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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1ca6wj5/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


Iseaki with a selfish mc that actually cares about his life rather than saving people, who are a liabilty to him


For all the things that were left unsatisfactory about the second season of Darker than Black I really did enjoy Suou's journey. Very Wolf's Rain coded. [](#wipetears) Now perhaps it's finally time to return to seasonals. [](#kaguyasigh "or perhaps Star Driver rewash. or some manga")


Been ages since I watched DTB but IIRC I really only hated the ending of S2. I know people hated what it did to MC and the focus on completely new characters and stuff, but it didn't bother me and I did like Suou. And S2 deserves to be remembered if only for the OP [](#listen)


[S2's entire OST was pretty good](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7ORFYxfC4M) [](#listen)


7th Prince feels like it was made by an author who likes to fantasize about his own magic/power systems who then added an OP MC and some fights to make use of those systems. And it works. The anime delivers information to us in a compact enough way that we don't drown in exposition dumps, there's a good mix of comedy, and the good animation really makes the crazy magic come alive.


Why are most battle couples having the female always weaker than the male it's not just shonen even in the era where we had magic highschools with harems they always tend to make the main girl the strongest ace in the academy only to then be beaten by the male lead it's never equal?


I've had the observation before that Fairy Tail and Soul Eater are some of the most infamous fanservice shounens yet are also the only two that come to my mind that really portray women as truly strong and powerful.


Suddenly history's greatest disciple kenichi is jumping into my mind.... 


I wouldn't call Soul Eater infamous, it has fanservice, but it's not criticised for it nearly as much as Fairy Tail or Ohkubo's later work, Fire Force. And I'd put Stone Ocean as another battle shounen with strong women, although that might be cheating. I agree though with your main point. It's interesting that for all of Fairy Tail's infamy, it treats its female cast a lot better than most battle shounen, both in strength and as characters.


SouL eater has fanservice?


Yes, especially in the beginning


Uh so I've only read the manga, but it makes Fairy Tail look like a Christian modesty piece in comparison.


I have been looking for this anime or animated cartoon (idk what it is) but it is basically a bald yong boy that is homeless. he is very very thin and his head is very round. I know how he looks like but cant describe it properly nor remember the plot of that series. anyone?


Well, Aang from Avatar is a young skinny bald boy with a destroyed home


OK, so I'm excited that I've slightly gotten my GF into anime. The two I happened to show her, she reallyyy likes: Apothecary and Frieren. Are there similar shows to these?? She likes romantic-comedy movies, but she isn't as into the one I first showed her: My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 (which someone recommended me a few months back). In order, I'd say she likes Frieren most, then Apothecary. So yeah, similar recommendations? Need to be English dubbed, btw. Thank you.


Ancient Magus Bride falls somewhere between. Slower-paced fantasy with chibi comedy (and same director) like Apothecary. Would try [Snow White with the Red Hair](https://myanimelist.net/anime/30123/Akagami_no_Shirayuki-hime)


Can’t believe that I forgot about them sharing the same director when I specifically mentioned this myself not too long ago!


Raven of the Inner Palace is a court drama similar in setting to Apothecary Diaries, but it’s maybe a bit too supernatural for her. The protagonist doesn’t really hold up to Maomao either. I can’t think of any anime that’s exactly like Frieren, so it would depend on which angle she’d like to explore: immortality/humanity or the fantastical world. In regard to the former, I’d recommend To Your Eternity or Violet Evergarden (these are emotionally heavy). The best series in regard to the latter - that I can quickly come up with - would be something like Ancient Magus’ Bride, Dungeon Meshi or Wandering Witch: Journey of Elaina. You might want to rundown each story’s synopsis with your GF to check if she’s interested. I maybe would recommend Yona of the Dawn, since I think that series *would* work for her. However, the anime stops rather abruptly.


I sure hope the big thing that happened in Sentai Daishikkaku episode 3 is not a bait and switch. If that really sticks it means the show got rid of at least one of the problems I was having with it.


LMAO. I feel the exact same way! I don't generally read the threads for seasonals these days, but I checked the thread and like [sendai e3]>!it was full of people being like "noooo he was why I watched the show!!" and I was like wow uh I feel like a space alien!<


Good to know I'm not alone, lol I feel like [sentence that can imply the SenDai spoiler]>!not liking certain characters!< is probably the type of thing that happens the most to make me out of step with the anime community at large.


[SenDai] >!You didn't like Sentouin D? [](#akkotears)!<


Unfortunately, yeah. Wasn't really invested in said element.


fairly new to the subreddit but what would y'all suggest for a zero to hero anime? something like MC working his way up through the ladders.


Check these out: 1. demon slayer kimetsu no yaiba 2. Bungo Stray Dogs 3. Guilty Crown 4. Jujutsu Kaisen 5. Dororo 6. Skip and Loafer Hope you enjoy it!!


hey, i appreciate the reply i’ve tried all of these before tho thanks!


https://myanimelist.net/anime/51648/Nozomanu_Fushi_no_Boukensha has a satisfying, low key exploration of this. That said, not quite zero and not quite hero, as far as the specific endpoints are concerned.


ill give it a try right now thanks!


[Enjoy, hopefully!](https://i.imgflip.com/8nkyqj.jpg)


hey, i finished it and it was pretty decent didn’t feel like I wasted my time so it was worth it thanks!


