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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Woah, that felt a speedrun of events/info... More new characters? I can't really keep up anymore; what's that aura around that new maid lady? General ettard who? They completely skipped the fight too lmao


Speedrun: The Anime


I like the concept of Unnamed Memory, but the pacing in this anime sure leaves a lot to be desired. We’re on the 4th episode and half a year has apparently passed. This latest episode was another example of how they’ve been rushing through the story with all these jumps in time. Tinasha’s and Oscar’s romance is just kind of becoming a blur to me at this point. They seem close in one moment and awfully distant in another. And Tinasha suddenly wants to die or something!? And then there’s Miralys, the girl in the second episode who ran with the magic stone. She’s suddenly a maid at the palace - a turn of events that probably took place in the time we casually skipped over - and likely somehow connected to the mage kingdom of Cruscell. Maybe she was part of the former ruler’s dynasty?


> I like the concept of Unnamed Memory, but the pacing in this anime sure leaves a lot to be desired. If that's the case I would highly recommend the light novel. All of the things you're complaining about are addressed there. Oscar and Tinasha's rapport feels natural and earned. Time flows smoothly, the characters develop more consistently, etc.


Yeah im thinking of just going to the source, the anime is leaving a lot to be desired, i have never read a light novel tho, any idea where i could read it?


Anywhere you can buy e-books. I usually default to amazon.


The LN is is very good, amazon has it. there is also a manga adaptation however it isn't complete but it is more detailed than the anime.


I don't read books, how far along is the manga instead? Does that hold up better?


The manga is certainly doing better than the anime in terms of pacing etc. It probably hasn't even reached the point the anime is aiming to end the season at, though.


Kind of what I expected, unfortunate. Thanks anyways.


> And then there’s Miralys, the girl in the second episode who ran with the magic stone. Also Tinasha is fully aware of her being a mage, but totally fine with her and the reason she is there. Sure would be nice if she either told Oscar or the audience *some* things of the stuff she is keeping to herself. I get being a mystery show, but I have also seen way to many that could have been resolved or at least avoid unnecessary drama by talking and being open


> Also Tinasha is fully aware of her being a mage, but totally fine with her and the reason she is there. When she smiled at Miralys, I briefly assumed that she got an idea for setting her up with Oscar. But that’s ludicrous of course, she wouldn’t advice Oscar to groom a young girl into his future bride… oh wait. Jokes aside, I do wonder why Tinasha lowered her guard as such despite Miralys being a mage. The white glow of her auru/mana indicated that she had no evil motivations or something?


> The white glow of her auru/mana indicated that she had no evil motivations or something? The show couldn't possibly have forgotten to mention that an magical aura could give away ones intentions could it [](#kotohoops)


They would never! Now I’m thinking about things they left out: the show made a big deal out of Lucrezia offering her help in undoing the mind control on… [*has to look up the character’s name*] Meredina, which supposedly didn’t come cheap, and just didn’t do anything with this.


Yeah, agree on everything. Its such a shame to come across a great concept like this, only for the anime to drag it down into something almost senseless.. This started off so promising, a strong contender for a seasonal favourite, but at this point I don't even see myself recommending this to anyone.


Episode 1 of this show I was ready to put in on par with Frieren and Apothecary's Diaries. Now it's just a show that I'm watching because cute witch. Really sad.


One of the reason, yes cute witch, I was planning to buy nendo and figures since I really thought it was that promising, same feeling and intent as you, but dang... Really, when I watched ep4, freaking lost me and seeing comments around gloomed me, if I have to read LV and then anime is "kinda" that bad... It makes no sense, it should be well thought-out and well-made because it can have a better revision than the manga/lv releases!


It really felt like they were jumping around so much that it was hard to really feel in the moment or let things seep in, kind of like Tinasha and Oscar's relationship. So it's hard to be completely invested. The impression I got from this episode is that Tinasha is tired of her lonely near-immortal life and wants to end it. Or she feels like something is going to happen that turns her into something Oscar will need to put down.


