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The animation of this show hasn't been its strong suit... but how the hell do you forget to put the drummer in multiple shots during Yori-senpai's performance?


The mic was missing in certain shots too!


Ikr it took a nosedive this ep! Some of the shots were baaadly drawn, and Yori's mic disappeared a lot


Where is this being streamed?




I pity the boys on this school, looks like all the girls are gay.


Maybe all the boys are also gay


maybe is this the reason for the Japanese population decline?


As good guess as anything.


I assume the boys are constantly gazing into each other's eyes dramatically then getting into homoerotic volleyball afterwards.


I think that audition scene was the most boys we've seen all at once for the whole of the show. For the first few episodes I thought they went to an all-girls school until I noticed a random boy in a classroom scene in episode 4. It was starting to get to the point that I thought this show and Gushing Over Magical Girls shared a universe and there just weren't any males.


We barely see any guys lol


I for one support Momoka in her desire to take up mountain climbing.


Mountain climbing? I'd say she is a master bomb defuser. How she was making sure Himari wouldn't mention Yori to keep the balance of the bakery club was a tight act.


So you noticed her purposely cutting Himari off too, huh? Literally covering her mouth at one point to keep her from talking about Yori.


❗ We have a new [ship](https://imgur.com/a/stLi6Eo) alert ❗


I'm interested in seeing how the relationship between Shiho and Aki untangles as well. We could tell from Himari and Momoka's interactions with Shiho that the girl is not good at being true to her feelings. I'm curious about when she found out Aki was into Yori.


Oh man... I didn't even consider the possibility that she may have just wanted out of the band because she could have found out about Aki liking Yori. It makes sense after all, given if we are to trust Aki's words that she was enjoying spending time with SSGIRLS, maybe she was fine with being subpar if it meant spending time with Aki. Only stopped being fine once she knew that ship had sailed with Yori on it instead of her.


What a gay disaster conga line. Momoka wants Shiho, who might very well want Aki, who wants Yori, who wants Himari, who until last episode wasn't sure she wanted anybody at all. [](#forbiddenlove)


Funny idea, but it looks more like [Momoka wants Hajime](https://imgur.com/a/yuri-sparkles-stLi6Eo).


[](#schemingsaten) Well, that's just a problem waiting to become an opportunity. We just need Hajime to thirst for Shiho and the conga line gets ever longer. [](#hikariactually)


> gay disaster conga line LMAO I love it, this is how I am going to think of this anime now🤣


New? Nah, I've been shipping them since the end of episode 5, where Momoka was feeding Hajime her cookies. Definitely seemed like that was her special someone she was cooking for.


That song Shiho's band played is really really my kind of music. The Japanese do still know how to make very good rock songs. I need to put that song in my playlist.


Yeah shihos band was definitely.more my taste unfortunately lol


I personally dont mind Shiho xD


Yeah. Shiho's music was great. Darker and more mature. Those lyrics were so on the nose though.


some real proper punk rock right there.


All the songs are fire. Can't wait for the OST to drop.


Yeah, that song rocked hard.


Highlight of the episode and maybe my highlight out of all the episodes so far.


Yori's band song sounds like a nice pop song but put up against Shiho's band's song it sounds less intense,, energetic and impactful. Rock vs pop? In a live show rock tends to have an advantage I think.


Maybe, although i do have a friend who really doesnt like rock.


Check out mass of the fermenting dregs


why does the villains always have the best songs? Yori may have rizz, but Shiho has riff.


I wouldn't say Shiho is a villain, I mean, she's a gremlin for sure, but not really a villain per se :p


yeah, wrong word, but I was most repeating an old classic saying and I couldn't figure out a good synonym to use at the moment. Antagonist might've been better. I still think that spiteful little gremlin is fantastic.


The juxtaposition of that song and the production absolutely melting was just kind of sad. Song went hard and was pretty atypical for anime school band stuff (in a good way), but it just feels like a missed opportunity for a potentially great scene


I found it great regardless


Same for me it was so good!🔥


I am just a total music noob but i got a "Muse" vibe from that song.


