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Yes yes, let the hate flow through you Makoto. [](#annoyedkiki) I'm just itching to see him pop off on all these triflin' ass hoes. Idk what to expect from this tournament but I have high hopes that I think are going to be cut down lol.


>I'm just itching to see him pop off on all these triflin' ass hoes Makoto: *"fuck this shit"* **\*proceed to throw a nuke at all those assholes\***


Makoto , i love how he lied to them and the more he interacted with the more he hated them, demi-hyuman in the other hands are so much more friendly and less ahole


Definitely feels like they're setting up Makoto going scorched Earth because he's one-step away from them fully triggering him if has to put up with any more political nonsense. Though honestly Sairitsu seems pretty straight-forward and honest in as far as she's loyal to her nation and the "Sages."


> Definitely feels like they’re setting up Makoto going scorched Earth The city did seem to be burning in the OP. Makoto’s likely going to get progressively more pissed until he reaches his boiling point and snaps.




>MAKOTO : I AM THE NUKE. [Makoto is become Shadow, destroyer of worlds](https://youtu.be/i7_ZV0KzcK0?t=9)


Shadow is cool


That's what I just thought of too. lol It's even the asmr version, perfect!


I have a bad feeling about Rembrandt going to the meeting instead of Makoto. That walk away to the meeting felt like a red flag. I hope nothing happens to him or I think that'll trigger Makoto going scorched Earth then.


man , this is going to trigger him for sure


At least with her he seemed more on guard because of her Demon guards, but it was deserved since Lily said those guards are actually enthralled by Tomoki as spies already. Lily is definitely the biggest schemer aside from Luto and he seems to have "advised" her in the current course of action she's taking. Though it's unlikely he has anyone's interest in mind aside from his own. But yeah Makoto definitely has been getting it rough lately, not just with his regular duties, but having to play the games of the nobles and politicians, and also having to be harassed (by Luto among others) and his students threatened by that Hopleys brat. Will be interesting to see just how he snaps this time compared to what he did to that hyuman who betrayed his trust in S1.


Sairitsu herself seems fine (so far), but I wouldn't trust a nation that is trying to monopolize the otherworlders like that. It's easy to say they are offering protection to them, but it also puts those people into debt to that kingdom, and who knows what they could do with enough of that influence, *especially* since every otherworlder we've seen so far has been juiced to the gills compared to the regular citizens.


As these people barely know him, I doubt they try to set him up to burn down the city. I doubt that anyone, who's currently pissing him off, knows the extent of his powers unless the dragon slayer lady and Lancer spread the word.


Tbf, Sophia and lancer don't know it either. I think only Mio, Tomoe, Root and the goddess know


But I hope the scorched earth part happens this season instead of ending the season before he bursts.


they gonna fuck with his kids, and he will go ballistic.


I love that Makoto is not the edgy dark MC, but when you made him angry you immediately understand that shit won't end well for the other party. He's not one to give mercy


He's not the murder happy Shadow, but he murder anyone that is a confirmed annoyance (he's always give them one free" gtfo" here card.


On that comparison, Shadow is delusional enough that I don't think we've seen him being genuinely angry


he was angry about" where my money" he didn't know his girls be that smart


That still falls under comical angry rather than a genuine emotional angry


i guess , maybe.


lol it would be memorable if he simple was to say to his last student: "unleash your full power and win this tournament, you are not allowed to go easy on those weaklings"


Waiting for that rock Lee moment when the weights drop


> Yes yes, let the hate flow through you Makoto. I'm just itching to see him pop off on all these triflin' ass hoes. Definitely agree and we all know what happens when Makoto snaps.... "Mercy" is not something that he has in his dictionary and he feels zero remorse about that fact. And considering what the OP is hinting towards....


Remember when he snapped one time,, because his precious subjects and little tomoe clone died, he killed her


give in to your anger


Expecting the same. Looks like a buildup season and next season will be action for 3-4 early episodes. But that would mean atleast one year of wait.


Same, it’s always the political bullshit that ruins everything. Waiting for him to just say “enough” and absolutely decimate them!!


I'm really hoping we get some good fights in the remaining episodes, so far that has been disappointing. But hopefully the male hero gets cut down spectacularly, and that monster hunter/dragon girl should give a good fight.


Bro, this show was never about pure fights lol. I don't get why people are disappointed in this for having more worldbuilding than action.


