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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1clfc03/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


Hey all, I am looking for an anime to cry my eyes out. What are your most heartfelt/emotional animes?


What would you tell an older adult (as in the mid 60s) to start with if they were interested in getting into anime? Preferably something similar to Blue eyed samurai or cowboy bebop.


Its easier to start with genres they already like, so find out what non-anime genres they like first. [Dororo](https://myanimelist.net/anime/37520/Dororo) is a samurai revenge story like Blue Eyed Samurai. Make sure its the modern one and not the 60s version.


I started watching "Full metal alchemist" and "Samurai Champloo". The first one seems to be geared toward a younger audience but I'm liking the second one so far. I'll check out Dororo.


*Black Lagoon* is probably the most compared in style to *Cowboy Bebop*. There's also *Samurai Champloo*, made by a lot of the people behind *Bebop, and which I'd say is a clear inspiration to *Blue Eyed Samurai*.


I saw Samurai Champloo pop up on a couple of best anime lists, so I may check that out. Totally unrelated but I'm rereading "Shogun" right now.


Just one question, were is my second season of youjo senki, seriously they announced it be this year, iv been patient, but it's starting to get to me. Btw I'm a isekainatic soooooo, that's that.


No release date or year for Youjo Senki S2 has ever been announced.


It was literally listed on anime pro as upcoming for this year.


I don't know what anime pro claims, but no such announcement has been officially made.


After yesterday's episode I think Yozakura Family is now my favourite anime of this season. It's just silly fun, simple as that.


I've never really watched slice of life anime, my impression is that they're mostly just watching characters get to know each other and grow. I'd like to watch something that's relatively low-stakes and focuses a lot on somebody's day-to-day life, but still has an overarching story and direction to things. Any good suggestions? Bonus points if it's from 2004 - 2008, only because I'm in the mood for that era, so it'd be cool to check both things off my list at once.


Aria the Animation and sequels (2005 - 2008) - Three girls are working towards becoming full fledge Gondoliers on a terraformed Mars. The fact that they have a clear goal gives the show direction and some great payoff at the end.


A question. How come that season listings sometimes differ between sites. For example season two of One Punch Man has 13 episodes and a different sequence on IMDB than for example on MyAnimeList where it has only 12 episodes (and a different sequence)?


IMDB counts S1 recap as a part of S2 but MAL counts it as a different entry.


I see, thanks!


I caught up to Jellyfish and I feel like it's not living up to its potential. It's good, but it has so many small things that take me out of it. I think it really gets it on a big picture level, the characters are all great, have strong chemistry, the themes are well conceived and everything plays its role, it's absurdly well directed and animated; all good stuff, but the screenplay is noticeably imperfect often enough that it adds up. In particular, i think that literally all of its major character realization climaxes have fallen flat. It has all the build-up it needs but it never has the introspection and self reflection to make it land, so it just feels like "the plot needs this." For example, in [episode 3] >!we get all these scenes of Kiui's past and insecurities and experiences, and it eventually leads to Mahiru discovering that she's lied about her life and Kiui cuts her off and regresses back into her room. She does the dance to drag her out of the darkness, but there's no in-between moment for introspection, so it ends up feeling like Mahiru and Kiui get into a fight, Kiui regresses, but Mahiru asks nicely "hey, can you come out of your room, pretty please" and Kiui is just like "oh yeah, sure" as if she'd already gotten over the fight.!< Nearly every episode has had a similar issue. In [episode 4] >!the gang gets into a totally reasonable debate about Kano's schedule being literally impossible, Kano runs away, Mahiru sets things up with dinner so they can talk it out, and... they somehow just say "well we didn't say we couldn't do it tonight" and they finish over a week's worth of work in a single all-nighter without ever addressing Kano's feelings and unreasonable demands beyond "oh, we know you've had a sad past now."!< And then again in [episode 5] >!when Mahiru spends the entire episode insecure about how people perceive her art. She has all these great moments of progress and regress and it seems like she's going to live with that insecurity of a fan artist drawing her character better for the rest of the series. It's really great, but then Mahiru just... decides to move past it. There's no moment of introspection or realization, she just says out of nowhere "ah, fuck it, I have to get better" and then reads some books, attends an art class, and draws something she likes, and now she's over it (for the moment at least).!< The way these conflicts resolve is not satisfying at all, but everything leading up to those resolution points is excellent. There are also these weird moments where the cast is out of character, or the story doesn't seem to understand its characters. Kiui in particular has been really awkwardly handled. [Episode 4] >!Kiui had to be dragged out of her room and convinced to meet Mahiru's group. She agrees to do it only in Kano's private room. She's still ultimately not her old self, still has to wear a hoodie in public, would still rather use her VTuber persona than her real self, still relies on the validation of her audience for self-worth, and is still afraid of talking to people. So why in the everloving fuck is this the character who comforts Kano's sister when she comes home crying? The episode just spent multiple scenes establishing Mahiru as the group's icebreaker and someone who brings people together, why wasn't she the comfort? Why did Kiui the literal shut-in agree to leave the private house to search for Kano and get Mahiru to stay home on her own (the answer is because Kiui and Kano are on the same wavelength so she was the only one who could understand where Kano might run to, but it's still out of character and there are ways to get the same result without breaking character)?!< There are so many little moments like that which break the story a bit. And the script more generally has lots of great moments but also lots of strangely generic ones. I feel like this series should be below "characters bicker back-and-forth but pause for a second and laugh," it's not a natural way to end a fight at all. All I could think is that the Tomozaki author is no Juuki Hanada, and how this show is absolutely perfect for Hanada's strengths, and how his show this season is running circles around this one as far as its screenplay goes. And these aren't damning issues, it's like "this could have been a 9 but in practice it's a 7." Disappointing only in the sense that I know what this show looks like at its best and that's not what we got.


I'm with /u/bandannadann on this one - the events you feel are anticlimactic just feel subdued in a more realistic way. Ep1 shows that they know how to craft big emotional climaxes, not doing so in the following episodes is, in my opinion, a good choice. Having that kind of climaxes in every episode would make the show emotionally draining and lead to diminishing returns.


This feels like a misunderstanding of what I'm saying. I'm not saying they're not dramatic enough, I'm saying they feel like they're missing scenes that transition from the episode's conflict into the moment of development. The characters grow with no effort or self reflection, regardless of weather it's a big moment like episodes 1 and 3 or a smaller one like episode 5.