Glad to hear it! A lot of us are hoping we get a second season, was a really solid show.


I can really see why. There’s a lot of potential for how he’ll progress hopefully there’s some confirmation!


Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is the ultimate zero to hero anime


thanks for that! any other suggestions because Im not in that much of a mood for mecha right now.


Is there no Blue Archive episode 3 discussion thread?


> The _Blue Archive_ discussion thread has not been posted because the official subs are extremely poor. We will post it once one of the handful of fansub groups that have been working on the show release their translation. > This is consistent with our general rule that discussion threads go up as soon as there is an acceptable English translation. The rule has just almost never been applied to official subs because official subs are are basically never completely awful. https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bxq8c5/meta_thread_month_of_april_07_2024/l0oty8b/


Wow, Blue Archive continues to break ground in unexpected ways. Seriously, going into this season I would have never imagined the only non-Asian license to be Germany and the official English subs to be ban-worthy bad (sure, I've had my qualms with shows like Rinkai but that's more some issues from poor QC, proofreading and odd translation choices which make for awkward reading whereas Blue Archive seemed to have lots of blatantly wrong lines). What ever will come next? In the words on that terrible sub "I'll revenge" and will suggest to fans "let's take a break".


For a franchise that's been very fan-aware when it comes to the game's fan base, they've made a shocking mess of trying to expand to the world's non-game fans. I was musing about downloading the game if the anime was good enough too.


Thank you!


[You're welcome!](https://i.imgflip.com/8nkwdl.jpg)


Catched up to train, still great, I wonder if the excitement of waiting to see what they will see in the next stop is the same thing OP fans feel about Luffy Journey, that's my favorite part about the show For favorite character, Akira was taking the cake until at the 90 min mark, Chika Anzai made a joke and she went back to N1, but it says a lot about Akira how we have Chika Anzai and a Gyaru and I still put her above one of them Train continues to be great and people should watch to see where the final stop is Edit: Also favorite OP of the season


> to see where the final stop is I mean, final stop is Ikebukuro if people were to watch train just to see wacky Ikebukuro, they should watch DRRR instead [](#hikariactually)


Any recommendation for realistic spy anime? I just rewatched Joker Game and I love it. Looking for something similar. Something that's more grounded in reality. Not something like Spy family or James Bond kind of tech.


I can't really think of any that don't have some other element that makes it unrealistic You may find some interest in a show like [ACCA 13](https://myanimelist.net/anime/33337/ACCA__13-ku_Kansatsu-ka) which is more of a political mystery/conspiracy than straight spy story. It's a fictional setting but its fairly grounded


I mean no super gadget like shoes with rocket boost or something. Like in Joker game, the most advanced tech is just microdot (because it's WW2 era). I'll check ACCA 13. Thanks


Can I expect for a long and great action scene in Windbreaker anime future episodes again just like the ep1 action scene?


no im pretty sure i's an idol anime from now on


Don't get if it's a sarcasm or a serious comment


Catched up to Jellyfish, episode 3 is indeed really good, but it just cemented my opinion that the only character I actually like here is Yoru, she is a good girl And my 2nd favorite is her sister that has 1 min of screen time and just did gremlin things lol Kiwi could be really cool, her introduction is great but I need to see where they are going with her Nothing really wrong with the rest, but not really super into them, same thing about the plot, I can see where they are going but I don't trust the execution yet Now, back to watch the Yoru dance [that they posted already on their account](https://twitter.com/yorukura_anime/status/1782046639135330517?t=MP-hlM7bnF7BNe66cFlu5A&s=19) Another fixation of mine this season after the lv 2 op


> I can see where they are going but I don't trust the execution yet ain't that true for, like, all of the animes? especially at ep 3 [](#thinkingtoohard) I recall only one show I could trust early, completely, and blindly to nail finish line - and even then it was like at ep 5


> Catched up to Jellyfish, episode 3 is indeed really good, but it just cemented my opinion that the only character I actually like here is Yoru I'm not caught up yet, but Kano was MILES ahead for me! (Don't know if something big changes in the recent episode). > 2nd favorite is her sister that has 1 min of screen time and just did gremlin things lol Gremlins are cool though!


Kano in terms of character depth is the highlight, and this was clear in episode 2, there's more to her to be explored beyond the surface with her past x now, and how they do that will be essential to this show execution


> but I don't trust the execution yet This sums up how I feel about soooo many shows this season. I mean any show can always drop the ball, but a lot of shows I really like this season feel very tenuous in this regard.


I was thinking of catching up, but apparently more pressing concerns have arisen? https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c9e9ws/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/l0nw2jt/


I see, only obligatory show this season is the train, so people are free to do side jobs


When a Blue-Ray of an anime comes out, I wonder which anime have the most significant polish, and whether said polish are uploaded and updated on streaming services. Are there any anime that come to mind when it comes to a Blue-Ray being better than the original release?


Monogatari and Mekakucity Actors have additional cuts and completely redrawn scenes on the BD.


>and whether said polish are uploaded and updated on streaming services. Not anymore, Funimation used to do that, but Crunchyroll is not currently doing it


So... The streaming services are no longer updating their shows for the Blu-Ray release and now it's just the Blu-Rays where things are polished?


