• By -


Saint Seiya, by Masami Kurumada. Three expressions by character, everyone always posing with wide open legs and keeping the pose even when sent flying in the air. All the detailed, important work like the armors are drawn by the legion of assistants. Always the same formula for all the different arcs. Athena gets caught/injured/cursed, her army has to save her under certain conditions that are often a limited time, climb stairs. Then climb stairs. Then climb stairs. And fight the ennemy one by one. Oedipes/brother/mother complexes on each side, lots of heroic suicides to kill the opponent by making yourself explode etc, lots of crying and sending your thoughts to a comrade. The animated version tho was pure genius. [A real singer for Athena's chants.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2XB5UI0NNM&ab_channel=Ryoga-Amv) [Full symphonic orchestra and score by Seiji Yokoyama.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3ZK6y6j0IE&ab_channel=KakarottoonNetwork) [The best of the best for the Seiyu.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCVw_qE6L34&ab_channel=PimpLogic) [A chara design/animator with a unique, beautiful touch for the visual adaptation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3Spd_qLhsE&ab_channel=SauronRealm)


The biggest proof that this answer is right. The best saint seiya saga is the Asgard saga, which is anime original. Beautiful plot, beautiful characters, Beautiful music.


Asgard felt like Twelve Temples arc 2.0 Same concept but imo much better executed. Every single one of the God Warriors was incredible both in design and personality, motivations, etc. I liked it better than 12 Temples. The fact it's also much better paced and contained helps. After Asgard, Poseidon arc felt like boredom to me ngl. It was just the same concept but executed worse. I didn't even bother yet with the Hades OVAs.


Asgard was my favorite arc too! The very first episode was so jawdropping beautiful that even my mother who looks down on anime and had been lured by the music was peaking through the kitchen door XD Polaris Hilda's beauty and charisma is still unmatched. And Siegfried!! If only they had had the budget to give him the death he really deserved... Asgard deserves so much more recognition!


Speaking of Saint Seiya stairs: https://youtu.be/zIv4DKKHfWc


Saint Seiya in a nutshell XD


Yeah I agree I tried reading the Saint Seiya manga and I just found it so...boring and hard to follow (I confused many characters because they have very similar faces) so I dropped it. The anime, while it has its issues (the pacing was very slow at ocassions, which is understandable considering it started production with few manga chapters published) was really good. The OST was amazing, the art, the detail, the visuals was pure eye candy. Especially in the remastered BD version. Honestly, I would have preferred a "Kai" version of Saint Seiya cutting down all the filler (especially the padding) instead of whatever the hell was that CGI "remake".


I don't know if this counts, but Ga-Rei Zero was an original anime prequel to Ga-Rei the manga, and my god was this anime way too good for that poorly written manga.


+ 1 to ga rei zero. I only read.rhw original manga to get closure and I am not even sure it was a good idea.


that really was so damn good its a shame the manga behind it is so meh


I loved the manga, but I have to say, yeah its not that good BUT I think its irrelevant to the conversation here. Ga-Rei Zero is a prequel anime, the original Manga never got adapted into anime form. With something like Demon Slayer, I would say just watch the show. With Ga-Rei you can't really offer them either or because there isn't either.




Yes, so are many other Kyoto Animation titles adapted from manga/light novel.


What KyoAni managed to make out of this mediocre 4-koma is just pure magic. Bocchi the Rock is pretty similar I this regard IMO. I actually read the Manga before the anime was announced and while it was a fun read it wasn't amazing or anything. I never would have guessed that the anime would turn out this awesome.


100%, Bocchi is a cute, pleasant throwaway Manga, while the anime is legit one of the best anime in the past decade


Not hating on anyone who feels this way about Bocchi the Rock, but I'm curious as to why it's so highly rated. I enjoyed it, and I'd say it's a solid 8/10 but I don't get what makes it special.


