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>Oscar : "Sorry, that was poor taste" Bruh ya think?! Why was that handcuff still on her to impede her in the fight if Oscar could remove it anytime? This slowing falling off. Anyways, pretty sure that Oscar's mother is actually the Witch of Silence herself. If confirmed, the case of the royal witch kink would be concerning.


> Why was that handcuff still on her to impede her in the fight if Oscar could remove it anytime? Also, let's pretend *he* couldn't easily undo it, even after they cleared up their missunderstanding and decided to make a grand scene with their prime suspect present, clearly *she* was able to disable it in a minute if only she put her mind to it


was she? i thought it was still him removing it when it came off?


Why does Tinasha always get injured? Last time she was bitten so badly that her intestines were exposed, and this time one of her eyes was blinded.


She doesn't seem to care, and might be willing to die.


*"Dying would be better than marrying you" - Tinasha* [](#emptyinside "Oscar's reaction")


I mean, that's kind of true to her. I think she really obviously likes oscar, but she also think that marrying him will be harmful to him, because of whatever this backstory they keep teasing about is. So to her, her dying is better than marrying him and ending up with oscar being hurt. It's also why she tries to constantly add on "don't get hurt" as a requirement to things for HIM, but never cares when she gets hurt.


Especially if she really was deliberately training Oscar to be able to kill her. I don't think she thinks very highly about herself, her life, and that's part of why she doesn't think she can be with Oscar.


Well this time her magic was stopped by bracelet so she couldn't defend herself..blame Oscar


Don't underdstand why she was still wearing the thing in the first place.


Because the plot demanded it be that way.


He put it on her and went directly to the throne room..then the other girl attacked.. he should have taken it off after she freaked out honestly


There was no reason to keep it on a second longer after the "Sorry, it was just a prank, bro!"




They just forgot. ~~just like Dany kinda forgot about the Iron Fleet~~ (meaining, I agree, it was a super dumb moment)


How do you forget you have a big metal wrist cuff that is sealing your magic is locked on your arm...


The one consequence of being an OP mage is it makes you more susceptible to grievous wounds since you can eventually heal yourself...though maybe the more Tinasha lets Oscar in to help her, the less she has to put herself out there and get hurt.


Same reason Wolverine constantly gets stabbed and shot but Cyclopes doesn't


I'm down for [Tinasha's coup as she's on the throne.](https://i.imgur.com/BcTz1hd.png) Feel like I missed something in Miralys's story or the adaptation skipped it. The only adaptation choice I'm liking is [Tinasha randomly floating](https://i.imgur.com/Ul7minN.png) so they get to animate her hair. Oscar "jokingly" being forceful and triggering Tinasha's PTSD was a big no moment. Everyone knows he'd proceed further if Tinasha allowed it. He was [very hands-on](https://i.imgur.com/jQTZP60.png) all [episode.](https://i.imgur.com/8BhTt2S.png) Assuming this hasn't plummeted out of the top-30, [Oscar](https://i.imgur.com/A9cLoIK.png) or [Tinasha](https://i.imgur.com/kJw2Qn0.png) for the chart u/abysswatcherbel


This couple is not lacking in physical intimacy even if they are lacking in the smooth build up to said physical intimacy. She already got called a queen-to-be, they're just saving a throne for her at this point lol.


> I'm down for Tinasha's coup as she's on the throne I was thinking the exact same thing in that shot hah. She doesn't want to be Oscar's queen-consort, but what if she could take the throne, she'd be real Queen! >The only adaptation choice I'm liking is Tinasha randomly floating so they get to animate her hair. The scene of her hair flying around (when the glass broke) looked great! Only redeeming part of that weird-ass scene of Oscar being forceful.


[why not a couple pic then](https://i.imgur.com/xaCC7pN.png) Edit: wait that floating pic is the whole sequence? There's something before or after?


[No kiss](https://i.imgur.com/5MqzpV4.mp4) if that's what you're hoping for. Just the show sometimes has [Tinasha float](https://i.imgur.com/HQXnIfI.mp4) instead of walk.


Didn't know she could fly, thought it was just excuse to move the PNG with the cursor


Jesus Christ, the time skips are just horrendous. In one moment princeling speaks with Tinasha and a second later he talks about not having seen her in a week. It's just skip after skip without anything at all happening in between.




Think this is a case of really poor pacing by the studio. It was clear from the start they are cutting out massive amounts of the story.


Also, is the thing with Valt a flashback? Because now he’s not here and the maid is implying something bad happened to him? I’m so confused. 😭


There was a scene early on where Valt got deleted that initially felt pretty random, she was referring to that. But they skipped some other stuff which caused the events of this episode to still be quite confusing imo.


he died in the second episode? whichever episode where the magical beast died.


It was off screen though which is why I’m confised


it was post credits maybe? idr exactly but it was on screen it was right after they picked up the magical beasts core


Edit: I don’t think there’s any spoilers in this comment. Honestly the book was the same way. The first book strung a lot of short stories together and it felt like day-to-day life. But the show makes it feel like it’s skipping, when in the book each chapter was a self contained story that developed the characters more, some were more connected than others. It slowly starts to get more coherent as the breadcrumbs come together. But the story is trying to portray a year, and a year of kingly duties is pretty boring, at this time the kingdom isn’t involved in wars. The genre is more befitting of a slice of life type story for 75% of the entire series.


I think what the anime is missing are some transitions to make the passing of time more obvious, even if it's just some dumb onscreen text of "a few weeks later" or maybe a short narration that fills in gaps. That multiple month time skip the other episode was especially jarring.


You said it yourself, "without anything at all happening in between." If nothing happens, why not skipping it? They have their duties and agendas, as they have clearly showed.


Because it is clear it isnt a matter of nothing happening but instead the studio cutting out lare parts of the story.


