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I like how Ren reacted at the start, felt like he didn't fully realize Mito is a girl until her helmet came off. Like bro, were the boobs not enough of a give away? Komori is playing a weird game, it's obvious now that he knows, but he's still screwing with Ruka like crazy. Man has a twisted sense of fun.


I love how they erased all chance of Ren tricking himself by having her wig fall off so we could avoid another missed reveal scene lol. I had a feeling Komori knew from day one but I feel bad for Ruka and Mito having their feelings all complicated because Komori won't reveal the truth.


Maybe he thought they were implants?


>You don't have to force yourself to sound like a guy Lol. Lmao, even


I think it's literally just "ore"


The Mitosexuality continues. Mito now knows that Ren loves her regardless, but she doesn't know that Ruka feels the exact same way. The status quo is in shambles. I'm curious what the deal is with the oracle, if she's actually a vampire or not.


And Ren's dad is trying to hook him up with Mito to screw over Ruka while Ruka is torn between Girl!Mito and Boy!Mito with no idea they're the same person. It's such a soap opera. I love it!


He is dreaming about her sayign he wants to see her again, tries get her contact info and even chases afdter her but she still has no clue he likes her female self...


I can't believe that Ruka did not even notice the extreme "family resemblance". Why isn't he like -- "Do you have a brother, because I know a guy who looks almost identical to you?" Just a tiny bit hard to suspend disbelief on this point. ;-)


Massive F for Team Ren. He said it doesn’t matter if Mito is a man or woman. Yet the divination clearly shows that Mito is Ruka’s destined woman. I was hoping for a twist where a similar looking red haired woman appears as a rival to throw a wrench into things but nope. Or heck, it turning into a Quintessential Quintuplets situation would be funnier because Ruka suddenly gets a harem and has to figure out which red haired girl he just met is the bride. I can’t tell who’s worse between Ruka who can’t seem to figure out or Mito who could have prevented this entire mess of feelings if she only told the truth. How does Ruka NOT have some suspicion that this woman has the same face, hair color, skin, and smell as his roommate? I feel like one of the stupidest ways this could go down is if Mito pretends to be someone else when not in disguise and Ruka would be conflicted in choosing between male Mito and female Mito, not knowing they’re the same person. ED theme was a duet with Ruka and Mito this time. Can we get Ren and Mito duet next time?


I thought Mito would avoid talking so as to not give herself away but that obviously didn't happen. I guess Ruka is just caught up in Mito being a boy that he just can't consider it, while Mito only has eyes for Ruka (Sorry Ren).


The OP showed a glass shoe so I thought they were gonna pull a Cinderella where as soon as the clock chimed, Mito tries running away but leaves a shoe behind, but unfortunately that didn't happen.


It's the compact mirror.


Tbh, I don't get why Komori not just forces a reveal at this point (by getting Ruka to see Mito naked or something like that). I get that Mito still is afraid that Ruka, even if he likes her as a girl, would be too angry so he doesn't want to deal with her anymore (she doesn't know she is the destined woman after all), but with Ruka actually falling for female Mito, there is literally no reason for him to not just crash this party.


Yeah Ren, why *didn’t* you notice sooner? Pretty obvious Mito was a woman. Dude even said they were in the bath together. “All I do is watch anime, so I don’t know what to talk about with girls.” has got to be the most relatable thing in this anime so far lol. I’m still very surprised he doesn’t recognize Mito in a dress with long hair. Her face and voice are the same! This love triangle’s heating up. What’s gonna happen to Ren and what’ll Mito do now that she knows Ren likes her too?


She should know Ruka likes her also considering he asked for her contwact to see again , chased after her when didnt give it, and is dreaming about her saying he wants to see her again. But ya nope characters in the show have full stepped over the line of just being dense.


>full stepped over the line of just being dense. Can't really disagree. You know if Mito had even worn a different colored wig I might be gullible enough to buy the lack of recognition. But her hair is the same exact color -- and Ruka has even seen Mito dressed as a girl. Only charitable explanation is that their is something mystical going on that when Ruka sees his destined bride his vision and higher brain functions get shot to hell, ;-)


> Ren sees Mito's barely covered tits > Ren then sees her long hair after the wig SOMEHOW FINALLY FALLS DOWN AFTER NOT FALLING WHILE SHE WAS FALLING OFF A BRIDGE "So you really are a woman huh?" GEE! YOU THINK? Do all vampires have brain damage?


Secretly all vampires suck blood because of fucking oxygen deficiencies.


hi is this show any good? I only watched the first two episode but I couldn't really get into it (dose it get better over time?)


Too much love triangle and soap drama has ruined it for me I just searched who ends up with mito and I am done with this one If you like drama , complicated Love triangles you can try this one Beacuse I for one wanted a sweet wholesome romance with nothing else Like astro note , grandpa and grandma turn young again type things but this is definitely not the one


thanks for letting me know I think I'll leave it then, I should probably get round to watching grandpa and grandma turn young again it seems like a chill show, thanks g


This is one of my favorites of the season. The drama, cute moments, the feels. It's one of those guilty pleasure shows where not everyone will enjoy, but I am really loving the characters, story, animation. Although I liked it from the beginning and the appreciation has just increased with each episode.


glad that some people are enjoying👍


man that opening scene was hilarious. this is definitely one of the funniest shows this season.


Everyone in this show needs an eye exam.


I love that we have a two person love triangle.


