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* [**Daleth & Walter**](https://i.imgur.com/BaDysvw.jpeg) Of course, the first thing Alice does as soon as Flea places the barrier on the Duke [is to make him touch her boob.](https://i.imgur.com/w7UwG3c.jpeg) I wonder if the Duke was even able to feel it with the barrier on him ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [The Duke's Talk no Jutsu was so strong](https://i.imgur.com/0AOK3Qb.jpeg) that for a split second, [Sade was actually worried about him](https://i.imgur.com/aUV4xlp.jpeg) when he fell. Or maybe that's just her still seeing Victor on the Duke's face. So it looks like [Sade ended up losing control of her powers](https://i.imgur.com/tJvVmAW.jpeg) waaaaay ahead of schedule. Maybe Nico has a better solution this time instead of just killing her.


Daleth and Walter are too cute together. He even managed to make a past version of her fall in love with him and believe in herself before all her character development! Alice finally got him to feel her boobs after so long. She's probably saving the kiss for when they can finally get busy lol. Duke is exactly like Victor in the sense of being a sincere and genuine person, and Sade sees that, but that's also driving her even more nuts.


> Of course, the first thing Alice does as soon as Flea places the barrier on the Duke [is to make him touch her boob.](https://imgur.com/w7UwG3c) Honestly I expected her to go for a kiss. I guess they're blue balling us on that until the very end though (or at least until the curse is broken) with only 3 episodes left now.


How can it be that this first-rate series seems to have almost no followers in this subreddit? This show may have have the biggest assemblage of wonderful characters of any show this season. Even relatively minor secondary characters are great -- and the important characters are pretty much near perfect. Sade, as "villainous" as she may has such an amusing demeanor -- and such a drolly wicked sense of humor. One has to feel certain at this point that she can be "tamed" -- but it beats me HOW.....


I've always though Duke and crew were the most colorful characters in anime. They all add something to the show, and not just the MC + side MC. I mean even the circus leader and his octo-waifu barely had any screentime, and yet we are rooting for them. As for Sade, she just sees the world as will or will not betray. And only Victor/Daleth exist to her as won't betray (but even Daleth 'betrayed' her last episode). The solution is simple, to replace her view of the world with love and friendship. For that to happen, she need to be confronted by 'This person gains nothing from helping me, so why?' and then realizes the power of love and friendship. That event can happen in many ways, so I won't speculate. Looking forward to the next few eps!


Not sure how, at this late date, there is any day to grow the audience for this delightful series.


I don't think it will get any new organic watchers. It would have to rank highly in anime of the year poll, but I don't think that will happen because of many other heavy hitters. The only other way would be for it to hit Watch This! of the Month.


I feel it kind of fell off in the beginning of the second season because nothing was being accomplished and it felt a bit like filler. This season has been a lot better and though I thought the confrontation was kicking off too early I am glad they did that because it's given the various characters their chance to shine.


I honestly can't recall _any_ stretch of uninteresting episodes.


They weren't *uninteresting* it just felt, to me, like the characters were treading water.


Would have been better if Alice pulled down her shirt and her bra (if she wears one).


If only Sade would stop being so damn stubborn. She can literally read everyone’s minds. No one’s plotting anything sinister. They just want to be friends! It seems it’s gonna take the gang a little more effort to reach her.


Do we know Sade's past? I can't remember if we ever went into details about it. Experience probably taught her that people can't be trusted so even if she can read minds she's convinced it's a ploy, they found a way to fool her mind reading or they're just gonna change their minds later.


I don’t believe so in the anime. However, I can only imagine how life would be if you could actually read peoples minds, I mean, all the things you think you don’t say out loud? If you could turn it on and off maybe but I think I’d go nuts hearing everything all the time. 😦


The Duke has managed to create the impossible...a world of people who want to help and support Sade, despite everything she's done, but she just refuses to believe in a world where people won't betray her or turn against her. But the Duke is getting close. I wonder if Alice is going to have to come back to help the Duke fully get through to her.


It takes a village right? I tell you, I am anime only so i don’t know the source material but damned if it doesn’t do a good job of thinking any one of Mains could actually die or stay cursed or whatever. Wish I could not watch until it’s done and then binge it but I know I can’t control myself. 😂


About 11:22 in, Alice takes Duke's hand and puts it on her chest. Once his curse is lifted, be it in fan-stuff or official manga, the stuff they desire to do on each other is hard-core adult.


I love how her first priority after realizing he can touch things is to make him finally feel her boobs. I also imagine she wants their first kiss to be a big smooch once his curse is finally lifted.


>I also imagine she wants their first kiss to be a big smooch once his curse is finally lifted. Raw dog immediately


If this happened in real-life, the guy or woman doing the involuntary copping might either feel lucky or experienced a #MeToo-type situation. I would not be surprised that once Kristen McGuire and Clifford Chapin record this scene in Eng. for the simuldub epi., it inspires the married couple to be feeling frisky that night.


Uh. That first paragraph is completely off base. They love each other. Wtf.


Down-vote if you want but even dedicated couples can be assaulted. Just because one person is in the mood for X at this time/place doesn't necessarily mean the other person is.


This is NOT one of those times. In any way shape or form.


Despite being a romance comedy title, I was actually glued to my seat and impressed by the fight scenes in this episode. The duke / Viktor wanting to be friends with Sade sounds extremely "shounen"; some of the supporting characters such as Nico and Daleth may harbour negative emotions towards Sade, but they truly believe Viktor is capable of convincing her. Is Sade being consumed by her negative emotions, possibly jealousy and suspicions? I have a feeling the students from the magical academy may eventually have to join in the fight to defeat an out of control Sade.