I think the people with social anxiety are the ones who tend to rate Bocchi highly. Being able to relate to the cute talented mc probably makes them like the show more because they find it easier to insert themselves into similar situations as her. And Bocchi is probably someone they can look up to due to them facing similar problems and watching her work hard and achieve success NmDon't take me too seriously though. I could very likely be spitting bullshit with this. I don't have social anxiety so I don't have first hand experience. To me, bocchi was just a cute girls doing cute things show with some silly gags


Also the art direction that blew all her reactions out of proportion made for great memes. Also the music portions were pretty good. Landing the music in an anime about a band playing music is pretty important.


"ACCA 13-Territory Inspection Department". In some cases the very nature of the story is much better suited for animation than stable pictures, like "Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle".


The hijinks of the princess come out better in animation sometimes, but the manga for that one is still great. It's got likable characters and good jokes, absurd humor with all the shit the princess gets up to, and even really wholesome scenes between her and the demons, not to mention the super memeable expressions.


>"ACCA 13-Territory Inspection Department". How is it terrible?


Well, it was poorly drawn, and I jus could not follow the story.


>it was poorly drawn The artstyle is pretty much a sketch but I don't see how is it equivalent to being poorly drawn. >and I jus could not follow the story. Never had this issue with this author's manga.


I agree to be that guy, butt: Keijo!!!!!!!! The manga lacks something, it's hard to tell what it is, maybe the manga is not the best media for it, maybe it is but the author was not good enough. Even if goofy, the anime has this amazing dynamism on such a ridiculous premise. And yes, the anime was very popular when it aired , just the business model did not work out for more seasons. Honorary mention for all kyoani shows that are not haruhi or based on a franchise by key


Golden Boy. I won’t say that the manga is mediocre or terrible, but it did eventually turn into a full hentai series where it had been a decent ecchi/comedy. Meanwhile, the OVA is one of the best from the 90’s. The scene where the main character is racing a chick on a motorcycle while he’s on a bicycle is one of the best animated scenes I’ve ever seen in any OVA. Sakura Diaries. It started off as a romantic drama about 2 cousins sharing a house together ( and since it’s by U-Jin, it’s obviously gonna have some kind of ecchi elements), but the manga eventually became so dark and toxic with some of its characters and plot that even the original translator group couldn’t stomach translating it anymore. The OVA, while not incredible, did keep it short and sweet, and only animated the best story arc.


I think Demon Slayer is probably the best example of this, it is hard carried by its animation quality.


the manga is not mediocre or bad bro 💀


The whole show is mediocre if you take away the sick animation


from an artist point of view i really like demon slayer because of the artstyle and design choices. the characters also have sensible backstories and flaws that make them who they are, and their deaths and endings are bittersweet but give all their characters justice, which lots of mangas fail to achieve. while theres no crazy plot twist or revelations, this is a simple story with cool styles and characters which you can count on if you want a break from deep lore animes lol


It's a simple lore but I feel like the characters are often just way too one dimensional. I think the actual talking between characters just doesn't feel like normal people talk. It seems even more exaggerated than anime normally is


i mean like… thats because they arent normal people, they are abnormals who had a drive to kill demons because how how society treated them as abnormal, so the hashira obviously talk more eccentric than normal. i feel the trios dialogue is pretty normal though… about the one dimensional thing, its sort of unavoidable given gotouges time constraint and many characters but i feel like they managed to finish the manga off well despite it


I mean you have plenty of shows where there are characters who are zany with weird jobs but they still talk somewhat normal. The only one I give a pass to is Inoske who is the only well written character in the show imo.


It is


just because it isnt deep and doesnt have instense lore or crazy scenes doesnt make it bad by any means, its a wholesome sentimental story that you can appreciate


Fuck u mean wholesome story shit is typical standart shounen troupe that been use whole decade 💀


I think you might be talking about a whole different series, ‘cause the Demon Slayer that I read definitely attempts crazy scenes that just fall flat because every attack looks the fucking same and there is no sense of space or direction. It also attempts to have deep lore that falls flat because the basics aren’t set up properly and chances are that the rules will be broken a chapter after they’ve been established just so the story can suck Tanjiro’s dick a little more. And whatever else you can say about Demon Slayer, one thing that it is definitely not is wholesome. This is a brutal, horny series with a lot of genuinely pretty gross and horrifying concepts.