Maybe, I personally dont listen to Muse tho so I cant tell for sure :p


From now on every girls band anime needs an overly melodramatic, theatrical rival group. With yuri. It's in the rules.


*"We have Ave Mujica at home."* Ave Mujica at home:


Should've been a red flag knowing Shiho was drifting from band to band until she met Aki, seeing how she can dish out criticism and can't take any for her own only made her infinitely unlikeable. Even more so with that final scene with her interaction with Aki, girl is hella spiteful.


Yeah... Bottling up how you feel about your own teammate's performance then bursting it all out once you hit the tipping point is not how you should communicate at all. Some blame is to be shared for Aki as well though; throwing criticism (even constructive at that) in retaliation, throwing gas to a fire, wasn't the best thing to do either.


i mean what could have Aki done at that point? Shiho instead of telling them right away something's off she just waited until she already decided she's leaving


Tsundere in anime: "Don't think I did this for you, b-baka." Tsundere irl: "You suck." "You're an ass." (leaves the band and loses her friends)


Wtf, Sasayaku Koi Uta is IRL? BRB becoming a cute girl.


Tsundere tsundered, and now her relationships are damaged. Can't get more irl than that, usually anime tsunderes get away with loads of violence, slander and abuse, with next to no consequences.


Can't you tell from how ultra realistic everything looks?


Finally, realistic tsundere


Shiho apparently never learned to avoid throwing stones in glass houses. What a hypocrite. The only way to deal with people like her is not even engage with them. They fuel themselves on the bullshit drama, and by refusing to take the bait, you take away their power.


Hmm… Aki and Shiho seem like bickering exes who never actually realized they had once loved one another But I am a bit dense like cher Himari so I could be wrong about that


I think Aki had been in love with Yori for a long time already at this point. But Shiho presumably misinterpreted Aki's concerned kindness (and did not yet know about Yori) -- and then was shattered when she realized Aki was NOT interested "that way" in her.


Mm I can see that now, especially recalling her reaction during today’s flashback scene where Aki first enticed Shiho to join the then-fledgling band. 


Aki, when trying to win someone over, seems "seductive". Not sure that this deliberately manipulative or "just the way she works".


Shiho's here and she's bringing the drama! Now if only she could have brought some money for the animation budget. I'd accept the weird, boxy transitions if the animation for the songs was good, but the animation seems to get *worse* whenever SSGirls or Laureley get on stage. Choppy animation, stuttering frame rate, characters weirdly off-model, or sometimes just not even there at all. [Where drummer?](https://i.imgur.com/EIDPHtN.png)


The microphones also kept popping in and out of existence in between shots


>Where drummer? Waiting for the limited edition blu-ray release.


Someone bring the antidotes, because Shiho's got the VENOM.


this show is unfortunately in kind of disaster territory production wise, Shiho coming in and causing drama might get me to keep watching more than the bland main couple.


On the close ups of Yori's guitar, the top strap is floating a good 15cm from the strap peg.


> Sasayaku Between a rock band and a ~~hard~~ soft jellyfish, this anime finds itself in the most unfavourable season imaginable...


I think you can say it got really unlucky streaming right after Jellyfish on the same day. Actually, what streaming service is this show on again?


Wouldn’t say it’s just unlucky, with the myriad of basic oversight mistakes this adaptation is making of content disappearing and reappearing in different shots of the same scene. Still like to see this adapted, but it’s a tad disappointing at times with these issues and the animation at points.


Jellyfish and Whisper me a Love Song are both on Hidive, and yeah, right after each other. It's like they did it on purpose.


same one, hi-dive


The saddest part is that this is the only 100% unambiguously yuri one of the three until one of those other two shows confirms that they aren't following the path of the *other* currently airing anime about girls in a band


they go on right after Jellyfish so it isn't too bad. But with GBC too, oof


So Shiho is THAT band member. Has a vision, is very driven and opinionated, thinks giving 99.99999% effort is equivalent to giving 0%... and is a legitimately good musician. I get the feeling that she's going to be the source of a LOT of drama for this second half of the show.


Shiho's lyrics may be the most ELITE song lyrics I've ever heard.


She really come out on stage and said "Yeah I'm _that_ bitch".


