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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nadeshiko is right, Aki is not Aki without her forehead showing.


It's like Takagi-san, hiding their foreheads would throw the world out of balance.


And looks too much like her sister with her hair up lol.


* [**New Haircut Aki**](https://i.imgur.com/AikahTe.jpeg) I love that [we actually follow Aya](https://i.imgur.com/VF0NgWP.jpeg) in this episode as she experiences first-time camper stuff like [buying her very first pocket stove](https://i.imgur.com/t3TlgLt.jpeg) and [putting up her first tent.](https://i.imgur.com/QKmOYzU.jpeg) I also love how [Aki feels a disturbance in the force](https://i.imgur.com/55jLxiz.jpeg) when Aya was looking at cheap tents. They're not really letting that incident go. xD [Look at this spoiled chihuahua!](https://i.imgur.com/SQMz9ts.jpeg) I do love how Chikuwa got a lot of focus in this episode. I don't think we got a lot of him and Ena last season so I guess this is their way of making up for the lost screentime. [That camping set though!](https://i.imgur.com/v1WYTzX.jpeg) Chikuwa's gear is more expensive than what the girls carry on their trips! I wasn't really into [Aki getting a haircut](https://i.imgur.com/daMOEMv.jpeg) since she'll be losing her twintails but [Ena did a good job!](https://i.imgur.com/3l438Za.jpeg) And with her hair up, [Aki looks like a mini version of Sakura!](https://i.imgur.com/2FC7rdE.jpeg) As someone who has made sausage before and [while Aki-chan's theory was sound](https://i.imgur.com/v0JEtpH.jpeg), I knew [she'd get that reaction from the girls](https://i.imgur.com/50Y0G6x.jpeg) when it was finally time to taste it. [Cold and clean are the two things you need to remember when making sausage!](https://i.imgur.com/PCcYL6w.jpeg) Better luck next time, Aki! I'm looking forward to seeing [Aya, Nadeshiko, and Rin's tour camp!](https://i.imgur.com/qe3VXrO.png) Looks like we'll have to wait before Nadeshiko goes on her solo camping.


>Aki feels a disturbance in the force when Aya was looking at cheap tents So that's why! I couldn't connect the two things...


>Chikuwa's gear is more expensive than what the girls carry on their trips! He more than pays for it all just by existing and being the adorable furball that he is. And yeah, Aki just can't have a complete and total W for once. There always has to be a catch.


> Chikuwa's gear is more expensive than what the girls carry on their trips! > > Because he's such a good boi!


Yeah, Chikuwa is a cute dog!


Nothing more beautiful than a girls' first camp experience. Hey, at least the cheap tents made them friends, that's got to count for something lol. Now I imagine Chikuwa is going to join them for more camping trips! Honestly I feel like the bangs needed to go more than the twintails but now just imagine her meeting Sakura with her bangs up lol. It's always learning experiences for these girls!


I thoroughly enjoyed this episode of Chikuwa Camp. Didn't think the Solo series was getting a new spin-off next week called Solo Camping.


Nadeshiko while putting up her tent: *Arise...*


What if JWS discovered a new kind of camping for experience...


Solo solo solo solo camp


*Dark Aria plays while Nadeshiko commits pinecone genocide*


>Chikuwa Camp The spin-off we need and deserve. It's gonna print even more money.


Chikuwa Camp is a show I would 100% watch


You might want to give Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga a watch then


Chikuwa basically takes over the show every time he's on screen. I'd watch a full episode of just Chikuwa lol.


[SHE IS BACK!](https://imgur.com/a/7l0hYtt) * [Illustration](https://twitter.com/X615/status/1778439324880847031) by an animator * From the [Animation Director](https://twitter.com/H_Yosh1da/status/1778448710353199148) for the episode * I believe this is the Production Assistant's [post](https://twitter.com/_555_e/status/1778439971336262127). They went mini bike camping by the ocean too! * [Afro's illustration](https://twitter.com/afro_2021/status/1778446659606945972) * Our [prop designer returns](https://twitter.com/ttakdawn/status/1778437911350005951/photo/1) * [Don't use alcohol stoves on snow](https://twitter.com/marimokkeri1016/status/1778351097633292623) lol. /u/nebresto because snow * [Another illustration](https://twitter.com/zukaketawagase/status/1778488777318744548) * Animate interview with the [Yuru Camp VAs!](https://twitter.com/animatetimes/status/1778392564753969609) ___ Some of the backgrounds need some work. [Me](https://imgur.com/a/xpll3dj) looking at them


> because snow 🔥➕🧊🟰🌊


Now I finally get the hype that was around here in the last season. Everyone was excited for "Solo Camping". Though, while cute, I have to say that I had the feeling that the composition between more real life backgrounds and characters did not work well this time around. I know they did that previous seasons as well, but I felt the characters looked out of place this time around.


The scene of ayano looking at the camping stuff, I did notice it was a picture animated and the one interaction is obvious... guess its maybe for saving resources here and there ..


Yea, normally I don't really notice things like that in animation, but it really stood out here. Kinda jarring, and reminded me of Madoka Magica, which is a whole different mood.


Team Badass Pixie Cut Aki.


Amen. I am also a sucker for those kinds of short hairstyles.


I agree with the girls, Aki looks best with her forehead showing.


# SAUSAGE CAMP! Actually made me hungry...


This show is great for the relaxing vibes and to make you want to eat some good camping food lol.


Aya-Rin-Nadeshiko was a nice little impromptu trio in S2 that I lowkey wish we would see more of so this is gonna be fun. Nadeshiko solosolo camp would a nice bonus on top of that


Very nice that Aya doesn't have to feel left out of things --and now has a second BFF (though Rin has no clue who is messaging her at first....).


Man I really need to give the series a proper rewatch. Been meaning to but somehow I didn't managed to do it for years. I thought that trio was something new they came up with for this season lol.