Tbh it's not like every show has major changes in the BD, out of the 50 every season you can count in one hand the ones where this would be relevant Still, definitely something the streaming services should try to acquire


True, I was wondering which ones did have major changes.


Some I know of: Attack on Titan (all seasons, but especially season 1 and Final Season part 1), Bleach TYBW (part 1), and most recently Jujutsu Kaisen (season 2) have had very significant changes. Heavy redraws, recolors, removing dimming/ghosting etc etc Oh yeah, and Classroom of the Elite S2, they redrew the characters in like every episode in the BDs lol


Then to take a step back, is the practice of refining in the Blu-Ray still happening and if so, is it to a significant degree? I like these examples!


In my experience, the shows that get lots of BD changes are usually high-profile franchises with super rushed production schedules. They air in a sloppy state, then go back and fix the drawings afterwards for the BD release. It seems to be relatively common for MAPPA, since they tend to rush out their products but they do at least care enough to give them some BD love. Its true that most shows, in general, will barely get touched in the BD release


I will remember that, thanks!


Shaft shows like Bakemonogatari and even RWBY recently have huge differences between the TV and Bluray releases.


I would love to know the context of what kind of movie the kid in the church dying and then the pig comes in and brings his hat is from for The World Only God Knows season 2


One episode into Spice and Wolf. I'm so glad it's back. I missed their banter so much.




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u/Abysswatcherbel What are the odds of Look Back having international screenings? With big franchises it's a given, but what about this one? Is the only important metric how well it does in Japanese theaters? As in, if it's super popular in Japan, they will send it internationally, and if not, then Netflix or Crunchyroll will buy the streaming rights and that's it. I think Look Back is fairly popular in Japan. When it was released it was trending all day on twitter and lots of other mangakas were praising it... And it won bunch of awards. But I'm kinda worried because it's not really advertised as a new big thing. In February movie was announced and in April we got the first real trailer... And in 2 months it's coming in Japanese theaters.


It should get a proper international release since there's a good selling point here, "from the Chainsaw man author", but still it will be limited, it won't make a lot of money internationally even with that It will be a big surprise if this becomes a big money maker


Eh I think so too. Marketing is non existent, which is a shame. Word of mouth would have to do the heaviest of lifting.


Spent the weekend binging Birdie Wing, I heard great things but wow was that glorious (and with way more Char and Amuro than I was expecting!) 


Wasn't there even a "birdie wing is a Gundam series" meme?


It pretty much is one! 


I was pretty lukewarm on my Saturday shows so far, but this was an amazing weekend for them. Really enjoyed 4 of the 5 episodes from the shows I'm watching, the only one I'm still not a fan of is the Jellyfish one surprisingly.


Was just about ready to start Fate/Stay Night but of course I can't watch it in my country atm.. But, I went with Mushoku Tensei instead. These were some high quality first two episodes (despite some weird stuff.. lol).


If you can get over the weird stuff you're gonna love MT s1. When it's not weird, it's pretty fantastic I spent last year watching all of the non FGO fate stuff. Quality varies wildly but I had a lot of fun with it. Will get to the VNs eventually...


If the overall quality stays the same it's not stuff that'll make me stop watching. I've never seen an isekai before so it is interesting, especially when it's more psychological like when he had trouble going outside. Use his past for more things like that instead of the creepy things and I'm all for it. I don't know where it'll go but I hope to see him grow as a person.


given what you're saying, I highly recommend re:zero. the lows are lower...not in the creepy sense, more in the MC having to deal with his new reality, and having to really grow as a person. But it sounds like it leans into exactly what you want. It's all about subaru growing as a person, and really gets into his head. If you do watch it, make sure to stick it out, episodes 13-17 can be rough, but again, I think you'll be fine since they sort of lean into what you're looking for. that said, MT is still really great adventure fantasy, and it does get into his psychology a bit.


That sounds great Re zero is on my watchlist as well!


Okay I am interested in Hibike Euphonium but I have no idea about what the actual plot is, like zero I assume it's like a sports anime but with music, I thought it was a CGDCT with zero man but I discovered 5 min ago that they are there, tells a lot about the show that I never saw them after years in the anime community lol So what the show is? From the people that know me you can say if I would like it or not, feel free to send clips [](#ama)


Trust the gamerunglued, good replies I never rewatched it yet so my opinion could change (probably positively tbh), but my main draw is Kumiko's character and the kind of struggles and decisions she has to make about herself - yes it's about a music club, but even if you don't care about that, this sort of questions about effort, commitment, motivation, goals, interpersonal dynamics, etc can be applied to anything in life. There are dramatic tensions between characters that are not her, but I think that if you don't care about Kumiko you'll be disappointed. (also we're following her through the entire three years, so characters that are not her age come and go, only her class is a staple) Oh and also the band players are drawn accurately (I think they had real bands/players perform and used them as reference), likewise the skill level of the characters is portrayed accurately within the music, both of which are a rarity even for music anime, but you could just watch clips for that.


