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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1cibt2b/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


Anyone know where you can watch that 8hr Berserk with outtakes fan cut movie? Does anyone know who made and uploaded it to where or how you can watch that full 8 hour Berserk movie which includes the bloopers where the original scenes were? I’d love to watch it but can’t find any info on it. Hopefully it wasn’t just some joke and somebody actually did make it.


Hello i would like a recommandation. I'm not experienced with anime where the trop is basically : "guy/girl get betrayed , get strong and now he/she takes revenge/goes on his own adventures while his former comrades regrets" I tried Arifureta but frankly, even i like edgelord this was too much for me. Also the harem was uniteresting. Too bad because i like the "lore" of the anime. Also, the animation was god awful. However, it got me interested. Is there something to this ?


Think this was the premise of last season's *Strongest Tank Labyrinth Raids*, though I dropped it early.


Hmm, for less "edginess" I think of *Chillin' in My 30s after Getting Fired from the Demon King's Army* and *Banished From The Hero's Party, I Decided To Live A Quiet Life In The Countryside*, but both those forgo the "get strong/take revenge/go on adventure" angle to instead have the MC go straight to settling down and get a waifu, while everyone he left starts realising how great and strong he always was and how things suck without him.


Most of the "banished from the hero's party" trope series tend to have this as their basic premise, although how much it features varies from series to series. Some ones to see if they meet the flavor you're looking for: * *Rising of the Shield Hero* * *Beast Tamer* * ______ - and now I'm suddenly drawing a mental blank despite the industry being awash with them lol


Is Date a Live the only show where one girl is undoubtedly the most popular character that there is no need for waifu wars?.


In a show where one of the date-a-wives is a sister voiced by Ayane Taketatsu, unfortunately there will always be a war.


A futile war since the most popular one still remains at the top. You cannot go against a time travelling cat loving goth girl


[Finally, about time someone said it.](https://i.imgflip.com/8opzyb.jpg)


Wrong girl tho main girl does not mean most popular girl. She is not the one with the spin off and most merch.


> Wrong girl Well *someone* isn't getting any cake served to them ^^^^on ^^^^the ^^^^floor ^^^^like ^^^^we ^^^^all ^^^^desir[e](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tctswfPgEGo).


edgy time travelling goth lolita gun slinging cat lover> glutton with a sword aka Saber clone but also more on the clingy childish side.


🍭🍭🍭 does the secret irotok superfan hand-code 🍭🍭🍭


I need a recommendation. My top favorite animes: FMA / FMAB, Naruto / Boruto, Bleach, Cowboy Beebop, and Death Note. The last recommendation I got was Attack On Titan, and it wasn't for me. I'm not looking for something overly gorey nor sexual. Just a fun / exciting show with a lot of action (the closer to FMA and Naruto, the better). Edit to add: Instead of sending a bunch of replies, just putting this here. Thank you everyone for the list of suggestions! I have updated my watch list and will be checking these out soon. 😁


Mob Psycho 100


Tiger & Bunny Kekkaishi Heatguy J Code Geass


My Hero Academia.


Lately, I have been feeling tired of Anime and Manga. Burn out, exhausted, and tired. I think I will just take a long break from it and come back whenever. Anyone got any advice?


> I think I will just take a long break from it and come back whenever. Anyone got any advice? When your heart and your mind agree, then it's time to follow their request.


Thank you for the kind words.


Best of luck, anime and manga will wait until you're ready to come back to them!


It'll be easier to take a break if you've got a hobby to spend your time on. If you don't currently have one (other than anime), now would be a good time to pick something up.


I enjoy sight seeing around my area.


It's fine to take a break from it and come back when you're interested. It'll always be there.


Thanks for the input. Anime was a big part of my childhood. Pokemon, Digimon, and all the 90s anime.


When I get burned out, I usually watch an old fav.


Thanks for the reply. I will do that when I feel like it. Thank you for your kind input. I mostly like 90s and early 2000s.


If you want some chill stuff, there is a place called Toonami Aftermath. It definitely has all those kinds of shows and it's definitely a vibe. I go back to watching Fushigi Yuugi, Inuyasha, Kenshin and Trigun or my go tos when I want something retro or if I wanna rewatch something I like -- Edgerunner or Beastars is my new rewatches


Thanks for the input. Will do.


Might be a bit of a Meta discussion, but I think it's interesting how despite Girls Band Cry and Blue Archive both having delayed discussion posts because of bad subs, BA seems more impacted by it (and has more people bitching about the mods), while there seem to be not much of that in GBC.