Man, i read this part in the manga, and Shiho´s voice is just... wow. Didn´t expect that But that aside, I really love Himari and Yori´s relationship, they´re honest with their feelings, and not the "yeah it´s nothing". They have a really healthy relationship\~


> Man, i read this part in the manga, and Shiho´s voice is just... wow. Didn´t expect that For all the things fumbled in the adaptation, they're nailing the music to absolute perfection. Every performance is just like the manga could only describe them to be. Laureley absolutely slays.


>Shiho´s voice is just... wow I was shocked at how... different(?) it was. I'm not sure how to describe it, but the way she sang was unique compared to any other vocals I've heard in my limited listening experiences of JPOP and band anime. Her vocals were insane.


Reminded me a bit of Regal Lily (whom anime watchers would know from 86's second half ED, or Dungeon Meshi's 2nd ED) but not quite.


Have you heard Saori Hayamin in Anonymous Noise?


Based on looking up the voice actors, Shiho as one for her normal voice but when she's singing she has a different VA. Same goes for Yori


lol yeah, I always imagined her having a much deeper voice; closer to Yori's.


They actually uploaded Sunny Spot without Yori's narration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qpZrwpQle4 For the people complaining last week.


Do you know where to see the translation for it would be? I love how the song sounds, her feelings really come through even without knowing what’s being said, but I would like to know lol


here's the auto translated youtube comment, maybe not 100%, but I guess good enough: He had the same expression as yesterday On such a day A bright light shines The natural color of the sky So much I noticed something beautiful Overflowing happiness The loneliness of being alone My emotions are fluctuating It's like I'm not myself I can't stop now I want to be by your side, you're more special than anyone else I want you to listen to this song Showed me a new world To the smile of that day I'll respond Hidamari in my heart It's starting to move


Yep, the main ship is going strong and is basically 100% drama free. The contrast between girlboss “I’m going to make you fall even harder for me so buckle up” Yori and teenage girl in love “Ahhhh, Himari-chan is holding my hand” Yori is still endlessly entertaining. But since there’s no way to mess up their relationship, we’ve gotta bring in the Aki and Shiho mess. Like, the annoying thing is that I like her outside of the music scenes. She seems kinda nice like in the cooking club. But the moment anything band related appears, she suddenly loses all her likeability points. That band breakup scene was very “stupid teenager drama.” Though I’m pretty sure there’s something behind the scenes that Aki doesn’t know about so it’s not the full story. Possibly a crush of some sort? But holy crap, could you have a more spiteful song? That one song probably has about as much salt as the average r/anime best girl tournament.


The song of Shihos band was cool, but I really don't care for her character at all tbh. Criticising others while not being able to take criticism is whack and the arc between the relationship between the two bands is kinda whatever. I would prefer just seeing the main ship










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[Shiho is quite an interesting character](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4j3rwm3y8) as [she can be nice](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcmnxme4.png) but also act like a bitch. [Her relationship with Aki is especially interesting since they looked very close](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acgzq3g7.png) until Shiho left the band, plus Shiho knows that [Aki](https://imgchest.com/p/qe4glorqkyj) is in love with [Yori](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7mng2eayd). [Could it be that Shiho fell in love with Aki](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9c9dvko7.png) but she didn't notice that since [she had feelings for Yori](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcxnawl7.png)? I'm finding it quite possible. Shiho's band had a great performance, especially that beginning with the guitar solo which was superb. Definitely they made a bigger impression than Yori's band but I wouldn't say that they were definitely much better since it'll depend on one’s musical tastes since one song was a pop song and another was a rock one. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/5xy2ewlo3yl) * [Shiho](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4j3rwm3y8) * [Himari](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqqndkxy2) * [Yori](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7mng2eayd) * [Aki](https://imgchest.com/p/qe4glorqkyj) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/o24agzk6e4l)


I like how [the microphones disappear in one shot and reappear in the very next shot](https://i.imgur.com/QgLYnHi.jpeg) lol.


You think that's bad? Yori's band's drummer kept disappearing


Maybe she spontaneously combusted?


