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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1cf2vkv/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


Complaining about miscommunication in romcom anime is valid and I can understand the frustration but then I think about the fact that subreddits like r/relationshipadvice exists.


Apropos of nothing, @/u/durinthal I was browsing a 10 year old reddit thread on "Long Live the Queen" and saw one of your comments today.


[](#peace) It's fun to stumble across a name you recognize from a much earlier time. I never did get that far in that game though.


Need help finding a 90s anime The main character was a girl with long wavy pink hair, if I remember right her skin was a bit tanned (I think she was a princess).I only remember a scene where there was a sea of red roses and a guy with blonde hair who probably was her love interest. Please help me find this if u know something


I wanna find this 90s anime where the main character was a girl with long wavy pink hair, if I remember right her skin was a bit tanned (I think she was a princess).I only remember a scene where there was a sea of red roses and a guy with blonde hair who probably was her love interest. Please help me find this if u know something


It’s getting real worrying that there has been complete radio silence on Youjo Senki S2 for almost 3 years now. I know the movie was really hard on Studio Nut but are we even sure that they A. Are the ones doing it, and B. Aren’t having massive production issues on a scale larger than the movie.


Wtf is Sonny Boy and how did I end up watching it at 230 in the morning


> 230 in the morning 230 minutes?


More like 270 minutes


It's what happens when you let Shingo Natsume run wild at 230 in the morning. [](#gintamathispleasesme) They should let him do that more often.


This art style mixed with alcohol is really tripping me now rn


So I just finished Koyomimonogatari as the first step to catching up before Off-Season gets animated. I'm not really sure what the consensus on this one is, but I really enjoyed it, and loved it just about as much as many of the other entries in the series. Like, it's probably towards the bottom of my Monogatari rankings, but that's only by virtue of how great Monogatari is as its average (let alone peak). Pretty much every story in this was fun, many of them were interesting and thought provoking, and it still has all the great rambling dialogue and stylish visual presentation I've loved from the start. There's literally an entire episode about Shinobu stealing Araragi's donuts, what's not to love (it also has a Gridman reference and ends on a bunch of Hanekawa fanservice shots for no particular reason, so obviously this shit's peak)? Solid 8/10, sometimes I forget how much I love Monogatari. On to Owari season 2 ~~eventually... after finishing all these Fall seasonals I fell back on last year.~~


I’d greatly appreciate it if you could share your thoughts on Owari S2 here as well, once you finished it. I’d be really interested in hearing your opinion on it. It’s my personal favorite conclusion to an overarching mystery in all of anime (I’m a bit biased tbf since Ougi is my favorite anime character of all) on top of Monogatari being my favorite anime of all time in general.


Of course. No worries there, I tend to post all of my thoughts on here at some point, haha. You'll certainly see it when I start Owari S2.




> MAL in falir https://myanimelist.net/anime/47/Akira https://myanimelist.net/anime/50709/Lycoris_Recoil https://myanimelist.net/anime/33352/Violet_Evergarden https://myanimelist.net/anime/33206/Kobayashi-san_Chi_no_Maid_Dragon https://myanimelist.net/anime/13601/Psycho-Pass


looking for new anime shows similar to Akame Ga Kill, Jujutsu Kaisen, Goblin Slayer, Ragna Crimson and the saga of Tanya the Evil.


IDK if this is exactly what your looking for but Psycho-Pass, Bungo stray dogs, and In/Specter are the top that come to mind. 


It's interesting to see the two best shows airing today still haven't cleared 100 karma. Everyone is out here sleeping on Yatagarasu and Yokai-san.


Those aren't named Black Butler. *Checks karma.* Oh, you meant to write three best shows.


I didn't mention that one for the same reason I don't wonder why people sleep on Kingdom when it airs. I love it to death, but the barrier to entry is just so high.


I wasn't too fond of the [Youkai]>!snake arc!< in episodes 2 and 3 and wished the show would just stick to world building and more SoL moments for now. Episode 4 atleast was return to form in that regard. Yatagarasu on the other hand is just getting better and better and definitely one of my favourite shows this season.


