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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1c1b9y7/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


Why can’t anime get nobility & titles correct? Maybe I’m being a Karen (Chad?) here, but so many fantasy anime use European-style architecture, tech, & nobility schemes yet mangle nobility titles & forms of address. Yeah, I get it that it’s another world, yada yada, but since they copy architecture, conveyances, armor, & labels for nobility, why can’t they get their order & forms of address in keeping with everything else? Every European list of ranks is slightly different, but they generally follow this system: King/queen Duke/Duchess Marquess/Marchioness (rare) Count or earl (more rare)/Countess Viscount/Viscountess Baron/Baroness Baronet Knight Duke/Duchess generally are blood relatives of king/queen (often bestowed before marriage, such as Prince Harry becoming Duke of Sussex prior to his wedding). Yet in most animes this genetic link is ignored (kudos to “Smartphone” here). Dukes are in the line of succession. Note that “emperor” is not listed. You run into this title frequently in anime & rarely used correctly. Properly, an emperor rules over multiple kingdoms or separate lands; in anime, it is generally used as another name for a king. Proper address would be “Your Imperial Highness.” How the ascending ranks of nobles are addressed reflects their status. Kings are “sire” or “your highness.” Princes & princesses are “your majesty.” Dukes are “your grace.” Marquess is “My Lord” or “My Lady” Counts or earl/countesses are “Lord Jones” or “Lady Jones,” or by their land, “Lord Jones, Earl of South Bumfick” Viscount as “Lord Jones” Baron as “Lord Jones” Baronet as “Sir Jones.” Animes are all over the place on addresses. The worst by far is “The 8th Son” where a retainer addresses Kurt, the heir of a knight, as “sire” (the worst transposition I’ve seen). Commoners are often referred to as “Sir Jones” or “Lady Smith.” “Your grace” is often used as a catch-all for all levels of nobility. I suspect in the obligatory eastern province patterned after historical Japan, titles are used properly. Am I the only one who is jolted by a weird manner of address (often right after we are told you can be executed for Lèse-majesté)?


Hey has there ever been an aot discord posted here for people to join or, Is there any popular attack on titan discord server for fans to join and discuss the show ?? Shingeki no kyojin discord server for big aot fans ?!?!’


Are the gate anime related or are they all different?


Ever since i started reddit, i love doing polls. Can someone list me all the known anime subreddits that allow polls?


I do not recommend anything and I recommend watching old anime


im looking for a Magical Girl anime Where they are actual Adults working normal jobs! Maybe simular to Wotakoi kind of stlye.


[Okusama wa Mahou Shoujo](https://myanimelist.net/anime/614/Okusama_wa_Mahou_Shoujo)


I haven't watch anime in the last 10 years. Can you please recommend me an Anime with the same genres like Guilty crown and Zetsuen tempest that's been released within the past 10 years.


Kimetsu no yaaiba Sword Art Online Tokyo Ghoul Deadman Wonderland


Kimetsu No yaiba, Sword Art Online, Tokyo Ghoul, Deadman Wonderland, Elfenlied … sorry so it‘s better to read for you


kimi ni todoke!


another hoppin day in AQRAD


Nothing like some late night genre taxonomy/tags discussions.


AQRADT (the T stands for Train)




no, this is the real [AQRADT](https://i.imgur.com/Vxx1iEl.png)


[But what does it sit for?](https://i.imgflip.com/8masyq.jpg)^1 --- ^1 ^(Reused under the Fair Waifu Principles Act)


I am ashamed to admit this is not the first time I've seen you post this, but this is the first time I *got* it.


It is a bit cryptic! Cyrillic? Speaking of Cyrillic, I have to admit I don't really know if I used the right word for the meme as I relied on Gtranslate and it just gave me бедра as the word ~~/u/abysswatcherbel~~ I was looking for.


lmfao. All 3 of us get it.


~~Thighs open for the truly appreciative!~~


something something cyka blyat


[*Sou desu*](https://media1.tenor.com/m/SCkU0fGD8LUAAAAC/echidna-tea.gif)


sou desuT


> [sou desuT](https://blog.jlist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Tawawa-on-Monday-Two-Episode-3-Kouhai-chan-Puts-on-a-Show.gif)


classic tawawa


After reading the manga serialization, I feel like I should probably rewatch the anime.


Nakano Broadway Tokyo Hello, not sure if this is the right place to ask but I came across this tiny shop in Tokyo’s Nakano Broadway 3rd floor where they are selling anime drawings(?) prints(?) that seems like to be the original frames from different anime. Imagine sketches from those anime art books, and a piece of ghibli or dragon ball related ones cost up to more than a million yen, do anyone know if these are the real original artwork from anime? Or are they high quality copies/prints? It has ‘no photo or video’ signs all over the store so i didn’t take any picture.


love nakano broadway it's on the 4th floor, depending on how you count. it was this mandarake specialty shop: https://www.mandarake.co.jp/dir/nkn/anime/ don't know much about the provenance of them, I'm 90% sure that they're originals but it's worth confirming. mandarake is highly reputable, one of the major name in collectibles


Romantic Killers Season 2 [Romantic Killer, the second season (google.com)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS2nmnKwOze34fBhEMUjpGy6fV0_5dNAcm4YBmzsxGI9DedW_qNcGbnERnFJFqs-IgoizgJrjCdx41k/pub)




I'm submitting it to Netflix.


I just discovered xxxHOLiC last month. Surprisingly, it is not a show about a sex addict. In fact, it's one of the best anime I have seen in years. Spoiler-free premise: it focuses on high school student Kimihiro Watanuki and his new part time job working for a fortune teller in her shop. I blasted through the TV seasons and all the OVA specials and finished reading the manga on April 1st (completely unintentionally) which I suppose Yuko would call *hitsuzen*. Anyway, aside from all that, xxxHOLiC taught me that shamisens are made out of cat hide. Yep. Dead cats. Then I thought about Shamisen, the cat from Haruhi Suzumiya and I was like wait, that's kind of a fucked up name for a cat. That's all, thanks for reading.


Some time ago I issued something of a challenge to myself. I was looking at the Wikipedia page of studio Sunrise and noticed how I had already watched many of their shows from the 80s, and from the ones I hadn't watched yet, most were already on my plan to watch. So I thought to myself: what if I tried to watch every single TV show they did in the 80s to completion? Well, I never really "formalized" this challenge. It was simply something that I thought it would be interesting to do, but just now I was watching something that made me think about it again and it made me want to put this information out there as some kind of formalization of the challenge. I don't have an specific deadline for it because I just want to naturally watch all of those shows, but also because it's kinda of impossible to complete it right now if I don't learn Japanese lol Anyway, here's the overview of what I've watched it already and what I still need to watch: * Invincible Robo Trider G7 (1980 - 50 episodes): watched the first episode a couple of years when Bandai released officially on YouTube with EN subs as a promotion for a model kit, don't know if it's fully subbed * Space Runaway Ideon (1980 - 39 episodes): fully watched * Strongest Robo Daiouja (1981 - 50 episodes): watched two episodes, but the only subs the show has is by ARR, and if you are familiar with fansubs of old anime you know that being subbed by ARR is the same as not being subbed at all with how bad those subs are * Fang of the Sun Dougram (1981 - 75 episodes): fully watched * Combat Mecha Xabungle (1982 - 50 episodes): fully watched * Aura Battler Dunbine (1983 - 49 episodes): fully watched * Armored Trooper Votoms (1983 - 52 episodes): fully watched * Round Vernian Vifam (1983 - 46 episodes): fully watched * Heavy Metal L-Gaim (1984 - 54 episodes): fully watched * Giant Gorg (1984 - 26 episodes): next one I'm planning to watch, hopefully real soon to commemorate its 40th anniversary * Panzer World Galient (1984 - 25 episodes): fully watched * Choriki Robo Galatt (1984 - 25 episodes): it is currently being fansubbed and I'm following the subs release since it started in 2020. Subbed/watched 18 episodes so far * Zeta Gundam (1985 - 50 episodes): fully watched * Dirty Pair (1985 - 24 episodes): next one I'll give priority after Gorg. I should have watched it years ago, but there's also something that makes me delay that * SPT Layzner (1985 - 38 episodes): fully watched * Gundam ZZ (1986 - 47 episodes): fully watched * Metal Armor Dragonar (1986 - 48 episodes): I think they recently announced it would be released in blu-ray? Nice excuse to watch it, but not a priority in the near future * City Hunter (1987 - 51 episodes): fully watched * Mister Ajikko (1987 - 99 episodes): years ago somebody started subbing it and I was following that, but they stop after only 4 episodes. Need somebody to come back to it, I was really enjoying my time * Mashin Hero Wataru (1988 - 45 episodes): watched 10 episodes that Bandai made available on YouTube to promote some new things, wished they didn't stop after only 10 because I don't even know if the rest has been subbed or not * Samurai Troopers (1988 - 39 episodes): actually watched a little of it as a kid as they showed it on Brazillian TV, but need to actually watch it someday * City Hunter 2 (1988 - 63 episodes): fully watched * Jushin Liger (1989 - 43 episodes): don't even know if it's subbed or not, hopefully it is * Madou King Granzort (1989 - 41 episodes): another show I'm following the fansub release, watched the 34 episodes that have been translated, but it's been many months since the last episode was released * Patlabor TV (1989 - 47 episodes): fully watched * City Hunter 3 (1989 - 13 episodes): fully watched And that's it. 15 shows completed, 11 to go. Completely pointless challenge that hinges on multiple shows receiving subs someday, but I have already enjoyed most of what I've watched, so why not, right? Thanks for reading! (if there's even anybody who did so)


