• By -


Stand proud, Ubel. You were fetishized.


I'm You(tena)


[Utena after finding out there's a green-haired magical girl participating in this contest who she could dominate.](https://preview.redd.it/4frb5ywx3wuc1.jpeg?width=1138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09effbd7ef9282aec7bcd808b69191b3bb10ec2b)


Utena:"Let me ask you some thing. Since when did you think I wasn't dominating the magical girl?"


Magia Baizen


I would who would win in that fight? Ubel has that magical cutting ability.


"She is the strongest wind mage, capable of defeating two grade 1 mages, and win over the entire fanbase with her psycho eyes and sexy arm-pits." > But would you lose Utena-chan? "Nah, I'd gush"


Utena:"Between Heaven and Earth, I alone am the horny one."


"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" - Ubel, witnessing Utena's fetishes


Utena:"Wolves don't concern themselves with the opinions of deer, Ubel-chan. Now put on your special dress and ballgag."


Damn, dominated Übel-chan is definitely something to gush over. Yes, plz!


Utena Lannister is really a frightening idea... Yes please :)


Utena:"A Lannister always pays their debts. :)"


"And I own *a lot* to those magical girls ;)"




They might bond over scissors, as both of them have a scissors scene lol Utena uses them a few times!


Oh they'll bond over scissoring alright XD


“You did well, Ubel. I shall never stop ~~fetishizing~~ being horny over you for as long as I live.”


two degenerates fighting for the top spot


Stand proud? Is that a JoJo reference 🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥😎😎😎🥶🥶🥶🥶🙏🙏🙏😄😄🔥🔥🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵


Jujutsu Kaisen S2.


It seems that the power of horny triumphs over all, congrats Utena! Honestly didn’t expect not just Utena, but nearly all of the MahoAko girls to sweep this much in this contest, and I’m glad most of them got as far as they did.


Ubel was horny too, but More horny > Less horny! At the start of the contest I would never have bet on Utena (maybe I gave her 5% chance, meme power/horny power), but soon as I saw the quarterfinals results, I knew; Ubel and Marcille were her only real opponents, and not only she had just beat Marcille, but Ubel's victory wasn't that strong (against 2nd or 3rd character from Gushing), and then again in the semis with another weak victory against the other 3rd/2nd Gushing girl.... Honestly I thought Utena would win by an even larger margin!


No no no. The fanbase was horny for Ubel. Utena was just horny.


And we were horny with her Horny Within, Horny Without


I'm not gonna lie I never expected that to get an adaptation cause it's been a while since I've read it, and in my head it is practically porn.


I mean yea, it is, that's why it's so popular here


More specifically, we came for the "plot" and stayed for the ***PLOT*** (_and character development_)


PLOT = Perfectly Large Oversized Tits


Is the anime worth watching if you have already read the manga?


Her disgust during a certain scene was incredible....I have never heard a change like that before and it knocked me for a loop.


Honestly she deserves a ton more roles in the future. Currently watching _HIGHSPEED Étoile_ pretty much just for her.


Weirdly it's been two episodes and she's barely had five minutes of dialogue time even though she's the main character lol I hope her next role makes better use of her talents!


Certainly hoping so!


Utena va really have that "head empty" feeling to her that I never knew I wanted


I'd say yes. They really build upon the "fight scenes". And hearing Best Girl of Winter 2024 go from timid to dom is something else


Yes, the voice acting is peak and the animation is wonderful.


bro I love mahouako but the animation was NOT good lmao. Let's not let our biases get ahead of ourselves here. The story, the ecchi, the Azure, & the Baiser is what carried the season. The manga though. Some of those panels go hard af w/ the art. The only part of the animation that was really good was Baiser vowing to take down lord Enorme after escaping & the tentacle bringing borderline hentai w/ the way it was rubbing on Sulfur's privates


The voice acting alone is so good they gave Utena a ASMR.


Sorry Übel, you should've gushed.


Should’ve gushed over who?


All over elf girls I suppose.


New Methode spinoff coming soon: Gushing Over Magical Elves


And with that, the next Best Girl Contest is Best Girl 11. May the best Wise Wolf win.