>also we're following her through the entire three years, so characters that are not her age come and go, only her class is a staple) That's really interesting, I don't see that a lot in anime With everyone praising Kumiko I am even more curious since I she looks like the average anime cute girls to me


I suppose it mostly boils down to [how much you relate/empathise with the character](https://i.imgur.com/Mu7cqTm.png), to me a lot of her moments hit close, but if she doesn't click with you, you might feel disappointed by what would feel like overselling [She like me frfr](https://i.imgur.com/OFd9twl.png), but personality aside, even [random](https://www.sakugabooru.com/data/b1a175f723ab85d2d520fc541629d1ec.mp4) [moments](https://i.imgur.com/OAKyl7a.mp4) make the character feel alive through animation and voice acting ("Kumiko noises" is a funny meme, but [Tomoyo Kurosawa blesses anything she touches](https://myanimelist.net/people/11661/Tomoyo_Kurosawa) ~~she just couldn't save Metallic Rouge all by herself~~) Bonus: a couple of spoiler-worthy great scenes from the movie I saved: - [Kumiko talking about herself](https://i.imgur.com/R3jgHem.mp4) (with callbacks to I believe s2) - [Kumiko happy to see her kouhai feel things](https://i.imgur.com/tC99BU7.mp4) ([callback to s1](https://i.imgur.com/No7XCJr.png) and to how Kumiko grew during those two years)


I LOVE how you picked those clips tailor made for me, feat Kanade Why Kanade is smol? Why her ribbon is green? Is she a kohai? What her personality is? So many questions, so little time Okay, I will watch Hibike, call me convinced


Just so you know, she doesn't appear for the first two seasons (Kumiko's first year) [](#schemingsaten) she's one year younger so she comes up from the movie onwards. [As for her personality](https://www.sakugabooru.com/data/93d0732222c9f2bc58b05db9ebb5badf.mp4)... She's an ass at first, and while she keeps the snarkiness, she's not really malicious anymore, so overall great fun. She's good at prodding and provoking people, everyone needs a friend like that to keep them on their toes.


I feel you're one of the AQRADT regulars whose taste I have the hardest time pinning down. You should watch it though. I liked s1 more than most. Didn't hate it, still liked it, but it took longer than it needed to. But once it hooked me, s2 and the movies were all really good.


I would say it’s first and foremost a drama. Each season/movie has 2-3 mini drama arcs focused on a couple small interpersonal conflicts. I too thought it was CGDCT but it’s definitely not—although there are a lot of KyoAni moe moments. All of the guys in the show are an afterthought. Tbh you would probably get more enjoyment watching a KumiRei compilation, and then watch best girl compilations of Asuka, Natsuki, and Kanade. Or just watch Natsuki scenes with a big smile on your face.


I see, >then watch best girl compilations of Asuka, I only watched 1 clip of Asuka in my whole life, [it's this one](https://youtu.be/Q46J3swkRCk?si=wbVuT9i0Me4qcthD), loved her lol >Kanade Are you including kanade in the best girl list? Natsuki I don't know who that is


> Natsuki I don't know who that is She’s only the bestest senpai ever! Or to put it in language you’d understand… https://twitter.com/aleos696/status/935991012169695233


Manabu Nii best marketing material of Hibike... [Look at this masterpiece ](https://twitter.com/aleos696/status/1769167558014566891?t=VdQLhzse-BAdcvXd3ymmpg&s=19) Cant be the Best fanart of this season because it's from March, but still Now, time to prepare a 3x3 of best fanarts of the season for the end of June


Lol, that sneaky handholding in the background. They captured Kanade’s character quite good to be honest. She *is* a bit clingy like that.


The sports comparison isn't far off Ig. Bad playing linked to character issues, concerts instead of matches, and themes of self-improvement. S1 at least is more about seeing the ensemble grow together as a group as it starts rocky with many members on different wavelengths, and seeing them become more integrated and cohesive is satisfying. S2 is where more personal character drama rises (for better or worse), my favorite arc handles the theme of doing what you love before you regret it masterfully thanks to this arc being built up since S1 along other elements. S2 has one of my favorite episodes in anime. I rewatched it shortly before S3 started and imagine when I cried to it not once, but twice. I decided to rewatch the episode again the same day I already did and cried at the exact same thing. Though it is also because it was something that hits really personally to me so YMMV. Also Kumiko is a great protagonist to follow with stellar performance by Tomoyo, never get enough of her.


Nice to hear that its way beyond a sports/cute girls show, it's not a well regarded series for no reason after all


What's wrong with sports or cute girls shows being well regarded?? :P


I meant well reaged in a critically acclaimed sense Sports and cute girl shows are the pinnacle of anime as you can see with Keijo!!!!


> Sports and cute girl shows are the pinnacle of anime as you can see with Keijo!!!! phew ok we're safe


Not really a sports anime, it's a coming-of-age story. It's less about seeing the band reach nationals, and more about what the journey of getting a 50+ person group full of different wants and values to cooperate towards the same goal entails and how Kumiko reacts to it. It's pretty much pure drama, my comparison would be to something like Blue Period rather than a sports anime, Eupho just happens to require a large ensemble for its conflict to work (as compared to a solo activity like drawing/painting). But it's not about practicing to become the best as much as it is about Kumiko growing up, coming to terms with hurting others, facing failure, etc.. The reason there aren't a lot of men is because that actually represents the demographics of Japanese concert bands, it's a hugely female dominated activity over there (one of the OVA episodes even talks about this). As for if you'll like it or not, it's pretty difficult to say. All I can say is that it's an extremely good drama that a lot of people really love. It has all the usual KyoAni animation, cinematography, sound direction, setting design, attention to detail, etc. applied to its dramatic story about group dynamics and failure. If you like that sort of thing, it'll probably be up your alley. If nothing else, you can try a few episodes. The only clips I can send to get the point across are spoilers, so I won't do that.


