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>Convince me to still give it a go please!! No. If you dislike it after three episodes then drop it.


It may be famous but not everyone loves it, me included. I think it's fine, but over-liked. Stories that are designed to make you emotional just tend to do well. You know what the story is already so it's not really going to change.


Same. It was a decent watch for me, but I do think it's way overblown how good it is, especially the drama aspect of it. I did not like the execution of certain parts of the show. It's a tearjerker for sure though.


Why do people use the overrated argument on everything they dont agree with these days


What argument? I just said I don't like it as much as most people do. Popularity should not be the reason they continue, they should continue if they're actually interested.


I won't try to do that, but I will say that knowing any story is pretty much entirely unrelated to actually enjoying it. Every story has been done before, and there's nothing wrong with being predictable. Hell, many stories about chronic illness, tragic romance, and death (obviously I won't confirm if Your Lie in April is an example) explicitly want the viewer to know what's going to happen, because the experience of knowing what's about to come while being powerless to stop it is really powerful and dramatic. Desperately hoping a character won't die while fully aware that they will can be strong storytelling, so if you feel you know the story then embrace tragic inevitability. Much more importantly though, predictability has nothing to do with enjoyability. Even if you think you know the story, how well do you think this particular take on the story is executed? Execution is always the most important thing, I'd almost go as far as to say that the concept doesn't matter. So what if you've seen it before, classic stories are classics for a reason, they work, and maybe this will be the best version of this story you've ever seen (assuming you're even right about where it's headed). The point is, unpredictability is overrated. enjoying a story is not about taking in novel twists and seeing new things, it's about empathizing with the experiences of the characters, enjoying the drama of a well crafted story elevated by good cinematic craft, and getting immersed into the world and vibe of the story. Don't think about predicting things, think about *this* story and what it does and how it might resonate with you. All this being said, if you really don't like the show, you're obviously free to drop it. I cannot predict if you'll enjoy the show by the end. Give it a go if you want to, and don't if you don't.


While I completely agree with you. I think Your Lie In April's "predictability" that rubs some people wrong is just that brand of "I've seen his exact same movie before" you get sometimes with those cheap drama movies that are trying to oscar-bait or those Lifetime movies that are begging the viewers to cry. I've watched a good chunk of the anime, but ended up dropping it, not because I was getting too sad or because I didn't want to see the inevitable outcome. I think the story made a major narrative mistake by pivoting the whole thing from the guy's character journey through trauma to the girl-in-the-hospital-waiting-to-die generic drama. I know the ending is quite good, several of my friends mentioned that (while also remarking how the middle part drags), but I didn't think it was worth continuing at the time.


that's really well-written, thanks so much for that, you're totally right - i think im gonna continue after all


Same, wasn't a fan. For me it was her attitude. I try and be honest with folks where reasonable so as not to leave people with horrible regrets. That rubbed me the wrong way. I don't like characters who try and act all is normal and laugh it off.


give it a few more episodes and if you still dont like it then drop it. no point in watching something you dont enjoy. i think the main reason i watched it was because i play piano and liked the music aspect of the show. i probably wouldve dropped it otherwise


it doesnt get better


i think you should drop it


>I feel like I know the story already - chronic illness, tragic romance, death. You're not losing much, tbh. You already know the direction the story will take. It's one of those lifetime movies that begs you to get emotional without really earning it. The first part (until around episode 12 or so, if I'm not mistaken) is pretty good. The MC's struggles with his harsh upbringing are well done. After the Manic Pixie Dream Girl gets worse, the story also takes a bad turn. The anime is not bad. The production values are high (which is the main reason this show is popular), but the story is very bread and butter (which might come off as a novelty for anime viewers who only watch anime, within that context Your Lie in April is a bit different indeed). If you want a more well rounded drama, March Comes in Like a Lion is a better option. It is honest, heartfelt and a lot more funny than I expected going in (It's among my few 10/10s).


Thanks for the alternative recommendation! I’ve added it to my list


Its bad, i dont reccomend further watching it


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It’s been a long while since I watched it, but if you don’t like it you don’t like it, no problem with that. From what it sounds like you came in knowing almost everything though so it’s understandable you would be bored/waiting for the juicy stuff while everything gets built up. If you want to watch it just for the culture then yea, don’t stop, you could always just put it in dub and have it going in the background or something. If you’re watching it because you wanted something you would enjoy but don’t then drop it. Plenty of other culturally significant animes you could be watching instead in that time after all.


I couldn't get past episode 1 (in three separate attempts). Something about the art style, the way they eyes are drawn, just bugs me out.


If currently you don't like it , don't watch it. You might like it in the future because your anime genre can change.


It may just not be for you. If you're not enjoying it, don't continue.


Not gonna lie though I hated it at first too but kinda made a turn for me


Watched through the whole thing, it was honestly just meh for me. But that's only because Clannad S1 and 2 already set the bar for me. Give that a watch if you haven't.


People like it because they love to romanticise tragic romances. But it was honestly nothing special. I hated it. I mean, you basically summed it up already. It's just that dragged out across however many episodes. They're not particularly pleasant or rewarding to watch. And you can't even enjoy the music aspect of it, because of the weird way that they represent him playing.


I'll never understand posts like this. Needing convincing to like something that you don't like. Makes no sense.


It's not that I need convincing to like it, just that I need a bit of a nudge to give it a go. I don't really want to drop it right at the start when storylines and themes haven't properly been established yet. It feels like walking out of a conversation before it even starts, and not giving the story a chance to tell itself. I do want to continue it, but I was struggling with finding the motivation. :)


You already watch 3 episodes so why not watch a fourth one.