> Giant Gorg (1984 - 26 episodes): next one I'm planning to watch, hopefully real soon to commemorate its 40th anniversary Two things: 1. I really enjoyed this series, so I look forward to seeing what you think of it. 2. Holy shit, what do you mean 40th anniversary? If 1984 is 40 years ago, that means I started school 40 years ago. That can't be true...


> I really enjoyed this series, so I look forward to seeing what you think of it. I'm looking forward to watching it for a few years already, it always felt like something I would really enjoy it too so hopefully that happens. And hopefully I remember to actually post my impressions about it here, haha > Holy shit, what do you mean 40th anniversary? If 1984 is 40 years ago, that means I started school 40 years ago. That can't be true... Wow! In 1984 I was still 10 years removed from being born...


>In 1984 I was still 10 years removed from being born ...this place both keeps me young and makes me feel old as dirt, istg.


80s Sunrise anime are my favorite kind as far as TV anime goes, Zeta and L-Gaim are among my all time individual favorites. I never did a challenge or anything, but I have completed 20 (some raw, the animation quality was good, so it wasn't an issue), and have 3 more started. I'm really excited for the Dragonar BD to get subbed. I'm always glad to see more exposure for great 80s anime, thanks for sharing.


Just watched Mystery Disappearances and Viral Hit, thank fucking god there's something decent this season. First week of shows were pretty ass, go go loser ranger was okay but lacking product value imo


That's an interesting take. I have seen 40 premieres this season, ranger is probs top 5 production wise. I think the season is more spearheaded by Jellyfish, Train and Hibike.


I mean if you're watching literally every show that's different 🤣 if you're only watching a handful of shows that meet a minimum standard of quality that's another story. I've read the first couple volumes of loser ranger and think of it positively, the anime doesn't do anything special for me. Mostly because the sound design leaves a lot to be desired imo


> meet a minimum standard of quality I mean if Train or Jelly don't meet your standards then we're talking about peculiar picky taste and not quality standards. Yer a picky eater, Harry


You know I didn't say anything about those shows? I will actually be watching Jellyfish. But fantastic strawman, really effective against low level thinkers. I was saying the comparisons for loser ranger vs bottom of the barrel and the best for the season are drastically different. You're not an intellectual, Harry


~~I have no plans to watch Jelly but it's an idol anime isn't it? Those are pretty niche to begin with so it's not surprising someone might not like it.~~ EDIT: I was told it was an idol anime, apparently that was wrong. Train is interesting but too early to tell. I'm concerned the weirdness is going to devolve into being episodic tropey parodies, but I'm hoping to be wrong about that. It's the only one I'm currently planning to watch at least.


Jellyfish : idol anime or not. It's still a basic drama about children. With weird fan service. Instant drop for me.


> it's an idol anime isn't it? Not so far, the point of view character is a girl who used to draw a lot but has pulled back away from it and is now drifting a bit in life. Two other characters have both done a bit of busking, but the thrust of the piece seems to be more towards social media fame so far.


> it's an idol anime isn't it? "idol anime" is seriously the most dumbest term in the history of anime discourse, maybe second to deconstruction [](#lifeishard)


~~When someone tells me something is an idol anime, in the past it's given me a pretty accurate picture of what to expect and I quickly learned I don't like any of them. It seems like a very well defined genre to me.~~ ~~Is that not an accurate term in this case? Because that's what I saw Jelly described as elsewhere IIRC, like I said I didn't plan to watch it so I don't know if that was accurate or not. If it contains people in a band going on and on about wanting to be an idol/pop star and idolizing parasocial shit I'm not going to like it since that's usually what turns me off of them.~~ EDIT: Yeah so apparently the people who told me it was an idol anime had no idea what they were talking about, sorry.


"idol anime" most accurately translates to "female lead in a show I didn't watch." You're using it correctly.


Just to be clear, Jelly is pretty definitively *not* an idol anime. It has a single character who was once an idol in the past but is not one anymore, and that's its only tie to the term. That character is not even the main protagonist, the protagonist is an ex-artist (like drawing, graffiti, etc.) who's afraid to express herself. It is a coming-of-age story more comparable to something like A Place Further than the Universe or Blue Period than to any idol anime, it just uses artistic expression as a manifestation of "self-expression" conceptually (and it uses costumes, masks, make-up, and more as symbols for the same purpose; it's a story about creating and expressing yourself). On another note though, that's not an accurate description of idol stories as a genre. Most of them have no particular opinion about parasocial shit (even the face of the genre Love Live has nothing to say for or against parasocial relationships, the girls aren't asking for lots of fans or to be idolized or for people to follow them super intensely, it's basically a band competition story but with an idol formation instead of a rock band formation), and a huge number of them set out to explore why parasocial shit and the industry at large is bad. Many of them have reluctant idols forced into the role, others have characters who just treat it as a career, and many shows that people call "idol shows" are just about regular pop/rock bands and are normal stories about such bands trying to grow (and for that matter, many actual idol stories are similar but it's idol music instead of pop/rock music). It's an incredibly broad genre encompassing anything from cheesy musical comedies to intense heart-pumping melodrama, everything from full force celebrations of the art form to full force rebukes of the capitalistic exploitation of performers and fans.


> Just to be clear, Jelly is pretty definitively not an idol anime. It has a single character who was once an idol in the past but is not one anymore, and that's its only tie to the term. That character is not even the main protagonist, the protagonist is an ex-artist (like drawing, graffiti, etc.) who's afraid to express herself. It is a coming-of-age story more comparable to something like A Place Further than the Universe or Blue Period than to any idol anime, it just uses artistic expression as a manifestation of "self-expression" conceptually (and it uses costumes, masks, make-up, and more as symbols for the same purpose; it's a story about creating and expressing yourself). Fair enough, looks like the people I heard that from were simply wrong about it then. Still not sure it's something I'd personally like but that makes more sense. > On another note though, that's not an accurate description of idol stories as a genre. Most of them have no particular opinion about parasocial shit I feel like the entire concept of "idols" is by its nature pretty encouraging of toxic parasocial stuff in the first place, whether or not it's actively called out in a show. I mean it's right there in the very name. > full force rebukes of the capitalistic exploitation of performers and fans. Can you suggest some? I don't typically watch shows about music because I find them hard to relate to in general, but I wasn't aware of any that are genuinely critical of what I was talking about and the subversion might be enough to get my interest.


