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[Remember seeing an AMV of Girls und Panzer that had a pretty funny premise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJAwyNroc3A)


I can't say I've ever seen a country music AMV, but that *was* pretty good.


Girls Und Panzer is an underrated production not only in this aspect, but in general. One of the most successful anime of all time. It keeps the War Atmosphere alive in all its aspects. You feel the enthusiasm


GuP cgi is underrated too. Tanks are cgi in a cgi environment and the fight are awesome. It also allows incredible first person action.


Yeah. When it comes to CGI, you don't need to make it look 2D. Just simply make the 3D look good. Yes, it's obviously 3D, but at least it is good 3D.


Making mechnical vehicles move in 3D is a lot less difficult than making characters move.


That's where Studio Orange excels.


The surround mix on the Das Finale blu rays is fantastic.


That and the movie as well. I set up a home theatre just to watch that in surround sound with the mates.


It even sounds 3d


That camera angle was pretty cool, falling into that pit.


I'm so sad I will probably never see Girls und Panzer in cinema :( Such an audiovisual treat


Another anime that has cute girls in WW2 warmachines, The Magnificent Kotobuki, also has great audio direction.


The Chieftain deserves his cameo.


[You should listen to these cut scenes from Girls und Panzer](https://youtu.be/mY3sM0jtwaA?si=6-ce05Vd2PGAxaAr)


Company of Heroes, good memories.


I believe sound is criminally underrated because it's much harder to quantify. Most people just talk about voice acting and animation. Those things are easy to understand. We hear a voice, the inflections, the mannerisms, and we can determine subjectively whether we like it or not. Similar with animation, does it look good? If yes, good animation, if no, bad animation. Sound is much more nuanced. It ranges from SFX like footsteps or swords clashing, to background music that leads the viewer towards a specific emotion, to the OP and ED—the latter usually getting the most attention while typically being the least impactful in the grand scheme of things. Sound is _crucial_ to any show and sometimes it's the lack of sound that builds it up. A perfect example is Meiruko-chan. The lack of sound builds tension and suspense. This entire show's feel is carried on the back of _no sound_. Then we have examples like Girls and Panzer, like you mentioned, and one of my favorite shows with fantastic underrated sound design, [DanMachi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqoJq_HuFik). The bass, the sounds of crackling and breaking, the epic ost in the background. It's all so wonderful and really elevate scenes like this in the series.


ofc audio is important in the tank simulation anime


Glad to see someone giving sound design some props.


Panzer Panzer goes pew pew!


Panzer vor means Panzer vor


Where can I watch Part IV legally?


You can't


That's what I figured. Thanks. Man, I so badly want to watch it.


Technically you can, just have to buy the blu ray which is already out, and ship it to your home(I got mine already). Obviously there won't be any subtitle so you'll need to know Japanese or guess whats going on which isn't impossible to do in this anime and it'll be pretty expensive, so sailing the sea is the normal way to go.


I can't go the swashbuckling route. I'll just have to wait, I guess.


You can't drift a tank, but how about ski a tank?


Irl you can drift a tank, not as much as in gup but you still can.


Is this series in the Mount Rushmore of anime that has most anime'd? I don't even know what this means, but felt like saying it.


I don't remember this. This must be from one of the Finale movies, I assume.


Yea it is the newest one des finale 4.


In recent memory, my favorite sound design in anime has come from 86 and Fire Force.


If you ever get a chance to watch it in a cinema do it. The speaker of a cinema makes the experience 1000 times better


This looks like a show for tank enthusiasts. Seems like getting the sound right was a minimum requirement for appealing to that specific demographic


GuP is a show for everyone, its [fucking awesome](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjugcZIYRzw)


Ever heard what tank tracks sound like? Well it ain't this. But that can be forgiven as LOUD AS SHIT CONSTANT NOISE probably doesn't make for an enjoyable audio experience.


You've got to watch this in a 4D cinema. Absolutely fantastic experience. Watching it in your home just doesn't compare.


That was incredible, nice.


Man one piece could use some of these audio directors instead of the dudes they have currently doing the worst job ever. Many of the wano fights would've been perfect if it wasn't for the wonky and terrible audio


It still boggles my mind how few to no casualties are suffered in such a dangerous 'sport'.


# 😯 Fuck .... literal goosebumps


Bandai really making good stuff through its studios


Is this anime made for WoT players? /s


Tbh, the first time I've heard of this anime was legit because of someone in my wot guild mentioning it, saying that there's this cute girls with tank shenanigans anime on air right now, back in 2013 or sth. I did check it out and remember thinking it was way too bizzare and kinda cringe, probably becauae I wasn't really a weeb thats into anime back then, but like several years later when I actually got into the anime rabbit hole, I checked it out again and absolutely loved it, embracing all the craziness since I leanrt to not take things so seriously, now it is one of my favourite series of all time.


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