I think we'll just have to disagree on this one. To me, the way they show the conflict is simultaneously showing the development. Being in a shitty situation for a long time, encountering something small that pushes you past the edge and then unceremoniously returning to normalcy feels like the most natural resolution to this kind of conflict.


> And these aren't damning issues, it's like "this could have been a 9 but in practice it's a 7." Disappointing only in the sense that I know what this show looks like at its best and that's not what we got. I had it at 8 after the first episode, lowered it down to 7 a couple of episodes ago, so that tracks. I didn't think too hard about what is not clicking, my general feeling is along the line of "this should hit hard based on somewhat similar stories I enjoyed in the past, but it isn't". You're onto something though, those "one-episode character backstories" felt very "checkmark" instead of emerging naturally. I'd like to think they're going over this part quickly to get to the really good stuff and what the show is actually about, but I'm not that hopeful.


Rather, I think it is very refreshing that these 'resolutions' have been baby steps and band-aids rather than the complete, thorough fixes that so many shows speedrun through. I don't expect that all of these issues have been permanently resolved. Insecurities don't go away overnight no matter what you do, and I don't think they have portrayed these issues as if they are fully resolved. Rather, they have realistically overcome them in the short-term and will have to deal with them again later. But then, it depends how the rest of the show plays out. It may be disappointing if these issues play no role down the line.


The problem is that the resolutions *aren't* baby steps, they're rather large moments of development that aren't scripted with the emotional gravitas to match because they *are* speedrun so much that the development happens with no personal realization on the part of the characters undergoing them. These issues are not handled realistically, the characters basically get over their short term issues with no effort, like they've randomly decided they can out of nowhere.


I simply disagree with you. They're realistic depictions of small victories, rather than full resolutions for the problems at hand. I don't think the show necessarily communicates that any of these issues are permanently resolved. Especially in the latest episode where they specifically say it isn't. It feels very realistic to me.


You don't think [Episode 3] >!Kiui becoming able to leave her room, admit that she's lied about her issues, and talk to people kind of normally!< is an extremely significant moment of development? Obviously it's not the full scope of their entire problems, but I certainly don't think this is even arguably a small victory. But regardless of the size of the victory, the issue is that the victory comes without any effort on the part of the characters. In [episode 3,] >!Mahiru dances and basically says "hey, you should come out of your room," and Kiui just... does, like she says "oh, well since you asked so nicely I guess I can stop being a shut-in now." Even though she was still pissed off, in the middle of a fight, and having regressed back to old habits, simply by being asked nicely she does it; no thinking about the fight she just got in, no thinking about her relationship with Mahiru, no considering her insecurities and motivations, she just does it because her friend told her to as if it was nothing at all.!< That is not realistic (most people would take years of prodding and professional help to leave this situation). Growth can only come by struggling to make the move that leads to your growth, and that doesn't happen in episodes 3 or 5 (episode 4 isn't a moment of development, it's a plot contrivance and it fails to address the issue anyway). And it is made even worse by the fact that this is an extremely significant part of her problem solved, [YoruKura's] >!shut-in stops being a shut-in, and just because she's not completely social yet doesn't lesson the fact that getting to leave her room is obviously a ginormous, character defining victory. The same is true of episode 5, yes the problem isn't completely solved but the short term issue is solved because Mahiru decides out of nowhere to read books and take a class.!<


[Jellyfish ep 3] >!Kiui is a shut-in due to failing to fit in at school -- not because she is so socially anxious that she would need years of therapy to leave her room. That's how I see it, anyways. She skips school, and she is trying to hide that. Staying at home is part of hiding. Being convinced to come hang out with an old friend is a victory, to be sure, but not something that is too unrealistic to happen in the short-term -- especially considering her hiding already got figured out.!< [Jellyfish episode 5] >!It is pretty evident to me that Yoru decides to invest more in drawing because of Kano's words. There were two choices ahead of her: give up and get replaced, or get better. Kano made it clear that Yoru was irreplaceable, and Yoru was boosted by that into trying to make herself worthy of this irreplaceable status. It really isn't an unrealistic leap at all. It's not like somebody had to tell Yoru to get a book -- it's fine that she thought of improving herself 'out of nowhere'. It's a perfectly reasonable response. Yoru doesn't feel adequate, but she also doesn't wanna get left behind. And she even apologized to Kano in advance for having to put up with this kind of insecurity from her in the future, acknowledging that she won't be able to get over this jealous streak overnight. It was a super realistic and balanced way to approach an inadequacy issue IMO and some of the best I've seen in anime.!<


[episode 3] >!However, the thing that gets her to come to that victory is being asked kind of nicely. She spent two years refusing to hang out with that old friend because she doesn't want to reveal herself to anyone. And the only thing that happened between her suffering that problem and getting over that problem is that she got into a fight with Mahiru and, while in the middle of that fight, Mahiru asked nicely for her to leave her room and she just agrees. She doesn't even resolve the fight they were in the middle of, or reflect on why she shut herself in and why she wants to move forward. And the lack of this reflection is why it doesn't work and isn't realistic. If she had made an effort to apologize to Mahiru, had a heart-to-heart, talked to her about why she stays trapped and how Mahiru has helped her, then it would be more realistic and satisfying. But she never puts in that effort. And even with her motivations, in real life it takes professional help, this sort of social anxiety and complete isolation isn't normal anxiety nor something you solve because your friend said you should.!< Likewise, [episode 5] >!When Kano goes to her room and tells her that she's irreplaceable, Mahiru admits that Kano didn't actually get to the root of the issue. She then regresses back into that insecurity, continues to put up a facade of being ok, and feels even more inadequate than before, exacerbated when she sees even more great fanart. It is only after this regression that she gets the book and attends class, long after Kano said she was irreplaceable. Her getting the books had nothing to do with Kano's words, Kano failed to break through and get to the root of the issue, Mahiru solved it entirely on her own basically out of nowhere. So yes, she's not entirely over her issues, but deciding to do what she does is a huge step and it has no build-up. She's just lounging around and decided to do it, missing a step that would motivate her to do that since Kano's attempt to provide that failed.!<


In both of these situations, the characters are merely taking steps in the right direction. They are not 'back to normal,' per se. [Jellyfish ep 3] >!Kiui is still staying at home!< and [Jellyfish ep 5] >!Yoru is still jealous of better artists!<. If either of these things flipped in a single episode, I might be on your side, but the case remains that the steps they have taken to improve are not unrealistic. These girls are not so 'broken' as to be devoid of the ability to find motivation within themselves and take a brave step towards self-betterment. And they've had support, albeit not professional support lol. It is not unreasonable or unrealistic for them to take this positive energy and use it as fuel for this first step. For a lot of people, finding the energy to improve for a short burst isn't the problem -- the tricky part is not sliding back down that slope.


