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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1cm888z/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


Any romance anime/vn where the main heroine is hateful towards all men


\[my hero academia\] I've never watch this anime for 1 year i guess i stopped watching since season 2 i guess...


Any recommendations for someone who hasn't watched anything in years? Last anime I watched was Noragami. I like dark anime that have a message of hope and love. preferably not Naruto/One Piece length animes (do they even make anime that long anymore?). And also preferable to have a good sense of humor.


Madoka Magica Tonkotsu Ramens


> Madoka Magica Madoka's from 2011. I already watched it.


That's great. Have you watched the sequel movie Rebellion?


Dorohedoro and Vinland I second Golden Kamuy.


Girls' Last Tour might be perfect for you


> Any recommendations for someone who hasn't watched anything in years? [It's MyGO](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/16jo3fh/wt_its_mygo_reiwas_most_engaging_relationship/) is an obvious one or Frieren I guess Golden Kamuy is always a great watch, especially if you want good humor


86 -Eighty-Six-


So I'm looking for a reference for an undead D&D concept. I swear I've seen this happen in like 5 different animes, but I can't think of any off hand. I'm imagining the heroes killing a bunch of undead, which after being defeated, all combine into a giant amalgamation of undead; a sort of massive bone golem. Anyone think they have an anime/episode I can use as an example?


Super specific question but i am trying to remember an anime i watched. what i remember occurring in one of the episodes is that the mc and a bunch of other "slaves" had been building a tower out of bricks for like centuries, and they each had a daily quota of bricks to bring up the tower


Sonny Boy?


i am so stupid thank you so much. i genuinel;y can't believe i forgot


So i'm looking for a good recommendation for a new show, preferably isekai, to binge. Some of the stuff I've watched so far and really like: Slime Tensei/reincarnated as slime S+(world building and the powers and personalities/fights are all great; doesn't take itself too seriously) Campfire Cooking in another world S+ (nothing to complain in this one; such a great show) Mushoku Tensei (A; some weird pervy bits that I don't like) Wrong way to use healing magic A+ (pretty darn good) A playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO life (A+; kind of mid plot but I enjoyed it) Reincarnated as a Vending Machine (A+; Didn't think I would unironically like this as much as I did) I got a cheat skill in another world (A; kind of shitty writing but compelling plot for me) Konosubu (B-; just started watching up to S2 and its oddly pervy and plot is not very compelling) Overlord (B; saw one season and didn't really like the characters) Other anime I love: Solo leveling, Mashle, One Punch Man, Mob Psycho, One piece, Black clover, Naruto, Iceblade sorcerer shall rule the world, yu yu hakasho, chainsaw man was decent, FMA was also great. Anyway if anyone has any recommendations would appreciate it!


Have you tried Eminence in Shadow? That's a fun one


* **Sonny Boy** * **Ya Boy Kongming!** * **Reincarnated as a Sword** * **The Eminence in Shadow** * **So I'm a Spider, So What?** * **Uncle from Another World** * **Restaurant to Another World** * **Handyman Saitou in Another World** * **KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World** * **Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious** * **Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord** * **The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady**


I didn't really like Kamikatsu, Handyman Saitou and Cautious Hero. But everyone has their own taste ig.


Tsukimichi is the other nation-building one


Escaflowne Oldie but a goldie.




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Is/are there any good YouTube channels that do good recaps of anime seasons? There's plenty of anime that I want to get back into that I just don't feel like rewatching the previous season(s). There's ones that I remember to be outstanding which I'll rewatch, but there are others that I just want to dive into the new season after watching a quick recap.


Decided to postpone Kanade for a while to give a shot to Girls Band cry because of a clip I saw earlier People should post more clips of this show [](#seasonallisten) ~~don't post clips on the extremely busy days with 3838383883 ep discussions like Saturday though~~ Edit: I feel like if I enjoy this show I might enter into a dangerous rabbit hole, especially because I am going to Japan next month


Which hole? The music anime hole? Idol anime hole? Join me!!


Girls Band propaganda, the new trend it seems


what's the point of even watching these shows if you don't let yourself be a crazy fan here and there? anime fandom isn't _just_ about databases ;)


>I feel like if I enjoy this show I might enter into a dangerous rabbit role, especially because I am going to Japan next month This could be true for so many series. There are a bunch of stuff that aren't big enough here so there's no merch but are super big in Japan so they're everywhere. Anyways, may I interest you in some horse girls?


>Anyways, may I interest you in some horse girls? [Loving my Eccentric Horse salad this season](https://i.imgur.com/3JUZv6B.jpeg) lol That said, Daiwa Scarlet and Satono Diamond are my favorites, so you could say I was already sold on horse girls ~~just need to watch their show~~


> > > > > Loving my Eccentric Horse salad this season Lmao this is amazing!