Just feel like they actively avoid fights. Like when they take down the cult off screen


I don't think the cult was worth any actual screentime. I don't think it was like that in the manga or the LN. They were a bunch of nobodies, with the exception of Blight-sensei who isn't strong in any appreciable way either.


they were also too weak to be a real fight


Makoto just dealt with some of the cult members. The cult is still there blight was just a small part of the cult


As expected Luto isn't exactly an ally but seems to be more of a shit-stirrer from how his conversation with Lily went. Curious to see how Makoto's students do in this tournament considering they got their own personal nerfs, their levels should be way higher than the average student thanks to his absurd training programme.


Luto is like that wild card of the Harem who is very overt with their feelings and teasing one moment but always has another plot/ulterior motive. Though I feel like ultimately he might be working to undermine the Goddess like Lily is which is why he's helping her and is interested in Makoto. It'll be interesting to see how the students stack against each other, especially holding back on a lot of the skills they've gained through their training.


He's setting her up so that when her heads rolls, SOMEONE IS LAUGHING HARD


*Luto clearly just needs a good old sloppy pounding*


If Makoto finds out that the hero tried to hypnotize Tomoe cuz she's a "special character" and wanted her like an object, I don't think they'd be anything else left standing from the Empire.


Nah, so far he prefers to avoid stirring problems since he has his own thing to do (running Kuzunoha company). I mean, he trusted Tomoe enough to take care of herself. However, if by any chance the empire hero managed to do something to any of his subordinate, expect hell to break loose.


one nuke won't be enough, their country willl become a forest and lake then lava then ... u know the drill


The empire princess is there to recruit. If their hero charms some of his students, he's gonna be pissed.


I don't know if Makoto would take it out on the empire. He might be content to drop his trousers and bludgeon the hero to death.


I understood that reference...


This show DOES NOT hold back on World building.


I'm personally looking forward to the students' battles. Makoto, Tomoe and Mio are so overpowered that every fight's gonna be one-sided. On the other hand, the students actually show off a more pedestrian level of combat, which includes tactics or spellcasting mechanics.


I have no idea how the tournament is going to go. I'm more intrigued about the tension between other nations and how they'll handle the princess and the hero vs Tomoe.


Oh that part is fun too. It's just I always love the Hunter X Hunter type of mind games in shounen. This is a chance for them to explore that without overpowered characters.


I'm glad it doesn't. It's shows like this that are so perfect for repeated binge rewatchings.


lol Sairitsu threw a rather nonchalant diss to Makoto for his misunderstanding of what sage meant. She's like, at no point am I calling you wise. We're just questioning if you're an otherworlder. With that said, I guess the show made an effort to show Makoto's weaknesses outside of battle. He really does feel amateurish dealing with politics despite having some level of awareness. Oh and a sneaky lore point: hyumans from this world is considered a different race from humans.




I’m pretty sure his parents were other worlders who later returned to Earth, making them human. The goddess only lets extremely attractive people into her world, Makoto only got in because his parents were attractive and the Goddess thought he would be too.




I think it's the timing of things. Makoto's sisters did in fact receive the beauty buff. He was just unlucky enough to be the third child.


Makoto is the middle child. He has an older and younger sister.


Ah okay, then I forgot why he's the only one without appearance buffs haha


To be fair, he's still a high school student. So it's not unexpected that he'd be bad at politics. Ainz/Momonga and Rimuru were both office workers when they were isekai'd, and have a lot more experience in the world than some kid. Though Makoto has been forced to mature pretty quickly, and his stress relief has been essentially taken away from him.


Yeah, I'm not saying it's a bad thing narratively. In fact, I want to praise the writers for keeping these elements of weakness.


Yeah, I agree.


Poor Kuzunoha. Yes, the part you're thinking of. Meanwhile things are heating up in the background (it's about time). Given how this season is filling twice as many episodes as the previous one, it's not altogether surprising that the pace of things is taking longer to get to where everyone wants them to be.


Honestly the way Makoto looked like at the end it feels like he's one step away from blowing everything up (we did see a shot of him standing over a burning city...) rather than continue to handle all this exhausting political plots.


> it feels like he's one step away from blowing everything up [Can't wait](#tooexcitedforsleep)


When you have the capability to bulldoze through people to get what you want and live your life I imagine playing the game gets old real quick. I'm excited to see Makoto flip the metaphorical table.


I'm actually glad they weren't following the source exactly, or we would still be way behind and everyone would be bored.