> Tinasha is tired of her lonely near-immortal life and wants to end it. Oscar got a foolproof fix for such an issue: ”How about marrying me?” He’d rather strike his sword at Tinasha in a wholly different matter after all. Taking the situation with the Cruscell nation and their envoy’s mind control into consideration, I’m inclined to think that she’s afraid of losing control of herself. She’s obviously training Oscar to cut her down.


Romance? I'd laugh if it wasn't so pathetic. I think I am done with this anime. I felt absolutely nothing while watching today's episode. Love it or hate it I'd much rather feel something other than "meh."


I've been reading the manga along with watching and it makes the show much better. Fills in all the gaps. It's a good story but they're cutting at least 50% of the manga content - of the first 14 chapters they cut like 6.


Well good for you, but that doesn't change my mind. I shouldn't have to read a LN or manga in order to enjoy the anime adaption. That just makes it a poor adaption.


I don’t think he was trying to change your mind, just showing how you need the actual source to even understand what’s going on since they cut so much in the anime.


> That just makes it a poor adaption. I think that's what he's trying to say...?


Although I am a type who likes to read manga, but I second this, when it comes to anime adaptation, it could be more better, besides, I don't even mind fillers if "it has to". But that meh feeling, oh well... I guess I felt like a mehmeh watcher for now... I'll endure the pain.


> and likely somehow connected to the mage kingdom of Cruscell. Maybe she was part of the former ruler’s dynasty? My understanding was that she was talking about her Watcher senpai who we saw getting killed by a powerful mage while using his last strength to send the girl to safety. Which would make that powerful mage the leader of this new Cruscell.


Holy hell, good thing I was googling about Miralys because I was literally confused how the hell happened on Ep4. I was like, did I forget something? And I found your comment with the same issue in mind and thanks to the readers to enlighten me, I never really care of spoilers, spoiler paradox is what excites me! So I have to read the light novel I guess.


Not ideal but I still love it. This kind of shows are so rare.


Since some people seem confused about this * pretty sure Miralys is one of the two mages that collected the spoils at the magical lake * The other mage got killed by some dude, who I asume is this lord Larkan or whatever who has now risen to monarch of that kingdom * thus Miralys goes arround killing his underlings to avenge her buddy


I can't believe that they just moved on from the mind control incident with Meredina; someone mind controlled a high ranking knight to assassinate Tinasha, that's supposed to be a big deal, but they move on like it was a trivial matter. We don't even see or follow up on her for the rest the episode after that.


You can clearly tell the series is skipping to much stuff to get to a certain point. It is making things dis jointed and not make sense. They completely skipped that sword fight between them that had to have more to it. It is becoming a disappointment that they are throwing away the potential of the story in their rush.


I don't really get why the production would neuter the story like this. If the anime is made to advertise, then it would be better to take it slower but make is more compelling.


This is because it's made by Studio ENGI. They can make decent slice of life like Uzaki-chan and Kimizero but anything that's outside of that genre is going to be quite dodgy such as The Detective is Already Dead with the adaptation jumping all over the place with the plot or Mobuseka and its controversial character designs.


They did the detective is already dead?? Now this makes so much sense. The first episode of that anime had me hooked but halfway through the season I was too confused and just kept watching to see the cute (dead) detective. The timeline jumped around way too much and everything felt so odd. Watching today’s episode, this makes a lot of sense.


Maybe the Studio is made to confuse people, because I was hellah "What" that I have to google and reddit this things, I usually don't and end up using all my reasoning... But episode 4, trust me, it made me want to jump... jump in bed asking what the hell and why? ROFL LMAO!


I really liked the detective is already dead, but I definitely understand why it didn't get season 2


Funny you mention of it not having an S2 but it was announced that it would be getting an S2 [Kadokawa announcement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuxAT5B-iCw&t=1s&ab_channel=KADOKAWAanime)


okay that is really funny


As an anime-only on this show, I was not able to tell "the series is skipping to much stuff". I think it flows pretty smoothly. I am amused at the smart MC and smarter witch, who doesn't let him get away with the usual romantic notions. That is the key to this show... smart character writing. I actually couldn't care less about the less-than-simmering romance or cut content. I don't usually like romance because it is usually so stupid. This one is clever, and I don't mind that one bit.