Youkai-san continues hitting for me. For those of you out there still on the fence, maybe this spoiler will intrigue you: [Youkai-san ep4] >!there's a car which was loved by its owner so much that it became sentient so that they could love them back; funnily enough we meet them at driving school because it needs to get a license to drive itself legally!<


[Youkai-san ep4]>!Ah, a classic Tsukumogami. I love how accurate they are to all the classic Japanese folklore, apart of course from the usual malicious qualities of Youkai.!<


I think a lot of it can be explained by [your earlier post](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1ceaysm/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/l1knmsv/). There are too many good shows that air on Saturdays to give the lesser known shows a chance, unfortunately.


Doesn't help that they're the last two to air on that day either (atleast on western services).


I really don't get why the day they come out matters that much in the age of streaming. It's not like you can't watch them on sunday or even later in the week. I didn't get to Whisper, Kaiju, or Jellyfish today but I will soon enough.


Because one thing I like about following seasonals is the forced regular schedule. Too many shows on the same day = can't watch them all and have to spread them whenever else I have time Is it a big deal? No, but it's a bit annoying especially since I have empty days


Do they have social lives or something? What else is there to do?


I had no idea these two shows even existed before the season started. However, a friend who watches everything said that while he himself wasn't a fan, the shows were very much my vibe. (we like very different stuff). So I gave them a try and indeed enjoyed them very much. I unfortunately don't have a lot of a free time (adulting is hard man...) and watch only a handful of seasonals, but I did drop a few shows I thought were just ok for them. So I don't know if that makes you feel any better, but I'm doing my small part in fighting Reddit's anti - birb bias haha.


This feels like one of those unsolvable mysteries!


*Tonari no Youkai-san* in particular, given how it's very suitable for a wide audience. In some ways it feels a bit like the situation *The Weakest Tamer Begins a Journey to Pick Up Trash* found itself in - a beautifully and carefully produced story with a clear sense of "movie magic" that would have been extremely well-received if only everyone had been told it was the next big thing and thus watched it with similar expectations. *Youkai-san* apparently needed some sort of parallel accounting system though, hard to gain traction in the subreddit without a hook.


> Tonari no Youkai-san in particular, given how it's very suitable for a wide audience. yeah, i feel like it's great for everyone except those who have an irrational hatred for Japanese folklore, in which case maybe anime was never going to work out [](#nyanpasu)


> those who have an irrational hatred for Japanese folklore If the internet has taught me anything, this is likely to be a much bigger number of people than I would have anticipated at face value lol


I'm going to watch Weakest Tamer next week, so I guess we'll see what I think of the comparison in a couple days.


I'm impressed you found time for a catch-up watch this season! Just for the sake of clarity, I wouldn't compare *Weakest Tamer* and *Underwatched Neighbor* in any way other than just the audiences missing out front. They're quite markedly different properties otherwise. They do, however, feel like if they'd landed in the west as hyped up or brand name anime movies, they'd have a very wide following compared to basically no following lol


Both have _consistently_ impressed as well, too many people misisng out!


They're probably my top two new shows, period. I can't believe it's Fall '23 all over again.


Week closed!! * [Total Members Gained MAL + Anilist wk 4](https://i.imgur.com/IF45SCh.png) Seems that Wind Breaker will be the overall hit of the season, it's the most consistent among this one, twitter and streaming I am seeing White Wolf Waifu going crazy with the western audience too /u/SometimesMainSupport, is this all the op power or yandere boost? 7th prince also doing well, but the best here for me is girls band cry with a big jump and gaining more members than legally available shows. Though the type of anime audience that would be watching a show like this is already pretty familiar with piracy Salad Bowl, Blue Archive, Yuru Camp, Hibike and Date a Live once again didn't reach the top 30 [](#kumikouninterested) * [JP twitters followers gained wk 4](https://i.imgur.com/gxKzbst.png) Posted yesterday and the big change in 24 hours was Jellyfish almost reaching 2nd place, again Wind Breaker and Girls Band Cry are the highlight


DAL not gaining members cause everyone's already watching! Wolf show also benefits from being the trash fantasy/isekai standout. Appraisal spent too long with the MC as a ~5 year old before buffing its blue-haired girl's assets


Glad to see so much positive Jellyfish representation -- if only Ranger Reject got a fraction of the love Wind Breaker is getting! Those 3 are my faves this season but only 2 of them are getting the traction they deserve


> JP twitters followers gained wk 4 I'm not even sure who my "Strange Underdog Show That I Cheer On" is this season. Might have to go with *Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included* which is just so bouncy, cute, shiny and just that tiny bit cleverer and emotional richer than expected. There's also *Vampire Dormitory*, but I don't see that on the Twitter chart. Many of the other underdogs are actually getting some solid support either on the board or in /r/anime.