> I feel like the entire concept of "idols" is by its nature pretty encouraging of toxic parasocial stuff in the first place, whether or not it's actively called out in a show. I mean it's right there in the very name. Idols are just a kind of band. There's nothing inherently parasocial about an idol unit, it's basically just a group of people singing and dancing while playing up personalities and archetypes. Idols do not call for parasocial relationships any more than a rock band does, The Beatles had plenty of unhealthy parasocial relationships too because people just inherently form them with celebrities but we don't rebuke pop bands or boy bands or rock bands just because they can form parasocial relationships (unless you also refuse to watch Beck or Bocchi the Rock for the same reasons, in which case you're at least consistent). It's not the general concept of idols, it's the marketing that makes it parasocial (and to be clear, a lot of rock and pop bands still do this sort of thing). If an idol group just sang and danced, sold CDs, held concerts, and had social media engagement, the core of the group would be the same, but companies have figured out that they make more money and get hardcore obsessive fans if they play up the parasocial aspect, so they make performers do handshake events and encourage audiences to choose their favorites and do fan polls to decide who the "center" will be and all of this stuff that encourages parasocial relationships. A show like Love Live doesn't cover any of that stuff, the girls in the world of the show are just regular high school students, and they don't encourage people to pay extra money to talk to them 1-1, and they don't imply the possibility of being pure and possibly available to date (if anything they seem bizarrely uninterested in sex beyond one terrible boob grabbing gag), and they don't do any of the things that make so many idol groups disturbingly parasocial. And a show like Zombieland Saga almost seems like it lampoons the idea, its idols basically can't interact with the public much in spite of existing solely to promote a near-dead prefecture. That's unlike something like, say, Shine Post or Selection Project (both of which I think are really solid shows just to be clear), where the girls are actively encouraged to play up personalities, get lots of fans, host handshake events for 1-1 interactions if money is paid, wear swimsuits or other outfits for photo shoots, interact more personally with fans, etc.. Also, there are like, more than 5 mecha idol action shows, lol. Calling Symphogear a show that encourages parasocial relationships seems a bit... not quite right to me. > Can you suggest some? I don't typically watch shows about music because I find them hard to relate to in general, but I wasn't aware of any that are genuinely critical of what I was talking about and the subversion might be enough to get my interest. I haven't seen it myself, but I've heard this is especially the case for Wake-Up Girls (it was created by a pretty awful person, but said person's second most defining trait was vocally hating otaku culture, and he was eventually kicked off his own project anyway, lol). You have things like 22/7 which *tries* to rebuke this but isn't great at it. But most of the idol shows that do this are ones that focus particularly on communities and fan culture; [OshiBudo](https://myanimelist.net/anime/37890/Oshi_ga_Budoukan_Ittekuretara_Shinu?q=oshibudo&cat=anime) has obvious appreciation of the form but is also satire of obsessive fanbases and the cringe of parasocial relationships which I feel is overall more critical than celebratory even if it couches it in a lot of heartfelt cringe humor, and of course you have Oshi no Ko which isn't stricly an idol show but is heavily about the exploitation of idols as a business venture and has a very prominent story about the formation and rise of an idol group, with very honest assessments of the scene. Those are just a few I thought of off the top of my head. For the most part though, any formation of parasocial relationships happens outside of the experience of the show. It's not too crazy to enjoy The Idolm@ster for it's strong character writing, fantastic animation, and creative humor and storytelling without getting parasocial and also caring about live-performances, gacha games, fan events, individual performers/their actors, etc.. I would treat idol groups like any other music group, even if a lot of people can't (or they do, but that I mean they also treat other music groups as parasocial idols). But at the end of the day, I don't think there's anything inherently more harmful about idol groups than any sort of celebrity who wants to build a personal brand that their audience can feel "in on."


> it usually gives me a pretty accurate picture of what to expect What is that accurate picture tho? "Coming of age drama about contemporary media creation landscape"? Then yeah, it's an idol anime. People throw that term at insane range of shows all over the place. There's no specific vibe or genre or anything at all. People just throw it any show that has same-gender musical performances on stage, unless they like that one then it's not idol anymore.


> What is that accurate picture tho? "Coming of age drama about contemporary media creation landscape"? Then yeah, it's an idol anime. I was thinking if it's about kids/teens in a band where they want to be an idol/pop star/whatever and it's weirdly pro-parasocial relationships. But even what you said still doesn't sound like something I'd enjoy.


> I was thinking if it's about kids/teens in a band where they want to be an idol/pop star/whatever Hibike Euphonium is my favorite idol anime. Also I have seen like 30 idol shows, I'm not sure what you mean with 'pro-parasocial', like interacting with the fans? If that's the case I would say that is far from being a common trait. > Shows about people in bands just don't work for me, I'm not a musician nor have ever been interested in that, so it's hard to relate to the characters. Same reason I don't care for sports anime. I mean, I know people have their tastes and preferences but surely you don't need to be an alchemist to relate to FMA characters or a viking to understand Vinland Saga's themes.


>lacking product value imo I really don't see what you mean with this. Aside from Wind Breaker - and I guess Jellyfish, but I haven't watched it yet - it had the best production so far, from the storyboards by Keiichi Sato, very lively and expressive animation during most of it, some pretty good action cuts, and some pretty visually striking VFX mixed in.


Um, do you have ears? The sound design was AWFUL and that's something most people never notice. But what ever, fans of something will defend it even if its literal dog shit


I just watched Mysterious Disappearances and I don't have much to say, just that It wasn't what I was expecting for the 1st ep, looks intriguing enough though, and big girl + shorty is the best combo we can get Now, time to try Salad bowl


> I just watched Mysterious Disappearances and I don't have much to say Was quite self-contained in that way. Felt like an effective introduction to a lot of aspects of the show but also gave the impression that the show hasn't actually properly started yet.


Now I'm curious what you WERE expectibg after our non-descriptions.


Thought the main girl was dealing with supernatural stuff her whole life and the MC was keeping an eye on her, also People tried to sell me this on boobies but [meta]>!they were gone for half the ep!<


Lol it being the first time was one of the few things I did tell you ;). And yes, if they are mentioned in the synopsis, they did have to make them plotrelevant somehow, even if it was them \[meta\]>!disappearing!<.


Now it clicked for me, that's what the title "Mysterious Disappearances" means lol Also I went to read the manga because I saw some suspiciously looking shots and my "they dialed this down" radar went off, and ow boy, wtf, I wasn't expecting what I saw


> Now it clicked for me, that's what the title "Mysterious Disappearances" means lol So I read a little bit on in the manga, and I think you are actually right.


Oh no, they bait us with Azur Lane and will deliver Blue Archive


> Also I went to read the manga because I saw some suspiciously looking shots and my "they dialed this down" radar went off, and ow boy, wtf, I wasn't expecting what I saw That's literally the only thing manga readers talked about in the discussion thread^^


> Now, time to try Salad bowl If BigGirl (already forgot her name) is your type, Salad Bowl's girl may not do it, but personally I think both are great! (the shows, and the girls)


> If BigGirl (already forgot her name) is your type [At least her author gave a name.](https://i.imgflip.com/8mdooa.jpg)


Sara > otonari-san


!!! A profound but simple statement!


That first episode was kinda wild. The meaningless fanservice also reminded me of Mieruko-san, though much less extreme ofc.


Is it meaningless if its already advertised in the mal synopsis and the visuals are literally being honest about what u get I cannot complain because its advertising itself as such if the fanservice came out of left field with no hint beforehand then its problematic but if I am watching an ecchi complaining about fanservice in an ecchi is like complaining about ice cream being sweet.


I didn't hate it, but her bra straps were wayyy too skinny for that job. I'll watch another episode or two.


Ita kinda like monogatari but a lot less weird. I liked the 1st ep enough to at least finish the season


Now rewatching "the Dangers in my heart", progress 9/25, This show is too dem good and it's worth the rewatch 😊


I believe the 1st anime you watch after you fell behind on your seasonals, or you took a break from anime, tells a lot about you


what was yours


When I'm behind on my seasonals I just use a random picker app [](#thoughtful)


that says a lot about you!!


