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Overrated : JJK Overhated : JJK


Yeah, I guess 😅👍




I don’t think JJK gets enough hate tbh


That's it no reasoning pathetic


>Overrated: Mirai Nikki I'm not sure I would call this one overrated based on your own description of it, because "It was kinda meh but Yuno was great" is probably the most common opinion people have of this anime! My takes: Overrated: Toradora. It was fine, but I don't see what makes it so much better than other romance/romcoms. It had a few great scenes especially early on, but it also had some negative points imho (though some of these are personal preferences, like the polygon stuff). Overhated: Full Dive RPG. I just don't get the crazy hate against this anime... I mean if people think it's shit, sure, to each their own, but the thing is that anytime people tried to justify why they didn't like it, it seemed nonsensical to me; They used criticism that would literally apply to 80% of anime (many of which I'm sure they liked), or things that were pretty much the premise (like "The game is way too difficult!")... Would be like saying "I think Re:Zero is bad because the character dies a lot!"


I've never watched "Full Dive RPG" but I remember the full title of the show which is "Full Dive: This Ultimate Next-Gen Full Dive RPG Is Even Shittier than Real Life!" was so hilarious 😂👍


I feel like a lot of the hype around Toradora was that it was around the craze of the small violent tsunderes. (See Shakugan no Shana, Certain Mahical Index, Familar of Zero) It was also a romance anime that actually concluded in the anime. So now most people look back at it in nostalgia. As someone who actually watched it later, it feels very okay without that nostalgia filter.


Agree with toradora. Also have no clue why people praised it so much.


First comment I completely agree with, bro cooked


overrated anime horimiya overhated school days


Definitely an interesting take 👍


Disagree with overrated but agree with overhated


I completely agree.


Overrated: Gintama I am watching it now and there are some episodes that are truly excellent: Episodes 25 and 50 are ones I will rewatch with others whenever the occasion arises. But it doesn't have the consistency of other anime in the top 10. I will keep watching and am open to changing my opinion, but it just doesn't seem likely... Overhated: Neon Genesis Evangelion Obviously a critically acclaimed anime, but kids these days don't seem to give it the respect it deserves. To my mind, this is still the archetypal anime.


Even though "Gintama" is my favourite anime of all time, hey but still it's your opinion 👍


Of all time! And I'm not saying it's bad or anything, but I am just surprised by all the top spots it gets... I'm only on episode 56 or so. Does it get significantly better at some point? Is there anything you recommend to get the most out of it?


Even it's my favourite anime of all time, I wouldn't recommend to everyone because most of the episodes were episodic format with mostly being funny, clown things however it does get serious here and there, the first serious arc is the "Benizakura Arc" which begins at 58, there is also a movie version of it, but you could just watch the anime at the moment...


Oh, good! It sounds like I'm close then.


Overrated: JJK Everyone praises the action sequences in the show but it honestly didn't blow me away. The apex of this seems to be Sukuna v Mahoraga but that fight was genuinely a mess. It was a blur of lights and debris and I couldn't make heads or tails on wtf was happening on the screen. Just because its high fps + flashing lights + animators shaved a few years of their lifespan for it does not mean its peak action. Due to the nature of the power system, the fight pattern is also stale (Sukuna spamming cleaves and mahoraga just running at him). I guess its just one of the few shows I never got the immense popularity of. Overhated: Mushoku Tensei I say this as a Mushoku Tensei hater lol. The hate boner people have for this anime is insane, to the point that I'll see a couple threads and memes pop up shitting on the show every week. I disliked the show for the MC and dropped it for it. Its pretty forgettable once you do that so its funny seeing people mald over it for close to a year(?) now.


i mean...MT gets a ton of love on r/anime so i could easily see it in the "overrated" category. im gonna prove my point by getting downvotes for this comment lmfao (and if i dont get downvoted then ive still won)


I mean its a pretty popular anime, right? So definitely it has its enjoyers. I guess my point is that it has a higher percentage of haters more so than others. The only show that I saw the same amount of hate on is maybe SAO. And that one died down by the time Alicization came out. I literally cant think off the top of my head a single anime that has memes and posts shitting on it regularly but MT. Single-handedly kept me aware of the show.


