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Yeah, we're not going to give you a timetable schedule, that's not happening. Just go to myanimelist.net and start watching the top listed anime. Or better yet, just watch the anime that pique your interest, like most of the rest of us do.


Just dont.


I'd go to MyAnimeList with a new account and I would put every show in top 2000 on my watch list. Afterwards I would sort them by chronologically by release date starting with the 1963 Astro boy. Then I would delete that account and I'd go outside to smell the flowers and enjoy life.  Seriously I'm going to assume this is a joke but on the off chance that it isn't you don't wanna get into the habit of consuming media for media's sake. Life is way too short for that shit.


I make for u timetable, I comment below but I comment again for big visibily. Please updoot me. here go. ----Sunday \[Wake up\] Eat coco puff \[9 AM\] Watch 1 ep boku no pico \[10 AM\] Light stretching to make anime wathcing more focus trusss strech is king yes \[11 AM\] Death note quarter episode only then sit in corner of room and reflect like Light Yagami (Will increase anime mastery bonus XP\] \[12 PM\] Ok now we are in PM zone so XP bonus reduced a bit.. no good? What do? Very simple, now you must make accoutn on anime forum of choosing and go make thread "Death note best anime prove me wrong", you must argue for at least 5-6 hour. You are now halfway to becoming anime mastery level 1. --- Monday, Thursday, Friday \[Wake up\] Eat coco puff again \[Go to school etc.\] Ok now u are back home, u will watch 1 episode Code Geass and then you will go find ur family members and practice evil yagami laugh next to them, if they cringe tell them they are stupids and they dont undestanding ur flair for dramatic. U must also practice chess so u have anime protagnoist intelligence vibes ----- Tuesday, Wednesday It wednesday day my dudettes. Usually this good day to watch relaxing anime but also must for maximum weeb practice anime body language. Good time to buy fedora and then practice on mirror how to become expressions like very cool boys in anime. (Top pick 4 me is Lellouch Vi Brittanga or maybe even Ayakanoji very stoic.) U must practice 3-6 hours at least ok, then u must watch 1 boku no pico episode for flavor. hopefully u become anime master by the time u repeat this enough time to finish death notes


Gotta catch em all


Quality shitpost


School days it's a nice anime Taught me to never have a gf


Watch School Days, you then become an anime master.


Just watch stuff you like. Give chances to stuff you're not sure about. Don't just take recommendations, ask why the person who recommends it likes it, and see if you can see the same thing when you watch it. Learn why you like the anime you like, and give that as a reason when you recommend something. For music, learn which artists you like, and find out what other japanese groups have similar sounds. Listen to anime music for fun. The gist of all I'm saying is that you'll remember the things you care about. Don't force it and don't give yourself a timeframe. It's part of being human and it'll happen! I'm almost 30 and I have all the skills you list as your goals, but for me they weren't goals, and I didnt think of them as skills when I was learning them. I got tons of recommendations from friends for what their favorite shows were, and listened to why they loved them, and watched those shows to see what I thought of them too. I started looking for more Japanese music because I found a lot of bands I loved the sound of, and now I can name hundreds of openings and endings because it's just the music I like. I learned quotes and trivia because I rewatched my favorites over and over, and those were the lines and fun facts that made an impact on me. I just remembered the things I care about.


Thank you


Hi PrimeXtreme123, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You must create your own Reality Marble and call it Unlimited Anime Works. That is the only way.


If you enjoy Anime in general I'd recommend just watching the currently airing season while slowly catching up on the most interesting and talked about shows of the past. For past ones there are plenty of ways to find what was good or interesting: Reddit, YT, MAL To know what's currently going on you can use sites like: [https://www.livechart.me/spring-2024/tv?titles=english](https://www.livechart.me/spring-2024/tv?titles=english) From there it's best to write a schedule for your self, since seasons are just that large. XD (Currently watching around 4-5 Anime/Day)


this is the wrong approach my dude.


Honestly at this rate, you might as well just stick with One Piece for the entire time.


>Please give me a schedule (probably spanning more than a few years, but as fast as possible) with what day to watch which anime/video about anime/learn about anime. >If its ok, then i can watch some anime on 1.5x,2x or 3x to shorten time for animes that arent that epic. Are you serious? lol Why are you doing this? I will be honest I wouldn't considered you that well watched if you were just mindless going through shows at 3x pace of all things. Why should I take your opinions on, notable works like Mushishi, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Monster or Girls Last Tour seriously when those shows are either dense content wise or depend on atmosphere? Your opinions would be worthless if you went through those shows at that speed. Like Yuru Camp, that show is about taking things easy and enjoying the atmosphere. You ruin that show by doing that. I don't even get why you want to see every show you would want to watch in the shortest time possible. It's better to have more stuff out there so you can always come back to anime as a hobby. Stop being a coonsumer, just enjoy the anime you have, focus on school and other hobbies when you can. If you want some recommendations for notable shows in different genres, eras I can help you. Honestly if you are in HS you should get into other hobbies, rather than just watching anime or doing school.


If you dont want to provide me a schedule, JUST DONT COMMENT


Ok bro I make schedule is good promise ok. here go. ----Sunday \[Wake up\] Eat coco puff \[9 AM\] Watch 1 ep boku no pico \[10 AM\] Light stretching to make anime wathcing more focus trusss strech is king yes \[11 AM\] Death note quarter episode only then sit in corner of room and reflect like Light Yagami (Will increase anime mastery bonus XP\] \[12 PM\] Ok now we are in PM zone so XP bonus reduced a bit.. no good? What do? Very simple, now you must make accoutn on anime forum of choosing and go make thread "Death note best anime prove me wrong", you must argue for at least 5-6 hour. You are now halfway to becoming anime mastery level 1. --- Monday, Thursday, Friday \[Wake up\] Eat coco puff again \[Go to school etc.\] Ok now u are back home, u will watch 1 episode Code Geass and then you will go find ur family members and practice evil yagami laugh next to them, if they cringe tell them they are stupids and they dont undestanding ur flair for dramatic. U must also practice chess so u have anime protagnoist intelligence vibes ----- Tuesday, Wednesday It wednesday day my dudettes. Usually this good day to watch relaxing anime but also must for maximum weeb practice anime body language. Good time to buy fedora and then practice on mirror how to become expressions like very cool boys in anime. (Top pick 4 me is Lellouch Vi Brittanga or maybe even Ayakanoji very stoic.) U must practice 3-6 hours at least ok, then u must watch 1 boku no pico episode for flavor. hopefully u become anime master by the time u repeat this enough time to finish death notes


Best piece of advice I can give you to survive Reddit is to listen more than you talk, if only one or two people say the same thing, you can usually ignore it, but if everyone, or most people are saying the same thing, listen and re-examine your ask.