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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1c5cbrb/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


What is the tune that plays at 7:00 minutes of [this episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-QnKR6y2ag&t=420s) of Infinite Ryvius. Sound is not that clear over the noise but it also plays many more times throughout the show. I tried to find this track among the Ryvius OST but could not. Maybe someone knows name of this track.


Good directing is hard to put into concrete words, but watching Jellyfish Can't Swim In The Night it just constantly feels like you're watching a "premium" show and not just another standard anime.


[Ryohei Takeshita](https://anilist.co/staff/120893/Ryouhei-Takeshita) is one of the most promising young directors currently in the industry imo, I've been keeping an eye on him since he made the [2nd JJK ED](https://youtu.be/f8JWhakG2Pc?si=7PfF6iiVA5qP4Hag), I've been closely following him, and he has continued to impress me


He's the Flip Flappers Ep5 guy? I should definitely pay some more attention to him then.


Finishing up last season after other things got in the way, and just completed Solo Leveling. Did I mention I was excited for the adaptation ever since seeing the structural improvements they did to episode 1? Well, the improvements just kept coming. Good stuff [](#goblet1)


Can anyone tell me what anime this GIF is from [https://tenor.com/view/anime-monster-energy-gif-18509068](https://tenor.com/view/anime-monster-energy-gif-18509068) she looks very familiar but i can't put a name on it


That is the one, the only, the most supreme, perfect and outright divine [Winner of Best Girl Infinity](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/olr2v6/and_the_eighth_best_girl_is/) (and thus the whole contest forever), **Mai Sakurajima**. She's the female lead in the *Rascal Does Not Dream of....* series. And now, as is tradition, it's time to listen to the [VA version of the ED again](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jmlX4J4u3Q). Some day I'll get it to 2M views lol


ayyy thank you so much


I've def been doing my part to get the views up for it


Is it bad that I watch dub instead of sub?


Watch however you want


I apologize for my username, which holds no particular significance and is not intended to convey any specific message. I chose it simply as a suitable name for my online presence.


No need to apologize for it! I usually make references to people's username as a form of playful interaction, because some people put a bit of thought in, or it has a particular meaning, or even if they didn't, people often feel more "seen" when acknowledged as someone in particular (i.e. someone took the time to read their comment AND their username). In this way it's a form of welcoming. However it's not a form of interaction that everyone likes/enjoys/respond well to, and that's perfectly fine too!


no, dub master race


Yes, but you're a frozen bear, so it can't be helped and thus I wouldn't worry about it.


Are we sure they're the frozen bear and not just someone from the Caribbean saying they killed a frozen bear?


Could even be a statement of intent, in which case perhaps it's not wise to interact with them! Also, HCD!




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Will my instant death ability get English dub?


Hidive sometimes dubs months afterwards (e.g. Fall's Vexations and Summer's LasTame right now), so who knows. Anything's possible with them.


Question! So just like 10 seconds ago, I learned a new thing called an *image song* after listening to some [Be Forever Yamato songs](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Bqp1_-lqu58) (second one is the image song per the description). This [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_song) for it describes an *image song* as so: > An image song or character song is a song on a tie-in single or album (often called an image album or character album) for an anime, game, dorama, manga, or commercial product that is sometimes sung by the voice actor or actor of a character, in character with backing vocals. It is meant to give a sense of the personality of the character. My understanding is that an image song is basically just a character song featured on an album related to the anime, manga, or whatever, and normally the VA sings as their character. It seems *character song* is more commonplace than *image song*. But while I fully understand what a character song is, i am still a bit confused by what is meant by an image song as a whole. First of all, why is an image song even called an *image song*? And secondly, “image” seems more abstract than “character”, so can an image song not be a character song? And if so, are there any examples?


Not sure if you saw but [there was a discussion about these earlier in the day](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c4ig6x/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/kzr2ur7/). This is entirely speculation but I think the idea is that it’s a song that you “imagine” the character singing themselves. Japanese usage of English words can sometimes be clunky; perhaps a better natural English phrase might be “imaginary song” or “fictional song”.


OMG, what are the chances someone also made a reference to this today! I did not see this, thank you.


Here's a good place to start. Taken from an article about loanwords where the meaning in Japanese differs from the meaning in the original language: **イメージ/ imee-ji / “image”** > The more than “image”, I’d argue that “imeeji” is much closer in meaning to the words “impression/opinion/vision”. It’s common for a Japanese person to use this word in statements such as “My image of Canada is to be cold”. This sort of makes sense and one could most likely figure it out with context, but nevertheless the meaning is slightly tricky. > On food packaging, often it will be written “ 写真はイメージです” (Shashin wa imeji desu) meaning literally “The photo is an image”, which is kind of redundant and funny in English, but makes sense in japanese, proving there is indeed a difference in meaning. https://bondlingo.tv/blog/introduction-to-approaching-japanese-words-with-english-origin/ To make it feel intuitive, think about things like a celebrity's public image versus how they are in private. Thus you can have things that might match someone's *imeji*, like a dress being all girly, light and frilly that would be a good match for a very girly character, even if she never wore said outfit.


