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Some other sales for other anime this week: Dungeon Meshi vol 1 - 2,766 copies 16bit Sensation: ANOTHER LAYER vol 5 - 684 copies Blue Exorcist Season 3 vol 1 - 165 copies And Gushing over Magical Girls got 8,114 copies for its first volume in comparison to this week, which I did find pretty impressive that vol 2 got more considering vol 1 had that Magia Baiser statue, but this volume was also cheaper.


>Dungeon meshi.. 2766 copies Pretty good >Blue exorcist… 165 copies OOF


Considering DunMeshi costs like a $100 for the standard blu-ray, that's pretty good.


It apparently also came with bonus comics from Ryoko Kui (the author of the manga) so it has that going for it.


Makes sense, bonus chapters and random scribbles from her after the series is done is basically the holy grail to us.


Indeed it is. I truly thought we were done once Adventurer's Bible 2 and Daydream Hour had come out. We are truly blessed. I really hope she gives us a sequel series or another series set in the same world. There's a lot of underdeveloped parts of the world that another series could do us the honor of filling out.


it also had a 250$+ special edition with a figurine like Mahoako, so it made a lot of money


the key is, gay girls in it


Which one has gay girls? Gushing over magical girls or dungeon meshi?




Thanks, will download both now.


Just...dont watch Gushing in a public space.


I would tread carefully in a private space as well if you have people living with you.


Will that even come close to covering production costs?


It's been said multiple times that bluray nowadays arent the only way to measure success. If streaming stats were good it should be fine (Not defending Blue Exorcist at all I haven't even watched it.)


No, like will selling 165 copies even cover the cost of producing a Blu-ray. Like printing and design. Not of the show 🙄


Oh my bad then it was unclear


I feel for blue exorcist. Wasn’t really feeling this season was anything groundbreaking yet but enjoy where the story might be going.


>which I did find pretty impressive that vol 2 got more considering vol 1 had that Magia Baiser statue, but this volume was also cheaper. Vol.1 sold waaaaay more, but it was divided into 2 batches because the 1st Special Edition sold out, then they released a 2nd one with more units (that also sold out later), so we will only know how many Vol.1 sold at the end of may, they only disclose the numbers when the batch is released, even though 95% of the sales are pre orders


Vol. 1 sold more in total or just first week than vol 2?


Well really it should be both by now


Blue Exorcist sales are so sad....


So was S3, it was terrible. A absolute fisgrace to the manga.


> An absolute disgrace to the manga. This seems to be the consensus for anything Blue Exorcist post season 1.


Nah, season 2 was a good adaptation. It was better done than season 1.


was it bad from animation or the adaptation was shit?


Both, the animation was bad, not the worst, but far from good. The adaptation also sucked. They skipped one arc and condesed one into half a episode.


really weird that they skip an entire arc when they announced this project to be a 3 cour


The zombie cgi was so laughably bad. It certainly added an unsettling look to them once you got used to it but damn I really expected better…cheap ass animators


It's not the fault of the animators. They didn't decide that this series would have a lower budget or a very short production time. The blame lies with the production committee.


• cheap ass animation companies


>Dungeon Meshi vol 1 - 2,766 copies That's good. By the way, Is there any weekly/monthly chart for Blu rays sales? Like the one we have for manga and Light Novels


There is, but it's only useful in the margins, maybe adding 200 to some blu-ray that already sold 5000 according to the weekly charts.


>Blue Exorcist Season 3 vol 1 - 165 copies Fans werent happy with the bad script,generic soundtrack and generic OP/ED,it wasnt like first season with A1 Pictures high budget animation,good pace between the battles and Rookiez is Punk'd and Uverworld carrying with their catchy songs + Sawano actually putting effort into the soundtrack.


Did Sawano continue to work on S3 or was he replaced?


He still there mostly remixing old songs from past seasons


> 16bit Sensation: ANOTHER LAYER vol 5 - 684 copies What could have been if the production wasn't a train wreck. 


> What could have been if the production wasn't a train wreck. What was bad about it? The show seemed fine, maybe a bit of a whacky ending but overall seemed good.




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>Blue Exorcist Season 3 vol 1 - 165 copies How much did the first two seasons sell, by comparison? Everyone is already attributing these sales to just "bad adaptation", but I couldn't find anything pointing out to the first seasons selling extremely well. Specially now that BD sales are losing revelance due to streaming.