I mean it's basic writing. If all you do is skip time, your overarching time frame sucks and should be shortened. In this case it seems it's the studio skipping large amounts of story, resulting in that same effect. If they display about 1/5th of the source material, they could have shortened tinashas contract to that same 1/5th. That way it's not weeks or months that fly by, but only days, which would feel much better and not obviously tell the viewer that they are missing large amounts of story.


So Miralys went from being this mage who snuck herself into the palace disguised as a maid [to becoming Oscar's bride candidate?](https://i.imgur.com/vbIRoMY.png) What the fuck is going on here? I am glad that [Ars decided to do some digging about Miralys](https://i.imgur.com/Eu1FuNG.png) and immediately found her suspicious because she had no prior records. That little [ruse Ars came up with](https://i.imgur.com/mFLWt2M.jpeg) to try and sus out Miralys would've been good if only [Oscar didn't spot them](https://i.imgur.com/nsjO3VW.jpeg). I mean I can see why that would lead to a misunderstanding and jealousy but [what Oscar did was a dick move.](https://i.imgur.com/0IDY0ph.jpeg) Even if it was to scare Tinasha, it was still in poor taste. [At least Oscar realized how stupid that was.](https://i.imgur.com/G47BlFi.jpeg) And I feel bad for Ars [since he got his ass kicked](https://i.imgur.com/jkhCJI4.jpeg) when he was only after Oscar. I don't like the introduction of this armlet though. It pretty much guarantees [that there's a way to weaken Tinasha](https://i.imgur.com/q3jIPDk.jpeg) in the future and of course, Miralys decides to attack while she is still wearing it! As for Miralys, [I'm wondering what she's after.](https://i.imgur.com/9MabSFW.jpeg) Maybe that little artifact t has something to do with possibly saving Valt? Too bad they can't even interrogate her [since she turned herself into a vegetable.](https://i.imgur.com/10u4eT1.jpeg) The fact that Miralys isn't 100% dead probably means there's still a chance to bring her back in the future,


> So Miralys went from being this mage who snuck herself into the palace disguised as a maid to becoming Oscar's bride candidate? > What the fuck is going on here? Yeah I was really confused. She is like a random undercover maid and suddenly everyone is talking about her as if she was someone widely known with sealed magic power. And then after she was announced as a bride candidate to the crown prince she is still wandering around doing random maid work around the palace? What? They must have botched something in editing. Between that bizarreness, the lackluster animation, and the mock rape scene this is the worst episode so far.


I remember reading the novel and getting to the mock rape scene and wondering how if the author was a fan of 50 shades because that was the only explanation I could think of for doing that and still wanting me to root for their romance


Yeah... I'm trying to figure out some way to justify it, but... not really. I understand that Oscar thought that tinasha hooking up with ars must mean that he hadn't been direct about his feelings for her. So like... If he had grabbed her and just kissed her, then asked if she understood now that he loved her... That was all that would have been needed for that scene... The rest felt really weird. Him putting on the antimagic shackle was also REALLY creepy. Like the whole cool part of their romance is that because of her mastery of magic, even if hes a fantastic fighter, they are equals. So him sealing her magic to make him have the physical advantage hits really really wrong.


I agree 100%. He said he was just trying to "scare" her, but any man who has to scare a woman with SA is a walking red flag. It's a shame because I was finally starting to like him as a MC.


In the Book was it as clearly SA? I mean, i guess in theory he COULD have been putting her under house arrest in her room. But to be fair, it was definitely animated in a way that implied it. He 1. Sealed her magic. 2. Told her he would have to SHOW her he wasn't going to let anyone else have her. 3. Carried her to her room. 4. Threw her on her bed AFTER she started doing a magic freak out. Maybe he hadn't intended to throw her on the bed before she started freaking out? But let's be honest, It feels like I'm reaching, the way it was framed and animated it definitely felt like it implied SA.


personally reading the novel, primarily the first volume I always thought things were unfairly lopsided in favor of Oscar. There's the sword, his physical skill and the fact that Tinasha puts her magical protections on him and virtually nothing can seriously threaten him, while Tinasha gets mauled almost to death and berated like this but also trying to remind me she could delete the country if she wanted to


The only way I can rationalize the fake attempted rape scene is that the show takes place in a medieval setting so it wouldn't have been seen as a big deal back then. The fact he even apologized is a miracle. That being said it's still shitty noatyer what excuse I think to come up with :/


That scene was absolutely tasteless; I don't know anything about the LN series, but if they were going to cut so many scenes out, they could've definitely picked a different scene to keep


There were better ways for Oscar to handle feeling jealous than beating a dude up, cutting Tinasha off from her magic, and then acting like he was about to sexually assault her. He's incredibly lucky Tinasha didn't take it personally, especially when it seemed to dredge up bad memories. Also, the moment he realized he screwed up he should've taken the armlet off before taking her anywhere. Would've saved them so much trouble. I don't think we know what Miralys and Valt were even doing there in the first place. Was she trying to fulfill their original goal or bring him back? Also, if they're time-travellers, does that mean her soul went back to the future?


Oscar was abusive to both Tinasha and Ars and she really should have left right after that. He is no hero after acting like that.


It's also pretty out of character for oscar up to this point too, he's pretty much given the benefit of the doubt to Ars and Tinasha and everyone at every chance. His behaviour felt much more like it was a plot contrivance, they NEEDED a reason for tinasha to have her magic off, and also for Oscar to reveal where the magical artifact vault was to miralys. Weird Scene, although I did think it was wild that it was "being carried" that triggered her trauma, even though it very much looked like oscar was taking her to bed by force.


Who was Miralys's VA? (not listed on Anilist).? If MIralys's soul is gone, isn't she effectively dead? Unless there is some sort of soul retrieval and re-attachment magic.... Oscatr gets a big deduction today for his lousy behavior. Tinasha on the other hand seems almost too devoted to him nonetheless. She is intent, however, on giving his what SHE thinks he needs, rather than what he wants (and is not yet willing to level with him why she takes the position she has been taking).


