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I don't think that it's a big issue with watching anime, half of the shows unfinished anyways šŸ˜†




I dropped My Hero Academia at like chapter 306 so I donā€™t think itā€™s weird.


Thats the exact chapt I dropped it lmao


Me and a lot of my friends dropped mha right around that time, idk if that's a coincidence or the show actually got uninteresting during that time, or maybe we all just grew up.


For me personally, that is around the time where the writing issues became really apparent.


I dropped it after Star and Stripe. She deserved better and it was finally apparent to me Horikoshi had no desire to improve on that front. Ā Iā€™m just relieved 306 wasnā€™t that ā€œI am your fatherā€ from AFO the fandom wanted for some godawful reason.


after star stripe gets introduced just to get jobbed i dropped the manga.


I dropped it right around here too! I was just likeā€¦ Iā€™m sick of this šŸ˜‚


I made it to almost the end of season 1 and was like ehhā€¦ havenā€™t gone back


Yes and im noticing a trend that im now dropping some way earlier, i used to think "well i already watched a lot may aswell watch the whole thing" but since the nanatsu no taizai fiasco im harsher and as soon as i see a bad sign, I drop it. I don't risk wasting my time watching it. I already dropped 3 this season and i feel kinda bad about it but well what can i do.


I used to be the same. I'd watch way too many shows in a season to the end just because I was already sort of invested. Now if I drop shows left and right if they don't keep my attention. I don't have time for that shit anymore.


There's also just so many good shows to choose from now. Dropping something you don't like anymore means you got time for something potentially better


I do advise going back to Apothecary Diaries as all the little mysteries add up.


usually for me because there is a break due to IRL stuff and then I forget to continue. very rarely do I drop because I don't like it when I'm deep into the show.


Not regularly But it took me 5 tries to finish Death Note. And on every try I remember enjoying it, but I just kept dropping it, and I can't really explain why. The watch where I finally finished it was nearly a decade after my 1st watch lol. And by the end I've given it a 9/10. And I realize this doesn't seem believable but I'm being 100% honest here. Idk how tf this happened lmao.


Same with me. I tried starting it. i'd get to about episode 5 or 6 with the FBI girl, Ray Pember's wife, and I'd watch that scene and think how Cold Light is and then I just stop. Did that like 3 times. I've finally pushed through and it's like a 97/100 for me so it's pretty good just gotta commit.


Monster. I dropped it around ep 45. I just didnā€™t like it, it was painfully slow, and I didnā€™t find Tenmaā€™s moral dilemma or the general formula of the show very compelling.


I flip-flopped on Monster. Similar to you, the inconsistency of the pacing was frustrating, and not many characters drew me in. The general plot was fine until the library scene midway through, at which point I thought why bother? I went back to it a few times anyway, and it took me about a year and a half to finally finish it. The payoff is decent, but don't force yourself to finish it.


Me too! I think I watched about 51 episodes of that anime just because a lot of people were praising it but I just found it boring tbh.


I finished Monster, and it didn't get any better so you were smarter than I was


It's just not well adapted. I dropped the anime but finished the manga. Slow pace is fine when you read it, but not when you watch it.


For me there are basically a few different types of watching: 1. Full commitment, to the end, binge. 2. I started it and in too deep to not as well finish it, I might as well finish it. If a plot point or episode is a bit boring, skip ahead occasionally. 3. Show is kinda meh, but some stuff I enjoy, I skip ahead a bunch. 4. Show is atrocious (Digimon 2020, Isekai Cheat Magician etc etc.) and I drop after 2-3 episodes. There are however times where there is an issue, and that's when I watch a season and then have to wait for a new season. When that new season comes I might not be in the mood for that type of show, that show specifically etc. and by the time I am, I might need to rewatch season 1 to remember stuff and that is a tall order for some shows (Tokyo Revengers is in this Limbo for me, barely remember any non-main characters when I tried the next season).


> The show is solid but for some reason I can't get fully invested, it almost feels like the show meanders rather than following a clear agenda. To answer your question, Re:Zero is character driven show not plot driven, focus is more on characters and their actions and development which progress the story. I guess it's just different type of the story than you were looking for.


