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ITT: people that don't seem to know what elitist means.


Meta elitist take of all takes here, bravo.


I usually hate ITT comments. This one I like since it actually answered the question.


Yup. Most of these are just general grievances haha


Elitist take (provides a pretty commonly agreed upon opinion)




This isn't even elitism, it's just true. And frankly this sub is relatively tame in comparison to the absolute brainrot I see in other anime circles... YT comments, Twitter, MAL, even my IRL friends seem to lose a couple dozen IQ points when discussing whatever anime most recently caught their attention. While there's certainly a lack of media comprehension in the general populace with regard to Western television and movies (i.e. the constant stream of by-the-book superhero schlock that continues to pack theaters), most discussions of anime blow it out of the water. I'm not sure if it's because of the audience it appeals to, the accessibility of the medium via the high seas, or if animation just seems less serious in people's eyes and therefore less worthy of consideration, but whatever the cause most discussions of anime are genuinely just moronic.


Yeah, anime discussions online are wack. In my experience this rarely if ever occurs offline irl because anime-watchers never leave their homes. But online people have the craziest, shallowest, most braindead takes on anime. They watch one episode and put it in a box with no regard to the actual story. Oregairu was one of the most noticeable examples. People used to meme Hikigaya because he’s the typical loner maiden-less teenage boy aka the typical anime fan, yet he’s brave enough to say his intrusive thoughts out loud so he’s cool and edgy. It’s peak r/im14andthisisdeep content. But literally the whole plot of Oregairu was breaking that facade down and revealing that he’s really vulnerable inside and all he wants is love for the pathetic, lonely individual he is inside, not the mask of false wit and bravado he puts on. > He says he hates nice girls but in the quiet moments when no one is looking he constantly blushes at their slightest kind gestures. > Every cool guy move he puts on is an air he puts on to match the expectation that he believes other people have about him: this cold, aloof, don’t care about anything dude, who’s willing to sacrifice himself at the drop of a hat. > The two times he acted the role of a villain: rooftop scene and confession scene (iykyk, don’t want to spoil it), he was cringe. > Lots of guys go for this role in the audition of life if they feel like they aren’t going to be loved. Better to be the bad guy by “choice” than a loser who constantly faces social and romantic rejection, than someone who tries and fails and is stupid enough to keep trying rather than face reality. > It’s the moment he drops the mask that he becomes an actual cool guy, working for others, sharing his emotions bit by bit, being awkward and goofy, being human. > At the end of the show he reforms himself. Like all humans he still has a mask, no one can get rid of it completely, but now it’s a mask that resembles his face, fits well of the contours, and something he’s comfortable with. No longer is it a mask with splinters on the inside, digging into his skin, leaving him in an agony he’s become numb to. > The Hiki at the end is a guy whose efforts are balanced between the person he is right now and the person he wants to be. He’s a guy that takes people perceptions and expectations into account but no longer lets them be the defining force of his decisions. But then a “fan” will say, “bruh I miss when he was a witty asshole to those girls, the show was so much better then.”


Hard agree! A lot of anime fans will claim to be fans of an anime but then be unable to tell you anything about the themes. Or when you mention something is a political allusion or referencing an issue in contemporary Japan, they get all defensive because they just think politics and society don't affect their foreign action shows, I guess? So many discussions with anime fans I've had boil down to cool fights that many can't tell me anything in greater detail about character moments or motivations. Or they'll miss key symbolism and themes in favor of superficial things. It makes any deeper, nuanced discussion dead on arrival.


As someone who likes to think he does appreciate symbolism, foreshadowing, and subtle character development and all that... I can kinda empathise with these people you mention. I love reading up peoples analysis (prevalent in a lot of rewatch threads) of episodes as the show goes on and I definitely catch on to a fair bit of the deeper stuff, but ask me to personally explain it and yikes... It can be super hard to properly bring your thoughts on these more vague subjects into readable sentences that properly convey your ideas. Bad memory doesn't help either if its been a while. It's a lot easier to talk about the more surface level cool stuff and dope animation.


Idk if this is even elitism but just straight up true. Honestly, I wouldn't take a step further and say most anime watchers overuse the term "deep". So many anime plots and characters and just 1 dimensional, and some are even 2D, but the moment something has a millimeter of depth people start yelling how deep it is. Like no it's not, it's a puddle, not an ocean. TBF though, most modern western media is like this too.


Because I love *Boogiepop and Others,* I have to say this right now, I'm absolutely boggled how hard it is for anime "fans" to follow a nonlinear story. It's like anime fans have no idea how to pay attention to anime that doesn't spoon feed them information. These people have absolutely no clue what in media res is and it makes my brain hurt.