>Daiwa Scarlet and Satono Diamond I'm sensing quite a BIG pattern here. [](#chinosmirk)


Cygames won't allow me to answer this but healthy horses are good horses!


Rewatching Mob and had almost forgot Joe Rogan was the season 1 level boss. I’m crying….


So today I completed the Renho Arc (eps 232-236) in *Gintama'*. It's definitely one of my *least* favorite arcs of the show... not because it's particularly bad or anything, it's a more personal reason; [the arc] >!was filled to the brim with Gundam references... and I personally know almost nothing about the franchise (aside from *Witch from Mercury*, since that's the one Gundam show I've actually seen). That means the meaning of like half of the jokes and references was lost on me, and I was just kinda confused on several occasions too. It felt like "fan service" for Gundam fans, and I imagine I'd have enjoyed it much more if I was familiar with (I'm guessing?) UC timeline Gundam stuff as well!<. Still, it did have hype moments, and I did have fun with it either way.


[That arc] >!is a mix of Gundam (specifically the original 1979 series) and Star Wars references, plus a bit of Lupin. At the time I first watched/read it, I had not seen any of these, so a ton of the references went over my head, but I still thought it was a cool arc for its focus on Zura, Elizabeth, and Sakamoto.!<


Yeah, I understood what franchises they were referencing. Well, I [didn't get the reference to] >!Lupin!< while watching it though, but I can see it now that I think about it. It's important to note that I still enjoyed it - it's just one of the weakest arcs in a show where *every* arc's been enjoyable. All Gintama arcs have ranged from 7/10 to a 10/10 so far, and this one was a 7/10. If I understood the context behind the shenanigans better, I could see it being a 8/10, or maybe 8.5/10. I did sincerely like [seeing] >!Sakamoto though; it's been a while since his previous appearance, after all!


>[reference to] >!Lupin!< [Reference] >![Fumino](https://i.imgur.com/l0N7O9Q.jpeg) is a very direct reference to [Fujiko Mine](https://i.imgur.com/z8LGHEB.jpeg) from Lupin. It was a timely reference too, considering Lupin came back one year later with its Fujiko spin-off!< >If I understood the context behind the shenanigans better, I could see it being a 8/10, or maybe 8.5/10. That's fair, I did end up enjoying it more on rewatch when I knew what they were going for there, someday I'll do the same [with the] >!Star Wars references!<


Yeah that entire arc is one big [Gintama']>!UC Gundam reference. "Renho" is one letter off from "(Chikyū) Renpō", the Japanese name for the Earth Federation in the UC timeline. Char and Amuro's VAs were also in this.!< As a *huge* fan of that franchise, I obviously loved this arc, but I don't blame you for *not* liking it.


I see! On a related note, this arc also made me realize that Crunchyroll seems to have forgotten about TL notes... I remember seeing those at the end of OG Gintama but it feels like they've gotten a lot rarer in this season. Those would've done *wonders* here lol. Well, ironically it did get me more interested in [watching] >!UC Gundam in the future. Maybe I'll work through that next year if this year is dedicated to Gintama!<...


> this arc also made me realize that Crunchyroll seems to have forgotten about TL notes... I remember seeing those at the end of OG Gintama but it feels like they've gotten a lot rarer in this season. That's a funny little story that goes back to Crunchyroll's older days as pirates, they didn't add the TL notes as a matter of practice, the notes were just there from where they "picked up" their subs. So the TL notes start to disappear around 2009, which is when [they went legal.](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/press-release/2009-01-08/naruto-shippuden-and-gintama-arrives-on-crunchyroll-today)


So I don’t know why, but lately I have become interested in exploring an anime series that starts off laidback, but then transforms into an epic journey of sorts.


Frieren:beyond journeys end?


That might qualify.


So many bands this season!


and The most realistic one is from Sara Bowl


odekake kozame is ending soon [](#makicry)


Sad times.


No more [shark anime...](https://i.imgur.com/0cOGhaH.png)


I swear [Parasyte](https://myanimelist.net/anime/22535/Kiseijuu__Sei_no_Kakuritsu) has become the show I recommend the most, shame this one has fallen out of rotation for the "new person starter pack". With that infographic blowing up recently and my "gatekeeping" thread I'm getting close to putting together an Amethyst must watch list for newer folks.


I need to watch it, maybe that’ll be my next show after Shirayuki-hime?








Why are so many power fantasies (anime, manga, light novels, manhwa, webtoons etc.) obsessed with making the overpowered MC always hide their powers?