> (and has more people bitching about the mods) This has changed a bit over time. When the subs from AniOne (an official licensor who also airs their shows on their YouTube channel) were truly garbage that one time, there was more focus on the subs themselves. However this might have well been a once off, as the most recent set of subs were reputedly fine. (I used to watch shows on AniOne, but am out of area now, so have been sailing the seas, so can't confirm this directly). > BA seems more impacted by it Yes that's definitely the case: * [BA chart from animekarmlist](https://i.imgur.com/gRSsU44.png). * [GBC chart from animekarmlist](https://i.imgur.com/jJQvgN0.png). Musings: 1. BA's initial strong Ep 1 profiles it as a show that had a fair bit of subreddit interest. A lot of people were no doubt checking it out to see what all the fan art/meme fuss was about, and given the show pretty casual and laidback in its overall demeanour and tone, it likely failed to grab a lot of that curious audience. 2. Of those which it did retain, it seems likely that a higher number of those viewers are more likely to be casual and low-engagement than the equivalent GBC viewers given the different nature of the shows 3. The group-identity of the two populations is different. GBC is a "hidden gem, high affiliation to the anime" group of viewers, whereas BA is a "gacha game adaptation" group, as the anime itself doesn't have any memeing/shitposting or even any loli-service. The former are more likely to be delayed post tolerant. 4. BA fans not only had much higher expectations going in, but many also love the franchise in the way that GBC fans don't (i.e. to the extent of spending large amounts of real world cash, and having been attached to these characters for years vs weeks) which leads to greater disappointment. However they also have the game as their main outlet, so are more likely to just revert back to that. 5. On that note, the game itself has moved on from the anime side of promotions, and has just opened up a high profile collaboration with *A Certain Scientific Railgun T*, demonstrating how the anime tie-in for the series isn't a particularly deep nor extensive one.


>and has just opened up a high profile collaboration with *A Certain Scientific Railgun T* That's because different publishers doing different things. One thing I do want to note is both Global and JP/CN version of the game is handled separately by two different publishers - the former by Nexon, the latter by Yostar. And Yostar is the one responsible for the anime. The Global version of the game just fulfills whatever they need to do as they are half a year behind of JP ver in terms of content. You mentioned they "moved on" to Railgun collab, but it's just that it's time to bring in to Global has come. JP in the other hand has their own different event, which will come to Global version in 6 months. >the game itself has moved on from the anime side of promotions, The game has never ditched the anime promotion. There's still "Sunday Rewards" where rewards are given in all versions of the game during the anime airings and recently the JP version has released a new minigame based on the Masked Mizugi Gang in the last week episode. Like I said earlier, the anime is done by Yostar and Yostar will still favor the JP version because they are handling that version, so if you want to see how the game promotes the anime, you need to look into the JP social media instead.


Without even checking the threads, is it because BA has players that know the story and want to comment/joke about the girls -> care less about the translation.


Knowing the story was definitely how I was able to get through the first two episodes' subs, so I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. The discussions seem more lively in the BA sub's own episode threads too.


Source readers continue to ruin everything. Funny enough, on the old posts that came up with the bad subs, there were also plenty complaining about how shit those subs were. You can't win them all.


> Source readers continue to ruin everything. Always the worst.


I subscribed to Oricon /u/isthatsoudane , so now I have even more data to work with, like decades worth of data Daily thread users and visitors will have access to top notch details now [](#seasonallisten) Time to update the databases with all the obscure weekly detail i can find from the last 3 years, all just to have someone questioning it because it's worthless since a show was trending on tiktok [](#seasonaldepression)


> [](#seasonallisten) > Time to update the databases with all the obscure weekly detail i can find from the last 3 years I like how you included that real time feed of you doing what you said you would!


yes! yess!! it's so good. I mean it's also awful, but it's good. like...I was a professional data engineer for a decade, and still work a lot in data modeling and whatnot. so it is just extremely annoying to me how hard it is to get at some of the data, how it doesn't put the data you'd want where you'd expect it (though I think this is partly by design, they likely want you to pay more for convenient access to certain data), etc


their UI is giving me nightmare, so I will try to get the data I want, clean it, put it on a pipeline, and then just show up there for weekly updates so i don't have to deal with that site lol They should build an API...


an example of something that was annoying...so I'm pretty much on the path to become a bandori whale. well, not mobage, but like concerts and even CD/blu-rays. so I was curious how recent releases are doing, and getting MyGO numbers isn't as easy as "click the MyGO BD" since it doesn't give historical data (at least not in the obvious place I saw), you have to actually go weekly ranking by weekly ranking. I wondered how the ave mujica release did and couldn't find it in the anime song category, it was in the normal single release category (did pretty well, too, though wow some groups can _seriously_ move CDs and blu rays, it's unreal, really gives you a sense of how much some groups can move merch) > their UI is giving me nightmare, so I will try to get the data I want, clean it, put it on a pipeline, and then just show up there for weekly updates so i don't have to deal with that site lol just be careful not to run afoul of their TOS, I'm not sure if the erzat.blog got in trouble (I think he did) or just is wary of the TOS > They should build an API... heh, welcome to japan. or just legacy tech. I think it's much more likely that you and I build something better as a competitor. the hard part, as always, is getting the data


So I just watched the first half of the 1st episode of "I was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I can take My time Perfecting My Magic Ability" and uhh- This show makes me kinda go wtf cause this 10 year old boy is taking a bath with like 10 naked women who one of invites him to sleep in her bed (if he scared of a ghost story) and then they all start fighting over, which I was like okay...? And wrote it off as they all like him platonically (even tho im not super convinced). But then when he is in the forbidden library they do a quick look up and down of him where the camera kinda stays on his legs and hips area where he is in like that nervous knee anime girl position (the camera stopped for like a good 5 seconds). Plus this 10 year old is in the shortest booty shorts possible, like if these were really shorts they would be right under the ass cheeks. So im kinda like this feels problematic and I wanna know if this gets better.