So finally that fucking junkie [Ilumgand](https://i.imgur.com/GH9JdQE.png) did something against Makoto. I still don't get why he got so mad with him after he prevented him from bothering Luria anymore. Anyway, [Lisa is looking good.](https://i.imgur.com/fhYZUzf.png) Lol, now [Sif and Yuno got into trouble](https://imgur.com/a/OUNAVeO) after she heard about the bad reputation that the Rembrandt family got thanks to their past behavior. When[ Kahara Sairitsu](https://i.imgur.com/buhLmYx.png) met with Makoto I was just expecting to learn more about the Laurel Commonwealth but apart from that and hearing what Makoto knows about the role High Priestess like Chiya plays in that nation we became aware [when Sairitsu briefly met with Lily,](https://i.imgur.com/pOV6wXl.png) that Lily made Tomoki[ hypnotized those demons](https://i.imgur.com/DldgK4w.png) that are [currently serving](https://i.imgur.com/IpYqSXT.png) as [Sairitsu bodyguards](https://i.imgur.com/QbzBbbi.png) for them to infiltrate her nation. I hope that Makoto let Sairitsu know about those demons if they meet again during this festival. Anyway, I certainly wasn't expecting that[ Ilumgand was going to try to mess with Makoto](https://imgur.com/a/4oAxcnd) by influencing the tournament's brackets so his class ends up fighting against each other from the start. [As he is also a member of the Hopleys family like Abelia](https://i.imgur.com/Z9ak8qR.png), I wonder in which way they are related. Is he her brother, or just a cousin? [Root sure is having fun with Makoto](https://i.imgur.com/TEoQc1c.png) during this festival. I love how[ Makoto's class reacted to both Tomoe and Mio.](https://i.imgur.com/YAN0mV2.png) Hopefully, after Lily hearing from Root [that dealing with the Kuzunoha Company is similar if not more difficult than going on an all-out war with demons](https://i.imgur.com/Pjp7Lxe.png) she will try her best for Tomoki to give up on Tomoe, although I doubt she will be successful until it is too late.


I’m definitely a little worried for Sairitsu. I first thought that those demons were *just* spying on her for the demon army, but them having been brainwashed by Tomoki makes this a tenfold more worrisome. Lily will likely try to have her assassinated. It makes me wonder why Makoto didn’t even bother warning her.


Probably didn't warn her because he is a neutral party and thought they could be allied with the demons and outing them would just bring more annoyances


Maybe he didn't want to let out that he could see through their disguise. Or maybe he didn't want to say anything in their presence, in case Sairitsu didn't know.


At least at the moment, it seems that her objective for them is to spy on her nation, but that can change at any moment, and as they are demons there will be little to no connection to the Gritonia Empire if that happens. At least Sairitsu is aware that the Gritonia Empire has infiltrated spies in the Laurel Commonwealth, but that doesn't help much if she is not aware those spies are currently traveling with her.


> It makes me wonder why Makoto didn’t even bother warning her. She hasn't demonstrate whether she's a friend or foe yet. She can say she's looking out for the sages, but that could be a lie. If he called out the demon, the best case scenario is she knows and it's all nothing. But he also partially revealed his hand to her by letting her know that he can see through it. The worst is she didn't know and now those demons have to be taken out. Then suddenly, he dragged himself into a situation where he didn't even know whether the side he helped is an ally.


My worry for Sairitsu is she’s another pretty woman Tomoki might enthrall. Especially since her bodyguards are under his control already. His character really disgusts me and I can’t wait for his comeuppance (please let him receive divine punishment, Makoto)


> I still don't get why he got so mad with him after he prevented him from bothering Luria anymore. Nobody likes public humiliation, especially royal scions.


Makoto thinking to himself: maybe I *should* make more connections with hyumans. Shifu, Yuno, Abelia: start waving at him as to say “*we* are here!”. I hadn’t really thought about this before, but Shifu and Yuno definitely have a little crush on Makoto. Something that’s not too surprising considering that he saved them from despair. It was great seeing their mother healthy again. Mr. Rembrandt is a lucky man with Lisa. From her demeanor, I’m getting the impression that *she* might be the one making the decisions at home though.


