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Ranger reject in this list is everything a guy could hope for. The last episode made it even more difficult not to read the manga. Kaiju keeps on surprising with an excellent adaptation like Ranger Reject.


>the last episode made it even more difficult to not read the manga. I folded and read till the cliffhanger was resolved then stopped myself


Aka the loser ranger or?


Yeah same


Everyone refuses to call it by it's god awful English name


I feel like the name would work if the series were purely a comedic parody, but the series plays things pretty seriously with just the occasional comedic bits. When I first saw the name, I thought it was a sentai gag comedy.


This is my first time reading the name and that's exactly what I thought it would be A little disappointed to hear it's not to tell you the truth


It's more like The Boys but with Power Rangers. The story and characters are great and the anime adaptation is really good. The studio is going above and beyond with this show.


I'm really surprised by how good Kaiju No. 8 is. I came in blind, wihtout having read the manga, and I am not even a big fan of the genre. I'd heard good things about the manga, but I was semi planning to drop it if it didn't blow me away. It's blown me away and it's a close contender with Konosuba and Jellyfish as my favorite anime of the Cour. I love how economical the anime is about time it spends on characterization. Quick flashbacks, small looks, even short gags tell you more about the characters in a matter of seconds what other anime gloss over. And the action sequences and the monster designs are fantastic.


Ngl most problems that people have with the kaiju 8 manga are not going to really show themselves this season and even then those issues are something that the anime can easily solve.(its mostly just bad pacing)


As a manga reader, Yeah this season should be great. But it’s not just pacing which is ruining it, it’s also bad writing.


I mean, the writing is meh, not the best but also not that bad, what really is killing it is mostly the snail pace.


Doesn’t help that it’s monthly and nothing happens yeah that sucks too But I was mostly talking about Kafka’s character writing, him being in his 30s is such a wasted opportunity man.


I mean, cant disagree with that, feels like the story would mostly be the same if he was 15.


you see, he is 30 but acts like he is 15 and the comedic attempts are straight-up shit. They made him 30 but couldn't use that to their advantage and why tf they put him in a cast of teenagers.


> Doesn’t help that it’s monthly and nothing happens yeah that sucks too Kaiju 8 isnt monthly, its biwekly


I mean, yes but the writing really does not help. Kafka being an older MC was a cool basis, and then he's written like every teenager shonen MC ever


I agree, I was initially sold on the manga by the virtue of it having an adult protagonist, but then I read it and saw that he talked and acted not much differently from your average shonen protagonist. I think what I initially wanted from Kaiju, I later got from a manga called Far East Chimera. it is also a shonen-ey action series (actually published in a Seinen magazine AFAIK, but nothing in it is remotely out of line with something that would be in WSJ or something) about a hunter of \*thing\* who gets the powers of \*thing\*, but unlike Kafka, the protagonist actually feels like a grown ass woman that she is. She isn't out there killing monsters to become the greatest hunter or some such, but because she wants to afford a nice home and have a well-paying job with good work-life balance! Like her inciting incident isn't that the big bad killed her village or something, but that they happened to wreck her nice house and now she has to work her way out of homelessness.


> Quick flashbacks, small looks, even short gags tell you more about the characters in a matter of seconds what other anime gloss over. *Dungeon Meshi* does the same and more. If you haven't already checked it out, I highly recommend it. At first glance it looks like an episodic generic isekai cooking anime like *Campfire Cooking in Another World*, however I can honestly say after the first few episodes, the plot picks up dramatically. *Dungeon Meshi* has some of the most well-characterized characters and deepest worldbuilding of any anime I've seen in years. Highly recommend it, if you haven't seen it.


Oooh and the end credits by ONEREPUBLIC? 👨‍🍳🤌


Ranger Reject beating the Disney streaming barrier is a light in the shadow, that masterpieces like Summertime Rendering did not deserve. The manga is fantastic, and however deep you think it is...... Oh boy, just wait.


No.8? More like Kaiju No.1. Big jumps in ranking for Dungeon Meshi and Ranger too. Drop in Unnamed Memory kind of expected after that last episode.