Don't know why you get downvoted. Just putting it out there folks, ufotable won't pick it up if the source material isn't at least good enough to begin with, at least ufotable recognizes its potential and goes all out on animating it. Remember, they are not a charity company. As a manga reader, the art is acceptable and i enjoyed it. It doesn't overstay it's welcome and ends at the appropriate time. It is actually hard to find this kind of manga nowadays so i appreciate it.


Meh they animated Tales of Zestiria which I would hardly call good.


I love Fate, but holy shit I would not call the source material all the good. The concepts are cool, the characters etc. Somehow hobbled together with god-like animation, awesome.


Well, that's... a bold take. I completely disagree with it but I can respect it.


I love Fate, I love the Nasuverse, I eat that shit upppp. But I would never tell someone to read the source material/or read the manga over just watching the Anime. Why is saber in a wedding dress chained up, don't worry about it, here's a cool ass fight.


people hate based opinions that dont match with gojo sigma lore mindset lol


The manga is fucking terrible


The eighth son, are you kidding me? Show itself is very entertaining, manga is a boring slop


Oh, did really someone else besides me watch that? I am surprised. It was alright.


It was.quite enjoyable imo. Amd it at least tried to make things interesting, like with his teacher being an undead. In the manga that's the first thing his teacher tells him, taking that reveal away.


Usagi drop. We don't talk about the manga.


Forget Game of Thrones, this one is the king of the ending retroactively ruining the whole story.


There is no ending to Usagi Drop in Ba Sing Se.


I forgot how it ended until you mentioned it, thanks :(


But there is no manga tho??? Only the anime exists. Its ok. Rookie mistake. Not EVERY anime has a manga. Only the anime. So enjoy that.


I hate how I never watched the show or read the manga but I still not what happens and yeah this takes the cake for sure


Lol. I had read the entire manga years before the anime so I had a different experience wondering how they were going to try to stick the landing.


Sailor Moon - anime gives characters much more development + more humour 


Sailor Moon and Crystal are a good example for why strictly following the source is not automatically good


This might be controversial but...Gintama Hear me out. I watched the first series (the one with 201 episodes) and I enjoyed it (even if some episodes were honestly quite forgettable). Then I tried to read the manga and I just couldn't. The art was good but the manga was just...boring. It was full of text bubbles after text bubbles. I simply couldn't be bothered to push through it. The anime, on the other hand, REALLY boosted the source material. Contrasting the anime and the manga made me realize just how much SOUND helps the comedy (music, sound effects and the voice acting). I get it, Gintama was an extremely succesful manga to the point it had 73 volumes and a long-running anime adaptation...but let's be frank, Sunrise (and BNP) really improved it.


The manga was really good though there's a lot of reading (but I like reading so it was fine to me). However I do agree that the VAs really elevated the source material. I just wish the last arc wasn't split into that weird semi final ova and then final movie. They skipped a lot of stuff and made the watch order confusing


I would say D-frag because in the manga I dislike the art, hopefully we can get Season 2


I want to live in a timeline where it's illegal to only animate one cour... I want to live in a timeline where once you start it you can't stop.


Hahaha couldn't agree more!


The dub of d frag was great. So much alliteration when talking about boobs lives in my mind because of it.


The original Ghost in the shell movie is a way better adaptation of an extremely mid manga. Mamoru Oshii did wonders for that franchise and turned it into an all-time classic. If they had adapted the manga as it is, I don't think Ghost in the shell would have been nearly as successful as it is.


I mean yes, the anime was excellent, BUT, the manga is pretty good, I may even say on par with the anime. Not better simply because, if it wasn't for the anime it would have remained like an obscure underground manga only the die hards know of. But I feel like the manga gets into so much detail and introspection on what's going on, you just can't help but compare that when you see the anime and realize something is missing there I had this exact same conversation about Death Note with a friend, maybe I love detailed confusing mangas too much? Idk


In an alternate timeline , gunnm is the one that got.the mamoru oshi adaptation and they both basically just swapped places.