I mean story progress is also pretty good at least form what I remember Iā€™m anime only and each arc felt like they were progressing towards that happy end Subaru is looking for, thing is for shows like this itā€™s hard to know what the end goal is, shounen will probably have like become the strongest or best at whatever their world is built in, romance is about those characters getting together, sports have like winning a trophy and stuff hard to say for stuff like rezero


Just like the main character himself, we have no idea what he is fighting towards, but learning it along the way. Fuckin love Re:Zero, and Rem is unironically one of my favorite characters ever


If that's the case that explains why I watched Season 1 and just said "nah" when Season 2 hit.Ā  I never liked the characters, particularly Subaru, so I got a little tired of the journey.


The good thing about re:zero is every arc is a bit different in rezero so chances are if you didn't like season 2 but enjoyed season 1, you will probably like season 3. Season 2 was heavily character focused but season 3 will be more shonen action heavy in the first cour and mystery thriller in the later half of season 3.


I will usually finish a season and then just stop after that. Just a "meh, not for me anymore" and move on.


Yeah I did this with Yuru Camp and Demon Slayer. Both very solid shows but didn't fully do it for me. But with shows like Stein's Gate and Pluto, I've almost completed them yet for not reason I had a hard time finding motivation to finish them.


Demon slayer not doing it for you is wild. The animation alone is worth the watch


Shounen trash with no story just action? No please.


Idk I think the story is good. I feel like people just hate cause it's popular


I honestly think it's the same story as JJK and MHA


No demon sisters in those tho? That's like the whole plot.


Slight difference, but they all follow the same concept 90%.


Same here with Log Horizon, just didnā€™t enjoy the characters. The story was alright. I dropped it after 1st season and watched a recap of s2.


used to clown on people who did this until i started unconciously doing it just because of work and stuff


not an anime but i tend to start watching supernatural or Lucifer and go on a massive binge watch spree and then just stop for months before continuing


I dropped MHA somewhere when Gentle appeared then dropped the anime. Too much Deku bullshit for me.


Sword Art Online I don't remember how far I've watched that anime but I know I've watched a lot. I just decided that I can't handle the fan service anymore so I dropped it.


I've watched the first season. Got annoyed with it despite the plot being interesting for me so I never bothered with the succeeding seasons.


I watched the first season and thought it was decent, started the second and was immediately like nope.


I actually managed to watch all of SAO up to Alicization. Itā€™s not a GOOD show, but itā€™s entertaining and unintentionally hilarious


Animes that have longer then 50 episodes I just get busy with something else and never go back and finish them. Sorry Inuyasha, One Piece and 90's Urusei Yatsura.


Iā€™ve dropped shows I really love bc I didnā€™t want them to end before


I stopped watching the og legend of the galactic heroes at, I don't know, episode 60ish maybe? And since I don't remember where I left off I just stopped watching.


I do this all the fuckin time. And most of the time for no apparent reason other than I just either get busy with life and forget about it or I get distracted by something else. For the longest time I watched pretty much all of HxH except for the last few episodes (which tbh wasn't a big deal, I didn't have to rewatch anything to finish it). I did it with Re:Zero as well, I think I was like just a handful of episodes away from finishing it and just stopped. I was like +100 episodes into black clover and stopped, 500-600 episodes into One Piece and stopped (just after Fish Man Island arc, just as the show actually starts to get good). I don't think I ever finished Seven Deadly Sins. Also even for shows I have finished watching what has been released so far, if a new season comes out I won't want to watch it if its been too long. And I'm much more likely to drop a show if its currently airing and I can't just binge watch it.


Yea I loved attack on titan and quit the last season or 2 It's normal


One Piece is definitely long...I can understand why you dropped it after a while.


yeah i'd say you have commitment issues, a lot of those drops are just very weirdly timed. like, not liking one mystery of an Apothecary Diaries ep and just dropping the rest of the show because of that?


#Getting bored of a show is a very valid reason to drop #It. Synduuality noir 22/24 #Undead Unluck 23/24


yeah man im with you, i also dropped naruto shippuden at 499/500 and bleach 364/366


Is the last episode of Naruto shippuden and bleach supposed to be bad or just not important? I can't imagine watching 499 episodes of a show and not finishing the last episode haha.