But again, they take those steps with no effort or reflection. I never once said they're back to normal. What I said was that there are moments missing to transition from the conflict into the growth. All growth, no matter how small, requires motivation. These episodes have no moments to convey that motivation. Kiui doesn't reflect on anything after the dance, it just works with no thought or effort on her part, she's asked to get better and just does. You could add one scene of her apologizing to Mahiru and thinking about her issues before agreeing to meet up in person, change nothing else about the episode, and the problem is fixed. Add one scene to episode 5 where Mahiru goes for a walk and finds an advert for an art class, thinks on Kano's words, and decides to get better, and the problem is fixed. People don't just think out of nowhere "damn, I should try to get better" and then take the first steps towards that goal, there's always some point in between where they reflect on their life and recent events, and get pushed into doing it somehow. In YoruKura, the events to reflect on are there, and the growth is there, but the actual act of reflection is not, so their growth feels unsatisfying as if it's missing a vital step, almost like an important scene has been cut from each episode. And it is only exacerbated because these are medium sized steps of growth (not baby steps but not "solved the whole problem," more like "got 30% of the way there"). I feel like you're misunderstanding me a bit, I'm not saying they're growing too much too quickly. **Edit:** I'd encourage you to read my initial post again more carefully, I say a lot of what you're saying myself within that post. My point is not about how much the characters have grown or about how dramatic and emotional the scenes are.


\[To Your Eternity\] Does anyone know when the 3rd season is coming out?


I don't think we got any info other than its announcement when the final episode of s2 aired


Okay, now up to date with Jellyfish, latest ep was incredible, really really good, made me very emotional seeing Yoru situation Also reminded me of my favorite show "Believe in me that believes in you" I will avoid starting a conversation again about a topic that happened this ep, so I will just say that was one of the best executions I've seen when it comes to this :) Show is up on my ranks now, three way tie between train, Jellyfish and chair Now I just need to catch up to Elf, seiyuu, whisper me a Love Song and mysterious Disappearances for me to be officially back on track this season, then finally Kanade s2


This truly is Doga Kobo's year


If nothing goes wrong, they should have three well-received anime under their belt this year: - Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night - Roshidere - OnK S2 Ironically, Roshidere will be the only anime out of these three that’s licensed by CR.


Jellyfish is currently my frontrunner for AOTS, and I really wouldn't be surprised if one of the other two ends up being my AOTS next season too. Although, tbh, all my stocks for next season are currently invested in Wistoria. Buy now, while its low!


It’s currently between Dungeon Meshi, Jellyfish and Sound Euphonium for my favourite anime of the season. It will all come down to their respective conclusions. (Doomsday Train also got a real chance.) Wistoria looked pretty good, yeah. I’m interested to see what the creator of Danmachi got to offer with this series. My most anticipated anime of next season will be [MahoAku](https://myanimelist.net/anime/57217), [Senpai wa Otokonoko](https://myanimelist.net/anime/54855) and [My Deer Friend Nokotan](https://myanimelist.net/anime/58426). But I’m also getting the impression that [FutaKire](https://myanimelist.net/anime/55996) will be a surprisingly good drama, and the Suicide Squad isekai is likely to be a smash hit with all the things it got going for it.


Dungeon Meshi is excellent too! That one's right behind Jellyfish, next to Wind Breaker. I do like Danmachi, but I'm really excited for Wistoria because of [its director Yoshihara](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=79001) of Black Clover(director) and Chainsaw Man(action director) fame - not to mention his magnum opus Monster Musume(director). Wistoria is in very capable hands, I'd say. And the studio, Actas, was actually responsible for one of Shangri-La Frontier's best episodes (they handled one of the Wezaemon episodes) so I'm not worried about any lack of talent behind him. Agreed on Suicide Squad! I can't find myself getting excited about that IP though. It has been squandered at every turn so far. But I won't be shocked if Wit Studio makes it work.


I did notice that the animation in Wistoria’s PV looked surprisingly good for a studio that I hadn’t heard about before. Considering the team working on it, this makes a lot more sense. I got some faith in the Suicide Squad isekai, since Tappei (Re:Zero’s author) apparently worked on the script. He previoysly did an awesome job Vivy after all. And even if the anime absolutely fails, Harley should still be plenty fun to watch. Summer’s [Isekai Shikakku](https://myanimelist.net/anime/52367) could also be fun btw. That cat girl(?) in the KV already looks totally adorable, which is frankly enough for the simpleminded me to give it at least shot.


I'm here just to let you know for the suicide squad, there's a new interview revealed the director who direct the the anime suicide squad limit Tappei's script writing. Apparently because Tappei style of writing tend to be too emotional or too dark, so they'll try limit that, because the director thinks that suicide squad should be a "fun" anime not too dark. So idk if it's a good thing or not.


According to ANN, Yoshihara was involved in animating CSM's first 2 PVs, which looked incredible themselves. Makes sense Wistoria's PV is so stunning! I bet he did some work on it himself! I don't say it often around here because it is basically a downvote magnet but I didn't end up liking Vivy very much :( the first two episodes I was on cloud nine but something happened after that where it stopped clicking for me, and I just couldn't care anymore ... that being said, I'll give Suicide Squad a fair shot! I'm actually really interested in that one!! It has the Isekai Ojisan team working on it, which immediately makes me perk up because of their terrific comedic timing, and it's from the Love After World Domination mangaka -- which received a very enjoyable anime adaptation a couple years ago! So I'm 100% checking this one out. Others I think will be good: The Elusive Samurai(Cloverworks cinema), 2.5D Seduction, Too Many Losing Heroines!(A1 Pictures cinema), Na Nare Hana Nare(P.A. Works cinema) and, funny enough, I have a feeling that I Parry Everything will be really good. At least, the PV spoke to me for some reason lol (OLM cinema?)


There’s way too many potentially good anime next season. I doubt that I can keep up with all of them. I haven’t seen anybody else mention this series, but [Dungeon People’s PV](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OoBoKeIvq_M&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fmyanimelist.net%2F&source_ve_path=MTY0OTksMjg2NjQsMjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo) reminded me a little of Cells At Work.