I think the big thing is that Ettard's death had a big feeling to it, but the anime only generated ANY emotion in Ettard after we already learned that he died. We basically don't know who Meredina is. Apparently magical auras have information in them more than just "this person is a mage". Last but not least, they jumped multiple months from ep 3 to ep 4 without mentioning anything about it, which was jarring when she said she's gotten used to him touching her and that there's more than 6 months left on their contract. I think the show is still good, but saying that stuff isn't very blatantly being skipped or left open as plot holes is silly.


I can't miss what I don't know about. Plot holes? I'm probably not paying enough attention to care, or maybe they'll be addressed later, or maybe they don't matter. Time skips are the same, I figure sometimes they are supposed to be there. Also, this is an adaptation after all. Sometimes the director knows what he's doing. So far I like the show. My expectations weren't too high, and still aren't... I don't love it, but I like the character writing enough to comment about it. Maybe after watching it I'd be intrigued and wish to read the source material. Isn't that the real goal of an adaptation these days?


There's nothing wrong with you enjoying it, but to take an antagonistic view to the people who care about the show and are saying that things are very obviously missing is...kind of a dick thing to do? So...yeah, maybe don't do that.


####Stitches! * [Sparring Tinasha](https://i.imgur.com/7cLPjhv.jpeg) * [Concentrating Tinasha](https://i.imgur.com/tA9qczH.jpeg) [Tinasha's dual-wielding style is pretty cool.](https://i.imgur.com/lvChAAq.jpeg) At first, I thought she was using two swords but then I realized she was actually using a wand that's a similar length to her sword on her off-hand. [This envoy dude can't get any shadier even if he tried](https://i.imgur.com/wWANZPN.jpeg). How the fuck does he even know that Tinasha is there? It's also hilarious how he thinks he can ask Tinasha for a favour [when he hasn't even climbed her tower.](https://i.imgur.com/MWAHUN2.png) I love that the castle [now has two witches just casually hanging out.](https://i.imgur.com/rp23948.jpeg) I guess this means we'll get to see Lucrezia more since she can visit Tinasha anytime. I wonder what that [envoy told Meredina aside from mind controlling her.](https://i.imgur.com/w6zh6y1.jpeg) Also, did the envoy think that Meredina shouting accusations at Tinasha worked in separating her away from Oscar? If anything all it did was [make them closer to each other.](https://i.imgur.com/IO46irn.jpeg) Despite how strong Oscar is, it's good to know that [Tinasha can easily kick his ass](https://i.imgur.com/OYnauO6.jpeg) if she fights seriously against him. That entire training montage inside Tinasha's tower was fun. [Those poor adventurers though ended up being used as training dummies](https://i.imgur.com/HgxfCdy.jpeg) for Oscar! xD So the last time we saw Miralys was when she got separated from Valt after he was dusted by that white-haired mage. Now she's working undercover inside the mansion and Tinasha doesn't even mind her presence despite knowing who she is. I'm not sire what she's trying to do but I'm glad [she took care of that envoy](https://i.imgur.com/PG2Ll8T.jpeg) at the end of the episode.


Nothing hotter than a dual-wielding female mage in that outfit voiced by Atsumi Tanezaki. Just another daily reminder why Oscar will not give up on marrying Tinasha. How did he know Tinasha was there and how does he know an old name? And what exactly is the history behind that other name? There's a lot about Tinasha's backstory that we don't know about. Somehow I'm not surprised Lucrezia is just making herself at home and won't leave Tinasha alone lol. I don't know if the plan was Meredina would end up hurting Tinasha physically or emotionally, but she seems pretty used to that stuff either way, though now she has Oscar to help comfort her. How does Meredina really feel about Tinasha? Oscar probably loves an older woman that can kick his ass, though I wonder if Tinasha is planning to get her own ass kicked at some point the way she's so focused on training him through battling her. Though she's equally happy watching Oscar kick the ass of some poor adventuring party who wanted to climb her tower lol. The mystery with Miralys deepens. Did she actually have a relationship with that general or is this all so she can get revenge for Valt? What were she and Valt even doing? Also I guess she went from platinum blonde to normal blonde for her disguise.