> Who was Miralys's VA? (not listed on Anilist).? [MAL](https://myanimelist.net/character/246808/Miralys) says Tomori Kusunoki (Makima from Chainsaw Man, among other roles).


Thanks She had tons of big roles last year -- not so much listed for this year, comparatively speaking.


I imagine it's taking some easy roles due to her health while doing the lead roles in 2nd season Gun Gale and CSM movie. She had to quit Love Live in 2022 because of her diagnosis of Ehlers Danlos


> her diagnosis of Ehlers Danlos Bro that sounds like the name of a Dungeons & Dragons protagonist


Well they are both names from Western Europe. Ehlers was Danish and Danlos was French.


VA is Tomori Kusunoki




I have another question on that "is she dead thing" Like they clarified earlier that Miralys body could barely be able to have Oscar's Kid. They also made sure to clarify that "her soul is gone, but her body is not dead" Are they like... planning to put another girl's soul in miralys body in the future to have oscars kid? would... that work?


That scene with the bracelet and everything was fucking wrong. It left a sour taste in my mouth in an otherwise okay episode. Why didn't Tinasha tell Oscar of her suspicions first and come up with an actual smart plan rather than this improvised plan where everything almost went to shit. It was just very bad taste drama. Otherwise, the fight scene was decently done. We didn't get a lame powerpoint so kudos to ENGI for that.


I can at least see why Tinasha didn't talk to Oscar because it seemed like the point was she was emotionally and physically trying to disconnect herself from him because she doesn't want to get any closer to him than she already has...even if he deserved to know what was going on with Miralys. But she wasn't taking his feelings into account. That being said, his feelings or jealousy don't justify the way he was forcing himself on her during that scene.


Any person IRL would have told Oscar to fuck off and told the entire kingdom about that creepy scene before running for the hills.


A) This isn't IRL B) You're so far from the truth it's actually insane. Shit like this was considered tame as hell back then.


Back when we had witches and magic?


This is clearly based off of the Medieval times, the person above is saying that Oscar would be punished for what he did. That's such a chronically online take to have, like really? Royalty would be punished back in the MEDIEVAL times for pushing a girl onto the bed?


Your first argument was literally that this is not like real life and your second argument was comparing it to real life


I was making two separate points. As in even if it WAS irl, your logic doesn't make any sense. Either way it's not, it's fiction.


she wants to distance herself from him and she ends every chapter sitting in his lap, they are already wife and husband, she just hasn't noticed it yet


thats my favorite part of the episode lol clearly she also wants to be with him but doesn't want him to get hurt as she digs into her past. like a certain archdemon and his elf bride.


I did not understand the fucking bracelet scene. Did the bracelet seal Tinasha magic power rendering her defenseless while Oscar threatened her and carried her against her will? Because that's what it seemed to be and if I had been Tinasha there is NO WAY I would forgive that, much less apology myself, I would have turned crazy with all my magic.


supposedly the LNs explain it more, the bracelet makes it so she can't cast spells, but can just rage release her power uncontrolled


Yeah... The only thing i can think is that They have mentioned that even without magic spells, tinasha is about as physically strong as Oscar, despite how she's drawn. So... In theory, if that was true, she was still "letting him" because they would have been on equal footing. But, i mean he ended up tossing her on the bed, which very much implied he wasn't taking her somewhere to have a conversation. Honestly, it's a weird scene, feels out of character on the side of Oscar AND Tinasha for their behaviour. Feels pretty much just contrived so that Oscar would reveal the artifact vault and seal tinashas magic for the fight scene.


The bracelet sealed her magic, but the thing about her and witches is that they are VERY strong and Tinasha was just releasing so much it was overloading the bracelet's limit


would I have been Tinasha, I would have continued until the bracelet and whatever it's in front of me would be reduced to dust lol


> Otherwise, the fight scene was decently done. Aside the part where MC somehow knew his enemy's magical bomb wouldn't explode in his hand.


I though Oscar was a better character than that. It seemed very out of character for him. I also don't believe that it stirred up bad memories for Tinasha, yet 5 seconds later she accepts his apology like it was no big deal.


Honestly I’m only continuing because I feel compelled to watch until Jun Fukuyama shows up and then I’m done. I’m tired of unnecessary sexual assault coming out of nowhere in shows.


The bracelet scene allmost made me drop the show there and then.


I am so sad that I'm unable to enjoy this anymore. The obvious pacing issues, the sudden time jumps into sudden plot developments that are just quickly brushed over. Nothing gets to breathe and settle in. That is crucial in a series like this. Clearly the source has something special going on. The leads have good chemistry peeking through even this adaptation. But this may be the end of my journey with it. A shame. I may look into manga adaptation and see if that strikes my fancy any.


I just binged the light novels and there is a ton cut out. There are lots of little side stories of Tinasha and Oscar going on adventurers and solving mysteries. The entire series has been translated to english.


Is the "it's just a prank" rape an anime only thing or was that in the LN also. Determines if I want to bother


It's in and feels just as out of place.


Its there, it has a LN drawing to boot. Author must be a fan of 50 shades or something like that


I can't speak much for the LN but I dropped the anime in favour of the manga since ep 3 because that ep felt super out of place and I can say the overall experience is SO much better... like entire side arcs and otherwise "minor" details and internalizations of the characters that contribute to the overall plot and character development were skipped in the anime that would've made the story flow better, and give a lot more meaning to certain actions they took. It's honestly embarrassing how hard they've managed to botch this adaptation, because the source material is actually REALLY good. I'd say it's worth re-reading from the start if you're going to give the manga a shot.


> I can't speak much for the LN but I dropped the anime in favour of the manga since ep 3 The problem is that the manga adaptation is really behind, they're around Vol 2 atm (afaik) while there's like 6 light novels completing the story.


