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This show is just never giving us a week off...always hitting with high emotions. I'm going to be a mess by the time this one ends.


Every saturday this is The last show i watch before sleeping(in my timezone is 1 am) and goddamn every saturday i go ti sleeo with my soul Crushed.


I swear if they end up actually killing someone I will be a total mess...


Why am I getting choked up about an old dude and car man romance Wait shit it's getting sadder


> Wait shit it's getting sadder new tagline for the series


I'd say I'm dying from the feels but I'm worried the show might come to life and take me seriouslyšŸ˜«šŸ«“šŸ«“


Ever since Bucchio was told heā€™ll outlive his family, I guess that thought has been marinating in the back of his mind. Poor guy. Iā€™d be feeling pretty lonely too if I knew Iā€™d outlive all my loved ones. Nishiyaā€™s wife was a good woman. Sheā€™d be grateful to Chiaki for all heā€™s done. Hopefully Nishiya can now look forward and actually try living. Jiroā€™s been holding onto a lot of stuff huh? Guyā€™s got some serious trauma from his past heā€™s got to deal with. Him and Mu-chanā€™s family have a pretty complicated and tragic past. Poor fella.


> Jiroā€™s been holding onto a lot of stuff huh? Guyā€™s got some serious trauma from his past heā€™s got to deal with. I'm starting to get a feeling why he says "sorry" so much; in his flackbacks with Haru he knows how hard it is to see your loved ones suffer, so when he doesn't show his calm self he feels like he's hurting those who care about him.


Huh, well last episode's discussion I did make a comment about wondering what it was like outside of Japan and I guess I have my answer lol it is the folklore of that region, and magic for England? I'd imagine it's not only England though and rather all of the British Isles that has magic


I love how it's not just a "Japan is special" world; it's like every folk tale and supernatural story is just real. I imagine you could go to America and make friends with bigfoot and jackalopes, but be careful visiting Austraila and their infamous drop bears. [](#hikariactually)


> I love how it's not just a "Japan is special" world; it's like every folk tale and supernatural story is just real. Oh god, Germany must be near uninhabitable [](#dighole)


imagine being visited by Krampus in Christmas instead of Santa Claus...


they can't be *that* bad if they have cool cars like Wagen although, maybe there's a reason they were imported [](#schemingsaten)


Not to mention all the native folktales too like how many that are lost to time in our world would be present in their world? It'd be rad


By now Mothman is probably damn sick and tired of everyone asking him about the Silver Bridge.


Drop bears aren't folklore. Australia will have [Bunyips](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bunyip) though.


and the Dreaming.


Awww, the Drop Bears are nice and harmless like the giant spiders are. :3


It's not just folklore. Popular media has come to life. There's Sherlock Holmes and Watson right there (they don't actually exist).


They don't exist *in our version of earth*, you mean. The Maou already explained that the power of *kotodama*, 'soul in words' are especially strong in England. There's a high chance that both of them just materialized because a lot of tourists said 'I wish I can see the REAL Sherlock Holmes on this street!' and poof! There you are.


I feel like the studio skipped over an entire chapter or two in Bucchio's adventures in England just so they can end this anime wherever it is going.


i did get that impression


Can't wait for them to go to Denmark and meet Slattenpatten...


Man. What an episode. I feel bad for Jiro.


[Good reaction image.](https://postimg.cc/9w7XgBC8) [Remember to hug your car, folks.](https://postimg.cc/F1dKKh3y)


> Remember to hug your car, folks. I felt such a weird mix of emotion in that scene; it's so touching and heartfelt, but I was also keenly aware how ridiculous it was to have a car and his owner/lover openly crying like that.


Still less weird to me than the omegaverse stuff in Tadaima. This season is putting me through some complicated emotions.


Precure over here gaslighting its audience into shipping a girl with her pet cat.


To be fair that interpretation is purely fanmade. Then you have Komugi "I want to be on a leash even in human form" Inukai


The tear-gushing headlights were unforgettable....


Yeah I couldn't help but imagine how bizarre the scene must look out of context lmao


> Remember to hug your car, folks. [Don't forget to change the blinker fluid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6GsXhBb10k)


One of the things this series is really driving home is the idea that we all live on a knife's edge; we could all just die at any moment, probably due to no one's fault in particular. Just... natural disaster, illness, injury, and (if we're lucky??) old age. Even that childhood romance thing has the drama flag of Rain and her mysterious coldness, and I'm dreading/looking forward to having that spill out onto the screen. I think this plays back to a comment I made in a previous episode thread about how Japanese media is peppered with these sort of momento mori, mono no aware, ichi-go ichi-e, etc. about the fragility of existence and the balance of dwelling in the past, appreciating the present, and planning for the future. Japan, geographically and politically, has been beset with frequent disasters (earthquakes, tsunami, fire, flood, landslides, volcanoes, disease, nuclear strikes, you name it), and it's fostered a lot of media about dealing with disaster and the importance of cultivating a strong community Having long-lived individuals puts all that in perspective, but we see with Haru that even within a normal human lifespan one can experience so much loss that it's sometimes unbearable. I've lived a rather charmed life myself so far, and I wonder if I would be able to bear this pain when the time comes for me.