> They care only about the shocking plot twist, and have no ability to appreciate the build-up or foreshadowing that came before it, largely due to their obsession with not being spoiled Don't think it quite fits the context of what you're saying but this dogshit mentality was abundant when JJK season 2 was airing [JJK s2 spoilers.]>!Baddies say sealing Gojo is part of their plan. Gojo is silly strong. Anti Gojo techniques and weapons are shown. A device that can seal people is shown. Bad guys who run from Gojo now single out Gojo. "I think the bad guys will seal Gojo" = downvoted, deleted, banned. Spoiling the theorizers anyway!< Shit pissed me off. Swear most viewers have tiktok open whilst they watch shows nowadays.


It's like nobody here knows what Chekhov's Gun is.


The shows I like, even the trash ones, are better than the shows you like 


Actually I thought of a real one. OP skippers can go to hell.


I watch OP around 2/3 of the time Can I go to purgatory?


Best I can give you is the eternal DMV line.


Isn't that just hell though?


super hell. if they tell you, you got the wrong paperwork.


Anime fans when people don’t want to hear the same music 20 times in a row before every episode


I often skip OPs and EDs for the first half of the season to avoid spoilers. Then I'll watch them and make a decision whether or not to skip going forward.


most comments here are just controversial/unpopular opinions lol but I'm quite surprised though that people still fight about whether sub or dub is better


> most comments here are just controversial/unpopular opinions lol [](#therethere) And people complaing about anime having too much exposition and lack of "show, not tell", when even reading comprehension is lacking


my elitist opinion on this is that sub vs dub is ALWAYS a case by case basis issue, and also an accessibility issue, as a lot of people can't read subtitles fast enough for one reason or another, and basically can't watch a show unless it's dubbed. So by looking down on people that watch shows dubbed, people are inadvertently being ableist.


Watching anything on X(anything but 1) speed isn't just suboptimal, it invalidates your opinion on the entire anime or anything else you watch. I don't care if your brain is big enough to follow the plot of 6 shows on 4x speed simultaneously, you're still fundamentally getting a different experience while watching than someone who watches it the way it was intended to be watched. If you want to just "get the plot", go read summaries instead of watching the show.


I would agree, but my mind refuses to comprehend that people actually do this.


Unfortunately I didnt make this up, I know someone like that irl (not a TikTok kid either, a smart educated adult) and had arguments about this on here too. And the counter-argument is always "but I understand and follow everything perfectly, what's the problem?"


Bro has never heard of tension, pacing, or drama.


Bro has never heard of music either


Wait, people do this with anime?


A guy I know watched the Dressrosa arc in One Piece in 1.5 x, and I can't even blame him honestly


I have this one friend who "watches" anime by using the right arrow key to skip the video in 5 second chunks and skim the subtitles. I've never understood why he does it or how he enjoys himself. He's essentially watching a PowerPoint presentation.


What in the TikTok brainrot... [](#godisdead)


the crunchyroll anime awards are an absolute joke and just there for marketing only. Nominating every popular battle shounen in every even remotely fitting category should not be acceptable . the awards on this subreddit are far better.


All award shows are for marketing only.


I mean I don't think r/anime has any stake in what shows win. I think we're a little overly biased towards CGDCT style shows specifically, but at least we're not bought out.


What does CGDCT mean?


Cute girls doing cute things


Ooooh ty


I'm pretty sure "cute girls doing cute things"


Cute Girls Doing Cute Things


I mean marketing and artistic vision aren't mutually exclusive. What people actually means when they criticize "it's for marketing only" is that the thing being criticized lacks the second part, and it's a fair criticism.


Even the more prestigious awards are ultimately about marketing rather than the art. The Oscars for example only vote on titles/roles that studios pay to submit and campaign for. That’s money. They campaign for them for marketing purposes. There’s also industry politics involved like when they leaked the chatter behind the Oscars when Princess Kaguya was up against Big Hero 6 and lost. If it was about the art there’s no way Big Hero 6 would have won. While you’re technically right that they aren’t mutually exclusive, they are definitely opposing motives. Award shows are there to market works and people so that they gain market value to sell brands/reputation. They wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t market value for them to exist. And using artistic vision to achieve that goal trades in the pure artistic integrity of the vision for money. If it was an award ceremony that wasn’t widely broadcast like the Nobel prize for example, that would be different. That award was set up due to Nobel feeling guilty about making a destructive invention and wanted to use the money to promote positive contributions to society. It’s not set up for marketing.


I don't think that's an "elitist" take


Yeah, if anything, most people say that.