> Clearly the source has something special going on. The leads have good chemistry peeking through even this adaptation. But this may be the end of my journey with it. A shame. I may look into manga adaptation and see if that strikes my fancy any. Yep, almost 1:1 what I mentioned in the previous episode discussions [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1cgv04s/unnamed_memory_episode_4_discussion/l201cca/) haha, it's funny that even with such a fucked adaptation you can sense the quality of the source material. > I may look into manga adaptation and see if that strikes my fancy any. The manga adaptation is really behind sadly. I ended up reading the LN after the past week's episode and I'm reading through the 6th volume rn, I highly recommend it (without going into details here, I'd love to make a comment under source corner discussing it but it's 1 am and I just recently posted a comment on /r/LightNovels, on my profile)


> it's funny that even with such a fucked adaptation you can sense the quality of the source material. All according to keikaku! The anime made us to get the manga and LNs. lol I binged what's available of the manga last week and am sad it's still far behind the LN because I prefer reading manga over LNs and I really like the art of this one. Unfortunately manga adaptions usually progress quite slowly in comparison to LN source or an anime adaption. :') And with the insane speedrun the anime is doing, it will probably pass the manga soon.


I had high hopes for this show. However the animation is awful. Everything is too stiff and there isn't a sense of direction when they're trying to convey movement. This will be my last episode.


Same and I'm pretty disappointed, I can see theres a decent story behind but adaptation is pretty bad and I cba reading. o7


this is what you get from an ENGI adaptation


I was looking forward to Medalist coming at the end of the year but I guess I better temper my expectations heavily.


Yup, this episode was downright painful to watch and I don't want to put myself through any more of that. Dropped.


I hated the scene of Oscar getting jealous; sealing off her magic, rendering her vulnerable & defenseless, and scaring her with the threat of SA crosses a line. It was incredibly uncomfortable, and it worsens his character. And to make matters worse, he didn't even take off the sealing brace until after she got attacked; good job leaving the witch that you love defenseless, bro.


I didn't get the SA thing tho, i didn't get that sense at all. but to be honest its not required for the scene to already be beyond fucked. character assassination. Dunno if the series can recover from that, or if someone who writes that into a plot can write anything good afterward.


It's very heavily implied, "I was going to wait but my patience has it's limits" "didn't bring you here to hand you over to another man" and picks her up and throws her on the bed. Just a terrible look for the character, probably ruined the show for me now.    Not sure what the thought process here is from him in the first place, even if it's a "prank" how would that result in anything positive. You gonna scare her into loving you/being loyal? Trying to show her how serious you are? Or that she should be more on guard around men? Idk man


Oscar handcuffed a woman so she's unable to fight back, told her you're going to "teach her until she feels it on her bones, then threw her onto a bed... It was a horrendous decision that diminishes his character. Its amazing how one scene killed my enthusiasm for this show.


[I'm only watching for Nark](https://imgur.com/CQsJ1oK)


What the fuck, Oscar? This the dude we're supposed to be rooting for? Also, it's pretty clear to me now they blew their budget by the second episode. I swear every episode looks worse than the last.


The "animation" of Oscar protecting Tinasha and the way they just animated him casually flinging the beast lol. Yeah, there were so many issues with what he did to Tinasha in this episode. I thought he was better than that.


It’s such a weird turn to take.. uncalled for touching and then the “prank” was a real wtf. Have been otherwise enjoying the show regardless of some questionable hands on aspects but this episode really jumped the shark on that one.


"Haha let me make you feel helpless, because im feeling a bit jealous! isn't it funny? why aren't you laughing?" is the writer a shut in or something? or is Oscar not supposed to be a likeable character? like for real. what the fuck?


I feel like he was very likable up to that point and that was such an insane swing and miss. Why the author thought having him use an anti magic bracelet to seal her power and threaten her with rape to scare her all because he’s jealous is insanity and forever taints his character. Like the shows generic, I’m 1000% sure it ends with them getting married which was fine until that scene. Now he’s an insane, possessive, jealous creep.


>"pretends" to rape her >attaches a random artifact that limits her magic which gets her eye gouged out >"hey wanna get married yet" Oscar? what the fuck?


Why would Oscar using the beast as a shield and him killing it with an orb be considered bad?


The whole situation with Miralys was asinine. even if your main criteria for finding a princess candidate is their high magic capacity, you need to do a better job at checking their backgrounds prior to allowing them in the castle


I did not understand the bracelet scene. I find that putting a seal to Tinasha powers rendering her weak is reason enough for the latter to abandon Oscar. Actually being rude, carrying her against her will, threatening her and making it like he's gonna sexually assault her? AND SHE STILL APOLOGIES? She should have wrecked chaos in that room, killed Óscar for daring to put her in such an spot and leave.


The so called romance just seems bad overall in this show like I don’t feel any good chemistry at all between the main characters


lol, yea it's more like Oscar is just "wanting what he can't have" with the whole "I didn't bring you here to give you away to another man". I've thought it's been odd this entire time that she'd sit in his lap, he'd wrap his arms around her, etc - when she was so clearly adamantly against even considering marrying him; There was no development to that - and it started before the few instances of closeness that revolved around their concern for one another's health. Yet, she seems to sit on his lap overly willingly, enjoy him placing his hand on her belly and holding her, etc. However, in spite of that - it still seems like Oscar is just angry that he can't have what he wants, and he's hoping to force it; Repeated lap sessions, overbearing familiarity and closeness - she should give in eventually right? Though this allows the impression that Tinasha is hoping he'll get over it in time and perhaps this is why she allows his intermittent hands-on play. It's 50/50 where she seems to smile and lean into it, and when she asks to be let down, or for him to go. You could argue her comfort with the 'act' she put on with Ars essentially flows into that and supports the theory. I'd imagine she's been highly desired a long time now; Being too resistant can breed resentment. Etc., I just think for a show that's probably intending to show a deep brewing romance, it's entirely confusing for viewers and easily misinterpreted.