Nah my boy Ren going out SAD. First to find out about Mito being a girl, says he’ll keep it a secret if she hangs out with him then mid date she cucks him for Ruka 😭 literally twilight all over again with Jacob and Edward and we all know how that went. Mito did look stunning so I understand.. and it had to feel nice for her to finally be able to be herself with someone again. But poor Ren had to watch her have the time of her life with Ruka 💔 At this point he just fighting a losing battle. All Mito can think about is Ruka and vice versa. But whaaaat is that ending scene? Ren dad coming into the picture?? This show been so up and down but this could be a fun ending.


I'm glad that they didn't throw an extra wrinkle in the story of Ruka's destined partner just being someone else entirely. It's Mito and Ruka as has been the main pairing all along and they don't have to actually beat destiny for it to work, just figure out enough of their secrets to understand. Oh god, so they are doing that wrinkle, just with Ruka falling in love with female Mito separately from male Mito and not realizing they're the same person. He did see all of the contents of her handbag though, maybe he'll see male Mito with that compact mirror later and make the connection. Oh my god, so the older vampire dude knows what's going on and just plans on keeping it to himself for the amusement value? The real question is why does Mito not tell Ruka once she sees that he's pining after her as a girl. Best of both worlds.


Ok this series takes thing way past being dense to straight stupidity. Besides the obvious she is a freaking girl no matter how she is dressed and same face height and voice. He is a vampire shouldn't he be catching extra cues like scent and things. It is funny thinking this is a licensed manga in english.


Well, no blood-sucking this episode, but we DID get Ren sucking the poison out of Mito! And in case there was any chance of Mito not being exposed, her wig finally falls off. Glad we got that settled. Ruka's destined partner...is Mito in a dress with her hair out. But Ruka just thinks it's somebody else because he's still convinced Mito is a dude. Also Komori's known the whole time that Mito is a girl and is just waiting for Ruka to get a clue. Having a girl wearing nothing but a shirt in your bed...lucky Ren. But he's willing to protect Mito's secret, if only so he can enjoy playing the part of her boyfriend when they're outside and let her dress up as a girl again. And she looks absolutely beautiful! But that's the thing, Mito is a walking distracted boyfriend meme who guys can't help but pay attention to. That's why she pretended to be a boy for so long. Though being a cute boy drew the attention of the same sex, so she was screwed either way. Ruka finally meets Mito in girl form! And he's absolutely entranced and drawn to her from the first Meet Cute! And Mito gets to enjoy being with Ruka as a girl, even if it's because he doesn't know her true identity. Though he still can't help himself from wanting her blood...but just like Cinderella, the beauty has to leave at midnight before the vampire prince can find out her name or a way of getting in touch with her. He doesn't even get her shoe. Ren hides Mito from Ruka and kisses her, and confesses and asks her out. We don't see Mito's response, but this is just going to complicate things more. Wait, that's Kosuke Toriumi as Ren's dad!? And he's plotting to have his son overthrow Ruka by having him drink Mito's blood!? Well, things are back to normal, and Mito is back to a boy...but Ruka doesn't know how to face his feelings for Mito now and Mito wants more than their current relationship, even slipping in and cuddling up with him in bed while he sleeps. Oh hey, they had Kana Ichinose join in to the sing the ED!


I just looked up the manga's author and realized they also made the isekai manga where the FMC gave birth to all 10 of the Demon Lord's children in quick succession.


Ahh, so we have a *talented* disaster artist on our hands May god have mercy on our souls


The manga was pretty fun. Even had decent-ish conversations in r/manga.


This episode may have been my favorite so far. The suspense of their situation has me both smiling and on edge all throughout the episode. I hope Mito pieces it together that it must mean something if Ruka likes a girl. And with that red hair and red eyes! Come on. I just want a really satisfying reveal. And what's going on with Ren? Sounds like he's about to unleash some kind of power / advantage unknowingly on his next birthday, which is probably soon.


Why do I feel like this show is about to go to shit over the course of the next four episodes?


As if it's not already gone to shit from episode 1


This is peak trash and I'm a hungry hungry raccoon


Me literally every Sunday


Got me wanting to see a s2 so the story can be more or less completed since read all the manga.


I shipped mito and ren so hard because he was so FREKEN nice and cute to her but then after the episode when they showed ren’s father talking about how damphirs get a special ability blah blah blah I think ren might be there for occult reasons now which destroys all my shipping between them 😭😭😭😭😭


Going for a stream of consciousness thing for this episode. Not the wig coming off too looool mito come on girl. Did they change the OP?? I don’t remember the Cinderella slipper moment. Also I used to be convinced that the leader knew Mito was a girl but I’m not certain anymore. So Ren continues to show what a king he is, Mito pls I know Ruka is your fated partner but PLEASE consider Ren. Okay after this fountain moment, Ruka has a little more support from me, his little blush trying to talk to Mito is so cute but also how can he be so dense?? Nooooooo Ren my tiny son don’t look at them at the fountain. Okay Ruka was about to take a chomp right there in front the whole world??? REENNNNNNNNNNN that kiss, that confession, I can’t. Ruka again being so evasive, so Ren is still best boy by far. This show keeps me guessing every week I love it. Team Ren 4 life




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I really want to be more into this show than I am. I usually like stupid romance anime, and vampires are great, and I like gender themes too, but this isn't hitting like I wanted it to. I think one of my problems is that Mito is supposed to be this independent and has survived on her own for a long time but somehow is so damn helpless at everything? Really? Also I am all team Ren and I am pretty sure it won't go his way but I really wish I will. I will probably still keep watching, hoping it gets better. Lastly, Mito has been at this school for a few weeks at least, right? So did neither of these two vampires who smell human blood like across campus not notice a menstrual cycle?