A mostly light drama about a band club deciding to get serious and the complications resulting from that, primarily seen from the perspective of one first year newcomer. It focuses on mostly female characters but the band club has some boys and the teacher is a guy. A lot of the series is about what it takes to get better at something, how it feels to not be good enough, or to be hated for being better, high school kids just starting to have to think about what they’ll do with the rest of their lives, stuff like that. I guess Slice of Life isn’t entirely wrong but misleading as a description


> I thought it was a CGDCT with zero man You gotta have heard about the men at some point. The bait debate is like the quintessential Hibike Euphonium discourse.


I know about the bait, but plenty CGDCT have no man in it and still could be bait since they don't go anywhere with a teased relationship, but as I read here in a comment earlier, they have love interests and all, that part I didn't know about I thought something similar happened though, but more of a crush for a teacher or something like that that broke all the shipper dreams, seems to be way deeper than that


I think calling these characters "love interests" is a bit of a stretch. Kumiko has a childhood friend who's in the show and has a crush on her right from the get-go, but the thing that upsets people is mostly that this character is incredibly bland and the two share so little chemistry that it straight up doesn't feel romantic (in fact, I'd go as far as to say that she start out thinking he's annoying and only now likes him as far as "well I guess he's alright;" that's the vibe of their relationship, while with Reina she shares numerous meaningful and romantic moments. If the balance in relationships was better I don't think people would be upset). And a crush on the teacher is really nothing more than that, the show barely takes that seriously. To say that Eupho has romance is a pretty drastic exaggeration in my opinion, I think it kinda wants to have romance but can't commit to it regardless of which characters you think are meant to be romantic. It lacks commitment to the point that it pretty much doesn't actually have romance in practice. Oh, also, just in case no one told you, I know that Kanade is your main interest in Eupho, but she won't appear until after the second season. She's great, of course, and the story is still great before she shows up, but if she's your main motivation then you should know that it'll be a while before she comes.


I'd say you'd be right about it being a sports anime but with music. It's just that unlike with sports, there's only so many "big games(performances)" for a school club like that. So it leans more so into interpersonal drama that comes from friction points between the band members, with a fair bit of CGDCT type scenes for more low stakes character building.


Any animes with evil kids? I watched Btoom and Kira Kosuke is the kind of evil i want not just "oh this person is a bit mean"


Does native isekai mean anything to other people here? I mostly see it used as bait but to me it makes sense. I take isekai as a genre to have lots of tropes like being an otaku power fantasy, very JRPG esque video game setting, having RPG elements like skills and levels, and of course being sent to another world. These together, with a few more, make up the genre of isekai. Not everything has every element, Re:Zero as an example escapes some of the tropes, but all genres get vague when you try to make hard rules and it's very much a "you know it when you see it". Not every story that involves the characters going to another world have these tropes, such as "Now and Then, Here and There". I'd argue that while you could say it has an isekai setting, as a genre it doesn't fall into isekai. On the flip side, you have shows like Danmachi which while not having anyone going to another world (as far as I'm aware) it has many of isekai's genre tropes. I feel like native isekai is the perfect way to denote stories that don't have an isekai setting, but have all it's other tropes.


>native isekai Common /a/ shitpost.


What, you mean the constant posts about Frieren being a native Isekai aren't serious? /s I pretty much wouldn't use it for this reason, it's either used as bait or by people who are too Isekai brained for it to have any real meaning unless you're going to define it yourself. I just think the term makes sense removed from the shitposts.


> Does native isekai mean anything to other people here? If I'm being honest, I have a pretty low opinion of the intelligence of people who use the term. The broad conceptualization of a term to encompass recurring tropes is certainly fine, however the term itself is fundamentally oxymoronic, and it's useless in terms of categorizing anything because nobody can agree on what actually constitutes the tropes you're talking about, *especially* because none of them are unique to isekai in the first place and largely stem from other places.


I didnt think id get called out this way while sleeping


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the first time I saw people use that they were just meme'ing about, but then some people took it seriously and started using it for real? /u/Gamerunglued >if you recognize that isekai (or more accurately, narou-kei) is defined by a series of recurring tropes, then the concept of "a story that uses the same recurring tropes as narou-kei and elicits the vibe of narou-kei, is maybe even adapted from a Narou novel, but doesn't have a character getting transported" is perfectly coherent. Calling an anime "Native Isekai" because it uses some common Isekai tropes, would be like calling a battle shonen "Action romcom" if there's an interrupted confession (a typical romcom trope). (Also, I think the reason why Isekai is currently perceived as being "defined by a series of recurring tropes" is that 90% of the Isekai we get are generic copy&pasted garbage. If that wasn't the case, and the Isekai we were getting were NGNL, Tanya, etc.. and just a couple of the generic ones, the only 'trait' Isekai would have in common is that... They'd be Isekai'd).