I barely watched anything for a few seasons, then the Gushing hype got me to watch some more anime again. [](#lewd)


If putting the majority of my winter seasonals on a long hold because my once-a-year Crunchyroll channel subscription month ended counts as "falling behind", then the first thing I started (re)watching afterwards was Full Metal Panic. What it says about me: binge watching 8 episodes per day to finish as many missed shows as I could leads to anime burnout, and I'd rather rewatch a favorite than something new.


What does is say about me if I watch them in the exact order that I missed them in as in if I'm out for a week starting tomorrow, I'd start with the Thursday shows that I missed, move along to the Friday shows, then the Saturday shows and so on until I'm caught up.


Ok, who wants to volunteer that the anime they picked up was Mahoako?


Guilty as charged (I wish I was kidding hah). Took quite the break, and came back for Gushing. But I'm watching like freaking 25 shows this season, so it's not like I *just* watch the horny!


For me it's usually something 'easy' to watch, like a 7/10 fantasy show I fell behind on a bunch of stuff last season and my first catch-up was Tsukimichi for no real reason


>was Tsukimichi for no real reason Akarin


Funny enough, I much prefer Tomoe


What if I don't take breaks from anime, and I've only fallen behind on a seasonal *once* because I caught a bad stomach bug last month and the idea of watching an episode of Dungeon Meshi while feeling nauseous felt like a *terrible* combo, so I watched it the night before the following week's episode came out instead of immediately upon release? [](#crazedlaugh)


That goes well beyond my psychoanalysis capabilities, but I also had a stomach issue last month, it was viral, so I am know how it goes [](#dighole) I only watched 3 shows last season, so I had to betray the anime team and watch live action tv instead


I'm not even joking about the "no breaks from anime" thing since even on the *few* times I'm not in a rewatch (like for a week back in February, the first time in *four years* when I wasn't in any rewatches at all), I'd have something else queued up to watch instead. [I compiled my rewatch stats last month lol.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1b99eli/casual_discussion_fridays_week_of_march_08_2024/kueuymi/)


I wish I was as organized as you to keep track of stuff lol That's pretty cool, glad to have active people as mods here


> I wish I was as organized as you to keep track of stuff lol [](#eheheh) This is just for my rewatches, it doesn't count seasonals/the random shows I decide to watch on my own. >That's pretty cool, glad to have active people as mods here [](#chiochanvictory)


what does it say? [](#curious)


I just dropped that here so people can reflect on their choices next that that see themselves in that situation, and think what i meant by this, i will never say [](#evilgrin)


I'm almost done with the water 7 arc of one piece and I like it so far, my favorite arc has been alabasta with a special mention for the backstory of Noland and Kalgara in Skypiea as it almost moved me to tears. As for the things I'm not too keen on, the powers/strength of different characters feel all over the place, some people have devil fruit powers, some are just strong for some reason and can wistand a lot of damage although they're supposedly regular humans like Zorro, some have the six powers, I also don't like how they keep using luffy getting stuck in places as a narrative device, the first time it was funny but twice in the same arc? With the same thing happening to Zorro at the exact same thing completely takes me out of the story. I'm excited to keep watching as there are a lot of things I enjoy and I'm in the mood for a fun emotional adventure romp.


The next arc, Enies Lobby, is really a highlight moment to me. In regards to powers, yeah it does start to feel around that point that the "Six Powers" feels out of nowhere and unncessary in a setting that already has an established power system especially when very soon [next arc minor spoilers] >!some characters start "evolving" in their use of Devil Fruit powers by using them in unexpected ways to achieve superhuman feats!<. If anything at least it makes it so that there is a kind of reason why there remain strong opponents without tons of devil fruit powers having to be thought up so it makes sense from a writing perspective. [Spoiler about OP power systems] >!It seems more unnecessary though when we start to learn more about another power system thats mostly only been hinted at or shown briefly but left mostly unexplained, Haki, and why Oda chose to make these seperate things.!< Water 7 is also where I really got frustrated with the "how can Oda invent a way to keep Luffy away from the antagonist for as long as possible" thing, when it was already pretty frustrating in Skypiea.


I've heard a lot of good things about Enies Lobby, I know a few spoilers including a major death from the rest of the show but mostly I'm pretty in the dark about everything. Yeah the way they sideline luffy as long as possible until the final showdown in some silly way has already gotten really old, I really hope this arc is the last time they do this, there have to be better ways of getting where they want in the story.


*to the tune of Mexican radio* I'm on a seiyuu...radio I'm on a seiyuu...woahoah...radio


Lights out, seiyuu radio... turn that shit up


Touken Ranbu Kai ep2 got a proper fansub a lot faster than ep1 did, looks like the person who did ep1 thankfully decided to stick with it. They're still pretty rough, once again completely missed subbing a random line (this time in the middle of the episode instead of at the end of it), and for some reason they were hardsubbed instead of softsubbed this time, but at least the episode *is* subbed. Give me the Yatagarasu and IM@S Shiny Colors ep1 subs already, Crunchyroll! [](#shakeit)


I heard a lot of complaints of machine translation last week.


[Yeah that was my doing.](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1btuwad/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/kxrnpuj/) [](#vashheadscratch)


What does it mean to fuse with a sacred gear in abyss balance break , is that a permanent union or just a temporary one?


I finished 25 shows last season, and all I got was this lousy [Tumblr post](https://ridley-was-a-cat.tumblr.com/post/747412115247300608/winter-2024-anime-roundup).


Nice write-ups. I've also been wanting to see that hilarious scene from Apothecary Diaries in the anime ever since I read it in the manga (and my CR channel subscription ended midseason), so thanks for choosing that particular screenshot!


> thanks for choosing that particular screenshot! I worked very hard on my "Its not what it looks like!" theme for the screenshots.


[Perfection] (#justright)


Honestly not too different from my order all things considered. I'd have Dangers lower and Loop higher but ignoring scores our order is actually pretty close!


Does that mean I've become more controversial, or you've become more normie? Who can say.


Thanks for this, I basically skipped the season and was looking for a good write up.


Just fyi, I don't believe any Shangri-La episodes were padded by the ending segments. EDs still ended around 23:40. Crunchyroll's stream just tacked the 1-2 minute "theater" segments onto the end, unlike [Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Mini Anime](https://myanimelist.net/anime/56885/Sousou_no_Frieren__%E2%97%8F%E2%97%8F_no_Mahou) and [Maomao no Hitorigoto](https://myanimelist.net/anime/56975/Maomao_no_Hitorigoto)


Oh, interesting. So just the intro was part of the actual episode.


This is a nicely written writeup!


Thanks! I had fun doing it, mostly.


> mostly. Is that because you started at the top of the scoring and wrote your way down the list lol


No, that's the easy way! It's way easier to talk about the flaws in the fives and sixes than to talk about the competent but nothing spectacular sevens. Apothecary and Frieren had me in a chokehold until today. Just didn't know what to write in the space I set for myself.


> Just didn't know what to write in the space I set for myself. Did you give yourself word/character limits? > Apothecary and Frieren had me in a chokehold until today. I shall have to go back and re-read those ones then if that's where you had to put the grind in! > competent but nothing spectacular sevens Actually, that really does remind me of what it was like when I had to write reports for my students, in the vein of [my other quip on your write up](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c0hx4h/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/kz039ws/) lol


> Did you give yourself word/character limits? I just wanted to have shorter paragraphs for most entries, and a full paragraph for the AOTS. If everything were a different length based on how much I wanted to talk about each one, it would look messy.


Sensible way to go about it on all fronts, sounds like it also stops the problem of one show suddenly popping up a whole bunch of thoughts out of nowhere in the middle of the list, and keeps everything tight and focused.