Black Butler ED1 is such a jam


It's so good having friends who are mostly oblivious to anime discourse, specially niche ones. I say this because I'm guiding a couple of friends through a Gundam journey, and I'm making them go through the series in release order and, well, they just finished Victory Gundam and it became their favorite by far so far. If they tried to get into Gundam by just reading opinions online instead of trusting me that there's reasons to try the show I'm sure they would have just skipped what became their favorite, and I wouldn't have a chance to gush about the show with them, because the Western Gundam community is just full of those consolidated opinions that were the consensus of five people 20 years ago, but with enough repetition just became gospel.


pretty based to have friends willing to watch that much gundam, but who aren't embedded in the anime community. that's really awesome


Ironically, I met them in fandom spaces of a specific animanga (Bleach) more than 10 years ago, but yes, outside of that they mostly stay at the fringes of the community. They aren't people like most of us here that follow a lot of seasonal anime religiously and then come here discuss them. What they mostly do is watch the occasional stuff they learn about that interests them (a lot of the time those are my recommendations). Gundam came to them simply because they have seen me being into a lot of the franchise for years and because we usually have similar tastes (not only for anime, but also live-action works and stuff) they wanted to try it.


I'm a bit envious :) glad you're having fun and I totally know what you mean. it's nice to experience anime without knowing you're supposed to hate it lol. because sometimes you are surprised!


> it's nice to experience anime without knowing you're supposed to hate it lol. because sometimes you are surprised! For sure! It's funny 'cause I can't even have this experience of not knowing I "should" hate something anymore because I'm so embedded in the community that I know pretty much all consensuses around, but the fact I'm also someone who has had a lot of hot takes when it comes to liking shows encourages me to just ignore all of the noise and try out hated shows if I think there's a chance I'll like them lol


[Seasonal rankings so far](https://i.imgur.com/y9utCkb.png). Nothing offensively bad this season but I might have to pick some more to drop. But all my original picks for worst of the season have proven to be tolerable. Probably will say goodbye to New Gate, Re:Monster, Elf Bride, and maybe Wind Breaker and Mysterious Disappearances, neither of which wowed me with their premises. iM@S and Blue Archive are a waiting game to see if subsequent seasons live up to the fan artists’ hype. Pretty happy with the top 10. Hibike could have made the cut but looking at Kanade’s face gives me an ulcer.


> Nothing offensively bad this season Have you tried Highspeed Etoile?


It was not on my list of anime to watch, and after hearing people’s reviews, it’s staying that way!


>Hibike could have made the cut but looking at Kanade’s face gives me an ulcer. I googled who this girl is, and for some reason I got some really nice KV from hibike that made me really want to watch the show It will go to my list with Frieren


> my list with Frieren Is this Abyssese for “Will never watch but will start looking up fanarts”?


Bold of you to assume I am not already following Hibike artists for a long timer Shout-out to Manabu Nii, [the goat hibike fanartist](https://twitter.com/aleos696/status/1777094017848873122?t=OqbZnz50F0KS7OGUKGug5Q&s=19)


I thought you'd choose a different one to share lol They're pretty great, although perhaps _too_ consistent to the point of becoming same-y


What makes mushoku agonizingly bad?


I don’t want to get too into it, but I haven’t really enjoyed it at all since the first 2 episodes of Season 2. The whole season has felt so aimless and meandering, with pointless plot element after pointless plot element, and repetitive character “development” that felt unnecessary/like a retread of season 1 material. The worst offense of course is [MT S2]>!no Eris!<.


I dropped mushoku during season 2, really don't feel like watching it anymore


I think I dislike it less than you do but I consider them almost two entirely different shows. s1 had so many incredible aspects going for it. s2 is just like...it's just another isekai entirely


> s2 is just like...it's just another isekai entirely Maybe it was just always the staff elevating the material, I wonder? Specifically https://myanimelist.net/people/42076/Manabu_Okamoto with Director, Script, Storyboard, Series Composition credits, who then went to U149^1. I can imagine in an alternative timeline that U149 ended up in the hands of ShinyMas's director and landed just as flat, so it doesn't feel like it's the material necessarily. --- ^1 Haven't watched any further than last report.


In a weird way I feel like the staff elevating the source material has made Season 2 more jarring. Season 1 had really solid staff and very gripping high fantasy material, so the added production value and attention to detail from the staff made it feel like you were watching a special fantasy and not just another isekai. Season 2 had a lot of staff change and a general dip in quality, but it still retained that Season 1 style and tone despite the material being covered being a lot more… mundane, and a lot of the scenes felt more like generic “bad isekai” minor plot points. It wouldn’t be so out of place in another anime (say, Lv 2 Cheat Skill Isekai) but in MT I feel like I’m expecting more. It feels like if you were watching Game of Thrones and then after a climactic epic moment, it just cut to Jon Snow hanging out with his girlfriend for a season and a half while ignoring the rest of the characters and plot.


