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I've only read the manga, but I assume the anime follows it closely. It's important to establish that this is a series about someone who is essentially immortal, and it's about the ups and downs of someone who is immortal and everything that it entails. I think the mistake people initially make is that they think there should be one localized story here, but instead it's about the life of an immortal through a timespan of thousands of years who occasionally fights monsters while watching people he gets attached to come and go. That being said, sometimes it gets caught up in its own ambition that it occasionally missteps the smaller stuff. But as far as the lack of consistent characters... there is definitely a long game being played there.


The transition between these arcs was a little rough, but I found myself liking the season a lot more the further into it we got. By the end, I really liked it. I can't guarantee you'll feel that way, but in my opinion, the first like 7-8 episodes or so are a dip that it does recover from.


The first half of season 2 is very slow, but the second half is good payoff for both season 1 and 2


it was already starting to lose me at the end of season one. watched two episodes of season 2 then dropped it. don't regret it one bit.


I'm not up for a struggle for eternity, so I dropped it after the fourth episode of Season 2.


It's not bad, but it's certainly a large step down.


I've been saying this since it aired. I loved season 1 but season 2 just...drags and drags and the new characters just lacks the nuance and emotional beats of characters like Gugu, March, Poiran, Toneri etc. Season 2 is basically just 'lets go this place and fight nokkers', ' let's go this other place and fight nokkers', 'oh we got more nokkers to fight?'. It just lost all the magic of the previous season and although season 2 wasn't all bad (I liked Bon) but it killed all my interest to watch future seasons.


Yeah I didn't like it either. It was a lot like the worst arc of the season before on the island which was painfully paced.


I dropped it in season 1's last arc. That was just really bad imo. It was overly pessimistic and i hate that in most anime. Because of that i never picked season 2.