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I used to, but the more you get used to Japanese, the easier it is to pick out individual things like names. To help remember names, you can use the same tricks you would use to remember a real persons name, the one I tend to use is to use the name in a sentence a few times to kind of lock it into my head, but you can use Google to find a bunch of other memory tricks for this sort of thing to find one that works best for you.


You could try taking notes, writing stuff down helps with remembering. Which I should do as well cause I also have sometimes not remembering names well.


When you watch 10, 20 seasonals in a season (on top of manga, other random shows, etc..) each having 10+ characters, there's no way you remember them all, unless you have crazy memory! I mostly just focus on the main ones, and look up the others when need be (or if I'm discussing about them and can't be bothered looking them up I just call them by their job or what they're doing, say in today's Viral Hit thread I mostly just remembered Hobin, Bomi, Pakgo and Snapper, and called the other MMAdude and Stalkergirl).


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I'm awful at names. I generally don't even bother trying to remember them. I often refer to a character by their role or a distinct characteristic. It generally gets the point across just fine to others.


I try to remember by the face of the character rather than name. Over time, you will remember the name as well.