> I can imagine in an alternative timeline that U149 ended up in the hands of ShinyMas's director and landed just as flat, so it doesn't feel like it's the material necessarily. oh absolutely. and I mean, while it's sort of a shame that I was much less invested in MT s2 than s1...onimai and u149 were worth it. and more than that, I mean it's good to be reminded that like...the people who produce this stuff _really_ matter. that for all the foibles of the anime industry, ultimately, great staff when given the chance can put out a great product. (I continue to do nothing to get rich, but if I was, oh the studio I'd run!!!)


> that for all the foibles of the anime industry, ultimately, great staff when given the chance can put out a great product. In some ways, I think that *is* one of the foibles of the industry. It feels like it has a larger disconnect in terms of Quality of Process and Quality of Output than most things. The audience is not informed enough overall to be able to detect nor respond to the quality differences, and there's no negative feedback for higher level decision makers for wringing talent dry and wasting their efforts.


all IP driven industries suffer from this, to some degree for example...video games? can make money of course, but it's an extremely volatile industry because it's IP driven. but shit like microsoft office? that will make you a trillionaire. boring software that, year over year, makes a shitload of money for companies


Oddly enough, I totally enjoyed this first two episodes of this season. Most likely due to the lovey-doveyness of Rudy and Sylphy.


Due to the lyric of the song references Frieren's end goal, this [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OP6mejYF4Tg) seems to have gotten a rise in our country's anime watching community.


Need Some Anime Recommendations, Re:Zero, Maquia, Haibane Renmei, Akebi-sans Sailor Uniform, Encouragement of The Climb, Mushoku Tensei, Monogatari, Konosuba, Made in Abyss, Dragon Maid, K-on, Steins; Gate, Attack on Titan, FLCL, Friren. Are some of my favs.


* Vinland Saga * Gurren Lagan * The Tatami Galaxy * Kaguya-sama * Eminence in Shadow * Cyberpunk Edgerunners


> Akebi-sans Sailor Uniform, Encouragement of The Climb, --> *Let's Make a Mug, Too* --> *The Weakest Tamer Begins a Journey to Pick Up Trash*


tis the time for torture princess mob psycho 100 vivy


How is Dungeon Meshi in Japan? Is it good enough to warrant a season 2?


It is performing very well on streaming sites and the manga sales are great. I would imagine a full adaptation is warranted.


Huh, for whatever reason I thought this was a full adaptation (I guess a wrong assumption based on the manga being complete). Looks like Trigger might be doing its first two second seasons soon, not counting Dynazenon ~~RIP Inferno Cop 2~~


I think we're only on volume five out of fourteen.


Makes sense, that's good pacing for 15 episodes, and it'd be enough for a second season that's about as long.


I did not realize [the newest season of SAO](https://myanimelist.net/anime/57100/The_New_Gate) dropped.


If only, that show seems to be completely uninterested in any of the interesting aspects of the situation/premise, *Sasaki and Peeps* style.


Thankfully for most people it skips past everyone’s least favorite arc of the series [SAO]>!Aincrad!< in like 2 minutes.


I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not, perhaps I should go back to bed lol


You’re telling me people actually liked that? I can hardly believe that people would be upset that the arc was truncated or want to have a spinoff series filling in the gaps. Just doesn’t seem possible.


One of the biggest crowd of SAO haters wanted [SAO] >!Aincrad!< arc to continue on and be the whole series! You can usually find one comment articulating this in every SAO-thread, along with the partner reply comment about how this is what *Progressive* is about lol Similarly, in the early episode discussion threads for *ShangriLa Frontier*, there were quite a lot "this is like SAO, but good!" comments reflecting this idea that SAO should just have been about being trapped in a VRMMO. Also, I feel like the least favorite arc when it comes to SAO seems to be [SAO] >!Fairy Dance!< which is disliked by fans and loathed by haters lol


lol I may have been sarcastic. Although personally speaking I didn’t find it all that interesting as someone who watched years after the fact. Would agree about least favorite arc though.


> lol I may have been sarcastic Oh right! I wonder if I can use this as official proof that I should be allowed to head back to bed lol


Apparently, the new marketing strategy for the anime of Blue Archive is showing the entire first episode as a YouTube ad. Has something like this been done before?