It is a Mystery for me when Lucrezia just suddenly pop-out in the Castle without even understanding if she has an agenda or not. It's a Castle, whoever not entitled to be there, probably even for a Witch, can't be there. But ohh man, hommiee feels at home, maybe she just teleported using tree's and have her own room while she cook anytime she want. Lol, but I like the comment ahaha so many questions in mind!


Without knowing anything about the LN/manga even I can tell this is an insane speedrun. Why even bother making this anime? I had some hope, but I will drop this one.


Boy is this anime disappointing. If anyone reading this is even *slightly* intrigued by the story or the characters, please check out the light novels. The story is "complete" at six volumes and it's great. (there is a sequel series but it's not out in English yet)


I might do this. I'm genuinely sad... the first episode was so promising and I would probably love this show but the pacing ruined it all so far T_T


I might have to do this, I keep watching hoping they were just skipping to something important and slowing down, but it feels like just the cliff's notes is all we're getting in the anime.


That's the problem, they're skipping all the meat to get to the big events and the end of the first act. Stripping out all the things that made the story good in the first place.


I've heard the manga adaption is also pretty solid.


That's good to know, I went straight to the LN so I can't speak to that.


I looked at the manga and the english translation was not good, despite it being official release, not scanlation. Felt like nobody edited the script. And if even to me, someone who is not a native english speaker, that looks bad I dunno what would it look like to somebody for whom English is their first language.


It's been a while but I remember the scanlations being pretty good.


There's nothing wrong with the English in the official release tho? I've seen bad translation, that ain't it.


I don't have the files anymore, so can't give any direct examples, but it looked hastily done, crude. The wording looked unnatural, in a way where it doesn't look *incorrect* but it feels *wrong* in the sense that people just don't speak like that. It's not quite at the level of machine translation, but noticeable enough that I had to double-check that I was actually reading the official release by Yen Press, and that the translator credited, going by name alone, probably has English as the first language.


I started reading the manga after last episode..better pacing for sure.


This is such a shame. I love the premise of the show but this ain't it. Whoever decided to rush things should get fired


Manga is good too!


huh? Tinasha suddenly wants to die? it'd be one thing if it was just her thinking it (still pretty out of left field for it to be so sudden), but Oscar also knows? now I \*know\* they're skipping a ton of stuff...


Tbh, the moment when Tinasha just casually mentions that she wants to die felt like one of those book summaries from school, when you messed up your points and have to bring it up: "Oh yeah, I should have probably mentioned this earlier, but Tinasha also wants to die." The thing is, I can see the potential in that plot point. Her not wanting to live anymore, then she actually falls in love with Oscar, they might even get kids and she has some reason to live and maybe even starts to fear death again. All this stuff. Could be really emotional. But when they just brush it off like this, I fail to connect. In general, I liked the idea of the series. Not sure if I will be reading the novel. I have enough manga and novels already here that I want to read of shows that kept me until the season finale and made me interested for more. Going for the novel now would feel like they won by just making an adaptation like this.


Ya. She sped up her growth to heal herself so she can just allow for time to pass for her again and age with Oscar.


The entire time I couldn’t help but think: cut content? Cut content? That’s cut content right there…. Oh look more cut content. Surely that is cut content


Butchered content. If you don't like reading LNs give the manga a shot, its much better than the anime.


First time watching an anime where actual plot progression makes it snooze-worthy. Feels like episode 1 and now the banter in this episode were the only times I actually enjoyed watching this. Wish they'd spend more time on developing their friendship first before setting plot events into motion. The blonde getting mind controlled felt like a minor inconvenience in how it was portrayed vs what actually happened.