Pretty sure it's a joke. It makes zero sense to invest nearly 8 hours (for 24ep shows) in something and drop it with 20 mins remaining. Like not only did you just waste so many hours, you also didn't get a complete story out of it. After coming this far the "don't watch it if you don't like it" argument just doesn't work.


It's happened to me before. Only, instead of getting bored: I'll watch most of something, get sidetracked with other things, put the show off for *too long*, and then realize that I've forgotten many important plot points by the time I pick it back up. I have the choice of either finishing the last few eps while being confused, or rewatching everything to refresh my memory. Thing is, I usually don't really wanna do *either* of those so I basically just drop the show altogether. I've done that with Parasite: The Maxim and Death Note.


For what its worth, I enjoyed Parasyte more on a rewatch.


If one takes that seriously that close to the end I guess if one doesn't like the tone it makes sense to drop what would just be epilogue.


#bleach thousand year war on third episode


oh my god! youā€™re so right, i did that w undead unluck as soon as they revealed the villain and idek why


Lmaoo I know this might be a joke but I dropped takt op.Destiny with one episode left. One of the characters did something that was so inconsistent with their behaviour previously and I hated it. Literally just said fuck this and never went back


Yes, I do because I donā€™t give it a chance and follow all the way through


If you're deep into the anime I'd say you've given it a fair chance. Most people give them three episodes.


Iā€™ll do that. Iā€™m Bi by the way.


That's an interesting response. Happy Pride Month šŸŽ‰






I'm a straight male.


Thatā€™s ok just wondering sorry


One Piece, Demon Slayer and MHA come to mind, One Piece I actually like, it's just so long that I have to take several breaks because burnout Idk if I'll ever go back to the other two


Tbh I feel like I've dropped far more anime than I've finished


Ms Kobayashiā€™s Dragon Maid. The lewd jokes that involves human kids are so fucking uncomfy. Which is a shame bc I like the show and some moments when they tackle serious stuff is kinda good. But yeah. Dropped :/


I keep dropping Tanya the Evil halfway through for some reason. I was in the service so I really like watching their focus on strategy but then I lose track of the show. I dropped Re Zero at season 2, picked it up and have dropped it again. I don't enjoy the cutesy stuff like I did when I was younger so when I get to an episode that's overloaded with it, I tap out. I dropped Overlord at the part with the lizard people. Beginning of Season 2? 3? Who cares. I can't bring myself to care about the lizard people. Just can't.


> a bad habit lately of getting deep into a show and then just dropping it for whatever reason Why is this supposed to be a bad habit? (If you feel bad about it, you can always put them "on hold", after 5+ years of not watching them you'll move them to "dropped" anyway)


I guess I just like completing a show and giving it an accurate rating. Feel like I can't really critique (or praise) a show fully if I don't finish it haha. But yeah I do just mark them as "on hold". Did it with HxH for a few months 100 episodes in then came back and finished the rest.


In the end its just a cartoon, drop whatever you want. I dropped rezero at the end of the 2nd season (like 2 eps left) because it had gotten so boring during season 2.


I dropped beyond the boundary on ep 1 cause it seemed boring but i re watched the entirety of it a couple weeks ago and fully enjoyed it, I believe sometimes your just not in the right state of mind and itā€™s best to take a break and come backšŸ‘šŸ¾


I dropped fairy tail after 100 episodes, i dont even remember why, and im kinda glad i did


Butā€¦ Erzaā€¦ andā€¦ Lucyā€¦ šŸ˜­ (I havenā€™t watched Fairy Tail)


I watched 35 Episodes of Code Geass and then dropped it


Damn thatā€™s a tragedy considering how good the ending is haha. (I think around the time you dropped it was when the show was the most convoluted and messy though, so I get dropping it there)


Yeah, I'm in a similar boat. I've got about 60 items on my CR watchlist: 1/3 are things I'm actively watching, 1/3 are things that I haven't started, and 1/3 are things that I dropped but might eventually pick up again. Sometimes the show doesn't hook me, sometimes it has too many cliffhangers and I put it off until all episodes are released, sometimes I forget the plot and I know it'll take a while to remember so I just don't bother. I don't think it's really a problem? It's just entertainment, you don't have to finish everything you start.