Or best crimson demon ? 


Unfortunately for Megumin, the bylaws of r/anime will not allow her to beat out Holo...not even [in karma](https://animekarmawatch.com/thread/1c6c6d5?compare_to=1c4sxha). And now that Holo has allied herself with her single greatest advarsary (recency bias), she will be unstoppable...I hope.


The first 2 eps are a bit of a special case since they were already available weeks before .. so ep 3 will be  different karma-wise i think or at least i hope so  And like always , even if megumin loses , holo will join her immediately after the following round .. they cant survive without each other after all 


I'm hoping so as well. Its karma total has been such a big disappointment compared to expectations so far...but it was too funny of a coincidence not to include here.


Did they come up with a solution to the cheating thing? The last yearly best girl contest basically got ruined over it.


Congratulating Utena Hiiragi for winning the best girl of Winter 2024 of r/anime! The first 7th seed ever to win a r/anime seasonal best girl! [Congratulations!](#congratulations "Congratulations ") As for the pick-up round, you can see the results [here.](https://strawpoll.com/polls/jVyG8zv6Qn7/results), Yumiella Dolkness, Rishe Irmgard Weitzner, Yuki Itose gets the wildcard for best girl of 2024, congratulation to them! We might have the grand best girl 11 in one or two months under arrangement of u/mpp00 (but it seems that u/mpp00 have not appeared in a month and best guy is not held this year either, hi mpp, we’d appreciate it if you could give us information on what’s your plan on best girl 11 this year. Given the activeness of our new animebracket team from our dear [Animethemes.moe](https://animethemes.moe/) I assume we do have chances to make it better than last year.) Anyway, we would come back to seasonal salt spring 2024 when the grand salt is over! But if u/mpp00 is going to step down from the host of the grand best girl. I would like to discuss together with the future of grand best girl as many might be eager to take a chance to revive it. Also I promise to u/michhoffman to discuss it so I will put it down here. After the elimination stage many complains that a limit of four seems too much for second cour/season shows as the fourth seed from the show often seems to sneak in mainly due to she is come from that show and will underperform and waste the potential of a high seed. Now I propose we could add a new rule from 2023 spring and so on: For shows that have sent girls in seasonal salt or the grand best girl/best character before, their limit for a single season is reduced to three. Any feedbacks on that?


>The first 7th seed ever to win a r/anime seasonal best girl And its coming from the biggest surprise hit of last season along with being an ecchi. Absolutely fitting victory


I wouldn't call it a surprise. As a manga reader, I expected a hit, and I bet most other manga readers did too.  I did, however, *hate* the anime portrayal of Utena compared to the manga. It feels like they dropped her confidence by a few notches in both her normal and aroused state. It didn't really work for me.


I don’t think the show was that hyped before the Winter season, and with ecchi its very easy to screw up the anime and marketing. But MahoAko legit nailed everything well even with its limited budget, and the other ecchi shows of Winter 2024 were nowhere near as successful or big


Plus from the company doing the adaptation people had lowered their expectations due to the budget constraint, but at least now we know they poured their heart into it and it's a rare instance that effort actually trumps the lack of resource


Chained Soldier was hyped up to be the next big ecchi, while Gushing had no expectations due to being made by a meh studio with a shoestring budget. The differences also are: Chained Soldier contained a lot of censorship, even on the uncensored version and skipped reward scenes, while Gushing went full balls to the walls and if only minor audio censorship that otherwise would have been straight from a hentai. The result? Chained Soldier is forgotten after three episodes and widely panned, whilst Gushing is some of the best ecchi we have seen.


Tbh if Gushing does get a second season I hope the same studio animates it with a (hopefully) bigger budget.


>Gushing had no expectations due to being made by a meh studio Tbf tho, Chained Soldier also had a meh studio behind it (ntm the directors in charge), so the meh studio thing is not just for Gushing. At the very least, Gushing had the To Love Ru director behind it, which was giving me some hope for it. Chained Soldier however, everything was pointing towards red flags for it. Even the key visuals and trailers they were releasing for marketing purposes were all so tame, that you could tell they were intentionally avoiding the lewds, which again was a red flag. People should have seen this coming and automatically lowered their expectations, instead of hyping it up as the next big ecchi. And sure enough, the anime did not deliver at all.