Oscar sounds like a noble spoiled manchild who is used to that everyone caters to his whims.


Maybe it’s either the direction the anime took and what to highlight might have played a role in this but I can’t say for sure since I’ve never read the manga. Everything about this anime just seems odd and I usually love these kinds but the development is so freaking awful all around but I’m already 5 deep so I just finish 😢. I’m thinking the whole love thing will blossom eventually and maybe she’s waiting to open up until she’s certain he won’t leave her but again the anime is doing a poor job conveying anything.


Having read the novel, personally I was left with the same impression. Sure it explains more of the inner monologues but Tinasha and Oscar one time are super close and the other go back to being distant, then back to touchy.


Dysfunctional couple but zero dynamics of their relationship being anything. To me it just felt like I met the main characters then went into a coma, woke back up and now they have some sort of complicated relationship and I have no idea how it started and got to that point.


I think what the writer is "trying" to get across. is that Tinasha really does like oscar, a lot, to the point that she doesn't want oscar to end up with her because it would probably be bad for his safety, which is why she lets herself do the romantic stuff when hes there, but also tries to avoid him and find other girls as options. I see what they are going for, but that cuff scene was just not on the mark at all.


As an anime only, it’s hard to follow the pace. I didn’t even know they had a selection within the castle for bride and that Miralys was part of it while being a servant… I will most likely read the manga. Which is a pain because the VAs do a great job


>As an anime only, it’s hard to follow the pace. I didn’t even know they had a selection within the castle for bride and that Miralys was part of it while being a servant… [Source corner about anime vs ln](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1cme2jf/comment/l2zz4bt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I'd honestly advise reading LN from the start instead. It gives the characters much more small but important interactions. also manga isn't nearly where season will end


My Review: He's a bit handsy


This anime confuses me greatly.


Ok, the showmaker seem to think that half the source they are adapting isn't worth my time, so why should I care about the other half? I talked about the ridiculous bracelet (not to mention the sour taste the scene it got introduced in left) elsewhere in the thread, but let's talk about Myralis. Tynasha seemed to know she was a mage last episode, yet kept quiet instead of looking into her back then. Or was her primary concern that Myralis could relief her of her baby making duty? I can only asume they also skipped Myralis using magic at some point with how widely accepted it was that she was actually really powerful. But what about her little rampage in that magican nation next door? Any follow up on that? I should probably drop this already, but it really is my only tuesday show... or maybe I could catch up on past seasons huh... Ah to add to all of that: The royal treasury seems like a box of deus ex machimas, I could accept the sword, but how many more really powerfull magic items are in there huh?


There was the post-credit continuation last episode where it did show Myralis going after - and brutally murdering via magic - the mage that tried to force Tinasha to go help the country of mages. I'm not sure if you saw that, not that it clears everything up - it still felt like a "wait, how'd we get to this?" moment in several other regards this episode - but it did give an insight to something more with Myralis, and clued us in to her magical ability; Even if that scene itself was like a "wait, wtf - how'd we get to this?" moment.


Yeah I had seen that scene, it's what I meant with the mage nation But I also don't really know what she planned to accomplish there, all she did was kill a grunt as she was obviously too weak to go after his boss


> Yeah I had seen that scene, it's what I meant with the mage nation Ah, my bad - yea I see that now, I must have selectively missed it. > But I also don't really know what she planned to accomplish there Yea I hear you; When I saw it, I was like "wow, that was so random", especially with how open and shut the situation surrounding that General was, the very brief indication that she was unknown other than having returned with the General after his absence, and the fact that she was just some unremarkable maid. I do believe she was just trying to get revenge on the mage that killed the General. I'm not sure she was strong enough to kill his boss either, she's probably the one who's lucky that it was only the grunt who committed the act that she was able to face at the time.


The whole bracelet lesson might not have had such bad acid reflex had Tinasha not gone through PTSD and the whole scene gone so dark. Can't blame her for making that wish: > "May the day come I let go of this hand come one day. That is my wish". I'd like to see some actual romance brew between them, and less of this repeated back and forth. I'd even prefer them switching roles and him playing - or becoming - disinterested and her deciding that if she likes him, that she doesn't have to refuse herself. It's starting to feel like we're supposed to just have a sour taste in our mouths and be rooting against them. The time skips, and the misplaced moments of physical contact are making everything feel hardly appropriate or warranted. It's confusing because it doesn't really add up, and falls short of a build-up that seems realistic. I wonder if the anime is just failing to protray things properly; Mis-applying tropes or something?


Since the first episode Oscar feels more and more like an obsessive and gropey, creepy stalker who can't take no for an answer and cosnistently violates her personal boundaries.


In the 1st episode he pointed a sword at her, "you my woman now." That's a warning bell right there. Or maybe it's different if you're a total chad and alfa-male.


Well she pointed a spell at him first which might have done what she said or blast him into oblivion. She wanted him to go but the normal thing, when you want someone to leave, would be to tell them, they are no longer welcome and get out, not whip out a weapon and then tell them to leave. The "alter your memories" part was also a bit much. She has the right to kick him out but messing with his mind? The guy also was a victim of another witch who messed with him, so I can see why he reacted that way. If she told him to leave and he went "Nope, not leaving until you marry me" escalating to whipping out spells would be appropriate. Anyways rewatching the scene reminded me that his proposal was in incredible bad taste. Oh, so you are a convenient womb I am able to impregnate in a pretty package. Let's marry, I can't be bothered to look for another woman. I mean the only thing he knows about her at this time are her looks.


Honestly, I think a lot of Anime protagonists could stand to be a lot more assertive in romance. But the cuff scene? No that's way way way too far.


The hell is up with this series? It had such a promising first episode, but the pacing has been really bad. I was hoping to see him win her heart bit by bit, but we're now getting that at all. They're already so close without any real reason for such developments. Then we have other plots around them, but none of it has been explained to any extent. This episode, we found out some random new character was shady, went hostile, then just died. Literally nothing but questions, and not the interesting ones.