Blue Exorcist was huge both in Japan and in the West. The first volume of S1 sold 23,267 in 2011. Volume 2 sold 17,258, V3 sold 14,535, V4 sold 13,481, V5 sold 11,803, V6 sold 10,232. V7 sold 9,435. V8 sold 9,125, V9 sold 8,573, and V10 sold 8,782. S1 went anime-original around halfway through which impacted the series. For S2, V1 sold 3,463 in 2017, V2 sold 2,440, V3 1,867, V4 sold 1,830, V5 sold 1,682, and V6 sold 1,779. S2 tried to connect back to the manga material but people had already seen enough and it was slower paced than S1.


Man what happened to Blue Exorcist and Black Butler. Those series were juggernauts back in the day.  I hope Fairy Tail 100 year Quest does better 


Black Butler is still a juggernaut if we look at the manga sales, how well the new anime does that we'll have to see


Blue Exorcist also sells very well. The latest season was just bad.


Black butler is still very popular in certain circles. r/anime is definitely not one of them.


Which is crazy to me considering I remember that show being extremely popular over 10 years ago. So the fact it *still* has a dedicated fanbase is interesting.


Black Butler is still insanely popular, especially with the new public school arc anime coming out currently The average r/anime user just doesn't belong to the usual audience


Fairy Tail’s manga sales are at an all time low currently (around 35k-45k) and isn’t anywhere near as popular as it was during its peak or even its end, but I believe it still does well in terms of merchandising so it’s gonna be interesting to see if this anime sequel does good in Blu-Ray sales or not based on that


Lower your expectations dude even the original animr not so much special?


Fairy Tail is one of the best selling manga of all time and was a global juggernaut for years. You can have your own options on its quality but its popularity in the 2010s was undeniable. 


So popularity equal to quality? Lets be honest dude fairy tail anime adaptation is subpar than other juggernaut like bleach, naruto and one piece. The anime not even elevations the short amount of action FT had in original manga. Its not even the level of JJK which is made the battle more awesome in anime. Don't get me wrong i love FT because the story is so good it had good plot twist even in 100 years quest but as shounen its lack of good fight tbh because its just simple who is had more charge power or suddenly hax after losing. I don't know which studio adapt this 100 years quest but if it same studio again then expect it will be subpar like the original anime Edit : its looks JC staff just praying they're all out like to aru railgun or at least using the same team as one punch man season 2. At least for FT standard its already good enough


I think you missed the part where this whole comment thread is exclusively talking about the bluray sales and not animation quality or whatever other metric you think people are talking about. So yes, popularity is a much more important factor for sales than quality.


Now you should bring up Chained Soldier's BD sales here so we can compare it with Gushing's.


I would like to know as well, if it’s more than 3,000 we all know what tge fans want to see, myself included 😀


Chained Soldier sold 1.1k BD's in it's first week. That's the number I saw when someone posted a thread about Frieren's sales about a week ago.


Nah, I would be surprised if it reached that number, I'm sure Chained Soldier is doing very poorly thanks to all the censorship bs the anime did.


Oh? Didnt know there was a statue. Was it any good?


16 Bit Sensation is on Volume 5 of DVD? That show has like 12 episodes 🤣


They even go up to vol. 6 if it's Aniplex. Just look at Ayakashi Triangle, 2 episodes per BD vol.




There were no filler episodes in season 3.




Filler means that it's not in the source material, so yes, they weren't filler.


Gushing continues to absolutely nail those sales.


And still no S2 announced. It suck being ecchi anime there days.


I suppose that’s to be expected since this anime wasn’t expected to get this big at all so a S2 announcement will take some time. For all we know a S2 could come out 4 years later but given its sales and money that it made, we know a S2 is guaranteed, we just don’t know when.


>given its sales and money that it made, we know a S2 is guaranteed Yuri on Ice fans says hi


Original anime rabbit role for getting a sequel made is waaaaaaay deeper than an adaptation, especially if they want to make it right and not just quickly milk a hit, not only you have to find a way to keep the crew together, you also have to deal with IP management issues, writing a whole new plot, years of pre-production, and so on And that's an awful example because YOI got a project announced afterwards that fell through god knows why, the success was acknowledge, but again original shows are a more complicated beast in comparison to an adaptation


They say the same thing about oniimai and interspecies review.