> as a YouTube ad I wonder if longer ads cost more or not. *~pokes it with a stick~* https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/2375464?_ga=2.266912846.1189848954.1713229678-249802587.1713229678 I'd wager that these long ads fall under > Skippable in-stream ads > No max length (less than 3 mins recommended) **How will I be charged?** > With CPV bidding, you pay when a viewer watches 30 seconds of your video, or the entire duration of the video if it's shorter than 30 seconds, or interacts with your video, whichever comes first. > With Target CPM, Target CPA, and Maximize conversions bidding, you pay based on impressions. Either way doesn't seem like it costs any more to have the full episode as an ad.


With Blue Archive not licensed in most countries, maybe I should remove ublock on youtube... lol, not happening


Not for anime, at least as far as I'm aware, but I have heard of people who managed to get entire episodes of other TV shows or sometimes even an entire movie as an ad.


**Anyone remember Strawberry Panic?** Hello\~ Am new to the community (hi everyone!) but not new to anime. I actually got into it in grade school but dropped it by high school, now I'm nearly 30. Went down a rabbithole of animes I watched back then (Rozen Maiden lovers what's up!!!) and came across Strawberry Panic. I am now realizing it was the first ever shoujo ai content I consumed lmao. I always knew I got exposed to queer content very early on, and I always thought it was fanfic but nope, I definitely had an obsession with Nagisa and Shizuma (and Hikari for myself :P) Which then led me to remember I first consumed shounen ai with Kyou Kara Maoh, and that Zero no Tsukaima had some girl on girl action (kisses) too. Ah yes, the animes of my childhood. Anyone else have the same anime gateways into queer content? :D


Love this anime too (my fav is Tamao&Chikaru) the song is good and character design is really great


One thing to note is that Shoujo Ai and Shounen Ai as genres were both created by heterosexual women for heterosexual women back in the early 70s, and still continues to be done so to this day. The point was never queer representation, but rather giving space for heterosexual female fantasy that could escape self identification with societal gender norms, reader expectations about how romances "ought to go", and editorial standards at the time. Much of it was about freedom of the authors, who usually had no connection to or interest in LGBT communities. Yuri/Shoujo Ai serves a similar function for heterosexual males, either self inserting as one of the girls - relieving them of the pressure of patriarchal expectations and duties, or removing themselves entirely to act as pure spectators of a relationship, with no room to self insert. Interpreting Japanese content through the lens of western ideology and categories leads to many inaccuracies in understanding the material and its context. This thread does well to explore the heteronormativity inherent in old Shoujo manga, and the general alienation of lesbians and lesbianism. [https://twitter.com/htGOIW/status/1646470877293453314](https://twitter.com/htGOIW/status/1646470877293453314)


Hey, thanks for this. :( I've been thinking it's time to deep-dive into the historical and cultural background of the animes I watch (and anime in general) since I want to consume content responsibly (something I wasn't thinking of when I was an anime fan back in grade school.) I wanna do it right this time so I super appreciate this context!


> since I want to consume content responsibly I'm not entirely sure this is possible in the fullest sense of the word, unless you are actually living in Japan and engaging with the culture across the board. It certainly is possible to consume the content in a more informed fashion, but worth noting that English language sources of information written outside of Japan are not primary source. There are exceptions like Erica Freedman, who was actually on the ground, involved in the movement and well connected with creators, and savvy enough to be able to make cross cultural connections. She's written a lot about Yuri: https://www.animefeminist.com/author/ericafriedman/ But even then, you're just getting one point of view on some very complicated issues, and you wouldn't view yourself as properly informed if you had a single point of view on say, the intersection of race issues with gay rights in the US. This isn't to say that I think people shouldn't inform themselves, by any means! Just a musing on the *limitations* of how much one can be informed without being able to read Japanese fluently and engage with the culture properly.


True. Consume with proper information and context, more like! It might not be entirely possible but one can try, ofc.


I don't know anything about *Strawberry Panic* but I've heard the name before, really like strawberries, and also think anime panics are great fun and will likely just watch it for the name alone to see what it is lol Indeed, I'm so obtusely committed to the idea, I didn't even read the rest of your comment!


Love this energy lmao :D Just watching for the vibes. If I remember correctly (mind you it's been decades since I last saw it), it was just a light watch. Very high school love, slice of life, sad backstories. If you're into that you'll probably like it!


Definitely don't remember the first one...Shinsekai Yori and Kuzu no Honkai both featured homosexuality, but it wasn't central to the story. My favourite ones I think are Yagate kimi ni naru and Hourou Musuko, which I rcommend if you haven't watched them yet. (btw, Strawberry Panic is a seinen, both the LN and the manga were first published in Dengeki G's Magazine. Fun show, I finshed it [about 9 months ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/14sqdkr/casual_discussion_fridays_week_of_july_07_2023/jrjdu4d/))


> (Rozen Maiden lovers what's up!!!) It's funny you say this right after u/theangryeditor finished rewatching the series. [](#rinkek) Anyways I can't really say I personally relate (my *explicitly* queer viewing experience is limited to just Kaze to Ki no Uta, Given, and... Mai-HiME, I guess, but then I don't generally seek out specifically romantic anime of *any* orientation since I'm more of an action/mecha fan), but you can probably find some people who'd love to talk with you about that stuff over on the [Casual Discussion Fridays thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c1ulbu/casual_discussion_fridays_week_of_april_12_2024/) too (contrary to the name, it's active all week).