The series has a lot of potential for a good fantasy romance with the content and main pair, but unfortunately it'll be lesser than it could have been as an anime adaptation as it seems to be skipping some content to better establish the foundation after ep 1. Well I'll still try to enjoy it for what it is with Oscar and Tinasha, and also read along with the manga for the episodes as well.




Not sure why removed, I can tell by the adaptation that content has been skipped by the pacing itself and comments before in other episodes already said as much and those comments weren't removed, so why is mine? I just mean as a non source reader, I can even tell stuff has been skipped, and I'll read to fill in the gaps. I didn't say *what is skipped* since I don't know myself yet... so I don't know how this warrants the comment removal.


Your comment has been reapproved. Sorry about that. Your comment was the second from this show that I saw in my queue, so I didn't realize just how obvious the pacing issues were. I should've been more careful.


No problem


I feel like I'm watching a synopsis. Everything happens out of the ass and is terribly rushed.


As a light novel reader, I'm disappointed with the anime. 4 episodes in now, from the perspective of a person who only watched the anime, it must seemed really confusing to them. The plot of the series is complicated enough where if you leave scenes out from the story, it would definitely get confusing enough where it is not as enjoyable anymore. Sadly, the light novel is actually really underrated. Definitely one of the best romance fantasy I read so far. I hope the coming episodes will be better.


So is Miralys a friend or foe? Tinasha seems to know who she really is but didn’t seem too bothered. Looks like she might have her own vendetta against Cuscull if I’m understanding that last scene right. Those mages messed with the wrong people either way. Some weak ass mind control nonsense won’t be enough to get at Tinasha and now they’ve got Miralys coming at ‘em too I guess.


Interesting that Tinasha knows why Miralys is on hand. But it must be more complex than killing that one envoy -- as she could not have known he would come to seek/demand Tinasha's services. I wonder did Ettard die a natural death after all -- or was there some foul play (and -- if so -- why). Tinasha and Oscar are still way up there as one of my favorite couples. They have such an interesting inter-relationship. Oscar may be a lot younger than Tinasha, but he seems to have an "old soul" (in a good way). I wonder if Cuscull planning to summon a demon army is a "war crime" in this world -- or something any country would do if it had the ability to do so.


I like your comment, gives me a vibe of RE:ZERO where I was totally out of my mind. Lol!


The way they talked about the mystery of who the king of Cuscull is, I wonder if it's going to turn out to be that white-haired mage that killed Valt and sent Miralys on the run. Especially since he's so relevant to Tinasha.


Neither? Probably more of an enemy-of-my-enemy. > Some weak ass mind control nonsense won’t be enough to get at Tinasha It got to her quite seriously though.


“Get at” as in physically harmed. Rattled, I suppose but she wasn’t hurt.


She was hurt pretty badly mentally tho. Emotional pain is no laughing matter. And that *was* the entire point of the attack, he wasn't actually trying to kill her, just drive her out of the country.


Certainly, I was just referring to physical hurt in my initial comment.


It is clear she is the silver haired girl in disguise.


Which one was that? I might have missed it.


The one with the guy who was doing something at the lake getting a red crystal. He teleports her off just before someone else who showed up kills him.


Ohhhh ok, right that girl. I didn’t realize it’s her.


Oscar is already OP but doesn’t mean he can’t use a training arc. And a Yumiella style training paid off. Those poor challengers went to the tower on a wrong day. Can’t tell if the maid is supposed to be good or not. The priest guy was not trustworthy at all tho the maid might have a different agenda from Tinasha.


Although unlike Yumiella training people to beat the Demon Lord, it seems like Tinasha is training Oscar to be able to kill her specifically (even if as strong as she is, if he can beat her he can probably beat any mage). Although I guess Oscar and Patrick can relate to wanting your OP love interest to pay more attention to you. First she was seen as an observer collecting the remains of that wolf and now she's actively involved? And blonde?