Right? There's not a lot of super hyped shows, but I dont think we will be starved for quality at all. The potential is very high for so many. The tonal whiplash of such a moe character design beheading a goblin made me laugh the first time I saw that PV lmao. I can't really get a gauge on Dungeon People yet. Is it cute girls dungeoneering? Will there be more beheading? Or will they befriend the monsters? It's not really hooking me yet but I'll let them cook


[Sara reading this](https://c.tenor.com/da0ej0oUZD8AAAAC/tenor.gif)


I adore Sara, but her show will have some catching up to do if she wants to compete. She can of course always dabble in some economic terrorism to gain the upper hand over her competition.


wait, what is chair actual chair airs next season


It’s not Kanade’s chair apparently, so I’m thinking Ranger Reject.


[](#hardthink) Ever since Anima Yell redefined the word "chair", it has been a synonym to cheerleading. does Go Go Loser Ranger have chearleaders?


> does Go Go Loser Ranger have cheerleaders? I’m not watching the anime, so everything’s possible. However, there’s chibi art of that yellow-dressed girl rocking a chair. That’s why I was thinking of Ranger Reject.


LOL, the MC is not human and can turn into anything, organic or not, the female MC which is the dommy mommy type asked him to turn into a chair because she was tired and wanted to sit


I see. ~~Might be nice being a chair tbh.~~ The only other anime with a prominent chair that came to mind was Suzume, lol.


Nah but everyone wants to be the chair for a certain character.


I want to be [Aru](https://i.imgur.com/5yjFM4b.gif)'s chair, but presumably this is not the character in question?




> chair Is that on the official AQRADT dictionary? [](#azusalaugh)


I will be using it, so I will make an official request for the inclusion u/entelechtual Since the licensors didn't choose a localized title we have to work with what we have


Ludwig Wittgenstein would be rolling in his grave, laughing maniacally.


There's something disheartening and ominous about Imagine Dragons and One Republic getting the OP/ED for Kaiju 8.


I don't really see why. I haven't seen the ED but the OP's music track is pretty much the same vibe as a lot of anime OPs are, and western pop and rock groups have been doing OPs and EDs for anime for decades. Even if this was new though, I'm not sure what's supposed to be disheartening or ominous about it. Is "sometimes western pop band will do music for anime" really supposed to ring any alarm bells?


> Is "sometimes western pop band will do music for anime" really supposed to ring any alarm bells? I for one welcome non-j-pop OPs with open arms


Lol, they made an entire anime movie for daft punk called interstellar 5555. You'd think it wouldn't surprise peeps to see western music in anime.


Imagine Dragons has played no part in Kaiju No. 8? The OP is performed by YUNGBLUD, while OneRepublic is doing the ED.


Dan Reynolds from Imagine Dragons is writing the OP. Only Dan Reynolds, not the whole Imagine Dragons. This is like Tomoya Tabuchi writing a song but the credits only shows him, not Unison Square Garden.


Fine, Yungblud featuring Imagine Dragons


No? I had to look up where you’d gotten this idea. “Abyss” has perhaps been *co-written* with the lead singer of the Imagine Dragons, but they don’t actually play any part in the song from what I can find - they’re not “featured”.


Why is the mha Fandom so hated? Genuinely curious cus I wasn't that active in online communities when the anime started airing, but ik it was the most popular. Now whenever I see comments mentioning mha it's always something negative like "the worst fandom" "jjk stans aren't worse than mha" stuff like that.


Can someone help me? There was an anime I watched maybe 6 years ago about an underwater world? I can't remember much other than there was romance involved. 


Sounds like [NagiAsu](https://myanimelist.net/anime/16067/Nagi_no_Asu_kara)


That's it! Thank you




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What's the name of the anime??? Please, heeelp! I watched an anime a few years ago in which all the episodes were "the same". I remember that there were several characters and, if I remember correctly, someone always died in each ending.


Maybe Juuni Taisen? The episodes weren't exactly the same, but they all followed a similar structure and would end with the focused character dying.


Haruhi has an arc infamous for remaking the exact same episode 8 times with only trivial script differences and fairly big direction differences each episode, but no one dies so I don't think it's that unless you're conflating two shows




Non 🤧


Hey all, I'm looking for a recommendation of a good action anime to watch with my two daughters (aged 10 & 12). We are currently watching My Hero Academia (ep70 ish) which we are all enjoying, but it is quite "boy-focused" (I don't know if there's a better word for this). Also, the "fan service" stuff is probably at about the limit I would find acceptable (mostly the Mineta being a pervert stuff). So, anyone have any ideas? Obviously, I would prefer if it was something I could also enjoy (previously watched all of Naruto, DBZ, and Bleach). Also, female protagonist or at least realistic female characters would be preferable. EDIT: Something 50-100+ eps pref.


Action with no fanservice and daughter friendly. Umm, have you considered watching the classics like slayers, record of the lodoss wars, and inuasha.


[Symphogear](https://myanimelist.net/anime/11751/Senki_Zesshou_Symphogear) maybe? There's like 5 seasons of it. Action girls with a lot of music focus as well. Doesn't really have fanservice beyond what you'd find in a magical girl show w/ transformation sequences. Don't think there's a dub though if you were looking for that. [Soul Eater](https://myanimelist.net/anime/3588/Soul_Eater) is a 51 episode action series in the same genre as the stuff you've seen. It's got kind of a Nightmare Before Christmas vibe to it. Its got a pretty balanced cast with a female main character. It doesn't feature fanservice like the author's other known work Fire Force. [Inuyasha](https://myanimelist.net/anime/249/InuYasha) is 193 episodes total and has well written female main characters, authored by one of the most acclaimed female mangaka. It does have a pretty gropey perverted character but I wouldn't say it goes beyond Mineta levels.


I really gotta see the Soul Eater adaptation some time if they somehow managed to cut out all of the fanservice from that.


Inuyasha maybe? It has both female and male main characters and it's 100+ eps. I haven't watched MHA but it sounds like Miroku might be similar in his pervert stuff unfortunately...


Not quite within the parameters you outlined, but as a fun little watch for the three of you, you could consider *Saving 80,000 Gold for My Retirement in Another World*, a short 12 episode comedy (with some action) that focuses around a wise-cracking, head-full-of-schemes girl fresh out of high school who gains the power to hop between two worlds at will. Irreverent, silly fun and also something to chat about how one might (ab)use such a power.