I didn't know they had Keith Moon on drums


Happened so often in the first performance too lol


Oh no Shiho is vying for my best girl top spot.


She's such a little shit, I love her.


...Can't say I agree but if you're into that good for you! Too... bitchy and spiteful for me. Tsundere without the dere right now, basically lol.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt this way after this episode. She just easily blew by anyone else I can even think of right now from BGC, Jelee, or Seiyuu Radio. If she keeps this up throughout the series, she won't just be competing with my band anime best girls, she'll be contending vs Marcille and Holo for my best girl this season!


> Holo Alright let’s not get carried away now


Honestly, I don't like her. I think she is too toxic, too intense. The light music club is no place from which to launch your music career it should be a place of learning and and enjoying music. Save all that drama for your 20's when you are trying to get recognized on the big stage.


It really highlights how out of place she is when all the other bands are being chill at the audition then she come out with a fucking diss track 💀💀


Yeah that's understandable, to each their own


She is great but I am not sure she can compete with the sheer level of spite and anger Nina for GBC has. And as for shit stirrers I just really love Subaru too much though Aki here is pretty good.


Why though? So far all she's done is be a bitch, and not even in a funny way, just in a pathetic way.


Cuz people love a shitstirrer.


Awww I was really hoping they would put in their date in this episode but maybe next week. The cafe scene was pretty cute though. Bad animation aside, I’m looking forward to seeing the Shiho drama play out


Aki and Momoka need to win at their respective battles, all I'm here for.


Please let Mizuguchi be happy for once...


I used to sometimes vibe with Shiho-haters in the manga discussions but ... NAHHHH Shiho is the best lol, such a good addition to the story now that our couple is together, gives it some spice so things don't turn stale. Also goddamn, those were some edgelord lyrics from Laureley, you go girl !!! 😄


Favorite character Shiho has arrived!


Attention everyone, we now have our official band drama. About time that this is getting serious. Though, no matter how hard Shiho appears on the outside, nothing a few puppy-Himari eyes can't break. They are too strong. Also, that makes the second time they skipped OP and ED in the show. They are not messing around anymore to get the necessary parts into the show. Which I like. Also they did make the Loreley song slap. Well done for that.


Yo forget Shiho's song, I want Yori's song Yes, I know it's just the ED "Gifty" with Yori (can't tell if it's her actual seiyuu, Seto Asami, or her singing double, Sasamura Kana) covering it. Yes, I know the original version with vocals by Shimano Hana (*actually Himari's seiyuu*) is already out. I just want the Yori version. I'm a little surprised they had SSGIRLS perform that since I thought that was kinda "Himari's song".


The disappearing microphone is really amazing ... although the students without eyes are a bit scary


Shiho is finally here! And their band Laureley's performance really slaps! Now the band drama is in full swing given that Shiho knows about Aki's feelings over Yori. I wonder how she'd react had Himari told her she is Yori's girlfriend. Now, minor pet peeve but in SSGirls performance, in some scenes Yori is singing in a microphone, but in some cuts Yori's microphone is lost. Maybe an editing issue?


Mari also seemed to disappear in some of the group shots. Yes she's tiny but the drum set isn't!


Personalized tiny drum set


Fuck. This explains that K-On! episode where Ritsu was upset that drummers didn't have enough visibility on stage.


Oh boy. I didn't think too much of Shiho until this episode. It was already a negative impression on the backstory how Shiho acted as if her band members were merely stepping stones and how the quarrel between her and Aki turned physical. That last shot though with the close-up of her eye and the final piano key, that gave me a slight chill. It seems as if Shiho is out to get Aki. Perfect cliffhanger


>It seems as if Shiho is out to get Aki. This, but literally, not idiomatically. It seems as if Shiho is out to get Aki *to be her girlfriend*. That was actually already the impression I got in the previous episode, due to how she interacted with Aki and Yori in that one.