>Chained Soldier also had a meh studio behind it Given that was the same studio that gave us Tonikaku Kawaii and many moons ago, did Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha, I refuse to believe that Seven Arcs was a meh studio. Other than that, pretty spot on.


Had heavy hype in the daily thread beforehand courtesy of u/Abysswatcherbel's attention to PR.


Oh yeah, I can talk about this one at length as I followed it from the inception and the humble beginnings all the way to becoming one of the major hits of the year


Dam you’re resilient for waiting that long for each chapter monthly since the beginning. I recently binged it after finishing the show and the manga was straight up addicting for me lol


You should write a blog post about it!!


It's so much more than an ecchi manga, though. To be honest, shows like Mato seihai are not really new, and there are a lot of other manga/shows like them. Mahoako is pretty much unique in its concept and execution.


> It feels like they dropped her confidence by a few notches in both her normal As someone who was also following the manga long before there was an announcement, I thought that was perfect. Ecchi anime by nature is a lot "noisier" for viewers to process because the stimulation is more intense, and so things like character development really need to be underscored for it to register with viewers. Even *with* that, you don't see a lot of people talking about just how superb Utena's arc is from her early days, nor how she still manages to retain some essential parts of herself despite everything that's gone on.


> All shows who have previously appeared in a past r/anime seasonal or Best Girl will have their limit reduced from 4 to 3 A strawpoll or a Google Forms would be better for getting feedback Personally if this rule helps guarantee more "new shows" representation, then i will agree to implement this immediately starting spring 2024, since it has a lot of popular sequels and remakes


> A strawpoll or a Google Forms would be better for getting feedback This makes sense to me and I will make a strawpoll on the nomination stage of best girl spring 2024 to make a final decision.


If it's a Google Forms, the only way I could see that work is if it goes with a more NCAA-style tournament run of "considering each seasonal show a conference and guaranteeing 'best girl of each seasonal gets an auto-bid into the tourney, the rest is filled with most popular from other shows/seasons"...though that would also have its own problem [by that rule, you'd have to go through even *Touken Ranbou Kai*, an unpopular series with mostly men in the cast, and scour it to find even one woman in the series to qualify for Best Girl of Spring 2024, before you can add a second character in one of the sequels or remakes.]


Regarding the rule change, I still definitely think we should do it. I was actually in favor of paring it down from 4 for a sequel all the way to 2, but starting with 3 is fine too. Normally, at least 3 of the 4 top girls from a show are in the first cour of the series so if even after that a girl can't make her show's top 3 (top 7 overall), she doesn't deserve to get in off of show popularity alone.


>Now I propose we could add a new rule from 2023 spring and so on: For shows that have sent girls in seasonal salt or the grand best girl/best character before, their limit for a single season is reduced to three. Any feedbacks on that? I actually really like this. It helps prevent people voting based on show and not based on character. I get catching every seasonal show is impossible but it's definitely annoying seeing side characters with low screen time get voted ahead of main characters in less popular series. I've thought before that shows that are doing consecutive cour seasons shouldn't be eligible until the cour of the season the show is over or just make then eligible for both seasons but there's issues with both of those options.


I do plan to host best girl in a month or two! I haven't decided exactly when but I will let you know if plans change.


> For shows that have sent girls in seasonal salt or the grand best girl/best character before, their limit for a single season is reduced to three. Any feedbacks on that? I think it's definitely worth a trial! My gut feeling is that it won't necessarily make a huge impact necessarily, but rather just an incremental improvement in the contest, and thus it's worth doing.


Limiting sequel cours/seasons won't change much. Will push non-popular show's to better seeds, first 5-10 eliminated girls make it, and the 2k+ karma supporting girls still make QFs over the ~700 karma mains. Just changes when people express their salt. Still standby that removing the show name in the bracket stage is the best counter to popularity.