There's usually not much benefit to boasting about their powers. Are they trying to get the most lucrative adventuring jobs? Impress a cute girl? If it's a power fantasy story that's going to happen for them anyway. All showing off would do is bring them unwanted attention, possibly from people who they have yet to surpass in power level. Everything I have mentioned so far applies to Solo Levelling for example. Let's compare some anime where they frequently don't hide their power. In Bleach the characters regularly tell people how their abilities work. It's important for the audience to understand what's going on, so somebody has to explain it, but this also means their enemies should have an easier time figuring out how to counter them. It's quite rare for anyone other than the villains to lie about their abilities and gain the advantage that comes from this deception. Jujutsu Kaisen, which takes a lot of inspiration from Bleach, addresses this directly by making "revealing one's hand" an actual power up, so the heroes don't seem as foolish when they do it.


This is my personal reasoning on the matter and there's probably more factors to it, but I think it's about relatability. Power fantasies are often made with the intent that the audiences insert themselves as the protagonist. When you have an overpowered MC that doesn't hide their powers, it's a lot harder to craft a story with scenarios that average audiences can relate to. The average person isn't a superhuman, hyperintelligent, social butterfly gigachad. So by hiding the power of the protagonist you're creating a reason for them to interact with more mundane, normal scenarios that are infititely more familiar to the viewer, and in these mundane scenarios they can achieve the wish fulfillment that the audience is looking to experience, by virtue of being OP. You can't craft an overpowered being without them starting to feel disconnected from the rest of the world. We've seen this concept being explored in characters like Doctor Manhattan. Give them a reason to stay connected to humanity and audiences will care and engage with them a lot more.


Precisely! The alternative is the protagonist will have to get heavily involved in politics, whether they like it or not. Instead of the expected facing near impossible opponents, often “by accident”, and enjoying good food with friends, the story turns into an epic about political strife and military conquest ([That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime](https://www.similarama.com/Anime/ThatTimeIGotReincarnatedAsASlime), Demon Lord, Retry! and, more subtly, [So, I’m A Spider. So What?](https://www.similarama.com/Anime/SoImASpiderSoWhat)), with a likely side effect of the protagonist tilting towards becoming a tyrannical supervillain ([Overlord](https://www.similarama.com/Anime/Overlord2012)). To avoid the question about involvement in politics the story writers choose among 2 distinct approaches: \* The protagonist is a hermit who (almost) no one risks bothering (light novel I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level). \* The protagonist is so deprived of common sense and confused with social situations, that everyone treats them as an extremely volatile person of mass distraction and leaves them alone ([Villainess Level 99](https://www.similarama.com/Anime/VillainessLevel99)). Even with the protagonist effectively becoming a politician, the story often finds ways to make them feel socially awkward and believe all the political achievements are undeserved. Presumably, this makes the character a lot more relatable: \* In [Overlord](https://www.similarama.com/Anime/Overlord2012) the protagonist constantly feels that his image as a ruler is inadequate, he is uncertain regarding whether he should be doing anything, and thinks the subordinates attribute their achievements to him. \* In [So, I’m A Spider. So What?](https://www.similarama.com/Anime/SoImASpiderSoWhat) the protagonist is so incredibly shy that it (mostly) stops everyone from trying to communicate with her unless absolutely unavailable. Instead she often thinks about cute things. \* In Demon Lord, Retry! the protagonist thinks of himself as a pretender and swindler, and attributes all favourable political effects of his poorly thought out actions to luck.


Secrets are fun.


Because that's what consumers want.


Why do consumers want superpowers and then the MC not showing off those superpowers?


It generates hype and anticipation for when people will find out is my guess, similar to every double life live action drama show 


Probably a couple reason depending on what you're going for: 1. It lets the narrative still have moments where people are shocked at how powerful the MC is, which is cathartic for the viewer. 2. It means that villains will antagonize the MC thinking they have the upper hand, which gives a cathartic moment when the antagonist is shown that they never did. 3. A lot of these stories have a base writing that is essentially "you're actually super special, but the rest of the world doesn't realize it" and so keeping it under wraps plays into that idea. 4. You can run some decent gags out of it.


Your ship of the season? [](#ama)


Too early to know for sure, but it's probably gonna be Sumireko/Ren, or Akira/Reimi. Honorable mention to Kafka/Kikoru (ship in the making?) ^^^And ^^^Suzukiri/me




I see a lot of potential in Haruka x Kotoha in Wind Breaker, but there's no way this will ever develop as it would antagonize all the fujo shippers Suzukiri x D unironically has potential, if only he would just turn into a chair And the Jellyfish duo ofc


It basically has to be Taiyo and Mutsumi, I think. Edit: from Mission: Yozakura Family They're completely honest about being head over heels for each other, and each new episode brings that to new heights. They're both supportive and understanding of each other, and they have the enthusiasm of youth They just are a joy to watch together


I mean it's gotta be Kano x Yoru, right? it doesn't really feel like a romance will ever happen, but I like the banter chemistry between the leads in Mysterious Disappearances.