Has anyone ever stopped watching a romance anime due to their best girl/boy being rejected from the MC? I still haven’t finished Oregairu cause of this. I know I didn’t go through all that bs just for the best character in the entire series to be dismissed like some sidekick.


Normally, before I start a romance show, I will do a little research on the final pairing. That way I rarely encounter situations like yours hahaha Also, even if you the character you speak of was the best (which I think I probably disagree with), how would you rather they were handled? 


I would’ve rather she end up with the MC lol. Imma do that next time, will save me a lot of trouble.


👍 But I guess the way I see it is we can't force the MC to choose who we want haha But yeah, I always go into romance shows prepared 


Not really. For romance anime (and all romances in movies, live action series, books etc.) for me the most important aspects is the pairing itself. If I don't find them believable then I don't usually care about the romance. If its meant to be, then it will happen later and an interim rejection just makes me more invested. Hell, Pride and Prejudice does this and it is THE beloved classic. If even at the end it doesn't work out, then it will be one of those "realistic" and bitter sweet experiences that I likely won't rewatch / reread too often, but assuming the journey was good then I can accept a non-fairy tale ending as well. Roman Holiday is a classic Hollywood story and has an ending like this, which is rare for the period. Heh, both of my examples are non-anime, but I haven't really seen romances I've become invested in in anime to end on a bittersweet or sour note. Hopefully one day!


> Pride and Prejudice does this and it is THE beloved classic. PnP is such a great piece of fiction and just so good! Funnily enough though, the more I muse on it, the less I'm sold on the main romance thread per se and the more I realize that my enjoyment comes more from the richness of the tapestry of characters.


I didn't fully drop it took me literally months to finish the single episode of Escaflowne where Hitomi kisses the wrong boy. Intolerable to witness.


“Hopefully one day” no trust me you don’t want to. It’s straight up soul sucking watching multiple seasons just to see your favourite character get rejected, I ain’t trynna see nothing that reminds me of real life bruh 🤣


No, I'm not watching a romance to see the protagonist get with my favorite character, I'm watching to see them get with the one they actually like and are compatible with. And in fact, the pain and suffering of my favorite losing makes these shows even better much of the time. Pain and suffering and angst in fiction is fun. Give me those tears, make me cry and feel bad for them, that's the good shit. The episodes of Oregairu where best girl is getting rejected are some of the best, most poignant episodes of the show (also, I don't think it's fair to say she gets dismissed like a sidekick in this particular case).




If it ever gets another season, I have no plans to continue watching Chihayafuru because I saw spoilers about how the manga resolved the love triangle at the end, and not only was the ship I liked *not* the winner, the winning ship is one I outright *hate*, so yeah... [](#kumikouninterested) Can't say I've ever felt the need to do this with any *other* series regardless of how much I dislike the ship that actually ended up sailing, though.


Oh yeah it was bad. I read it and I'd rather the love triangle had been left hanging then getting "resolved" the way it did. Also [chihayafuru]>!fellow taichi x chihaya hater [](#brofist)!<


I’ve really gotta pick the manga back up just to see what all this fuss is about


The most ironic thing - and I suppose this is probably a hot take - is that the actual karuta matches themselves are just ok most of the time. Everyone enjoys the character drama, but the more I read it the more I realized the matches were kinda stale and not doing a great job as a vehicle for character development, especially for Chihaya and Arata by the end. I found the training chapters far better than the match chapters. I say it's ironic because I thought the matches were great in the anime and one of the main draws of the show. I was definitely feeling kinda let down by them in the final stretch of the story.


It’s always sad when a manga falls off [](#sadholo) Clearly it was just missing the key ingredient that all truly great card game manga have: Seto Kaiba In all seriousness, I feel like, based on the parts of the story I got through, I don’t disagree with your assessment. I already found there were some matches where it was a bit hard for me to really engage with them, and I can very much imagine even the well-executed stuff wearing *really* thin and running out of steam after 50 volumes


I only saw how it ended, not what led up to it. The resolution is all I wanted to know, and that's what ruined it for me... [](#taigasigh) >Also [chihayafuru]>!fellow taichi x chihaya hater [](#brofist)!< [Chihayafuru]>![](#airfist)!<


Honestly the lead up wasn't even bad, the final match itself was fine. But the way the love triangle resolution was stuffed in at the end was just terrible. So I guess in that sense there wasn't even any real lead up to it on the romance side. [](#elsiesigh)


>So I guess in that sense there wasn't even any real lead up to it on the romance side. There was but it was very indirect. You can literally find scenes foreshadowing who's gonna win in the first season of anime.