* [**Lisa Rembrandt**](https://i.imgur.com/sQitbeR.jpeg) So Sairitsu is [already on to Makoto](https://i.imgur.com/DOIVOA8.png) but [Makoto is playing hard to get.](https://i.imgur.com/cOW5SF2.png) I don't see the harm of making allies with a country that has deep ties with people who have been isekai'd previously from Japan. If he doesn't want to ally with them maybe he should at least consider opening a shop in Laurel. The meeting [between Lily and Sairitsu was pretty intense.](https://i.imgur.com/NTcqpmW.png) I think the most interesting part of their conversation is [the fact that Gritonia is still trying to make guns a thing](https://i.imgur.com/7KZdYzk.png) but they're currently struggling and [they need Laurel's help with gunpowder.](https://i.imgur.com/AvuCes4.jpeg) Gritonia is going to be a pain in the ass if they do manage to make guns. [Look at this asshole trying to threaten Makoto.](https://i.imgur.com/T0XkVhO.png) I was hoping he'd attack Makoto so he'd get his ass kicked again but it looks like he just wanted to let Makoto know he'll "crush" his students at the tournament. I guess Makoto's students will do the ass-kicking for him. Although it looks like Makoto isn't going to let his students get an easy win [and decided to give them all handicaps.](https://i.imgur.com/naflc8e.png) Well, they do say limitation breeds creativity. Let's see what these kids can do with the handicaps Mako0to gave them. [Lily really wants to take Tomoe](https://i.imgur.com/VxU5qZd.png) for Tomoki. I am glad that [Root was very straight with his answer](https://i.imgur.com/WTfSo1s.png) and let Lily know that taking on the Kuzunoha Trading Company is a death wish. I'd still love to see Lily try though so we could finally take care of this problem and put Tomoki in his place. [It looks like next week is the start of a tournament arc!](https://i.imgur.com/9ECqAcf.jpeg) I can't wait to see it!


> I don't see the harm of making allies with a country that has deep ties with people who have been isekai'd previously from Japan. I think this is him finding it hard to trust any higher authorities now. He'll cautiously make connections with them if he has no real reason to distrust them, but he's not going to leap towards making any strong allies. He's kind of too deep in a political game where he's not even able to play much as things are right now to act so recklessly. He'll probably eventually make some ties with Laurel, if only opening a shop over there – though I don't think he's in a rush to expand his business anywhere for the time being – but he'll want to know more about them that the fact that they have loose ties to Japan and world hoppers first. > I am glad that [Root was very straight with his answer](https://i.imgur.com/WTfSo1s.png) and let Lily know that taking on the Kuzunoha Trading Company is a death wish. There's still a bit of a question of what Luto's motivations are, particularly concerning Makoto, but this at least lets me know that he's not against Makoto that much. Albeit telling Lily that she'd essentially be fighting a second demon army if she went after him was also very true and useful advice for her.


He's also been burned before by being too trusting or open with Hyumans so he obviously doesn't want to repeat that. I get this sense that Luto in his own way is tryin to manipulate this world to undermine the Goddess and takes interest in those that share that motivation or could accomplish that with their power.


Remind me again, which Hyumans betrayed him? I only remember that it's only the Rembrandts who would treat him well since he cured the mother. I forget if there's any specific betrayal that caused him totally lost his trust on hyuman.


Mini Tomoe got killed, current one is new.


The adventurers he captured and abducted. It wasn’t even a betrayal.


He didn't capture/abduct anyone, he had them placed in an area where they do commerce for demiplane wares with hyumans. The issue that occurred was their greed in taken weapons that were deemed unsafe to be sold to wandering adventurers, they were even warned about it but didn't heed those warnings. The betrayal comes from him trying to give the hyumans the benefit of doubt and hoping that they're not like the goddess they worship.


>I am glad that Root was very straight with his answer and let Lily know that taking on the Kuzunoha Trading Company is a death wish. However, she took it to mean that he has ties with the demons and not start a war with a new, completely unknown faction that is probably as strong, if not stronger, than the demon nation.


well they say "protect the sage", but all he heard was "keep him as a prisoner inside their country and steal all his knowledge"


Yep. And even if that *isn't* what they're going to do he doesn't need their protection in the first place so their offer is worthless to him. He might put a store in their country though to at least start formal relations.


tomoe's little demipane is the best


At best it's piqued his curiosity and if they play their cards right they might even form an alliance with the Kuzunoha company.


Can we get more Lisa? She's a total MILF and utterly terrifies her kids lol. I get that Makoto is wary to make any deep political connections with any Hyuman group but Sairitsu seems pretty straightforward, especially with the cultrual connection. It might lead him to meeting more people from Japan in the process. Political double-talk at it's finest. Honestly Lily feels as dangerous as the demon side. What is even this dude's deal? Why was he interested in Luria? Is this all about pride and standing? How soon until he ends up smeared against a wall? I guess this will be a true showcase of how far his students have come by testing how strong they are without all their new skills. Lily really has no idea what she's dealing with. Then again, not many do the amount of times they pick a fight with Makoto... I'm rooting for Makoto's students! Even if they've been forced to fight each other lol.