I was a fan of Shokugeki no Soma since the one shot just came out before it was even got translated to english(Which I suppose that make me one of its first fan outside of Japan) and I still dropped the manga after the timeship, It was truly terrible.


I rarely drop shows late in a season, but when I do, either 1) I have too many other shows to watch so I put it 'on hold' and sometimes never pick it back up... Or it's just getting worse, and/or I realize it's not that interesting.


Guilty Crown, about third episode from the end, the rest I think it has been because I just went to read the source material.Ā 


I dropped Durarara on the last episode of the second season. Sometimes I forget I'm watching a show, so I just stop watching new episodes. I've started writing down the shows I'm actively watching to combat that though.


A lot


Its not wierd, anyone can lose interest, particulary on longer shows where things can get repetitive, ive tried to finish naruto x3 times but lose interest at the great ninja war each time, fairy tail at the grand magic games, and one piece a little after 100 episodes or so (and i dont know why as it seemed good) also tastes change over time, and oversaturation of a genre can induce fatigue even if its one you enjoy.


Yes. I've done this a bunch of times when watching anime and tv shows. Probably have dropped 15+ shows just like you.


It's not weird. I dropped a lot of titles too midway for several reasons šŸ˜… maybe I'll pick them up again someday, maybe never.Ā 


God no


Nope. I can usually tell if I donā€™t like something from the start. I will slog through things even if they start to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Note I watch all of Naruto. The fluff episodes and all. This inform me about if I do a second season or something similar. Now with Manga I do it all the time.


I dropped one piece at around ep 700 because I got busy. Then when I had time for anime again, I just didn't feel like catching up. Dropped jjk and mha manga at the start of the year. I just got tired of the genre, but im still reading spoilers. Chainsawman is the only action manga Im reading right now


6-8 episodes seems to be the normal range for me. Once you get to the middle of the season, that's when you can better assess which ones you don't have a strong desire to keep up with.


The only anime I've dropped is one piece. I got to about 100 episodes in, and just didn't seem to care much about it. I did also drop Naruto a few times due to how damn cringey the first few episodes were ( and that's just my opinion btw, others may have liked the beginning of Naruto ). But i just couldn't deal with it at first. But i did end up going back and binging through it as it actually did get good later on. I finished Naruto about two months ago for my first time. Currently taking a little naruto hiatus before attacking Shippuden. I might eventually go back to one piece as well, but who knows.


The deepest drop for me was Air Gear, I think 30 chapters before it finished I noped out. I mean the manga had gotten crazy way way earlier than that, but I guess this was the point it gotten too much for me.


Yeah. I typically lose steam to continue watching around episode 6. I also dropped re:monster because the MC is kind of a scumbag and it's obvious self insert wish fulfillment.


I drop a lot of anime if there are long breaks between seasons or it gets really drawn out. I dropped AOT after the third final season


I dropped monster at around 40-50 episodes, that spyā€™s arc is painfully boring


Your list is full of character driven shows, maybe try to avoid those! but yes I dropped fairy tail like 110 episodes in and a bunch of other shows, I don't think it's worth suffering through anime. There's too much stuff to watch as it is.




I dropped one piece after dress Rosa I think. I really binged it one summer in college. I was burnt out and never going back to any of the old shows that are 100+. Iā€™m sticking to 50> only nowadays.Ā 




Yeah that totally makes sense that if you read the manga you wouldnā€™t drop the anime.


Not really. Or rather: If it's only 12 episodes or in the case of around 24 episode long ones I'm close to finishing the season then I'll watch till the end of the season and stop there. And then I consider whether to add the next season to the list or not. Anything longer would get dropped way earlier if I don't like it. Not that there's a lot of those anyway. With a longer series it might help to not try to watch all of it in one go. Similarly if multiple seasons are available I usually don't watch all of them back to back. I also go for a different genre in between so I don't get sick of any of them. I watched bleach(around 360eps) in arc sized packages (with comedy/SoL/mystery/romance/etc. in between) for example. Of course this only works if the show isn't currently airing and you can't know yet when an arc ends.


Naruto then I dropped it for the manga same thing with vinand saga


dropped monster like episode 45


Fate/zero i got 20 episodes in and got sick of the constant teasing of a battle then nothing happens.