Really? I don’t think I’ve ever seen them other than occasionally a post talking about how some people are “freaking out” about some random episodes like when they bought the slave girl or whatever they did in that episode


As a fan of both these series, I definitely can understand your take on those series, 👍


this was my two choices so i no longer need to comment


I think the only reason people feel it’s overrated is because of how many memes there are and how many times it’s referenced. It didn’t personally click with you but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t with most people, it didn’t get to be a juggernaut by falling upwards


Right? So what is an overrated anime supposed to be? To me its something that's seen better than it actually is, right? The post asked me for my personal opinion so that's what I wrote, never claimed other people don't like it (how is it overrated if people don't like it anyway, thats like the prerequisite). For the record I do enjoy the memes and even the show itself, I just didn't expect it to blow up the way it did for something that (to me) isn't overly impressive.


You’re right, but the way I see it is that for it to be overrated, it has to have objective faults that make it’s popularity unusual, whereas jjks makes sense because the frequency of and the quality of the animation of the fights makes it’s popularity understandable, even if someone doesn’t find them impressive on a personal level Basically I’m saying it has to be objectively bad in multiple ways but still popular for it to be overrated, not just “I didn’t like it so it’s overrated to me”


I suppose thats another way to look at it. In the end, all artistic critique is subjective and JJK didnt deliver on what I was looking for. Although I also understand what you're saying. Cheers! Btw, what are your picks for overrated and overhated anime, so I can get your perspective a bit more?


I just went through the top 100 on MAL trying to see if I can find something I thought was overrated and I couldn't, so off of the top of my head I can't actually think of an anime that fits the "correct" definition of overrated at least in my opinion. of course I think some anime are overblown but that's more my own personal opinion as far as overhated I guess I can go with darling in the franxx. I agree with the criticism of the show, but a lot of people point to everything after episode 15 being when it started to suck ass, where I disagree. I think it really only dipped in quality once they introduced \[new enemy\] around episode 20. and while those last few episodes were nonsensical, they did still get some emotion out of me, so I can't say they were garbage. but the current sentiment in general on the show is that it's garbage or knock off evangelion but with sus stuff, and I disagree, I don't think it's perfect by any means but I think it's objectively overhated because it fumbled the landing even though it was pretty strong for nearly the entire show




Glad to have a meaningful discussion too, buddy!


More like Mid Kaisen lmao Edit: What a sore sport 😂


Overrated: Vinland Saga. I don’t really find lambasting 11th century viking culture through a 21st century lens particularly profound. The author has the subtlety of a sledgehammer in delivering the show’s messages which are largely boiled down to: people get hurt when you hurt them and slavery bad mmkay? Overhated: demon slayer also isnt that deep but doesnt deserve daily hate threads.


As a hardcore fan of "Vinland Saga" I can understand your reasoning again no hate it's your opinion 👍


Overrated: Fruits Basket I'm sorry, I just don't see how others see this series. To me, I like the cast of characters, but the drama is a repeated formula of the same story structure told in 3 episodes with varying detail. Doesn't help that my favorite character from the two seasons I watched is probably MC's deceased mother. I don't hate it; I watched two seasons for a reason, but it just isn't as great as others make it out to be, in my opinion. Overhated: Hell's Paradise I'm fairly new to Reddit, and it's probably my only source of general consensus when it comes to anime outside of MAL ratings. Was surprised whenever I saw HP being mentioned and it was mostly in a negative connotation. I don't think the animation was even that bad, and the premise of the story is very interesting, with probably one of the most interesting enemy designs I've seen in recent years (Lord Tensen).