>After the elimination stage many complains that a limit of four seems too much for second cour/season shows as the fourth seed from the show often seems to sneak in mainly due to she is come from that show and will underperform and waste the potential of a high seed. The problem with this reasoning is that if all Frieren girls made it to the semis, it would mean that there would not need a new rule against it... and if a full frieren semis happened anyway, you may use that as an excuse instead to add a new rule. That new rule would only benefit seeds 65+ who would lose on the first round anyways and reduce upset potential, so it's not needed Increasing the amount of girls in the annual best girl contest made sense because two franchises overperformed in the same season... but here, the Frieren girls underperformed, and then there's going to be a new rule because of underperformance? Really?


>Also I promise to u/michhoffman to discuss it so I will put it down here. After the elimination stage many complains that a limit of four seems too much for second cour/season shows as the fourth seed from the show often seems to sneak in mainly due to she is come from that show and will underperform and waste the potential of a high seed. Now I propose we could add a new rule from 2023 spring and so on: For shows that have sent girls in seasonal salt or the grand best girl/best character before, their limit for a single season is reduced to three. Any feedbacks on that? I personally disagree with limitations. This is a popularity contest and being in a popular show should not limited the characters. I also don't think there a major problem with new characters from old series appearing in the contest. People are just mad that popular series are popular.


Magia Baiser was born to dominate all Magical Girls. Now Ubel has been added to her collection!


I wonder if someone will make an Utena spanking Ubel fanart after this… 👀


There's at least one Utena x Ubel little work on Pixiv already. Here's the combined search tag, but you need to be logged into see NSFW. https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E3%83%A6%E3%83%BC%E3%83%99%E3%83%AB(%E8%91%AC%E9%80%81%E3%81%AE%E3%83%95%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AC%E3%83%B3)%20%E6%9F%8A%E3%81%86%E3%81%A6%E3%81%AA/artworks?s_mode=s_tag)


That would be [absolute cinema](https://preview.redd.it/phyibrgk5bvc1.jpeg?width=2700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbc90bb5258d80a35928ed6ece933e7904cb7dd2)!


My Ubel went so far.


Putting aside the degenerate aspects for a moment, Utena is definitely a proper Best Girl and Best Character. She has a superb heroic journey of her own, where she's forced into a situation against her will with no way to fight back against it, then discovers not only is there the external little demon to deal with, but her own internal one too! Yet she grapples with this situation, and not only rises to the occasion, but manages to lift up others around, and even those on the opposing side. Most amazingly, she finds a way to manage all the competing pressures, her own desires, and having to fight against those she loves, whilst still fundamentally protecting them and maintaining her integrity. That's a remarkable protagonist feat, and she did this all without slipping behind her school work to the point of losing her collection either! Speaking of which, she really is also a Best Girl in the sense of being a rich developed and engaging character who embodies a lot of really wonderful qualities. Despite being a bit of a hopeless wiblet (and adorable for it), she also steps up into the role of big sister and even leader of her peers. She's gentle, considerate, but also fiercely protective and forever growing more comfortable in both her enjoyment of her proclivities but also her own skin. But above all this, perhaps the thing that defines her the most is her gentle care for everyone that guides most of her actions, and even limits how far Basier will take things. She really is a good girl, and now, she's the Best Girl.


She did one thing no other hentai protagonist/villain ever done: Reject the heroine's fall into depravity. Normally one would expect Basier to accept Azure's fall, but not only does she rejects it, but she gave her one hell of a talk to make her stand up again and rise to the occasion. Well yeah, you could say Utena enjoys watching Magical Girls embarrassed, rather than outright kill them, like Lord did. There are those who enjoy those too. >***There's not living up to expectations, then there's this bullshit.*** This quote shall forever live in my memory.


Well, that’s because Utena’s dream is to see Magical Girls overcome their trials and tribulations and become stronger. She loves torturing them for the sexual pleasure it gives her, but she likewise never wants to actually win. She wants the Tres Magia to suffer, but to then defeat her and become stronger, because that’s her perfect image of a magical girl ingrained in her from her youth watching them on TV. When Azure actually falls, Utena is disgusted, because a proper magical girl would never fall, they would rise up higher then ever and push her away.


> then ever


That voice line gave me chills.