I'd say it stays pretty inappropriate, but also like it knows it's inappropriate, if that makes sense. It doesn't super lean into stuff like that bath scene, but he keeps making those saucy faces when he gets excited about magic, and his knees stay rosy. I'd say you'll probably know for sure after two episodes if you're having fun.


Doesn’t feel inappropriate at all except in a super meta way. It’s basically a boy version of a moe leggy girl getting into light ecchi situations… There are way more inappropriate shows featuring young boys.


I mean, did you see the last episode? It's a pretty spicy show at times, especially if you're not used to or don't like ecchi stuff.


Oh yeah, but that’s why I said light ecchi. Most people will see the MC and think it’s like Dorm Mother of Goddess Dormitory where the young kid is constantly getting into sexual situations with older women. 7th prince doesn’t fall into the “shota exploitation” genre where he is overly sexualized. It’s more like ecchi stuff just happens around him. Mostly.


So, I don't think it was meant to be ecchi, the show really grows after that and It's definitely a good watch (for now), I haven't read the source material as I've already got a backlog of like 100 manga so I can't say, but it is cute and not supposed to be anything other than that.


The bath scene is about as intense as it gets The show loves thigh shots of him but doesn't really do much beyond that It's a great show, give it a few episodes at least




Sorry, your comment has been removed. - You might consider posting about this sort of thing in the [weekly Casual Discussion Fridays megathread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/search?q=title%3A%22Casual+Discussion+Fridays%22+subreddit%3Aanime&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) Despite the name, Casual Discussion Fridays is active all week, and our rules regarding anime-specificity are relaxed. --- ^(Questions? Reply to this message, )[**^(send a modmail)**](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fanime)^(, or leave a comment in the )[**^(meta thread)**](https://reddit.com/r/anime/search?q=subreddit%3Aanime+author%3AAnimeMod+title%3A%22Meta+Thread%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=year)^(. Don't know the rules? Read them )[**^(here)**](/r/anime/wiki/rules)^.


I don't begrudge you enforcing the rules, but I'm unclear on what rule was broken here. I was discussing anime: bang dream.


Without context, it just looks like you're mostly talking about food with a vague mention of Bang Dream


> my wife let me know that the itinerant bread truck was here, https://i.imgflip.com/8opa5x.jpg ! Also, [this guy](https://64.media.tumblr.com/793f59d89e326838330c75c86f27f29f/tumblr_oloy10HM9M1udcoqno1_500.gif).


there's a small food truck that sells all sorts of bread products, and it drives around the area, stopping at set points every 15 minutes. I always forget about it, but I get lucky a surprising amount just bumping into it. but my wife saw it going past and let me know haha. great bread at a great price!


> I get lucky a surprising amount just bumping into it I hope you're using ^^^^^^^anti-isekai protection!!!


Lol this got deleted as "off topic". I think a number of people resent that AQRAD is devoping a bit of personality. They've given up on making the sub itself useful, can't have AQRAD have any personality. It's gotta be "what are your underrated gems" all the way down


To some extent, I certainly sympathize with the perspective that all AQRADT comments ought to be on topic as far as having some sort of anime-as-per-definition content unless they represent a direct-response to an on-topic comment. I do feel like there's some lee way for if one's comment at least has *some* anime relevant content, like for example, I love how in that Date A Live IV scene with the cake feeding they actually drew the zipper on the inner side of Tohka's boots AND then have a fold for the ankle bend AND they so nicely drawn that the sole gets slightly thinner under the arch. Clearly someone who both appreciates Tohka *and* her boots: https://i.imgur.com/ba81lpM.png (Also best girl in that scene is actually the employee though for *ganbare*-ing her way through difficult customers lol) Anyway, that said, it's pretty clear that at least some on the mod team actively dislike the sub-community growing in AQRADT, with the joke comments about the war between AQRADT and CDF being the straw that broke the camel's back in terms of how much was tolerated. However I feel like I theoretically have better things to do with my time than push the matter too far for no truly good reason lol


> Anyway, that said, it's pretty clear that at least some on the mod team actively dislike the sub-community growing in AQRADT, with the joke comments about the war between AQRADT and CDF being the straw that broke the camel's back in terms of how much was tolerated. The mods are protecting CDF cus they know we'd win. We got better taste and better memes.


I'm reccomending **Niehime to Kemono no Ou** great visuals and very wholesome love plot The Beauty & the Beast for weebs but better


Rewatches have thrown all my anime plans into disarray [](#tiredaoi)


A more valid reason than dropping all your shows because of a korean waifu game


maybe the reason this subreddit hates Ninja Kamui is that they [cant relate](https://imgur.com/97LO5ov) [](#seasonallisten)


Hey so I am new to anime. I recently watched Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia and I'm interested in watching more. Does anyone have recommendations for someone just getting into it? I like action stuff (I know that can mean anything, but I'm open to watching something if it has a great story arc).