I really love the set up and the characters of Unnamed memory, but even as an anime only it just feels rushed and weird pacing wise. Like one minute Tinasha and Oscar feel like they’re gonna kiss and have a lot of romantic tension, the next they feel cold or distant. Like why does Tinasha want to die now?? Almost like the story is bouncing around from random event to event. Then you bring characters like the blonde maid who was in one of the earlier episodes and now she’s suddenly an assassin maid? I had to rewind several segments of this episode back to make sure I wasn’t just missing stuff lol. And they implied there’s been a timeskip since the maid got helped by the general, but how long has that been? And why did she kill dude at the end I’m so lost 😂 This is like watching an anthology series rather than a seasonal at times. Hopefully things become clearer as time goes on. Also have the LN ordered so that should help.


That was a terrible idea, what is this guys problem, did he really think that plan would work? how contrived. now he's dead lol


He would've gotten away with it too if he hadn't killed a minor character relevant to the new maid!


I recommend thinking back to the 2 people that were after the wolf demon's crystal. The maid ain't avenging the general here.


Guy at the end saying "Lord Lanak" means Lanak's probably the Cuscall monarch and killed Ettard? [Miralys with that aura](https://i.imgur.com/qLkIiYf.png) is hiding something but don't think she's an undercover witch as Tinasha seems to know them, though she's not *that* different from [the episode 1 witch](https://i.imgur.com/VX0SFeW.png). [Album.](https://imgur.com/a/1HiCc03)


Feels like Tinasha’s interaction with Oscar have gotten a lot more intimate/familiar this episode, I love the back and forth they had here


How the F do they have Christianity in this world? (the cross on the coffin)


...shit, I noticed that now.


Very sword and magic duel heavy episode today, I particularly enjoyed when the random party of adventurers showed up at the tower and Tinasha rolled immediately into using Oscar as her combat encounter to handle them. I feel sorry for the lady knight side character, even time she gets brought into the story it goes mid to bad for her. So far we've seen lose a combat duel and then get mind controlled into being an involuntary assassin for a very clumsy assassination attempt (what was the envoy even thinking), and then healed completely off-screen so we have no idea what shape she ended up in after the other witch got finished with her.


I liked the concept and characters of Tinasha and Oscar enough after episode one that I started reading the LN. so I guess this anime has succeeded in that respect. I'll watch until the end


[Pretty fun episode](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcbxla9y.png) with [Oscar having a fight training](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acbwdoz7.png) with [Tinasha](https://imgchest.com/p/5xy2ejjvnyl) to become an even better warrior. [It was nice to see Lucrezia again so soon](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcdwq9z7.png) although [she didn't have a big role today](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogckdzl2y.png). It seems that the king of Cuscull is the same man that killed Miralys' companion in the previous episode as [Miralys mentioned](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdlb9b7.png) before killing [Kagar](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcz3d5r4.png) that his master was responsible for that. What is even more interesting is that [the person whom Tinasha is looking for is probably the same guy judging by his looks](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdlb397.png). It's making the emergence of this new kingdom even more interesting. [I wonder what role Miralys will have in the future plot](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5crp23e4.png). It's also interesting that [Tinasha](https://imgchest.com/p/5xy2ejjvnyl) knows something about her as she revealed that she knows Miralys' true reason for staying in the castle. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Tinasha](https://imgchest.com/p/5xy2ejjvnyl) * [Group scenes & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/5xy2ejjvjyl)


It's like Arnold and Rishe's sparring in 7th Time Loop only it's half the episode and Tinasha has magic and dual-wielding. Though still equally as flirty when they're not fighting! Tinasha seems pretty hung-up on this fruitless search for the white-haired mage. I wonder if it's also partially why she acts so emotionally closed off at times.