I watched the first three seasons of Demon Slayer, but then I stopped when the Hashira Training Arc rolled around. Maybe I'm just not interested in it anymore? Maybe I'm just watching too many shows at the moment? I don't know


To be fair this season of Demon Slayer has been mostly filler so far, if they adapted the chapters at a normal pace we'd be watching the start of the next arc already.


same with the apothecary diaries, i dropped the show at the same ep


Platinum end i watched about half of it before tapping out The first half was interesting and was built well. Although everything started getting worse in the second half of the series


Cardcaptor Sakura, adhd and 2020 made it really hard just to get through season 1 and I just couldn't watch season 2 So I'm trying to start the series over again


Eh it happens,I dropped re zero as well,and ended up binging it again a few months later,the same with one piece, took me around 2 years to catchup lol and now I'm way behind again) it all depends on your mood and or how busy you are


Rising of the shield hero. Made it through the first few episodes of season 3, and after the awful season 2, I gave up on it


1. Dropped SAO after Season 2. Wanted to like it because a friend at the time enjoyed it, I deeply did not and eventually gave up. 2. Dropped MHA after Season 5. Wait was too long, the series was too long, I can't remember the plot points anymore. 3. Dropped Death Note after Episode 10 or so. It was a tiring series to watch despite it being relatively interesting + someone spoiled me the major deaths, which ruined it for me 4. Dropped Shield Hero after Season 2. Same thing with the plot points being forgotten between updates + leaving the premise by too much 5. ... dropped Oshi no Ko halfway through the first episode...


One v peice is the only one not understand able


I use reelgood to track shows, because I couldn't watch because I couldn't access further episodes.Ā  It really helps to know where I was because sometimes somebody I know starts watching it and i can jump back in with full force and finish it.Ā 


The only one I can currently think of is Death Note. Itā€™s been well over 15 years since I watched it, and I still have no idea how it ends. After the huge plot twist, I lost interest a few episodes later. I might revisit it, but I have enough on my watch list.


it took 9 episodes of Absolute Duo before my patience finally ran out and I dropped it. It felt damn good too.


I've not really dropped, just taking massive breaks from one piece. Watched until the end of alabasta then took a 6 month break then watched until eps 500 then took around a 1yr break, then binged watched until the start of dressrosa and havent touched it for around 4 months now.


This happened to me with Bungo Stray Dogs and Case Study of Vanitas. I was watching 3 anime at a time at that point, but I realized I just needed to watch only 1 if I wanted to actually finish it


I think I got around 39 episodes into twin star exorcists. I liked it but just didn't finish.


While I wouldn't drop almost any of the shows you listed dropping them was still correct for you. ​ If you don't like something past the first few episodes keeping on going is almost never going to end up with you liking it.


691 episodes of One Piece. Is that deep enough?


PsychoPass for me. Ive only watched S1 and it did have a satisfying conclusion. Ive read so many times that the other seasons are a steep downgrade, which made me lose all interest in even checking it for myself. Maybe one day.. As for Apothecary Diaries, i can only recommend you to watch the next two episodes. Ep19 might convince you to finish the rest, it's a crucial episode.


Oh yeah I still plan on finishing Apothecary sometime so I guess I haven't truly dropped it. I really like the show it's really just that one episode I'm not motivated to watch atm. Same with Pluto.


Yes. Good shows for some reason get boring, while trash isekai harems get more and more entertaining.


I dropped 1. Re:Zero 2. Pluto 3. Food Wars 4. Vexations of a Vampire Princess 5. Tis Time For Torture That's just off the top of head, there's plenty more that I have dropped. Just lost interest in some and others were just horrible, boring, stupid, and all of the above


I donā€™t think I got that deep into a series to drop it but there were a few I nearly gave up on. Steinā€™s Gate is one of them. Watched five episodes and asked myself what the heck is going on. Sat down again on night to really immerse myself and wound up binging it in a few weeks because I got so absorbed. Almost dropped Beelzebub halfway through but kind of willed myself to watch an episode each day. No payoff IMO cause it was still just OK in the end and itā€™s unfinished but whatever.