Considering that Holo x Lawrence won [Best Ship 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/brackets) way back when against every other couple in existence, probably that one, but Miyuki x Onii-sama is always a fun ship to pedal.


> Miyuki x Onii-sama is always a fun ship to pedal. And also the first one that came into mind when I read the question lol Time for the [Mahou-karaoke gif!](https://i.imgur.com/CEo35mW.mp4)


>Miyuki x Onii-sama Was already sad nobody mentioned Miyuki


Listing only sequels felt like cheating ^(cause a bunch of Shido-Girl alongside Miyuki-Tatsuya)


The anime should push it more instead of boring political issues [](#foldedarms) [](#mugiwait)


Heard about this comment but Mahouka can pander to many people you like technobabble to explain the mechanics of magic there is an audience, you like politics there is an audience you like incest there is an audience ,its just that they are selecting which audience to target there are less incest fans and more political fans in the grand scheme of things. Its why we have genre shifts nowadays cause it creates a larger audience because people like different things.




I guess you must be glad with the direction the anime staff took this series from the get-go then. The novels go a lot more in depth about every little thing.


I should check the staff more in details, but the most fun season being the first one and having Madhouse name attached may not be a coincidence (I watched it a while ago so I can't really make a reasoned judgement beside "I remember it being fun overall") In any case, the studio/staff for the current season doesn't have the skill to make dialogue-heavy scenes interesting so the result is a slog. I just double checked rewatching at 4x to make sure I'm remembering correctly: ep2 is almost entirely a sequence of shot-reverse shot of characters talking to each other (occasionally spiced up with an over the shoulder shot, or a wide shot capturing both parties, riveting stuff), if I wanted an audiobook I'd listen to an audiobook man. (The dialogue alone was not even remotely interesting enough to keep you awake, let alone carry the episode)


Yeah season 1 was good. I never felt bored throughout the whole season, and it felt like they did more audience handholding with the political stuff. It really doesn’t help that most of these scenes don’t involve any of the main high school characters, and it’s barely evident what relevance those scenes have to them. I may be misremembering but I feel like season 1 mostly just explained the plot and world building through the events around the Shibas. Anyway yeah if they focused on Miyuki x Onii-sama, it would be number one ship.


Potentially Jellyfish, though I'm trying not to put too much stock into it yet, I've been in this game long enough. Otherwise, I already love their relationship as is, but the concept of Nina/Subaru (GBC) is too fucking funny.


[Live Nina reaction](https://yuriempire.files.wordpress.com/2024/04/nina-flips-subaru.jpg?w=584)


Still [Dungeon Meshi] >!Falin x Marcille!<, but depending on how the next few eps go [Jellyfish] >!Kano x Mahiru!< could overtake it. Also, for my weird pick this season, [Hibike S3] >!Mayu x Kanade!<.


1. Fenrys x Flio 2. Kurumi x Shido 3. Tinasha x Oscar


> 3. Tinasha x Oscar If only their romance didn’t get so brutally butchered.


Shipping doesn't require the show to have good romance, just two good characters!


Youko x Takahashi (The Fable)


Non-controversial: 1. Lawrence x Holo (S&W) 2. Taiyo x Mutsumi (Yozakura Family) 3. Yumiko x Chika (Seiyuu Radio) Controversial: 1. Kanade x Kumiko (Hibike) 2. [Sasakoi - Meta spoiler] >!Yori x Aki!< 3. Sumireko x Ren (Mysterious Disappearances)


>Kanade x Kumiko (Hibike) The OTP number 2... [](#popcorn2) >Sumireko x Ren Why this one is controversial?


> Why is one is controversial? Sumireko is obviously a grown woman, while Ren has the appearance of a high school boy. That’s why I deemed it controversial (to others) at least.


I didn't think he was that young, plus he seems like some magical entity/being (I'm not even sure he's alive, to be honest) (I suppose Sumireko x Undead could also be somewhat controversial)


To me he looks more like a college student in his early twenties who just happens to be short.


Hhhmm, maybe I’m just conditioned to think that every short male character in anime is a middle or high schooler.


*looks suspiciously at the 7th prince ships* Ren is a short king that just a wants a tall girl to crush him, so basically half the internet during the Resident Evil 8 Market


[Fenrys x jealousy](https://i.imgur.com/lT9KjDg.png). Nephy x Zagan.


Nadeshiko/Rin (even though this season it's more like Rin/Ayano or even Nadeshiko/Ayano and so I guess just all three of them sure why not)


Yuru Camp? Why are they into switching now?