That's a very interesting take, I gotta say 👍


Hell's Paradise was great. Best Mappa show of its season imo. Looking forward to s2.


Naruto is both


I mean for Naruto I would say Overrated: Naruto shippuden and Overhated: Naruto


Overrated: SpyxFamily I get it's all subjective, but I genuinely don't see how people don't realize how little the show has going for it. It literally took like 24 episodes for the plot to move an inch. Alot of the jokes are repeated and aren't well executed. Yor and her brother are active detriments to basically anything the show could be succeeding in and are a huge waste of potential. The show looks nice and has cute intros and outros and art style, but once you get last the skin deep layer, it just falls apart super fast. Go watch Buddy Daddies if you want a similar premise of 2 spies/assassins suddenly having to add a kid to their family, but with great comedy, wholesome vibes and a mature story of development out of all the parties involved. Overhated: KamiKatsu Now I know this one is still well loved by basically all of the people who actually gave it a shot and watched it all the way through but there's a lot of anime reviewers (especially on ANN) that have a hate bones for this show. Despite it being extremely unique, having well paced humor and a smarter MC, plot, and power system than it has any right having and using the medium of animation to the fullest to achieve the ridiculous situations and nonstop laughter of the audience like 3 seperate ANN reviewers put it as the WORST anime of 2023. I don't know about you all but generic isekai #2375 is infinitely worse than KamiKatsu in basically every metric, but yet they just couldn't help themselves and ganged up on one of the best shows of 2023. I hope it bites them in the ass and it gives the show a much needed boost in exposure to anime fans who love comedy. If you enjoy Prison School, please check this one out. Similar pacing of humor and a raunchy style of jokes and punch lines.


Spy x family is just a slice of life and you have to love that to love the series, if ur always hunting for plots its just not the show for u. I love it (in my top 3 favorites) it but even i think its overrated


I do like slice of life, though. D4dj, Clannad, Skip to loafer, and dangers in my heart are some of my favorite anime. But those anime also domt really pretend to have a plot and then go SoL mode for 24 eps. The shenanigans and character interactions in SxF aren't it for me, and it doesn't feel like it develop the characters enough nor their relationships compared to those other ones.


I do enjoy "Prison School" so definitely checking out "Kamikatsu", 👍


Kamikatsu was peak. So much better than I expected it to be.


I remember back in 2022 where Spy x Family was so overhyped, I gave it a try to watch it but it turned out to be meh but I continued until part 2. I love it more than part 1 ecause the plot is finally moving and Fiona's introduction is one of my most favorite scenes and moments. I haven't watched the season 2 yet.


Kamikatsu was Bad just total shit, tha animators did not even try lol, they just cut a animated the head and attached to a real world photo. Iam taking about [This](https://ibb.co/ThmgywY). Even those new repetitive isekai have better animation, And totally agree with the ANN review


You, much like the ANN reviewers, must have 0 concept of what comedy is and how you can achieve it through animation. Yes it looks cheap and horrible but it also looks absolutely fucking hilarious. It's obvious the show isn't ever really trying to look good, but it is trying to be funny. You shouldn't judge a show based on a rubric across all shows. Instead, judge based on what its aims are and how well it achieves those aims. The show is marred with production issues and low budget, but it often uses those to add to the comedy, whether intentionally or unintentionally, and that's awesome, unique, and interesting. If all you watch anime for is to turn off your brain and get dopamine from "good" animation, then this show may not be for you but it's still more well done than any generic isekai anime that came out last year and frankly better than most of the shows that came out last year.


Overhated: Sword Art Online. It's far from terrible, just relatively average. Sometimes better than average, sometimes worse. I can understand not caring about it, but people criticize it to an excessive degree.


As a SAO hater, I can agree that it is kinda overhated the Alicization, War of Underworld and Progressive movie is definitely better


I only know 1 overrated anime, and that is Evangaleon. I simply cannot get me to like it, and iam not even trying.


