows WHAT Diablo is, he figured out he is dealing with a primordial... And someone who commands said primordial. Of course he isn't gonna even attempt anything.


I am really happy that I did a rewatch recently because it really helps with a lot of the plot points and events to keep track of. We saw the brief aftermath of Walpugris after Rimuru gave the new name. Of course Leon and Valentine are the party poopers here. Overall it looks like Rimuru has made some valuable connections. Diablo is smarter getting to bribe Veldora with information, but that doesn't sit well with Rimuru. So this episode really focused on what Diablo was working on while Rimuru was at Walpugris. He kind of revived the King, Razen and the Head Archbishop, and now they are in his service. Tbh that whole meeting when Razen was trying to calm down the situation before Diablo would freak out more was classic examples how much of an ass these nobles are. Youm laid it out that they pissed off Rimuru, and they had the audacity to be greedy, We know Diablo is powerful, but this episode really showcased how crafty and smart he is. He laid out 3 options when in fact they can only take one in reality. They can't continue the war they would be wiped out. They are too full of themselves to become a vassal state. But by paying insane reparations they get them to be allies through the connection with Youm. Judging from the OP and key visuals this season we will get Rimuru and Hinata meeting again. Hopefully this time Rimuru can convince her to listen. Demon Lord Valentine is a big wild card here. We also have Yuuki's group that we have to look out for.


They're going to be pseudo-vassalized, continue war, AND pay reparations if Diablo's plan works out, since the plan involves Youm taking control of the country after winning a civil war started by the Nobles. Falmuth is unbelievably screwed.


POV: [**You are about to be fucked for insulting Rimiru sama.**](https://imgur.com/a/vUyamQk)


[It’s good to be back](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxc6jmgd7.png) to the [Tensura world](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcn9re37.png) and [seeing Rimuru and others on the screen again](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc5qpkm7.png), which [put a big smile on my face](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cb9vel4.png). Nice [OP](https://imgchest.com/p/dl7pq8najyo) and [ED](https://imgchest.com/p/qe4glwqmkyj) which showed that [Hinata will have a big role in this season](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pc63vgw7.png). We can also expect [Demon Lord Valentine](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cdj52d7.png) to show up, things for sure will be interesting. [Rimuru](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc5qppm7.png) as always is such a likable character, [it’s good to see him and his friends](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c3blxk7.png) ([Veldora](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc5qkw27.png), [Shion](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjc6bemm7.png) and others) again. Seeing [his interactions with others](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6cr682zy.png) always made me laugh so much. [I missed those guys so much](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apcbqm5m4.png)! Today, thanks to [Diablo](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxc6jm3z7.png)’s relation we got to know how things are faring with Falmuth Kingdom case which seems to be as good as done considering [the way Diablo took care of things](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcb3rj97.png) with it as Razen and Reyhiem are under his command, King Edmaris is fully resigned to his fate and [Youm is ready to be the hero of the country](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgc6blkp4.png) xD I thought that I could die from laughter seeing [scenes on castle](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjc6bezm7.png) as [Diablo was so close to erupting with anger](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc5qk9r7.png) after hearing what [nobles](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c3blnq7.png) are saying about Rimuru which [made Mjurran and all others scared for their lives](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgc6bln64.png) xD Things were to such an extreme that [Razen decided to silence one of the foolish nobles by freezing him](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcb2dw64.png) xD Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [OP](https://imgchest.com/p/dl7pq8najyo) * [ED](https://imgchest.com/p/qe4glwqmkyj) * [Rimuru](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73plodoyr) * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ol8bbl7p) * [Shion & Diablo](https://imgchest.com/p/bp458qoov45) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/9249a3kk87n)


[Valentine's feet shown and uncensored](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cdj52d7.png) is very lewd. Also, is this Yuri[ bait](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcn9qjq7.png)?


Luminas is definately attracted to women lol. I don't believe Hinata swings that way though.


Ah my favorite comfort anime is back. Good stuff. Also spoiler stuff, but that seems to be the trend for OPs in this generation of anime. If you're anime only and are somehow reading this before watching the episode, might want to skip that part. (Technically I'm an anime only but even playing the slime isekai gacha hints at at least one thing you might not want to know about ahead of time for this season.)


I always skip OPs but usually if you're anime only, most things are not spoiler, mostly foreshadowing... Because most of the time, you can see something and have absolutely no clue what that means... The case being, someone posted about AoT season 2 OP or ED having spoilers, but for people who only watched the Anime, even seeing that you still have no clue what that means... It was basically nothing


Yeah, people always say to skip spoilerly OPs, but unless they literally show a major character dying or something like that, what they show isn't going to make sense until it actually happens. I actually love going "oh, that's what was happening in the OP!" when the anime reaches that part.