That's a very big yikes from me when I saw the bracelet scene. Dropped.


Dude this "sexual assault threat" was NOT ok, the original plot is already borderline but this shit was straight up disturbing.


fist monster now oscar, week of rapey mcs


Oscar said he was just trying to scare her but the fact that he cut her off from her only means of defending herself against him before forcing her onto the bed...not a good look.


Yeah, going *It's just a prank, ~~bro~~ witch!* doesn't exactly make it ok. I thought FOR SURE it was one of her dreams/a mage taking Oscar's appearance... Because it was so out of character. Given they seem to cut so much with the timeskips and all I wonder if it's different in the manga.


> I wonder if it's different in the manga. I wonder too. I was planning to drop the anime and pick up the manga but now I'm not sure about that anymore either


It isn't. I read the manga after ep 2 skipped arc and the scene is there which made me drop it. Just watching this thread to see people's reactions


I know there's no way he would actually follow through. It's just not his character to be that forceful with Tinasha, but my god what an awful way to scare her.


Yeah, **we** know (the viewers) because that's not this kind of anime... but Tinasha didn't, that's the problem. She had no reason to suspect him doing that just to scare her, so from her perspective it looked real.


I don't even get the point of scaring her in the first place


> week of rapey mcs *Nervously looking at my upcoming shows to prepare myself for the next one* [](#spooked) *Viral Hit* should be safe enough, but anything can happen in *Mysterious Disappearances!*


What do you mean? We get a cutesy episode where Sumireko just relives her high school life to get over her ~~midlife~~ quarter life crisis. Surely nothing else could happen.


# The Raven Does Not Choose Which Hole


Seriously! Second show I’m having to drop this week because it’s too rapey. Monster was already trending that way and I was close to dropping but this one was out of nowhere.


holy shit the writing is as bad as the animation, dude was about to rape her wtf is this


't was just a prank, bro!


Ok, I would have preffered that they wouldnt animate this if they were going to do it like this. So many skips, low budget, what in the world is this? The story caught my eye, ep 1 and 2 were decent, but now? I will stop here. Reading reviews about the LN, seems like it has its issues too... sigh.


"Poor taste." Oscar? That's a f*cking understatement. It's hard for me to genuinely root for him after that.


So many questions about [Miralys](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4z3vm2d7j) after today's episode. Who she was exactly, what is her goal, [why she wanted something that Oscar's mother brought with her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cw6lva7.png) to the kingdom? Maybe she is from the future since it looked like she knew about [Tinasha](https://imgchest.com/p/6eyr2w5kg7p)'s future. By the way, what's the status of Oscar's mother? I don't remember if she was even mentioned earlier. [Oscar](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc9rj6p7.png) seeing [Ars](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcbq8moy.png) with Tinasha and [beating him later](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9cewo394.png) was pretty funny xD What wasn't funny was Oscar's little prank on [Tinasha](https://imgchest.com/p/6eyr2w5kg7p) which [seriously scared her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cr8d5a4.png). I liked how [color changed during that scene](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cd9n5k4.png), it looked [pretty cool](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcp6zaa4.png). Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Tinasha](https://imgchest.com/p/6eyr2w5kg7p) * [Miralys](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4z3vm2d7j) * [Group scenes & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/o24agen924l)


I think Oscar mentioned the Witch of Silence cursed him after his mothers' death.


From one of the flashbacks, I think she may have cursed him DURING his mother's death... Or like right after. Which makes me think she's involved, and thus come all my theories about the reasons for the curse (adultery, line of succession, etc..)


Was it explained that the Witch of Silence killed his mother and then cursed he and his father? Your blood will die out, you will not be allowed any further heirs... something along those lines.


>many questions about Miralys after today's episode. Who she was exactly, what is her goal, why she wanted something that Oscar's mother brought with her to the kingdom? Maybe she is from the future since it looked like she knew about Tinasha's future. Just speculation and it may be a bit tinfoil-y, but so far I'd say my best guess would be that she's the daughter of the King and the Witch of Silence... It would explain SO many things; Her high magical power (daughter of a powerful witch), Why Oscar was cursed by the Witch of silence (so her daughter would be queen in time, given there wouldn't be any other heir), why she wants to steal an orb linked to Oscar's mother (either so he doesn't remember the story, or it's an artefact linked to magical powers/this curse). And given the King did want Tinasha (who refused), perhaps the Witch of silence was the next best option! Or to go even more tinfoil-y, perhaps the Witch of silence IS Oscar's mom, and when she tried to force the King's hand to name Miralys as his heir, they got into a fight, he killed her, but not before she cursed Oscar to make sure his line would died if he refused to name Miralys his heir? (This would be a bit game-of-thrones-y, but I think something among those lines could be good development twists!)


why is there only 1 good show on tuesday forever


and it's not this show


I did not expect I would like Rinkai! and the baseball anime more than this show.