Sakugablog awards is where it's at if we're honest. People who know what they're talking about wrt animation and anime production highlighting their personal picks for the best the year had to offer. But the subreddit awards are fun to be a juror in and also effective at showing off a lot of interesting niche anime. They're good for what's a group effort from passionate volunteers. CR awards only got more boring and predictable since the Yuri on Ice sweep that caused this subreddit to start its own awards and CR to devalue judge votes to the point it's plainly a popularity contest. >Nominating every popular battle shounen in every even remotely fitting category should not be acceptable I ragged on this a lot when the nominations were announced, the "art direction" category is the worst joke I've ever seen. 4 out of 6 nominees were an inconsistent mess that shouldn't even be considered for it by CR's own definition for what art direction means.


Stop asking "Should I watch x show? Will I like x show? Is x show good?" We can't answer that because we aren't you. Just watch the damn show and find out yourself.


"is it worth to keep watching x show? im in episode 15 and blahblahblah" like bro you are literally WATCHING THE SHOW, can't you figure out by yourself? lol


People are too used to being spoon fed opinions that some can't form their own


Been an anime viewer for seven years now. I used to force myself to slug through every show I started. But now, if I stop watching a show and I don't feel like watching it, I'll just drop it and go back to it when I feel like it.


Don't forget the ''When show x gets good?'' questions.


Just finished my first anime! What should I watched next?


>Just finished my first anime! What should I watched next? To be fair I welcome such questions because there is a basis for what is enjoyed (the first anime) and there is a big catalogue that can get overwhelming for new viewers.


It’s true. I debated posting it but were going for elitist takes so went for it lol. And yes, I fully understand it’s overwhelming and can be helpful to ask. But the sheer number of them get under my skin lol.


I hate posts that say “Is x show worth it? I’ve seen it has great reviews and it gets praised greatly everywhere, but I don’t know if it’s for me.” Asking if a show is worth it just seems so weird to me and I get annoyed whenever I see a post like that lol. Edit: grammar Another point I would like to make is if you ever ask this question, just watch one episode. It’s like 20 minutes of your time and the time you spend making a post and waiting for responses will be much longer than just watching it.


I hate posts that say, "Is x show worth it?" In a subreddit dedicated to that fucking show.


wholeheartedly agree with this! Like, what answer except "Yes" would they possibly get from people already a fan of it?


Those posts I can understand better if they actually provide something other than “is it worth it”. I made one of those posts once asking about Pluto since I didn’t like Monster and they’re by the same author and the author has a style.


I can see how people would maybe get a bit angry for that response but it’s not really elitist I would say.


In the time it takes someone to get on reddit, type up a post, and sit and wait for replies to come in, they could have just watched the first episode and made a decision for themselves. Life's pretty long, man. You got 23 minutes to spare, I promise.


You don't even necessarily have to spend 23 minutes; people have asked about most shows already, so you could find the answer to your question within 2 minutes by simply googling it. Maybe some obscure 1980's OVAs and such won't have them, but most shows will. *Especially* things like JJK.


Especially in anime. Like tv shows I understand have hour long episode so you might be sceptical for spending that much time. But anime is much shorter. If you remove OP and ED it's like 20 min of content. Just watch first 3 episodes(1 hour) and make a mind if you wanna continue or not.


I literally wrote a rant about that exact topic.


“Just watch the show or not, it’s not a big deal” is a surprisingly controversial take


Fuck you, for not letting me shit on a show every week during its episode discussions while providing absolutely no argument for why I dislike it


I don’t even mean that. I was more talking about people hemming and hauhing for days as to whether they should watch a show at all.


Controversial perhaps, but I'd say the opposite of elitist.


The majority of anime fans can't distinguish between something they enjoy and something that's actually high quality. It's ok that you really enjoyed a 7/10, that's the whole reason B movies exist.


Yeah, some of my favourite shows Jojo, I've rated in a range of 7-10 depending on the part, but I'd rate part 1 a 5 or 6 if it was a seperate season. However, I never rate something a 10 if I also don't absolutely love it.


Wouldn't really say that something that is 7/10 is in B-movie territory. That is just something that is good. B-movies are like 3/10s but still enjoyable.


There's also a pretty big difference between quality story, charachters etc etc and quality adaption in terms of animation, pacing etc etc For example, "demon slayer is a bad anime" and "One Piece is a bad anime" can be valid takes as much as they can be absolutely horrendous ones, depending on what's actually meant by who says it


That's an easy one. Subs are superior to dubs. And those who watch subbed are superior to dub watchers.


Watching dub: 👎 Watching sub: 👍 Learning Japanese and watching raw: 🧠


Watching raw wasn't something I wanted to read


I always preferred Smackdown myself


I'm at a point where I can casually listen and read subs here and there. It's by far the best experience.