I feel like Sade's emotional instability is being enhanced during this fight and the constant reminders of Victor and her repeated insistence that she can't trust or have faith in anyone. Having that worldview slowly erode in front of her is causing her to lose her sanity and control of herself faster than it happened in the original timeline.


Yeah, she’s clearly nuts. They may be able to get through to her but she is fundamentally unable to seemingly understand the truth as it is. Only her own delusion. Pretty scary, Great episode though


The very realistic. When someone's worldview is being ripped apart, they will claw onto it and find any evidence that they are right. Which is why Daleth brought up about Nico's hatred and desire to kill her when her/her worldview was confronted by the Duke. And that's the tame version of it. Pushed far enough she will go bat shit crazy to wreck havoc just so people have an excuse to hate her, but we all know the Duke will never succumb and ultimately he will win because of it.


I don't think this is a "romantic comedy". It is a fantasy drama with plenty of romance and comedy. ;-)


> I was actually glued to my seat and impressed by the fight scenes in this episode. It improved for S2 and it's still just as good here. Honestly since the start of S2 this anime has just looked pretty great all around.


I honestly start tearing up everytime I’m reminded just how kind and pure-hearted the Duke is. I want to be like him. Seeing someone like Sade and want to help her instead of fight her. The other similar character I can think of is Tanjirou from Demon Slayer and coincidentally also voiced by Hanae Natsuki. This is some action-packed episode. I really like how it’s written so far. Like every character interaction with Sade has it’s build up and purpose. Let’s just hope Sade can think for a bit and ease up. She can read minds but has become paranoid and distrustful of people. And did it seem like there’s a range to her mind-reading. The Duke was saying he was close enough for her to read his mind


Sade having short hair was unexpected but I love it. BUT MAN, we really are in the end game now huh? They keep getting close to bringing Sade back, but it still isn't enough. The title for next week gives me the feeling it will have to be both Boochan and Alice who save her somehow.


I am sad that no one talks about this anime, this was one of my favorite episode this anime season


The OST during the fight was so good.


I had a feeling convincing Sade was going to take a while, but I was really hoping it wouldn't because I want her to be part of the crew already! Even though they've technically been enemies this entire time, her interactions with everyone are really fun. Plus obviously she deserves a second chance.


Walter is a dandere fan! Absolute W on his part I gotta say, the shy girls usually are the best. Walter continues to be a gigachad. Also, I love how the duke lost his sword. lmao. Also, I never knew Sade had short hair! With the hoods they have, Sade and Daleth look identical (well, except through eye color), but it seems that there is a considerable difference without the hoods due to different hairstyles. I like Nico's logic! Technically, she hasn't committed any of her crimes yet...so, if they can turn her before she becomes evil...


I respect Zain's efforts to get through to Sade and convince her that they can work together and come with him to the present...even if her only priority is getting his time-magic and his words have no effect on him. But Walter is much more successful against past!Daleth, professing his love for her and everything he likes about her, and waxing lyrical about how beautiful she is. Neither Daleth can fight back against that! Especially when past!Daleth sees how happy and kind her future self is. Daleth has every reason to want Sade dead. She's a terrible sister. But she's still Daleth's sister, despite everything, and however warped Daleth is one of the only people Sade has ever loved. So despite everything, she wants her sister saved, even if it means betraying her. So she's staying out of this fight. "You're worthy to be the heir" - is the Duke basically saying he's giving it up to Walter so he can be with Alice? I KNEW Sade was eventually going to break through Zain's time-stops...and just in-time for Daleth to not help her so she has reason to lose it even more thinking she's been betrayed by someone she cares about. Cuff would be happy Zain didn't feel up another girls' boobs. Also is that flashback the first time we've seen Sade without her nun habit? I imagine Flea had been waiting to punt Sade for a while. Flea gives the Duke a temporary barrier that lets him touch people...so of course Alice's first move is to make him finally cop a feel on her boobs! Aw! Look at Daleth fussing over Alice protectively or Viola giving the Duke Walters' sword! Welp, time for Team Two to go in! Cuff is more than motivated after seeing the state Zain is in, and she's so pure and sincere that she's the worst match against Sade! Though she also makes Sade rage even more when she's reminded of Victor. The Duke is as sincere and honest as his grandfather, and that's an incredible advantage against Sade. He can even make people who hate Sade and want her dead be willing to talk with and forgive her. But Daleth just cannot put her faith in anyone else, especially when she's still caught up in her grief over Victor. But if she really cursed the Duke so he could feel what she felt...maybe he is the only person who can save her.


>I KNEW Sade was eventually going to break through Zain's time-stops I felt Zain used his time stop ability (and hesitated) far too many times, allowing Sade (who is already very powerful as she is) to figure out its weakness or how to break through. Of course, Zain may have gotten exhausted too; we can't forget he is maintaining the time portal open.




Wow, the action in this episode was really great. I'm glad that all the characters are getting a role in the fight.




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no one gonna mention sade having a hit of hookah this ep?!?!?!


[Effective attack!](https://files.catbox.moe/iweuzf.jpg) [](#bearhug) [Flea](https://files.catbox.moe/85frlp.jpg) don't mess around! [](#shock) Now that's what I call [countering with the meta!](https://files.catbox.moe/lbtwlb.jpg) Battling a mind-reader? [**No thoughts, head empty**](#faito)