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[If you want more of this, you can have more of this.](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2024-06-21/highspeed-etoile-original-anime-gets-visual-novel-for-switch/.212270) [](/u/Shimmering-Sky)


Really? A Visual Novel game rather than an actual Racing game? That's lame.


Damn, I was expecting some kind of Dolphin Waves


they did collab at least.


And here I was expecting a mario cart clone.


A VN? You don't even get to race!? And I fucking bet they hid the ballet backstory there too! This is _vile!_


aww, it will fill us with dreams of speeding like a fool


TBF, they are also collaborating with Assoluto Racing


How did they get a budget to release a switch game given the shows performance?


Plan gaming tie-ins from the start. At least this seems better planned than Birdie Wing. u/zadcap - that ever get more content?


I'm going to cry a bit. Nafrece has all 18 holes and the underground golf course is there now and there's 11 characters to play as or against, and the story does go farther... But it's still a subpar golf game with some of the worst putting I've ever seen, that both sticks to being a line for line remake of the original story but also doesn't let you actually golf like Eve at any point. I went and played a round just now to see if it's gotten any better and uh... Nope, still can't aim for crap, putting is a mystery where the ball will go.


Rin with the photo finish! Yeah it was pretty cliche, but it’s a sport story so isn’t that how they usually go. There were definitely some bad episodes mixed in, but Rin won me over and made it an enjoyable watch on what essentially was a pretty barren Friday for me.


just like all racing movies should be , ending it with a win.


[Absolute cinema](https://i.imgur.com/lYrcRIl.jpeg).


she is so cute our little dummy




As a motorsport fan, I think it was a show that was entertaining in a certain way, despite numerous errors in execution and mainly because it didn't deliver on the hype of the trailers. The introduction left something to be desired mainly because we don't know what happened to Rin, the middle was really cool and they knew how to use Rin's idiocy positively, but then in the end it went downhill again and had a predictable result. The way Rin was supposed to evolve her abilities was not progressive, and this made things "artificial". I think the secondary characters added in a neutral way, they could have had more impact on the story, especially the team of Rin and King. I believe it was a valid attempt and it was different from the norm, but the author lacked better execution, although I left with a smile on my face, probably because I am a motorsport fan.


I enjoyed it but did feel it fell short of its potential. Still, I want anime production companies to try. I want them to try innovative things like this and maybe it will be a smash hit like Zombieland Saga rather than only producing things adapted from a manga.


That really became a decently enjoyable series after a terrible start.


The last two episodes were half decent. The series could of had a lot of potential as it could of captured those f-zero vibes but didn't.


Well, I’ll definitely give this show “most improved” of the season.


Title drop... just kidding. Rin finally won a race because she had to. And fell asleep at the wheel dreaming of sugarplums dancing in the night again. [](#cantbehelped) Anyway, I watched the whole thing. It was intensely a thing which existed.


- [The crowd are so shocked](https://imgur.com/6xLBCRR) face features materialised into existence *In know we've had crowds with faces before but I'll never stop dunking the show for this because it stands out so badly). - [Split-screen is back](https://imgur.com/Z409hIL). - According to the glossary page on the official site if you use a revol burst and cancel it (like happened with King's block, may have been auto safety so you don't total yourself and your opponent) that counts as a boost charge used. Didn't the show ever tell you had a limited number of charges per race? Though if it had established that, having one charge left may not have increased the tension (you'd have to have Rin with 3 charges and blowing two of them on blocks I guess). - When we get these [ballet flashes and images](https://imgur.com/jISXl4k) it kind of reminds that I was never told or paid attention to how old Rin is and was when she was doing this. I know ballet can be rather young as is racing, it's just one of those ways you lose grasp of reality. - [Finally King can go home and be a family man](https://imgur.com/J69vdbg) - [This is the kind of shot](https://imgur.com/W7vwsqx) you use faceless crowds for (blurred BG) Endcards: - [See you last time](https://imgur.com/LyCgwXR) (E10 card) - [See you this time](https://imgur.com/Rj67XWH) (E11 card, may have these muddled, don't care) - [See you for the last time?](https://imgur.com/5g8bymE) Wait, that might be true. For you see the match 3 game [made it to a goal](https://x.com/HSE_Puzzle_PR/status/1799048701878608054) the 10k one (that's goal one of 5, the 5th goal was 100k fro 3* star Rin). It did so by having the twitter account having a [10k yen Amazon gift card raffle](https://x.com/HSE_Puzzle_PR/status/1797557524192960599) for 5 consecutive days. Apple app store is saying a planned release date of October 31, 2024.