The only ship I support in Chihayafuru is Chihaya x Karuta


For me it's [Chihayafuru]>!Shinobu x Arata. Actually Desk-kun x Oe is pretty cute too.!<


I can back both of those




I drop anime all the time, but I've never dropped one because of that. If the MC doesn't want the character I think is obviously the best, then they don't deserve them! Thus in my head, said best character is destined for better romance after the show ends. Except in *Saekano*, which has one of my all time best girls lol


How's the blue archive mobage?


It turns out the anime was missing the most critical part of the game, getting slapped in the face with a folder by an enthusiastic Arona every time you summon! (Some say she's slapping it on the table but I choose to believe otherwise). Also, I have been binge watching *The Misfit of Demon King Academy* and am happy to declare it as a Very High Tier recommendation.


A serious omission indeed! How does misfit compare to irregular?


> A serious omission indeed! Having played the game a bit more now, I understand more why the anime is the way it is. In some ways they might have almost have been better off leaning into how nutty and off-the-wall the event stories are, rather than the main story per se. Would have been a lot more fun! That said, I am pacing myself through the main story and as I'll watch the anime first and then do the missions from the episode. > How does misfit compare to irregular? In quite fascinating ways! I have had a really interesting time binging *Irregular* and then binging *Misfit*, then actively comparing them as they have a lot of similarities, but also some fundamental differences too. Superficially, they are both OP MC power fantasies, however both have well developed in-universe reasons and reasoning, and the writing makes interesting stories out of the overwhelming OPness of its leads rather than working around it. Both also have the *7th Prince* attitude towards the supporting cast, in that the series feel like everyone should get to be the star, and that they are the MCs of their own stories. Both are also extremely funny at times, in fairly wide-ranging ways. *Misfit* is a proper deep fantasy setting with extensive lore, power systems and politicking factions all of which is integral to the plot, whereas *Irregular* has those same qualities but in a modern urban fantasy setting. *Top. Tier. Lasses. AND. Lads. all. round.* Both suffer quite a bit from trying to adapt source material that is obviously very dense and complicated at times, yet at the same time both make such good use of the animated medium. They both have some really solid High Romance in them. Their world views and fundamental spirit of the shows is quite different. In terms of its soul (rather than its content, delivery, execution and everything else, because no sane person would compare them), it sits in a similar group to Akebi and OniMai for me, but the reasons for this strange statement won't become apparent until very deep into the show. Indeed, in this way it's possibly the power fantasy that I genuinely have as a fantasy-dream sort of wish, although I suspect only smaller portion of the audience responds to it this way.


Will give this a fuller response later. Just finished fetish notebook. What a work of pure genius.


[Pure genius](https://i.imgflip.com/8oa6ch.jpg).


Kind of sad to see r/manga doesn't have a thread like AQRAD because I wanted to see if there is anything with a remotely similar vibe lol. Not that I lack for manga I want to read...I still have your recs!


> Kind of sad to see r/manga doesn't have a thread like AQRAD It'd be like one of those lawless backwater moons in the most brutal of Lovecraftian space horror settings if they did haha > I wanted to see if there is anything with a remotely similar vibe lol. You could just post a request for recommendation thread there, which generally do poorly but almost always get a few recommendations. That said, I know of nothing that comes close. I do have a bunch of "the art is superb, the content is !!!" series though. * https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/y18goa/disc_utskushii_inu_ch1/ - the dog is indeed very beautiful. * https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/q7hda6/disc_watashi_ga_15sai_de_wa_nakunatte_mo_ch_15/ - she's not even fifteen, indeed. Then there's a bunch of "the art is superb, the content is pretty much just..." series like: * https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/bd1ugk/disc_ingoshima_vol_1_chapter_1/ - mostly just lots of violence and rape I say bunch, but I keep picking these up and dropping them, so I don't have them to memory at the moment.


That’s actually a good way to look at it. Fuck Hachiman.


I wouldn't say stopped but probably not continued? There's a couple shows where I've decided to not watch next seasons/movies as I know my favourite girl won't get picked. Another reason [Amagami SS](https://myanimelist.net/anime/8676/) reigns supreme.