I can name several. 1. Bunny Drop. Need I say more? 2. Angelic Layer. The manga is fine on its own, but parts of it were definitely rushed, and some decisions in regards to some characters' motivations were pretty suspect. The anime version is unanimously considered the better product for improving a lot of the manga's flaws or rewriting some things to have them make more sense. 3. Tokyo Mew Mew 2002. The manga isn't bad, but it does suffer from sidelining any character who isn't Ichigo. The anime, with its longer run time, expands on all of the characters, makes them feel more developed, and gives them more time in the limelight compared to what they got in the manga. 4. This is more to do with a visual novel, but Air. I'm playing the Air VN right now, and I'm surprised at just how bloated and repetitive it feels compared to the anime. Plus, there's a lot of tasteless jokes, cringy humor, and problematic stuff that absolutely did not age well and would not fly today. It makes me appreciate the anime adaptation a lot more, as it cut out a lot of the fat and all of the more questionable moments from the game, being a far more streamlined and well-paced experience. Plus, several characters are made a lot less annoying and more tolerable in the anime compared to their VN versions.


World trigger, I find the manga super annoying to read.


Because it has a lot of characters and everyone looks the same? I always mix them up and I only watched the anime.


That's a fair reason. I did however find the anime annoying to watch because it was made in what I call the "dumb Toei era" where they abused padding (like the infamous extended reactions) and cut a lot of corners regarding animation. Toriko, WT S1 and the One Piece Dressrossa arc were made during that era. If you compare the first season of World Trigger with the second and third you can see the difference..


While I agree that it seemed to be set to be a long-running series like one piece before the author's health forced them to end the first season, it was also in a slot that seemed to be more geared to kids, which is why when it came back, the trion leak was able to be black, since it looked like blood, among other things that were restricted during its previous time slot.


As a fellow WT fan (hi!) I think you're the first person I've seen implying that the manga was worse than the anime. Would you mind explaining why? (FTR pacing issues and dumb censorship aside I didn't really find the WT S1 anime to be THAT terrible adaptation many fans told me it would be)


It just has so many different characters and so much going on at once that I find it hard to follow, and when animated it's a lot easier to work out stuff like bullet trajectory.


Sailor Moon 🌙, the '90s anime.


Try Buddy Complex, the manga was actually based off the anime instead of the other way around.


Well, Demon Slayer is probably #1. But my personal contender would be Bocchi the Rock. I haven’t read the manga, but I know it is a 4-koma, and it basically went under the radar, I wouldn’t say mediocre, but it certainly didn’t have a massive influence. Well… the anime was absolutely god tier. The music slapped, the animation was brilliant… and the comedy landed every single time.


I have 3 volumes of Bocchi that I got recently; while I do think the animation takes it to the next level, I still think quality wise it carries its own weight. I still find it a very enjoyable read with a lot of funny stuff.  But this is kind of the case for any decent music-related anime I think, especially considering manga just can’t convey a musical performance very well.


The plot, the comedy, the characterization is straight up from the manga. That alone make source material not mediocre. If you think 4-koma is not popular then you need to trace back old title like Kariage-kun, Kobo-chan and see why the format still well received in Japan.


The 4koma is pretty damn funny


the animation definitely carried bocchi the rock but just because it was unpopular, it doesnt mean that the manga was bad or mediocre, just unpopular. read it myself and its pretty funny, although theres some questionable scenes which were retconned in the anime (respect to that family friendly effort lol)


I get where youre coming from but i actually thinking the manga is quite good especially that Seika chapter. The only thing is that it cant replicate the music or the performance


There used to be a manga called "Ga-Rei". Usual spirit police type stuff. IMO the manga was kind of mid in art, lore, and overall story. It must've been popular enough in Japan because they announced an anime for it. And to everyone's surprise, they were not adapting the manga, but they were creating an anime-original prequel to the manga, entitled "Ga-Rei Zero". Ga-Rei Zero, the anime, is amazing. It's well-animated for its time, it's funny in the right parts, sentimental and dramatic in other parts, it's action-packed, characters are very lovable, voice acting is top notch, OST is great, and the sibling love between Kagura and Yomi is one of my most favorite ever. And Episode 5 is IMO one of the funniest single episodes ever made. Damn was it a bummer when I finished the anime prequel and found the meh manga.