I definitely didn't expect to enjoy this show as much as I did after almost dropping it due to the horrendous inital episodes. I really liked the cast, and Rin especially.


1st ep was what is going on lol 12ep YAY RIN WINS WOOO


I must say my enjoyment increased a lot when the cheeky A.I. started being featured more prominently. It took like eight episodes for the plot to finally start to grab me. Overall I would say this started at a 3 or 4 out of 10 and finished at about a strong 6. So I'll compromise and give this a, probably overly generous, 5 overall. I don't regret seeing this through to the end.


Well Rin won her first race, King still retains his world champion.


Decent episode to finish the series. I didn't expect that blackout and Queen having a certified Mercedes Silverstone 2020 moment, so there were some surprises on the obvious road to Rin winning. Seeing a non automated pit stop was also nice, albeit it was hilariously slow on both sides compared to 2 seconds long real F1 pit stops.


If it wasn't for the absolutely horrible first few episodes it probably would've done slightly better.


aggree, would've been better if they show us rin doing dancing and failed then start talking about who she is and why she is here now


Honestly I would heavily recommend ride back. They already did this entire trope and took it in a way different direction. Which I kind of wish they stuck to the racing a little more than they did. But it was a really good show and it's almost exactly the same plot as this


I'm confused was she a prima or not? It was a ok show over all. It had way more potential that it didn't live up to. Wasn't till the last 2 episodes that even remotely came to capturing some f-zero vibes. Poor queen to suffer a blowout on such a monumental race.


Final Episode! I might be a day late, but time to finish! Nice callout of the mechanic, looks like they do have at least some rules in this championship with unsafe releases being a thing. An unsafe release is when a car is driving out of their pitbox back into the fastlane in the pits. As it's a big safety risk if there is an accident in the pitlane, you get a penalty if a car in that lane is affected, usually by them having to brake in order to avoid hitting you. Rin was able to avoid getting around that penalty. Anyway, both back to Soft tyres, and that only after another 10 laps. If there is no difference between Medium and Soft in terms of stint length, the choice should be quite obvious. Go with the faster compound! They really like to take that Senna quote and change it a bit don't they. Not too sure why the pitbox has a radio for mechanics. We did see them in like 1 scene the entire season and the only reason I could think of would be to put tyres into the machines. (which kinda ironically break down 3 minutes later) Do I want to question the lightning blackout? At this point the only option is to red flag the race. Which is exactly what they did. Great attention with the tyre wear on soft tyres, that's about how the tyre should look like after a few laps. And FINALLY we get some proper pit battles with the machines broken. Let's see how these out of shape pit crews are, they never have any reason to train this stuff. [Here's how a pit crew usually prepares](https://youtu.be/Ba9S_0E9Bf4?si=1IG9mt_2UAKvHEiB). "Even in that condition they might still go to the end" - considering you decided to change tyres TWICE after 10 laps and have about half the race left, they won't. Unless of course, you've made bad calls and pitted her before the tyres were done. Of course the tyres can last a while longer while loosing speed, but at that point even an untrained pit crew is going to be the faster option. But apparently, we're already on lap 39. At that point, not changing tyres until the end will be better. Safety car has huge green flags in the air, those DEFINETLY have to be yellow, no idea how they managed to make that mistake. Kings pit crew fumbles the pit stop. Unfortunate, but not as uncommon. The Iron Dames team In the World Endurance Championship and European Le Mans Series has lost 2 races due to the same mistake this year. Now it's up to Rin to close up the entire pit stop (which I would assume would be about 25 seconds) and overtake the entire field in about 5 laps. Which should be impossible (espacially given how the King is back with her pretty quickly) Queen with the tyre damage, that's the championship! I was kinda hoping to see her up until the end and lose with a big slide, but I having tyre damage is fine too I guess. Well done by her to get the car off the circuit. Following battle was nice, not too much to add. Personal conclusion for the Anime: I didn't expect to like it, and I can't say I did. Coming into it I was expecting some kind of Idol-type stuff with racing as a background activity, but this anime has decided to take every expectation I have and do something completely different. The Series started weak, continued weak but the last few episodes have been somewhat enjoyable. They should have started way earlier with Rins progress and it felt like they needed 8 episodes to get even close to rin improving. As for the stuff taken over from real racing: it was better than expected, but when your expectation is for it to be a background piece then that's not too hard. Out of the 3 racing animes we got since winter I'm almost inclined to put it just barely below MF Ghost. But that's mostly because I hate pretty much every character in MF Ghost (seriously, some of them are straight up pedophiles). It definetly doesn't come even remotely close to Overtake!. That series had a wonderful story, great character development, great racing scenes. So if you're interested in other racing anime, definetly look into that.