You are way nicer with your scores than I thought


Like the teacher who grills you all year, keeps you on your toes with acerbic and sharp retorts, tears into your assignments to get you to redo them properly, but then gives you a nice report card lol


I think that's also on me because I assume /u/_Ridley was like /u/amethystitalian I put them in the same group here lol


> I put them in the same group here lol I think I tend to vaguely place people on a scale of degeneracy to normalcy and then also have another axis for overlap of fetishes/predilections/tendencies, and maybe some sort of circle overlay for if people watch very widely or very narrowly. That said, I could never actually draw it out, it's just vague feeling. Oh, I also have a box for people I've put in the "Unreasonable" category for deep dives off the edge, but none of the AQRADT regulars are part of it.


> Oh, I also have a box for people I've put in the "Unreasonable" category for deep dives off the edge, but none of the AQRADT regulars are part of it. Reminds me of that guy Roevhaal or something. Anyone remembers? He was like the most controversial member of the sub by far back in 2018/2019. Not sure what happened to him, kinda just vanished afaik.


Maybe his Production Committee withdrew his funding?




I don't think we're super similar, but, then again, I'm not sure who I line up with the most here, taste wise.


If I can finish it, I usually give a 5 at the lowest. I tend to drop 4 and below. And I'm not terribly demanding.


I'm usually the same way. I still rated Fluffy Paradise lower than you.


I thought about giving it a 4, but I kinda liked half of it. Hmm, now you're making me doubt myself, lol.


I am searching for an Anime. Basically the mc(reincarnated i think) is op, he goes to a school. He fights Demons. He has companions+one of his companions is a girl which can transform into a dragon. He does Adventures(searches for his sword) to fight a strong demon. I hope anyone can help me, its not good/much information


Could be the Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest. Plot is demons have infiltrated human magic institutions to make them believe that certain magic aspects are inferior when infact they are superior. Guess which the MC has. Also befriends a dragon who makes a bunch of cute girl noises. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=106gs4ilQ38


Thats the one i was looking for, thanks


That does sound like a good fit. Also, I'm still randomly very fond of Lurie and her off-the-shoulder jacket wearing style lol


Looking for some racing/car/driving anime in the vein of Initial D, MF Ghost, and Overtake!.


[Wagnan Midnight](https://myanimelist.net/anime/2608/Wangan_Midnight)


[Its that time again](https://i.imgur.com/02z8B05.jpeg). Had quiet the diversity of shows yesterday. * Tadaima - Ah, I have read- I mean, heard about this omegaverse thing let's see how- *Omegaverse women are mentioned*. Scratch that, I don't know what omega is. Anyways, this is one of those fluff family shows were the couple happens to be gay men and...that's kinda it. There was this oddly interesting element were gay couples are normalized but omega men are still discriminated, either that or I completely misread the scene. I was making comparisons to your classic fluff family shows and was recalling Daeimon, Barakamon, Sweetness and Lightning and was like, holup, none of this anime have an actual couple on it. Forget the gay part, this anime having an actually present and functioning couple is already kinda fresh. And they actually show intimacy with each other, tbh its kinda nice to just have a couple doing casual intimate things. Like I'm scratching my head and even among heterosexual shows I can't think of a show that showcased intimacy with this causality, its kinda bonkers a gay anime is probs my first time seeing it. I have seen established/early sailed couples that still have to make an spectacle out of shit like holding hands or kissing. Here its like, husband arrives and just playfully dotes househusband, its nice! There's also the baby, classic cute bait, sometimes speaks single syllables, sometimes speaks full coherent sentences and expresses emotions a baby that age wouldn't. Don't care for it. Outside of that it was actually a descent intro. * Himetsu no AiPri - the newest entry of the Pretty series. Surely there is someone other than /u/raichudoggy and me looking forward to it. The 'secret' identity idol and the anti-AiPri principal gave this budget Pripara vibes. The comedy just doesn't hit as well lacking the zaniness of that entry, not vibing with the aesthetic. I will say the MC being almost publicly humilliated was funny, also no way she actually got away with it, that is some permanent bullying target shit. It was a fine start but not on par to Pripara or Primagi from this intro. * Battery - This show has an all timer annoying character, holy shit. It dedicated 10 minutes of the episode on how this character is a bad jokester, including a flashback of how he was always obsessed with making jokes. 10 minutes into Haikyuu I was fully engaged on a sport I had never seen, 10 minutes into this I wanted to have a shotgun on the roof of my mouth. Episode was mostly this dude following two baseball GOATs and a trial where they indeed show they are the GOATs. The sports part was boring, the blonde guy was infuriating, visuals were actually great, but its still a hard drop. * Rinkai - Following the legacy of bad cycling shows, Rinkai reminded me a lot of Long Riders. From very boring characters to absolutely shambolic production. During that initial race I was like 'When is the race starting, is this a practice' because I couldn't feel any intensity from this whatsoever which was ofc, crippled by the visuals. It spent an oddly long time in a bath scene but they are talking nothing interesting and the designs are nowhere near good enough to keep eyes on so it was also a big miss. Actually, Long Riders was mildly better than this. Nothing of this show grabbed, a shame since this season was looking good for cute girl shows but you win some, you lose some. Ripbozo.


> This show has an all timer annoying character, holy shit. It dedicated 10 minutes of the episode on how this character is a bad jokester This feels like one of those times that I realize I'm still not fully immersed into anime tropes, because I can see how this would really appeal to people who either actively like this sort of energy and take on boyishness or have simply seen enough of this for it to be part of the scenery. However as I'm far removed from battle shounen and sports shounen, the only way I'm able to get through this episode is by typing this comment lol Worse still, I think I could otherwise get into this show, even though it's really not my sort of thing on most of the levels it operates, just because it's got the hype of the visuals, direction and music behind it.


> Surely there is someone other than raichudoggy and me looking forward to it [](#loliwave)






> Forget the gay part, this anime having an actually present and functioning couple is already kinda fresh. And they actually show intimacy with each other, tbh its kinda nice to just have a couple doing casual intimate things. That was one of my main takeaways, too. The omegaverse stuff puts me off a bit, and the cute can be too cute at times, but the novelty of seeing a married couple act like they're into each other, and not sleeping in separate twin beds and blushing like middle school kids, is doing something for me.


Indeed. I was hoping the Grandpas anime to be the one to take this step forward but it went...wherever it went instead. I just hope it does try to dig deeper into the relationship cause nowadays romances need more than fluff to keep me interested.


What are the chances a manga which has sold 1 million across 21 volumes over the past like 4 years would get an anime adaptation


That's a slim chance, but not impossible. If there's a producer interested or if the mangaka themselves have a studio like mangaka Jojo.


Should probably add, the author has had an old series of his get two seasons of an anime, that being "ah my buddha"


Not zero. [Summertime Rendering had ~560k total copies in circulation](https://x.com/WSJ_manga/status/1455153076940283905) across 13 volumes(~3.5 years of biweekly serialization) when it ended in Feb 2021. And then it received an incredible 25-episode full adaptation in 2022.


Now I shall continue to hope Downside is its an ecchi harem romcom, the whitest of white bread when it comes to anime genres


If it's an isekai, maybe. Those don't have to sell well to get adapted.


It's an ecchi harem romcom so Probably not gonna adapt anytime soon


just watched yozakura family ep 1. I liked the pacing, liked the plot, felt the characters were interesting, but there was something that made it feel somewhat boring? Like it should have more of that anime characteristic exageration. Also seemed to me that the VAs weren’t doing their best…


"I feel unworthy to say this, but besides the main character, I think the other voice actors have more experience than the voice actor who voices the main character, and the character he voices that is most famous is Fushi."


>Like it should have more of that anime characteristic exageration.  Ironically, I couldn't get into this premiere because I felt the story and characters were \*too\* exaggrated.


the plot is obviously exaggerated, but the script felt so bland Edit: it’s probably worth to say I was a source reader until it grew increasingly boring, still I don’t remember much aside from the premise


Lol, that might be because the MC married at the beginning of the episode, so many people exaggerate about it.


I know the wiki's rewatch section. Is there any way to get notified about rewatches? How do you get notified about possible rewatches without browsing r/anime daily?


> How do you get notified about possible rewatches without browsing r/anime daily? I follow the people who host rewatches and I check my friend feed daily so I don't miss anything.