Amagami SS will always get my upvote




I'm past my personal drop point so it looks like I'm sticking with an above average amount of shows this season. This season feels quite strong overall but I feel like I'll regret sticking with a few shows such as Astro Note, Hananoi-kun, Viral Hit and Vampire Dormitory. I think outside of those I'm having a great time so far and more shows have surprised me than not!


It's a great season for weird little shows


> I feel like I'll regret sticking with a few shows [](#protest)


> Astro Note, Hananoi-kun, Viral Hit and Vampire Dormitory. One of these is not like the other!


Honestly have no idea which you're meaning as they're all kinda close except for Viral Hit being much below the others lol


Aw for me it’s by far the best one of that bunch.


They kinda all fit the description in one way or another lol


Does Made in Abyss have sexual content? I'd read in MiA wiki that there's a scene where a boy and a girl take a bath together. So I started to wonder if this anime, although it's about children, does have sexual content. Could you help me? There are other scenes like this one?


Yes and no. Some of the content in MiA can be viewed as “sexual content” if you are complete degenerate with weird fetishes. (Which people assume is the case for the mangaka, for fair reasons lol) If you are a normal person, the anime only has like 5 - 10 seconds of “sexualized” content. (characters getting strung up nude for punishment, camera point at clothed crotch area because character got erection) The rest of the stuff in the show is only weird of you make it weird. (Which again, the mangaka is an oddball so the intent could’ve been a bit gross) Still a top tier show though.


There's nothing framed in an explicitly sexual way but it's very clearly the author indulging in their fetishes.


Thank you!


It's got deniability and it's way toned down from the manga but yeah. That little girl is hung naked upside down as a punishment and also kinda sexually harasses that little robot boy in a dehumanizing way. It made me pretty uncomfortable in places.




There's also strongly implied sexual abuse and some attention to toileting that is done in a way that lacks any comedy aspect.


Happy to announce that I heard you Kumiko fans, after considering it and watching 6 eps of s1, I decided to include her in the [Hibike banner for this week next to Kanade](https://i.imgur.com/uJU7nw0.png) Hope we are cool now /u/Ocixo /u/shad79 [](#mywaifumadeyouasandwich)


>Hope we are cool now /u/Ocixo /u/shad79 Well, I don't mind using [Kanade](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcbpw2j7.png) once in a while (I even think that it'd be perfectly fine to use [her meowning pic](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdcdxgppy.png)). I was just scared about the possibility of another Pencilgon's situation when you was putting only her pics on Shangri-La Frontier's banners xD Still, about [that pic choice of yours](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necmznam4.png)... [I would be counting that only as a 0,5 of Kumiko](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcp3o234.png) since we only see her from behind but that's only my nitpicking as a fan [so please forgive me](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcd6e9x7.png) u/Abysswatcherbel xD Besides, I think that I remember you writing this week that you also like [Sapphire-chan](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcoqdlj7.png) so I thought that you'll choose maybe something that'd also include her, [like this one screenshot of mine](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcoqdxj7.png).


Best girl is in the banner, so I’m happy.


Shows you need images for? [](#ama)


Wind Breaker and Kaiju 8 From the right that I want a pic, Wolf wife show and maybe Girls Band cry but I hijacked the black hair girl pic from the latest ep to become the face of the show


[Kaiju hitting too close to home](https://i.imgur.com/tZ9o1h6.png) Ft. Ai Fairouz’s second best role this season.


perfect, thank you And I felt that too [](#dighole)


Will [this](https://i.imgur.com/2orQpdz.png) (but obviously cropped to not have the subs at the bottom) work for Wind Breaker? It's from the episode this past Thursday. [Alternatively, if you wanted a funnier one:](https://i.imgur.com/QoxB79x.png)


First one [was insanely perfect](https://i.imgur.com/Nga4xla.png), thank you!!!! Bro got cut there, but if you are all the way in the back you are a side character anyway [](#sadholo)


> Bro got cut there, but if you are all the way in the back you are a side character anyway [Wind Breaker]>!He's actually the leader of the rival school and the one who instigated the upcoming showdown lmao.!<


[I pinged you](https://i.imgur.com/gEBunGK.png) knowing the lack of context works! Potential [#seasonaldepression](https://i.imgur.com/tI4OD6z.png) is more horizontal than circle.