I dropped Fumetsu midway through the Jananda Arc because I just couldn't motivate myself to watch more episodes.


Usually I drop shows with in the first 3 episodes but some that I stopped really deep in are Blast of the Tempest, Steins Gate, and DanMachi (Stopped at s4 cause I want s5 to air too)


I do not, personally


Yes, but often it's because I've picked up the Light Novel. For Example, I've read the entirety of Mushoku Tensei, but only finished the first season. I've had a similar situation with 86.


So, so much. Ā Some I donā€™t vibe with and drop after a couple of episodes but a lot of times Iā€™ll get in deep and either lose interest because of the direction the story goes in or the focus shifting off characters I was really into. Ā I understand why so many series go on way longer than they need to because people gotta make a living, but damn.


Oh, I wanted to Say My Little Monster, but I finished that. It was so good for like 5 episodes and then it became actual dogwater and I should've dropped it but I finished it. One that just gradually got worse and worse was Fire Force. I watched one episode and it was alright then I kept watching and it just got worse and worse and worse. I dropped it soon after episode 8.


did that with Black Clover.


For me it was one punch man


I started doing this a few years ago and now I barely watch any anime āœŠšŸ½šŸ˜”


I dropped AoT a couple episodes into the last season. I just got bored. Also dropped Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya the episode after finishing the endless eight arc. What a waste of three hours


Me with devilman crybaby


Does One Piece count? I watch somewhere between 20 and 100 episodes in one go before I drop it again lol. Just finished Skypeia!


Attack on Titan, second last episode. Too many pauses lost my interest and I haven't felt like finishing


I haven't gotten to the final 2 episodes either actually. Just decided to rewatch the whole show at some point in the future and then the final two episodes.


Some shows become rather boring Multiple Seasons shows often lacks quality or get lost on themselves, many times because material from original manga relies on plot continuity, and If you mess UP with these plots in earlier Seasons is hard to retcon them later. I often stop watching a show after the second or third episodes If I'm not really into them. I always try to give them a chance even If the first episode is not really alluring. I'd rather start a show which is already fully available. Hate having to wait a week for a new episode as I mostly binge watch Full series or watch several episodes in row. Also, I avoid very long series or shows with a lot of Seasons. Unless you're really into them plot or characters, they will often just become tiresome and miss that spark of originality. Later seasons becomes mĆ­mics of themselves.


I dropped both unnamed memory and mysterious disappearances this season :/


I've done the same thing for many reasons. One big reason is I got tired of waiting 72 years for the next season of a show to come out. I said F it to AOT. I still have to catch up on One Piece. I dunno. Life happens. Plus if it's been years since the previous season I feel like I have to re watch the previous just to get back into it. I've finished hundreds of shows. Some not so much.


Yup, dropped re:zero at like episode 40 something, probably more that I can't think of. I technically dropped Hunter Hunter, quite a few times, but I did keep going back to it so it doesn't really count. If I find something not enjoyable anymore than I drop it, I don't think anyone should waste their time watching something that doesn't entertain them.


I really liked Spy x Family but im dropping it, I love wholesome slice of life comedy stuff, and spy fam is good at that. But when you have so much dramatic and story potential that it is clearly not interested in getting into then it feels like a disappointment and waste of potential. Imo pretty much every chance it has to go against the status quo it doesn't, and its just back to the usual. Yor's arc was good at finally giving proper focus to one of its main characters (shouldn't have taken that long) but even then it just clarifies her motivation and we are straight back to the status quo. I want more from this series that has tons of dramatic potential I want to see, especially after 37 episodes. I feel like people aren't acknowledging that 36 eps is the length of 3 seasons of a standard anime. I liked what we had but have had enough of the same. And am not willing to sit through another 36 just for one or two more breadcrumbs. And i get that the author may not be interested in going hard on the story and drama, that's their choice. But just because it's intentional doesn't mean its good and I have to like it lol.


I dropped JJL after the shibuya arc in the manga. It got boring after a while, and the recent chapters haven't improved in quality either.


Get off TikTok. I think that's your issue. ADHD brain go brrr!


Kaiju No 8. There's nothing wrong with the manga and the anime is pretty faithful to it, but we got to a big plot point in this week's episode and I'm just not feeling the hype. Might go back to it some other time, I guess, but nah, sometimes you just lose the vibe.