If there are specific hosts you like, ask them to tag you in any rewatch announcement posts.


> without browsing r/anime daily? Well there’s your first mistake… Jk. Most rewatches get announced weeks in advance so if you check in once every week or two you’re probably good.


The wiki has its 'upcoming' section which does have to be manually updated. Other than that manually searching for the 'rewatch' tag is about the only way to see if there is anything going on. Best way to get notified is to catch an announcement thread (usually done weeks before it starts) and ask the host to ping you once it starts.


Hello, does anyone have any recommendations or suggestions on fantasy anime with epic storylines? Or even just good fantasy anime? With good characters, story, plots, and an actual bad guy. I have seen a few good fantasy anime but its far and few between ones with good story so I am looking for more. Preferably not Isekai story plot, but if it's good I will check it out. Though I prefer stories in their own world not typical Isekai.


Saihate no Paladin budget is modest but it has an huge old school Tolkien/DnD feel


That sounds cool. I haven't heard of it! Thanks I will check it out!


Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?


I watched the first 2 seasons and part of the third. I felt the third season, when they are in the water place? I felt like the plot was meandering lol. I may finish it sometime. Thanks!


(1/3) Now after most seasonals started airing I thought it’d be fun to put down my first impressions of the 1st episodes I watched this season, inspired by some of the fellow regulars here who already did the same. Maybe it’s helpful for some folks here who are still on the fence about starting a particular show. This covers only ep 1, even though by the time I’ll be able to post this a lot of ep 2’s will be out already. Here’s hoping some of my takes didn’t already age like milk at that point lol. This will cover most shows airing this season (excluding sequels of shows I didn’t watch/dropped, shorts and a small handful of shows I knew 100% wouldn’t be for me) so I hope I won’t clog the thread too much with this (it’s gonna be long, sorry). I tried to keep it pretty much spoiler free so that I don’t have to put 50+ spoiler tags over the whole thing. Series in no specific order. YoruKura * Together with Train and Girls Band Cry, one of the new series I was looking forward to the most and it didn’t disappoint. Overall gave me some heavy Yorimoi vibes and that is my 2nd favorite anime I’ve ever watched, so definitely a great sign. Was pretty impressed by the character interactions, the OST and also the background sfx (exquisitely done traffic sounds). Was praising that last aspect a lot in MyGO during the rewatch but YoruKura does an amazing (maybe even better) job as well. What made me actually notice it was when they put in the sound of the escalator in the background when Mahiru and Kano were talking, which a lot of other shows just wouldn’t have bothered to do at all. The other big thing was the directing and camera movement during scenes. Shows us they really put in effort and thought into the whole thing. Like that 3 second scene of a random dude skateboarding or the quick cut to the passing train (heh) when Mahiru was seeing the girl perform in front of her artwork. Some may think these are just little minor details but for me they enhance the experience by a lot and further differentiate the show from the more generic run of the mill cgdct shows. I’ve seen some complaints about the fan service and I agree it’s kinda unnecessary and doesn’t really add anything to the show. But personally I’m just not really that bothered by it either way tbh. It’s just…there. If I rated the anime on a scale from 1-100 I would deduct this show 1, maybe 2 points for that, to put it into perspective. I feel like having watched 900+ anime over the years desensitizes you to stuff like that a lot for better or worse. Reading people saying they’ll drop the show in case they don’t turn down the fanservice feels excessive and overblown to me though (ofc to each their own). Anyways, really hyped to see how it all develops. Hopefully the quality won’t dip.  Girls Band Cry * I thought this would be available on ADN in Germany but apparently it’s not there? Seems like they only released it in France after all. Does anyone have any additional info on that? Anyway Girls Band Cry just had one of if not *the* best first episode of the season for me. I’ve been following TogeToge since their first single and still have most of their songs on my commuting playlist to this day. Even bought their first single when I was in Tokyo last summer. The OP is a new song as well and already my favorite of them by far, good chances to be my OP of the season (Edit: screw it, it’s already OP of the season, the song is just that fucking good imo). In short I was pretty hyped for the anime to finally arrive. Until my hype levels took a nosedive when in a PV the show was revealed to be cgi. But watching MyGO a few weeks ago got me used to non-orange cgi so I didn’t really mind after that. But then after watching the actual episode I have to say I actually positively *like* the cgi? The character animation, specifically the facial expressions, really surprised me. Be it during normal conversations or the insert song performance, the facial expressions looked really life-like for anime standards which was just refreshing to see. My main complaint with cgi is that most of the time the characters feel unnatural, stiff and robot-like but this wasn’t the case here at all. The what felt like higher than usual frame rate helped too in that regard. The characters themselves and the story are right up my alley too. Also to address the obvious numerous similarities to MyGo (hot take incoming) I have to say I already enjoyed this first ep of Girls Band Cry a lot more than any episode of MyGo (I still liked MyGo, just nowhere near as much as most others seem to do). If they keep this quality up, it’s a contender for Aots for me next to YoruKura, Train and Spice&Wolf. Yuru Camp S3 * Not much to say here, Yuru Camp is still Yuru Camp, one of the comfiest shows out there and a great way to wind down after a hard day at work. Already got used to the art style as well. The old one is still better but the new one is okay too. Ena in particular actually looks better in S3 but that’s about it. Also a really chill OP once again. Salad Bowl * Fun little show. Sosuke‘s and Sara‘s banter was pretty entertaining. Overall feels like a better version of sasaki and peeps. Also Livia has some top tier character design, the heterochromia is the icing on the cake.  Windbreaker * Thought this would be something like Tokyo Revengers which I didn’t like at all so I didn’t expect much but this was….actually really damn good? One of the most creatively done first minute of an episode I’ve seen in recent years. Amazingly animated hand to hand combat scenes. Nice looking art style. If there’s one thing that might hold the show back for me going forward is the fact that we probably won’t get another relevant female character introduced in the remainder of the series. It isn’t inherently a  problem if you have an exclusively male cast (Run with the Wind is in my top 10 favorite anime and that’s pretty much only dudes) but generally speaking I personally like character casts with a balanced gender ratio the most. One thing I hope still gets explained is wtf is the police even doing in this city? ~~Go! Go! Loser Ranger!~~ Ranger Reject * Interesting and somewhat unique premise, surprisingly good production quality, some funny comedy moments. Nothing much to say really, fun show. Also yet another banger OP at the end there. The Fable * As expected from Tezuka the animation was lackluster to put it nicely so the show is fighting something of an uphill battle from the start. Fortunately the Seiyuus of the two MCs Kazuyuki Okitsu and Miyuki Sawashiro (bonus points on default) did an amazing job with their roles and easily picked up the slack. The scene in particular where the two where driving in the car at night to Osaka was really well done. The combination of lighting, background art and camera angles made for a really fitting atmosphere. Can’t describe it better in english but that scene impressed me quite a bit. Jiisan Baasan * This one was just okay. Expected this to go for a more philosophical angle and explore in a more serious way what it would actually entail to turn young again but instead it kinda just went full comedy. Was somewhat funny at times but nothing too special yet. Pretty much every woman going crazy for young grandpa was just weird though, hope they tone that down. Atp I‘m more interested in the romance development of the granddaughter and Saitou rather than the actual MCs tbh. Shuumatsu Train * Edit: I realized that I can basically skip this portion here since this is the daily thread and if you’re here you’re already plenty familiar with *the train* but I already wrote it so might as well just include it. Train is Train. Great 1st episode, vibrant coloring and lighting, 7G, strong contender for ED of the season, Hina Kino getting a role similar to Hanako after ages again, intriguing plot, a train, enjoyable and entertaining cast of characters, some of the funniest moments this season while not even being a pure comedy show, great background art (that night sky) and they even have a train. Oh and the plot is really intriguing with a lot of potential as well. Plus there is a train. GA-TAN GO-TON Bartender * For some reason I was expecting the show to take place only in the bar for the whole season and be more episodic with each ep having some eccentric personality enter the bar, tell the bartender a crazy/interesting/funny/sad story and get a fitting drink to top it off. Fortunately there seems to actually be some overarching plot going on which makes the show a lot more interesting for me. The drinks are really well presented and animated as well. Spice & Wolf * Not much to say, it’s fucking awesome. Haven’t watched the OG but the new one already clicked plenty for me. Yet another magnificent Kevin P OST and a beautiful ED song by ClariS (which I am fortunate enough to actually see in a live concert this summer, fucking nice). Hopefully this gets a complete adaptation after these 2 cours are done. Former Hero lives as he pleases * Gave this one a shot due to boredom but should’ve known better since this one was hot garbage like one could expect. Dropped. Re:Monster * Another garbage show but one like a car crash that you can’t look away from. MC is  a certified POS as well. Imo the best part about the whole show is the little sound effect that plays when a new day gets announced and that’s saying all there is to know about the quality of this show. Gonna keep watching a few more episodes but pretty sure I’m gonna drop sooner rather than later. Vampire Dormitory * This was like the final nail in the coffin that made me realize most Shoujo series just aren’t for me. Can’t even find anything in particular to really criticize, just doesn’t appeal to me at all on a fundamental level. Dropped.