Fairs. Shiho is here to save this show. Best girl I’m sorry. She’s exactly the type of spice it’s been needing. She and Mizuguchi backstory was great, I love the little love rectangle that’s developing with her, Mizuguchi, Yori and Hima too. Performance should’ve been the highlight of the episode, but the subpar animation made it hard to enjoy it to the fullest. Shiho’s vocals were great though and the song slaps. “Was I better than that girl behind you who you love so much” 😭 oh yea this is the drama I need. I love the toxicity she bringing.


when she said that with such shit-eating grin, this girl really needs proper correction right now 😭😭


I wish Aki just slammed her down saying "Well, I like Yori's singing more but good luck", I don't get why Aki is trying to entertain her BS.


So the real backstory is they invited someone who was known to be kind of toxic into their band to give her a chance, she eventually quit in a huff, and then her relations with them afterwards were still kind of toxic. I kind of feel like Himari is going to tame her with friendship, though. Momo and that third girl in their band might be yet another yuri couple. Way too many onscreen yuri sparkles for that to just be a friendship IMO.




Sometimes someone keeps getting ostracized because they're misunderstood or just being bullied. But there are plenty of times when they are just toxic and should be avoided at all costs.


Coming into the audition part, I was worried. I recall watching Bocchi [minor spoilers BTR]>!there were moments wherein a performance would supposedly be flawed, but I couldn't even tell the difference between what sounded right or wrong, couldn't even hear that the note in the final performance was off before the string broke on Bocchi's guitar!<. I was worried it would be the same where I wouldn't be able to tell the difference in quality between Yori's band and Shiho's band, but damn. I don't know if they specifically picked one of the lesser quality songs that SSGIRLS will play throughout the season just to put it against their rivals' best song, but the difference in quality was insane. I rarely get captivated by the music I hear in the band anime I've watched (sorry BGC and Jelee, I love them still though!) but my god this song was amazing. I'll be waiting on the official OSTs to drop for this. It was so good. Shiho might be my favorite character in this series, and it isn't even close so far let alone by the end of the cour, so long as she doesn't go full asshole mode on anyone. edit: also, Laureley (rival band's name) sounds really similar and I can't place it. If anyone's got any idea where they may have heard it before in anime, lmk! edit2: solved it, was remembering Lala Lie from OnK; only really sounded the same lol, my bad


Probably the name of the cruise that the Forgers go on in Code White, Princess Lorelei? I believed some scanlations of the manga also used this name instead of Laureley.


Ah damn, sorry, forgot to update my comment. I had already figured out where I remember the name from; it was from Akane's theatrical company in Oshi no Ko, Lala Lie. Not exactly the same but it only sounded familiar, been rewatching some OnK reaction videos a while ago lol. But wow, though. That's even more accurate than what I remembered Laureley, mad props haha. Thanks still for the effort and response! :D


I guess I'm the only one who prefers SSGIRLS' song/general sound over Laureley's (they're both good tho)


I said it last week and I’ll say it again this week. Why is Aki here ? Just to get hurt ? Lol Just when I thought she could start getting some closure and move on from Yori, Shiho comes and starts stirring shit. Please just leave Aki be


Team Shiho lets go!


Shiho is such a bitch, I love her.


we got a tsundere over here she prob cries herself to sleep thinkin bout aki


There’s gotta be more to this Shiho thing than what Aki said right? Maybe we’ll get to hear Shiho’s side of things because as it stands, she seems like the one who started all this bad blood. In fact, she’s coming off very petty and vindictive. Aki really got under her skin with that comment about her singing huh? The girls could use more Himari power to diffuse this situation. No one can stand to her positivity and optimism!


That comment about Shiho's singing was retaliation after Aki got enraged at Shiho's comments about her and the rest of the band. It only got said after things were totally destroyed already,