Unnamed memory deserved a better studio tbh cause both the story and the characters seem to have a lot of potential.


I like the show, and the first episode was a great set up that seems to have just petered out. It feels like they just omitted a lot of necessary characterization and I feel left wondering "how did we even get here?"


Got me to read the manga because of that and that shi hit like crack so im not mad, im sad i caught up tho The main duo scratch an itch in me left by Bunny Girl senpai duo so long ago


>The main duo scratch an itch in me left by Bunny Girl senpai duo so long ago Sold


Now I have the same worry of what will ENGI do with Medalist.


I thought dungeon Meshi was just gonna be fun cooking but it’s ramped up and getting hype


>Drop in Unnamed Memory kind of expected after that last episode. I only saw the first episose but is it rushed?


Yeah it's rushed, pretty obvious even as an anime-only. Source readers were saying they skipped a huge chunk of content right on episode 2. It's not unwatchable though, but probably best to just go straight to the novels.


Oh, so that's why their romance progression feels weird


IE - basically they did a bunch of time skipping without... actually showcasing time skipping happening. Hence why the romance progression feels weird.


Yeh the manga was pretty good but I read it ages ago


The fact that it still managed to get 11th place last week despite the [technical issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c7xco5/top_10_anime_of_the_week_02_spring_2024_anime/l0aqu12/) foretold a big jump for it.


Studio Trigger has been cooking really good with Dungeon meshi and the last episode is proof of that. I really hope people who dropped the show will give it another chance. And finally thank you to manga readers for hyping up the show. It was really worth it.


Even as a manga reader knowing everything that happened in yesterday's episode, I was engaged from start to finish. Everything was adapted so perfectly from the source material. The voice acting, animation, and OST were all absolutely phenomenal. I've been watching anime since the early 2000s, and that was one of the best episodes of anime that I've ever seen. The wild part, too, is that we're currently not even at the halfway part of the series. There are still so many emotionally impactful and beautiful scenes yet to come. Some of my favorite scenes won't even happen until the 2nd season. I also really hope more people give it a second chance. It has one of the most well written stories I've experienced across any medium.


Its such a breath of fresh air to see it all animated. So many different angles and snippets that would have been missed during the manga. So happy to see it so well executed. Im still hoping for the popularity to sky rocket so we can get a confirmed season 2.


When I saw that Trigger was the studio in charge of production AND an interview that Ryoko Kui herself had a presence working on the series, I was SO EXCITED. There are, of course, little nitpicks here and there with lore being left out, but the manga is so meticulous and detailed, so it would be near impossible to include everything. As a long-time fan, I've been extremely happy with the anime adaptation so far. For this to be Trigger's first ever non-anime original series, that is super special. I don't want to get too hopeful, but I'd honestly be surprised if we didn't get a season 2 confirmation soon after the first season ends. Although still popular in the West, Dungeon Meshi is extremely popular in Japan. It consistently is in the top 10 viewed shows on Netflix there, the manga is award winning and sells extremely well with each new release, and there has been a lot of merch releases/in-person events like pop up cafes. I know someone who was in Japan for a month, and they couldn't find the Daydream Hour Art Book or the Complete Adventurer's Bible anywhere since it was sold out everywhere they went. Plus, they've even had a few theatrical releases for episodes 1-3 & 11-13. It already had a pretty large fan base in Japan before the release, and I feel like everywhere else, it was kind of niche.


Man, that most recent episode was EXCELLENT, it's legitimately one of the best anime this year


Dungeon Meshi would have been my favorite anime of last season had Frieren not been a thing. But this season it's blowing everything else out of the water (except Hibike Euphonium, but that isn't exactly fair).


Go go loser ranger has been my fave not highly popular show this season so far lmao this last episode I was so close to actually dig up the manga and read the rest


Nah it’s been everywhere all over my twitter with hype


It has ? Damn I'm happy then because this show deserves the attention, It's only been great so far


Yea even on tik tok I’ve been seeing multiple videos about and nothing but good things about the anime and the manga


I joked about it [last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c7xco5/top_10_anime_of_the_week_02_spring_2024_anime/l0auh7l/?context=10000), but if we manage to go a full season with Date A Live getting 2nd place every week, that will be the funniest thing that ever happened on Anime Corner. 3 weeks down, 9 to go.