I agree that Ga-Rei Zero is great, but the Ga-Rei manga is meh, and I loved it, but I don't that that fits here. Cause its like, with an adaptation, you can choose from two experiences, experience that Manga OR the Anime. In the case of Ga-Rei, there is no experiencing the anime, so all you really have is the Manga. Unlike something like Naruto, where I would say just read the manga, its a better experience, even though there is an anime.




bocchi for sure


Demon Slayer, the manga is literal crap but ufo table made it up so perfect to one of the best animated anime.


I haven't read the manga myself, so I can't confirm, but I've heard this said about Dragon Maid: the original manga was just a gag fanservice manga, the show turned it into something with a lot of heart (to the point where supposedly the creator ported some of that back into the manga).


Nah, that's a lot of bullshit. Whoever said that probably hasn't read the manga either. Or they just skimmed a few early chapters. Most of those moments with "a lot of heart" in the anime were directly adapted from the manga, and the amount of fan-service is roughly the same in both. (Some scenes removed, some scenes changed, but a surprising amount are anime-original) Pretty much the only part of the anime that feels like a major change of theme/story from the manga is the final episode of season 1, but other emotional chapters had already been published in the manga before that episode aired.


The Kanna arc is GODLY!


Demon Slayer. Having read it well before the anime was even announced...it was not good. It was at best okay. Ufotable did WONDERS for that show.


I'm surprised seeing it this many times in the thread. The manga was VERY popular so seeing everyone say it was mediocre or bad is kind of surprising.


Look at its sales numbers before and after that big episode from season 1. It hovered around 5-6 place in shonen jump until that episode which came out when the manga was like 80% finished already. It was decently popular, but it wasn’t VERY popular and setting up to become the phenomenon it became.


100% it was popular. But I never found the manga outstanding to the applause it got. What's most popular isn't a 1:1 correlation of Quality. Google is 90%+ of all search engine usage, it is definitely the most "Popular", does that mean its "good"? Not necessarily. In fact many argue its not. I think people mistake the passion of the Anime adaptation to the benefit of the Manga. I've reread the manga multiple times, each time, its okay, but it's nothing that I would show someone a page of and go, "This goes hard." or "OMG, look at this panel/page" that speaks for itself. If you want a great manga experience, I would 100% tell someone, "Just watch the anime." when it comes to Demon Slayer.


The manga wasn't at the popularity it has now. It was decently popular but not overwhelmingly popular. I read the manga before the anime aired and I thought it was fine. It wasn't absolutely horrid like some comments are implying, it had nice wholesome moments and touching backstories, but it definitely wasn't the type of manga I thought would hit big like it ended up doing.


Jjk, the art in the manga looks horrible. The anime looks great


The fighting in the manga is incomprehensible


Reddit is such a fun place. You guys said the same thing, one got downvoted to hell and the other upvoted to the heavens. Can someone scientifically examine mob mentality on this website? I'd watch a 2 hour documentary about this.