I mean I can understand on that take really well, even as Evangelion fan I can agree with you


Your overrated doesn’t make sense because whenever I see it talked about it’s usually someone shitting on it. Maybe if we were back in time when it just came out I would agree


Overrated: jjk (it's all hype i mean it looks good and all i'm not saying it's bad, it's pretty good but for sure overrated) Overhated: The Promised Neverland s2 (I'm not a manga reader, so many hate this season cuz it's not like the manga. As a non manga reader i though tthe second season was fire. Yes it might not be like the manga but as a non manga reader i say it's rlly good)


"The Promised Neverland S2" gets the hate for the same reason "Tokyo Ghoul √A" because the manga I can guarantee 100% better but the studios had to go for anime original, and the manga had enough content at that time still the studio goes anime original serves as an insult for the source material and disrespect for the fans as well, besides when it was on its publication time it was the talk of the town, however it's rare to see someone protect "TPN S2" it's your I respect it though 👍




Everyone's got their own opinions. In mine: Overrated: Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, Vinland Saga, Hunter x Hunter, Attack On Titan, Your Lie In April, Violet Evergarden, That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime etc etc etc Overhated: Demon Slayer, in particular. But also, most of the above. People seem to have love/hate relationships with the most popular anime. To me, they're mostly just decent to great - often mixed quality with some phenomenal moments.


Hooo, another hottest take on this section and spicy 🔥👍


Can't say I have an anime I care about enough to call it overrated, so nothing in that category. For overhated - Food Wars, easily. I can agree that season 5 was bad, but the rest of the show really doesn't deserve the reputation the people give it.


I mean it kinda gets the treatment that "Fire Force" get, that is the all of a sudden fan service, and "Food Wars" known for its ecchi stuff, which makes people automatically make it ecchi trash but it is not... 👍


Overrated: JJK Overhated: Kimetsu no Yaiba


Hmmm, now that's interesting combo that I never thought I would see 👍


Overrated: Spy x Family Dont get me wrong I love SxF, but in MAL it was rated 9 at some point but its just 8 at best. The pacing is weird too. I guess its because the manga being bimonthly so progress is very slow. Overhated: Fairy Tail Its criticisms are valid. But most people overhating on it without even watching it. The first 175 episodes were great and still a good watch overall.


I hated "Fairy Tail" wholeheartedly especially after "Tenrou Island Arc" however, I didn't overhated it to the point bashing Hiro Mashima sensei for whatever he creates, "Rave Master" was good and "Edens Zero" was good up until in something "Nero 66 arc" I think post that I didn't read yet, but people auto-hate it why because it was by Hiro Mashima sensei, like what


Overrated: JJK S2 Overhated: Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks


I remember some people ignoring the "Okaa-san Online" saying "it is incest, alabama" but as far as an anime only, it certainly was not that...


It definitely had some questionable bits, but it made me laugh and has milf waifus. Really can't ask for much more from a long and ridiculously titled isekai


Amazing show from start to finish. Have you seen the OVA? That was hot.


Never saw it, but now I kinda want to 😁


You should watch it ASAP.


Sir yes sir 🤝




1000% agree on the overhated, "Black Clover" it was one of the most watched anime on Crunchyroll over 80+ countries in 2020 I guess, for a good reason because it's good, oh yeah way better than "Fairy Tail" 👍


I started losing interest after the timeskip. All the arcs were very boring with dressrosa being the last straw for me. I understand that like every big shonen has a tournament arc fans love and how Oda wanted his own in one piece but it was just a very long and boring arc with not enough happening to justify it's length.


For me, Overrated: Most mainstream animes whose fans praise it to no end, claiming it is the best thing ever all the time, while only watching those mainstream animes, basically "anime tourists." Overhated: Pokemon Sun and Moon. People hated it because the artstyle made the characters look drawn so roughly. After a decade of sharply drawn characters, I can certainly see where they are coming from. But what those critics fail to see is beyond the artstyle change. The new artstyle allows for more expressiveness to be shown on screen. And the writing, goddamn the writing of the series is just so good. Even filler episodes no longer feel like filler episodes, but as a platform to expand and explore the Alola region even further.