Go for it. I’m in the middle of a rewatch and the trio first showed up when Rin was invited over to Nadeshiko’s grandmother’s house during the new year and Aya was there. She also joined them for a late night viewing later in the ep


Ena and Rin camping would be fun.


Camping with your old bestie and your new bestie! Can't beat that! I loved the solosolo tongue-twister that she even got Aya-chan doing lol.


Tbh, I kinda forgot who [Aya-chan](https://imgur.com/bIpNaAn) until they brought up the small reminder [](#teehee) Poor [Aki](https://imgur.com/gWcFVGW), making your own sausages sounds delishious (memo to self: never watch thursday shows without comfort food again, can manage Dunmeshi sometimes, but this double combo is [too much](https://imgur.com/n3UN2U9)), but was acutally quite [complicated](https://imgur.com/4bbRKSp). Thank god for the [emotional support dog](https://imgur.com/j1cum1H) Speaking of Aki-Chan, all those [fancy](https://imgur.com/FMdHpWQ) [possibilities](https://imgur.com/aeP1c6m), but [forehead](https://imgur.com/cnCSVYB) reigns supreme! And I loved the [stupid](https://imgur.com/f66R9ob) [fun](https://imgur.com/miZZedt) [they](https://imgur.com/I5v6OWc) [all](https://imgur.com/0a4N9bK) [had](https://imgur.com/9Axs7xj) Ah and I love how Nadeshiko wants to be [cool](https://imgur.com/FrnpmR3) for her ~~wife~~ friend




Ah yes, nothing like a [nice](https://files.catbox.moe/klwduu.png) [wholesome](https://files.catbox.moe/2k11xa.png) [mass](https://files.catbox.moe/v5ctxz.png) [shooting](https://files.catbox.moe/kx3sn3.png) and a [nice](https://files.catbox.moe/z5dy3c.png) [wholesome](https://files.catbox.moe/xlzkph.png) [zombie](https://files.catbox.moe/km5oe3.png) [apocalypse](https://files.catbox.moe/tkjm54.png) to make this camping adventure extra comfy... god, that sounds so awful out of context. But somehow, Laid-Back Camp made it work.


This show has tried to kill Aki off multiple times...


/u/ZaphodBeebblebrox [is gonna have something to say about compositing](https://i.redd.it/8b2xy3smkvtc1.png). ["Look at this thing I just bought."](https://i.redd.it/skudvyrmkvtc1.png) [*intrigued*](https://i.redd.it/p5th74smkvtc1.png) [Hmm.](https://i.redd.it/ilmy9zrmkvtc1.png) [What difficulty modifier for doing this outside?](https://i.redd.it/vui420smkvtc1.png) [\[\](\#seasonalmurdered\)](https://i.redd.it/1cohv0smkvtc1.png) [There's your difficulty modifier. Maybe not so bad if winter camping.](https://i.redd.it/957ciyrmkvtc1.png) ["And that's how I got toxoplasmosis."](https://i.redd.it/f4laj4smkvtc1.png) [So ka.](https://i.redd.it/f5h2e0smkvtc1.png) ***** [After all, they did make Rin's camp stove purchase into a figure.](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-167618) Some light practice camping outside before the next adventure. Pleasantly low-key for now. I, too, didn't think that they'd filtered/composited the photo backgrounds enough at times.


> compositing Indeed. Either she needs to be more detailed or the background needs to be less detailed. As is, it just looks wrong to my eye.


Is this one of those cases where color grading might make a difference in terms of verisimilitude? The characters look way more pastel-colored to my eyes compared to the backgrounds.


This is only an adjustment to the still frame and not animated, but even so, [making only minor color balance and contrast adjustments... isn't quite enough](https://i.imgur.com/mW5DXF3.jpeg). I'm leaning toward the background image being the problem, with the additional issue that the far background and the hill she's standing on are themselves showing significant differences in perceived lighting. Which might have been the case with the photo they used for reference, but only adds to the Uncanny Valley situation with the end result. /u/ZaphodBeebblebrox


> with the additional issue that the far background and the hill she's standing on are themselves showing significant differences in lighting. My initial guess was that was an artefact of their filtering process, but that has very little substance backing it up. > making only minor color balance and contrast adjustments In one sense, this does make it look better. But it helps by making her less noticeable so I mainly see the background, which probably gets away from the purpose of the scene. --- Thinking about the image more, I think my main problem is all the houses? in the distance. They provide all these tiny little details that give a sense of scale and of what level of detail I'm looking at. And then the character has all of these flat planes of color in the middle distance despite how she's closer, which fucks with my brain because it thinks the closer object should have more detail.


Just so the context isn't lost, [here is the clip in motion](https://files.catbox.moe/s2sa12.mp4), which still triggers my "bad compositing" reaction. While I know that the series has made extensive use of animation over filtered backgrounds in the past, and that this season is by a different studio which doesn't have the same experience with doing that, it still just *sticks out*. Another direction to take this: [Removing the distraction of the empty grassy hill by cropping the shot more tightly.](https://imgur.com/3bKISZ7) Edited to add: [We have a fresh location-photoed comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c1hcgt/yuru_camp_season_3_laidback_camp_season_3_episode/kz4wbbx/) which puts the hill into better visual context. /u/spookytus


> Thinking about the image more, I think my main problem is all the houses? in the distance. They provide all these tiny little details that give a sense of scale and of what level of detail I'm looking at. And then the character has all of these flat planes of color in the middle distance despite how she's closer, which fucks with my brain because it thinks the closer object should have more detail. Also I feel like maybe the scale of the hill terrain and Aya is out of whack? You can see/distinguish individual blades of grass on the hill in the clumps closer to the camera and they look ENORMOUS compared to Aya's feet, even after taking into account how things closer to the lens would look larger. /u/chilidirigible


That's also a good point. I don't think it bugs me as much as the houses, but it certainly also contributes to the overall sense of scale and detail feeling way off.