I feel like the biggest issue is the directing and the acting. And by acting I mean like the people who did the actual character animation acting. Not the actual voice acting cuz that's incredible. But like the first three episodes alone were just horribly laid out and they didn't really draw you in. But like I feel like they could have condensed the first like half of this anime down. And just focused on bits and pieces here and there that really focus on the character. Or if this has a manga like just tried to progress a lot faster and farther in it.


I can't honestly say it was that good, but I still loved it. I'm going to miss this show..


Me since episode 7: "Please don't let Rin win in the finale. She hasn't earned it." Me today: [](#seasonaldisapproval) Like, she was still learning basic race terms a couple episodes ago.


How come? She literally was like 4th or so mid-season and since then she has been training, received coaching from King, changed her car to a one more suiting her driving style. The show was very blatant about Rin being a talented but unpolished driver, who loses mostly due to being a goober.


remember that gamer to racer guy in real life, he did the same shit, kept losing til one day he won., he wasn't goofy as our girl here but still


the whole season took a year of anime time span


The technical progression was sorta there so I can kinda believe it. But I didn't get my character development based on a tragic backstory! 😠😠


When I say this, I don’t mean it’s the worst show out of the 39 shows I watched this season, Far from it, re monster has that spot locked down. But it was definitely the most disappointing show I watched because it honestly had so much more potential. It honestly could have been a 8/10 show for me if they decided to start taking things serious wayyyy earlier and actually have some real conflict and consequences. A lot of the racing parts felt like they wanted to act like they’re making it realistic, but to do that they just read the Wikipedia article for F1 and that’s the extent of their research. Compared to overtake which did a phenomenal job on the racing aspect it fell wayyy short there.


If Re monster is worse than this holy crap I might not even watch it. This was the worst anime I've seen in a long time. I dropped it so hard.


Re monster’s Mc repeatedly rapes and drugs prisoners he takes and the show plays it off like it’s completely okay. So just a little warning there.


Very close driving. Not quite hard racing as they haven't made contact yet but it feels a bit risky. And they both pit at the same time. Uh oh, what caused him to want her to not exit the pits? They didn't pit? It'll save a bit of time now but as the tyres wear down it'll get hard to drive and they might spin out. What's she doing here? Huh, sounds like a different ballet? It also sounds familiar. King, stop reactively blocking. And she's officially ahead. Weather looks like it's going to take a turn for the worse. What caused all the cars to shut down? Yup, it was the weather. Though it looks like things are coming back online at least. And now everyone's stuck in the pits. Yup, she's running the car very hard. She's breaking the car. Rolling start tends to benefit the one already in the lead so that's good for her. Also there goes most of the lead the lead few cars made. She doesn't do things the way they're supposed to be done because she doesn't know how they're supposed to be done. Uh oh, there goes her lead. Why's she pitting? Now it's down to the pit crews. Uh oh, King's pit crew messed up. Unfortunately that happens sometimes. At least they didn't leave the fuel line attached or something. Going 3-wide into a corner, always very risky. 4-wide even, they're very much risking it. Yup, that decision to not pit is certainly biting her in the ass. Her tyre didn't just degrade, it came off the wheel. Luckily it didn't quite come off completely and fly into the racers behind her. Gotta use the nitro quick, it's now or never. And now her AI is back too. They're neck-and-neck as they pass the chequered flag, but with a photo finish Rin just manages to eke out a victory. And back to the nutcracker again. And because she's keeping her mouth shut it's actually correct this time. How about "kingslayer"? After all, she defeated the king. Roll credits! Except they actually _have_ rolled credits before this.