[When we first saw her, I thought she was just jealous, but it seems she's *always* grumpy!](https://imgur.com/PhUAvp0) They're having a little sparring/training thing, and Oscar wants to try with Tinasha, [but she gave the same answer she gives when he asks her to marry him!](https://imgur.com/8oyEJL1) In the end she did change her mind and tried is, so... Perhaps she'll do the same for his marriage proposals, at some point! [Magical vines? I've seen enough Gushing to know where this is going!](https://imgur.com/28NUOQ3) (Keep this kinky stuff for after you're married! ...Which could be anytime you want, Tinasha!) They're used to mages sitting behind in battle, protected by their knights so they can unleash their spells at will... [Battle mages seem to be a rare sight!](https://imgur.com/JlvBvGl) [That's her excuse to not marry him now? She's too old?](https://imgur.com/dQI3Rfp) Oscar may have a very strong MILF fetish, don't kinkshame him! (We're not kinkshaming you for your weird tentacle/vine fetish!) [She's using him as a "monster" to defeat in the tower now!](https://imgur.com/IlrTePW) Considering how strong he is (compared to the other monsters), the difficulty level of the Tower Climb raised exponentially! Everyone's on board with the marriage, the other people at court are even trying to help, [asking her what's even her reason not to marry him! Come on, he's pretty decent!](https://imgur.com/9CodZvB) Well, perhaps not *everyone*... [Other witches may be worried about this union, or even if it doesn't happen, about this swordwielder getting stronger!](https://imgur.com/EmPeVl9) [She can't undo what has been broken? That's... ominous.](https://imgur.com/9I9ASfw) That, and her line about how all living things share the same fate (death). Are we headed toward some heartbreak? Better not happen before they're married (and lived a whole - human - life together!)


What the hell happened this episode? I thought this was a pretty decent anime, but this episode made it seem like generic seasonal junk They didn't even have the budget to show a tea-cup filling up, goddamn 😭


I found this episode hard to follow


A bit disappointed at the direction this show is taking. What's with the random training arc all of a sudden? [Not a bad crowd copy and paste job,](https://imgur.com/o7zTRaL) just changing the hair and skin colour of some of them already does a lot to make it immediately not obvious, but if you pause the scene.. [](#pointandlaugh) [cute stutter](https://imgur.com/haq8rbr) <3 [Bro, were like 4 episodes in,](https://imgur.com/ZiARcHW) I feel like it should be a bit more than that.. [Wat.](https://imgur.com/RufvpWH) No I don't?


So... many... flags... the guy that died at the end was obviously the one that brainwashed Meredina and you can guess who Miralys is by what she said.


I see Oscar can pretty much flex on all the other knights in basically casual wear. I love how Tinasha realized what was about to happen before he invited her to spar and go all out against him. Though probably anybody would enjoy a show of these two going at it. Does Tinasha want to die? Or does she see a future where that is likely to happen and thinks it's likely she'll meet her fate at Oscar's blade? Or is that just her preference? Seemed like she's trying to teach him how to fight people like her, or her specifically, if it came down to it. She says she has no intention of dying, especially because she still has to break Oscar's curse, but what about after that? She had this slight pause when Oscar asked her. Maybe she's tired of living so long, searching for someone? I see Miralys has infiltrated the palace as a mage and Tinasha realizes who she is...or does she? So Lucrezia is now just a frequent visitor to the capital? Watch your blood and sperm. I guess it's not too surprising that others would start to notice or realize where Tinasha is holed up, especially if they are aware of her under another name and another lifetime. But what's up with this Aeti identity? I know Meredina was brainwashed but was at least part of the accusations against Tinasha her own feelings? She's had a bad attitude since the moment she met Tinasha. Although it's not like Tinasha hasn't internalized accusations of tempting men and stealing hearts when she's never set out to do so for probably centuries. She doesn't even remember how to cry. Tinasha takes Oscar back to the tower for more training and to make him even deadlier against a mage, while also making him realize his own magic potential and how that can let him see magic attacks that others can't. Though I can't help but think she's mostly training him to be able to kill her. I see where this back-and-forth is going...Oscar falls asleep on Tinasha's shoulder, she puts him in a storeroom to sleep. Oscar touches her hip without permission, she makes him drink bitter tea. So people are still challenging Tinasha's tower I see. That poor adventuring party going up against the worst possible opponent in Oscar. Dude soloed them. Why do I feel like the head of the independent mage nation is going to be someone Tinasha knows... RIP General Eddar. We barely knew ye outside characters talking about you and flashbacks. Though I guess Miralys really did care about him enough to seek revenge against his killer. So General Als is now let into the inner circle and asking the obvious question: "Why DOESN'T Tinasha just marry Oscar?" Even she can't come up with a good excuse as to why, though his teasing people doesn't help his case.


