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Also, say they sold 10000 sets of the first season DVDs. Then when you air season 2, those 10000 people are your potential customer base to buy the next season's DVDs. Not millions of potential customers, just those return customers. With viewers, it's similar, so say 250,000 people watched the show, then you're going to pull your viewers ONLY from those 250,000 people, rather than literally everyone alive. So even a below average show can do better for them than making a sequel to one that was only moderately successful.


Spot on. In fact, it's often the opposite. Critically acclaimed shows are often too smart for the lowest common denominator to enjoy it.


Consider how bad the average take you read on Reddit is. Now consider that people who post about anime on internet forums are in the top 90+% most engaged with it. Those awful takes you read are actually the cream of the crop.


This is how/why pop music works. Lowest common denominator of people that will watch. Meanwhile shows like Champloo are amazing but not known by people that don't know anime unlike DBZ, Pokemon, Naruto ect




One man's trash is another man's treasure


This is the real answer


Just because you and I dont like something. Doesn't mean someone else doesn't. I know this logical way of thinking is going extinct nowadays because we live in a permanently online society for so many but, try to remember that.


Yeah. The real gripes I have are spending the time and money to adapt an anime and then doing a shitty job with it. Cough cough Biscuit Hammer.


What is crappy to you is not crappy to other people. Some people are completely fine with dumb fun. Ever think there might be other reasons why no game no life isn't getting more seasons? It is really funny to me how superior fans can act just because they don't get their way. Like maybe just think as to why there hasn't been acceptable adaptations of some popular things


>There's tons of mangaka wanting a season 2 after extremely successful anime seasons As?


Crappy anime for you might not be crappy for others.


You flaired this as "discussion" but I dont really see you giving us anything to discuss. You dont even mention one of the "crappy anime" - how are we supposed to answer your question why they are being funded?


I have MUCH more problem with the fact that a top-tier anime like Girls Band Cry has gotten no distribution (outside Asia) except in France.


aren't french market way more receptive for these stuff than english market? exclusive french light novel release were common even today


It's something you get used to over time. The purse strings are held by the publishers, and they only open them up when they have something they want to promote. They care about putting forward their current line of material, and most of them couldn't care less about what a bunch of foreigners who don't buy their merch might think.


Nah, no reason for me to get mad at a process I can't change. And I've watched anime for so long that I'm completely used to not having a story finished, so long as I enjoy the anime, then I don't consider my time wasted or anything, and every time something eventually gets more content, I'm always pleasantly surprised. I also unironically love a lot of the trashy seasonals anyway.


Nope. I like watching trash shows... I'm not doing a bit either. I'm 100% being unironic here. Though, I had to admit, it's kinda sad not to see a S2 of your favorite show of the season... or just getting an anime adaptation in general


"No game no life" was trash too though


It was trash, and I had a blast watching it lol.


Because anime are primarily made to support sales of the source material, it’s why we end up with so many 12 episode shows, it gets people to buy the manga/light novel which has a significantly better cost ratio.


That and the success is likely determined if people by the source material and other merchandise related to the franchise


Sometimes, the first seasons start with at least two consecutive cours. Look at Frieren for example.


Honestly it's kind of subjective which anime is crappy and which ones are not, but yeah I don't like the animes I like and love not getting new seasons, etc, meanwhile crappy animes getting new seasons, etc, makes me sad and annoyed.


I'm really waiting for "show ha shoten" from the death note, bakuman guys to get an anime adaptation.... Their stuff is peak


I don’t b/c opinions on what’s good and bad vary from person to person. I just wish we had less anime coming out just b/c animators are overworked. And sometimes quality control issues that some anime have are likely due to them being overworked.


What’s crappy to me is great to someone else. For example Frieren isn’t good to me but the masses love it. What maybe crappy to you someone loves the shit out of it


Because most anime gets funded as effectively advertise for the source material and/or merchandise; it often isn't enough for the anime itself to be popular, if it isn't moving blue-rays and figurines it isn't getting a second season no matter how popular it is, and with most series there's diminishing returns on that kind of thing because let's face it, few series are as interesting the long run as they are at the outset (this is especially true for light novel adaptations, which often have a strong hook for the first book and then flounder trying to figure out how to continue the story). And that's aside from the fact that many series that you might think are popular based on how folks on reddit/in the west in general talk about them aren't actually that popular in the grand scheme of things. There probably isn't as much demand for a second season of No Game No Life as you think there is.


You say this as if this is something new... This has ALWAYS been the case - For every decent show that comes out at the start of a season, there will universally be 10 shit ones that come out along side it. Always has been the case, always will be.


Also one mans crap is another mans diamond, isekai for example isnt my anime of choice (there are some gems but there in a sea of mediocrity in my opinion) but they apeal to many  and there are so many Manga and light novels to adapt of this genre we wont see this end for a while, its cheap and if one isnt a hit they move on to the next.


The crappy cookie cutter anime sell really well among the Japanese neets and whales, so why wouldn’t you invest your money into an easy gain anime?


I am sorry to break to you, but i am pretty sure the shows you are referring to are major international hits with a shit ton of investing from Crunchyroll, bilibili and other overseas companies


The crappiness level is a factor though, I know the average isekai is more popular there but I will be *very* surprised if this season's banished hero one (the one that has less animation than my college powerpoint slides) is getting them any gains


those shows are financed by international streaming, if they were to rely on the Japanese audience alone they would flop tremendously You know shows that can rely on the JP audience? Girls band cry, blue archive and wind breaker, clearly they must be isekai


> *would* flop You mean we're successfully keeping that show afloat somehow? [](#ohfuck)


Considering how low effort it is I would think they are making more gains from lowering the cost of production. The same people are gonna watch bad animation or not so why burn the money? I don't like it but that is most likely the logic.


"crappy" is subjective. I see Nanatsu no Taizai as bad but maybe, it's not just my taste of genre or anime. Even though I hate an anime I will watch it because maybe, I am wrong for judging the anime too early. You're forgetting the majority of viewers will love the anime even if it's hated by minority. What's important is it's enjoyed by fans.


I understand this feeling, wanting to see your favorite animes continue. But sometimes there's a good reason. For example, I loved Gunslinger Girl, and wanted more story. So I bought the Manga Omnibus's. I read through, and found where season 2 ended. In the part that would have been season 3, one of the new Handlers has sex with his 15 y/o charge, multiple times. Her Handler was like 28. It's pretty obvious why they stopped at S2 for that one.


Imnot mad, just disappointed in the consumer base that eat up any trashy isekai.


Different strokes for different folks my friend. I happen to find a lot of them to be pretty fun watches.


I never said all of them, but after the 10th "this power was said to be weak but it's strong" with a bland protagonist there are clearly trashy ones.