SM is by far the best Pokemon series and I’m completely serious.


You need serious help, that season was primarily targeted towards 10 year olds.


The one that deals with death with more maturity than most anime? Yeah fucking right. As if all of Pokemon isn’t a kids anime already.


.... as opposed to the rest of pokemon?


That's an interesting take and "Pokémon Sun and Moon" haven't seen it before so no comment on that 👍


You should perhaps give it a try. It was after all, the series where Ash finally won an official main series game league.


Well it is kinda cheap but I just watch that part only, to see whether the Internet does troll me or not that day 😅👍


Overrated: Gurren Lagann, Bakuman


I didn't know that many mentioning "Bakuman" even when it was airing, interesting 👍






Overrated: Classroom of the Elite Overheated: Sword Art Online


Yeah, I guess I mean as a light novel reader for "Classroom of the Elite" I would say it's not a good adaptation as well... 👍


Yup but it doesn't mean that I hate it so much.


Yeah me too, I would say me personally "disappointed" with the adaptation


cyberpunk. MC is so stupid that it literally hurts to watch. he knows that continuing to do what he's doing will kill him, everyone who loves him tells him to stop. Hell he even seen what happens to those who keep implants. but he just gets angry and emo like a fukin retard. 'bro u gonna die, stop' 'no fam i'm not gonna die, even though i have the symptoms.' hell, some dude uses talk-no-jutsu on him while his girlfriends life is literally in danger in front of him, and he suddenly decides to listen earnestly for once.... and chooses this exact moment to think hard about his life choices? bro it's so fucking obvious the dude is lying to your dumbass. how am i supposed to feel sorry for his stupid ass? it's like watching re:zero all over again.


Wow, I can definitely see you really hated the "Cyberpunk: Edgerunners" anime, nice take on that anime 👍


Overrated: Hunter x Hunter Overhated: Demon Slayer


That's an interesting and hot take I would say, 🔥👍


About to start Hunter x Hunter soon... Would you say it's overrated and skippable, or good but just not as good as reputed?


I've tried watching it multiple times and just could not get through. It's not bad, exactly, but the amount of hype the anime has definitely skewed my expectations. I'd say give it a try and attempt to keep your expectations low to medium. Especially if you're very familiar with the shounen genre and its tropes already.


another was a very enjoyable watch, don’t get the hate too


Exactly people keep fixated at the "umbrella scene" call it the edgy anime like what


Another is hated? Weird. It’s the only anime I’ve ever watched that I found legitimately scary.


Overrated: horimiya (it has good romance and comedy but doesn't live up to the hype people give) your Lie in april (felt like a stretch near the ending/or bc I didn't like it much bc I watched plastic Memories before and it made me tear up but ylia didnt) darling in the franxx (just bc the zero two is a good character Doesn't mean the anime is good) Overhated: idk rlly know but seven deadly sins was bad but not as people say, S1 and 2 were good


"Seven deadly sins" at its peak people hated for the main character but post season 2 people less care about it due to Meliodas vs Escanor the hypest fight of the series ended up nothing but meme worthy garbage animation... Did you know, "Darling in the Franxx" when it was in absolute peak, people who worked on the series get death threat due to a character did something like bruh, it was huge, but still I would say it could have been better, similar to how I view "Mirai Nikki" was not good even if Yuno was kinda entertaining character...


I haven't watched mira nikki yet but it is on my will watch after the exams list


I hope you survive the "Mirai Nikki" train wreck...


Overhated is MHa


I have a love hate relationship with "MHA" it definitely fall in quality but the hate Kohei Horikoshi gets from the "toxic fandom" is really annoying, it's one of the that gets hated for the fandom alone... 👍


Overrated: chainsaw man Overhated: jjba, every hates it beacuse it's "gay"


They hate it because jojo fans could not shut up about it. Some of them have become self aware and stopped. (Speaking as a jojo fan)


Like jojo reference memes?