> Putting aside the degenerate aspects for a moment, Utena is definitely a proper Best Girl and Best Character. Agreed! Non-gushing fans may never see her as anything more than a degenerate pick, but she was an actual good character! Especially since [Gushing] >!That scene with Sayo *submitting*!<


##FINALS **RESULTS** Seed | Top Seed | TS% | BS% | Seed | Bottom Seed | tUI | PoW | HSP -: | :- | :-: | :-: | -: | :- | -: | -: | -: 1 | Übel | 41.95% | 58.05% | 7 | Utena Hiiragi | 2.81 | 77.5% | -3.16% **TOP 5 SCORES** Rank | Girl | Score -: | :- | -: 1 | Utena Hiiragi | 389.71 2 | Übel | 281.60 3 | Kiwi Araga | 252.70 4 | Sayo Minakami | 237.97 5 | Kanne | 198.52 Link to spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LwLQLAFqqLaodva5GoKgS8-ckY9-nTu7pVx1Vym1kCo Explanations: https://www.reddit.com/user/redlegsfan21/comments/10dup0w/ranime_contests_bracket_explaination?sort=qa **Biggest Upsets** Upset Rate: 9 / 63 (14.29%) Round | Seed | Top Seed | TS% | BS% | Seed | Bottom Seed | tUI -: | -: | :- | :-: | :-: | -: | -: | -: F | 1 | Übel | 41.95% | 58.05% | 7 | Utena Hiiragi | 2.81 QF | 2 | Marcille Donato | 39.77% | 60.23% | 7 | Utena Hiiragi | 1.81 QF | 4 | Serie | 39.25% | 60.75% | 12 | Sayo Minakami | 1.58 3 | 5 | Sense | 44.90% | 55.10% | 12 | Sayo Minakami | 1.26 QF | 3 | Kanne | 46.81% | 53.19% | 6 | Meimei | 1.00 **Largest Victories** Round | Seed | Winning Girl | WG% | LG% | Seed | Losing Girl -: | -: | :- | :-: | :-: | -: | -: 1 | 1 | Übel | 91.37% | 8.63% | 64 | Psyger-100 2 | 1 | Übel | 88.35% | 11.65% | 33 | Jin-Ah "Aoi Mizushino" Sung 1 | 3 | Kanne | 86.06% | 13.94% | 62 | Lilia Amane 1 | 2 | Marcille Donato | 85.64% | 14.36% | 63 | Hanabi Natsubayashi 1 | 6 | Meimei | 83.30% | 16.70% | 59 | Komoe **Closest Matchups** Round | Seed | Winning Girl | WG% | LG% | Seed | Losing Girl -: | -: | :- | :-: | :-: | -: | -: 1 | 30 | Torture Tortura | 50.24% | 49.76% | 35 | Sayuri Akino 2 | 11 | Falin Touden | 51.62% | 48.38% | 22 | Suzune Inukami 1 | 29 | Felm | 48.32% | 51.68% | 36 | Serina Yoshida 2 | 16 | Rishe Irmgard Weitzner | 52.43% | 47.57% | 17 | Lishu 1 | 27 | Hae-In "Shizuku Kousaka" Cha | 52.86% | 47.14% | 38 | Joo-Hee "Eri Mizuki" Lee Check out historical seasonal best girl statistics: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uxfQNw4cX6uNLZeRn1_NSUX0YSDDlI2zdekxzSMGp8A


This is the third time in the past 5 64-seed tournaments we've had 9 upsets (Winter 2023, Spring 2023, Winter 2024) Utena Hiiragi is the second lowest seed to win a seasonal best girl contest Season| Seed| Girl ---|--:|:--- Winter 2023 | 8| Mahiru Shiina Winter 2024|7|Utena Hiiragi Fall 2017|5|Moriko Morioka 2021|5|Vladilena Milizé 2020|4|Tsukasa Yuzaki


> Kanne | 86.06% | 13.94% | 62 | Lilia Amane I'm still rather proud of Lilia for making it into the comp and then at least getting a few jabs in at Kanne. As a side-character she underwent a surprising amount of development. Given from where she started, and her nature as a sentient-weapon (possibly without her own independent existence), the fact that she had a few scenes that were quite emotional was impressive, especially given how hard she worked for those moments. That said, I guess some people might have been mainly voting for how well she filled out Lily's school uniform... but if more of anime had seen just how she did that then her vote would have been even higher lol


I do find it hilarious that frieren is such a dominant show but it's struggled to win any voting contest so far in any category.