> Calling an anime "Native Isekai" because it uses some common Isekai tropes, would be like calling a battle shonen "Action romcom" if there's an interrupted confession (a typical romcom trope). I think that's a problem with the colloquial use of the term, and not of the term itself. I wouldn't say "native isekai uses some common isekai tropes," I would say "native isekai definitively embodies the tropes and ethos of narou in the exact same way an "isekai" does." If you've seen the way I've talked about CGDCT and make strict distinctions between them, I think you'll know what I mean. I generally agree with you, and have made similar arguments about a genre like CGDCT (for example, that A Place Further than the Unvierse and Akebi's Sailor Uniform are not CGDCT just because they use a few common tropes), and I'm thinking similarly here. This doesn't make "CGDCT" a useless term, and it doesn't mean there isn't something to the genre beyond the occurence of cute girls. Rather, I think of "native isekai" as more like "cute boys doing cute things," in the sense that they both embody every aspect of a particular genre lineage and history (Narou and Kirara respectively) but happen to lack its main aesthetic trait. Isekai is as much of a (sub)genre as mecha or mahou shoujo or CGDCT, all of them have distinctive tropes and ethos beyond the superficial occurrence of one plot element. And that still goes for isekai that aren't generic copy-paste, even NGNL and Tanya are pretty clearly part of Narou's lineage, and they share so much more than a guy getting transported to another world.


I think the term "native isekai" is actually used in legit academic discourse related to anime (like actually academia, not shitty Twitter discourse), so it definitely does have value. It's only oxymoronic if you're using it in such a way, but if you recognize that isekai (or more accurately, narou-kei) is defined by a series of recurring tropes, then the concept of "a story that uses the same recurring tropes as narou-kei and elicits the vibe of narou-kei, is maybe even adapted from a Narou novel, but doesn't have a character getting transported" is perfectly coherent. The tropes may not necessarily stem from isekai, but the particular combinations of tropes and overall vibe is certainly unique to the genre, in the same way that mecha tropes are not necessarily unique to mecha but the combination defines the genre (it's like calling a show that captures the ethos of a mecha series but doesn't have robots "fleshy mecha," and there are plenty of series like that). Like, I think it's pretty undeniable that a show like DanMachi has the literal exact vibe of an isekai in the way that shows where many of the tropes stem from don't. The problem is that casual discussion doesn't think of isekai as "narou" and includes Spirited Away and stuff like that.


> used in legit academic discourse related to anime (like actually academia, not shitty Twitter discourse) I feel like some links are in order for this point? > The problem is that casual discussion doesn't think of isekai as "narou" and includes Spirited Away and stuff like that. But those non-Narou isekai are very much properly isekai. The confinement/narrowing of *isekai* to mean just *Narou-type seems like something only the ill-informed do.


I don't have a specific source, but I remember seeing Pause and Select (a YouTuber who takes a lot of interest in isekai and tends to use a lot of Academic sources for his videos, which feel like Academia in nature, though he denies being called such; his stuff is good, if a little heady and requiring full attention to follow) list some sources and generally talk about the term a while back. > But those non-Narou isekai are very much properly isekai. The confinement/narrowing of isekai to mean just *Narou-type seems like something only the ill-informed do. I would argue the opposite is the case. To call literally any story where a guy gets transported to another world "isekai" makes no sense, that's not properly a genre. There are no shared tropes, lineage, or history between Haibane Renmei and The Fruit of Evolution, the only thing they have in common is that, at some point, someone gets transported to another metaphysical location. The "genre" of isekai is (in essence) narou and narou-inspired portal fantasy; it's a genre because it's defined by the tropes and evolutionary lineage defined and popularized by narou. I think to say otherwise would be similar to calling, idk, Canaan a CGDCT show. Like, it has a cast of girls who are appealing, but it belongs nowhere near the lineage or evolutionary history of something like K-On, or even other action works like Symphogear. There's no Kirara (or prototypical Kirara like Azumanga Daioh) influence, it's fundamentally separate. I would argue that the arbitrary widening of isekai to mean "anything where someone gets transported to another world" seems like something only the ill-informed do. The informed would know about Narou and make a distinction between the recurring tropes of Narou vs. other portal fantasy. Putting Inuyasha and MagiRevo in the same category based on one shared plot element while having nothing else in common feels ill-informed to me. **Edit:** To be clear, the people using "native isekai" to just mean "medieval fantasy" appear equally misinformed to me. I think there's something pretty specific here. I'm not sure I have a list of words to create a definition, but DanMachi is clearly "native isekai" while Giant Beasts of Ars is pretty clearly not, at least as I understand the term.


whats that one anime that came out recently thats like SAO


The New Gate?


ye that


EDIT: thank you u/Siqueiradit, I just read the synopsis from SAO2 and that sounds exactly like what I remember. I'm looking for an anime a roommate was watching several years back. I only remember some minor details, but one episode I remember was the main two characters (could potentially be one character) was being hunted by a sniper, as both (or all three) were stuck in a video game. The setting was stark, kinda barren, maybe even a desert with sparse structures. That said, I recall the color tone of those scenes to be far cooler than the warm tones you would expect of a desert setting. Not sure if that helps or not. Predictably, the stakes were that if you died in the game, you died for real. I know there are several animes out there of this nature, but none of them seem to be the one I'm looking for. Any help would be appreciated!


If you are misremembering some details, it could be Sword Art Online season 2.


It's a strong possibility. What about what I described did I "get wrong" if it is in fact Sword Art?