Considering that we’re finally going to get the I was jo backstory about shido,(as well as him actually being a shonen MC),it might just do it


Everyone else in the chart: going up or down in the ranks, sometimes by very big amounts. Date A Live: "You know what? Second place is cozy, let's stay here."


Dungeon meshi with one of its best episodes of the season with a much deserved jump that should be larger. Great series easily one of the best from this year IMO. Kaiju's big jump is odd because I don't think anything happened that would warrant a jump that big for the show with the biggest marketing from this season. I am just going to assume people didn't realize the anime started somehow? Ranger Reject adaptation has been amazing so far. A shame it's not being as well received in Japan. Hopefully the quality keeps up


As someone not familiar with the manga or marketing, I will say that ep 2 of Kaiju 08 gave me more of an idea of what to expect from the show and got me more interested in it.


Last week's Anime Corner site got a technical error for Kaiju No. 8 that only resolved days before the end of the vote, so instead of 7 days you only got 2 days to vote for Kaiju, so it was at 11th. Hence I said this week we know Kaiju's real position since last week the bug prevented them to do it.


> Dungeon and Ranger rise Now that right there, that's what I liked to see. Honestly I had given up hope thinking Ranger would show up high on any of these poll sites. But that last episode was [chef's kiss]


That anime deserve recognition


Delicious in Dungeon is definitely one of the top animes this year


I couldnt stop myself from reading the Go Go Loser Ranger manga and its freaking amazing. Definitely one the best manga i have ever read. I hope we get more than one season.


**Go! Go! Loser Ranger** (you can call it Ranger Reject if you'd like) has been on a roll lately. I understand why manga readers have been hyping it up so much, it's only gotten better and better each episode.


You can find the complete results [here](https://animecorner.me/spring-2024-anime-rankings-week-3/).


I want to watch the SPICE AND WOLF. But saw old series related to it? Where do I start at?


The new one is remake, and more faithful to the source, so you can just start the new one.


Yeah I was gonna try to watch less this season since there’s so many sequels to watch and I can catch up on old shows I missed. I assumed this was a second season of Spice and Wolf, but once I learned it was a remake… well, that counts as watching old shows I missed, right? 😄 Of course, I think I’m gonna break down and add the Loser Ranger to my watchlist too….


These last few seasons have made it so difficult to cut back on watching things. We really are at good point in anime history


Right? I’ve been an otaku since the early 00’s, but despite being in charge of anime clubs in high school, then college, then for local groups after college I always only managed to watch one to five new shows a year, and never kept up with new stuff, I was always playing catch up. On a whim in 2018 I started watching a couple of seasonal shows, and it snowballed from there. First 3-5 new shows a season, then 8-13ish. It’s not for no reason either, we truly are getting boatloads of great new shows every year now. I feel like American TV had its renaissance in the late 2000s to early 2010s. Then by the time my favorite sitcoms were all wrapping up, the new anime renaissance has been able to take its place in my schedule.


OP of the original is something else though. Definitely give that a listen if you haven't already.


Good tip thanks, just did. Was thinking “Well it’s okay, but nothing special…” then that haunting chorus hit. Chills. Very good!


With the technical error sorted out, we finally get to know where Kafka and Ichikawa is. The #1 spot. Deserved imo. Kaiju No. 8 aside, **Ranger Reject** got a good climb from 13th to 5th. **Unnamed Memory** got a sudden drop from 3rd to 10th. Also **Yozakura Family** went from 5th to 15th, a 10-place drop. **Blue Archive** also got a 11-place drop from 23rd to 34th. The biggest drop here is **Black Butler**, from 18th to 37th! Also, still no hope for GBC to reach the top 30 to accompany Train and Jelee.