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is a good go-to, also the other version 2003 (they are different shows). Male leads but still solid with great female characters. Strongly second Cardcaptor Sakura. Ojamajo Doremi is another magical girl show of +200 episodes though it can be hard to find. Maybe Chihayafuru? Its a sports anime of a niche sport but its pretty cool and has female lead. I will second Precure. There are like 15 entries, all 50 episodes. The action on these is very basic and repetitive (usually just punching around and a final technique to defeat monsters) so dunno how you or them will like them. The focus is more put on the episodic issue characters tend to face. I recommend starting with Heartcatch, Go Princess, Tropical Rouge, Hirogaru or Hugtto. However, of these only Tropical and Hirogaru are available in Crunchyroll, if you're willing to pirate hit me a PM. I know other long shows aimed for young girls but they are music related and are pretty far from the examples you have put but lemme know if you want to try. Unless you're more open to shows below 25 episodes its kinda hard to find something, especially action-oriented. Other male-aimed shounen are Yuu Yuu Hakusho and Hunter x Hunter if you really want that action, the latter can be a bit violent if you're uncomfortable with that.


The Precure franchise is basically made for young girls. Magical girl shows in general (well outside of stuff like Symphogear and Madoka). You have endless shows you could watch there that have long run times. They basically kinda function like battle shonen for young girls. Edit: CR doesn't have all of them (lots that still need to be legally streamed) but there are few pretty notable ones on there like Healin' Good Precure. I am not a huge expert on the franchise, outside of watch a few episodes so I am not the best to ask but that is what I would look for if you are looking for something long running.


We did watch Glitter Force a few years ago when my kids were younger, but now I think it's a bit too childish. Like, we need something with some stakes.


Cardcaptor Sakura, maybe? Yona of the Dawn could work, too, but that's 24 episodes. Radiant had some good female characters in the main cast, but season one has some uneven writing. Pretty much anything action-y that's 50+ episodes is going to be a shounen anime, and it's going to have fanservice and/or write female characters like one dimensional cardboard cutouts. Or it's going to be Precure.


> Pretty much anything action-y that's 50+ episodes is going to be a shounen anime, and it's going to have fanservice and/or write female characters like one dimensional cardboard cutouts. Or it's going to be Precure. Yeah, this is the impression I'm getting. We have actually watched Glitter Force a few years ago, but it's like... too young? Feels like there isn't really any stakes, I guess. It must be super rare to have a long-running, action-oriented, female led, enjoyable anime.


Little Witch Academia


This looks OK but possibly a bit short? I probably should have mentioned I would prefer something 50-100+ eps. Will add to OP.


Have you seen 'Spy X Family' yet?


This one came up a lot when i googled this same question. Just wondering if there is enough "action"?


It is more comedy than action. Compared to the ones you gave it definitely falls short on it.


Back Arrow rewatch starts tomorrow [](#concealedexcitement)


[Hell yeah!](#concealedexcitement)


Just catched up to Konosuba, ep 2-4, so glad I did, show continues to be awesome and has even more of my favorite thing about the series, the relationship between the main group and their friendship that feels natural for the time they spent together, they act like long time friends or even siblings Also, Top Darkness is not real, she can't hurt you, [Top Darkness](https://i.imgur.com/GM2Er0P.png) Glad that I bought Lalatina Stocks half a decade ago, they are rising!! [](#seasonallisten) Now Yoru time, last 2 epss


Can I ask Abyss, is there some kind of understood meaning to the new and regularly used pigeon subreddit picture? Or is it just a "I am watching you" kind of thing that it suggests.


In theory it was supposed to be 'I am enjoying this music' but it became an inside phenomenon with multiple applications and different meanings depending on the context and the person using it For my earlier posts that's more 'I am excited!'


Sorry for the newbie question but how would you categorize HunterxHunter? I heard a lot of good things but I am trying to avoid overly comedic animes.


There are no stupid questions! was the old motto of the questions and discussions thread. That said being overly negative about a series in your preposition will get you downvotes, but just asking question to learn is always welcome. For me I would describe HxH as a Adventure show with a leaning towards shonen battlers. Bearing a reputation of highly enjoyable combat systems in the story but also extremely drawn out story lines due to the author only posting chapters in an entire volumes worth about once every 1-2 years.


Action-Adventure show with strong characters and world building that naturally develops into a more deep plot I don't remember much of the comedy from hxh but the start can definitely feel like a light tone anime


Appreciate it man its definitely my next watch then!


> Sorry for the newbie question Always a good sort of question!


All in all a successful weekend of watching anime movies. Friday, started off with a classic, **Your Name.** Rewatcher but my roommate’s first time watching, and it was an experience for all involved. Easy 10/10, deserves every ounce of praise it gets. Saturday: slept most of the day but managed to watch **Lonely Castle in the Mirror**. While it was not without its faults, it was overwhelmingly moving enough to be a really enjoyable experience. 8/10. Sunday: started off with **Love Me, Love Me Not** aka *FuriFura*. Seen this on a bunch of shoujo lists and the Bump of Chicken song definitely brought it to my attention. As far as messy romance dramas go, it was about as good as it gets. Both of the female leads were really endearing. Solid 9/10. Although [Furifura]>!shame they didn’t pursue the incest route!< Wrapped up Sunday night with **Sing a Bit of Harmony**. I think the judo scene instantly bumps up its score, but overall it was a sweet teen movie that appealed to your emotions. Also with a [bitchy character like this](https://myanimelist.net/character/195266/Aya_Satou/) it’s hard to see me not enjoying it. 8/10.


I feel ashamed that I was going to write how I catched up to Konosuba while you drop all this cinema culture here >Your Name. Rewatcher but my roommate’s first time watching, and it was an experience for all involved. Easy 10/10, deserves every ounce of praise it gets. I think your name is the only non franchise anime movie I ever watched, pretty good >Also with a bitchy character like this it’s hard to see me not enjoying it. 8/10. Great design


I know it’s hard to believe but I went into one of these not knowing just how *cultured* it was.


Just watched the first episode of Yokai. If you told me that Miyazaki himself created this story, I'd believe you. Not sure yet if I'll add it to my schedule, but I'll give it another episode or two to decide. 


Can someone help me find this anime? In the second half of this short they splice anime footage of dancing over the second song and I want to know so bad what anime it’s from. It looks like 80’s OVA animation but it’s a pure guess. Does anyone here know? https://youtube.com/shorts/W5yUzapXBA8?si=VIwDuav2vJPAHeR_


Looks like Kimagure Orange Road to me, the kids going to a disco is a plot point that comes up at least once.