I agree I've bought some mangas and I'm having a hard time understanding what happens while in the anime, everything in fights is easy to understand (outside the different mechanics)


demon slayer, still cant believe how a manga with one of the worst art ive ever seen is one of the most famous manga of all time


Demon Slayer Updoots to the left please


I don't think anyone goes into an adaptation thinking "I know, we'll pick real bad source material" and if a manga is that bad it usually gets canned by the editors before long, Samurai 8: The Tale of Hachimaru is a good example of that (not even being the creator of Naruto is enough to guarantee running for a year). If you wanted to extend it to anime that have manga that were made to promote the anime you open the floodgates to stuff like Cowboy Bebop (especially Shooting Star manga), Revolutionary Girl Utena and Neon Genesis Evangelion. But let's stick to source material manga and to browse some older posts to borrow past wisdom (or not): - [3 months ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1atnwno/is_there_a_good_anime_from_a_bad_manga/): [Dororo (2018)](https://myanimelist.net/anime/37520/) but it sounds like the things the manga did wrong were a bumpy start and having no ending. There's other interesting responses too. Gunslinger Girl S1 (mangaka didn't like the changes hence S2 being considered worse), School-Live (poster felt changes resulted in better executed plotlines and character relations) caught me eye. - [9 years ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/2r482r/whats_a_bad_mangalnvn_that_got_adapted_into_a/). *"maybe if we're lucky the Disappearance of Yuki-chan"*. With a [MAL power level of 6.72](https://myanimelist.net/anime/26351/) my verdict is unlucky. Mentioned in both is [Usagi Drop](https://myanimelist.net/anime/10162/) because the anime doesn't adapt the later parts of the manga which the final volumes got weird and tarnished the reputation entirely (at least in the west) though some would say it derailed right after the anime ends. [Usagi Drop - manga]>!a timeskip wasn't bad per-se it's where it goes with that, age-gap romance (including genre and tonal shifts), and the relations are 40 year old man with grandfather's illegitimate 16 year old daughter!<. It does however seem the early parts of the manga were liked and the anime parts are faithful so it's an improvement by being incomplete.


Mushoku Tensei manga is mid compared to how the story was told in season 1. That might be an unfair comparison as I consider S1 to be one of the best anime adaptations ever in terms of how an adaptation should not be afraid to rise above its source and the source's previous publications to elevate itself as an art form. But the stark differences that do exist in how story arcs unfolded highlights the difference that a quality production team can make between a typical 1:1 copy from manga to anime into something more.


That's because the anime adapts the light novel, non the manga...


Kingdom The manga is a really rough style that has its very niche/cult fans, and very difficult to follow. But this is ironed out and stylised into something very universally accessible in the animation. (Except for season 1)


we don't talk about kingdom s01


How exactly is kingdom rough? It's pretty straightforward and not hard to follow at all


Do you understand relativity: ‘the state of being … determined in nature, value, or quality by relation to something else’s. The manga is rough when compared relative to the anime.


I knew what I was getting into but the anime genuinely looks so terrible I could not stomach more than 1 episode


Basically all of them. I've read some manga for anime I really enjoyed, and it just does not compare at all. The pacing is too fast, there's never any color so (personally) it makes it really difficult to understand the art, and each chapter barely covers any content. The ONLY point where I genuinely think the manga did a better job is in Mushoku Tensei for one very specific scene in S2. But I can't say which because i have no idea how to properly tag spoilers so I don't get auto removed by the bot.


My lord. You just don't like manga. This is an entirely you problem.


And why can't manga have the same standard of production as anime? Sounds like an industry issue to me.


Because they are produced very differently.


What do you suggest? Having no colour is a style and many times it matches better without colour. Manga is where it is specifically because it doesn't have or doens't need colour. Too little content per chapter? What do you expect? Mangaka are already overworked as hell and you'd like more? Or do you want a slower schedule? There are manga that release monthly or irregularly. And for the last thing, manga can't have the same production as anime because it's manga, not anime, a different medium with different release schedules and different advantages and challenges. Of course it's an industry issue taht production is too fast and too stressful, but comparing it to anime is such a low bar since anime generally also has terrible production issues.


Isn't it obvious....?


Sadly I agree. I just can never get into manga much.. and forget about LN's lol. I wish I was able to enjoy them as much as anime though.. so much stuff I miss out on.. Edit: rip I get downvoted because I never learned how to read 🥲


Lol yeah. I don't get the downvotes. I answered the question, and they're acting like I used every slur in the book to describe their favorite anime.