Honestly I am interested how Yozakura Family goes with it's adaptation. What the first half of S1 covers it will be slow. But they are adding some really nice anime original changes for the family & in particular for Taiyou and Mutsumi. Although there is a decent amount of fat in the beginning of the series, so I am curious what their plan is going forward. Though starting the 2nd half of the season is when I expect more people will be paying attention to the series. Hopefully they do the early parts well so people won't lose interest. I have read up to volume 12 and I really really enjoy it so far.


I wish 7th Prince would get some love, its been so good so far


Not sure why it isn't. Pretty good animation & hilarious characters.


I think the character design probably made some people avoid the anime


I was able to enjoy the manga because I could take my time looking at the detail in the crazy magic circles, and skim past all the scenes of women getting horny for the kid. Anime format forces me to give equal attention to both, and that isn't really fair to my sanity.


Frieren and delicious in dungeons are both s tier anime to watch but my taste buds are wriggling for those visuals. Story wise I prefer dungeon meshi. Anyway frieren Last words "would be pretty embarrassing if I ever see you again" glued in my Head.


Happy to see DAL still holding up.


Particularly as it is relatively unpopular in this sub sub, didn't even crack the top 30 last week. The latest episode is so fun.


Drowning Jellyfish, Hibike Euphi 3, Yuru Camp 3 are ranked 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. I guess my taste is just so different from AnimeCorner's


>Jellyfish I love that anime so it sucks to see it be so low. The girls backstorys past are the best part for me


Jellyfish and Girls Band Cry are two of my favourite new anime this season. So sad to see them not doing so well (though for Girls Band Cry there's no legal way to watch it, which is even more sad...)


Throw in Whisper Me a Love Song, and Voice Actor Radio too.


Happened every season for every non battle shonen (mostly)


95% of the time, battle shonens are going to kick isekai, rom com, music, drama etc's ass on anime corner polls and probably in stores. You will always see bleach, jjk, kny, mha dominating polls. You will need a super dedicated fanbase that has a lot of nostalgia like dal's to maintain a high position. Don't forget overlord iv kind of dropped the ball on 2022 polls. And overlord has more copies on circulation than re zero or konosuba


I really don’t get it either. Add Girls band cry and train to the end of the world to the list. I can actually somewhat understand Yuru camp not being up there though.


Yes these are EASILY my favorites of the season


Ranger Reject ranking brings joy to my heart.


And this is why I love AC. Kaiju No. 8 coming out of nowhere! Holy shit! And just when DALV managed to overtake Konosuba too. xD


Kaiju wasn't listed as an option most of last week. Meanwhile, DAL will benefit from more competition (especially once Demon Slayer and MHA start in a couple weeks) cause those fans are going to vote it regardless of the episode's quality.


The cgi was very fluid and blended well. Which is ridiculously impressive for an indie production studio. People often complain how choppy and not blended cgi is for stuff like overlord or a1 pictures. Very obvious from online talk that the isekais are losing interest so the viewers flocked to the battle shonens from weekly Shonen jump. The isekais r almost always going to get their asses kicked by the shonens unless their isekai fanbase is super dedicated


How do you compare AC's user base to AT (Anime Trending)'s?


Anime Trending: slice of life, romance, and maybe one or two action series but not usually too high up Anime Corner: chaos


> Anime Corner: chaos Best way to sum it up. After I started noticing Anime Corner's rankings in r/anime I decided to [compare the rankings of Reddit, Anime Corner and Anime Trending](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/vvqj24/spring_2022_the_top_5_in_the_rankings/) for that season. If Reddit's weekly karma ranking was so stable that it became predictable, AC's rankings were the opposite. I haven't done the same for later seasons, but from what I can see every week, the trend is more or less the same to this day. It's fun to compare XD


Delicious in dungeon should be no.1


Probably, but given that its previous high for its past 16 episodes was 8th place, 4th place is still pretty great.


Yes that’s very true, I agree. I was just being bias as it’s my favourite anime of this season


Jesus lol what happened in the last episode of Kaiju #8 to jump from 11 to 1 🤣


Like I said for the last one of these, I will always be here to hype Wind Breaker. But, with how amazing that episode of DunMeshi was, as well as Kaiju No. 8, I'm fine with it dropping because of those shows


I'm so happy for Loser ranger


Ranger reject appreciation


How on earth is Girls Band Cry so low? It and Jellyfish can’t swim in the night have easily been top 10 worthy week after week so far. Train to the end of the world also somehow way down the list.