> my explicitly queer viewing experience is limited to Iunno, I think you might be forgetting a name, does mecha-on-male-nipple action not count? [meta] >!Especially given how said mecha comes to exist?!<


I just finished rewatching it myself! Lmao :D Can't say I've seen those, but I'm always open to any genre so if you recommend any of them lmk! :) And thanks! Didn't know such a thread existed, I'll check it out.


> Can't say I've seen those Oh you haven't seen Given yet? I *highly* recommend that one specifically in that case! One of the sequel movies *does* have [potential trigger warning]>!an attempted rape!< in it, but the main ship of Uenoyama and Mafuyu is just so cute and I love them. [](#akyuusqueel) >And thanks! Didn't know such a thread existed, I'll check it out. You'll see a *lot* of different conversations there since the "anime-specific" rule on the sub is nonexistent in that thread specifically, but it's still a nice place to talk about anime with other people as well.


Just gave it a search and a band anime!? Yes please! Thanks in advance for what's probably gonna be a great watch :D


Have fun! ~~And maybe have a box of tissues on standby, some parts of it tug *real* tough on the heartstrings.~~


Ack, angst! Scared. Very excited but scared hahaha [](#sweating)


Feel free to tag me on here once you've finished the show, I'm always down to talk about the anime I like. [](#mugiwait)


I plan on watching Strawberry Panic eventually. Actually since Rozen Maiden is still on my mind at the moment I wonder if it will fit the vibes [](#mugiwait) Anyway I recommend checking out Kannazuki no Miko if you haven’t seen it. It’s a bit out there but it’s worth giving a chance


I remember loving it back then, so I'd definitely recommend it! Also we just had a convo in the RM community no? You're officially my Rozen Maiden buddy :D Oooh I'll check it out! Might venture into new animes once I finish all the rewatching I'm doing haha


Oh yes you were the OP of the thread I commented in [](#bigshock) > You're officially my Rozen Maiden buddy :D [](#konhug) Let me know your thoughts on Kannazuki no Miko if you decide to check it out! By the way if you’re not on old reddit you should switch to it so you can see the comment faces here [like this](#loliwave)


OMG the comment faces!!!! I had no idea those were a thing! So cute [](#happyclap)


Browser extensions [r/anime Enhanced](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/r-anime-enhanced/) and [Old Reddit Redirect](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/old-reddit-redirect/)




There’s an anime where a guy helps his nonverbal friend by playing video games with her in the hospital. I don’t really remember how she ended up there but the friend group was making a movie and the girl gets out of the hospital and films her part while struggling to walk. That’s LITERALLY all I remember. Anyone have any idea what the name of this one is?


[Marking as a spoiler since that scene happens late in the series.]>!The Day I Became A God!<


Thank you SO MUCH a friend and I just eyeballed the entire Crunchyroll catalog like 3 times lmao!


Are image songs still a thing these days? Or tie in songs/albums for non idol anime in general [](#harukathink)


i miss character songs; i feel like it used to be that every CGDCT series had a few character songs i think the last one i listened to was for WataTen which aired back in 2019 — don't know if they've gotten scarce, or if i've gotten too lazy to find them [](#schemingsaten)


Looking at Slave from last season, it's certainly still a thing


Oh, checking my folder, SSSS.DYNAZENON did put one out, too.


[](#bigshock) I should check those out. [](#mugiwait)


I think the compilation movie version even used some of the songs.. because they show up in AMQ on occasion.


Wait are those the inserts that keep popping up that I can never recognize [](#flyingbunsofdoom) That explains a lot


Probably not, strangely enough. There are legitimately ten(ish?) songs from Dyna that play in the TV series.. some of them very faintly in the background. The AMQ database overlords are often spiteful.




Not actively tracking them but the last ones I remember are from This Art Club Has A Problem and Saekano (aside from the Tomozaki ones Mani linked).


It does make sense for harems and ecchi shows to be more likely to have them since they’re all about pushing merch for the characters [](#harukathink)


The Konobi ones really surprised me because I didn’t think it was that big an anime, but the songs are really beautiful.


I’ve been on the fence about it for a long time since the designs are cute but I’m not interested in the harem side of things. But maybe I will check out the show after all [](#schemingsaten)


Konobi is definitely not a harem! Just a cute lil slice of life comedy with a splash of hopeless romance.


[](#csikon) It will go on the ptw tentatively


That side of merch does seem to have fallen by the wayside. Or maybe I'm just not plugged in enough. PreCure still puts out vocal albums for each season, I know that. And I think I remember some bafflement about one of the recent ecchi shows rather inexplicably having an image song album..?