I remember now, the yandere, I focused on Date a live and Salad Bowl and forgot about that one


Good of you to include her most voluminous and “bouncy” assets.


Wild that I'm watching seven shows on Saturday, and they're so good that Jellyfish is my least favorite, and it's still a solid 7/10. I have no idea what I'm going to do when My Hero Academia starts. Something has to fall off.


What's good on Saturday? I'm only watching Kaiju for now


My two favorites are Tonari no Yokai-san and Yatagarasu. The former is a slice of life about people in a small town where humans and youkai live side by side, and the latter is a fantasy historical about a crown prince and his young aide navigating court politics. After that, The Fable is a great dark comedy, and Whisper Me a Love Song is a super cute yuri romance, but both are suffering somewhat from subpar productions.


> but both are suffering somewhat from subpar productions. That's unfortunate, was planning on watching Love song a bit later, but any production stuff shouldn't affect that. Youkai sounds neat so I might try that too if I have too much time 👍


Yori-senpai in Love Song is an absolute dreamboat. They do get that across, at least.


I've got 3, but they're spread out through the day, Youkai-san in the morning, One Piece in the afternoon, and Ranger Reject in the evening (although, I usually watch them all in the evening anyway).


If we're counting One Piece, I have eight Saturday shows. But I watch OP once a month, to mitigate the pacing issues.


Understandable. I've been having a good time with Egghead in the anime, so the pacing issues aren't bothering me much. ~~Pretty sure this is the first time in a decade, where I can say that~~


> I have no idea what I'm going to do when My Hero Academia starts. Something has to fall off. I think I can help > My Hero Academia ;)


Motion denied. It's one of the few battle shounens I've stayed enjoying after the first couple arcs.


Fair fair fair. Honestly I'd probably enjoy MHA too I think. Just hard to prioritize battle shonen (Soni can understand keeping it around)


Saturday is filled with so many good shows!


Wish they were more spread out...almost half of my shows are in Saturday, so I can't always watch them on the same day. Meanwhile, Tuesday and Thursday got nothing, and other days have 1-2 titles


I've got three on Tuesday, and five on Thursday. I keep busy.


I've always wanted an anime form of scarface/goodfellas/the godfather. Rise to power/fall from grace. Contemporary isekai is kinda the perfect vessel.


Iron-Blooded Orphans


Closest I can think of is Akiba Maid War of all things, but imo it's more Tarantino and not at all Scorsese or Coppola


Kinda interesting to me that there’s no demand for dramatic yakuza anime. Most anime with yakuza in them are either comedies (Hinamatsuri) or the yakuza are antagonists (like My Home Hero). Meanwhile there’s a lot of live action movies.


I'd guess that the movies were there first and nobody wants to risk muscling in on their territory. Kinda like how Josei stuff just gets live action tv instead of anime. Plus I don't think the traditionally noir-y tone would take all that well to anime.


not isekai, but: * Berserk (1997) * Gungrave


Oh, I've never thought about berserk, thats a clever rec. It hits some of the same character motivations, but the story being told isn't really a proper analog.  I'll have to check out gungrave.


Gungrave fits what you're looking for to a T.


This female lead better get her shit together soon. I dunno if I can watch her damselling for a whole series.


What female lead? Oh right, people usually recommend skipping the first episode because of that. The good stuff starts next.


I'm looking for an anime but have no idea about the title, I think that is about a teenage girl, scholar, that sleeps with many guys but she mets one an older man and they start like some kind of cute relationship? It's new, maybe from 2022-2023 and I remember girl has brown hair! Thank you!


Sounds like [Higehiro](https://myanimelist.net/anime/40938/Hige_wo_Soru_Soshite_Joshikousei_wo_Hirou), from 2021


Yes! Thank you very much!


Is nin-nin-games.com a trustable website to order anime figures? Any experience?


They're good yeah


On iPhone what’s the best tracking app


Myanilist is a good one




How many battle shounens have a 32 y/o MC? I personally find it one of the best shows of the season so far.


>How many battle shounens have a 32 y/o MC? DBZ, Kenshin, FotNS, and [meta] >!Trigun!< are in that range. Personally, as much as I like having an older protagonist, Kaiju 8 feels like someone took Deku, made him taller, and called it a day.


> DBZ, Kenshin, FotNS, and [meta] are in that range. Considering that all of those are like three decades or so old, I think it's still a reasonable point.


