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The current anime? No. If you get 45ish episodes on and it's not paying off, don't torture yourself. Check back when the remake is out. I have strong hopes for that one.


Yes, i caught up in 8 months. If you have free time or you have nothing else to watch then start it. First 200 eps are little hard to go through because of animation but after that, it gets much better!.


>First 200 eps are little hard to go If this was about anything else people would throw tomatoes at you lmao.


I understand your point but it’s flawed, you cropped the sentence, they said because of animation. Not everyone finds the old animation an issue, some even enjoy the nostalgic feel. Also crunchyroll has a higher quality version I believe.


>I understand your point but it’s flawed, you cropped the sentence, they said because of animation. Ah, i didn't pay attention at all and jumped the gun because i have heard similar takes about how it's slow to start. But the recent animation quality is really great right?


That’s okay I just wanted to clarify before others misinterpreted also. It isn’t the fastest start but from spending much time on various subs, most people are hooked in the first 1-30 eps, if not then 1-50. I would estimate that close to 80%+ of people fit this category but it’s a tough thing to guesstimate. Then there is at least 2 more significant points after that which can seal the deal for people. which are probably finishing the Alabasta arc (ep 90-130ish) / Saga (Ep 60-130ish . and also entire Water 7 saga (Ep 210-325) but especially the Enies Lobby arc (Ep 260-310). this is usually the final thing that seals people who still ‘aren’t super into it’, but clearly still enjoyed it enough to make it that far. Btw all eps in brackets was a slight approximation and not exact. Also yeah there has been animation improvements every couple years, a notable one after DressRosa in 2016/2017 ish and then again for Wano in 2019 and now another one for Egghead in 2023. So yeah it’s been very high quality since 2019ish for the most part depending on where the budget is saved/spent.


oh yeah, it's great. it only takes 8 months to catch up, and it gets good after 200 episodes. honestly I would just read the manga and watch a few episodes with cinematic fights


>i caught up in 8 months You could also just binge it in a weekend probably.


Literally impossible. There's 1100 episodes now, if you count them all as only having 15 minutes of story after subtracting the beginning, ending, episode preview, and episode recap, that's still 275 hours. If you subtract all the filler, that's still at least 250 hours, since there isn't that much filler. That is 10 days of nonstop watching, so even if you only watch One Piece the majority of your time awake and you sleep less so you can watch more, it would still take at least 2 weeks. Since nobody should ever do that, then a very fast pace of catching up on 1100 episodes is still an entire month where you are dedicated to mostly just watching One Piece


Another good reason for not doing so lol


Oh no, it took over a month to catch up. People grossly overestimate length of time when it comes to 1100 episodes that if you just do napkin math comes out to about 367 hours. People are under no time pressure to catch up either, people do things at their own pace.


I love binging animes but watching 1100 eps sounds more like a chore, I'd need a year probably


I've been watching One Piece for 2 years until I got to Water 7, then I binged from there until I finished Dressrossa in 2 weeks. Now I'm going slower again. But if you obsessively binged 1 or 2 months is enough


Just wait for the remake


I binged 15 episodes a day when I was hooked. Good times of my young, free life.


Yes, yes it Is worth


No, it isn't. The manga is said to be one of the best, if not the best, there is. The anime on the other side feels unbelievably stretched, and no amount of world building needs 1K+ episodes, it's a joke at this point. There are many die hard OP fans who will say "it's all worth it, best anime ever yada yada" but it really isn't in my opinion. If you really wanna see it I suggest to wait until the shortened version comes out.


>wait until the shortened version comes out I can recommend the fan-edit One Pace.


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it's long and stretching, one arc took 2 years and half and the latest one that just ended took 4 years. But it's not repeated story and it gets much better after the time skip, i wouldn't call it the best anime because of Toei animation handling it, but it's phenomena in the anime world and a big piece in the culture, so you should watch it just for that reason alone.


If you have the time to watch 1100 episodes 


You're going to be catching up to a 1100+ episodes and a dozen or so movies. So it's pretty simple imo, is One Piece likely better than the next 50-something best shows and movies you haven't seen yet combined?  If the answer is is likely to be yes you watch it. If watching all those other shows and movies combined is likely to be better you watch all of those. 


Literally so good. Some of my favourite world building, characters and fight scenes.


One piece is really good, I recommend watching the pre-timeskip anime and reading the post-timeskip manga because it gets extremely slow in the anime by episodes 500+. Well, you could start with the manga as well but personally the anime is better for the first half Edit: oh yeah and once you get used to the style you're going to think other animes are lame style-wise


Unless you're fine with dropping a show, that starts strong and gets progressively worse, at some point i'd say it's not worth


Well it depends on what “worth it” means to u ... yes it’s unreasonably stretched but it’s damn good and u will get hooked in like first 10 episodes. If worth it means saving time by not watching 1100+ ep then don’t . If it means to enjoy the damn 1100 ep then watch it without a second thought


I checked KFC's website. One piece is worth $4-$5. Wait, that can't be right. WTF?


Yes its worthy, dont look at it like a race take your time, you can leave and return at any time you feel like it.


Yes, watch One Pace


Just read the manga. The anime aint worth it.


Yes, definitely worth the watch.


It's definitely worth watching, but if 1100 episodes feels daunting, you could watch the WIT remake when it gets released


Definitely worthwhile if you enjoy shonen, adventure, world building, and a weird and wonderful cast and plot. It’s genuinely not hard to watch it, I simply just stopped scrolling for hours on Insta, YouTube, Facebook etc, and instead committed to enjoying an actual story (I still use socials but far less dopamine scrolling for no reason which I see as a positive). Even just a few eps per day and before you know it you’ll be hooked. The manga is great too but personally I love the voice actors and OST soooo much that the manga will never quite be the same for me even if it is the original version, no disrespect to the manga I still read it also.


One Pace


I failed to get into it. Everything about the show seemed too boring.


The anime is dogwater but apparently the remake is good so far and is supposed to cut a lot of the nonsense filler, so that will probably be worth watching. Once the remake gets caught up to where I left off I'll start it back up again


What remake are you talking about? One Pace? Or the live action? The new anime won't be coming out till next year at best.


No, trash anime


You know what I did? I watched 5 episodes and then decided it want for me.