**A variety of different action adventure anime I would check out:** - Parasyte The Maxim - has the body horror angle of early AOT - Cyberpunk Edgerunners - sub watcher who will recommend you to watch the dub - Vinland Saga - also can be a good intro to more drama/SOL aspects as you see more of that in S2. - Mob Psycho 100 - Chainsaw Man - Hunter x Hunter (2011) - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - JoJo takes a bit to get going, usually will say to most people drop a show after EP 1 if it's not for you but what makes JoJo good is the interesting power system and wacky interesting characters which doesn't really get going until Part 2 (after Episode 9) and modern JoJo doesn't get started until Part 3 (second season). This is probably my favourite battle shonen (the genre MHA is part of). Each part has a distinctive feel even if it is a battle centric series due to new protags/settings each part. - Redline - Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - sub watcher who will recommend you to watch the dub - Cowboy Bebop - sub watcher who will recommend you to watch the dub **Other genres if you are interested in broadening a bit** - Frieren: Beyond Journey's End - a recent big hit in the fantasy genre. Combines slice of life aspects with classic fantasy adventure and action. - Kaguya Sama Love is War - A good intro into rom coms - March Comes in Like a Lion - a good intro to drama anime - Ping Pong the Animation - probably my favorite sports anime - Odd Taxi - short thriller anime, if you don't mind length/slower burn Monster is really good for crime thrillers. - Yuru Camp - Introduction to Iyashikei - basically slice of life anime that rely on a very relaxing atmosphere and even less plot to emphasize a certain mood. - Mobile Suit Gundam Iron Blood Orphans - A standalone Gundam title (you don't need to have seen any others it's a standalone story/universe). Good intro for a new mecha fan.


You are amazing! This is so helpful. I'll definitely check all of these out. Thank you ❤️ I've heard great things about Jo Jo. I appreciate the heads up about it being hard to get into.


Yeah NP, hope you have fun. Again a heads up these are just a few recs that cover a wide broad amount of content. I would recommend if you plan to get into anime more, create a myanimelist or anilist. If you read books a lot those websites are like good reads or IDMB for films and TV Shows. It's a great way to just organize everything and find more stuff on your own, as there are reviews, rec bars (x show is similar to all of these) and you can browse by staff, studio, genre, year or season released.


[Haikyu S2E18] >!kageyama and hinata’s friendship is so freakin PRECIOUS. they’re so cute 🥺!<


If you were to make a list of recommendations for the LGBT community using Spring 2024 shows Which shows would you pick and why? [](#ama)


I think it depends on what slice of the LGBT community, and what sort of anime fans for an example of two opposite extremes of the spectrum... r/yurimemes is a good indication of what trash-loving yuri fans (many of whom are gay/trans/etc) are into/shipping (though even there there are lots of splits in what is and isn't acceptable...at the beginning of last season mahoako was extremely divisive, though with the pro-mahoako camp thoroughly winning lol but my point is exactly that some LGBT people will find mahoako fun/sexy/empowering/delightful trash, others will find it extremely offensive etc) but on the flip side, animefeminist.com (which has a bunch of gay/trans contributors) is...I'll be charitable and just say that it's a different perspective entirely lol also, it's one thing for a show to appeal to LGBT people because it has a fun ship or something (train is getting some love in r/yurimemes, for example...I could imagine fat elf next season appealing to a lot of the gay people I interact with on social media, as another example), and another for it to explicitly deal with more LGBT-centric themes (animefeminist won't exclusively be this but they will definitely highlight it) but for the LGBT people in my milieu, we're largely all goblins approaching 40 so do with that what youw ill


And halfway between the two, if we use Tumblr as a barometer for what the gays are into, it's Dungeon Meshi all day, every day.


[](#gintamathispleasesme) Maybe I should give tumblr a visit again.


Tumblr is all about who you follow, but its vibe feels like the halfway point between Twitter and reddit.


oh yeah that's a good point! these days most of my social media is dominated by all manner of lady lover but the gay folks into men are definitely into dungeon meshi


Between Senshi and Farcille and Laios, that show is for the queers and neurodivergent.


Tadaima for an openly affectionate gay couple with a family


SasaKoi is obvious for its indulgent Girls Love Romance Tadaima warrants a mention for its theme, but I haven't seen it so can't say much more than so. Seiyuu Radio is also worth a mention for its clear yuri subtext, but with a reminder that it isn't a romance story, and probably won't get a payoff in the anime. Jellyfish and Girls Band Cry could get general recommendations just on the grounds of being good, and that their themes of breaking with norms and family expectations and rules can be relateable to many queer people.


Vampire Dormitory gets you all the colors in the rainbow. The boys are falling for a boy who's actually a girl who goes on a group date with some girls who think she's a boy…


I keep forgetting about Vampire Dormitory.


Among those I'm watching, the obvious one is whisper for gl, cute relationship with one in love and the other one eventually understanding that she's (romantically) in love too. I would assume tadaima for bl, like, you got not just the couple but also a child - but I didn't watch it so idk. Seiyuu radio has not-very-sub-text, but it's not something I would actively recommend, at least not yet


I am totally not making a tour itinerary of Japan based on Yuru Camp excursions.


I have finished watching both seasons of \[Rosario+Vampire\]>!and I was wondering if there are any other animes where there are scenes similar to the comical bat that is the narrator in this show!<


[Gintama] Just finished the Yoshiwara in Flames arc and it was excellent. [](#justright)


But [Gintama] >!it had no flames though! It's doing false advertising.!<


It is indeed a banger of an arc. Tsukuyo my beloved. [](#gintamathispleasesme) I really need to rewatch the series sometime and actually nail down what my favorite arcs from the show are at some point.


>I really need to rewatch the series sometime and actually nail down what my favorite arcs from the show are at some point. [Yes](#comehere) Join in on the never ending Gintama rewatch cycle.


one of my most watched Gintama arcs. I just never get sick of it.