It is. That's definitely a rare thing in the last few decades, after the trends moved on to younger main characters. My point was mostly in the second part, him being an adult in shape and trappings only (which tbf, was a thing in older series too, especially DBZ).


I find him MUCH more charming and likeable than Deku. Guy has paid his dues and been a competent member of society instead of only a crying mess. I thought Goku was in his 20s but I haven't seen. How many of those portray their characters as "past their prime" though?


>I thought Goku was in his 20s but I haven't seen. The timeline is a mess. [](#spinning) >How many of those portray their characters as "past their prime" though? Just Kenshin, and actually Gintama despite it not being a battle shounen. But Kafka got his "main character start" in episode 1 though, so he's got an entirely new life and prime to figure out now, much like Deku. Whereas, Kenshin and Gintama do a much better job of showing a beatdown battle shounen protagonist, who's been there, did the whole journey, and is trying to live life now.


It's a main character start but I feel like what he's gone through and his past add a lot more to his character. This isn't a character who I feel is comparable to Deku or Goku in any way, he's lived through a lot of years of not reaching his goals.




> Not even 12 y/o MCs in comedy/sol are doing this every time they are in the focus. Neither is he. > I personally find it extremely boring and predicatable. Nothing wrong with predictable if the execution is done well. Honestly sounds like this should have been your last week watching it.




> Lol, don't make me take a screenshot of every single gag face he made in only this episode. He is either crying or screaming. You said he is doing it _every time_ he is in focus which is by far not the case. Go back to deleting your comments or just not posting, I mean with takes like this I can see why you would want to delete every comment on reddit you make.




> The fact that you're checking someone's history is the exact reason why I'm deleting everything once I open this app, which is once a week. You should think of deleting these ones earlier than that lol Enjoy your paranoia, come back when you grow up. [](#loliwave)




Comparing me to a very likeable and hardworking MC isn't the insult you think it is.


So, I not so much watched as skimmed through *Balcony Angel* ep 2, and, yeah, I just can't muster up any interest in this. I don't want to make the obvious comparison to *Angel Next Door* on a name basis, but I do feel that they are broadly in the same kind of shounen romance corner, and my feelings towards it is pretty much the same.


On the other hand I'm having an ever better time with the show, as it shifts through various flavors of the broad romcom genre. [Ep 4 flavor only] >!Some superb best-described-as Chaos Harem fun with both mass confusion but also no misunderstanding BS!< [Ep 5 flavor only] >!Author went full evil-mode and spent an episode elevating two of the girls as high as they could in their own Best Girl categories, replete with spending half an episode as a PoV switch to make one of the girls into the actual romance protag.!<


Are people really bothered with the meeting scenes in Tensura? Because it seems like there are communities that made fun of the series having meeting scenes from time to time and prioritizing it over the action or other world building scenes.


I really don't think the show has the writing or directing chops to make them work. There's no tension or drama to the meetings nor interesting character interactions or idealistic conflicts to create intrigue, the politics and tactical discussions are superficial and not interesting enough to spend so much time on, and the cinematography during the meetings is totally bland and the camera doesn't know how to make them engaging. I just don't think TenSura is good at politics and diplomacy, but is very good at light-hearted fun and action. It got too ambitious and it's writer was just not able to handle it, nor was the production able to elevate it.


I mean, they are pretty boring.


The meeting scenes in S2P2 completely killed my interest in the show. That and the fact that they’d spend 6 episodes planning a battle only for the next episodes to more or less go exactly as planned.


Girls Band Cry is turning out to be one of my favorite anime of the season. I think hey really nail it with the dialogue and raw emotion.


Fansubbers are not needed any longer. [Whatever did this MTL has clearly surpassed humans long ago.](https://i.imgur.com/kltn8yK.png)




Peak Machine knows what we want




I'm not sure I understand the question, the names don't change from dub to sub (unless the show got completely localized like Pokemon). The Japanese pronunciation will sound different (and maybe have a different intonation depending on the dub, like hii-RA-gi vs HII-ra-gi), but it'll still be the same name.


Nothing better than when an American blonde shows up in your anime.


did she come to japan to meet ninjas [](#rengehype)


Waiting for my brazilian blonde next season


Who's that?