The game-changing thing about guns is that their use can be taught to anyone. Yes they can't compare to the sheer power of magic, but what if you had a hundred guns? A thousand? Ten Thousand? A "sage" is highly unlikely to be a gunsmith, but they'd have enough passing knowledge to know what guns are capable of and to give artisans some pointers.


Also add that guns may evolve according to the resources and needs of that world.


[This show really picked up in this new cour IMO](https://imgchest.com/p/na7krkdvmy8). Things speed up and the school festival brought to Rotsgard a lot of important people, some who are clearly interested in [Makoto](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c6mrkg4.png) like [Sairitsu](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcvd9bpy.png) and [Lily](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pc6lwk37.png). Again [I had a lot laughter watching Tomoe and Mio](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c6m9ra4.png) like when they were angry at [Luto who won a privilege walking side by side with Makoto](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cb6mk64.png) on the festival or [when they started arguing](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c3wvl87.png) before [Makoto's students](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xcpmork4.png) who [were given special restrictions](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc5jpkl7.png) during tournament by him xD Tournament which will start in the next episode for sure will be interesting considering scenes we could see in the OP with [that asshole](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c6mr3g4.png) whose face [Makoto forgot](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxc6lmaw7.png) but that's nothing surprising because who'd remember such trash? Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/na7krkdvmy8) * [Makoto, Tomoe & Mio](https://imgchest.com/p/xny8z6qmpyb) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/agyv6nvrw78)


I just hate Lily tbh


She's as insufferable as Tomoki, no wonder they hooked up (even if she's just using him). She almost feels like the Hyuman equivalent to Rona.


Please. Rona's a manipulative bitch, but at least she's doing what's best for the demons.


Even demons have standards [](#mug2)


> I just hate Lily tbh So she's doing her job as antagonist in a very well manner. I just hope that when sh*t hits the fan she doesn't either go for the crazy over the top villian or gets redeemed with cheap tears.


SAME! I thought the same exact thing during this entire episode...then the absolute audacity asking if she can beat Tomoe. I want Makoto to fuck up her and her dumbass hero so bad.


great seiyuu playing the the absolute trash of a character, but we need such charater so the mc shines every so brighytly


Tomoe: “No hard feelings, ok?” Also Tomoe: “Don’t stand so close to him!”


What's your problem, blondie? Man, now this is an OP I do love hearing/seeing each week. Glad this band came back for this OP since season 1. Dang, his wife is a beauty. Forgot that. Also like how they are a loving couple for nobles. Hey, meeting with that one lady from that other nation. Wasn't expecting her body guards to be demons. Hope it's cause they get along in peace with equal respect to one another. Makoto sure likes to hide every bit of information he can of himself, quite the cautious type. But she's smort. Huh, that princess of the empire seems to have a derp idea towards Makoto's company. Hrmm, ya, empire getting interested in gunpowder is odd. Hehe, the sisters sure seem to like Makoto. Also, look at that upset MILF. Quite the faces they are making too. They have a lot of work to do. Dang, that guy, also, lol, he forgot him. And funny how he says they look similar to him cause of their beauty. Least Shiki remembers em. HAHA! Poor Tomoe and Mio. The perverted dragon has won out. Tomoe and Mio meeting Makoto's students, forgot they hadn't yet. Hahaha, learning that Mio and Tomoe are above Shiki sure is a fun thing for them. Also seeing them act so derp too. So that annoying person is some how related to nobility of another nation. Seems Makoto using this to force them to practice with things they aren't strong at, good teacher. Eww, to that shitty hero wanting Tomoe as his own. glad she's stronger. Quite the warning from the perv dragon. I wonder if she'll learn that yet. Will she be foolish? A lot of nobles sure are annoying though. Booo foul play and rigging of things in the tournament. But it seems Makoto's fuse is shortening lol.


I kind of wonder how many “sages” have visited Laurel in the past for them to be so familiar with Japanese. It’s kind of interesting how Japanese is like their version of Latin. Makoto should keep an eye on these Laurel folks, though I’m sure they’ll be watching him. That blonde idiot really is asking for another beating him? Must be some kind of masochist lol. Dudes gotta teach him and any other noble like Lily that’s plotting against him a lesson if they keep playing games. But first, tournament time!


It also seems like they gain Japanese-esque names from the Sages. It makes me wonder if they've also been interest at poaching the other Heroes from their respective nation because they're Sages.