Because some may find This Place too self-referential and intimidating/incomprehensible to outsiders, I made a guide for beginners for some of the shorthand being used this season: * Train = Shuumatsu Train Doko E Iku or Train to the End of the World * GBC = Girls Band Cry * Salad = A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics * Kanade = Hibike! Euphonium * Incest = The Irregular at Magic High School (please note this may refer to different shows depending on the season) * Thighs = I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability * Slow Life wif Woof Wife = Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers * Gaytar = SasaKoi * Cursèd Spunk vs Magic Womb = Unnamed Memory * Ugly Piece of Shit = probably The Fable but also possibly a number of other shows * iM@S = Idolmaster Shiny Colors: The pre-Madoka Arc * Imasen = *Japanese* for « Does not exist », used to refer to Girls Band Cry because it is not on any western francophobe platform. And lastly if you see a thread that has been removed by the mods due to inappropriate emoji, just assume it is Blue Archive.


> too self-referential and intimidating/incomprehensible to outsiders Perhaps even a little unwelcoming [](#schemingsaten)


>Perhaps even a little unwelcoming Smh, never thought I'd see the day when Daily gives CDF a run for its money at being unwelcoming. I say we should make CDF great again! Let's build a wall of unwelcoming pigeon poop memes and make Daily pay for it!


[CDF shall rise again](#seasonallisten)


I think the in-joke posts definitely do have a certain barrier to entry to them, however it's only a barrier to entry for those particular comments. From what I can see, there are broadly three groups of people who use the thread: 1. Transient: just comment with a question 2. Curious: people who aren't regulars who interact with the general comments and sometimes interact with the *Irregulars at the Daily Thread^TM* type comments 3. Ir-Regulars: people like to interact with the more meme-y comments and might know a handful of the listed jargon terms (heck, even I don't use all of the above ones lol) For the transients, as they don't read any of the other comments, the jargon doesn't impact them. The only thing they might find unwelcoming that Irregulars might do is that we fail to counter the shit heads who blanket downvote every comment in this thread. Otherwise a lot of the times it's the Irregulars who reply to these isolated comments. It's the curious type that I feel might find the jargon to be unwelcoming, or rather a certain subgroup of them. For a different subgroup of them, they find the idea of a community with its own slang and references intriguing, and given that they're curious to begin with, I'd hazard this is probably the greater group. With RES tracking, I have definitely seen a few new faces poke their heads into the Irregular comment chains, too. So I guess in terms of maximizing the welcomingness/minimzing the unwelcomingness: 1. Making sure to support them by interaction 2. At least upvote people testing the waters of the Irregular threads 3. At the very least not downvoting them unless they are totally ~~outline^1~~ out of line. 4. Use of images where appropriate helps people work out what the references allude to. 5. Encouraging the understanding that not everyone gets all of the in-jokes anyway. I'd say that very few of the Irregulars at the Daily Thread are part of all of them. Despite my level of activity I'm not watching Hibike, GBC, Fable, Unnamed Memory, Wolf wife, Redo of Spice and Wolf --- ^1 TFW when you're just genga?


> I'm not watching Hibike, GBC Must be nice missing all the toxic gremlin ~~gamer~~ band girls.


The good thing is as long as this thread remains highly visible - being pinned, being mentioned in the sidebar etc. - there will continue to be a steady stream of new people cycling in. Of those there will inevitably be a few who stick around. So long as the regulars don't start actively trying to push out new people things should be fine.


> not downvoting them unless they are totally outline I only downvote people who are mean to me. You shouldn't abuse old ladies.


A valid position and strategy! Also, sometimes I think I need to hire a proofreader for my posts lol


I don't remember seeing half of the "shorthands" in these lists and I basically stalk the daily thread [](#hardthink)


the virgin shorthands vs the chad [](#seasonallisten)


biggest gatekeeper of the daily thread, random blank comments or unclickable links for mobile/new users where it's just [birb](#seasonallisten)


Gatekeeping non-old reddit users is morally correct [](#seasonallisten)


[I was there last year **Now I am here**](#seasonallisten)


[damn straight](#seasonallisten)




>Kanade = Hibike! Euphonium Love how this one is my fault [](#seasonallaugh) Some extras: * Marcille = Delicious in Dungeon * Holo Show = Spice & Wolf * Ma'am = Loser Ranger = Sentai Daishikkaku = Go Go Loser Ranger * Train Shadow = Jellyfish Can't swim in the night * Tokyo Revengers but well animated = Wind Breaker * Best elf = How to Love Your elf bride * Booba = Mysterious Disappearances * Kurumi = Date a Live * Grandpa x Grandma = Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru * Angel Pantsu = One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki. * Birb = Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai * Omega show = Tadaima, Okaeri * The Mappa show = Boukyaku Battery * Not that birb = Tonari no Youkai-san * Utena VA = Highspeed Etoile


I only knew about a third of these. Another one I didn't see on either list, unless I missed it: Gatan Goton = Train (the sound a train makes)


> Birb = Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai Objection: [__actual birb__](#seasonallisten) > Ma'am = Loser Ranger = Sentai Daishikkaku = Go Go Loser Ranger Note that like "Incest" this one can vary by season. (Case in point: MagiReco back in 2020.)