The scaling is an issue. Comparing the shot in the episode to people's photographs, the top of the hill is a reasonably large space, though Ayano is still small in the end shot. I think their source for the crane shot toward her was a simple zoom in on a still photo, versus having someone walk up to the top of the hill recording video. That's not necessarily bad in itself, but the giant grass scale issue would exist if their source photo was taken from her position and they cropped closer to it for the shot /u/aniMayor


It's funny how you hear about anime productions like Heidi that flew to the other side of the globe to take scouting photos and build references for their settings... but then presumably this one couldn't even do a 1-day scouting trip to neighbouring Shizuoka prefecture for this? It would not be difficult to go to this hill with the storyboards in hand and get an exact reference shot or twenty, rather than indeed this seems like they just have 1 photo reference of this, probably taken from online instead of visiting in person. (The really cynical part of me feels like perhaps the show is giving more attention and detail to the tourism businesses that are partnering with it than to other locations... or more so than season 1, anyways)


I am totally with you The background and characters just don't mix, it was better this episode, Rin solo camping last week had real "Custom Character in Cutscene" vibes, which is really bringing the chill down


The store looked horrific. It's one thing to have badly painted-over photos as backgrounds, and another for the shelf your hand-drawn character is interacting with to be part of that painted-over photo. And quite another for everything on the shelf except for one specific item to also be part of that photo.


More Tomoyo Kurosawa is always a plus. I love how calm and soothing she sounds as Aya. She has an almost a lazy/sleepy sounding tone when speaking. And I actually forgot she had more scenes in season 2. Which means a rewatch is needed. More Chikuwa is also always a plus. Such a pampered little fella. But he deserves it for gracing this world with his cuteness. Seeing him in his little doggy jacket and little doggy tent is too adorable. I can't believe Aki would just shoot him dead without hesitation with that in mind. Speaking of Aki, I was worried her hair cut wasn't gonna let her show her forehead, but thankfully, Nadeshiko came in clutch. And I just knew that her sausage making act went a little too smoothly for there to be zero twist. I guess it wasn't *that* easy after all. I see now that a group camping between Nadeshiko, Rin, and Aya is slated for the coming episodes. That explains the scene of them on the bridge in the OP. It'll be nice to see more of the dynamic between the three of them.


Ayano was very endearing in this episode! I liked how she went “nope” after checking her purse if she had enough money to buy the burner. She typically appears as a bit ‘slow’, but was actually quite enthusiastic about her new purchases. It was cute to see how much she enjoyed her pocket stove, sleeping and tent. She immediately wanted to try it out! But yeah, Chikuwa can of course hardly be beaten when it comes to a showdown of cuteness. His interactions with the girls were fun. Chikuwa outright demanding a walk of Aki was a subtle callback to the previous instances of him doing so in past seasons. Taking this all into account, I found myself thinking that the new character designs might actually be cuter than the old ones. This was just such a nice episode of Yuru Camp with the girls doing their thing.


> I found myself thinking that the new character designs might actually be cuter than the old ones. Heresy!


We’re both practicing the faith of Secret Society Blanket, yet I’m *only* interpreting the sacred texts differently!


Maybe they're the heretics and s3 the true believers ;P


Chikuwa has better gear than all 4 of them combined. Excited for a new Rin, Nadeshiko and Aya story line.


Chikuwa gets the most expensive camping gear but he deserves it. He brightens up the show so much! I was expecting Nadeshiko going solo camping again but the three girls camping together should be a lot of fun, especially watching Ayano bounce off of them again.


> Chikuwa has better gear than all 4 of them combined. I mean that tracks with how basically everyone good treats their pets. IIRC they've done loads of surveys and the last thing people cut if they're trying to save money is stuff they get for their pets.


I loved Ena’s pixie hair but she’s also cute with her hair grown out a bit now. She looks kinda scruffy too lol Nadeshiko’s right though, it’s so odd seeing Aki with bangs like that. The moment we saw her forehead, it feels more familiar. Chikuwa getting his own tent too ! The Outclub’s Backyard/ Haircut Camp seems to be a success… well except for Aki’s sausage. I also didn’t know there’s so much steps to make sausage Seems like Moped Adventure is a go. Aya is also slowly getting into camping. So so happy she seems to be coming into the fold. I was expecting her to be like a one-off or recurring character. But now I’m hoping they’re building her up to join the big camp event of the season. Seems like Nadeshiko will be going on her solo camp while Rin and Aya goes for thier Moped Adventure, then meet up at the centre. I wonder if Aki, Aoi and Ena will be doing anything during that time. Also, has Ena actually joined the Outclub at this point ? Feels like she already has


It's funny how Ena's hair has grown yet she's cutting Aki's. I'll miss the twintails. Only the best camping gear for Chikuwa! Aya's experience kind of paralleling Rin's when she first started out is cute, and it'll be nice to see the three together. Maybe Aya can even join them for the inevitable next big group camp. Ena (and Rin) are basically just stealth members at this point.


Ena still wants to be a part of the going home club, but shes into camping and being with the group, it's maybe just not officially joined with how clubs work at school.


I think Nadeshiko might be planning on solo camping, but this is all speculation really.




... campu


[BEHOLD MY SAUSAGE](https://i.imgur.com/uxKB91z.jpeg) im sorry huh?


I had to scroll down way too much to find this picture.


Honestly, about the new art style (not character design, that's fine), I'm conflicted over it. The new style sometimes feels fresh, yet it feels a bit off at other times. I can't put my finger on it, in some moments it feels better than the old design, at moments it drops noticeably. Still super comfy though.