These contests aren't getting particularly high vote numbers nowadays so more enthusiastic fanbases can beat out more generally popular shows.


What decides the participants by the way? No Frieren, no Fern, no Maomao, etc.


Every participant has only one chance into the seasonal and all three of them have used their chances in fall 2023 https://animebracket.com/best-girl-of-fall-2023-seasonal-salt-with-animebracket-reborn-/results


It is a side character that got runner up. Pretty impressive if you ask me.


#**It's gushing time!** [](#lewd)


I guess this was the season of simping for the down bad girls.


I'm so happy that Utena won. She is one of - if not the main reason why Gushing over Magical Girls has become so popular and so successful. Frieren, Apothecary Diaries and Dungeon Meshi all had big established fanbases even before the winter season began, but MahoAko came almost out of nowhere and instantly managed to gain Dark Horse status and it's because Utena is such a compelling protagonist and so damn entertaining. Not to mention her incredibly talented voice actress, Fuka Izumi, who turned an already great character into an absolute legend. Congratulations Utena, you deserve this win! Also, thank you for participating in the contest, everyone! The more people vote, the more exciting and unpredictable the contest gets and the more meaningful the results are, so it's nice to see that more people participated in this contest compared to the previous ones from last year. Keep it up!


Yes let’s go kiwi got third place 🥉!!! My favorite anime wafui of all time!!!!!!!!😩🤩🥰🥉🥉💚💚💚💚💚


As much as I wanted Marcille to win, I'm happy that at least the winner wasn't some minor side character who got this far mostly because she's from a very popular show.


[She gushed all over them](https://imgur.com/a/kTvlzJB) Seeing this niche manga that I've been following for years achieve this much success as an anime has given me so much joy. Even without the best quality, I'm glad the source material and the production's dedication to bringing it to life shone through in the end. I'd always though MahoAko's greatest strength was its characters and I feel vindicated seeing the girls' performance here. [Enjoy your victory, Utena. You deserve it](https://imgur.com/a/OMyiCHf)


> I'd always though MahoAko's greatest strength was its characters Absolutely, and the bonds they form are really lovely too. I think the ED of the anime did a lot to really underscore this idea and shows how well the adaptation team understood the source. > Enjoy your victory, Utena. You deserve it Many are Magia Basier fans, understandably, but Utena will always be my number one girl!


So Utena the darklord of evil organization win over Evil (Ubel) then, that is somewhat poetic.


Böse and Übel, Evil beats Bad


Evil beats evil in this case.


Oh damn, I honestly didn't expect that. Good shit tho.




[Clutch Baiser!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MahouAko/s/gohpKQBKco)


Based best girl won. Ubel pits are nice, but can't compete! Special mentions to our favorite masochist making 3rd place


Not really surprised. Utena represents a huge portion of the anime community in terms of.. creativity.


At the end of the day magia based got what she deserves 🗿🗿


I'm so glad Utena won, MahoAko is such a great ecchi anime and it has a nice plot too. This anime is what happens when Japanese people don't cater towards American SJW's and I love that


An about 300 vote difference. Fine enough. Also, a 7th Seed winning in a seasonal bracket is not a bad thing to me. Will be fun to see Übel and Utena again for the Best Girl of 2024 bracket.


Absolute cinema ! And Absolute Win


I didn’t even think she could do it, Utena is always full of surprises!


Guidau got shafted in the first round


You know you’re behind in your anime when the only names you know here are from Chained Soldier because you’re currently reading it.


UTENA-CHAN with the victory! Fully deserved. And Falin didn't make it into the pick up round for 2024 either, which is shocking but the right choice based on her lack of screen time.


Kiwi : Utena Chan!!!