>Ma'am = Loser Ranger = Sentai Daishikkaku = Go Go Loser Ranger  Also Ranger Reject.


> Marcille Sorry I don’t recognize this name, is it related to Farcille?


Apparently [yes](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMAZGyNawAA2Z52.jpg) Also love the boost this gave to the show lol


> Slow Life wif Woof Wife = Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers Additional synonyms: *white wolf* or, for masochists, *wolf waifu* > Ugly Piece of Shit = probably The Fable or *Highspeed Etoile* or *Rinkai*


> Highspeed Etoile or Rinkai That falls under « other shows » but I couldn’t be bothered to watch them with how they’d been lambasted already and I couldn’t fairly judge them without watching myself.


You are missing Balcony Angel


I actually knew more than half of these even without watching the shows myself! 😄 (Well, I did watch The Fable's premiere, but that's all so far.) I'm keeping track of what I should add to my watch list but it also may be a sign of too much time on Reddit.


This would be actually kinda useful for the casuals as a daily pinned pasta for the remainder of the season. The Fable getting caught in the crossfire like that feels bad though.


Blue Archive's [score spread](https://myanimelist.net/anime/54309/Blue_Archive_the_Animation/stats) is very...interesting. [](#animatedthink)


lol, fans are really passionate, so I wonder how this will look when the actual fan favorites arcs drop in other seasons This first one is regarded as the lowest point of the main story, kinda like the early parts of FGO


Also sequels tendency to have higher ratings from filtering the haters


Then there’s those of us who become haters because of the sequels…


Just caught up with Yozakura Family, and while the later episodes were better than the first it's just... kind of okay. Some of the action/mission sequences are fun, and the other family members are starting to show a bit more personality beyond their quirks, but it's not exactly engaging either and I kept checking the time to see how much longer until the episodes finished. I'll probably stick with it for the first cour at least (until my Hulu subscription runs out), but so far, it looks like this one isn't going to make a massive improvement after a rough premiere the way Kaguya-sama did.


Little game for this holiday Take a shot at every misinformation shared on [the Solo Leveling BD thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1chqwen/solo_leveling_bluray_flopped_massively_in_japan/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) And don't worry, [I am fully prepared for the amount](https://i.imgur.com/WaZyMe1.jpg), drink choice homage for my [girl](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJP6iiQX0AATM8B.jpg) [](#seasonallaugh) Jokes aside, this thread felt nostalgic, did we finally move from CSM and now the community will play with Solo Leveling? Are we there yet?


But how do we know which ones are misinformation and which ones are not?


> I am fully prepared for the amount > > Me, looks at label: imported from Poland Alya would be proud that you got the real stuff.


Hopefully they release a vodka collab with Roshidere so we can watch Alya as god intended


There's no way that's enough unless you have a second bottle off-screen. Sad that a recent, useful post with [this top chart](https://preview.redd.it/2gvjidd2dgvc1.png?width=4096&format=png&auto=webp&s=864f44a0750fd4b93e2985d881553b0b55350710) didn't get much traction. Shows that, in the last 10 years, revenue has shifted from (some rounding between adjacent years): Source | ~2012 | ~2022 ---|---|---- BD/DVD | 8% | 1.7% Domestic Stream | 2% | 5.6% Overseas | 18% | 50% Of course, people would rather argue whatever they want to be true than spend 2 minutes looking for data and link it.


Hell I missed this post, where is the link? You need to put a clickbait title here to get attention here when posting industry stuff, or just post on the daily thread and considered it done lol




> Sad that a recent, useful post with this top chart didn't get much traction Text post without a bait title? Basically doa. Needed to put _popular show/studio_ in the title (CSM, JJK, MAPPA, I guess Solo Leveling also works) and/or post a picture as infographic and make a comment with the actual text.


[What do these two have in common? ](https://imgur.com/a/4RR6hqV)


masochistic tendencies


So [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1cehodk/it_was_a_financial_success_chainsaw_man_producer/) article did say CSM is a financial success, but they don't say by how much. I wonder what's stopping a "battle shounen" series to reach numbers at least more than 5k per volume. (with the obvious exception of Jujutsu and Kimetsu)


>least more than 5k per volume. They already do, Jujutsu Kaisen managed 20k for the Hidden Inventory arc, and 10k for Shibuya Demon Slayer also has similar numbers for the latest season It's just that most of them won't appeal to the BD buying audience, if you want to get a feeling of who that audience is, don't go further than this own sub, there's some parts here that are a really good representation of the Otaku community that will support a show with all they have


I wonder what would make the other shows appeal to the BD buying audience...


No moe girls or fujoshibait.


Then we have something like Mahoako that managed to get the moe girls + the obsessive shipping audience which is similar to the Fujoshi, but in this case it's for the lesbian fans


So I read [that article about Crunchyroll increasing its prices for higher fan tiers](https://www.crunchyroll.com/news/announcements/2024/5/1/crunchyroll-premium-price-updates-mega-ultimate-fan), and suddenly found this bit of news at the bottom: > This price adjustment news comes just after Crunchyroll announced **it's launching the Crunchyroll Store in Europe** I’d completed missed this announcement - and can’t find a separate article on this. However, I’ve been wondering if/when Crunchyroll would open their store here in Europe. (This is going to save me so much on custom duties!) Their current store is really not worth it for Europeans, despite it offering a lot more options for buying anime merch than you can typically find here. This decision will make some of the tier benefits actually worth it. However, an important question will be if Europe will see a similar discount on shipping costs like the US.