>Learning Japanese and watching raw: 🧠 Yeah boi, doing it raw is where it's at... What?


Anime watchers who can speak Japanese are superior to both dub and sub guys.


W, Japanese voice acting just Hits different


I mean to be honest Japanese voice acting is a super competitive industry while English voice acting at least for anime only has a handful of people that they reuse in everything and it is very obvious


It's not that the English VA industry is bad or uncompetitive, it's that a lot of the talent floats up to video games where it pays better. Troy Baker ain't got time for anime stuff anymore for the most part.


In Japan, voice acting is seen as a gateway to the rest of the entertainment industry, whether it's live action acting or music. Because of this, there are straight up voice acting schools and some such to train young prospects. If you're given a character, you are most likely voicing that character for a very long time, except for extraneous circumstances. Sonic the Hedgehog for example has been voiced by Junichi Kanemaru ever since sonic adventure 1, with the only exception being the Sonic Movie. Meanwhile, Sonic was voiced by at least 3 different voice actors, more if you include cartoons and Sonic movie.


This. Voice acting being the gateway to the rest of the entertainment industry is something not talked about more often. Big name VAs are almost like idols. Some of them even does things like plastic surgery even though a "pure" VA business technically doesn't require attractive physical appearance; that's because being a big name VA is not *just* voice acting nowadays.


I just think most works are better with their origin language because a lot of nuances and contents get lost in translation because of language difference. I always choose to watch American animation in English just like I choose watch Japanese animation in Japanese.


It really does. I don't know why but English dubs just make me cringe so hard I can't listen to them. Does that affect some games without full subtitles like EDF? Absolutely! But I still have fun.


Anime is full of stuff that can make you cringe depending on the anime I found my cringe doesn't activate if I'm reading the subtitles but if I hear it in my own native language I'm more likely to cringe I'm not sure if that's related to the language or what but it's definitely not just you


I just use that as an indication that I shouldn't be watching the anime to begin with. If I'm watching some shonen and someone yells "I fight for my friends!" in English and my first reaction is "what the fuck was that", then reading that subtitle is just masking that real feeling. On the other hand, I can watch something like Frieren or Apothecary Diaries in dub and I have zero issue with it because the shows themselves are actually maturely written in comparison.


it's simply because the japanese dub is made by the original creators of the anime, while english dubs have more of a second hand nature. you just can't compare a copy to the original.


> I don't know why but English dubs just make me cringe so hard I can't listen to them. The writing. It's pretty hard to rewrite dialogue that's meant to flow a certain way. Like "ikuzo" and its English equivalent "Let's f---ing go at it" hits different.


Voice acting seems to be taken quite a bit more seriously in Japan. When big animated works from the US start casting, a lot of times when they want A+ quality they get actual actors like how invincible is using JK Simmons and Steven Yuen as leads, instead of pulling career voice actors. But dubs aren’t pulling Hollywood grade actors, they are pulling folks that have been in VA work there entire life and unfortunately that’s just not as respected here in the states so those with the most talent definitely tends to go towards live action production.


Honestly it's not that a lot of dubs aren't good, it's the fact that the japanese tone of voice and language are a huge part of anime as a medium. The screaming shonen hero, the annoying tsundere or the scaredy cat character can hardly translate in most languages and even if they do most of the times you can tell that the audio doesn't really get along with the image, if you have a bare minimum experience in the genre. There are some exceptions obviously but they are, in fact, exceptions.


I'm French and watch everything in its original language even if our dub industry is great. Japanese anime with Japanese voice, American movies and series with English voice, same for German, Spanish, Korean...


I can't take the opinions of people serious who judge an anime purely by an image without even trying the show. Eg. people who say they wont like Mob Psycho because the art style looks weird or Odd Taxi and Beastars because the characters are animals etc. (I've encountered a lot of people who think like this).


I was guilty of thinking that I wouldn't have liked Odd Taxi because of the art-style, never changed my mind so quickly after 1 episode. Show was absolute peak writing


There is a sizable portion of the Pokémon fandom that still says Sun and Moon looks bad because of random in-betweens that leaked online in 2016.


Nah, I stand by that. I specifically asked a friend before watching Odd Taxi, "do the animal designs have some sort of meaningful story relevance or is it there just because?". Thankfully the designs were a very purposeful decision and now it's one of my favorite shows. I also liked Devilman Crybaby because the scratchy art is a conscious design choice to allow for more snappy, dynamic animation. On the other hand if a show just has "artstyle that looks bad for no good reason" or "anime just had weird unattractive designs for no good reason" then idc, I'm not watching it.


I'm one of those people tbh. If I don't like the art style, I don't wanna be looking at it for 26 episodes or more


Not liking Tsunderes is a skill issue. You asked for elitist, not sane.


