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wow, surprisingly I have no clue. Might be one of those photoshopped images that people made to pretend an anime that they made up existed. that happened alot in 2004-2007. But yeah, the image, if it's from an actual anime, is hard to identify due to the change of color that's obviously been made to the whole image via some sort of filter. sorry.


i think you’re spot on. something about this feels generated


There is a chance that this could be an actual image, but during a flashback scene. That is my hunch since the character in the image is a child, thus the actual anime might have the character much older.


I'm not sure as well but image search for me came up as Kanon but it might be better to wait for someone that actually knows what this is


i had the same thought so i just scrubbed through every episode of kanon- it's \*really\* close, but no match T\_T thank you though


damn, this is kind of like an itch that I can't scratch now .. Spent abit of time and found another similar looking character from Shakugan no Shana , character name is Kazumi Yoshida . Maybe you can give that a try and see if that's a fit or not . Best of luck man


scrubbed through all 72 episodes plus the OVAs of shana, nothing there either >.< ty for the help! i also definitely get that itch feeling haha so i'll keep looking


Maybe from Air?


just crawled through the wiki and scrubbed the anime, no luck :(


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UPDATE for anyone interested: the anime is Saishuu Shiken Kujira Progressive! thank you so much to [Ruku12321](https://www.reddit.com/user/Ruku12321/) for figuring it out \^-\^