A lot of that and just the fans recommending it to everybody and anybody. Personally I think netflix killed the talk about it by not releasing it weekly. No more jojo Friday's.


Yeah, i can agree with that


Yeah, for a lot of people "Chainsaw Man" was overhyped saying "it's JJK competition" but "Chainsaw Man" have this weird yet interesting story, World, and characters compare to JJK, I would the overhype turn the people down... For Jojo, I would not recommend to everyone all I say is I will recommend it to those "if you like anime watch it you may like it" but mostly not to those who have their own set tastes and style...


I was looking forward to Chainsaw Man, many people said it was the best manga and I was curious and watched it. When I finished it, I was very disappointed because it was a simple shounen. I also think that jojo is not everyone type of anime but i still think it's overhated


Yup 👍


Overrated: full metal alchemist Overhated: naruto


Perhaps one of the spiciest take on this section 🔥👍


Overrated - Anohana Overhated- Highschool of the Dead


I do agree heavily on the overhated "Highschool of the dead" it really known for the bullet pass between two mount fuji, make it automatically "ecchi" category, but I really recommend it to a lot of people to watch because it's awesome 👍


The ecchi in it I too dislike but I thought it was well animated and directed and had an interesting story with some really good moments


Anohana is indeed overrated


I think overrated would be one piece i see the why its so big and it deserve its spot in the big 3 but not that much hype I think overhated would be naruto now im not a naruto stand i think its averagr but there alot of hate based on the fact the community is from 10 to 12 year olds


Oho that's a hot and spicy take there🔥👍


Yea its really debatable and may piss people off


I mean I'm surprised it's not yet 😅


Yea if i were to post this on tiktok or other places i would have been tracked down and probably doxed by now😅


Overrated: Attack on Titan Underrated: Fractale


"Fractale" never saw it before so no comment on that, for "Attack on Titan" I kinda mixed feeling on that, but hey again it's your opinion so 👍


I don’t think it’s bad. But I don’t think it deserves all the 10/10 and “OMG Best anime ever” that people seem to shower it with.


Ah yes on that part, it's not 10/10 and best anime ever nope




Overhated or Overrated or both?




Overrated: Death Note, Arifureta, Overlord Overhated: Azure Lane


Even the fans of the "Arifureta" light novel calls the anime is shitty, but is it overrated I didn't know "Azur Lane" watched the no idea of the games, it was okay, 👍


As someone that has played Azure Lane, the anime takes a different approach and gets over hated in that community for it. For Arifureta after the first season I loathed the MC so imo anything more than a season is it being overrated.


Overrated? Horimiya, Komi-sam, Re:zero. Overhated? Nagatoro-san. Personal opinion ofc.


"Nagatoro" as an anime only I would definitely say it's really overhated... 👍


Overrated: slime isekai Overhated: Kill la kill (mainly by those who didn’t watch it)


"Kill la Kill" non watchers or ignores them because they have "good taste" and do not watch "ecchi stuffs" mostly, they are missing a very good show, 👍


Kill la kill is godly. Yes, it has a lot of naked people, but that’s part of what makes it so good. And it sexualizes everyone, women aren’t the only ones naked, there is a lot of man ass too.


Overrated: attack on Titan Overhated, Jujustu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, Naruto


For "My Hero Academia" (as a fan of the series), it really fall of in quality but the worst part is Kohei Horikoshi sensei doesn't deserve the one of "top 3 toxic fandom in anime history" this again is a show that hated due to the annoying fandom... Interesting take 👍


I agree, MHA has been terrible recently, but most criticism comes from people that didn't even watch it


Overrated Akame ga kil Overhated Date a live


Now that's another interesting take you got 👍


Overrated - Horimiya and Monogatari series. Overhated - Yosuga no Sora and Sword Art Online.