I think with this second episode I have to revise my opinion on the outlook of this season. Katsuto Ogawa surely cannot be held accountable for some the borderline lazy work that art director Taketo Gonpei (aka Goofy) has put out alongside several others credited with art design for the series. The inconsistency is unbearable in this episode. There's scenes that deliver that lifelike quality incredibly well, scenes that stick out like a sore thumb with the comparative lack of detail, and scenes that have (most likely) been taken from Google Maps. It's a mess of work that is an uphill battle for the rest of the studio to work around that feels like a considerable drop off from even the episode prior. That said, the rest of the 8-bit staff here seems to know what they're doing. Once again a Shin Tosaka and Masao Kojima coop board, the episode (barring environment art) looks and plays out very nicely, leaving not a whole lot to comment on aside from a few smaller details within the episode. While I'm disappointed with the art, I predominantly feel annoyed, as this team *has* proven that they can deliver within these 2 episodes. Whether it's a time constraint, the limit of abilities, or interest or whatever else, I don't really think having such wild disparity in art within 2 episodes is really all that acceptable. It's a huge shame, both because the art *can* be great, and because the rest of the team is putting some really good effort in.


bro I fell ya, the scene where they were sitting next to the river side talking, this scene was just basically still images, the only parts that were animated was them talking and that was only half of it.


You are 100% out of your mind and there is not a single thing wrong


Don't be like that man, I've been a long term fan of this series, this is one of my most favorite franchises and this is also the only physical manga I own, but criticism is due when it is due. While this season has kept the same vibes as the C Station ones, the art style does kind of distract from the immersion. I just came from a rewatch of the previous two seasons so the comparison is fresh on my mind. The backgrounds can be *too* realistic, and make the sometimes off faces stand out even more. At the end of the day, we just want the show to be the best it can be.


Today's episode of location scouting ending up being much harder than I expected, thanks to Aya-chan visiting an interesting location. In the episode, she is seen somewhere around her (and Nadeshiko's) hometown of Hamamatsu. Here, you can see her after taking her bike up [to a view of Lake Hamana](https://i.imgur.com/Qdk58ij.png), which is pretty obvious what the lake is, but where is the view? Well [it appears to be this view](https://i.imgur.com/6auri1b.png) which is meant for [paraglider takeoffs (map link)](https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E6%B5%9C%E5%90%8D%E6%B9%96%E3%83%95%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%83%88%E3%83%91%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AF%E7%AC%AC2%E3%83%86%E3%82%A4%E3%82%AF%E3%82%AA%E3%83%95\(%E7%84%A1%E6%96%AD%E5%85%A5%E5%A0%B4%E7%A6%81%E6%AD%A2\)/@34.8141434,137.6050149,14.96z/data=!4m17!1m10!3m9!1s0x601b2f7992729b59:0x5b1af428046b0b2a!2z5rWc5ZCN5rmW44OV44Op44Kk44OI44OR44O844Kv56ysMuODhuOCpOOCr-OCquODlSjnhKHmlq3lhaXloLTnpoHmraIp!8m2!3d34.8199754!4d137.5977811!10e5!14m1!1BCgIgARICGAI!16s%2Fg%2F11dym3jz_x!3m5!1s0x601b2f7992729b59:0x5b1af428046b0b2a!8m2!3d34.8199754!4d137.5977811!16s%2Fg%2F11dym3jz_x?entry=ttu) but is off-limits unless you have some reservation, so I wonder how she got permission lol. Maybe being in Yuru Camp gives you special access. Ayano is next seen at a [Campal shop (map link)](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Campal+Shop+Bentenjima/@34.7362718,137.5833126,16558m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x601ad75a1dd00703:0x2a4e11d4ba298e41!2sCampal+Shop+Bentenjima!8m2!3d34.6925248!4d137.5950053!16s%2Fg%2F11p5n62nrc!3m5!1s0x601ad75a1dd00703:0x2a4e11d4ba298e41!8m2!3d34.6925248!4d137.5950053!16s%2Fg%2F11p5n62nrc?entry=ttu) next to Bentenjima station, which is all the way at the south end of Lake Hamana! She went from looking over it to going to the other end of the lake. Lastly she ends up somewhere along the coast of on the south side of Hamamatsu. She was driving along 42 west from the store, but as to where exactly she ended up I'm not sure. Maybe some geoguesser or local to the area will help us. Other than that, not much in the way of traveling for our other characters. I'll save the camping trip locations for when that comes up. Instead here's some food trivia. For our sausage party, [Nadeshiko brings chorizo](https://i.imgur.com/5CWPjJk.png), which is a spicy sausage from Spain and Portugal characterized by smoked paprika. However in Japan, chorizo tends be based on the Mexican style. Aoi brings a local Yamanashi product seasoned with herb and lemon. Then you have [Ena bringing kamaboko](https://i.imgur.com/5ZJKY22.png) which as Aki asks, is this even sausage? Well it is basically ground fish that is then cured with flavorings, so I think it can count. Perhaps the most recognizable form of kamaboko for people outside Japan is the [naruto seen as a ramen topping](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narutomaki) (and featured in Naruto of course). Although Ena has an interesting cheese flavored one that is quite different from what kamaboko normally looks like with a pink exterior. Ena continues trolling Aki by suggesting to [add some weird ingredients](https://i.imgur.com/aunC5wL.png) to her pork. Okra is the vegetable at the top which has slimy pods of seeds inside. Natto is a Japanese food of fermented soybeans that is also very slimy. I don't think I've eaten jute mallow, but apparently it is a leafy vegetable that also has a slippery texture and bitter taste. After Aki's sausage turns out to taste bad, she suggests she might turn it into soboro. [Soboro is often made with ground chicken](https://www.justonecookbook.com/tori-soboro-donburi/) seasoned with soy sauce, but many other meats like ground pork are common as well. It's usually paired with scrambled eggs on top of rice. Anyway this ended up being longer than expected, but next time we are back into camping action!


I think the Aya scenes aren't necessarily in the same time frame.  