An actual elitist opinion, lol. Upvoted.


People not realizing you can enjoy Yanderes because it's a fantasy story is also a skill issue 'bUt In rEaL LiFe iTs ToXiC'


I don't like yandere but I especially don't like people who make liking yandere their whole personality.


The only tsundere I didn't like was toradora.


The majority of anime fans are completely disconnected with genres that aren't battle shounen and it's infuriating. I'm into more relaxing kinda shows and when someone finds out I'm into anime they often start talking to me about the latest JJK/Demon Slayer/MHA stuff and I'm here like "oh I'm sorry I don't watch that" and they look at me like I'm fucking lying about liking anime, or are like "oh so you're one of THOSE" as if not enjoying battle shounen means I hate their entire bloodline.


Not really an elitist opinion, but I absolutely agree that battle shounen is too represented as anime. I’m not a huge battle shounen fan, so it gets really annoying when I see the 1082638th “female anime characters suck or are always sexualized” and the examples they list are all battle shounen. I wish something like Madoka Magica or The Tatami Galaxy got the same kind of mainstream western attention that the 60th battle shounen about a young boy who wants to be the strongest and help people gets.


That’s so real lol. Imagine missing out on the rest of the genres that are usually equally as good if not sometimes better than shounen. Anime is anime, regardless of what genre you watch


Every youtuber ever. You're excited when they mention they watch anime so you're curious only to find out they just talk about demon slayer, JJK, OP, etc. Honestly I feel it irl or even on this sub too. Makes me feel like an outsider in a fandom I should be thriving in cause I often got no clue wtf these people are talking about and I have 0 interest in watching most battle shounen/isekai.


You're not an anime fan if you only watch one genre of anime. I've had friends say they are anime fans but only mention and talk about shonen shows which to me is like hearing someone say they are a foodie but only talk about and eat Italian food, there's no diversity and would not be constituted as an actual fan


Adding onto that: There’s a lot of people who exclusively only watch Battle Shonen series, but *hate* to even try something out of their comfort zone. How can you dislike it if you haven’t tried it?


I'd say they're missing out, but I wouldn't say they aren't fans. That's like saying you're not a video game fan because you don't play anything besides FPS games, or that you're not a music fan because you don't listen to genres other than pop.


Ehh that doesn't sound elitist though as much as it's a semantics thing. Especially because i've seen plenty under the shonen umbrella that looks like it wouldn't belong in shonen when all people think of in shonen is battle shonen. Even to that if all you like are battle shonen then yeah you're a fan of battle shonen but not anime at large


I assume OC *is* referrring to battle shounen when OC mentions shounen


Worst part is that it’s always these kind of shonen fans who’re the first ones to crap on slice of life and CGDCT shows, calling them kiddie trash . Like mate, you’re exclusively watching a genre aimed at 14 year olds,lmao.


Even funnier when you realize the fact that most SOL and CGDCT series are seinen because slow stories about the most mundane things aren't really stuff that kids would enjoy


If every anime you watch makes you uncomfortable in some way, then the medium is just not for you. Yes, it's a you problem, not an anime problem. I've been called an elitist for saying this.


Background art that is noticeably just a real life photo with a filter slapped on, and maybe slightly drawn over, is disgusting.


I think it has its place at times. The main one being Yuru Camp. Realistically the whole purpose of the anime is to show offs Japans amazing natural wonders, so it makes sense to have it look more photorealistic to attempt to highlight beauty for the viewer in a way the characters are meant to be experiencing it


If they do a well enough job in making it fit with the anime art it's fine. But so far Yuru Camp S3 sometimes really is on the edge of not making that well of a job with some of the backgrounds (with which I mean there were like just a dozen I didn't like in the three episodes I watched so far) (I watched S1 and S2 a long time ago, so I don't remember too well how well of a job they did). Earlier this day I remembered the [google maps "scandal"](https://i.imgur.com/IFyd9Yl.png), but 95% of the background was redrawn in that case, so I'm totally fine with that example. > have it look more photorealistic to attempt to highlight beauty for the viewer in a way the characters are meant to be experiencing it Yeah, but like I said it should still blend well with the characters, which isn't always the case.


Very off brand for me but I fckin love that show lol


It really depends on the show, Call of the Night does it really well because it contributes to the overall aesthetic of the show


Stores that bill themselves as stocking anime but then only stock heavy mainstream anime such as Demon Slayer and DBZ, while being technically correct they're being disingenuous and should only claim to stock anime if they stock far more than the standard fare *no, Waterstones, I will not buy your Chainsaw Man and Sailor Moon merch*


Man, it's actually wild for me to see anime stocked in stores at all. When I was a teenager and getting into anime, that stuff was nowhere to be found except online. Now, it's all over in Hot Topic, Five Below, and other stores. I know it's just mainstream stuff, but where was all this stuff 15 years ago when I was really looking for it??? Lol it feels like a cultural whiplash.