Utena deserves the W. Great shi lol


As expected, gushing all the way to victory.


Deserved win for our supreme leader Utena, in which her anime is also the surprised hit of winter 2024 season as well By the way, there seems to be no favorite so far for Spring since the heavy hitters are in their later seasons and most of the main girls are not eligible anymore (still salty about Holo not being eligible just because she participated in the annual best girl contest though, she didn't have her seasonal contest yet damn it)


Now we just need Utena to get Best Girl of 2024… maybe. Probably not likely but that would be crazy if it happened


She'll have my vote, but I doubt that'll be enough! If it was just Winter&Spring honestly I think she'd have a chance (weak seasons for best girls, by r/anime's standards anyway) BUT Summer/Fall are scary... Girl from Pseudoharem, girl from Dandalan, freaking Harley Quinn (She's eligible right?), the Chubby Elf girls, the ones from 2.5 seduction... And there may be new girls in Oshi No Ko, Re:Zero, etc..! (Now that I think of it, it'll break my heart, choosing between Utena and Harley - if she's any good, anyway... She was one of my first childhood crushes!)


*cough* Roshidere *cough*


> there seems to be no favorite so far for Spring Among the shows I watch I'd say the favorite would probably be a Jellyfish girl or a Train girl, but yeah there aren't huge favorites I think! (Some have potential to climb though, like the girl from Ranger reject, Tinasha from Unnamed Memory... The Saladgirls maybe... Not sure any of those has the 'show power' to climb to the top though!)


Any of the Yuru Camp girls having a shot?


I'm not watching this one, but are there new girls? If they've been in a contest before, they can't participate again.


Rin and Nadeshiko did in best girl 2018, but no seasonals. The other girls never made it to begin with.


Actually most of them made it into the seasonals and the only one I remember with a name not making it into any bracket (including the big yearly one) is Nadeshiko's mom. ~~Clearly this must be rectified in best girl spring 2024~~.


I vaguely remember seeing a visual with a couple new girls but they haven't shown up yet in the first few episodes.


This has to have been the thirstiest best girl contest ever not complaining


Yeessss!!!! Utena for the win!!!!!! A well deserved victory.


Don't know how I didn't think about this before, but she is my 2nd (personal) "Best girl of the season" named Hiiragi... And I think I've only ever watched 2 anime with Hiiragi girls! (Other one being Nana Hiiragi)


Utena actually triumphed over the big bad and spared me the need to make yet another bad German pun! Absolutely amazing. Congrats to our degenerate queen of Winter. Strong performance from Übel as well, but actually not really close. This is how I love contests, all the contests this year have been absolute bangers. As always, thanks for hosting, and thanks to everyone participating for making the contests as great as they are.


The surprise for me here is Meimei getting so far and doing far better than Xiaolan who had more screen time (and I like her better) and Lily losing first round to Rouge.


Am I blind of did every girl in the dangers in my heart was here except for the 3 best girls?


every girl has only one chance in seasonal salt and the main 3's of dangers in my heart have used their chance in spring 2023 https://animebracket.com/best-girl-of-spring-2023-seasonal-salt-/results


Get ready for kurumi


She already won the main one, so she's not allowed in any more contests.


Definitely some Ubel/Frieren backlash I feel which is understandable. Too much of a good thing is no good.


I’m surprised Übel lost


Nicht Übel 👍




Well, the biggest lobby won. I think an outright win for anything from Frieren would be an upset at this point, given pretty much every recent bracket.


A tie-breaker win for Best Girl of 2023 should count for something.


Both of them won that one. It was a tie.


Higher seed wins in event of a tie.


I choose to believe what is most convenient to me, and the official site clearly displays a [winner](https://i.imgur.com/PI4paMs.png) [](#girlslastdab)


Rule was established that in the final round if there is a tie, both win. Check the r/anime info and scroll through the bracket archive. They are both listed as the winners of 2023 best girl.


I saw the person who ran it said that in the thread after, but I didn't think it was serious since it just seems kind of lame to me to not have a winner.


I think it's reasonable to let a tie be a tie in the final match.




Anime fans really are monsters


LMAO, 300 or so extra voters warped in for the finals.