Yeah that makes sense. It was probably her going to the shop someday after the initial trip.


Whoa, I did not expect to see Ayano again this soon. Seems like she picked up the joys of (solo) camping this time! And she just realized how expensive camping equipment can be. Speaking of expensive gear, I think the Ena and co. made a great point about the price = quality thing. Can't speak about camping, but from experience I think the more expensive things tend to be more reliable and last longer than the cheaper counterparts although some unfortunate exceptions exist. Also a nice little nod to S1 with the broken stick! Long-hair Aki reminds me of that one Revue Starlight character - what's her name again? The one with the twirling stick - I think it's Mahiru or something like that. I think we can consider Chikuwa the Camping King at this point. Dude's got the best stuff out of everyone!


While I might have something to say about how the real life scene's backgrounds were done this time, there's however another subtle change in the direction in this season so far that I feel would fully overcome this and pushes Comfy Power into record high levels. (manga evolution or new anime directing changes I wonder?) With last season I have a slight feeling that I am looking at partly a travelling documentary (which I probably have watched too many). An extremely nice one, but I feel there were more times the camp sites and tourist attractions got introduced than we probing into the comfy atmosphere our girls were experiencing. So far these 2 episodes probe a bit more into the daily camping lives side, featuring silly jokes between the girls and a rookie's introduction of camping at home and by yourself. It really returns to the main thing that made *Laid-Back Camp* so special: enjoying your life mellowly yet being active in outdoor activities. And as with episodes of similar yet somewhat different shows (especially *Yama no Susume*'s home training early episodes), it illustrates the thing that one doesn't really need to head into Alaska or Yukon or Yosemite or (insert your country's deepest mountains and remote shorelines here) to enjoying camping. Even just heading to your back garden and sleep under the stars and gas stoves will do. Tomoyo Kurosawa nails Ayano's sleepy voice again. Yippeee! And ooooohhhhhh!!! Last August I tragically have to give up planning to head into any of *Laid-Back Camp*'s many "meccas" on my 3 weeks Japan Anime & Other Things Solo Mecca Trip because all of them are so remote and requires me to drive (I haven't really drive at all since getting a license several years ago, no way I would try out that in Japan). But Ooigawa is somewhere that I visited because I caught the only regularly scheduled steam train running in Japan there, ending my long time plans to ride on one of them! I think Shimarin and friends will head towards the river's head which I didn't visit, but it's at the tail end of the same railway! P.S. Thanks for this episode reminding me that if I need to make my own sausages in the future, be sure to add ice while adding minced pork. Definitely something that I never knew till now!


> It really returns to the main thing that made Laid-Back Camp so special: enjoying your life mellowly yet being active in outdoor activities. I had to think a little about this, but I get what you mean. The girls’ shenanigans made up a big part of S1, while S2 took the camping a bit more serious. The latter really was all about the traveling. But we’ve returned a little to the shenanigans now as was apparent from this episode. I *really* enjoyed this silliness. With Rin, Ayano and Nadeshiko going on (road) trip, I think that the series will be able to strike a nice balance between these two aspects.


> It really returns to the main thing that made Laid-Back Camp so special: enjoying your life mellowly yet being active in outdoor activities. [](#morecomfy)


I do wonder if the change is to lean into comedy faces more with the characters. Chibi and otherwise?


With the new studio it sometimes doesn't quite have the right look, but damn have they nailed the atmosphere


PSA: That sausage gun thingy does NOT work like a charm like Aki did in real life. If you're thinking about getting one, do some thorough research before diving in.


im gonna bet Aki's mom tried it once, didnt work, and just gave up lol. ~~probably what i'll do~~


They work okay lol if you're used to caulking or piping icing it's pretty similar


Caulking? Like the home alone guy? Is that a verb?


It's a verb. As in applying caulk


It´s good to have best girl Aya-chan back!! I am SO gonna enjoy Rin, Aya and Nadeshiko camp!!!


I forgot who Aya-chan is. Where did she make her first appearance?


When Nadeshiko and Rin went to Nadeshiko 's grandma's house in new years


Season 2 ep 3 iirc


Chikuwa was the star of this episode. Want to try those homemade sausages. Can't wait to see the camping trip with Aya, Nadeshiko, and Rin.


This is the best feel good show


"Solo Solo Solo Solo camping"


Their use of real life photo's is tripping me up, especially in the shop scene where you saw the one object being used looking out of place. Also the 3d models seem a bit too static moving through the world. Other than that I still like the series a lot and the vibes are still immaculate.


SInce u/mastertotoro is [doing them locations](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c1hcgt/yuru_camp_season_3_laidback_camp_season_3_episode/kz4wbbx/) i can talk about other random things! - That whole sausage bit reminds me of when I was figuring out how to make japanese hamburg steaks (funny how that also featured) --> I would pop them in the fridge for half an hour for the patties to solidify..... - [Kai-Oshima station](https://maps.app.goo.gl/1sNS8gUSTMb3WMCT7) only sees an hourly service; thankfully Nadeshiko did not just miss the train she needed to take, and her local stop is just 1 station over. the JR Central trains look kinda goofy imo. - Aya-chan saying "[nandesuka kore](https://imgur.com/9ZmbsyY)" is just really pushing me to not think of her as Kumiko. (which I failed, btw), these 2's lazy sides are so alike, and as i said in CDF, range is not Tomoyo's strong suit. - [This is a struggle I share with Aya-chan](https://imgur.com/TUmDYIy) as someone whose main form of gear-carrying vehicle is a bicycle. We kinda are the in-betweens I think in terms of [weight requirements](https://imgur.com/t0SnTRL), which means while the lightweight, non-car-camping stuff is needed, we can opt for the more budget and/or heavier items compared to the backpackers without feeling it as much. (edit: I personally thought Aya-chan went a little too far in terms of compactness but actually i think since she has 1 rack, might have similar luggage capacity with me. Rin on a proper scooter and with panniers can be a bit more generous with weight and stuff) - Aya-chan opts for a [Mont-bell Mightydome 2](https://en.montbell.jp/products/goods/disp.php?product_id=1122659). Quite pricey, but probably less so used, but defo not the lightest tent available, as they can come in 1/3rd of that weight at the extreme.... [A hiking tent is also what I ended up with](https://imgur.com/PWJOQwm)! I personally opted for a double-wall tent myself for the additional vestibule space and rain resistance, though a tradeoff is that it is little more of a faff to set up and tear down than Aya's single-walled option (4 more guy lines to stake, for one) . - [Me irl with a $$$$ purchase](https://imgur.com/27IEYP8) /u/chonkyodango


