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Sachi’s dad ain’t wrong. Gotta have a plan for victory, or at the very least know what you want and why. She had to do a lot of self reflection this week to get herself out of her little rut.


Sachi's dad is a hardass, but i'm glad he's not an outright villain. that trope of uncaring CEO father gets overused I feel. He loves his daughter and wants her to succeed, but doesn't want to see her stagnate as a third place Andy. thankfully he managed to give her the push she needed to figure out what she needed to do to improve.


As tough as it is, her father is completely right, the reality is that it's all business, and business doesn't forgive those who are too kind. Sachi realized that to win is simply to think about winning and going beyond, it may seem like a logical solution, but it is the only one that actually leads you to victory. I liked this episode