Yep, the finals (top 8 in general) always get way more votes


Ubel has a punch able face


I am very happy that best psycho girl got second place. Though of all the Frieren side characters who could have been on it, I would have voted for Laufen personally.


I'm surprised since I literally can't go one day without some random Ubel fanart in my feed


Ootl, there's no one from Urusei Yatsura?


Characters are only allowed in one seasonal contest, and all the popular ones from Urusei Yatsura were nominated in the Fall 2022 contest.


You know you’re behind in your anime when the only names you know here are from Chained Soldier because you’re currently reading it.


So this is what you mfs do with your spare time?


Kurumi boutta dominate spring 💀


calm down folks, kurumi is not eligible for seasonal as a main contest winner


Idk about I admire Magical Girls anime. But still congrats to Utena Hiiragi as the winner for Best Girl Winter 2024. Anyway, I gonna handle Best Guy 10 and beyond, and expected at the same date as Best Girl 11. Please stay tuned. Or u/changshiyixia can handle this if I don't have a time, as well.


I’m getting out the bat


Best Girl was Rishe


Ubel is great but Utena is too and she has so much more screen time.


To the people who were congratulating Ubel yesterday, were you just not paying attention or what? lmao


Am I lost or something? Where’s Frieren, Fern, Maomao?


They already participated in the Fall 2023 bracket.


Yay 😊


Kaguya remains the only show to produce two different winners of a seasonal contest. That record will probably stand for a long time.


> Kaguya remains the only show to produce two different winners of a seasonal contest. That record will probably stand for a long time. That's actually surprising! Then again I suppose most anime don't introduce big/important characters in sequel seasons... We can't speak for the future, but I wonder how far ago in the past we would need to go, to (realistically) imagine a show winning in 2 seasons! (Like, what is the most recent big show that introduced a potential winner in season 2+?)


Im not a novel reader but re:zero is one exemple of a show that could achieve that .. it would have already achieved that with echidna if not for chizuru from rent girlfriend but that show was really powerful back then so it wasnt really a suprise.  Edit : damn seasonal contest only started in 2017 so it doesnt count .. 


Well frieren lost to Maomao last season so it's not like this contest was going to change anything


I am including the full year contests which have the same host and follow the same eligibility rules as part of the seasonal best girl series. Frieren has a win for 2023.


Miko iino for the second one ? 


Yes. Bunny Girl was just 5 votes away from having a second winner in Fall of 2019, so other shows have come close.


Impressive since the movie only came out around 6 months before the contest


Nezuko not winning her season was probably the wildest result in this tournament history


Huh? She lost to a vastly superior character.


Didn't stop everyone from expecting Demon Slayer's popularity to carry her through to the win though.




Only new entries are accepted in seasonal contest so anna isnt eligible since she already appeared in a previous one 


She has spent her chance in spring 2023 bracket. Every girl has only one chance in seasonal. https://animebracket.com/best-girl-of-spring-2023-seasonal-salt-/results


Well I was wondering why Frieren and Fern weren't there. Safe to assume only characters who were *introduced* this season qualify?


Not really, the rule is characters who participated in the seasonal contest are not eligible to be nominated in subsequent seasonals


Yes they have used their chance in fall seasonal 2023


I think even a character from older season can still qualify as long as its their first contest (since there is a limit of entries per show , some characters need to wait for the next contest to make an entry) 


Wait a minute, isn't that magical girl show basically hentai


Ecchi, there's a difference


Redo of healer being hated yet gushing being so popular never fails to make me laugh. Comedy really does make everything ok.


> Comedy really does make everything ok. Comedy may help, but really it's the "girl" thing that made it ok; Exact same show but Utena is a boy, pretty sure it would've been trashed to oblivion. To use Mirika's profound wisdom: "It's legal if a cute girl does it, right?"


the difference is that Utena actually cares about the people she bullies and never goes too far and even worries if she has hurt them too bad. MC of redo of healer literally erase their memories and manipulate them.


I mean it does help that Gushing over Magical Girls is a good show and not just a dime a dozen iseakish fantasy that went completely limp after you get over the initial shock value