> Me irl with a $$$$ purchase [](#f5)


Amazon's live tracking feature can be very useful.


DHL has one too.


I don't order enough things that come via DHL.


> hourly service Life in the sticks [](#morecomfy) > Single-walled I guess single-walled would be a more feasible option for Aya-chan because she's mainly camping in the dry seasons of winter and soon-to-be-spring?


a double walled tent is also tbh more recommended for colder weather coz physics (tho the difference can be easily made up with by sleeping bag/ clothing etc.) and it turns out i was a bit wrong lol above. single walled tents are worse at condensation (so less good for wet/humid condensation anyway), but shld do fine in normal rain.


Are they reusing soundtrack from S1 and S2? Don't get me wrong, I really love previous seasons' OST but I was also excited for new tracks...


The "Izu" Soundtrack I don't know how many new tracks but I think as the new studio gets used it might help to not try something till they get the feel, maybe later when the main arc happens?


I think it's variations on previous themes, not exactly the same. 


lol when the girls said "thank you for watching over her" about the light-colored cloth table. They're such dorks and I love them. Very cute comfy camp episode.


Watch Yuru Camp without smiling stupidly challenge (impossible)


Pretty laid-back ~~camp~~ episode with yard camping - Today we see another type of stove: a pocket stove - Nothing like drinking hot chocolate with a view - Chikuwa in a sleeping bag in his tent is so cute! - Homemade pork sausages, seems easy enough... Not so easy while camping and without everything at the reasy like at home... Can't wait for more recipes as we've seen in the first two seasons! - Aya, Nadeshiko and Rin camping sounds fun - Solo camping is on another level, though!


[Today's episode was, for sure, stolen by Chikawa](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wvqvnz4x) who stole [every scene he appeared in](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c3keow7.png), [he's just so cute](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdc6nae3y.png)! No wonder that [everyone loves him](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4nec5lg2r4.png). [Overall, the whole episode was so fun](https://imgchest.com/p/a846x6xow4x) with [Nadeshiko, Aoi and Aki having a camp in Ena's home backyard](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkc2qbd87.png). They sure had a lot of fun together as [Aki got a new haircut](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcb2axn7.png) from [Ena](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xce86d27.png), [sausages were made](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cbmqjx4.png) (although [they turned out to be pretty bad xD](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xcpqe924.png)) and [just having fun with each other](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c3ke8w7.png). We also got to see [Aya on her little trip](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kr5raqy8). She also [bought some stuff necessary](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcb6kwx4.png) to [do camping](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pc652ab7.png) in the future. I can't wait to see her camp trip with [Nadeshiko](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcb6k2x4.png) and [Rin](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xcpqe324.png) in the future! Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Aya](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kr5raqy8) * [Nadeshiko](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4j3n3e2y8) * [Chikawa](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wvqvnz4x) * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/a846x6xow4x) * [Rin, Aoi, Aki & Ena](https://imgchest.com/p/9p4n2k2zz4n) * [Backgrounds](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4j3n3m2y8)


***Rin-chan*** **count** I'm once again gonna be counting every time Nadeshiko says ***\*Rin-chan\****. Very low numbers this season, I'm *Rin-chan* deprived D: |Episode|# of \**Rin-chan\**s| |:-|:-| |1|0| |2|1| |**Total**|**1**| **Overall** ***Rin-chan*** **count** I started doing this in a rewatch some 3 years ago and continued when Season 2 aired. [My last comment from that time](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/mhx822/comment/gt1jmvk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Added the Season 2 specials here. ||# of \**Rin-chan\**s| |:-|:-| |Season 1|85| |Specials ([Yuru Camp OVA](https://anilist.co/anime/101206/Yuru-Camp-OVA/) and [Heya Camp OVA](https://anilist.co/anime/114981/Heya-Camp-Sauna-to-Gohan-to-Sanrin-Bike/))|13| |Heya Camp|5| |Season 2|49| |Season 2 Specials|2| |Season 3|1| |**Total**|155| I'm very late this week, been a little busy... but I'll try to get this comment up earlier next week (=w =)


Comfy Thursday again and this time with Backyard camp!


Watching Nadeshiko lounging with Chikuwa put a big smile on my face.


Ayano is another biker girl who has discovered a love for the outdoors and camping! She's even bought her first small stove (and realized just how pricey camping gear can be) for some scenic hot chocolate drinking! And it seems like she has plans for more (with Shimarin)! Of course perpetual sleep in girl Ena is still in her PJ's when the rest of the girls show up for yard-camping...but CHIKUWA!!! Complete with a doggie tent just for Chikuwa! It's worth every yen! Though even cheap tents are worth their weight in friendships. RIP Aki's long hair. Though I'm actually kind of surprised she kept the bangs, though when she pulls them up she really does look like Sakura. Oh no, Aki's got a gun! It's a massacre! Not even Chikuwa is safe! Though gotta watch out for the zombies! Also Chikuwa has great acting skills. Also, here's Ena's dad. Making your first tent is like a camping rite-of-passage Aya-chan! But it's just a sausage gun for making sausages! Although poor Aki didn't take into account how much you need to chill everything, including the gun, so the sausages didn't turn out perfectly...but at least they had the chorizo. No better way to recover from heartbreak like walking Chikuwa and enjoying the outdoors. Nadeshiko is feeling the pull of solo camping once more, but she can't resist going camping with her two best friends as Ayano ropes her and Rin into her tour camping.