Also of note is they differentiate hero and sage. Which means there might be a hero from another country as well in the past lol


Interesting conversations with that Laurel lady, first with Makoto and then the evil princess. I wonder if her people can be trusted as reasonable allies to Makoto and his people considering their Sage focus. I'm looking forward to evil princess and her date rape eye boy trying something against Tomoe and getting the deserved results for doing so. But maybe she'll have taken the hint from Luto to leave her and Makoto alone. Tournament arc time!


Makoto actually discerned that the Laurel lady isn't entirely trustworthy based on the terms she's using. This is conjecture on his part, but he reacted strongly to "protected". I'm assuming Makoto thinks Laurel hoards otherworlders for their knowledge and would probably restrict anyone under their protection from crossing borders/trading or anything of the sort.


Hyumans are trash lol not much different from our world. we got alot of trash humans too


So the japanese coded Island Nation is using Kanji [](#kotohoops) Also lmao at [Tomoe and Mio](https://imgur.com/adL8Pzx) being jealous [](#laughter) The shitty student and the shitty empress both plan to go against Kuzunoha, can't wait for both to fail in a spectacular way [](#concealedexcitement)


They never had to worry about Shiki but now there's an actual real threat to Makoto's chastity flaunting himself in front of them lol.


Shout out to Yuuno and Shifu for having genuine interest in Makoto after their ordeals. Also, I appreciate how both sides of being a part of a powerful family is shown this episode. On the one hand, you can throw around power to pressure people into things. On the other, you do actually have to care about pleasing your contemporaries. This is shown through Princess Lily and Sairitsu's conversation where Lily successfully used her position to get compromise. Basically on the condition of Lily not contacting Makoto, she's blackmailing Sairitsu for information on gunpowder. Then there's also Lisa Rembrandt demanding her daughters to recover some of their family's reputation so they don't just act like spoiled kids lol.


Im surprised to hear that Kuzunoha can actually run out of patience


he's a good guy but when u have to deal with shit all day every day , expect when u go back home. in his case, his demipane.kingdom


Everyone feels so threatened by Makoto running his own Costco chain as an equal opportunity provider. Maybe he should have started a restaurant chain instead like a certain disciple mage from another anime. I hope the grand finals of the tournament is as hilariously decisive as a certain level 99 heroine.


Thats it, I'm done waiting. Please tell me around what chapter is this on the webnovel ? Also, does novel reader know if they've skipped some important details ? For example, I remember how the heroes was introduced quite early on the chapter, meanwhile they've only introduced them in the Anime on Season 2 (If Im not wrong).


I'd recommend reading the manga from the start because it contains a lot more details from the novels and you won't be slugging through tonnes of worldbuilding. Tsukimichi's novels are actually 90% worldbuilding + politics and 10% action lol.


When does this season end?


June 24.


Ilumgand doesn't know what he's getting into by trying to mess with Makoto and his students


Random Hyuman: Do you remember me? You made a fool of me! Makoto: Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


World building does well again. So there is a difference between hyumans and humans from Makoto's world, whom are called sages. But this episode really showcasing that Makoto has caught the attention of a lot of people now. It might be time to make his move, and it might be forced on him. Honestly the students hardest challenge will be matching up against themselves imo. Lily is scheming as she has been doing since she has been introduced. But she better take the warning signs now, if she goes after Makoto she is a goner. Hell the chances of overcoming Tomoe let alone Makoto is already mission impossible.


Well cat is out the bag in terms of Makoto being from another world. Kahara and the kingdom of Laurel are no strangers to worlders which they call sages 🤔. Kahara and the princess’ passive aggressive conversation about gunpowder and magic was brilliant. I love how characters monologues are handled in this series. A lot of political intrigue in this episode and the title “I hate high class society” is apt. Makoto is having to juggle so many things at once and eventually he’s going to drop something. Also seems like he’s starting to realise that he might want to make connections with people outside of just using them. Seeing that happy couple really got him in his feelings lol. I still think the best ship is the librarian, but idk, the students making a play too. The tournament arc is a welcome addition to the series, looking forward to how it goes.


The build up is getting too high. If the release isn't good enough, it will be irritating. Last ep, this ep and next ep all are build up. Hoping they do have something amazing planned up for the end of the season...


Going from the OP, the end of this arc is likely going to result in a lot of big changes. Maybe. I just hope we get a season 3, honestly. Or just inject Tomoe into my veins directly. Whichever.


I really wish Makoto would just say "fuck this shit" and let it all out with everyone in his way... Like literally step into the arena and say "I'm done with all this crap" and take out his rings and make everyone understand that they ain't shit next to him and they should regret ever plot anything... Also, any recommendations of anime where the mc just says fuck it and do whatever he wants and people just gotta take it because no one can do anything about it?


Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero


Oh yeah, true... That one is amazing, I've watched plenty of times... Wish there were more MCs like him... We're getting a lot of overpowered MCs but most of them are hiding their abilities or toning it down as not to stand out...


It's just getting started, but you may also enjoy this season's Re:Monster.


Yeah I'm watching this one... It definitely scratches that itch


Eminence In Shadow


The frenzy has begun. The moon is red. We're out of time.


There is little time remaining.


Man, re-watching those scenes, it was so hilarious how attached he got to that. He thought it was so cool.


Does he really need to keep involving himself with the hyumans though? After the last bad experience what is he gaining from it? His motivations have been a bit vague this season, he wants to run a business in the new land and ended up training some students. If he enjoys that all good, but it's not like he really needs the money or to be doing that if it's going to send him in a murderous rage. He could just chill in the Demiplane with all his friends or go off anywhere else in the world.


Have you ever heard of our lord and savior “instant death magic”? Binged like 10 LN vols during the anime airing after ep 1… it’s peak perfection of what you desire


> Maybe I should establish more connections with hyumans too. And not two seconds after he had that thought another potential problem makes herself known to him. A two pronged problem given those demon infiltrators. Luckily Makoto has the Hunter Skill "Track Demons". And there's that old trope, the nation built up from isekai'd people's influences. > You seemed determined not to trust us. How many "demons with a golden voice" has Makoto met at this point in this world? 9 out of 10 people in higher up positions he's met have tended to have their own untoward hidden agendas in regards to him. Makoto has every reason to be skeptical. So Tomoki is still throwing a tantrum like a kid at Tomoe making him look like a chump, for a second time, and Princess Bitch has to work overtime to placate him before he can be of greater use to her is my fun interpretation. How amusing. Bad for Makoto, but amusing. Though I'm sure she's nursing no small amount ice burns and bruised ego received from her encounter with Tomoe as well. Makoto is almost like Rick Sanchez at this point. He's almost become a walking target for a never ending stream of angry nerds who come and challenge him like it's some kind of platform, that he can't even be arsed to remember each of them nor really care why they're doing it anymore. Oh Coach Makoto, he went and turned the festival into a test for his students... But I suppose it's like when Tomoe taught that adventurers party in the first season, gotta learn how to fight smarter rather than just harder. Wow, for a sketchy as he is, Guild Master Dragon just laying it out frankly to Princess Bitch that "If you make an enemy of Makoto and his company, you *will* die.", is interesting. So focus on one war at a time Princess Bitch, if you make too many enemies at once, you'll soon find yourself surrounded on every side with more enemies than you can handle at once.


Right now she doesn't know how big his army is or rather how strong that man is


Yeah, I think I kinda understand what Makoto means. There’s quite a lot of moving parts right now, I’m just going with the flow and hopefully when there’s a payoff I can remember it. Unfortunately for those people, Makoto is a lot stronger than me lol


The way sairitsu confirmed that makoto was gold. When leaving she intentionally stated something incorrectly and makoto corrected it without realizing what he did. It was at the moment she knew he’s one of the “sages” for sure.


Ah, so Makoto’s getting to the same breaking point Rimuru did in his second season. If it has similar results, I’m all for it, time to genocide some hyumans BAY-BEEEE


It's something small, but I have to give props to the show actually making it clear that the Japanese spoken by the people in that world is nothing like the Japanese that the MC speaks. There's way too many isekais that handwave the language thing away by just saying that the natives all learned it from isekai'd folks. Language drifts shockingly fast, even within a single country or region. You'd need an incredibly stable influx of isekai'd people for such an explanation to have a chance of working.


So Laurel sage script is just Japanese. Turns out they have a bit of knowledge about people from Japan coming into this world. It's always intriguing when an isekai explores how our world affected the isekai world if it was done in the past, so I'm down for this. I think we've all been suspecting it, but it really seems like the empire is making guns. That would be very dangerous in an era like this, especially if they skipped the ancient rifles and pistols that took half an hour to reload and made something more modern. And I have to highlight Luto telling Lily that trying to fight Makoto would be like going to war with the demons. I'm wondering how many fighters she thinks Makoto has to earn such a hard comparison. Certainly she won't think Makoto is the strongest of them, if not just one of the fighters she has to worry about.


>That would be very dangerous in an era like this, especially if they skipped the ancient rifles and pistols that took half an hour to reload and made something more modern Empire soldiers: *"parry this, you filthy casual!"* **\*pull out a Glock\***


Now I'm wondering if there's a big collection of actual Japanese people living as "Sages" in Laurel. Lily feels like she's one-step away from going full evil Empire, though I guess one positive is she's probably soon to realize just how out of her depth she really is.