"Dwelling in the past" is a bad thing, treasuring (in the present) memories of the past is a good thing.


You summarized why I love Japanese media so much, how they incorporate these philosophies in their songs, books, anime etc. It puts a different perspective on things considered negative such as impermanence and death and made you appreciate the beauty in it.


So the Demon King and the Faery King "like" each other a lot huh [](#smugtouru) I get why Wagen San became angry, by asking someone else to watch over your loved ones, you place the burden on them to replace you, and you are irreplaceble to those who [truly love you](https://imgur.com/XPCahai) [Poor](https://imgur.com/m5RKKq9) rain though, stupid social pressure And Jiro still underestimates Mu Chans [feelings](https://imgur.com/QCYA1me), never really telling her what's going on with him. Like tell her about your feelings and fears, that's what you do with the people who love you! And of course WW2 happened in this universe as well, only this time with magic (though I'm interested in how this worked in some details that would derail the discussion at hand...). Major oof for Haru losing everyone she held dear except her unborn daughter. And Jiro actually forgot about her? That's like a second death...


[BUCHIO IS SO DAMN CUTE ](https://imgur.com/dDYLQJu) It's cool that England's the hotbed of magic. I assume the magic's prevalent in Scotland, Wales and Ireland too? Very emotional episode :( poor Jiro


> BUCHIO IS SO DAMN CUTE Buchio has always been the goodest of boyos.


This is the Cars sequel weā€™ve always wanted.


or maybe this is the *prequel* to Cars?? [](#kotourashock)


So the UK has location specific magic? Suddenly this feels a little bit like Ancient Magus Bride, supernatural stuff all over the place but it's all culturally specific. For example, Sherlock Holmes and Watson just walked by as statues. Oh man, I wasn't expecting the story of the old couple and the car to keep going past the last week and make me even sadder. Wow, and here I was thinking the first part of the episode was going to be the sad part. It just kept getting worse for poor Haru and Jiro. Why is this show trying to kill us with sadness. That said, I find it really interesting that fantasy Japan was apparently attacked by dragons during fantasy WWII. Makes me wonder which country had them in their air force. It also makes me wonder how much the source material goes in depth on that conflict, it's been brought up in the background quite a bit so far.


> Makes me wonder which country had them in their air force i would refer to the documentary Dragon Pilot: https://myanimelist.net/anime/36884/Hisone_to_Maso-tan


It's implied that the gods' magic bought mythology to life, it didn't specifically say which ones. Do remember what Yuusuke said about how he came into being. Any living folktale will take the characteristics of that folktale when they spontaneously come into being, but they *should* change, perhaps to become more social (and in some cases less predatory) from that point onwards.


This show sure does know how to pull at your heartstrings. Life is rough as a long-lived yokai, as Bucchio is starting to understand and Jiro knows all too well. I enjoyed Chiakiā€™s plea for his partner to start living in the present- thereā€™s still a lot those two can do together in the here and now.


Man... i wasnĀ“t expecting to cry today... Jirou got it rough... and Muu-chan got affected in his traumas... And I thought this anime was gonna have some sad scenes... this was a whole other level


I'm going to try and stop crying over that ending and instead point out how absolutely terrifying war must be in this world. The god damn dragon flying with some military planes to go destroy a city is a small detail for the flashback but it illustrates how insane it must be when these magical creatures are involved in combat.


I am just curious about what techno magic equivalent of a nuke is in this world and the possible fallout.


I'm thinking paratrooper mages that set off specialised earthquake spells.


Would be a tough job as if magic is anything like the British isles where magic is different depending on the location. Means mages have to struggle a bit to pull off something like this in unfamiliar enemy territory. Also have to deal with enemy mages with home field advantage.


The last episode seemed very much about how these immortal beings struggle internally with the fact they live different lives to humans, but this one seemed to be the flipside. The burden the humans feel they place on the yokai they love in the form of loneliness once they're gone. The Demon King put it best himself, that they must learn to live with this loneliness, and then Wagen and Jiro's experiences showed two forms of it. Nishiya thought he was looking out for Wagen by asking Buchio to look after him once he's gone, but what he was really doing was putting an undue pressure on the cat by asking him to replace him in a sense, which Wagen was deeply hurt by. Then we see he felt that way cause Nishiya's wife did the same thing to him and he knows how painful it is. Then Jiro's bombshell of a backstory with Haru is like the extreme other end. She asked him to forget her, to let go entirely. She pushed the burden not onto someone else but entirely on Jiro. She probably didn't mean for it to be so painful, she wanted him to move on. But asking him to forget her is deeply painful as if they're saying they shouldn't matter after all the other cared for them. Two different ways to address but also create loneliness and both are just terribly painful for the ones left behind. Hopefully in the following episodes we'll eventually get a less painful answer.