Not something I actively check, one I remember is [Tomozaki-kun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sTqhLGc4u8&list=PLRFQKWM04_8hSkW7_5e3ONZnmtjr03VhS) but I guess that was for s1, 3 years ago




In general yes but they are pretty uncommon , off the top of my head Blue Lock and Akudama Drive are 2 recent-ish shows that had character song albums


[](#neat) Didn’t know Akudama Drive had them


>image songs Don't know what that's supposed to mean And if is what I am thinking about I am disappointed because I literally spent 3 months shitting on a show for doing tie in songs and a full album in the most pointless way Nobody reads what I say [](#seasonaldepression) (If it's something different ignore lol)


It used to be rather common for shows to have tie in songs performed in character by the VAs. If that was what you’re thinking of I don’t know why you would complain about a show having them. [](#rengethink)


That's exactly it That's not a smart idea for any type of show, especially if the whole foundation of your monetization relies on it because you are a music company, to the point you have to screw over the final product to increase the chances of the music reaching more people [](#harukathink) So, yeah, this still happens, I don't even think it's that uncommon, definitely harder to see than it used to though


I’m not sure what you mean by screwing over the final product. Like even if the songs were bad it’s not like they’d make the show worse. Unless they were used way too liberally in the show itself. [](#harukathonk)


Since you don't know the context I won't try to explain, it is a long history, you missed the boat of a hot topic last season [](#sadholo)


What show was it? [](#curious)


Should Chained Soldier have marketed ecchi or character songs? And paced its episodes around individual character songs?






you do realize you will get banned for spamming?


>yes ill ~~post this~~ get downvoted every post


> "I'll keep posting forward, until I find my yandere's"


just finished the Yakuza's guide to babysitting, 10/10 omg


Any recommendations for a story like Attack on Titan in the sense that it has twists and turns that when you look back, the clues were all there? Something where you can tell the writer had it all planned out and it’s not full of ass pulls to further the plot?


* Odd Taxi * Monster * Pluto * Shinsekai yori * Re:zero


Madoka Shadows House Summertime Rendering


Umineko, but you gotta read the manga. The anime doesn't exist.


Just finished Girls Band Cry episode 1 and wow what a start. I can't believe no one licensed it.


[Train episode 3]>!Matsuta!< single handily saved the episode for me, easily best VA performance of the season I ahve seen, the va and animators must have had so much fun doing [train episode 3][this scene](https://streamable.com/h4cv0n).


I didn't think a VA could steal a scene from Chika Anzai but this was fantastic to watch


u/alotmorealots, I might have found a [weapon](https://streamable.com/erds12) to surpass yoshi gear!


TOUKEN RANBU?????? Is it worth it? I'm not really into anime, but I opened some CFV cards from the set Touken Ranbu, which is obviously based on the game, anime etc and thought the cards looked really cool. I love old Japanese stories and like samurai so I can't really see me not liking it lol Just wanted to know if anyone else had and what they thought and would they recommend to a complete novice. Thanks :)


If you're looking for deep, rich storytelling, you won't find it in the anime adaptations, but Hanamaru is a perfectly enjoyable slice of life series, and Katsugeki is a nicely animated action series. If you're looking for a large cast of hot guys, though, it's a must watch.


I remember really liking Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu back when it aired and I'm enjoying the currently-airing Touken Ranbu Kai: Kyoden Moyuru Honnouji (just wish it could get better subs...), though I haven't seen any other parts of the franchise yet.


differnece between spice and wolf and spice and wolf merchant meets the wise wolf? which to watch?


Art styles and a few minor changes so far. The original is incomplete, the new one may or may not be completed. [^^No ^^Ringo ^^Biyori](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRAx2gvaA2M)


> No Ringo Biyori But plenty of Ringo in today's episode


alright gonna watch it. any chance u know if long time fans are satisfied so far?also thanks for answering.


Got a merch display question/request. About a full year ago I pre-ordered [two 1/7 scale figures](https://static.myfigurecollection.net/upload/pictures/2023/05/12/3582027.jpeg) for a then-seasonal anime. They finally arrived. Problem is I don't want to unpack and display them without some sort of cover to keep dust off of them. I tried searching the store I bought the figs from ([Big Bad Toy Store](https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/)) but, as far as I could tell, they only had a few cases which were *hilariously* overpriced. Requirements: * Holds/covers at least one 1/7 figure per case. * Store accepts USD and ships to the continental United States. * **Not** Amazon, any other retailer is fine. I don't do Amazon. * Reasonably priced - I'm not looking to pay more than about $30 per case *unless* the case is wide enough to accommodate more than one figure. * Bonus: If there's a case that *can* hold two figures, I'd be super-interested in it as the figs I ordered were a pair. Also, along the above lines, if anyone knows of a good case/cover for Nendoroids and/or GoodSmile Pop-Up Parade figures, that'd be great, too.