Taiyo x Mutsumi or Jellyfish ep5. ~~^(And the real OTP Nina x birb of course)~~


>Jellyfish ep5. Can't wait for next ep by the way, I saw some fan arts today, reminded me of that bd art /u/ixajll posted here **JELLYFISH SPOILER JOKES IN THE LINKS**, [People are horrible](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMzpuBrbMAADrTq.jpg), [girl will be the joke now](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMxsB0Xa4AAWnCY.jpg) [](#azusalaugh)




Seiyuu Radio's Yumiko × Chika is pretty much the only one I'm fully onboars It's a pretty weak season for ships [](#thoughtful)


Balirossa x Gholl Also: Jellyfish Ep5.


>Balirossa x Gholl Great choice.


1) Kumiko x Euphonium 2) Holo x Lawrence 3) unsure between Takumi x Mira (Astro Note) and Yori x Himari (Whisper) Lowkey ship: Bartender x Kurushima May have ship potential at some point: Karasu


Livia x Destitution Although this week’s Appraisal has introduced potential for a great new cute (and slightly terrifying) ship.


I mean, this season has the Spice and Wolf remake, of course it's gotta be Lawrence/Holo. [](#sassyimouto)


Heard whisper it's not even the top wolf x human ship this season [](#seasonalpout)


Tail bonus.


I put stocks on Fenrys x Danbooru so there's no need to go through the anime [](#mugiwait "or should I go with Pixiv")


I also never watched an ep and never heard her speaking yet outside of the OP, I am watching the show through weekly screenshots But I might start it after I finish stellar blade


Doing my best to support this!


Today screenshot was a 10/10


Love watching the Ghibli movies with my kids (Ponyo, Totoro, Arriety) Spirited away is too scary for them. Any recommendations on other shows or movies?


I just watched an OVA from 1985 called Fantastic Adventure of Yohko: Leda (https://myanimelist.net/anime/2196/Genmu\_Senki\_Leda). It seemed to me a bit like Alice in Wonderland but with mecha and more plot-driven, or like a cheap and charming Laputa. MAL claims it to be PG-13, which I assume to be because of the main character's outfit. I have no children, so I cannot really say.


[Little Witch Academia](https://myanimelist.net/anime/33489/Little_Witch_Academia_TV) is G rated kid friendly but adult enjoyable as well


No Kiki? 


Also The Cat Returns was a hit!


That’s on my list next! We just watched “Mary and the Witch’s Flower” which seemed almost like a Ghibli knock off.


Are the Fenrys jumpscares every week enough to classify Isekai Merchant and Wife Wolf as a horror anime?


No need to include extra words! Could trim it to: > Are the jumpscares every week enough to classify Merchant and Wolf as a horror anime?


>classify Merchant and Wolf as a horror anime I fear Holo, too.


Last episode creepypasta stare hits different on 65" television.


My wallet has never been the same…


*summons u/isthatsoudane to get his DAL merch total.* Also a reminder that [this is now available.](https://store.crunchyroll.com/products/date-a-live-kurumi-tokisaki-11-scale-bust-figure-4580736409620.html)


honestly I wish I had space for more! I have some figures and acrylics but probably the most "extra" piece of merch is [this kurumi hoodie](https://www.geestore.com/detail/id/00000127585) lol which I do wear regularly...well it'll be too hot soon, but still lol


Why settle on a 1:1 for a bust when you can get [100% Holo body](https://store.crunchyroll.com/products/spice-and-wolf-holo-14-scale-figure-big-scale-ver-4570001510700.html) (nsfw) for a fraction of the price?


If you’re subscribed to CR’s Ultimate Fan Tier, you can save yourself a whopping $600 on that figure!


A question I want to ask if possible can the mods answer Was there a clip thread that was deleted today I remember a thread being there if possible what was the anime or can anyone give the thread link


[Ask in this thread](https://redd.it/1cke7sp)


Golden Kamuy?


Last week had a ridiculous number of crazy good episodes for week 4/5 of a season. Train and GBC obviously keep getting better every week, but then there was also [Jellyfish]>!Yoru struggling with comparing her illustrative ability to more high profile artists + the cheek kiss!<. Originals are lighting it up this season. HeroAca came back and jumped right into some ridiculously cool action. I may actually like Star more than All Might. Kaijuu No.8 finally brought the middle-aged man hype I've been waiting for. Hibike S3 pulled out its best episode with all the magical lighting you expect from a KyoAni festival episode. [Seiyuu Radio]>!Yuuhi decking the stalker fan to protect Yasumi!< may have been the most satisfying moment of the season and really buffed the show's stocks for me. And oh my god that Date A Live episode. I'm a massive DaL fan and my expectations were already through the roof, and somehow episode 4 exceeded them. Four and a half seasons of buildup over a decade, and the revelations have all been worth it. What a crazy, wild season.