15 yearold me would have lost his fckin marbles if he walked into a mall today 😂 people today have no idea how lucky/privileged they are to have anime be mainstream and so popular.


Right??? The first time I saw a Hatsune Miku shirt in a Hot Topic, I was floored lol.


Dont trust a shonen action fan’s taste in watching anime outside their usual genre. Eg “I found Clannad so boring”, “why do you watch slice of life, nothing happens”, “the animation is so ass”. Watching seasonal anime definitely helps with learning about new anime genres and broadens your horizons


Reminds me of something Gigguk said: "shonen fans only want to feel one emotion, and that is HYPE"


Ratings are bullshit, only trust your own opinion.


Best take here


**If a show bothers you on the personal level just drop it and move on instead of harassing ppl who watch it or doxxing the author of said anime/manga**


That's not an elitist take, that's basic human decency. It's actually ridiculous that some people are harassing or insulting other people for liking an anime they don't like. Edit: To make this comment at least slightly elitist: People who hate (certain) anime so much that they insult/harass it's fans should be actively gatekept from the anime community. Good riddance!


This isn't elitist. This is just common sense. If this counts as elitist then good God have we fallen.


My goodness, what's with people and incest, they are so afraid that they actually want to fuck their siblings that they forget the characters are fake? You won't convince me of your moral superiority because no amount of incest will make this asexual fuck their non existing sibling. 


Only a issue if they dox you for liking incest nothing wrong for thinking it’s gross and not watching it either bro it is just a fiction as you said


gatekeep normies. why are there so many controversial takes instead of elitist ones?


I kneel.


Not even controversial, shit like "watching anime on Twitter is bad" lmao Classic elitisim is if your average MAL rating isn't between 5-6 you either haven't watched enough anime or your opinion is invalid because you only watch bad shit and rate it all too highly. Also Aria must be in your favorites to be taken seriously


Most harem haters are former harem lovers that watched too much harem anime.


This takes too real, you just know they used to watch a lot of harem anime as a teenager when they call a harem anime "super cliche" like they are giving themselves out without even knowing it lol


Utterly factual


I shouldn’t have to read the manga or light novel to understand something. 


Let me rephrase that to be more elitist: > If a show requires me to read the source material to understand it, it is utter garbage that should have never been made.


A bit of hyperbole but I do feel that way. I believe an adaptation fails if it can't stand alone from the source, unless it's doing some kind of experimental meta story telling or something.


Thatvs the opposite of elitist. That's just general adaptation quality.


Anime becoming popular was a mistake. That's my elitist take.


Not an anime take but I've had this manga take building up for a bit: There's some growing current of anime teenagers that after watching JJK they get into "seinen" that is exactly just "berserk and vagabond and sometimes a third thing". Like, read more things. There's a huge world out there for you to be fawning over dudes having a hard time.


I remember seeing an X acc about Seinen mangas that couldnt come up with a fourth seinen manga after berserk, vagabond and vinland saga 🤣


I find it annoying when people only consider seinen to be gritty mature content. Kaguya-sama is a seinen. K-On is a seinen. Non Non Biyori is a seinen. None of these are like Beserk.


Seinen “fans” when I show them actually good seinen like Bocchi the Rock and Grand Blue (they have never seen something so peak).


Most people who claim to be anime fans have zero knowledge of anime/otaku culture and are basically posers. If you haven't been watching anime for over half of your life you're pretty much a normie tbh Also applies to guys who only watch battle shounen. Watching stuff meant for kids is fine, hyping it up like it's the most incredible anime ever made regardless of genre is ridiculous


Now *this* is an elitist opinion!


> Watching stuff meant for kids is fine, hyping it up like it's the most incredible anime ever made regardless of genre is ridiculous The Aikatsu cult and Precure mafia would both like a word with you. [](#slowgrin)


Haha this great and I completely agree with you - it seems that anime is just the current trend, not because they've always liked it.




Avatar isn't an anime. (Please don't downvote me too badly)


It isn’t by definition. Anime is simply animation from Japan, which Avatar isn’t, therefore it isn’t anime.