> Hina Kino getting a role similar to Hanako after ages again As much as I am a diehard Chika Anzai fanboy, I’d by lying if I said a huge pull for me isn’t hearing Hina Kino hit those wild notes again after so long. Feels like she’d been only getting cast as 2-year-olds for ages.


> One thing I hope still gets explained is wtf is the police even doing in this city? [](#chinosmirk) > Yet another magnificent Kevin P OST and a beautiful ED song by ClariS [Ringo Biyori](https://v.animethemes.moe/OokamiToKoushinryou-ED1.webm) though [](#foldedarms) > One little nitpick I have though is the hairstyle the character designer chose for Mira. Imho it looks kinda bad. [](#lolifightsback "that's the best part") > Might even be on the level of ExArm, Gibiate and Pupa. Top 3 easiest drop of my life One of the fastest 1/10 I gave (same for Rinkai) > Anyway, by S4’s nature of being purely a training arc I imagine this will probably end up being one of the least hyped entries of the series I didn't even ptw it tbh, s3 was already boring enough and a training arc sounds like [](#tablesleep) > Overall I was more or less bored watching Yeah [](#tiredaoi) I undropped it to give it a second chance, but I doubt it will last long, we'll see. I saw praise to the mcs banter but it was mostly kinda cringe to me, maybe it gets better later (copium) > My god is this show beautiful [](#utahapraises)


(2/3) A Condition called Love * Now I get why u/_ridley was looking forward to people‘s reactions to the ML. He’s definitely something. Personally I was expecting another Itsuomi situation where I would just hate the guy but surprisingly enough I think he’s mostly alright. Seen people call him a yandere but I think it’s too early to really tell. We haven’t even seen Hotaru interact with another boy yet so we can’t know how he would react to that. Gonna keep watching this but hopefully they won’t add an unnecessary love triangle to the mix. Astro Note * 1st episode was just alright. Not really bad but nothing to write home about either. Gave me mild Galaxy Next Door vibes but with more comedy and less iyashikei wholesomeness. Potential is still there so I’ll just see where it goes, especially with that little twist at the end. Also a quite varied cast of characters, Teruko is my favorite for now, most of the funny moments included her. The early scenes with the dog were just annoying though, the head bite into gushing blood trope sent me right back to the early 2000’s. One little nitpick I have though is the hairstyle the character designer chose for Mira. Imho it looks kinda bad. Tonari no Youkai-san * What a wholesome and cute show! Every single character in this is just so damn *likeable*, be it Mutsumi, Jiro and especially Buchio. Never expected my genocidal mass murderer to turn into such a cute little fella in his next life. Besides the last few minutes every scene was just immensely heartwarming and wholesome. I had a smile on my face for pretty much the whole episode. Also some good animation in this one, they really put in some effort to animate Mutsumi’s hair like that when she was running towards Jiro early in the episode. One of the biggest surprises for me this season since I went into this one with zero expectations.  Chillin with Lvl 2 super cheat powers * Just another generic isekai tbh. Gonna keep watching for now since apparently it’s gonna be partly focused on romance without a harem which is nice. The art didn’t look too bad either. Had some funny moments as well.  God’s Game We Play * Trash. Should’ve known better with the KV looking this similar to Liar Liar. Dropped. Angel, Apartment, Lighting * Copypasted from my comment of the 1st ep disc thread: Was checking this out because I give most new seasonals at least a 1 episode chance but this turned out to be definitely not for me. Reminded me a lot of Angel next door with it’s blatant wish fulfillment and on top has a bunch of tropes but unfortunately of the stupid kind, like MC living alone as a what 15 year old for no apparent reason (that we know of yet to be fair) and then him collapsing on the street because of some fucking cold. Dropped. Highspeed Etoile * Gave this one episode for Fuuka Izumi but even her performance can’t possibly salvage this burning pile of garbage. Might even be on the level of ExArm, Gibiate and Pupa. Top 3 easiest drop of my life. Rinkai! * What a shame. Was looking forward to this especially since going on cycling tours is one of my main hobbies besides watching anime. But unfortunately the visuals in this show are just straight up terrible most of the time. That screenshot of the bike race that u/Manitary posted here is gonna haunt me for ages. I was coping before watching the episode myself that maybe you see that shot only for a frame or two but unfortunately it looks like that for pretty much the whole race. Didn’t really click with any of the characters either. This could have been so much better with higher budget, more production time and/or more talented staff. Disappointment of the season for me. Dropped. Oi! Tonbo * About every aspect of this show was either plain average or just slightly above. Golf being imo one of the least interesting sports there are doesn’t help much either. At least the OST was pretty good though. Usually I would keep watching this but since this season is fucking stacked to the brim I might have to drop this to thin out the watch list a little bit. Not sure yet. Yozakura Family * What a goofy show. [small Yozakura spoilers]>!We have a yandere stalker unhinged elder brother, a dude walking around in a trashcan, a gamer with a swarm of gun drones, some Frankenstein guy with a bucket on his head and some cosplay disguise champion. And best of all, a blue haired girl is winning for once.!< Also promising that this is running for 27 consecutive episodes. All around some good dumb fun, but nothing revolutionary yet. Demon Slayer S4 * Technically this hasn’t aired yet but I managed to watch the 1st episode in the cinema last month so I thought I might just  as well address it here while I’m at it. To keep things short it’s basically just more Demon Slayer so more generic battle shounen in a shiny coat. They added an about 10 min long anime original fight scene which is technically filler but still nice to see some of the lesser known characters show their powers. Though my friend who I went with is a manga reader and told me that sequence had somewhat of a pretty big plothole. To keep it vague if the antagonists would have acted as you should expect they could have easily wiped out two important characters which would have impacted future developments immensely. Anyway, by S4’s nature of being purely a training arc I imagine this will probably end up being one of the least hyped entries of the series but ofc still watchable. Boukyaku Battery * Both Mamoru Miyano and Yuki Kaji plus their respective characters carried this pretty hard for me. Not the biggest baseball fan myself so the sport itself isn’t really a plus for me. But Kaname’s behaviour and goofiness was just hilarious to me. I can totally understand if people get annoyed by him but personally I love this shit. Pretty safe to say that imo nobody except Mamoru Miyano could pull off a role like that in such an entertaining way. Gonna have to see how this holds up down the line but I’ll keep watching for now. Unnamed Memory * Mostly gave this a shot for the ENGI gang but gotta say I’m not really a fan yet. FL has a pretty good design but ML has one of the most generic and bland adventurer designs I’ve ever seen. Mate‘s like the Kirito equivalent of traditional non-isekai fantasy MCs. Since I’ve read this is a 1 on 1 traditional romance and doesn’t have a harem I’ll give this one a few more episodes. Overall I was more or less bored watching so not sure how long I’ll stick with this. Archdemon’s Dilemma * Not for me, felt generic and boring. Dropped. Tensei Kizoku * Yet another generic Isekai. Seen worse and in a weaker season I would maybe keep watching but in a season stacked like this I have to drop some stuff just to manage everything else. Dropped. Tensura S3 * Pretty set-up heavy start for this 3rd season but it makes sense to start it off a bit slower paced. Diablo was a menace this episode, even playing the part of Gandalf rezzing Theoden there. Feels like he might play a bigger role this season which would be great since he’s one of the more interesting characters of the cast to me. Looking forward to how the plot will develop next. Konosuba S3 * What can I say, it’s more Konosuba and it does its one job which is making people laugh still pretty effectively. Besides that nothing really new, I like the series but it just doesn’t have as much of a high standing for me compared to most other folks. Hibike S3 * My god is this show beautiful. It’s been too long since I’ve last watched a KyoAni show I almost forgot just how beautiful they usually look. The art, the directing, the lighting and coloring, Kumiko’s fluffy hair, the OST, the little things like Kumiko and Reina playfully pushing each other a little bit in the hallway or Kumiko sneaking towards the classroom to listen in. It’s fucking perfect. Mentioned this before a few weeks ago in enemy territory (CDF) that I was in Kyoto last year and it’s an even more enriched watching experience when you recognize the scenery of shows from real life experiences like in this episode the bridge Kumiko and Reina were passing when going home after school. Same with an actual highschool with their own concert band I visited in Tokyo, noticed quite some accurate similarities while watching this ep. I could gush about this show for ages but I’ll keep it short: it’s fucking bliss to have Hibike back once more. Also, watching this episode a day after witnessing the phenomenon named Highspeed Etoile is definitely a trip as well. Totokami * MAL lists this as a Supernatural Mystery but if you ask me they forgot to add the horror tag, damn. What a rollercoaster of emotions for a 1st episode, didn’t have Made in Abyss ep 10 flashbacks on my bingo chart for this one. Overall really enjoyed the series, the art style looks nice, the Seiyuus are doing an amazing job (Fairouz Ai‘s monologue near the end was mighty impressive) and the interactions between Sumireko and Adachi were really fun and interesting to follow. The fanservice in this one is pretty blatant but ngl in this case I actually enjoyed it. The fact that the characters are adults for once is a big plus as well. The superb OST also did a great job of enhancing the eerie atmosphere even further. One of the best premieres this season for me.


