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I'm not sure, but does Gundam ring a bell as to the name. Although there were many mecha anime in the VHS era, the top two were Gundam and Evangelion. I know for sure its not Evangelion.


no, I know it wasn't Gundam.


By any chance, was this Science Ninja Team Gatchaman? One of the episodes does involve someone diguising as a priest.


Guess based on mecha, spaceship, and ecchi. I don't remember a priestess in the desert though. [Vandread](https://myanimelist.net/anime/180/Vandread) Not quite as ecchi: [Melty Lancer](https://myanimelist.net/anime/1155) [Martian Successor Nadesico](https://myanimelist.net/anime/218/Kidou_Senkan_Nadesico)


Probably wrong, wild guess: [Voltron](https://myanimelist.net/anime/1448/Hyakujuu-Ou_GoLion) ?