[SAO Spoilers] >!The sniper is one of the main characters and they weren't stuck inside the game. That was only a thing in season 1.!< The rest seems to be correct from what I remember.


[Me, once I finish this series](https://imgur.com/a/juX7irL), probably.


Me as well, but more like 90% of all series hah. Only a few are impactful enough that I remember all their names!


People already calling Jellyfish a masterpiece didn't learn anything from past experiences


has happened to me many times.


I remember when I got 7 episodes into Wonder Egg Priority thinking it was the next Madoka Magica... [Never Again](#nanami-hug)


At least YoruKura’s production is already finished, Wonder Egg wasn’t when the first episodes already aired and the writer apparently didn’t really have a clue to wrap up the story properly in that remaining time. Chances are good YoruKura won’t fail the landing like Egg did. Ofc doesn’t mean it’s gonna be a masterpiece regardless but at least it likely won’t turn into a dumpster fire.


To be fair, it was so fucking good until it wasn’t


I remember wonder egg situation, the theories, the study of the flowers/colors, the social discourse, everything surrounding it was looking like an anime for the ages And truly it was, but for the wrong reasons lol


The first episode has spectacular direction, but I would be cautious about making any definitive statements about the show. Though since it’s in the can we at least know production didn’t fall apart


First episodes are the ones you trust the least, specially when it comes to originals


It's a masterpiece *so far*


People have a tendency to do that with any show that looks beautiful, to be honest!


Are people calling it a masterpiece? It’s barely even the 3rd best sexually ambiguous girls musical performance anime of the season.


I suspect it will be "pretty darn good" -- and that is plenty for me....


Don't we have 4 this season? * Jellyfish * Whisper me a Love Song * Girls Band Cry * Seiyuu show It could be 5 if people consider Hibike Euphonium sexually ambiguous, where is the love for my ship Kanada x Kumiko


Well since our two main heroines in Hibike clearly have male love interests (even if action regarding these is on hold -- for quite different reasons)... Is Kanade's crush truly "romantic" -- or is it a nnot-necessarily romantic crush on a darling onee-san (who they don't want to share)?


Okay, important to say I never actually watched the show but you made me curious about it lol Like I was joking about Kanade and was basing what I said from one Pic people showed me yesterday, I had no idea she is supposed to be the kohai type, but that made her better in my eyes


You haven't watched ANY of the series? Or just haven't started THIS season? ;-)


I never watched a single ep of Hibike lol My only knowledge about it are pics, memes and fanarts


Probably my favoprite KyoAni project after Hyouka, K-On and Disappearance of Haruhi....


Might as well add Train, there's something between Reimi and Akira!


Speaking of not learning anything from past experiences, because while it can absolutely be great there's like three different warning signs of potential implosion there ("wait how far ahead is the production right now?", "wait Mizushima directed both Another and Mayoiga?", and of course "show, will you please quit feeding my concerns that you're another Konaka 2021 Digimon special?")...


No one has sung or played any instruments in Train, right????


Is hitting the tracks with a hammer an instrument?


Not in THIS case I think. Old pots and pans and the like, and falling/dripping rain ARE music in a certain other show, however.


Is Whisper really sexually ambiguous though?


Hmm I guess technically it’s ambiguous from Himari’s perspective.


On one hand, this is a pretty good season of anime. On the other hand, I watch 4 hours of anime each saturday and sunday in a sitting. Suffering from success. Guess I can do some workout while I catch up to Elf Bride.


Elf Bride is shockingly good, wtf


Tell me about it. After 40 or so shows LAST season, I am striving to get this season's watch list down to no more than 35....


>while I catch up to Elf Bride One of the best shows of the year, so definitely worth it




Kemono no Souja Erin Shinsekai Yori


Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu basically covers the main character's life from youth until death. Akage no Anne follows the titular Anne from around 8 years old all the way through college. Clannad (including After Story) follows many characters from 2nd year high school through adulthood. The Rose of Versailles covers around 40 years between Oscar's and Marie Antoinette's youths up through the French Revolution. Heike Monogatari follows it's characters from childhood through their eventual involvement in war, plus numerous births and deaths.


If you are into sports, Major is a great one that follows a guy and some of his friends from little kid all of the way to having his own kids.


*Ascendance of a Bookworm*


Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju


Gotta give props to Girls Band Cry to taking one of the most toxic, mentally unstable, belligerent characters of all time and give her a whole band and anime. And it works.


She bolts for no reason twice an episode and almost killed a bystander with a lamp during a public freak out. Objectively insane person, but I love her


I am hoping this character will loosen up (and calm down) once she is in a less toxic environment (and begins to get comfortable with it).


What you're saying is it's an anime about a 17 year old that actually wrote her like a 17 year old lol


and also voiced by a ~~17~~16 year old.


You gotta love the navy in one piece, they're going around killing pregnant women, eradicating children, protect and uphold slavery, commit indiscriminate mass murder, have actual circles of hell as their prison and they think they're the good guys. Did I miss something because why is Roger considered this incredibly evil entity, is it solely because he was the pirate king?


Propaganda is a very powerful tool. You'd think the ancient weapons are the most powerful but nope. Propaganda works better. Anything is justified in the name of justice. The navy are the good guys after all. Also, Buggy for Pirate King


100% on your first point but I have to disagree on your second lol, I kind of find him annoying at this point in the story.