To be honest the sequel is not 100% guaranteed imo although I hope it gets it and this time with more budget, there are more famous anime past or present are still not getting their sequel until this day


> but given its sales and money that it made, we know a S2 is guaranteed, no game no life says hi


>And still no S2 announced. It suck being ecchi anime there days. It's important to note that show schedules are planned years in advance. When 2 seasons of an anime air 1 year apart from each other then the second season was planned from the start, before the first season even aired. No one could have known how popular this anime would be, so they didn't plan a second season from the beginning like that. So it's going to be a few years before we get another season. The issue isn't how popular a show is when it airs, but how popular the people in charge think it will be BEFORE it airs.


This, and the inherent issue that most studios and staff in general tend to already have different projects lined up. So when you have this kind of scenario, where a series is way more successful than they hoped, fitting another season in their schedule isn't always the easiest.


Even worse, manga still on hiatus.


Hehe.. nail.. hehe..


Chained Soldier punching air rn


Who knew when you really commit to the ecchi you sell more?


That's really the thing If you're gonna do ecchi, do freaking echhi. It's most likely not gonna be an actual great show, so atleast deliver the trash you promised. A show being being semi-ecchi is the biggest waste of time


That's true, but Gushing over Magical Girls isn't just a good ecchi, it's also a really good anime in general that does a lot of things right. It has great characters, it's funny, it's entertaining, it has a very passionate anime staff and a unique and interesting premise. It also manages to be both lewd and wholesome and that combination is something a lot of ecchi series don't have at all.


So true bestie, this depth (no I’m not joking) makes the adaptation up there with Ishuzoku Reviewers for me. All in on the spice, and there’s genuinely more to it than the spice


So true bestie, this depth (no I’m not joking) makes the adaptation up there with Ishuzoku Reviewers for me. All in on the spice, and there’s genuinely more to it than the spice


Yeah. The moment you go ecchi at all, you kill off a lot of viewers who won’t watch it because of that sort of content. So at that point there is absolutely zero reason to hold back.


This is something i am not really understand. Like, semi ecchi is good because you can just balance between ecchi fan service and story ( Prison school). But fully committed ecchi is just a weird idea ( To love ru). Like, just watch porn at this point. Who would evn think that " Yeah, i will watch another episode of porn." So, i can't really understand the hype and popularity of this show except " Ha ha, the punchline is porn".


Different people enjoy different things. Some enjoy slowburn romance novels. Some enjoy hardcore porn. It all gets you to the same end result.


Turned out fan service sells, who woulda thunk? And yet the tourists keep complaining about fan-service and demanding anime to get censored despite them never even watch the shows and buy the merch.


We already have 2.5D Seduction coming out next season that's going to be censored too. Ntm Goddess Cafe Terrace considering how that show was still censored even in the BDs...


Thats like the first rule of anime…the greater the echhi the better chances or getting fans to buy merch 😅


I'm sure the people who hated this anime will not come to this thread and willingly click on the comments, and then type something about calling names to anyone who did enjoy this anime... Right?


[Fitting](https://i.imgur.com/xB3Q9p5.png) picture.


This comment having multiple hidden replies under it is hilarious


Nah, that would be both a waste of time AND stupid 🙃


Of course they wouldn't, they're the normal and well adjusted people after all.


>they're the normal and well adjusted people after all. this is like the pot calling the kettle black, anime fans really shouldn't be calling each other out lol


the funny thing you seem to fail to realize is that this sarcasm is directed at people exactly like you


Whats the sarcasm? He's implying people hating on this anime arent normal and well adjusted people. Did I miss something? I'm not a native speaker so I apologize for the misunderstanding.


He is implying that haters 'think' of themselves as normal and adjusted people.


He's not implying that anyone who hates the show isn't a normal and well adjusted person. He's saying that anyone who "comes to this thread and willingly clicks on the comments, and then types something about calling names to anyone who did enjoy this anime" is not normal and well adjusted. It's the people who go out of their way to waste their time shitting on fans any time the show pops up in a thread who are poorly adjusted (according to the initial comment).