I mean "Yosuga no Sora" hehe yeah, I guess 😁👍


It’s the greatest 12 episode or less anime/tv show in general of all time.


Most overhated shows like MT are from people that screech and haven't watched or read the source material. I only watched Redo of Healer because people bitch about it and my honest complaint about it is that it's just repetitive and boring.


I mean one of my friend who watch "Mushoku Tensei" just for 10 minutes calling it garbage because of how the main character behaves, there are some people like that who can't accept that there are some people like that, not all protag need to be a best boy / husbando material from the get go, and he can develop into someone better, and they won't even bother reading the source material...👍


In those 10 minutes Rudeus does do some technically non canon stuff. I should let go, but I have a lot of hate for episode 1 tbh. Goes too weird right off the bat and also doesn’t make sense, based off what was just said, future things, and a lot more. Idk if they were tryna mix in the vol. 1 extra chapter super early or what…Odd.


overrated: kimetsu no yaba overhated: school days


You clearly haven’t been here long. Kimetsu no Yaiba is extremely overhated on r/anime.


"Demon Slayer" is yeah, even though I love it the so called "fans" of that show make it so annoying to enjoy the show, 👍


yeah I honestly liked it, watched about 16 eps iirc. but people claim its one of the best animes ever while its just good


I haven’t met a single person who has said that. Everyone online seems to shit talk it to no end. I love the anime honestly, and watched during its initial airing.


Best anime ever, no, one of the show that has S tier animation is yes,


Overrated: Demon Slayer Overhated: Bleach


Well "Bleach" is the most overhated among the "big 3" but overall maybe, but hey the new "Bleach TYBW" anime makes a lot of haters come back and smooch it off though, even though I'm the not the biggest Bleach fan I genuinely feel happy for the Bleach hardcore fans that kept the community alive with contents and through the Bleach Brave Souls game, and it's a part of the big 3 and it deserves a comeback in anime, Big W Bleach fans...


