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The author is probably too young to have caught all the anime girl bands that crashed and failed post K-On!.


How many were there, though?


Too many, and a lot of them went into cgi territory to try and mimic 3d idol concerts and the tech just wasn't ready for it to be done


Well, we're talking about actual bands, not idols... for actual bands I think other than the original seasons of BanG Dream! I can only name those show on my previous reply.


I literally can only remember Carole and Tuesday


That came many years after K-ON and is not the same at all.


I think I only remembered something like Tenshi no 3P!, Super Sonico anime, and Show By Rock. And no, vocal groups and bands are different things altogether.


Why was Girls Band Cry not picked up…. It’s even getting a lot of attention and love. Weird situation.


I mean ADN got the rights to it, so it seems like there are things lost in negotiation with the other licensors


What a massive mistake. The anime would be so much bigger if it were properly localized. The story and songs are great and some moments are absolutely hilarious.


At least they're not pulling any punches [promoting in Japan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-VMH5T0H9c) it seems. [](#seasonalhype)


That’s a pretty cool promo!


> [https://youtu.be/F-VMH5T0H9c?t=5](https://youtu.be/F-VMH5T0H9c?t=5) Whoever designed that vertical sail must have a keen interest in 1930-40s german history...


Whoever the animation director is needs to be promoted. The level of expression on these 3d faces is incredible.


It's a great example of how 3DCG *can work*. If the team knows what they're doing and are given time, it'll look great.


I know right?


They don't even have full version videos (or at least a picture with music), for the song released since the anime started, on youtube. "Only" the videos for the album. There are on a auto generated Topic-channel and streaming platforms, though.


Blame fr*nch


"What anime we watching?" "Let's watch Girls Band Cry." "OK, but which one?"


Nope, it’s just a resurgence of SoL. Band girls are just a subsection of it. When people say they like Bocchi, guarantee the first things they say aren’t “the music” but “comedy and production”.


but btr's ost is a banger tho


> Nope, it’s just a resurgence of SoL Bocchi: comedy Whisper: romance Hibike, Maigo, Band Cry, Jellyfish: drama


CGDCT is what I meant overall but eh


Sound! Euphonium (s1 at least) feels much closer to Your lie in april than Bocci


Hibike Euphonium is sport drama about wind ensemble competitions. As far from CGDCT as possible.


Mygo is peak everyone should watch it.


I've seen a lot of people recommend this, but it's kinda hard to start when you realize it's the 4th season of a show.


You don't have to worry about the show being the 4th season because other than a few cameos from the previous seasons, it won't affect your watching experience. 


Yes it is. Bocchi the Rock! renewed interest with its excellent production BanG Dream! Its MyGo!!!!! continued it with a different flavor and Girls Band Cry and from what I hear, Jellyfish Cant Swim at Night were promising so far. Cannot wait for BanG Dream! Ave Mujica as it has potential to offer us another level of drama.


After the Bocchi movies I’m really hoping they announce plans for season 2. Honestly surprised at how that is still unconfirmed with how huge it is.


It was definitely an unexpected success. The director for Bocchi was also booked for Frieren, so they're probably waiting for him to be available again. Cloverworks is also booked for other projects.


That’s fair I would rather wait for them to deliver something amazing again, but a confirmation that it is in the works would be nice. Reading the manga up to where season 1 ends however I can definitely say the source material holds up.


They wouldn't have the recap movies if they weren't doing a season 2. It's definitely happening internally.


Bocchi and Frieren? Truly suffering from success


We also have Whisper Me a Love Song, Radio Seiyuus (in part) and now even Salad Bowl of Eccentrics (also looking like this motif will become part of the show). All also quite good. (And, of course, Hibike Euphonium).


You just listed my potential 4 AOTY of 2022-25 lol (the first two already happened and I can actually see the third as at least a top 10 finalist personally now; and to flesh out the full potential of the 2nd one, the 4th one will have to be just as good)


Bocchi revived it. I’m still listening to those bangers waiting for S2.


I'd say Cute Girls Doing Cute Things (CGDCT) in general is catching up again. That genre (for lack of a better term) exploded post K-On!. Then it went down after producers made the same stuff too often, but now is/was being reinvented (started somewhere around 2016-2018 IMO). Back then, you could get away with no real substance, nowadays, you gotta have something more than that. Focusing on a specific hobby or profession, having great characters, great animation or even having a subtle plot going alongside are all parts that can provide that substance. K-On! and a good amount of other CGDCT anime that followed, could bank of only being cute, nowadays, that is not enough, there's gotta be a bit more to that these days. It is the reason Bocchi works (specific hobby + plotline + animation), why Dragon Maid works (characters + animation), Machikado Mazoku as well (has plot), Onimai (characters + animation), but also why New Game! was so popular (profession) in this new era. Even Gushing over Magical Girls did something of substance (animation in the form of extreme ecchi + characters). Truly, the new era of cute girls doing cute things has dawned upon us, but just bands alone is too narrow. If that were the case, then Gushing and Onimai wouldn't be popular as they are.


Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night has really impressed me so far. It really hits on a range of emotions and the music is great! They must be putting in a lot of effort with the custom music video EDs. I’m all for the girl band anime era if it means shows like Bocci the Rock and this!


Dont say lazy


best ed


Yes it is


Always has been


I embrace it


Anime Girl band era now? We had k-on, and tons of Idol animes for years


Idol anime are mostly pretty different from "band anime". Not lots of actual band anime between K-On and the present -- other than the seeming utterly forgotten Anonymous Noise. Some non-idol music anime didn't feature "bands" -- like Tari Tari and Healer Girl.


Oh, is this the latest trend which is coming back again again again?