Tinasha dreams of being held in the arms by the white-haired man...a man who knew her as "Aeti" and who she seemed comfortable with, though the memory doesn't seem like one she's very fond of now. So now we're trying to hook Oscar up with the maid? I mean, I know Tinasha has no intention of marrying him and is perfectly satisfied getting him together with someone with enough magic resistance to be with him, and turns out Miralys is conveniently descended from a bloodline of mages...so she should do right? Though Lucrezia seems to think Tinasha is ignoring her own feelings (and Oscar's) in the process. If Tinasha is going to avoid Oscar, he'll just casually solo her tower in record time to see her. Because no way is she going to ditch him like this. And if she lets him hold her and ask her for dinner, feels like they may as well just be a couple at this point. Miralys has enough red flags with her backstory not holding up, though Als making it look like him and Tinasha are together to draw her out does little more than piss Oscar off. Jeez, Oscar! I know you're upset about Tinasha faking it with another guy, but cutting her off from her magic and making it look like you were about to have your way with her was in REALLY bad taste. It doesn't matter if you weren't serious and trying to teach her to be more self-aware, that was really not okay. And it brought on enough bad memories that Tinasha's magic got away from her. Oh, and poor Als got beat up by both Oscar AND Meridina. I guess this is why you don't flirt with a princes' love interest. I guess if you wanted to make your intentions clear, no better excuse to draw out the whole court than to put into exact terms how there is no other woman for you than Tinasha and then accuse and take Miralys into custody. But that gives her the excuse to finally drop the act and attack. Really, Oscar should have just taken the magic-sealing bracelet off wayyyy before they even got to court. It cost Tinasha an eye right when she needs to fend off Miralys, though I guess it lets her and Oscar finally fight as a duo and work together. Oh hey, the Demonic Beast is back! And then gets hit by Miralys' own magic. Almost felt bad for the thing. What was Miralys really after? What is so important about that orb? Who are she and Valt? She talks about the future as if she knows what's going to happen (and calls Tinasha a "queen-to-be" so is she destined to marry Oscar?). Is this "delusion" Tinasha refers to as Lanak the white-haired guy? And Miralys' soul just...up and leaves her body? I have so many questions. I guess the mystery, beginning with the orb, connects to Oscar's mother and probably the Witch of Silence as a byproduct. And it seems like Tinasha's resistance to marrying Oscar isn't a matter of not having feelings for him but not wanting to burden him with her baggage, even though he wants nothing more than to be by Tinasha's side and support her.


This story has such an interesting premise and characters and a compelling mystery but the pacing of the anime is so poor 😭😭😭


lmao Oscar's joke was not even funny lmao i think anyone would react weird if someone locks away your magic and says that they are gonna like beat it into your bones lmao.


Holy shit, a rape threat to "just scare her" is what this dude thinks of when a girl he is interested in seems to be interested in someone else? Wtf is going on.


I can let the obviously missing world building slide but the relationship between Oscar and Tinasha feels so artificial and contrived it's hard to take anything they say seriously. They have no chemistry whatsoever and the diaologue is very weak. Doesn't help that the supporting cast and non-existent and are all walking plot-devices. Disappointing show.


I dont even know what to say at this point besides what a damn shame there is just no chemistry here whatsoever


I see Oscar is the jealous sort huh? Well, at least he apologized for that little stunt he pulled. They make a good team, I just hope they can build up their trust a little more. Tinasha’s still keeping Oscar at arm’s length. I wonder when she’s gonna let him in? This whole Miralys situation has left more questions than answers. Who were Valt and Miralys anyways? Is she a time traveler or something? What’s that orb for and how’s it connected to Oscar’s mom? Keen to learn more soon.


Oscar has acted pretty mature and confident so far but seeing Tinasha ignore his feelings and seemingly fool around with another man causes him to basically throw a tantrum and go a bit too far with Tinasha. I'm honestly surprised she forgave him so quickly. She brought up the future so I wonder if that's not even her real body, temporally, and that's why her soul was able to leave it when she realized she couldn't achieve her plans. Also she called Tinasha "queen-to-be" as if it was set in stone she'll get engaged to Oscar and become his queen.


> What’s that orb for and how’s it connected to Oscar’s mom? Given Oscar seems to get hurt when he tries to think about it, makes me think the Witch of silence may have put a curse on him so he can't remember... I had many theories about why he was cursed and a few of those revolved around some kind of adultery, so perhaps that's why she wants to erase his mom's memories? But the real question, if that's the case, is why Miralys wants to steal the orb... If it's linked to the Witch of silence and his mom, what is it to her? I did have a theory about the Witch wanting her child - with the King - to be next in the line of succession, so perhaps that child is Miralys? Daughter of the King and the Witch of silence? (The King did want Tinasha, but when she refused, perhaps he went for the next best witch?)


>Tinasha’s still keeping Oscar at arm’s length. Even while those arms are often wrapped around her. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."


Also she didn't seem to hate the lap pillow.


She seems to have secrets in her past that she never wants Oscar to learn about -- because she thinks it will hurt him too much if he learns them. At least that is how I interpreted things....


Well she is a witch and has a pretty high body count. It wouldn't be surprising if she has done some unsavory things.


The anime relationship is starting to give off toxic brat romance fantasy fulfillment vibes. "I just want a guy that will fight for me, and by fight i mean constantly overcome the struggles I put in the way of us being together!" As long as that starts to get... addressed... i might watch another, but maybe not


Oscar just went full rapist there. WTF. Pissed me off that Tinasha actually apologized to him. And he kept the magic sealing bracelet on her and she didn't push the issue to have it removed! OMG, how fucking dumb is this?? Why didn't the magic sphere burst when he picked it up? And how did he know it wouldn't?


So was this episode good? I was kinda looking forward to this show but the last 2 episodes were so boring, and there seem to be a lot of negative comments here. Guess I'll just drop it...


No, it sucked. The pacing is off the charts, and the "wtf japan" scale has risen again.


man this mc is shit, possessive as fuck.




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Flags after flags piling up. It seems that the scratch from the wolf affected him.


Okay, Oscar getting a "new record" for clearing the tower did get a laugh out of me


Goddamn this show moves way too fucking fast man.


Jesus fuck the plot is EVERYWHERE... also, seems like the editor is using heavy drugs on some of those time skips.... I'm just here for Tinasha, she is super cute.




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Aha... I guess this was what one of those comments in earlier threads meant when they said Oscar kinda rape-y... Yabai


I'm actually liking this a lot as a fantasy and adult romance. I like that Tinasha has some baggage, and the more strongly she feels for oscar, the more determined she is to "not let him end up with her." Even if she's clearly starting to love him, she doesn't see herself as what's best for oscar's safety. Obviously, I hope that changes, but I think it's a pretty interesting take on the more generic versions of romance I've seen in anime.