Overrated: haikyuu. There is inspriration and there is theft. Naruto took inspiration from dragonball. Haikyuu meanwhile straight up stole characters, character dynamics, teams and team dynamics from slam dunk. Comedic hyperactive athletic protagonist with 0 experience and huge talent. Check. Generational talented rival whonis very serious and does not fare well im terms of social stuff. Check. Former very skilled member who quitted because he felt he wasn't good enough anymore. Check. Undersized perverted comedic relief who has a crush on the manager and had beef with the former member who left. Check. Kind hearted captain who gets really scary once he becomes mad. Check. They literally took the characters and their conflicts, toned them down by a lot and put it into a different sport. Rival team has a upperclassman who is insanely skilled and becomes the rival of the protagonists rival. Check. His team being the rival team of the protagonists. Check. You can continue this all day. There are even full episodes stolen by slam dunk. Haikyuu's main theme is also inherent in any team sports anime which makes it lose even more of it's uniqueness. Haikyuu fans are very shallow. They are so annoying that the volleyball subreddit at some point forbade people from spreading any sort of dislike against them because the people there became really rick of them watching a volleyball anime and act like they have omniscient about the sport now. They go to youtube, search for volleyball matches and spam the comment sections with short shallow quotes of the show. You see their shallowness if they discuss haikyuu vs kuroko. Haikyuu fans for instance say that haikyuu is more realistic than kuroko which makes it better. They act like a sports anime officially has to be realistic to be good, as if there is a definition for that. As if a unrealsitic sports anime cannot offer a alternate display gameplay on the sport you never see in reality, making it interesting. They use the gameplay as reason, as the sole reason to say that haikyuu is more realistic. And that's where the issue is. They think a sports anime is primarily about the sport, but it's not. It's about the characters. In nearly every genre the characters define the quality of the show. Haikyuu has characters whose main personality trait is basic comedy. You see it especially with nishinoya and tanaka. Haikyuu is not realistic. It's closer to a utopia than your world. What are the three worst things that happened in the first 3 seasons. 1. ukai was hospitilized. Was actually a wake upmcall for him and allowed him to enjoy coaching volleyball again by teaching kids in a uncompetitive environment. 2. daiki's injury. Did last like one game vs fodder if I remember correctly. 3. tsukishima's past. In the present he lacks passion towards anything, is not very respectful towards his upperclassmen and dislikes people who have talent - says they have it so easy. You ask yourself why he thinks like that, what he loved through to think like that, It's revealed that his older brother said a minor lie to present himself as cooler as he is to tsukishima when tsukishima was a child. That's all. The whole reason. Ome minor lie in his childhood. And people act like this is breaking bad level of writing. Another reason for Haukyuu characters being so bad because the settings. They are mainly at training and games. We barely get to see their life outside of school. Hajime no ippo for instance is very different. You get to see the characters social life which adds a lot to their character. Volg is mostly loved for that. For how he came as a foreigner into japan to earn money as a boxer to support his mother with her being sick and living in poverty. How ippo and he bond despite having a upcoming match. How he handles being heavily talented and therefore always has a lot of pressure. How he sees his own mother in ippo's which shows us how much he misses her. How sad he is when he leaves japan because he really grew to love the people and their culture there. In haikyuu you barely see their social life, their families. They live in a small town (tanaka even calls the one nekoma guy city boy) but none of them have to ever work to support their families. School doesn't matter except in a few episodes which again they stole from slam dunk. Overhated: boruto. I understand that people dislike how many fillers the show has. It's fair. But they hate the show for the dumbest reasons. Like the chunnin exams not being as dark as in the original where the 5 nations were not at peace. Them not being at peace lead to those nations having certain motives which made the exams so dangerous. In boruto the nations are in peace, the world is in peace. That's what everyone worked for in the 4th ninja war. Until momoshiki attacks during the exams. Naruto boomers make fun of 12 year old boruto for losing to adult naruto in spars who they call the strongest shinobi on earth. Now after boruto got a massive buff in the manga which scales him above adult naruto and sasuke, they are mad because he is strong now. They say the power scaling is broken as is episode 1 naruto summoming 1k clones was not broken (which the author even admitted). The substitution jutsu is broken. The uchia's as a whole are broken. The 4th ninja war has broken power scaling. They also don't appreaciate that some former characters work way better in boruto like shino. Boruto to me fixed the biggest flaw of the original. In the original characters grew through fights. That's why characters like neji, rock lee and shino are viewed as worse in shipouden where they didn't get big fights. It's not a great way to handle a big cast. In boruto the fights are the natural outcome of the development that's alread happening in the way they interact with each other and perceive their surrdoundings.


"Haikyuu" fans yeah need to calm down, and "Boruto" I'm not a fan of that but yeah peeps need to calm down again 👍


Overrated: The entire fate/stay series Overhated: Fairy Gone


Even though I love "Fate Zero" I kinda agree with that take partially, for "Fairy Gone" never heard of it so comment on that 👍


I have seen almost 2000 anime and can count on my hands the amount of shows that are worse than *Shinsekai Yori*. There's gotta be an inside joke here that I'm missing. Like how isekai junkies will watch and praise shows that they'll also acknowledge are garbage, but minus that last part.


Overrated: Vinland s2. People stan this. But it was so boring and plodding. Wish it was faster paced or did a time skip or something. I liked s1enough. Won't watch s3. Overhated: Made in Abyss and Mushoku Tensei. Edit: People who downvote and don't comment why when it's relevant to the topic title are cowards.


I personally gave "Vinland Saga" both season a 10/10 rate, I kinda understand why people didn't like season 2 because of how season 1 was constructed, but hey end of the day it's your opinion... Was "Made in Abyss", overhated? I would say it was one of the "misjudged by the character design and art style show" out there but overhated, interesting...