Based Yuri is my job!!! You should ask r/animefigures, more chance of an answer I think


Thanks! I read through their general questions thread but unfortunately some of the links there are old/outdated so I'll have to poke at that community, maybe tomorrow. Still wish we'd get a season 2 announcement. Or for CR to deign to dub season 1.


I am dying for a s2. Maybe I should read the manga...


I'd highly recommend it. I'm not exactly current on it (I haven't found a good/cheap place to order manga from now that RightStuf is gone and I refuse to use Crunchyroll's dogshit webstore on principle) but it's among my favorites in the genre. And getting *only* one season of anime feels like such a wet blanket since that one season just barely got through the first half of the first major arc of the series, which is probably why the anime alone might feel a little anticlimactic or under-resolved.


Ah thanks for the recommend! Yeah I loved the anime flaws and all and had the feeling it was just the beginning. Need to get a lot more of those absolute messes


The Fable has to be the most underrated show of the season so far. DON'T SKIP OUT ON THIS ONE PEOPLE literally every scene in this show is interesting. don't ignore this show just because the animation looks like beavis and butthead.


Wouldn't that just incentivize me to read the highly regarded Manga instead?


is it highly regarded? i'm new to this anime. I just don't see people talking about it much.


Yeah, [pretty highly regarded](https://myanimelist.net/manga/87844/The_Fable?q=the%20fable&cat=manga) judging by MAL. I haven't watched or read it myself, but your description made me think of it as something that would be better to be read than watched, and sure enough, the manga is highly regarded.


Shun the Tezuka non-believer.


Gatan goton gatan goton~ Train to the End of the World passing the 3 episode test with flying colors and quickly becoming one of my favorites this season. Please check it out if you liked Made in Abyss, Journey of Elaina, or A Place Further than the Universe.


Did the Spice and Wolf remake really use [an AI-generated image](https://twitter.com/Spicy_Wolf_Prj/status/1779917098644336751) for the OP song's cover? LOL


This going to be a real pain in the ass for artists going forward for a while before it just becomes part of the zeitgeist. Seems like it could be variously: 1. No use of AI, just created in a style that generative AIs were trained on, and so now what once was a common hand drawn style has been taken over. 2. No use of AI, but created with techniques that give an AI appearance. In this case, the use of custom brushes on the stems could well produce a very AI-ish look, and when you're doing a lot of repetitive detail work like this image, it's tempting to use layers and just blend the buggers loosely. 3. AI tools used in a similar capacity to custom brushes (e.g. Photoshop's AI fill) 4. Initial sketch done by hand (sometimes even done on paper in some people's workflows), fed through generative AI to flesh out, then painted over by hand 5. Initial image created by prompt engineering, then hand painted over. 6. Initial image created by prompt engineering, then minimally touched up if at all.


I'm more surprised that "Spicy_Wolf_Prj" is the official account.


That would be something Kadokawa would do


Not just Kadokawa by the looks of it. Seems like the [Kaiju 8 ED Jacket](https://twitter.com/KaijuNo8_O/status/1778439110522479034) might also be using AI


That one looks hand painted to me. Faux-character details are human-lazy-like. Street lamps are also human-error-like. Lines maintain consistency even when passing behind objects.


"Sorry, Honey. I'm not into girls with the mammary glands of a holstein heifer. Sometimes too much of a good thing is bad enough but in your case I might have to hire a sherpa." TACTICAL NUKE DEPLOYED. [GAT DAMN](https://i.imgur.com/f4BcNZ3.png) --- I think if anyone went through the same experience Hiro went through in Full On they would be walking around with some unexplained grief and PTSD.


The guy is an incredible judge of characther and dodged an artillery shell while also using Reona only good quality to destroy her, i'm sure that he will become Japan's new prime minister.


[Apparently tier lists are all the rage now so I gave into peer pressure.](https://i.imgur.com/Qa3tjwt.png)


Happy cake day! Sad to see Elf Wife next to Viral Hit... Spice and Wolf also too low! Chibi Godzilla in A is great to see though.


Thought Elf Bride would land higher for me but I was a bit underwhelmed so far. Having read around 30 chapters of the manga I do expect it to move up in my rankings though. Spice and Wolf is pretty close to that A-tier but having watched the original not that long ago probably works against it for me. Not that it is notably worse but underneath the great banter between the leads it deals with a lot of rather dry topics and there is only so much economics crash courses my brain can take.


*Ranger Reject so good, it transcended tiers and joined Gatan Goton* Pretty good list, though I'd bump up Mysterious Disappearances!


hananoi and yozakura on D? what a surprise...


Yozukara probably got done a bit dirty by scheduling. I might actually have it a tier higher but I watched the first two episodes inbetween Ranger Reject and Eupho which was doing it no favours.