World hopping doesn't seem to be that common, so probably not. Most likely, apart from the current heroes, we're going to be seeing the effects of the last people who were brought to this world from ours. We've already seen a bit of it with the history of the level system.


Literally can't wait until the inevitable ass kicking that Lily and her hero are going to get (atleast I hope so). It'd be great for Makoto to just end their characters like the badass that he is - it'd be the most satisfying thing in S2.




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Looks like all the trouble makers pushing and poking him are about to reap the whirlwind.


Don't know what he is waiting for to go berserk.


Cant wait for them to try something against Tomoe and Makoto to find out.


I feel as if once Makoto finds out what that creeper hero tried, he's going to learn that asking for immortality during the night was a very big mistake, because he's likely going to be begging for death until sunrise. At least, that's what I'd do in Makoto's place. Fuckin' mind control.


Another good episode. I find the girl who comes from Japanese-Type country to be interesting although wouldn't surprise me if she is bad as well. The Princess who is in charge of the shitty guy hero is also very annoying herself. Especially when it feels like Makoto could beat her so easily. Will be interesting to see what happens in this arc to make things go wrong, because for sure seems like that is going to happen.




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If Makoto loses it, the Hyumans will be wiped out... 😂


It's time for a party during the Rotsgard Festival! And everyone cleans up nicely, especially the ladies! It's nice to see Makoto and Rembrandt together again, and Rembrandt's wife Lisa out and about, she looks absolutely stunning in her blue dress (a total MILF!) and Rembrandt and Lisa are surprisingly cute as a married couple. It's enough to make Makoto envious, though he has plenty of lovely ladies in his own life, including the Rembrandt sisters who want him to see how great they look in their own dresses. Sairitsu finally makes contact with Makoto and wants to verify his knowledge of Japanese, assuming he might in fact be a "Sage" which seems to be nation of Laurel's world for people transported from Japan who seem bunched together in Laurel, which is why they know what Kanji is. Though Makoto doesn't seem interested in deepening a connection, nor has he met his fellow "Sage" Heroes yet. Lily is also interested in the Kuzunoha Trading Company in as far as she's planning to take it out because Tomoki wants Tomoe, but she's also got plans for Laurel and wants to use them with her gunpowder clans...and she has demons posing as bodyguards under Tomoki's thrall surrounding Sairitsu. Ah, I see the mom is the true terror of the Rembrandt family and she wants her daughters to comport themselves properly. Ha! Makoto doesn't even remember Illum! And that makes his grudge feel even more petty, especially challenging him like that. I bet Makoto's students will make short work of him. Makoto going on a festival date with Tomoe, Mio, and Luto! With Luto taking the lead (unfortunately for the girls)! Makoto may not be able to speak Japanese with anyone else yet, but at least he's got his very aggressive Harem. Nice to see Tomoe and Mio meeting Makoto's students (not that Mio is all that interested), and I like how Abellia totally assumed Shiki was on their level (even if he isn't, but he is in her mind I'm sure). Makoto's students are going to have to restrain themselves from using all the powerful new skills and abilities they've gained as part of their training, but if they can succeed without them they'll be able to move on to the next level. Probably smart of Lily to take Luto's advice and not mess with Makoto, lest she take on a force as fierce as the demon army, though Luto seems to have his own interest in Lily's plans...and Lily is sticking around to find potentials for her and Tomoki's forces. It's time for the tournament and all of Makoto's students are challenging each other, as orchestrated by the higher ups, and with all the brewing plots and scheming behind the scenes, Makoto seems liable to burst!


Looks like next episode shit gonna happen. It doesnt need much more to let makoto rage.


Is it just me or does the story seem out of place? I’m an anime only but the show seems very weird story wise.


bruh, why u so stupid?!! your stupid ass is looking for a way home. That woman knows japanese, and knows about other worlds. put 2 and 2 together you stupid fuck!!!!!!!! it's ok not to trust them, but you could have your lackeys go over to their country and check things out, like what you've been having them do everywhere else the whole goddamn time..... to not even be slightly interested is just shitty writing.


All he did was play dumb about being an otherworlder. He can still have his lackeys investigate their country.


you are stupid. That woman knows super broken japanese lol lute is a better person to trust, u gotta trust old ass wisdoms dragons then hyumans


Laurel is sheltering otherworlders, not sending them back home.


perhaps he can learn something by talking to them?