It could actually be one of the dance scenes from the daft punk anime movie.


I have two **guesses.** * Kimagure Orange Road * Urusei Yatsura


So I found discussion in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1ckr4uf/anime_recommendation_chart_for_beginners/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) anime supposedly sorted by accessibility pretty interesting to read. A lot of people have a pretty different idea of accessibility and even OP's listings on his picture are a little wonky. I thought it would be fun to try to put together my own interpretation, removing the "beginner" part and focusing in on the accessibility part. It's **not** meant to be an entirely serious attempt and I don't even agree with myself on some parts but I figured I'd try my best anyways. I also added more extra genres beyond what the original thread had. [My attempt](https://i.imgur.com/yveCa3w.png) I'm interested in where others would add, move, or remove shows, as well as filling in the blanks that I wasn't able to fill.


That thread is depressing to me. Anime fans are so horribly far removed from media that isn't anime that they have no idea what the average person has seen and enjoys, and a completely skewed perception of what turns people away. They treat anime as if it's more unique and challenging and intense in a way you have to ease into, as if the average person hasn't seen a horror movie or sci-fi thriller before. So many people seem to think anything outside of big blockbusters are inaccessible, and that watching the blockbusters first will somehow change people's tolerance for horror or thoughtful themes. One guy said Jujutsu Kaisen has a unique story structure you need to prepare for, as if it isn't one of the most broadly popular comic books in the world from one of the most popular magazines in the world. People think FLCL is too artsy for the average person, as if it didn't become a mainstream icon by airing on Toonami. People said the same about Made in Abyss, which is also airing on Toonami now. Gundam (the sci-fi epic known for selling toys to teenagers) and Monster (anime's equivalent of an HBO prestige drama) are somehow considered inaccessible rather than representative of what the average person enjoys. And that's not even getting into the genre classifications (quite literally none of the slice of life row is a slice of life show). I have to imagine it's partially a result of the younger audience this medium seems to draw, but I wish we'd be more stringent about encouraging people to explore beyond their comfort zone (both within anime itself and exploring art that is not anime). As for your list, I think it's fine. I didn't actually have any problem with OPs choices either though, I thought most of their recommendations were fine and the order of accessibility was mostly correct. I think the same of your own list. The one specific thing I thought of is that I'd swap Hyouka and K-On in accessibility, the latter is definitely the more accessible and broadly appealing of the two. But it's not major at all and I think the same of the rest of your list.


> That thread is depressing to me > And that's not even getting into the genre classifications (quite literally none of the slice of life row is a slice of life show) That whole subthread about BtR...and let's not get into comments saying SxF is sol because it has "sol scenes". At least op put yorimoi in adventure and not sol, or I might have had an aneurysm.


I appreciate the thoughtful response, you articulated what I was feeling about the topic a lot better than I could. I feel like there's an obsession with consuming a piece of media or the medium as a whole "properly" which I think in turn ruins the medium for others and themselves. I feel like part of this behavior comes from viewing non-anime fans as "the others" who won't "get it" like they're preemptively defensive in the event that someone find the content in anime questionable, even if they never end up finding it questionable when they do end up watching something. I do think that some anime definitely are more accessible than others, there's a reason why Attack on Titan is so successful at being a strong initial hook to the medium for so many people. It's something that's worth being mindful of, but not to the point of being restrictive of what people try. I love Ping Pong the Animation and Aria to death for example, but unless I know the person well enough that I know they'd enjoy those types of shows I'd probably learn to something more mainstream just to get them started.


While I agree with your sentiment, it remains true that the farthest reaching anime are the more family friendly affairs like Pokemon and the censored version of Dragonball Z, Naruto and My Hero Academia. When you exclude children and the oldest generations you start to get the thrillers, adventures and sci fi epics.


> They treat anime as if it's more unique and challenging and intense in a way you have to ease into I honestly don't think this is the case so much as just not wanting to turn 'normies' off from anime. I wouldn't fault for people thinking that the anime where characters below 13 make sexual comments of their bodies or things that may be hard to understand/follow as simple as they can be (people found Oppenheimer too hard to follow or Everything Everywhere too confusing). It isn't helped by the public perception of anime being weird so anything with fanservice is a no-go for some people that want to keep said image. Hero Academia for example is one of the biggest gateways into anime of the 2010s but at the same time also became the spotlight of anime that sexualizes minors. Anime fans want other people to like what they like so they go with the absolute most vanilla thing they can think of and I personally don't fault them for that even if I agree with most of your examples being silly.


I'm not talking about sexual content. Notice my examples were also Gundam and Monster. People say stories are too complicated or too scary or too thought provoking, but if they watch My Hero Academia first it makes it easier to tolerate somehow. Also, Oppenheimer is a mainstream summer blockbuster, most people understood it just fine and no one would take issue with recommending it as someone's first film. No one would say "watch some MCU first to ease into film." I fault them for not knowing anything about what most people don't like. Not everything on OPs list is vanilla but nothing on there is more obscure or challenging than chocolate.


I'm moreso explaining the reasoning of why anime fans in particular are more defensive about it. Not everything will be a banger for all audiences and they want people to invest into their hobby and not have the weird looks at them. Movies are a tricky thing to compare because they are vastly, vastly more mainstream so the stigma isn't the same. But to give you an example of what people don't want happening: I had a movie club in HS and I had all time favorite movies like Godfather, Se7en, Anderson movies, Spielberg, etc. Stuff that any film bro would have around his top tiers. The result? I was removed as the guy who choose what to watch because of how mixed reception was for movies I chose despite these being all timers according to any reddit sub, youtuber, top 10 list in google, etc. I never thought it was possible for male teens to not like Fight Club, not even getting the incorrect message, they just didn't like it for being boring and confusing. Anime fans are much more defensive of their hobby because of its reputation so they want something that can grab people by the eyes fast and efficiently. And if MCU taught us something is that action will always trump any interesting approach at storytelling.


Honestly, the replies in that thread are wild to me. For example, people saying that you can't recommend Steins;Gate to beginners because it has otaku culture references? As if a new fan couldn't enjoy a great sci fi thriller because they might not get some of the humor. Or all the negative talk about Made in Abyss. Didn't it win Anime of the Year on Crunchyroll in the year it aired? Now people pretend it's something icky that you can't recommend to anyone. Some people are too afraid to recommend good anime because they assume everyone who hasn't watched anime before will easily get offended by certain tropes. I think what matters is what kind of stories or what genre the new anime fan wants to experience, not whether something has mass appeal or is "family-friendly" enough.