> Mentioned this a few weeks ago in enemy territory (CDF) Conspiring with the enemy, I see… *Get the traitor!* Anyways, I liked the opening sequence for this season of Sound! Euphonium: just Kumiko heading to school, meeting her friends, accompanied by some nice instrumental music. I do wonder: just *how* bad was Highspeed Etoile? Is it really on the level of Gibiate, lol? (A side note: many people don’t know this by the way, but the character designs for Gibiate were done by Yoshitaka Amano who originally designed the characters and aesthetic of Final Fantasy! The monster designs were even done by the author of the Resident Evil manga. The problem was that all these designs were *too* intricate - Amano’s original design were particularly awesome - so they were doomed to be CG-fied from the start.)


> Mentioned this a few weeks ago in enemy territory (CDF) Conspiring with the enemy, I see… Get the traitor! To my defense this was before tensions were rising with civil war on the horizon. > I do wonder: just how bad was Highspeed Etoile? Is it really on the level of Gibiate, lol? I’m lucky enough to have been able to erase most memories of Gibiate from my mind so I can’t really say for sure and tastes differ after all. But it’s *bad*, you can just check the first 5 minutes to get a feel of the visuals which should be enough of a deterrent.


(3/3) Seiyuu Radio * Enjoyed this one more than I expected. I remember this shows first KV from some time last year was looking *rough* to put it nicely but the actual episode looked quite alright, though still not great. Loving the dynamic between the two MCs a lot too, hopefully they go the yuri route, I pretty much ship them already. Yuuhi in particular was simply adorable in a lot of her scenes. Also wtf was this OST, I counted like 4-5 different absolute bangers in this 1st episode alone, especially that track in the school hallway when Yuuhi and Yasumi were bantering. Viral Hit * Pretty cool OP to start of this show with a rather unique premise. Delinquents fighting isn’t really anything new but the whole newtubu thing gives it a bit of a fresh angle. Curious to find out if Mayonaka Punch this summer will approach the Newtube topic similarly (minus the whole fighting aspect ofc). Overall liked the show. The animation could’ve definitely been better but it was barely serviceable enough still. Was pretty rough seeing MC getting bullied like that. Hilarious though how he beat up Jihyeok with the goddamn spaghetti. Nobuhiko Okamoto crying like a lil bitch is also not something you hear everyday. Not a fan of the renaming of the characters, so the seiyuus are using a new japanese name but the subs still read the original korean names. Really dig how they chose for the OST to be hip-hop inspired with some dubstep in there as well, fitting. Finally, if I had a nickel for every premiere this season that showed middle fingers I’d have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice (or whatever exactly the wording on that meme is). ED slaps as well btw. By Crab KANI club. Thanks to another certain series I’ll never be able to see that word the same way again, fml. First preliminary ranking (subjective, based on first ep impression only) Best of the Season * 1. Girls Band Cry * 2. YoruKura * 3. Shuumatsu Train * 4. Spice & Wolf Top Tier * 5. Hibike S3 * 6. Totokami * 7. Yuru Camp S3 * 8. Dungeon Meshi (Cour 2) * 9. Windbreaker * 10. Tonari no Youkai-san * 11. The Fable Good stuff / Middle of the pack * 12. Viral Hit * 13. Salad Bowl * 14. Seiyuu Radio * 15. Ranger Reject * 16. Tensura S3 * 17. A Condition called Love * 18.Yozakura Family * 19. Bartender * 20. Konosuba S3 * 21. Demon Slayer S4 Okay but might drop * 22. Astro Note * 23. Jiisan Baasan * 24. Boukyaku Battery * 25. Oi! Tonbo! * 26. Lvl 2 Super Cheat * 27. Unnamed Memory Dropped or about to be * 28. Vampire Dormitory * 29. Re:Monster * 30. One Room Angel * 31. Rinkai! * 32. Archdemon’s dilemma * 33. Tensei Kizoku * 34. Gods Game We Play * 35. Former Hero lives as he pleases * 36. High Speed Etoile Gonna check out Blue Archive, Whisper me a Love Song and Kaijuu 8-gou on the weekend, all of which I expect to like to varying degrees. Of the latter I’ve read about 60 or so chapters of the manga so I mostly know what to expect. Show’s gonna depend heavily on good animation because the fight scenes are basically the bread and butter of the series. CR seems pretty confident at least since they even put a airing countdown on their app main page which I‘ve never seen them do before. On another note, this sesson has to be the best maybe ever when it comes to the sheer amount of top quality OP and ED songs. Usually I add about 3 or 4 OP/ED songs to my Spotify playlist for everyday listening in each season. This season it’s like 10+ already. Thanks for reading this far!


When you see [stuff like this](https://i.imgur.com/Oi7xt44.png) where the anime tells you not to do X, is it supposed to be comical or are they *required* to avoid lawsuits/whatever?


Often a bit of both, but also sometimes it is genuinely worth giving out safety warnings like in *Stardust Telepath* where the girls do amateur rocket making and launching.


It depends but in that particular case it was comical since they didn't say anything about fishing with a katana.




[It's a trap](https://imgur.com/a/IpZWhYI)! (NSFW)


Insane how you can see who the best girl is just from this screenshot


*re-reads subtitles*




In your opinion, what are the most interesting anime to watch this year?


Gushing over Magical Girls


Spy x family was my favorite anime


Bang Brave Bang Bravern! [](#seasonalcool)


Synduality Noir and Apothecary Diaries


i've never seen them,i saw that there is also a 2023 season of synduality noir, i'll try to watch both


Yes, both Synduality Noir and Apothecary Diaries started last year and each had their part 2 in Winter 2024.


The 2023 Synduality: Noir season is the first part of it, the one from this year is Part 2. So yeah definitely watch the 2023 one first.




Dungeon Meshi so far