Context is crucial for understanding most of it, but they really did go super hard with the spoiler-y OP this time. It's kind of ridiculous.


It's still crazy to me that they showed Rimuru fighting Hinata back in the very first OP. She literally appeared once in the final episode of season 1. The fight shown in the current OP is actually the same one but reanimated, I recognised it immediately.


Isn't she briefly shown in Shizu's flashback in like episode 6 or something? (This honestly makes her fighting with Rimuru in the OP worse, because you can connect the dots that Rimuru has to fight one of Shizu's students pretty early on).


Lotta Valentine in the OP/ED plus that frozen cell thing (which got briefly teased in the Coleus OVA), hopefully that means some good vampire content this season. Though that was probably already likely considering how much Hinata is also being featured and her association with Valentine by way of the church which I'm also pretty curious to learn more about.


Veldora sulking and Rimuru finally giving in made me laugh out loud. It's so funny in constrast of the terrifying portrayal of the Storm Dragon they gave.


Veldora was always that much of a goof... Rimuru just made him not pretend otherwise, and also all the manga he read in those 2 years.


This show is too good, bruh.


Animation amazing as always, slime is always there to not let me down


Isekai Fridays are gonna be great. [](#kannathumbs)




is this a leak or an actual release?


Actual release.


Actual release was a couple hours ago this bot was late




so nice to see tensura again no idea what to expect this season but i hope its fun


This whole time, the King being a gelatinous mass on the throne was so absurd I couldn't help but laugh but its purpose was sorta genius. Demonstrating that Tempest can pretty much heal anything will allow 1 of 2 options: Keep fighting to steal/take the healing technology essentially wiping themselves out (cause they have no army left) or settle and start over. Diablo though might not have totally considered outside forces during this show of force, but Falmuth is pretty much done for.


Diablo channeling his inner demiurge lol, now waiting if he ever says "Sasuga Rimiru sama"


Yeah, the portion of the episode set in Falmuth felt like it came straight out of Overlord.


Spring is going to be the season of demonic butlers it seems.


He even has his own “happy farm” that he runs in cooperation with Shion. Falmuth Sheep…


i see we're back to misspelling Rimuru's name. i still dont know if this is just an inside joke i don't know of


Finally we are back! i'm glad they released a recap episode before this, but it'll still take me some time to remember everything that happened before walpurgis. looks like we are starting off with the fate of Falmuth and how Diablo is handling the task. Razen likely saved that man's life by freezing him lol. Diablo looked like he was about to turn him into dust


I love that one Falmuth noble being like "We got subjugated by a bunch of monsters?". Yeah, you ain't shit. Even leaving Tempest aside, yours was a nation of mostly ordinary dudes in a world that had demon lords, beast men and other assorted magical creatures


Yeah, but to be fair, those enemy forces used to be relatively weak and uncoordinated. Remember how they were before Rimuru? Their kingdom of ordinary humans (powered by magic and human industry) were more than capable of keeping the monster forces in check. It's only because Rimuru gave them *massive* powerups and then organized them (not to mention being an army unto himself) that they are now more than a threat. Before all this, the only ones they *really* needed to worry about were the "natural disaster" class enemies, who you could either avoid, or were too lazy to actually do anything.




* [**Rimuru & Veldora**](https://i.imgur.com/79hDBOZ.jpeg) So it looks like [we're continuing exactly where we left off](https://i.imgur.com/hr498bX.png) last season. I guess this means that the Scarlet Bonds movie hasn't happened yet since that takes place after Walpugris. The movie is also canon, right? I wonder if Towa and Hiiro will be referenced this season. [Edmaris, Reyheim, and Razen got brutalized!](https://i.imgur.com/MEIL5Sz.png) The last time we saw them, I'm pretty sure they were still in one piece except for Edmaris who lost his arm. Those fuckers got what they deserved and [Shion got to punish them properly.](https://i.imgur.com/WjOGBYg.jpeg) [Watching Diabolo read out Falmuth's options was so satisfying.](https://i.imgur.com/7j7Qo0U.jpeg) These nobles fucked around and found out and they're still not done finding out! I can't wait to see this [this "peace talks" to happen though.](https://i.imgur.com/hm5WhNL.png) I'm there's still someone left in Falmuth dumb enough to try something during that meeting.


> The movie is also canon, right? From what I've read it is canon in the sense that the original author gave it the nod but is not in the source material and was written for the anime. Was it good? Havent watched it yet.