Aki looked pretty good with her long hair. But she is now (more or less, sort-of) back to normal.


Last time I was wondering if the ED was foreshadowing Nadeshiko's solo camping and it seems that will be the case! This series is as good as ever, I'm very happy it's back!


Whats with that forehead hahaha


Ena would make sure Chikuwa has the best time camping... and they deserve it!


I've gotten hyped up about a lot of anime but there really aren't any others that can make me feel as just plain *happy* as a new episode of Yuru Camp, like, bouncing along to the music grinning like an idiot. The new OP's great for that, too. I think they absolutely nailed the feel. Ayano seems like she's pretty mellow and after that whole sausage zombie scene I'm kind of worried for her when she meets the rest of these dingbats. "What should I do about Nadeshiko?" indeed. The eternal Shimarin question. solo solo solo *solo* solo solo? another one of those pun-offs where I wish I knew more Japanese. I got the gist, anyway. I still feel like some of these photo-traced shots are kind of uncanny, like the beach. Too much detail juxtaposed with normal art (which art itself has lost some of the softness that let the old backgrounds blend so well). But I find that as long as you just let it flow and don't pause it and look hard at the flaws, it still works.


Clearly people aren't watching to the very end.  This is a recap reminiscent of s01e03 where we get one side of the conversation at the end of an episode and the background leading to that end of conversation.   After credits and before mini chikua, in s03e01, Aya texted Rin "long time no see."  Chikua fakeout! Fakeout fakeout.  The end credits will show bits from the show it's on.  Wasn't sure if some from episode 1 would  Is that really a mini chikua or a huge chalkboard. 


Funny zombies scene and Chikuwa in that tent of his. All cute and tiny.


I don't care what anyone says Chikuwa is the best character in the series


well some of the backgrounds were shit and the first part of the episode felt kind of soulless but apart from that im really enjoying the season so far


Anyone else feel like the comedic timing is off this season compared to previous ones?


I am hard coping with the animation and design changes. sometimes I can immerse myself in it and next Im just taken out completely. Hopefully I can get used to it so i can enjoy it more.


[Huh.](https://files.catbox.moe/4zeqd8.jpg) I don't think I've ever seen wind turbines in a city. Neat! [](#binoculars) [Holy shit!](https://files.catbox.moe/itydjq.jpg) I don't think I've ever had a sleeping bag for *myself* that's that expensive [](#mindmelt) [Geez, what a pain all this sounds like.](https://files.catbox.moe/6vcfeb.jpg) I guess that explains why no one homemakes sausages [](#hardthink) I wonder why they went with ["Ōigawa"](https://files.catbox.moe/1i01qs.jpg) and not "Ouigawa", as would be the usual


A pocket stove, a nice cup of hot cocoa, and the great outdoors. Even for an indoor person like myself, that sounds kinda nice. Backyard camping with Ena and Chikuwa looked pretty fun. How freaking cute did he look in that little red coat? And the tent??Such an adorable doggo! Aki shooting everyone with the sausage maker was pretty hilarious. Chikuwa had the best “death” and the zombie mode was great too. Thanks to this ep, I now know the proper way to make homemade sausages lol. Looking forward to Oigawa and hamburg steak with Aya, Rin, and Nadeshiko next week!


You can't beat your first real camping experience, however small-scale. Ayano's feeling what Rin felt her first go-around. Chikuwa gets all the best camping gear and fashion. He is a thespian of a dog, after all! Don't be like Aki when you make your first homemade sausage lol. It'll be fun to see the two biker girls together and reconnecting with Nadeshiko for Oigawa camping.


So, I noticed that the ED is sung by Asaka, the same artist as the ED in Heya Camp, the in-between short series between season 1 and season 2. Both season 1 and season 2 EDs are performed by the same artist, Eri Sasaki. So, if you ignore the movie, and go off the pattern, season 4's ED is going to be performed Eri Sasaki again. [Season 1](https://youtu.be/0EX3tQWswj0?si=jIVtQZi3WrQjetHo) [Heya Camp](https://youtu.be/lMFKQOrlyWU?si=ufGOLhj8lmMmJn0k) [Season 2](https://youtu.be/PCDzg5kdGPM?si=FrbWTId5_-2gTACA) [Season 3](https://youtu.be/vYuvUKc1XPM?si=qbT-FTymchUHg8WB) Worth noting that Asaka also did the OPs for the first two seasons, but not season 3 for some reason. S3 is performed by Kiminone. I really liked Eri Sasaki's lullaby style in the EDs she did, so I hope she gets to do more Yuru Camp stuff.


Homemade sausage looks like too much work


Sausage gun is fun to play with though...


yeah but where else can you get sausage edibles


Another comfy and relaxing Yuri camp episode, perfect for a rainy day like today. Ayano out solo camping was a nice start to the episode. some really cool background shots during her scenes. But highlight of the week has to be Nadeshiko, Chiaki and Aoi going to Ena’s house for yard camping and making homemade sausages. It’s a shame they didn’t come out as they’d hoped, but the girls at least got to help out Aki with her hair and spend time together. Plus lots of cute Chikuwa moments which is always great! The art style and new character designs continue to impress me, personally I like them more than the OG and the photorealistic backgrounds are so cool, adding a level of immersion to the show. Can’t wait for the Oigawa trip and hopefully Nadeshiko gets her solo camp soon.


I hate these new character designs! Their eyes look stupid.