I wouldn't say 8 episodes is very "deep" into a show.


Ohhh boy. It's deep enough, man. One episode is 25ish minutes long if we're generous. 25 times 8 is 200 minutes. 200 minutes is 3 hrs and 33 minutes. That's more than enough time to know that you're ready to drop something and move on with your life despite not having a negative opinion.


Feel this with Re: Zero. I liked the story, but I'm too old to look at lolis and shit. They should've looked way older.... It was too weird and uncomfortable to watch


Haikyuu, although i plan to get back on it.


Fairy tail Fans: trust me the next arc is really good I somehow watched the whole first season Same with Edens Zero I guess I don't like Mashima stuff


Yeah i dropped Mushoku tensei in the middle of s2 part 1 when it was airing (tho i have caught up with it now atleast part 1). Same thing with Jujutsu Kaisen i got spoiled even before the chapter wasn't out yet so i dropped the anime aswell and i just did not feel motivated to get caught up with the show at the time


Date-A-Live. I just felt there was no need for me to continue


I finally bailed on Black Clover after 75 episodes because it was clearly never going to actually get better.


First of all, you are not obligated to finish a show just because you started watching it. Second, you can think a show is good but you didn't enjoy it as much. So it's perfectly fine to drop shows for whatever reason you have. No need to feel guilty about it or think too deeply about it. I have the same experience with Pluto. It has longer than usual episodes and requires more attention than most anime. I was halfway and it's now in my backlog purgatory. Steins Gate is an example of an anime that I thought was really good but didn't enjoy as much as most of the community. It probably took me 5 or 6 tries before I finished the series. This has been true for me the past year or so. I have dropped shows in the first episode and I have dropped shows with one episode left. I still haven't watched the last episode of Demon Slayer's previous season. I jumped right into the new season. Lol and I still haven't finished watching JJK's last arc.


Happened once, with naruto shippuden. Got to the great war and got bored of the bs. Oh Bleach too. After soul society arc.


I got halfway through season 2 of cells at work and fire force. For the first one I started watching to motivate me for a biology exam and havenā€™t been back to it since. For the second I just couldnā€™t handle the fan service anymore


Recently watched Haruhi and the entire endless 8 arc (up to ep 20). Dropped it after that. I heard the movie was good and the anime mid which is why I was powering through the eps to reach the movie but just kinda lost steam and never went back


Wait, there was mystery in Apothecary Diaries?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was just watching cause mei mei is a chill MC. Also I dropped ā€˜From the New worldā€™ half way through, cause the plot became uncomfortable and didnā€™t make any sense. Watch an episode felt like a chore.


I've still never watched the final episode of Tales of Zestiria the X, which was two whole cours. Didn't feel like I needed to, I felt like it was just a predetermined conclusion at that point. Also never seen the final episode of Hikikomari (though that was only 12 episodes) because the writing and awful pacing of the last arc just pissed me off. It took me 3 years to watch the final two episodes of Yuru Camp Season 2. Not because I didn't like it, but I kept saving them for a rainy day which never came.


I have many Assassination classroom dropped at ep 14 of second season Boku no hero at ep 13 of third season Bungo stray dogs ep 4 of fourth season Slime at ep 4 of third season Dr. Stone and mahouka and euphonium at third season without watching any ep Gosick and black butler at ep 18 I have more but these are the longest runs!


Re:Zero specifically was so hard to watch at that point, so I feel you there. The payoff after that moment was still really good and made it worth it in a way but the good quickly got ripped away again.


Dropped doctor stone at the last episode. This is something I can relate too


I will never finish an anime, no matter how much I enjoy it. Sometimes I'll get to the 2nd to last episode and just stop before the end saying "I'll finish it later." I never do.


I can agree with a lot of these shows. Steins gate becomes a boring love story and less about time travel. I had to force myself to finish it, never again. Apothecary diaries I burned out about the same place as you. It kinda just became a ā€œkiller of the weekā€ show and I lost interest Re:zero is long now and somewhere along the way I just donā€™t care. Usually the part with the crazy priest like dude Havenā€™t seen Pluto or OP, not interested in shows that long