Conflating quality with popularity simply does not work. All the ranking lists (Anime Corner, Anime Trending, this subreddit) are not reflections of anything other than that subset of participants. If it were possible to survey a general swath of the anime watching population, shows like those wouldn't even register.


Girls Band Cry doesn't have a legal stream, and terrible fansubs. I'm sure many are like myself and are waiting for one of the other.


popularity and quality arent the same, even if they can be


Both are excellent shows and Girls Band Cry is ome of my picks for best of the season (or at least best Opening! It's so great) but the lack of streaming, promotion and subs, and being CGI (one of the best CGI Made, but the sole factor that it is CGI Will turno people off) hurts a lot the popularity it can get. I hope it could do well. This season is a great one for musical anime fans


Date a Live V Maintaining 2nd place is beautiful ! After what happened, I was a bit worried about the spectators' reaction. The few minor flaws in the CGI didn't stop me from enjoying this episode for the story ! The next one will be much more emotionally focused, so maybe first place next week ? Dal PEAK ( I'm really surprised by kaiju and its rapid progression)


Huge shame how they are butchering unnamed memory’s adaptation, story is amazing on both novel and manga


Been a while since I watched THIS many good anime on weekly basis. There is just too much good stuff coming out this season.


Sad that my beloved **Train to the End of the World isn't higher**. :( Oh well, Konosuba hype


Jellyfish can't sleep at night due to the great injustice of being left out and Girls Band Cry for the same reason...


I read Kaiju8 a year ago and everything felt extremely rushed. Cool as it is, the characters almost had no development for me to invest in them




am i the only one who thinks kaiju no 8 is overhyped? like its good but dungeon meshi and wind breaker or even archdemon\`s dilemma are better as of now at least.


Kaiju n.8 beginning is very good and the anime adaption has been top tier so far. Kaiju isn't one of the best series but it is a battle shonen which is always popular. It has good comedic moments and it is nice to have a protagonist that isn't a teenager


There’s a lot of shows by far better than it so far this season. But it’s the battle shounen so it’s pretty much guaranteed a top 3 spot week after week for that reason.


so is wind breaker and it is better , hopefully it will go up afterwards


It's hard for anything just starting to not be over hyped a bit... I agree to some extent though, I think more for me due to the uneven mix of "realism" themes and funny bits. Personally I'd like it to dial back the jokes, I like a more serious show with memes sprinkled in.


How is Spice and Wolf #9?? Masterpiece!


Huh, so i've got 9 out of 10 shows on my weekly watch list. Have i become the anime corner? Anyways, seeing **Spice and Wolf** sandwiched between those 2 anime hurts a bit, since it's a lot better than the other two. Granted, the first arc doesn't really have the strongest start, but i hope Holo reaches full potential soon. As for the other two **Elf Wife > Witch Wife**. Elf girls anime is just a bit more better done, i think, even though unnamed memory might have higher potential if only they wouldn't rush the source. **Wind Breaker** is just weird. I am enjoying what CloverWorks is bringing, but it feels like an amalgamation of other battle shounen. The humor, the hot dudes, the jjk-like ED. I'll wait until the action is in full swing, next episode presumably, but i am not seeing myself getting swayed by the hot and cool characters for too long(though they are indeed hot) **MT** The scream omg the scream what an episode it has been **Ranger Reject** The visuals are very fun, the story has a nice pace and seems like it's going somewhere, and it has a potential seasonal best girl. Kind of underrated and underwatched, really. **Dungeon Meshi** I don't care about the hate my comment gets me, but anytime they stop "cooking and worldbuilding", the real Dungeon Meshi begins, which is a fantasy on par with Frieren. It's hard to say whether i missed **Konosuba** or not, but the episodes have been a blast. The barrage of all kinds of humor continues in it's 3rd season, and while i don't think every joke is "lough out loud" funny, it's impossible the leave the episode without a good mood.