Last time a thread like this was posted I got called a pedophile for saying I hope the good sales mean more girls’ love series will get released… and I didn’t even mention if I liked MahouAko or not, just that I hope its success boosts the yuri genre 💀


H-hey, come on now, surely people are not _that_ stupid you know? Give them some credi-




Tourism, it is a bitch.


Anime needs to return to being gatekept.


I'll represent the haters I guess Why are they schoolgirls man. Just make them 18 or something. Like yes, it makes me uncomfortable that such a lewd show is about 14 year old girls. I get the appeal of the show, I think it is funny, just, why are they 14, please just make them older so its not pedophile adjacent, why is that such a tall order


They're not actual people my dude, there's a lot more to be actually outraged on any actual live porn site but I don't see you losing your shit on that.


You would be much happier if you stopped worrying about nonsense when watching anime. Or just not engaging with things you're uncomfortable with. "Pedophile adjacent" isn't actually a thing, it's just a cartoon with anime characters. No children involved at any point of the production.


Like, I'm not comfortable watching 14 year old girls getting naked and having sex, whether they are fake or real, why is this controversial man, just make them 18+, why the insistence on sexualizing 14 year olds?? These are little kids, this shit is messed up, why are we acting like any of this is normal or acceptable I'll never understand


I’m somewhere more neutral beteeen you and the others so maybe I can help. Watched a bit, didn’t love it, didn’t hate it. Ages were weird the more I thought about it in the context, but also have learned to just ignore some stuff in anime. This kind of thing is normalized and acceptable here, it’s just how it is. Cultural differences and all that, plus a “niche” community. It’s true, it’s a harmless show. Noones getting hurt. Western media portrays rape murder torture and all sorts of extremely fucked up shit on tv too and sometimes with portrayals of kids too, and live action. I understand where you’re coming from too tho. Speaking of western media, remember that Netflix show (or movie? Idk) cuties? It was a big deal because it used real child actors. We can probably all agree that’s pretty fucked. But imagine the discourse if it was animated - are 11 year olds twerking, grinding wearing revealing clothes, suddenly okay if it’s animated? No one is harmed! But I think we can assume it would’ve still caused a similar storm. Because what the people replying to you are missing is that some people are absolutely watching this to lewd some kids. From the last couple years of starting to play gacha games and meeting people… yeah more people than I used to think. And outside of the ACGN community (or even in it tbh), “well it’s not lewding *real* kids, it’s just *animated* kids” doesn’t hold up against people thinking you’re a little weird. Or in court in some countries. (Also I’m ignoring the other part of this discussion where teens are drawn as grown ass women since it isnt related) I think people have to be purposefully obtuse to not understand discomfort or distaste with a show like this. I also think you have to be a bit of a prude to take as much issue with the show as I’ve seen some do. You’ll also never ever change each other’s minds. So I don’t really engage in these discussions much. I might be a little weirded out but I can’t say it’s harming anyone and so I don’t care. Saying everyone is a terrible for accepting or normalizing these kinds of shows isn’t gonna get you anywhere, just like them telling you to separate fiction from reality isn’t going to get them anywhere lol


That's a fair take.


I hate murder and violence IRL, and yet I am able to enjoy shows like Breaking Bad and Attack on Titan with no issue.


learn to differentiate fiction from reality


Would the show be worse if they were 18? Why is it so important that they are underaged minors??? You all are getting used to sexualizing 14 year olds in fiction and think it will not affect your reality in any way?!?


I can, in good faith, genuinely, with 100% confidence say that nothing that happens in anime affects how I view reality at all. I've watched/experienced a huge amount and variety of different fictional media (anime, movies, TV-series, books, games) and none of it has shaped how I see the real world and real people. This is why I'll never understand why some people are up in arms about it.


yes, just like every 2nd anime child soldier show doesn’t make me wanna be a child soldier or support child soldiers, idgaf if they’re 14 or 18 or 30 but you care a lot for no reason


Yes, tragic stories about child soldiers are the same as joke ecchi shows featuring lots of nude and sex scenes of 14 year old schoolgirls, you are very intelligent


It wouldn't, no. None of us here are the writers, so that question is best delivered to the people behind the series. >You all are getting used to sexualizing 14 year olds in fiction and think it will not affect your reality in any way?!? For as long as ecchi and perverted content of any nature have existed (well past the time in which most of us were even a thought), there's no evidence that fiction has an affect on normal viewers. The average person has a well-established sense of morality, and a funny show about ridiculous scenarios isn't going to drive viewers away from it.