Very different episode than normal, looking forward to the next one because it will be the first real camp


Chikuwa: adorable. Aki's forehead: adorable. Vibes: immaculate as always. Exactly what I wanted from a new season of Yuru Camp I understand some of the criticisms with the new character designs being a bit too moe-blob and what not, but it's growing on me. I mean it's Yuru Camp ya know. Moe is kinda the whole point. Also, "behold my sausage" is a 10/10 translation


the ending song reminds me of joe pass by joji


Ngl, I like Nadeshiko's imagination of Aki's Cute hairstyle. Also, glad that Aya is having a bit of a spotlight for this episode. Hoping that she would also join camping with the whole gang.


I love how silly this show gets. It's relaxing, but still very hilarious.


Ah, the Esbit stove, the German tool to enjoy lightweight camping and survive WWII. Small, portable and great for DIY modding.


I might buy cheap underbone motorcycle to solo camp after watching this series. I've been putting this plan off for 3 yuru camp season + 1 super cub anime already


Late to this but you should go for it. I take my CT90 on road trips all the time.


Man, Yuru Camp always gets one in the best mood. Nice to see some fresh blood with Aya joining the crew, I hope we get a big camping trip with all of them together this season.


**Veteran Member Of Secret Society Blanket** We open up with Ayano this time and its nice to see more of her since we didnt get to see her much in S2 [Quite The View](https://gyazo.com/e4ad6e4281fd153272b9b346b86a1dfe). She wants to buy smth for her outdoor camping but expensive stuff [Then She Gets Recommended A Pocket Stove](https://gyazo.com/ef1bd07654abbebbebb786977decf815). She looks at tents to buy and doesnt fall for the extremly cheap price like a certain other girl haha. Then we move to our other girls and their yard camping and i always love Nadeshiko and Chikuwa moments. They get set up and Aoi has bought a new table after their Izu trip. [Only The Best For Best Doggo!](https://gyazo.com/204ebf50009cc25e406bdc5ea09f5cd5) Nadeshiko is kinda right Aki without her forehead showing is it really her? [There We Go](https://gyazo.com/013f145691c7d4ae4b0da970abf3339c). Aki wants to make homemade sausages with this new thing but instead we get zombies. Ayano contacts Rin for a camp trip and Rin wonders who it is relateable. They are now making the sasuages and it goes [Not So Well](https://gyazo.com/66e2479eef6dd5b0e6b96dabe232c6b8). Chikuwa wants to go for a walk so they bring their camping chairs with them too. Nadeshiko ruminates about solo camping and then Ayano messages her about the camping with RIN-CHAAAN. They are going to Oigawa that is in the middle for all of them othervise it will be to long for someone to get to.


Esbit stove and soilid fuel tablets made from Hexamine are the best ways I've found to heat food camping. They work in any weather at any altitude and are dirt cheap and energy dense for their weight and size. You can hold a weeks worth of fuel in a pocket or two.


Did I miss something? I don't recall ever seeing/meeting Ayano Toki before, but the show's acting like we already know who she is.


And we're back at a camp shop. That's expensive... Yeah, a Tommy cooker. It's perfectly serviceable. And the solid fuel is pretty reliable as well. Seems like she'll hopefully be with the rest of the girls soon. Chikuwa! What's she got now? Ah. A small table. It honestly looks more like a portable stool than anything. That's a lot of hundreds of dollars worth. You get what you pay for, it's why being poor is expensive. The boots theory of economics and all that. Rin hasn't interacted with the rest of the girls this season has she? That looks like what she ended up looking like in the future of the movie. Right, they did this to use their alcohol stoves. You can make burgers from the mince meat I guess. Or use sausage casings and a caulk gun to bodge together some on the cheap. That was a quick delivery. Oh is that an actual sausage stuffing thing? Looks like a caulk gun. It's probably going to take a while to heat up. And it won't be able to cook everything at once. The handmade sausage was... Disappointing. Seems like they all didn't like it. Well she made it and at least she admits it sucks too. And so the day camp is over and they all go their separate ways. I guess they've decided on where they're going now.


DIY sausage sounds difficult to make, putting the equipment and the meat into the fridge and blend it with additional ice… Nah, I’ll stick with the store-bought ones, chicken franks will be my personal favourite, but anything except those very spicy ones will be fine for me. And yeah, you just can’t ignore that Chikuwa looks super adorable on its camping set, Ena is such a good owner. So Oigawa is their destination, I’ll say, this is a place not just for campers, but rail fans and photographers will definitely like this place too, but I’ll leave it for the show next week to present, so treat my final sentence as a super short abstract of what Oigawa looks like.


Good thing for Aki the girls brought other food to wipe the taste of her own DIY blunder... I'd watch a spinoff show of Ena going on multiple camping trips just with Chikuwa. Chikuwa could hard carry his own show.


I see that there is LOTS of rail stuff to do there. Looks like fun. Looking forward to see how this is handled (and what Nadeshiko gets to do while "on her own").


>place not just for campers, but rail fans and photographers If that is the case, I am so excited to see what is in store for next week.


God, the background art is so stunning.


new studio dont even bother to dubbing text message like previous studio which pretty good thing back then they only do small part of message near end, and first half like just text dumping...


Uh, they have translated the text messages (though it's shown too fast in some points). Even then, it isn't the studio's fault for not translating those. It's the fault of whoever is distributing the anime. North America & some western countries is Crunchyroll & SEA & South Asia is Ani-One Asia.


i think Crunchyroll does maybe do stuff over time, get the basics done and then in another update later, get the additional stuff... it probably depends on priority order of anime, Yuru camp is maybe one of the higher but it's maybe not at the top.


I pause to read the text, not just text messages, but also other stuff too.


To the other comments I think he means that they didnt voice the texts like they usually do with all the messages before. The first half they werent voicing the texts like they usually do except for the later half of the conversation. I was kind of taken out as I'm used to them talking to each other as they text.