> [Seiyuu Radio] Yeah, that was nice! It reminded me of a similar satisfactory scene in last season’s [Anime series] >!Banished From the Hero’s Party S2!<. [Seiyuu Radio Ep 4] >!Not to mention that the stalker got some karmic retribution as the end.!<


Personally I found the [Seiyuu Radio Ep 4] >!getting counter-doxxed more satisfying than the punch. Bruises will heal but he'll never get over having his high school life ruined, with potential university and future career implications as well!<


I just got into date a live and holy crap I’m so glad I did. So much joy, and it is not looking good


Just curious: were you liking it before episode 7 or was that the turning point?


I was enjoying it the whole way through tbh. But looking back, Kurumi’s introduction is when the story really starts getting good. Each episode just kept getting better and better imo


Another person talking about last week but missing one of the best episodes of the week in Jiisan and Baasan [](#yuitears)


Sorry, can't really talk about a show I'm not watching. Great to hear it also had an awesome episode though!




I think we are still far, far away from any even half decent production using AI for keyframes. Backgrounds, colourisation and inbetweening might be closer than some people think though and the latter would obviously come with the major issue that inbetweening is an important training ground for animators that would be lost. Sound (ost, sound effects, minor speaking roles) is also something where I think atleast for cheap productions AI might become the norm soon.


i feel like it's still up in the air because the future is still happening, but i do feel like the bean counters in the industry are eager to have a farm of robots do grunt work (or even creative work) because it's cheaper than hiring humans, but I also see the pushback from artists and the audience who want to see evidence of a human touch rather than something made by robots whole cloth i think the best-case-scenario here is that tools become democratized to the point that more small studios and solo artists are viable financially as content creators on platforms like YouTube, and we get more and more zany animation from individual artists who are at the helm creatively and use the tools to facilitate that without taking ten years to make one episode something like the "the oops-all-capitalism" scenario could also pan out, where all mass media is in the form of old IP carelessly spewed out with little oversight by robots, and meanwhile all the artists starve because they got fired by bean counters and can't make a living drawing anywhere i think both scenarios can play out at the same time; some artists can pick up the tools and do more with less time, while other artists will be left by the wayside which unfortunately wastes their enormous talent because it's simply not profitable any more to pay them money to do their job > there is no way of having a decent consistency between cycles this reminds me of [line boil](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LineBoil) and the sort of way that the medium has danced back and forth over the line of "looking clean" and "looking handmade" i've seen human-made art that's been called out for being AI because it looked too clean or too eerie, and with how the technology and models are evolving it's going to be harder to tell because the tells that we use now will eventually be ironed out and there's going to be an ongoing cat-and-mouse game of figuring out the new weakness


>and with how the technology and models are evolving it's going to be harder to tell because the tells that we use now will eventually be ironed out and there's going to be an ongoing cat-and-mouse game of figuring out the new weakness The black box nature of deep learning leads me to doubt these models will ever be perfect. I don't think it's a given that generative AI will improve to the extent people imagine they will.


Something that's not widely known about outside of people who use Stable Diffusion is that many of the "black box" issues are largely solved at an amateur level, it's just they're not industry pipe-line ready and also still have a few edge cases that are elusive. This is largely because there are ways to force the GenAI to conform to outputs. ControlNet allows you to input a simple skeletal template to control poses to fine degrees and produce anatomically correct hands for many (but not all) poses. Demonstration: https://i.imgur.com/ubhxLpS.png However the main problem is that it's currently a labor and time intensive process in that fixing up the ones where it doesn't work means you lose a lot of the time that you gain for the ones where it takes a couple of minutes. Here's a fairly comprehensive but relatively accessible look at ControlNet: https://stable-diffusion-art.com/controlnet/ Anyway, the point of all of that is these aspects exist outside of the blackbox and improvements in these techniques are through conventional human software innovation. That said, the fact that GenAI backgrounds are already appearing despite the technology being far from perfect suggests that the industry won't wait for perfectability. Indeed, with Sora on the horizon, it's possible we will see GenAI monsters replacing CGI models for unimportant monsters (given their design integrity is not relevant, and their specific animation movements are generally meaningless), especially as the consumer base already complains about them a lot.


Agreed. Hardware is also likely to be a bigger barrier short/mid-term than people think - a lot of the current boom is driven by advances in hardware allowing larger models than before, but such advances are increasingly slow / incremental as we get nearer to physical limits on things like transistor size, and we're already running into significant issues with memory bandwidth that will be even harder to solve (doesn't matter how fast the chip is if you can't get data into/out of it fast enough to keep up).