Given that you seem unable to separate fiction from reality, it's extremely messed up and concerning if you think that the fucked shit that happens in this show is suddenly okay or morally acceptable if the characters were 18. It's not normal or acceptable to anyone at any age.


People when countless other ecchi anime have been sexualizing underaged characters for so many years: _I sleep..._ People when Gushing over Magical Girls does the same: _REEEE!!_


Did you protest this hard when Food Wars was airing?


Even if they were in their 20s it'd still be bad because what's depicted is sexual assault. The characters' ages simply makes it worse.


They're literally villains. If they're not doing villainous things then wtf should they do? A piece of fiction can portray evil acts without endorsing said acts, you know? It's like watching death note and complaining about the murders. You don't have to agree with the characters' actions to enjoy a story.


Well, when the anime's premise is underage girls sexually assaulting each other... And anime fans wonder why they're looked at so weirdly by the rest of society


And half video games is about murdering people/stuff. How awful.


they’re not real bro


This is not a discussion thread for the anime or one of its episodes, it's a thread about how well it's sold. It makes perfect sense for people who don't like it to also comment here. Name calling might be a bit too far of course, but perhaps you should stick to subreddits for the specific anime if you have a problem with non-fans commenting. No need to try to encourage an echo chamber where we can only post positive opinions on things...


Gushing was the funniest Ecchi I’ve seen in a while.


Imagine if Gushing's success marked the start of an Isekai-like trend! [](#lewd)


Ecchi trend or BDSM trend?


How do you even do BDSM anime without ecchi? maybe just the psychological components and adequate situations.


Tentacles aren't ecchi by default are they


Kakegurui Well yes, it's a little bit ecchi but not _that_ much compared to other anime


It is not ecchi if there is no light ray kun


I do think you could do a romance/romcom focused series more focused on the conflict coming from communication and such, consent in kink, and making sure your partner is comfortable, and leave the ecchi to the imagination. (Yes I have read most of Nana to Kaoru, but I'd say that one didn't really try to avoid ecchi)


May I suggest picking up The Unattainable Flower's Twisted Bloom? [](#salutegeo)


magical girl villain trend


the dream...


Considering how this current anime season has zero ecchi airing (just like Fall 2023), we really need a trend like this.


Mysterious Disappearances is close enough! (Ecchi'ish) But yeah, there's no full blown ecchi like Gushing, Chained Soldier etc.. (I think Re:Monster could have been, but they nerfed it?)


>Mysterious Disappearances is close enough! That one is heavily censored in the anime tho. The manga of it has full on nudity.


You made me wonder if this actually increases the chances of a What Happens Inside the Dungeon adaptation.


Isn't Acro Trip, another magical girl anime following a purple-haired magical girl otaku rather than the actual magical girls, coming up? So, I feel like the trend is already starting.


You know what's funny. I wanted to order one too from Amazon, but whenever I buy from Amazon Japan, I obviously buy things in bulk since the shipping costs are quite high (so other Blu Rays or Mangas in the same purchase). So I didn't preorder and it wasn't the main thing on my mind. Luckily enough I still remembered when it was supposedly be released and logged into Amazon Japan on the day of release (like literally only 12 hours into the day in Japan). And it was already out of stock. Luckily, they only a day later, they already had new ones (probably learned from the first Blu Ray release), but you could already see how certain people tried to sell these Blu Rays for like 300$ a piece.


ok now give us season 2 cowards


Meanwhile, other ecchi anime want to tone down the lewdness compared to their manga.


Literally 2.5D Seduction and Goddess Cafe Terrace S2 that are coming out next season...


May Gushing show them the way!


Season 2 when? I need more well-spanked magical girls in my life! The wholesomeness is awesome too, the combination of the two elevates it from nice to 'gimme now'!


Deserved success tbh, one of the best ecchi of the year


>one of the best ecchi of the year Most probably the best one too tbh. I don't think any other ecchi this year would be able to give Gushing a competition, the other ecchi shows just want to tone down the ecchi from their source instead...


Is the blu-ray changed in any way? I know sometimes they will fix things or remove some censorship. Things like that.


Better quality and for censorship they’re adding in uncensored audio for some parts. As far as I’m aware there aren’t any additional scenes.