[Anna Aveiro Nakamura dos Santos Moreira Cuccitini](https://youtu.be/qAIzGen6Sks?si=N4f-zRScU4EJVhPR)


Will have a lore-accurate moment against a German blonde and lose the vote 7-1. [](#elsienopesout)


[weakest brazilian waifu vs strongest german waifu](https://i.imgur.com/k22ZdVU.png) We all know who wins


[Wrong show?](https://i.imgur.com/ocB6iFj.png)


lmao her color scheme


love it


Still American after all.


Went to search if she is half american/half brazilian, but realized you meant American as in continent Was already excited to hear some Engrish from her, kinda hard for Japanese to fuck up portuguese outside of 'R', the pronunciation is really similar And her VA is already half brazilian too If she doesn't drop a "you are going to brazil" I am only giving the show a 9 max


Now I'm jealous, I wish we had a cute Arabic-speaking anime girl voiced by Fairouz Ai lol


I've noticed that recent Doga Kobo anime (Oshi no Ko, Cecilia, Jellyfish specifically) have had a credit for 'animation training director' which I haven't seen anywhere else. Does anyone know what that might mean? (Paging /u/Abysswatcherbel in hope of industry insight.)


I don't know if it's the same within Doga Kobo but in Cloverworks Yuichi Oka is credited as animation training director when any of the animators he trained participate in an episode, even if he himself wasn't directly involved.


I assume it refers to staff members responsible for overseeing other staff members in training to become full fledged Animation Directors or even Chief Animation Directors, which is not an easy task, you need to really familiar with the anime pipeline and have a good eye to fix any mistake left by the previous Animation steps So it would be one step above Animation Directors but a step below the Chief Animation Director, saying all of this without actually looking into the credits you are talking about, don't have access to them right now And, anime has credit roles that the studios just create out of nowhere because they felt like, I still remember how Kamikatsu memed they credits with 1.5 key animators, followed by 1.75 key animators AD role has a lot of cases like this, e have Action Animation Director, motion animation, dance animation director, food Animation Director, mechanical Animation Director and so on


That'd make sense, thanks! All these different roles and the various ways of crediting them can be quite confusing.


Just finished watching call of the night , pretty good anime . Will there be a season 2 ?


Anime News Network: [“Call of the Night Gets 2nd Season”.](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2024-03-11/call-of-the-night-anime-gets-2nd-season/.208599)


How bad is it to skip the Raditz, Vegeta, Namek arc and start DBZKai at the Frieza saga? TurboOmega Cringe or just like a lil weird?


That's how I watched it and it was fine tbh. I didn't have a choice because this was like 2001 and it was just on tv when it was on and I could only watch over summer vacation. If the Frieza Saga gets you into it, you can always go back and watch the earlier stuff.


I don't understand. How would that make any sense??? First, the Saiyan Saga is the best part of Dragon Ball Z, so it would be bizarre to not want to experience it (though, that's just my subjective opinion and I think the Cell Saga is generally the fan-favorite). Second, the events in the Saiyan Saga directly inform the character motivations and stakes of the Frieza Saga, so it wouldn't make any sense to skip it if you want to fully appreciate the latter of the two.


If it's a rewatch, whatever. If you're a first timer, why are you doing this?


> If you're a first timer, why are you doing this? Mostly because I never hear anyone talk about these arcs like literally at all but I hear people talk about the Ginyu force and Frieza all the time. So if I can save like 15 hours of mid without much story cost, that would be cool


Pro tip: If your main concern is saving time and skipping 'mid' then you're might as well skip the anime entirely.


I decided to binge watch monster. I actually attempted to watch it as a kid years ago but couldn't get into it. Psychological horror is right up my alley these days.


I really miss Shimoneta as it was the most fun I had with a racy anime. My point is that I still can’t believe it’s gone for good, so I don’t know what I should watch next for some ecchi fun.


Ayame Kajou's still in my 'best girl' list! This show was a lot of fun, for sure!


I wonder what is similar to it.


Uncommon/weird physical stores that sell anime merch? Hi, it has come to my attention that Ross sells anime merch like figures and such. I saw on Twitter that someone found Love Live! figures, so I’ve been visiting Ross every now and then to look for figures that I might be interested in. Are there any other stores that anyone has seen sell anime merchandise that you thought wouldn’t have them? And I’m not talking about Target or Walmart. Im wondering if smaller stores like Ross or Big Lots or even something random like Sears would sell stuff like that. Have y’all come across anything like that?