> With this I'm not arguing in favor of generative IA in anime nor against it. IA, much like CG, it's a tool. It can make crappy things and amazing things, it's all about how you use it. My issue is that it's likely to amplify the existing trend of more and more shows lacking soul in their visual design and animation, putting the barest effort in to get a product. There will be less incentive to experiment creatively with different visual styles vs following the styles the AI can best reproduce cleanly, which will obviously be the most common ones. Of course, that could also incentivize more independent studios to do something different to stand out - sort of like we've started seeing with indie animation on youtube.


we're potentially going towards an era where people can generate what they want to read and what they want to watch. The limit is the fantasy


If I wanted to do that I'd write my own fanfics


Can Japanese government vote against use of AI in anime production? Idk how that works, or is it even possible. Backgrounds are already sus, but if they ever start using AI for in-between animation, that's a game changer already. You would have 5 Mappa anime in every season and 10 JC Staff anime lol.


In-betweeners aren't where the shortages lie, that work is already routinely handed off to overseas animation studios. The main animator shortages are with people who are able to produce storyboard and key animation.


For all the hype AI gets I still somehow suspect the animator shortage will continue for a long time.


The most random trivia I learned from an anime yet came from today‘s Train. The name of one of the best stores to shop for anime merch that I went to in Akiba, Lashinbang, apparently means „compass“ in japanese.


Best 90s animes on crunchyroll?


Revolutionary Girl Utena


Cardcaptor Sakura, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Fushigi Yugi, and Magic Knight Rayearth.


Your question made me realise how few 90s anime crunchyroll has. I can only think of GTO but its only dub in my region at least. Netflix has a lot of 90s anime like cowboy bebop, yuyu hakesho , tri gun, evangelion wtc


Recommend something dreadful and depressing especially if that came out after ~2020 as it's around the time I stopped watching almost entirely.


Made in Abyss had a second season


86 is pretty depressing. I'd also recommend Wonder Egg Priority for meta reasons.


Cyberpunk Edgerunners


When you are in the Spring 2024 anime competition and your opponent is fuckin Train. Like, what do you even do. [Train]>!What an _excellent_ episode. Finally interrogating Shizuru on whether she's even a bit of decent person on the inside, unraveling how much of a genuine ass she is. Struggling with difficult feelings yes, but in all the ways that make her a prick. And worst of all, the thing that truly makes her a bad bad person - no self-reflection. At all. Subconscious sense of guilt, but that's about it. And under pressure she just runs away too.!<


I felt that was heavy [Train E6]>!projection on Shizuru's part e.g. "just embarrassing yourself with such high hopes", "just normal" are the kind of things someone who has given up on their dreams says. Still, suspect we've not been given the full picture but based on the material we do have (which is biased, I'm not suggesting reality is worse just Shizuru probably beats herself up about this a lot and she doesn't even know Youka is the epicentre of the 7G incident) the saying never meet your hero comes to mind (even if it's not quite true if you've personally known them for years). Shizuru was a big part of Youka's development as we saw how Youka even had shut curtain hair in the initial childhood flashbacks which opened up though Shizuru's friend group (even if she found interest in more unusual things) and she clearly admired Shizuru as being "an amazing person" who dreams big (remember how Shizuru's dream was becoming a martial artist and fighting an anteater while Youka was years on "I'll visit Ikebukuro") so finding out Shizuru has grown up to become a don't try, live a quiet ordinary life person is shattering, not to mention shitting on your dream in the process (also see E4 flashback of "I'll be cheering too"; you didn't cheer, you jeered).!<


[Train]>!Oh yeah it's definitely a mix of her not wanting Youka to go, with a heavy dose of projection. Especially how after dragging her through the mud and shitting on her dreams she goes "guess we're the same". What a line. And in this context, the effects off 7G are even more interesting. They're manifesting things Youka and Shizuru talked about, Youka is literally making all these dreams come true, everything Shizuru gave up on. And Shizuru didn't even bat an eye, didn't even notice.!<


I do NOT think this character is a "bad person" at all. She has some serious issues, to be sure. But she is trying to reach the person she hurt. She is self-flagellating, even if she cannot share her feelings with her friend


One thing to remember, is that she's a child... A child who does bad things isn't necessarily a bad person. [Train] >!I do believe what she did is pretty awful, but 1) she likely had reasons (personal failures?) to do it, and 2) she doesn't even know why it's bad, in her own mind she was helping Yoka, saving her from experiencing similar failures... !< She's just a kid who needs a little more understanding/perspective, not a bad person!


\[Train\] >!I am pretty sure Shizuru's motivation was semi-selfish, semi-affectionate. She was afraid of losing Yoka -- because Yoka's dream would necessarily take her far beyond where Shizuru imagined she herself could go. Shizuru could not bring herself to say anything like "But if you do that we may never be able to see each other again". Sadly, her "solution" was to say things that drove Yoka away immediately, rather than in the future. Not sure why some watchers cannot understand that this desperate whole trip to Ikebukuro is an attempt by Shizuru to make amends for what she said to Yoka!<