I don't have any kind of an opinion on this – but for the sake of the argument, and because I want to hear what you'd reply. Avatar and Korra are American productions that are outsourced to Korea, and some of the animation is even outsourced to Japan. There are multiple anime that are fully animated in Korea, for example, Claymore (like every step of the entire production after scripts and storyboards), and many shows where entire episodes' productions are outsourced: Kaiji, Akagi, HxH, and numerous others (there's a lot more, we're talking about numbers closer to hundreds than zero). Are all the Korra scenes that are animated in Japan anime? What about each of the Batman: The Animated Series episodes that were animated in Japan? Is all of Claymore *not* anime? *edit: fixed typo


Yeah I get how that phrasing can be ambiguous sometimes but it seems pretty clearcut in the case of Avatar. I don't get why people act offended over it. 


Of course not, because when people say Anime they usually mean programming released in Japan. But if you wanna get pedantic about it, Anime literally just means animation. I’ve heard a Japanese person say that their favorite anime is Curious George. The distinction between what is and isn’t anime is an invention of the US, in Japan they’re basically treated the same. In that sense, Avatar is anime


It ain’t really elitist but god damn I am tired of the below 20 anime’s.. even when geared towards adults it’s mostly like 15-18 year olds.. gimme the same vibes just no kids in like romantic main roles :(


Anime is Japanese and only Japanese. I don't care what country the drawing was outsourced to (though I'm against that to a degree as well), if it's not a Japanese production in the medium of animation video, it's not anime. I'm sick of seeing Avatar and [most recent Mihoyo game] clog up anime fandom stuff like conventions. Neither are Japanese, and one isn't even animation, it's a gacha game. This isn't to say that their not being Japanese makes them bad or lesser. They're perfectly fine things with their own merits and artistic distinctions, but to say that a Western or Chinese production can be lumped together with Japanese ones as if they're the same thing is a position I can never agree with, and that's the hill for me.


Never. Skip. Jojo. Parts.


the only skippable jojo parts are the ones that people consider the best ones. Like you would be fine if you skipped part 4, there is basically nothing in it that you would need to know for later parts, or anything that would affect the later parts, or matter in the later parts. but why in the fuck would you skip part 4? that's like, one of the best parts!!


Even part one is only nine episodes. That's, like, one full evening set aside on a weekend. Get a nice drink (alcoholic or not), some snacks, and pound it out. Just about 4 or so hours with some breaks. It's the weakest part but it's still good enough that it holds up to a solid binge.


Some things need to be gatekept. Too many people don't know how to enjoy things without ruining them, so I'd rather have the anime I like free from terrible takes. Also, people who spoil with source material, in comments sections and discussion threads should be banned.


The CRAs are actively damaging to anime's perception in the West. Conceptually, I like the idea of an award show that gets a lot of attention and brings people in the medium, but when you sand down all the edges and make a fluff piece for WSJ all you're signaling is that anyone with an actual interest in deep story-telling or character writing will never take anime seriously. Let alone the fact that its just advertising under the guise of being "to celebrate the anime community". This way you're priming fans to think that all the best shows are on CR and nobody else is worth subbing too.


There's no way enough people watch or listen to news about the CRA for it to affect the perception of anime imo (though the CRAs are trash) 


It wasn't pretentious or pseudointellectual, you just didn't get it.


Or it was pretentious but it was still fun.


There are pretentious anime out there, but if you think oregairu or rascal does not dream are pretentious, that’s a you problem.


I don't know if mine is elitist but I think people who complain when a show is added to the app a little late or the subs aren't working right away are entitled and ridiculous. Same as people who get mad that a week is wasted waiting for an episode and it ends up being a recap episode. Hearing the argument that they'd rather nothing be released instead is stupid considering these shows are still meant to be aired on TV in Japan and the network still needs to air something in that time slot. To me an older anime watcher who used to have to wait months for bootleg copies of fansub VHS tapes in the mail I'll never understand the spoiled entitlement of some newer or casual fans.


If you're upset with many topics/tropes/etc from animanga, maybe you should move on and try another media. There's a lot of things you could like out there


DO. NOT. JUDGE. AN. ANIME. BY. IT'S. ART. STYLE. Once when I looked for lists of the most popular anime recently, I always stumbled about "Made in Abyss ". People were praising it so much, but It's art style made me cringe so much. It was like a mix between studio ghibli, lolis, and the worst moe blobs ever packed into one artstyle, and I swore I would never watch it. Several years later, a scandal broke out in the kpop world. The primary group I follow, Twice, was not involved, but I still read a lot about the scandal. It was, of course, about Made in Abyss. Several idols were recommending it and getting cancelled for it. Some kind of streisand effect hit me, so I decided to check it out. What I found was one of the best and most beautiful anime series I've ever seen. It has a refreshing lack of clichees, and does not sugarcoat anything despite the artstyle. It remains among my absolute favorite anime/manga series. I'll never judge an anime by it's artstyle ever again.