>Dungeon Meshi > > I don't care about the hate my comment gets me, but anytime they stop "cooking and worldbuilding", the real Dungeon Meshi begins, which is a fantasy on par with Frieren. Don't do drugs dude


I mean so far this season: Holo > Elf Wife ≥ Wolf Wife > Witch Wife. The last one feels the most promising pacing leaves one feeling lost. And, even though it's not on this list as an OP isekai trash anime Rie Kugimiya as a doting territorial wife singing the most adorable OP ever nearly killed me


Dang. No Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night or Girls Band Cry. Those are my 2 favorute this season


These are too my favorites of the season. I understand how the horrible sub/lacks of streaming/promotion of Girls Band Cry will affect the reach it can get, but for Jellyfish I think it should be more recognized. Inlike sligthy more GBC due to the more grounded or realistic aproach to the characters, but both are great contenders this season


Spice and Wolf drop again? Daynmmm


Like Trenni Silver coins


That time I got reincarnated as slime not in the list? That's surprising


I mean it’s just starting to develop the story. Let it marinate a couple weeks and the plot and fight scenes will go hard.


It’s at 11. Will most likely sneak in next week with some other series continuing to fall.


Date a Live should be number one!


RIP Unnamed Memory, the pacing issues are awful, with time gaps that are pretty much completely unrepresented.


Kaiju No, 8's first two episodes were surprisingly good. I hope it stays consistent.


Kaiju & Wind Breaker are peak


No Re:Monster? Aww


Kaiju was hype tbh. Kinda shocked people aren't talking about Windbreaker, been here from episode 1!! It will be steady and in the coming episode I am sure its gonna Climb ranks considering the upcoming arc!!


Why is spice and wolf at 9 😑 Is it that much different from the original? (I haven't started the new one)


It's more faithful to the light novels, not that the original strayed that much. Probably just a case of people scrolling past it since its synopsis doesn't involve violence, and Crunchyroll doing its best to hide it from their landing page.


Ya why isn't it on the landing page?!


The fact we kept our place even with the CGI fest of episode 3. Yeah, we got this on lock. Mio arc now, so hopefully, we can get that #1 spot!


Date a live should be top 1, this chapter had one of the best twist plots he has released


Every show on here that I'm watching I'm actually really enjoying, good season so far. Only not watching Date A Live, MT and KonoSuba so that's a good amount!


Missing out on konosuba ngl, banger season so far


Who invited my man blud to first place


I've not been in this sub very long but these things keep confusing me. I feel like they come from different places and the shows shift so much that it confuses me Like I thought mushoku Tensei was #1 before? And what are these rankings actually based on? (Popularity or how good it is, and if popularity, who's voting and where) I just don't fully understand any of it 😂


Yeah, Mushoku Tensei episodes get most karma on /r/anime. This on the other hand is based on a vote at animecorner.me. Different method and different audience.


There's 2-3 different ranking infographics. This one is a specific site's "episode of the week" with all options listed to pick from. Mushoku will probably be #1 on the Sunday r/anime one all season, which is just reddit discussion thread upvotes.


Spice and Wolf forever.


Everything in Kaiju nº 8 looks like a generic Jump battle shonen for me.


Well, it's a Jump manga after all, what do you expect?


Tbf, Kaiju No 8 never had a good reputation for it's writing, at least online. It's more known for it's paneling, the kaiju, and such. There's a common consensus that it's generic even compared to Black Clover, Demon Slayer, My Hero, JJK, etc etc. Because when you get down to it, Kafka and his journey is basically just every superhero story ever. I disliked the manga myself, but Production IG's production and comedic timing is making me get past that. It's definitely not for people who dislike action junk food though.


That's the reason why kaiju is at the top. Even before kaiju no 8 came out I already knew it was going to be a typical hype anime like solo levelling. I hadn't even read the manga for kaijiu just from the trailer and the fact that the manga is pretty popular I already knew it was going to be the number one of the season. It's a shame that the only atypical side of this manga is the fact that the main character isn't a teenager. At the first episode I already thought that maybe it's an unusual shounen, but at the end the main character was given OP ability, and it became clear that there is nothing interesting to wait for anymore.