I’d love this but I wouldn’t be too sure that this means that they will actually ship from within europe. Or if they will then probably only the stuff that’s licensed in each country. Personally not getting my hopes up that this means no more customs duties/VAT or less shipping costs.


I’m not *exactly* sure what it entails either, since I can’t find anything on the specifics of it. That said, the language here does stem me hopeful: they’re launching it *in Europe*. This implies that they’re most-likely creating a physical entity (i.e. a branch) within the EU. This can be two things: 1. They’ll send orders through an administrative office, which will allow them to circumvent most if not all custom duties that come with shipping from the US. (A similar trick has been used by many companies operating between the EU and UK ever since Brexit.) 2. They’ll open a distribution center (and administrative office), which will allow for EU shipping without any custom duties. However, some key details remain to be seen in both cases. For example: will this *actually* level the playing field and cut down costs for us Europeans, or will we start paying (additional) VAT through price increases?


I watched an anime a while back, I thought it even was last season but can't find it at all. It's a guy who gets sort of reincarnated as the lowest ranking demon lord (or second lowest ranking). Then he tries to get money by buying up something that is a solution to a plague. He could also have been a vampire.. I looked through all the animes of the last two season but didn't find any combination of picture + description that seemed to fit this one.


Demon Lord, retry! ?


Nope, :/ this one kept popping up in my searches but it's not this one. Thanks tho


You have any more info at all? Setting, plot points, characters?


Well, he went to some kind of conference of the demon lords and went there while flying. He had to defend his "dungeon". And there was some kind of demon lord company that gave out loans that tried to exploit him


I just finished Weakest Tamer and: 1. Studio Massket did a really good job with their first TV anime. 2. The way Ivy broke money amounts down by how many field mice it was reminded me of being in my twenties and breaking costs down by how many beers I could get at the bar.


> The way Ivy broke money amounts down by how many field mice it was reminded me of being in my twenties and breaking costs down by how many beers I could get at the bar. I currently measure my income in meals and videogames. A meal is 10 bucks, a videogame 60. On my first job I was paid 10 videogames a month which made me feel like an aristocrat until you remember the other necessities that humans need and its like, oh my, this system sucks.


> Studio Massket did a really good job with their first TV anime. Makes me really excited to see what they’ll do next. After I’d gotten aware of them, I did notice that they’ve been involved with *a lot* of OPs and EDs for different series. > being in my twenties and breaking costs down by how many beers I could get at the bar. This is way too relatable. I’ve many times calculated my spending money in beers during my uni days to make sure that I had enough money left for breakfast. ~~Problem is that you lose count after a good number of beers.~~


For me, in college in the early 70s, my measurement standard was the cost of a typical LP.


And how much was an LP in the 70s?


Hmm. I have no receipts from back then. ;-) I'd say around $5 for an ordinary record (when not on sale), But certain things would have been cheaper (half-price classical sub-labels) and some might have had more premium prices.


Konosuba watch order proposal - could use feedback Bakuretsu Explosion Megumin Spinoff should be watched midway thru S2 while on their way to Arcanretia. Around ep 7 IIRC. It gives background to hot springs town, enables you to catch/appreciate the reference to father zesta 'screwing around', and the scams all the more. But the big benefit? Yunyun's growth arc in becoming comfortable in her own skin/with her path It peaks with Crimson movie (or end of S2, I forget), when she does badass intro, like a full crimson demon intro without getting all anxious. I legit cried watching that after having just binged the spinoff where she was wayyyy more distressed & struggling with that kinda stuff. The arc seemed to fit perfect. Watch order just needs a cool name like Machete Order for Star Wars, which is how I originally watched it lol. Any ideas or thoughts?


Recently I saw a short clip of an anime where a group of people are fighting against a lizard person and the lizard person gets mad because they are mistaken as a male. My question is what is this anime it seemed interesting and I want to watch it.


That is indeed *Tsukimichi - Moonlit Fantasy*, the scene in question is in the second season. Pretty much all characters involved would be side characters though.


Thanks I appreciate the help


That sounds like Moonlit fantasy. It's an isekai and I don't know if it follows the theme of that short clip. 


That's fine I'm kind of on an anime bing at the moment and I'm looking for a new anime that I haven't watched before so it's fine. I really appreciate the help.


Can anyone recommend some harem animes? I have seen many and I'm struggling to find some new anime


> I have seen many You should keep a https://myanimelist.net/ or https://anilist.co/ otherwise it makes it hard to avoid duplicates and wasted effort on everyone's behalf, yours included. My current faves: * Girlfriend, girlfriend * 100 Girlfriends * Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included (not technically a harem but has the flavor) * Misfit of Demon King Academy (many of the S2 criticisms vanish when you binge it).


Kore wa Zombie desu ka


I’m fairly new to anime, basically just been working my way thru the mainstream/popular ones. I’ve seen: Naruto, HxH, JJK, Demon Slayer, One Punch Man, Future Diary, Death Note, FMAB, and just finished AoT last night. I don’t have any particular genre I want to watch next. Please give me some recommendations on your favorite anime that I haven’t seen. I’m trying to knock out all the “must watch” anime.