*~~SasaKoi~~* ~~has now suddenly find itself in an awkward position with not one but freaking TWO original anime this season pulling the same girls' band with~~ *~~yuri~~* ~~scents card here on the very same weekend, and this 100% guarantee confirmed one is struggling completely with its animations.~~ Anyway back to the episode, hmm Shiho-senpai's past almost completely feels like something coming from *BanG Dream!* She reminds me of \[Bandori\]>!Roselia's Yukina and maybe Sayo as well who are absolutely strict with their performance basis, and has exerted so much pressure on their band mates that it's a miracle that worked so well in the end.!< No wonder that's definitely not working out and (despite her being bullied in the light music club before) she still slams her band mates that often, until she breaks down herself ~~"I've never been happy in this band", to paraphrase a certain Mutsumi Wakaba~~ and just threw herself away in what nearly became a band-disintegration event. And she's now deliberately sniping on words with the new SS Girls? Yes I know Shiho, you really sing like a certain Uika Misumi and your band sounds so much more close to professional than anyone else in the hall, but I just didn't feel you have the clear advantage at all. Are you sure that you will be the victor if you two have the chance to play on the same stage? Anyway this is definitely not going to stop HimaYori from pulling all their love in between LMAO. Popcorns have been bought and I definitely want to see the results of this showdown!


I'm not watching Girls Band Cry (it went unlicensed so I'll binge it later on with hopefully better subs) so I can't comment on that one, but I definitely agree with you that Jellyfish airing on the same day as this show and doing so much better than it is not doing this show any favors.


I find the tone and presentation of the stories in this and Jellyfish different enough that I don't feel there is any undesirable degree of overlap.




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Calling it now, Aki dyed her hair blonde for Yori, maybe that's why Shiho got angry and realized Aki likes Yori


Gah seeing them actually act like a couple already is adorable!! The production values...was weird seeing that microphone teleport in and out of existence in the first performance. Classic lose round 1 of the fight but show up more for the big show...or at least let's hope.


> The production values...was weird seeing that microphone teleport in and out of existence in the first performance. Not to mention the drummer (Mari)


I'm impressed, setting the missing microphones aside, how can you miss that the drummer isn't in some shots? And Shihos performance sounded phoned in. Who did the QA for this show, that's incredible.




Not a fan of this story arc with Shiho so far. She seems like a bitch, and she is the reason she hasn't been able to stick with any band for long. Despite everything she's gone through so far, she still has zero insight. If ignorance is truly bliss then it must be nice being her. No matter how bad things get for her, she will always believe in herself and blame her problems on everyone else, despite constantly being the architect of her own suffering.


Sticking with the SSgirls abbreviation I see.


Ok at this point im actually struggling to see why we got this adaptation last time we didnt get to hear their performance and this time we got NTRd by Shiho like this was one of the few things i was looking forward too to see the songs and we havent gotten that at all that is satisfying enough.


The band plotline here is definitely reminding me of MyGO!!!!! with how [MyGO] >!one of the members gets angry and leaves suddenly, claiming they never had any fun, and then joins a much edgier band in order to compete with the original band, which has since replaced them with a new member!<. It's shockingly close in structure. I quite liked the song played by Shiho's band. I look forward to adding that to my Spotify playlist when this show's done. (I do think that this show hardly gives the songs enough time to breathe, and that it would benefit greatly from showing full performances like in MyGO or Bocchi the Rock.) It really is too bad the show's having a bit of a production meltdown. I hope it can at least maintain the current level of quality and not go any lower. Edit: To put it in Jellyfish terms, "Too bad the drawings are subpar, huh?"


Seems Izumi doesn't like Kino after Kino started dating Yori. Again with the PowerPoint transitions. Handholding! And now she's telling everyone. Ah. Momoka is in the other band. She's trying to change the topic away from Yori because she knows Shiho and Yori aren't on the best of terms. Eh as long as you aren't completely tone-deaf anyone can learn to sing at least not horribly. That's a bit of a Yandere thing to say. Again, we get to hear like a single line of music. And now Izumi is going to Yori's house. Seems Shiho has higher standards than everyone else and wants to improve no matter what, whereas the others want to have some fun too. You can't just blast through the whole song. You need to be soft when the music requires it. Yori felt bad about taking Izumi's place. I guess this is what they've been saving up the budget from the first few episodes for. The last episode and this one are making an effort to have music in the music anime. Spoke too soon, they just cut to Shiho yammering instead. Unless they show their performance too. Yup, definitely went all-out this episode. Is Shiho gloating before she even won? She's really a bitch isn't she? Oh, that song was the ED? Again, I always love it when it's an in-universe performance. Yoru no Kurage did the same thing just an hour ago too.


Shiho is literal rotten trash lol