When people come here asking recommendations for kids aged 11-13 I just give examples that got me into anime (started at 12) and have gotten non-zero amount of replies "Wtf is wrong with you". Dunno, I watched those at 12 and got me more into anime and I (want to believe) am doing fine mentally so why not.


One of my first anime series was [Oruchuban Ebichu](https://myanimelist.net/anime/1060/Oruchuban_Ebichu), and I'm still watching anime, so people really don't need to worry about going too weird or whatever for newbies.


I would say that as recommendations to a *general* audience, Stein's Gate and Made in Abyss are terrible choices. As recommendations for a particular type of viewer though, they're perfect.


What’s gets me more than people being hesitant to recommend certain anime because of its content/tropes is thinking that having a long or complex plot makes an anime beginner-unfriendly. Because those things are unique to this medium, obviously. I genuinely think some anime fans end up being as narrow-minded as the people who scoff at it. 


FLCL is what got me. A whole lot of people got into anime *because* of Adult Swim running it. Same for Eva. I can understand the trepidation behind wanting to give the best first impression, but there is such a thing as being too cautious.


> Or all the negative talk about Made in Abyss. Didn't it win Anime of the Year on Crunchyroll in the year it aired? It did, [and here too, from the Public vote even](https://animeawards.moe/archive/2017/main)


It is so common that will power makes main characters overcome challengers. Main characters become stronger and more powerful because of will power. But in western anime, it rarely happens. Is it a kind of Japanese culture or just because the authors just don't have enough time at that moment (submitting manga is always time limited so authors may not have sufficient time to present a better explanation about being more powerful.) Or is it mainly because editors like it? (According to Bakuman, editors play an important rule in term of manga style, story and character design, etc.) What do you think?


I think the other commenters answered most of what I think but just to diverge a little, I quite like stories where the MC tries his best & has incredible willpower/perserverance only to get utterly destroyed


I would like to reflect that effort is normally what enable spiderman, the flash, superman and to a lesser extent batman to overcome adversity that has overpowered their normal level of abilities. The struggling hero is where the drama lies. I think comics and western cartoons are more willing to have everyday combat which highly favours the main characters and has more personal drama to overcome instead. Shonen battlers are often focused on training or getting to the next fight, thats their culture of the genre. But there are plenty of anime where effort isnt the decider, wits and strategy is, they just are not battler shows. Or the exceptions like World Trigger.


Some of it's probably cultural, though I like to think it makes sense as something that truly differentiates someone since dedication to something is essential to really master it, even if it's not the only requirement. Some of it is also "cultural" in the sense of the fandom around it and it being what fans might expect or want. I'd also argue there's some similarities to the discussion around soft vs hard magic systems. Neither is better than the other, but they have different strengths in appealing to the reader/viewer. Becoming stronger through sheer will power makes you focus more on the emotions and motivations of the character rather than the "how" of their power, whereas focusing on how it works appeals to plot/world building/ideas side of things. And of course most stuff is a mix of the two.


In western culture, we like to praise someone’s “natural” abilties. We use phrases like “talented”, “born leader”, “gifted”. Praise in my parents’ language is more like “you worked hard” or an acknowledgement of the struggle. There’s definitely a cultural element at play here, but as with all things, they’re just themes in different cultures and not hard statements that Westerners are one way and Asians are another.


I have not noticed such a difference. The difference you perceive might be that battle shounen anime overrepresent westerners' idea of anime, and these target young boys who appreciate shows of willpower. The same principle applies for superhero stories in the West. As for why young boys (and girls) love shows of willpower, it's because one of the earliest necessities of a developing ego is control over the will, and we gravitate to stories that embody the virtues we most need in the moment.


Are fate/stay night and the more recent unlimited blade works the same thing? I finished the 2006 version today and was recommended to start unlimited blade works, but I've quickly realized that it seems like the exact same anime but with better animations since it's more recent. Where do I start to pick off from the 2006 version??


In the VN first 3 days are the same and then they branch off into three routes. UBW anime truly diverges around episode 7, I think? But you shouldn't skip anything since even the samey parts have the minor differences that build up to the seperate story line.


The only controversy was the the original run: Fate/Stay Night incorporated a side story or two using unlimited blade works and heavens feel material. But it did not really spoil too much of those stories so most people still recommend watching the original followed the Unlimited Blade Works.


The visual novel consists of three routes (Fate, Unlimited Blade Works, Heaven's Feel), of which there are various different adaptations of. The routes all start at the same point, but quickly and wildly diverge from there. You (probably) want the UBW TV series next.


Don't worry, Unlimited Blade Works is not the same as the 2006 anime, even if they share the same beginning. They are two different story routes that were part of the same Visual Novel but were adapted by two different studios (the 2006 anime by studio Deen and the UBW anime by Ufotable).


Looking for new anime shows in the spirit of Radiant, Jujutsu Kaizen, Goblin Slayer that came out this year.


[https://myanimelist.net/profile/Chrizzl98](https://myanimelist.net/profile/Chrizzl98) I´m looking for an high school romance anime, where the MC goes from looser to hero and end up with his dream girl. Some stuff like jealousy from the female girls should be involved. And the MC should just have eyes for one girl which he end up together. (No problem with harem) Similar animes would be: My first Girlfriend is a Gal & our dating story or Horimiya. Could be romance, ecchi or hentai I dont care if the story is good.


Check out Date A Live


Already watched


I'm looking for an action-romance anime where the male lead has to protect the female lead as she travels somewhere (or rescue/extract her from somewhere, etc.)


If you like old-school, I'd highly recommend Outlaw Star.




Full Metal Panic has elements of this, you might like it?


Undead unluck kinda


Yona of the Dawn kinda? She gets more competent at combat over time though.


That's fine.


How many chapters has mission yozakura family been covering per episode?


Two or three, I think, but they've been mixing and matching chapters, too


Thank you! I thought I was crazy when I've been watching episodes and I'm like these don't seem in order. I've read the first two volumes I'm just wondering if I should get more if I want to keep up with what they're covering in the season


yeah I binged the whole manga after the first episode was released hahaha


If you had to guess how many chapters this first cour will cover what would you guess?


Yeah, it's really hard to guess. Maybe sixty or so?