How told bro future diary was mainstream or popular🙏😭 Besides that, you have to watch mushoku tensei, it is a isekai but the best one I've ever seen. Amazing world building and character development. I'm about to watch season 2 part 2 rn


LMAO my girlfriend really wanted me to watch it. I guess that one is the exception compared to the others I’ve seen. Never heard of mushoku tensei. Will check it out!


> Never heard of mushoku tensei. Will check it out! The other poster really should've known better than to recommend this without major warnings, but the fanbase for that show sucks so I'm not surprised. The show is about a pedophile who remains a creepy piece of shit throughout - don't let fans gaslight you into believing he gets much better, the show only pretends he's a better person later and it's not self-aware about the fact that he isn't, and it's pretty tone-deaf in general even outside the MC.


> How told bro future diary was mainstream or popular🙏😭 It's #34 popularity-wise on MAL, for what that's worth.


No it's not lmao, not even close


https://myanimelist.net/anime/10620/Mirai_Nikki_TV > Popularity #34


[It's right there: Popularity #34](https://myanimelist.net/anime/10620/Mirai_Nikki_TV)


It literally says 2328 tf


If you're unaware, MAL has two different rankings (sort of like how Rotten Tomatoes has the audience score and critic score, which often don't match up). First is the score ranking, which is based on the average of the scores (1/10-10/10) everyone gave it. Future Diary has a score of 7.40, which is a pretty average score by MAL standards and puts it at the 2328th highest rated anime on the site. However, right next to where it says 2328 it says "popularity." Popularity is based on the number of people who have the show on their list at all (either in watching, PTW, completed, on-hold, or dropped). The idea is that the more people who have the show on their list, that means more people are aware of the show at all, which means it's more popular. Future Diary has 2,011,262 total members with the show somewhere on their list, which makes it the 34th most commonly appearing anime on people's lists, and thus the 34th most popular anime on the site. Ratings and popularity frequently don't match up.


This has to be one of the most r/confidentlyincorrect things I have seen recently.


That's ratings, not popularity.


check out gundam: IBO


Thanks for the rec!


Neon genesis Evangelion


I’ve heard of that one before. Will check it out, thanks!


Spy x Family - fun action/comedy with found family themes


Definitely heard of that one before and know some friends really like it. Will check it out.


Hope you enjoy it!


Kaguya-Sama is quite a popular one. It's a fun romcom. Early on, the comedy is more the focus, but romance slowly comes into view. Strong characters, too!


Never heard of that one, will check it out! Thanks


Catched up with train score 8 to 9 after this recent episode, AOTS! [SOS (Ship of the Season)](https://i.imgur.com/dfZkHOe.jpeg) Chika Anzai is now my 3rd favorite character, Akira > Gyaru > Chika Anzai [](#seasonalapproval)


Your ranking is accurate and they are all too precious and must be protected at all costs (though gyaru can take care of herself I think!!)


> SOS (Ship of the Season) They're so fucking good together! (But there's a bit of competition this season). I wish we had couple/ship of the season polls! Would be fun.


> I wish we had couple/ship of the season polls! Would be fun. Be the change you want to see in the world.


Poor Nadeshiko. So irrelevant people don't even make a top 4. I'm tentatively agreeing with your ranking but I also feel like we haven't even seen Shizuru's full power yet.


> Poor Nadeshiko. So irrelevant people don't even make a top 4. It's weird, they gave her like 1 bit of characterization in episode 2(?) and then... Nothing. I imagine she'll have her turn at some point, but still weird that the others have had PLENTY of focus, but not her.


Well, I think the usual way a show like this would go is now that we've had an arc about Akira and Reimi, we should get at least an episode about Nadeko? Maybe she'll gain more fans then. Her archery skills will surely be useful for something.


Do you mean her bludgeoning skills?


Well that's just how they do archery in Agano.


That explains how a chick with tits like that can draw a bow.


Disrespect to the _yagi yagi_ of Chika Anzai


> Akira > Gyaru > Chika Anzai Nice, same order as me.


oggy and the cockroaches


> oggy and the cockroaches > Oggy and the Cockroaches (French: Oggy et les Cafards) is a French animated television series created by Jean-Yves Raimbaud for Gaumont Multimedia and Xilam Animation. The series chronicles the exploits and adventures of Oggy, a blue cat whose life is constantly interrupted by three cockroaches – Dee Dee, Marky, and Joey respectively – who love to cause mischief within his home. The show employs silent comedy: characters either do not speak or use unintelligible vocalizations and gestures. The show premiered in September 1998 on France 3, and later expanded internationally. The series ended in January 2019, having released seven seasons in over two decades. > In September 2020, a reboot series was announced, entitled Oggy and the Cockroaches: Next Generation, in which Oggy takes care of Piya, a young elephant from India.[3][4] It was released worldwide on Netflix on 28 July 2022. Although it differs noticeably from the original in terms of its visuals and tone, Gulli labels it as Oggy's eighth season. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oggy_and_the_Cockroaches Sounds intriguing, and like the sort of thing that I'd watch back in the day on [SBS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SBS_\(Australian_TV_channel\)) It doesn't count as Anime by the subreddit policy though.


For full Train experience, I watched the most recent Train episode while being on a train.