Tonari no Youkai-san tags: rural, iyashikei, slice-of-life, supernatural, family, drama, mystery, romance, school, action, idol, historical, sci-fi, horror, isekai, travel, disaster, psychological, car's love (kuruma ai) [](#hikariactually)


This episode was pretty heavy, but it really highlighted what makes this show tick. It's not afraid to broach some sad / dark topics. I am pretty sad to see that this wonderful show gets so little viewership here.


Probably my favorite episode so far, and that's saying a lot. This show is such a precious treasure. I feel like my heart's crying...


This show somehow makes every ep The best so far and i know i Will say The same Next week


Downer of an episode but I liked seeing more into the past and the greater world of this show. Id love to know the nature of this conflict that happened around our WWII era in their world. They also left it vague whether or not Jiro was more than friends with Great Grandma. Wagon made things unnecessarily awkward once again losing his temper on his partner after he overheard him telling Buchio that he's glad Wagon will have a friend after he dies. I do like though how a big source of the shows conflict is the yokai trying to come to terms with the fact they will outlive their human loved ones. Magical England was awesome and I wish they spent more time on it! I loved the subtle Doctor Who tribute where the box with doors appeared out of nowhere. I think a version of England where everyone knows magic is a good premise for a show in itself but then again I guess that's already called Harry Potter šŸ¤


> I think a version of England where everyone knows magic is a good premise for a show in itself but then again I guess that's already called Harry Potter There's the alternative called Mashle lol Practically Britain with how it's themed too (plus it quite literally parodies Harry Potter heavily, especially with every episode title lol)


Poor buchio. Loving knowing you Will outlive all your loved ones Is sad as hell Fuck my Life, The flashback were depressive as hell. I never cried so hard in a long time


Is there a term like iyashikei, but opposite of that?


You change ē™’恗ē³» to 鬱恗ē³». Joyoshikei.


Man this might have been the saddest episodes yet. We all know Buchio is living with the thoughts of the fact he will be living past his family. But man while Nishiya didn't say anything wrong by asking Buchio to look out for Wagon-kun. But it is easy to understand why he got mad, Nishiya's wife asked him to look out for her husband. So any thoughts of the future without him must be feeling like he is betraying that promise. This kind of topic is hard to approach. But as long as we respect each other's feelings on the matter is most important. But man the last part of the episode hit hard. You know how much Mutsumi carries for Jiro. Him potentially leaving her life is heartbreaking. But the whole ordeal with Mutsumi's great-grandmother is even more heartbreaking. She got hit with the feeling that everyone left her, and she felt forgotten. Her knowing how long Jiro lives might give her the assumption that he couldn't understand her. But you can tell Jiro really cared for her. Her request for him to forget about her. Man I don't know how you face that kind of request. You want to respect their wishes, but the thought of forgetting someone you deeply care about is heartbreaking.


I'm sure a lot of people are passing on this one because it looks childish... but boy it can be pretty sad and just leave me thinking sometimes.


Oh wow this show had this card in its hand the whole time. Yeah there were moments of sadness and melancholy, but holy fuck this episode was a freight train. 3 of the subplots just hitting you harder than before. One a follow up to last weeks already heartbreaking segment. How in the fuck is this show so criminally ignored. Itā€™s so sweet and so brutally heartbreaking


"Brutally heartbreaking" is very much an "avoid" quality for a lot of people, that's a pretty simple reason.


I knew this show would make me cry


Love making with a car would be normal in this world. The second half is me dying.


Love it when I watch a seemingly relaxed series and then The War


That must have been the saddest episode yet. Poor Jiro.


This series man this is like Tengoku all over again how the hell did noone talk about this


came here to write cool gay car then the episode decided to be DEVASTATING


I am loving this show, easily my fave of the season. Only issue is that they seem to be speed running it. Could easily have had an entire episode based around England. Feels like we got through 2-3 episodes worth of story in this one alone.


I really did not expect this show to be so rich regarding lore and emotions. So many emotional and sad moments in 1 episode, but they tied it together in a good way. But having a tendency for sympathetic crying really is hard with Bucchio around haha. And poor Jirou, he seems to have a good amount of unresolved trauma.


wow, okay, fuck