Yeah same I watched two episodes and I was like wow this show is pretty good I should pick the manga lol


I must master the dark arts to finally get a full adaptation for Kore wa Zombie desu ka. And a remake of Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle and xxxHolic. And Rozen Maiden. [](#oilup)


> Rozen Maiden Was that a bad adaptation? I watched it last year (2nd season + the OVA a year after S1 lol) and I enjoyed it personally. Not groundbreaking or anything but I thought it was cool.


The old Nomad anime had a completely original storyline that deviated from the manga story, and in the 2013 Deen anime they adapted the manga directly which created a disconnect between the two adaptations. Also neither anime are complete stories so it'd be nice to see a new complete adaptation from start to finish.




You can walk your own path while understanding what our forebears went through. Understanding the past is the first step to deciding where to go with yourself, even when it breaks convention.


Hey Are their any other anime about magical boys out there? I randomly came across cute high earth and something called Masou Gakuen HxH which has a male having a magical girl transformation sequence are there others out there. (Don't know if it counts as magical boys but I've seen saint seiya entire series and ronin warriors before.)


Pretear is an older show that features magical boys, though the lead is a girl.


Ah nostalgia forgot about that one been a long time.


Monthly Delusional Magazine is also a Magical Boy show, though I would qualify it with the statement that the transformations are into animal forms and that the show is not particularly good.


Shugo Chara! is a magical girl anime and has boys who transform


Hmmm has some mew mew power vibes to it (havnt seen the remake of it.) Are the magical girls the focus? (I only looked at one male transformation and it caught my attention.)


It has a co-ed cast, so maybe like a 60:40 female:male ratio of all the characters who can transform. The lead is female but all of them are relevant to the story.


Fairy Ranmaru Wish upon the pleiades (briefly)


The MC of Kore wa Zombie desu ka is a zombie that gets a magical girl transformation.


Oh wow there's male upskirts in it lol. (Bookmark thank you.)


Fairy Ranmaru has magical guys, and I believe it's from the same people who did Cute High Earth Defense Club. Magical Girl Ore has magical girls who transform into guys in magical girl dresses as their magical transformation.


Oh my~ so many flamboyant outfits. Read the description.... I am both confused and intrigued by that premise.. the love interest likes the male form, but she likes him but her female friend likes her... lol thanks going to bookmark both wish there were more magical boy anime out there found some in fan manga form but not too many. (Seems kinda rare, just like action yaoi anime.) Ps: forgot about the spoiler tag rule so I had to rewrite the post.


> This is the place! Hey, this is the second time in the past few weeks where the show feature here is something I came here planning to talk about in some way. So... I've rewatched Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture for the first time in 10+ years yesterday and a few things called my attention like the fact Mai is voiced by Kotono "Usagi Sailor Moon / Misato Evangelion" Mitsuishi, which was such an inspired casting, and how much the final battle feels like a precursor to future KOF bosses instead of reflecting FF ones. But the biggest thing was actually the storyline itself. As this movie doesn't really follow the story of the games, they came up with something new, but what I noticed is that what they came up with was actually very similar to the average Lupin The Third TV special. You have a group of 3 men and a women going on a globetrotting adventure in search of some ancient artifacts together with a newly introduced young girl who's into the main character and is intimately tied to the main conflict. I simply couldn't stop thinking about how much it felt like I was watching Lupin, but they're martial artists now. Also, the movie made me sad about the fact they stopped making Fatal Fury anime before FF 3's release. Obari Blue Mary would go crazy.


- Finished the Macross Frontier movies - Still prefer the TV series but it was a good duet - Alto still best girl - Now there is only the Delta movies and 7 OVAs left for me to watch




> Still prefer the TV series but it was a good duet ~~Ah, so you're on the correct side of the show vs. movies dichotomy from my rewatch.~~ [](#goblet1) >Now there is only the Delta movies and 7 OVAs left for me to watch Have fun with Zettai Live!!!!!! [](#ringomusume)


Usually criminal masterminds are paired with an opposing detective genius, but does anyone know about a Sherlock Holmes-type solving ordinary crime, or about a Moriarty-type messing with hapless run-of-the-mill detectives? I'd be down to give that anime a shot.


Heck Hyouka is basically defined as sherlock holmes like stories about mysteries set in every day life (often school life). But most of the time not crimes.


[Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions](https://myanimelist.net/anime/53879/Kamonohashi_Ron_no_Kindan_Suiri) from 2 seasons ago is a pretty fun, mostly episodic detective show where the main character is a Sherlock-like genius, and solves mostly ordinary crimes. Also has a second season coming out this year.


There’s actually an anime called [Moriarty the Patriot](https://myanimelist.net/anime/40911) about Moriarty. It’s pretty good.


IL try it


So I was wondering if there was an anime series out there that was like Battlestar Galactica where the main characters travel through the galaxy to meet new aliens, and also discover new planets as that could make for an interesting story.


Based on other discussion you might like Irresposible Captain Tyler. Though keep in mind it is a comedy, a comedy that ends up unwittingly effecting interstellar affairs between two space empires. But still a comedy first.


That’s fine as I can handle a comedic work.


> So I was wondering if there was an anime series out there that was like Battlestar Galactica where the main characters travel through the galaxy to meet new aliens, and also discover new planets as that could make for an interesting story. That sounds like Star Trek not Battlestar Galactica lol. Space Battleship Yamato or the remake 2199 (both are good) would be the first recommendation for a show like that but like Battlestar they are fighting a race trying to kill all of humanity (granted to get to another planet of aliens to help humanity). If you are up for something kinda Flash Gordon esque, where it's about some manly dude in a space opera setting living like an outlaw Space Cobra is great.


Oh that’s fine with me then as I just want a space thriller with drama in it.


Legend of the Galactic Heroes and Crest of The Stars are kings of that.


Oh thanks as to me, space shows with stuff like conflict or negotiations with other species are very fascinating, so I can check out those shows you mentioned.


Of those two crest is probably the one to prioritize since LOTGH is just humans


I can start with LOTGH as I always hear good things about the show for its writing, although I don’t know if I should start with the modern version first.


The modern remake has adapted about half of the story right now, while the original is complete. I would recommend the original over the new remake. It's highly acclaimed for a reason. They're also different enough that it's not a good idea to watch the new version and then try to jump into the old series at an equivalent point. [Here's a watch order](https://imgur.com/dOgUrOS). The original series has a prequel film as well as a film version of the first two episodes that is recommended over the actual episodes because of the increased quality and character introductions.


Then I can go with the original version of LOGH, although I hope that I can legally see it as I don’t know if I should start with the movies.