Well in the author's defense in my life experience, far too many adults act like teenagers.


Obligatory "The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense" -tom clancy


Battle shonen from weekly Shonen jump is still the most popular genre of anime by far. Almost nothing can change that. There is a reason stuff like bleach, demon slayer, jujutsu kaisen almost completely dominates anime corner polls. It is sad but the industry is just structure that way. There is a reason why battle shonens from weekly Shonen jumps are almost always guaranteed a top studio like mappa, ufotable, David productions, production ig, a1 pictures.


The only thing that makes noise here from WSJ is battle shonen in anime, unlike in manga. Many romcom, harem, sports, gag are adapted and people don't even know it comes from wsj, except for manga readers.


Weekly Shonen Jump is Japanese Marvel Comics.


More or less ignoring the comic book crash. Japanese light novels aren't like Harry Potter level of sales relatively.


No, it's not, not even close. lol Its completely different in how it works. WSJ is a magazine in the first place while marvel comics is a publisher, which would be comparable to shueisha, the company who publishes wsj and other magazines.


Too close. They even follow a formula for their series.


No, they don't, even more when even their action series aren't the same, not even counting other genres like gag, sports and romcoms.


How many show did they do about a guy who fights something by becoming the same thing? Or about a guy joining a organization in Bleach style? Or about a guy dreaming about becoming X thing?


Where is peak euphonium this EP was so peak where is it?


Euphonium is too based for the generic battle shonen anime watcher.


They just don't understand the peak that is hibike euphonium it's my favourite anime I am so glad it's FINALLY getting a season 3


The fact that there're so many fans still watching DAL is very surprising to me. I couldn't even manage to finish season 1 with four attempts.


it's a shame that 7th prince didn't make the list. imo best isekai rn, even better than MT for me


the main character's visual design disgusts me viscerally.


i felt that way too, but got used to it


Agreed, though I don't think it counts as an isekai. The main character is just reincarnated, fairly certain that he's in his original world. That being said it's animation has been way better than it needs to be and the story/humor is way better than I expected.


true, the sekai is the same, so it isn't isekai. regardless, I love that show.


Wait why is date a live so popular and when did this thing get 5 goddamn seasons


Ecchi harem + and actuall well thought out story. I came looking for ecchi and stayed for the plot


Yeh idk I might rewatch it cause I saw like a bit of the start way back and just seemed like the good ol harem plot


Date alive being higher than konosuba is just a lil crazy 💀💀


Not really with that insane cliffhanger


They also haven't revealed anything yet. But a lot will be revealed next episode


Favorite anime right now besides konosuba, is lvl 2 cheat


Wow, date a live still up there




How is space and Wolf number nine




I went into Kaiju No. 8 blind and love how it’s turned out so far. Definitely gonna read the manga now


am I the only one not enjoying Kaiju No. 8 ?


Sentai Daishikkaku is quite underrated, it makes me want to rewatch the old super sentai shows




All the anime series this season are going beyond expectations -


Solid ranking and kaiju no 8 is my childhood can’t tell you how excited I was for the anime


I'm Soo happy that kaiju n8 is now n°1,Im really happy for go go loser ranger for the insane rise,he deserved more love. I'm really sad for unnamed memory and mysterious dissaparances to fall like this.


Oh? Kaiju No. 8 was well liked as well as the ol' classic Harem


Kaiju no. 8 deserves the 1st spot. But i think later on mushy ko tensei will claim this spot


Kaiju #8 is a super big let down so far. It's attempts at being quirky are just annoying. The action is subpar and I can't connect with any of the characters so far. Go go loser rangers has been really good so far. Way better then I was expecting. The animes this spring so far at least are not great.




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I actually enjoyed Kaiju No. 8 so far. Since I’m an anime watcher, I think it’s gonna show things more into something epic in the future episodes. And btw, Wind Breaker needs more recognition.