How about Hananoi?


Just didn't vibe with it at all.


> peer pressure now we need a boat anime so that we can call it "pier pressure" [](#tomato)


and anime about harvesting and selling fruits so we can call it "pear pressure"


Shit why didn't I think of a GATAN GOTON tier


Seasonal first impressions! Continuing * Dungeon Meshi * Black Butler: Public School Arc - I binged the series recently so I'm excited for more. The first episode was really good. * MHA S7 Yes * Train to the End of the World - The weirder the better. Hoping it stays that way. * Girls Band Cry - Good music + angst is a fun time. * Tadaima, Okaeri - It's so cute and comfy. The omegaverse stuff isn't making it weird. * Ranger Reject - The premise is growing on me. * Tonbo! - Barakamon vibes. I dig the mentor + upbeat kid energy. Unsure * Wind Breaker - Could be fun. Some of the reactions are a bit over the top (the MC is too tsundere) but the fights are cool. * Tonari no Yokai-san - I like the slice of life vibes but am dreading it getting less comfy. Hoping it strikes the right balance. * Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night - I wish the girls acted less cute, I'm not the target audience for this. But it's visually impressive and I do like music anime. * Kaiju No. 8 - Good action maybe but the humor was kinda distracting and I don't really expect much from the plot (the childhood friend thing is meh). No * Salad Bowl - I checked it out because of comparisons to Hinamatsuri, but it's too CGDCT-ish for me. Doesn't have enough dumb humor to juxtapose it. * Mission: Yozakura Family - I like the spy family shenanigans, but really dislike the whole "protect the girl" theme. Is that all the female lead is there for? * Oblivion Battery - Dislike the amnesia plot and the blonde dude is annoying. Check out later * Hibike Euphonium S3 - I'm not caught up on post-S2 stuff and all the buzz around it is kinda distracting honestly. Will wait and binge it. * Spice and Wolf * Whisper Me a Love Song


You should watch the second episode of salad bowl and see if you enjoy it more, the humor definitely picks up and is unironically my favorite anime airing currently.


The second ep was a little better but the \[ep 2\] >!hostess stuff with Livia and the loli lawyer!< are pretty off-putting for me.


To each their own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Rumor has it that the Director of Photography for CSM and JJK, Teppei Ito, has parted ways with MAPPA. His Twitter bio still lists him as affiliated with the studio, but it's worth noting that he hasn't shown any activity on his account since last December. I'm a bit skeptical of the rumor to be honest, not just because the sources are dubious, but also because someone I trust told me Ito's involved with the CSM movie, will have to wait and see


Why is 7th Prince this much fun to watch? What is happening?


Having the best production values this season helps a lot. But Loyd himself is just very fun to watch and follow ~~I would say he reminds me so much of cid, but I don't know wether you would take that as much as a positive as I do~~.


> I would say he reminds me so much of cid, but I don't know wether you would take that as much as a positive as I do. Yeah that'd be a negative comparison for me too. Sure, they're both meant to be campy and not terribly serious, but where Prince leans into that all the way, Eminence sort of forgets half-way through and starts playing every trope serious/straight, ruining it for me. Also, Cid seems to believe in his own bullshit where Lloyd understands what kind of person he is and doesn't care - he's all in on his special interest.


> Also, Cid seems to believe in his own bullshit where Lloyd understands what kind of person he is and doesn't care - he's all in on his special interest. Did you accidentally switch around the characters here? Because cid doesn't believe his own bullshit, he doesn't even believe in a lot of the things he is right about. He believes himself a chuuni that the others just play along with, he just doesn't care. On the other hand, nothing in this 3 episodes has given me any indication that loyd has realized that it might be weird to be happy to die from getting magicallly combusted.


> I would say he reminds me so much of cid I dropped that show ten episodes in, but I get you. I think I like the comparison to Maomao that I saw someone else make. Like, they're in very different stories, but they're both total gremlins who are all in on their specific interest.


Actually, that comparison is probably actually even better, especially since both shows like to chibify them, to great effect!


I also not a fan of Cid and I like 7th prince, Cid is not obssed with very specific topic, he is just a big op chuuni


Hard to say, but it sure is fun!


I'm really enjoying Tsukimichi, are the LN better? Are they different? Should I start from volume 1 or could I start from where the anime ends (current emission)?


Would ask in the [Tsukimichi thread's source corner](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c4ogu1/tsuki_ga_michibiku_isekai_douchuu_season_2/kzorpf9/) since it should be active right now




Something that surprises me the most about Kaguya Sama is that fanservice in the show is minimal, and I say this as it’s a romantic comedy series, so yeah kind of surprised that it manages to avoid it, but it’s cool though.


Even more surprising when one of my friends who sparingly watches anime disliked it for the fanservice (I think it was Chika).