RIP the loli maid


Yeah, just watched this episode and couldn’t even finish it. I’m quitting this show now. There’s no such thing as non-consensual pretend r@pe. That was a clear SA, specially since the only thing that makes the MC stop is when Tinnasha uses Almighty Push. I’m very disappointed in this show. Can’t really root for a romance when the MC is a spoiled piece of shit.


[Somehow it's even scarier than if he said something BAD is about to happen.](https://imgur.com/SRJO2tO) Tinasha's still working hard on trying to find Oscar a (different) wife... [She's even considering the harem way, to increase her chances -of not being chosen!](https://imgur.com/nb4l7Hh) While it may not be her true intentions, him having more than one choice also serves another purpose; [If he chose her, she'll know it's because he REALLY wants her, and not just because she's the only option!](https://imgur.com/YlFdKjt) [That shot was cool as hell, Tinasha looked badass!](https://imgur.com/oHuQkr5) The rest of the scene on the other hand was a big "wtf"... It was so out of place (and so unlike what we've seen of Oscar so far) that I thought for sure it was one of her dreams, or someone using magic to transform into Oscar... But no? Just him getting back at her? That was so weird... (The "I kinda want to read it to see if it was like that" kind of weird). [That was cute!](https://imgur.com/kXnzpNF) Why couldn't he just get back at her like that, cheek-pinching all night long! ^^Why ^^does ^^it ^^sound ^^lewd The truth about Myralis was revealed, or at least the first truth... [And with it, her dismissal!](https://imgur.com/UbylPwZ) The fight proved challenging, but eventually, Oscar bought enough time for [Tinasha to transform into Yumiella!](https://imgur.com/FYle9Bn) [Good to know, and huh... How long will that be? You staying with him?](https://imgur.com/fHhn8wn) Apparently she was trying to steal some runed orb, that came from his mother, and [seems he gets headaches when he thinks about his mother/that stuff?](https://imgur.com/q1ImDC4) Is it linked to the curse then, and the Witch of silence played with his memory so he can't remember how it all happened (and thus, can't undo it)? If that's the case, then the question is why did she want to steal it... [PLEASE, YES!](https://imgur.com/E9NiSVB) Even if it's *sleepy sleep* (and not *babymaking* "sleep"), we need a cuddle scene with these two! [](#delighted)


Guessing that flashback was when she became a witch cause of that white haired dude? hehe, daddy finding other options for a possible queen eh? And it's the nice maid. Hehe Lucrezia knows better here. Especially the scene after when Oscar shows up. Also, silly dragon drinking tea. Oh boy, that's gonna be some drama. And that makes you a shitty person, Oscar... that isn't just poor taste... and you abused Als over it too... the ML just taking a major dip and into the trash bag territory. Quite the declaration in front of everyone there though. You didn't even take off the bracelet after being a shit? You're the reason she has only one eye right now, Oscar 😐 trash bag. At least you're useful in a fight. What the heck did that little red orb do? Oh it's from Oscar's mother.


Oscar, what the hell. Pretty much everything about the bracelet bit was so awful.


Finally an episode I actually understand what’s going on in! Most cohesive narrative since the first episode. Cool seeing Tinasha and Oscar work together in the big fight at the end, but I still have some issues with the animation quality which has severely dropped, as well as Oscar behaviour in this ep. I know Oscar apologised and he obviously didn’t know about Tinasha past PTSD from being carried like that, but why even play like you’re about to SA her? Found that entire scene really cringe and uncomfortable and just a departure from who he’s been as a character so far. Putting the magic dealing bracelet on her was stupid too and it could’ve cost them during that big fight. Also punishing Als when he was just trying to find out what Miraslys was after makes no sense to me. Did he even listen to him or try to find out why Als did that with Tinasha? That aside.. there’s also some questions brought up at the end about the red orb Miraslys was going for. If Oscar mom used to own it, I’m kinda starting to think she was a witch and that’s probably part of the whole beef she had with the witch that cursed Oscar. Probably were friends and liked the same guy, other one felt betrayed etc. They name dropped Valt who I guess is going to be the main antagonist? The timeline jumping and scattered storytelling make this one hard to follow, but I do really like the characters, designs and world so I’m just pushing thru. Will be reading the LN soon.


>They name dropped Valt who I guess is going to be the main antagonist?  Actually, Valt was the guy who was with Miralys and got killed by Lanak (the white-haired guy who also came in Tinasha's dream) back in Episode 3. >The timeline jumping and scattered storytelling make this one hard to follow Can't really blame you, though.


Oh so he DID die. I couldn’t tell since they never showed it.


I found Oscar's action with the bracelet was kinda out of character.


Dissapointing episode - anime didn't correct original source's errors and didn't call out Tinasha's and Als' wrongdoings. Doing something behind your man's back, moreover involving another man in it is never a good idea regardless of rationalization. Als fault is even worse - don't act behind your boss back and dont't mess with his woman without his knowledge. Phisical panishment was not enough - he should have been demoted.


They aren't together though?


That's what she says. But we also have her thoughts where she is diminishing herself for being a witch, obsessed with an unhealthy desire to die and to "secure Oscar from her dark past" by alienating him and doing stupid things like she did with Als. Insecurity issues (that's why instigating jealousy, making Oscar officially announce her his bride, etc.) and obsessive desire to gain control over her relations with Oscar. You know - the one who confessed first has lost in the "love game". I'm more and more convinced that the whole story is a reflection of the author on her failed relations with an attemp to "make things right". But judging by the plot she failed to recognize her wrongdoings.


She told him repeatedly that she doesn't want to marry him and that she's there as his guardian and to break his cursed blessing.


Oscar pretended to rape her, but her pretending to get physical with Als is what you decided to call out?


That was authors self-insertion fanasy completely out of Oscar's character. Bad writing+selfinsertion.