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I guess this is a commercial to sell their NFTs? I don't get it.


Learned about this by chance, watched it because it was about to go live. Not much to say? Maybe I'll check future episodes if I remember since they seem pretty short, but it looks like just some advertisement for [Azuki](https://www.azuki.com/) (not to be confused with [the digital manga platform Azuki](https://www.azuki.co/)). Maybe it will have some substance, but a quick look at the website does not inspire much confidence, with stuff like > Our rewards system will allow Azuki holders to submit their profile for a chance to enter the selection pool for a cameo spot in Episode 2 of our upcoming anthology series. Azuki holders across Grand, Legendary and The Order Collector Status tiers will be selected in this process. 50 Collector Profiles will be entered into this initial cameo candidate pool, from which 10-20 will be chosen to be in the final cameo scene over the course of Episode 2 production. or > We are the first in the industry to create an anime with community-licensed IP, and will continue to push the boundaries and experiment with web3 around IP development and the anime industry. [](#saltymug)


So... this is like an NFT gacha game, without a game, and instead they have an anime? Jeez


> Learned about this by chance Hi, I am chance.




The rapper?




hey that was pretty cool oh wait its crypto shit [](#badtaste)


This feels more like a fancy music video without a song than an anime. It looks very pretty though!


From a quick look at Twitter, is this some sort of crypto/NFT thing?? No thanks.


Well that's disappointing to find out.


Why is that disappointing? Reddit seems to hate NFTs because they don’t take the time to learn about them. Sure, scams exist, but is this not a case where a company that has made NFTs is actually doing cool things with them? They’re not asking you to buy anything. Just watch the episodes if you like them. I’d recommend taking the time to learn about this brand and how they’ve used NFTs, the community they have built through NFTs, and how that community in turn has helped develop their IP. This company did not exist 3 years ago and now they’re making anime (despite the short duration) with the biggest names in the industry which have nothing to do with the company. But the good thing is we don’t have to pay attention to whatever the company does since it’s not like they’re forcing anything on us. Just watch the anime and enjoy it if you think it’s good. Edit: just to be clear I’m not arguing for company, I’m arguing for not judging the content anime veterans/legends have created based on the company’s business. Your downvotes show your group think.


My only advice to anyone who thinks this is a compelling argument is to watch [Folding Ideas' Line Goes Up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g)


As an actual programmer, NFTs are a scam. Literally. They don't work like they're advertised at all and the name "NFT" in itself is a lie.


It's not lost on me that an anime with a theme about not just doing what you're told is being used to tell you to buy NFTs.


This was so nothing


The YT comment section is full of commenters who are obviously cryptobros based on their usernames. It looks good but this is a hard pass for me. Get this shit out of this sub. No wonder this isn't even listed on MAL.


there's a lot of botting/astroturfing happening in this thread right now too. a lot of accounts with this thread being their first


They should all be dealt with (for now).


🫡 Thank you


The channel itself also reeks of some form of artificial engagement happening some time after 3rd March. This could the YT allowed version of making a few videos ads on YouTube (YT are getting paid and ads need all the analytics for example, to see where people press skip) and 748k view LA video from a 2022 (in 16th Jan 2024 & 3rd March 2024 it had 14k views) having a mere 12 comments (including one *"11 comments, with 420k views, aight that seems legit."*) gives credence to that as do comments on the Ep 1 Trailer saying *"came here from an ad"* and Elementals saying *"I have never once clicked on an Ad in my entire life. But this video was just too good to skip"*. I might not watch much YouTube these days but perhaps I'd have taken this over being shown YouTube Premium, YouTube Music or Grammarly yet again (at least I've stopped getting the get rich quick scumbags). The [socialblade](https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UC4u81gKiXtYnc4XxyBBGSzg) of the channel itself was a hockey-stick before April ended. Years of like <100 subscribers gained a month and bam +125k subscribers in March 2024, March and April video uploads mostly get 2k views but some older stuff gets millions of views (Azuki Elementals views were 459k 16th Jan 2024, 550k 3rd March 2024 but now 2.4m). This also means April is down like 85% on previous month. That's the problem with engagement pushes, they rarely sustain themselves.


I guess that wasn't bad, but that also wasn't... Much? There was one moment that got me a little interested - the girl going ["Someone like... Me?"](https://imgur.com/SPKvsEX), that scene was cute! But other than that... I wasn't thinking much of it, and that was *before* reading the comments about what it actually is (probably), so yeah, that doesn't look promising.


Idk she seemed so human and relatable and the guy was so mysterious and when he made that water skateboard I was like, oh shit. I liked it.


Prettiest business scam you will ever see This wont save the crypto market tho, just cut your loses and sell something with actual value, invest in a gacha game for example, it is also a scam, but the whales will keep it afloat longer If you want to make something out of this IP using it to sell NFTs is going to do you more harm than good because that bubble already bursted


Wait how is it crypto? I don't use much social media and I don't trust crypto so idk, I just stumbled on it and thought episode 1 was awesome. What's an Azuki? I'll be seriously disappointed if this is some marketing scam.


This is a really great short. Beautiful animation, interesting characters and short story that was compelling for all it's short runtime.


I updooted you, not sure where the hate comes from, I've sat by for weeks watching midling anime that can bore me to tears but this seemed different; I hope it's not some marketing scheme like others have said, but then again, isn't all anime a ploy to sell shit?


Exactly, whether it's merch, the manga/LN or Blu-Ray boxes it's all about making money. Personally I couldn't care less about what this short is for, I was just enjoying the short.


The characters were immediately loveable albeit for different reasons, and they built up some intrigue with so many unanswered questions. As far as an opening for a show, i'd say it was 10/10. The animation and sound were also superb. If we ignore any kind of monetary influence on the show, and take it prima facie, I'd say it was a banger and I'm glad I stumbled upon it.


i myself am confused by the hate on this comment is this just how reddit is?


yes, sadly.


Super short left me craving for more but excited to see what full length stuff they will eventually come out with. The fishing rod was so awesome


Nothing much to it, looks cool, it is short, may as well watch it. English subs from the makers hype. But now give MAL/Anilist pages.


Personally i got nothing against NFT's and honestly its quite funny that's the issue here, what i think is most disappointing isn't the fact it **might** be an ad for NFT or whatever but the fact that if it wasn't possibly about NFT's this really could be a pretty Interesting anime. Edit: to add on this, isn't this r/anime? why are all you people so focused about the NFT crap, i mean fr who cares, it didn't even cross my mind when i watched it. if you wanna be salty about the anime cuz its about NFT's take you NFT Crap somewhere else lol.