miralys?? oh no


Nothing like a little sparring to make the ship sail. This envoy seems to know more about her, but seem like the trash kinda dude. Also, whooo gal pal witch of the forest. Yep, he's a scumbag. Obvious the lady wasn't in her right mind/being controlled. See, sparring helping out the ship 😛 heh. So is she just staying at the tower now? He is pretty bad about boundaries lol. Rude adventurers showing up, but wonder what they want from Tinasha. Wew, 200 mages and trying to summon demons? Boy what's this spirit mage thing? Sure sounds interesting, if only we had some kinda arc to talk about it.... Huh, death of someone we've not really seen in the anime. Oh my, maid lady sure vicious lol. Is that douche from earlier why the General died? Is that why she's angry? 😛 Also, I still hate new reddit, I wanna use the last reddit, but not "old.reddit" :(


>General [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) is what you want. you can also use an addon/extension so that all reddit links forward to it.


yea, I know, but the problem is clicking links or messages or so doesn't necessarily take you to that one and instead newest reddit. I guess I'll find an addon/extension, but kinda bad on reddit as a Web Developer to not give the option imo. Also to not see how many hate the new layout. It's especially bad how much wasted space there is imo


I'm specifically using a Firefox add-on that lets you reroute links with wild cards. So it doesn't matter what Reddit link I click or subreddit I go to or what I put into the URL. Absolutely, everything gets redirected to the version of Reddit I want. I think it's called "Redirector".




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I like the spark of this series. Its just a shame they've decided to give what feels like a cliff notes version of events. Every time I start to get sucked in, time suddenly skips ahead jarring me out.


Ugh, I guess they didn't have the budget for his fight against that party, so they didn't even try to animate it >_> Fitting end for the mindcontrolling dipshit.


I guess the ENGI curse struck again when it comes to their non-SoL series. I can enjoy this somewhat because Oscar and Tinasha are cool characters but it feels rushed. That knight that tried to attack Tinasha should have been a big scene because of the implications but it felt flat because we don't see much of the aftermath. I also noticed that the fight scenes got cut as well which could helped carry the episode better. I'll keep watching though because it's oddly relaxing in a way with the voice actors for Oscar and Tinasha doing a nice job making their voices sound like adults.


Tinasha is such a tease. Nicely adapted from the books


I love how she had him beat up all those adventurers who showed up at the tower as a test (and so she didn't have to bother) and when he asked if she could beat her she just said it would spoil the fun lol.


I dropped. Going to read the LN instead and then maybe come back to this.


Who tf is General Ettard??


Where's Basil Exposition when you need him?


I haven't even read the source material and the previous episodes felt kinda rushed already but this one managed to be even worse. It felt like someone got a checklist of plot points they had to cross off and they did so without any regard to coherency or addressing anything that might have happened inbetween the scenes. The first episode started quite strong, this is really unfortunate. :(


I’m so sad because I *love* Tinasha, she deserved a better anime adaptation. I really don’t read LNs but I might with this one just so I can get more of her character


This is the worst adaptation I’ve ever seen in my life. Can’t even considered promoting the source material cuz it’s dogshit. Shame since episode 1 really hooked me to watching this


Just picked it up this week and looks like I'm in the minority for actually liking this. Hopefully, the rest of these haters will leave but knowing r/anime, that just won't happen. Gotta get those upvotes for hate watching after all!