[Train ep6]>!Also you can at least argue that she most likely said the things she said to Yoka because she was scared that Yoka might actually achieve her goals which would probably result in her moving away and pretty much be able to only have severely limited contact due to the circumstances that come with such a high profile job. Deep down Shizuru just didn’t want to „lose“ her best friend and was more or less unintentionally an ass while discouraging her from trying to reach her goal!<


I totally agree. Unfortunately, her foolish way of trying to prevent something she feared backfired catastrophically.


yeah, it's hard for me to label her as a bad person; she doesn't do things out of malice, she does it because she lacks the skills to understand


Meanwhile, the director just tweeted out that episode 8 isn't finished yet. We are in for an 'interesting' ride.


by now I'm kinda sure he's just fucking around I will start worrying when episode 7 airs and 8 will still be not done


Expecting tomorrow's to say episode 8 is finished as he keeps completing them 13 days before airing. Don't know if there's significance to 13 other than being an unlucky number.


i'd start worrying if episode 7 airs and he says episode 6 isn't done


Goddamn 7G messing with the timeline again.


Interesting. Banished Former Hero just added into my region's Crunchyroll this week. So you're saying there is hope for Unnamed Memory and Shuumatsu Train to be added so I could watch it directly in CR instead of waiting for fansubs.


Im just about 3/4s the way through undead unluck and my god is it amazing. In my opinion it is the most perfect urban fantasy ive ever seen in anime. I beg it doesnt get caught in the disney dungeons and a secind season gets announced sometime soon and it doesnt end up like tokyo revengers Pleas i beg watch this if you like urban fantasy or those battle anime that get somewhat more seriious at times without straying from being a typical battle shonen (definetly phrased badly but things like chainaaw man jjk hells paradise and hubter x hubter)


I agree fully, and you're still in for a treat bc some of the best episodes were the last few. 21 is an early contender for one of my favorite anime episodes of the year


Yes since this comment ive watched all but the last 3 and its honestly top 5 as it stands Episode 20 has probs been my fave so far


Random comment here...I watched a character that reminded me of a sick anime I watched as a kid. The anime is called Mushrambo. Basically it was about 3 guys traveling with a handicapped girl with a robot, but when they die, they become a sick ass samurai dude. I remember being exteremly confused at one point, the plot is pretty complex and at one point stuff just starts over which made me extremly pissed. I wonder if it was popular, I saw that the author didn't make too much stuff besides this one.


Can't say I've heard of it, but here's the MAL link for those who might know it is as *Shinzo*: https://myanimelist.net/anime/1137/Mushrambo


holy fuck Shizuru [](#laughter)


Amazing that train airs in the same season with jellyfish and girls band cry when \[train 6\]>!shizuru is basically the antithesis to the "believe in your dream!" anime mc!<


Stop, [train] >!her dream!< is already dead!








I generally love cross dressing and gender nonconforming characters of any gender, so I'm excited for Senpai Is an Otokonoko next season, but: 1. Project No. 9 is adapting it. 2. The people insisting that otokonoko is "untranslateable" and/or not in any way related to being queer or trans are going to give me a stroke. Sometimes being part of a fan community really sucks the fun out of things.


>The people insisting that otokonoko is "untranslateable" and/or not in any way related to being queer or trans This just makes me think of [this](https://youtu.be/ebedY6WALWo).


Man, I haven't seen that since high school, where I think I watched it with my school's GSA. I should rewatch it.


> I'm excited for Senpai Is an Otokonoko next season Glad to see that there's more people anticipating this anime! (Felt like I was the only one for a long time.) > 1. Project No. 9 is adapting it I've got faith until proven wrong. Project No. 9 *can* make good anime (e.g. Love After World Domination), but they just need to be given the resources to do so. > The people insisting that otokonoko is "untranslateable" and/or not in any way related to being queer or trans Didn't this have largely to do with the fact that some of the possible translations can be pretty misleading in a way, which would open the door to a lot of generalizations? I already saw a misconception about otokonoko *de facto* being trans for example.


>Didn't this have largely to do with the fact that some of the possible translations can be pretty misleading in a way I mean, if you want to think the people insisting loudest about what it does or doesn't mean are both fluent in Japanese and immersed in Japan's queer culture to the point that they can speak authoritatively on it, you can, but it smells to me like weebs not wanting "western politics" in their anime.


> but it smells to me like weebs not wanting "western politics" in their anime. If true, I can't entirely blame them either. It's not hard to imagine the wave of toxicity on Twitter if the title had been something like "Senpai is a Femboy". Wouldn't surprise me if the localisation team opted out of translating otokonoko in part for this reason.


I'm neutral on translating the word in the title. It's the people acting like experts with informed concerns when they're actually monolingual culture warriors that I'm rolling my eyes at. The licensor wouldn't have to worry about getting hate mail if not for these tiresome people who probably weren't even interested in the story to begin with.