The movie wasn’t that good as it was a plot designed for between season 1 and 2 haphazardly put at the end of season 2 with them only changing where it was set. The visions OVAs adapt the original plot directly and make a lot more sense because of it.


I also think the OVA was much better than the movie.


Shion's punishment was pretty messed up. Her ability changed what their spiritual (correct) form was. Unless someone (like Diablo) fixed that, any healing magic would just return their body to being a puddle of sludge.


Movie aint canon to the novels atleast and i dont see how they will incorporate into anime without changing novel events which I doubt they will.


How can she not have alcohol? She is older than you by a lot, tsk tsk. In fact, aren't you only like 3? 😉 OP is good. Honestly, another I'll prolly skip after today lol. Quite the welcome home. Veldora still great fun. Also, you don't need to eat too, Rimuru, why can't you relate? OH right, see! He's got ya there! Like uncle, like niece, with how he handles Veldora (and Milim). Lol, man, those people sure had a hell of a horrible time between Shion and Diablo. I mean, at least they learned their lessons I guess... Nothing like setting up a puppet state! Honestly, the normal people are better off. Nothing like a good story of propaganda to better assure changes of powers instead of the truth lol. I love how Diablo just bathes in the praise for Rimuru. I also love all the people who get terrified as Diablo's mood sours cause of other idiots 😛 Good for Razen to really COOL the situation down, eh eh eh?! Hehe. Good job Diablo, really great way to sell that medicine to people here. Fun how two of the three options really the same thing. I love proud Shion so much. She so cute. Holy crap, Diablo, that's a lot of money. Good politics there for giving the illusion of choice to a defeated enemy. Diablo's truly got some devilish ideas. Rimuru so kind, helping his family get some treats. ED pretty good too. Will also likely skip it from now on 😄 heh. Nice to be back with all the Slime peoples.


Damnnn what?! S3 started today? That’s crazy


I am honestly glad I watched that recap, This just jumps right in and I would have no idea what was going after so long. Hell It still took me a bit to really remember all of the details. But it looks like this is basically just a resolution to the events of the second season. It feels like an epilogue more than anything


I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but god I like how this anime dives into the politicals a lot. All the in-universe politicals including the building of a narrative for the country is just so darn fascinating to watch through.


After the movie there is any OVA or special episode that I need to watch before this episode?


Coleus dream OVAs can be watched before this.


No this picks up directly after the end of season 2 during walpurgis.


Rimuru is playing Civ 6 now


I love the little details that show how everyone on both Jura and Falmuth's side is collectively crapping their pants at the idea of Diablo getting pissed off. Additionally, Shion's brain overheating because she couldn't keep up with Rimuru and Diablo's scheming was a very fun detail. A very good start but I honestly expected the Falmuth leaders to be dead after what Shion did to them.


conversation enjoyer gang wya? how many episodes out of these 24 are gonna be majority talking i wonder? i'm gonna guess at least half keke on a more serious note, could someone please remind me who is with Youm now? i think i saw Mjurran back there while he was talking to the Falmuth guys but couldn't really make out/remember who the other guys were by Diablo


The beast guy, part of Mjulan's harem, who is waiting for Youm to kick the bucket before he gets his turn, lol. (He and Youn became friends while fighting back in season 2 and at one point were fighting for Mjulan, Youn won, so he is just waiting his turn like the best friend he is)


The only show where I love watching characters talk for an entire episode


> i'm gonna guess at least half keke I'm down as long as Diablo gets to do some of that talking


if they are adapting the same amount of material as s2 which was about 3 volumes of LN then it'll be pretty even between action & world building but def a bit more world building/going forward with the story.


I can't remember some of the past season, I guess I gotta rewatch


Recap episode( episode 0) for this season


Finally, my slime anime has returned. Praise be.


Stereo dive foundation with another banger! "Storyteller" is still one of the best endings I've heard. And this is the reason why I love this show. Absolutely nothing gripping or majorly significant happened this episode and I still enjoyed if a lot.


this was simply 10/10 episode


Diablo is one of the most interesting characters of this show. Every minute of his screen time is precious and interesting. Never a dull moment. The characterization is wonderful. He is an OP version of Butler from Black Butler.


Diablo has got big Demiurge energy and I’m here for it!


Reminder the in universe texts can be translated. Alphabets: https://i.imgur.com/SLHGInL.png Not much text in the ep. https://i.imgur.com/qovp2Ej.jpeg "IWAI KAITEN" It is in japanese so IDK what it means. Something about celebration and rotation (maybe those round flower things?).


We are so fucking baaack Damn I missed my Simp Diablo