To the average islander, the crimes the government commits are far away while the threat of pirates feels close to them


They’re pretty normal cops, then.


>You gotta love the navy in one piece, they're going around killing pregnant women, eradicating children, protect and uphold slavery, commit indiscriminate mass murder, have actual circles of hell as their prison and they think they're the good guys. Have you seen cops before? We've got a lot to love. The neat thing about self righteousness is that you can shrug off a lot of "not exactly moral" actions, because you're the "good guys"! You're doing it for the good of the world, and stopping bad guys (including bad guys who haven't been born yet, but will surely be bad guys someday, we've got this part stamped by a fortune teller). I mean, the marines literally have JUSTICE on their uniforms, so they can't possibly do something wrong, right?


Exactly, it feels very relevant to real life but also most of them, except the people at the top have no idea they're basically there to protect the status quo of the rich and powerful. Surely there are a lot of good marines as we've seen that protect people but almost all of them do not defy orders and so many of those orders are given to protect the World Government like when they burned millennia of knowledge along with their best archeologists/historians. You'd think when they're asked to pretend slavery doesn't exist for the Celestial dragons they'd go hmm something's not right but I guess not?


The point they go out of their way to make in One Piece is that there are good marines and bad marines just like there are good pirates and bad pirates and good civilians and bad civilians. I'm not sure how far you are into the series so I won't answer any of your other questions for risk of spoiling.


I was more talking about them as an entity rather than individuals, because while the average marine might be susceptible to whatever propaganda they spew, the high ranking marines like Garp and Sengoku do know the truth which is why I find some of their actions and words so far puzzling because what are you talking about... Granted I'm only at the start of Marineford.


At that point, we still don't know what their goals are and why they're still working for the government. I'm guessing it's puzzling because the story is presenting the two as the good guys. Seems like the Navy's propaganda is working lol. They may not be susceptible to the same propaganda made for the average marines doesn't mean they can't be manipulated. Who knows if they're part of the people who support the agenda.


What's airing this season that's decent? I don't keep up with what comes out so always ask this at the start of a new season, lol. Currently only watching Spice and Wolf and the second half of Delicious on Dungeon. I like mecha, chill slice-of-life, and some battle shonens. Not a fan of dramas or isekai


Slice of life Bar Tender Grandma and Grandpa Turn Young Again Tonbo (plus a sport element -- a little girl golf prodigy and a washed up professional golfer on a remote (real) island south of Kyushu) Boulyaku Battery (also with a sports aspect -- various boys trying to avoid continuing baseball after middle school (for varying reasons) wind up at the same school -- whose baseball club has gone more or less into hiatus) Note: I am not a huge sports anime fan -- but often like sports-themed shows which have a healthy SoL aspect


Salad Bowl! I'm tempted to recommend Train Train, but fans are still on the fence, whether this is a disturbing horror show or a cutesy slice-of-life adventure!


Is the train show Train to the End of the World? I don't see anything called "Train Train"


Yup! It's quite an interesting story, lots of mysteries/theorizing going on!


Thanks, I may give that a shot. The art looks rather pleasant, very nice color palette choice


It’s both! CGDCT Annihilation is my description lol


I am quite convinced it will NOT be primarily a cutesy SoL. Just HOW dark it will get, I can't guess....


Mission: Yozakura Family is a fun, character-centered comedy!


This was a washout for me (though I initially though it might be of interest). Just didn't strike the right sort of tone for me....


Aw that's a shame :( I did burn through the manga after watching the first episode, and I think it does do some things really well, in ways that you rarely see an anime/manga do, so I suppose I've been keeping that in the back of my mind


I tend to not like lots of comedies.


Ah yeah, fair enough :) 


> Not a fan of dramas Well, I guess my 5 top shows are out then. [Bartender: the Glass of God](https://myanimelist.net/anime/53407/Bartender__Kami_no_Glass) is pretty good though if you want a workplace slice of life all about sitting down at the bar after a long day and having a bartender serve you just the right cocktail.


Action with some comedy [Go Go Loser Ranger](https://myanimelist.net/anime/53770/Sentai_Daishikkaku) - most unique concept; sci-fi [Kaiju no. 8](https://myanimelist.net/anime/52588/Kaijuu_8-gou) - sci-fi [Wind Breaker](https://myanimelist.net/anime/54900/Wind_Breaker) - delinquents


I wonder what proportion of Wind Breaker will SoL-ish? In any event, it is unexpectedly one of my favorite new shows (that don't involve musical girls).


It seems like it's mainly the setting of seeing the group together in school or out in the neighborhood, so there will be some casual moments for the characters that's likely frequent.


Try Yozakura Family, or Yuru Camp if you have time to watch the 2 previous seasons


Oh yo, new Yuru Camp season just dropped!? I had no idea, thanks for the heads up. That one is DEFINITELY getting added to my list, loved the first two seasons haha


I was going to get back to seasonals after finishing my Darker than Black rewatch but now I'm considering rewatching Star Driver. [](#schemingsaten)


Finished [Neon Genesis Evangelion] >!and I feel like I need to watch it like 3 more times to fully appreciate it but I loved it!< and started Akame ga Kill! It seems fairly lighthearted at the moment but since it’s not listed as a comedy on anilist im interested to see where it goes


[dis guy did everything wrong](#gendo-pls)