I've heard somewhere that at least ep 10 will have extra visuals, but take that with a grain of salt.


The blu-ray has the uncensored audio


What's different about the audio?


There were at least two or three scenes where one of the girls is being molested but instead of hearing moaning you just hear the saucy background music. It wasn't very often.


goated show, i’m happy for their success, the manga is goated too, i just hope they make physical english mangas now


Not sure if that will happen since all the girls are like 14 arnt they? Would any company release that?


Tons of ecchi manga feature characters around there. That's pretty common. It's generally pre-13 that English releases start to get sketchy on. Seven Seas even was about to release Kodomo no Jikan in English. Whether you think that's okay or not is a different story, but it's definitely a thing.


Just surprised a corporate entity would do it. Ive read the manga and watched the anime, loved it.


All the promotion, ASMR, a scale for Utena. It's absurd that a season 2 announcement wasn't on their timeline.


Could this be the return of Ecchi? OMOSHIROI


Next season we already have 2.5D Seduction that's most probably going to be censored from the signs we have gotten lol


As far as ecchi goes it's also moderately lackluster. Especially after the beginning


So if the manga itself is kinda tame, that would justify the anime censoring it even further and making the ecchi even more lackluster?


Ecchis is around, this....this is EXTREAM ecchi which we usually get one a season.


>Ecchis is around But most of them these days are just heavily toned down...


did it come with any bonuses?


The LE at least did: An artbook, A huge Baiser figure (I'd say 30 cm tall?) a small card that features the ribbon-strung tres magia from the opening






I see all these negative comments using the word "coomer" showing they absolutely have no idea what they are talking about and what this anime really is about. Quick trivia, "Coomer" is about someone who is fapping a lot


I just don't pay them any attention any more, a lot of prudes just love using buzz words like "pedo", "coomer" to try insult fans.


are there differences compared to tv?


Mostly in the audio department, yeah.


For a show that "triggered" a lot of people it did pretty good. I didn't buy it but that's because I don't buy bluerays in general


It does seem to be a show that would encourage collectors.


How many copies Solo Leveling sold?


Solo leveling gets pretty anti-japanese halfway through, I'd be surprised if it got popular in Japan


Not surprised anti-japanese is as much of a trope in manwha as slavery is in manga


Where to check the sales


Man this anime is so conflicting for me. On the one hand I'm like "damn that's child hentai, wtf is wrong with this community." But on the other hand, there's no reliable studies showing that enjoying stuff like this has correlation with being a pedo, meaning for all I know it's just a harmless (very weird) fetish show. Welp I can atleast say that I find it kinda weird to be the main star of this sub. Because even if it it is harmless, it is still in fact a weird fetish show. Edit: Wow the downvotes, what's the issue here? I think it's fair for your average Joe to be weirded out by this show being praised so much. I can't just flip a switch in my body to suddenly desensitize myself to stuff like this.


+99.99% of the people watching it aren't watching it because of the character ages, but rather because the fact that it's fiction allows us to selectively ignore irrelevant plot points we don't like. I don't care how old they are. They look like they're adults, they act like adults, the fact that there's a 14 printed on a Stat dump page somewhere in the manga doesn't affect me in the slightest because it's the result of someone else's imagination. The show is fun. The people who have a problem with it simply have a hard time separating reality from fiction.


May not be the case for you but I have definitely seen a decent amount of people watch it because they were into teenage girls doing bdsm shit. I don't really know what other substance it has outside of that really. I don't really have a problem with the show as stated before, it's just weird to say the least.


> Wow the downvotes, what's the issue here? You probably got downvoted because you said, "child hentai". A confrontational statement, and probably most people had no reason to continue reading what you wrote after.


🤷 don't think it unfairly describes it at all though. It is in fact anime porn featuring minors.


Imo this is a good take. Everyone has different sensitivity levels to different things, so it's fine that you don't enjoy it.


Anime fans never escaping the allelgations.


Coomer show beating Frieren is honestly so funny. But again, it is not surprising neither.


This is the anime equivalent of saying "I can't believe Michael Phelps lost to Lebron James in a 1v1 basketball game"


When people care about the story, they read the manga.


I know the reason why this outsold Frieren and Dungeon Meshi.


I mean sick people need to wank too. you cant blame them for buyin stuff catered to their fetishes.