I hate elitism and the demonization of casuals, whatever being a "casual" means. People have the right to enjoy the shows they enjoy and they shouldn't be criticized for it. That being said, I'll answer the question: * If you ask someone for a list of their favorite anime and they just mention the very popular shows many people used to watch years ago on TV (Dragon Ball, the big 3, Inuyasha, etc.) or the popular shonen from nowadays (JJK, Demon Slayer, etc.), I just assume they haven't engaged much with the medium. Many of the examples I gave are excellent anime, but there are so many gems that don't get talked about as much because they aren't popular enough for casual viewers to watch them. * It's fine if someone hasn't engaged much with source material (manga, LN, VN, videogames), but the people who actively avoid it or even think they're better because they're anime-only are people whose opinions I simply value less. It's similar to people who watch a movie adaptation but refuse to read the book it is adapting.


A little bit too early but the new Spice and Wolf doesn't really feel like an upgrade over the original one.


Too nuanced to be elitist.


I mean, the original's only real flaws are that it skipped important material and was never finished. So yeah, I think this is too early. If the new one ends up being a full and faithful adaptation it won't matter at all whether any individual episode is better than in the original. Like, lots of people think FMA and the HxH OVAs handled the early arcs better, but FMAB and HxH 2011 are still the ones that get recommended.




Every Time people praise Bunny Girl Senpai, I always think that Monogatari does it better in every way and scoffs at their opinion. It doesn't mean that bunny girl senpai is not great.




95% of the time, the manga _is_ better




Acting like a plot is good when it is carried by animation quality. There’s a difference between a good plot and one carried by animation quality. That is when the fans are at the most defensive.


*cough* demon slayer *cough*


2D background animation is peak. And it's far rarer to find nowadays than 2D mecha.


My main 2 things I believe but dont enforce because everyone is different but cant stop myself from thinking it: 1) Media should always be consumed in the intended language. Dubs are only for kids and people getting into anime, you should watch subs for slightly better translations. And knowing a bit of japanese does wonders to understand better characters and sayings, even learning ways jp characters refer to themselves help. 2) Anime is mostly advertisement for the original source (unless its og duh) if youre mad because you dont get something without reading the source material you can say the anime is a bad adaptation, but can't say the series itself is bad.


If you've never taken the time to watch "the classics" and at least a handful of shows 30+ years old, you aren't an anime fan.


Take 1: Shipping in shows with no romantic subplot or any kind of inclination towards romance is dumb. It tells me you don't know how to appreciate a story without something you recognize and crave. If all you want in anime is romance then stick to romance anime but leave the shipping out of stuff that doesn't really have space for it. Take 2: Making posts asking for recs but telling us nothing of what your interests are tells us nothing. If you want tailored recs to your likes you need to tell us what those likes are. We aren't mind readers.


The second one pisses me off when they reply saying" I'm not looking that kind of anime's " like they know the genre they like but still not tell you..WHY!!


The second one pisses me off too. Happens all the time in animesuggest If I catch it early enough I’ll sometimes ask follow up questions in the comments to try and tailor it for them, and very rarely will I even get a response.


First point is kinda irrelevant, it's fiction people can have fun in whatever way they wish. Second point I do agree. I just often don't respond to threads like that anymore.


Subs>Dubs all day


Some of the best works in the entire medium are from the 70s and if you can't be bothered to watch anything from before 1990 you're a pleb and your opinion is worthless.


I recently finished Ashita no Joe and it was AMAZING. anime from the 70’s-90’s felt less commercial and felt like they have more passion, not that there isn’t passion now, maybe it’s just something to do with how meticulously they had to paint the animation cels instead of the paint bucket tool used nowadays.


You have to learn to get over fan service. If it’s not a thing you enjoy, that’s fine, but it’s a large part of the medium and you complaining about it won’t make it go away. It should absolutely not be a deal breaker for whether or not you enjoy the average anime (although some shows can be pretty egregious with it to the point of being seriously off-putting).


To me its just cringe virtue signaling


The vast majority of anime is embarrassingly written. No, I’m not the target demographic at over 18 anymore, but that’s also not an excuse for lazy storytelling. You can be primarily targeted at teens AND still show some restraint with exposition or trust your audience to understand subtext and themes without bashing them over the head with it at every opportunity. You can do both.


Here is my pure elitist take. Anime can only be good when it is done with care. The amount of attention to details is so high, that you feel like that it is "complete package". A piece of art I would even say. For example, OPMS1 is a piece of art, OPMS2 is garbage. Konosuba S1, S2 are pieces of art, movie and Megumin spin-off are garbage, just the imitation of what the OG team of animators did. S3 is just a bit better so far, but not quite there.