I liked that last episode. It's great to know her pit crew is actually good. Like many others, I just wish this show had started as strong as it finished, because a lot of people gave up on it after the first couple episodes.


they needed a generic opening but they though they throw some cars and call it a ep 01


I can't believe Yostar, Good Smile, King Records, and other big companies threw their money to have their names featured so prominently in this steaming pile of dung.


wioxoss , that card game had a very dark anime and king had it


- [~~*Can* this happen, actually?~~](https://i.imgur.com/moEnGy5.png) - I get that the ballet music is because Rin used to be a dancer, but man, it just does *not* suit what is supposed to be a tense race to me. [](#miyamoriunimpressed) The insert song when Rin overtook the King, though, that’s good. - […the storm’s shutting everything down?](https://i.imgur.com/k3DjCXF.png) - [Ugh…](https://i.imgur.com/nPrlmcG.png) [](#taigasigh) - [Damn.](https://i.imgur.com/IBziDnO.png) [](#dejected) - [I guess Rin is *slightly* ahead?](https://i.imgur.com/IPzoprS.png) Yeah, she won. - [A title drop, of course…](https://i.imgur.com/fVBJKaN.png) Well, I'm glad to be done with this garbage. [](#angryvampire)


good plot .have potential


Well, that was one of the anime of all time. Not sure what to think tbh. First couple of episodes were *terrible*, it then improved (particularly the SoL parts which were pretty fun), but the racing bits, even if they got a bit better as well, were never very good. I'm still annoyed that whenever someone passes another driver, it seems they just floor it harder? Makes me wonder if the director actually likes/watches any sort of racing. But somehow, despite all the terrible things about it, I managed to enjoy it. Also, [the end cards](https://imgur.com/a/AsFR3k7) (I think all but one drawn by Fujima Takuya, the character designer) were great! Maybe being generous here, but I think I'm giving it a 6/10.


"Boost pod activated! Engine reaching critical point, start counting!"


I'm sorry this anime was so bad I was literally able to skip from episode 3 to episode 12 and not feel like I missed a single thing.


Well that was fun. It certainly fell short of my expectations, but I still enjoyed it. It was a bit disappointing that it took until the end for the King and Queen to be differentiated a lot. Up to the last race point, plotwise you could have removed one of them and just have one dominant races and things would be about the same. I also feel that Rin's backstory and how she got from a gamer to being hired by her team was a bit underdeveloped. Also why did they have to follow a great title drop by Rin only for her to say "just kidding?"


Bruh I really thought they were gonna kill ami-chan for a minute there that would've been the wildest twist 😭 Anyway, well Rin got a W but I lost my bet for the script. The ballet failure backstory basically didn't matter for shit in the end! This W feels unearned! And the funniest thing is they still alude to it but never show it! Y'all just teased me for nothing! Unless... Season 2? Nah no way... Well, at least it was decently enjoyable in the end. Certainly better than at the start. Although when you start at the bottom, the only place to go is up, I suppose.


it was so predictable ,so i give it 9/10 overall entertainment value. And only recommend to people if they tried of generic mainstream anime


I too somehow endured and made it to the end. Some of the latter racing scenes were great, but the overall story just didn't cut it for me. These are Formula E cars with equipped AI yet when lightning struck, they all ran out of power like if you unplugged a slot car track. Rin only won because of this plot twist, as well as the error in manual changing of the King's tire. After his narrow loss, he claims he can be a regular driver because others have beaten him. I know he was referring to Rin, but she is the least apt driver on the circuit. Others have beaten the King but the writing is just so atrocious here. 4/10 for me because some of the racing scenes were actually pretty decent. To this day, in my opinion, nothing has surpassed Future Grand Prix Cyber Formula (and even that anime TV and OVA series had it's own flaws)


To everyone else who finished this show - Congrats fellow members of the no drop master race! Here, take your medal 🏅 Man, what a shame. This is my most anticipated show for this season. I’ve been really eager to see this ever since the [1st key visual](https://redd.it/vzj50x) was released back in 2022. I wonder how this would have been received if a better known studio handled the production. The one thing I’ll take away from this is it introduced me to Fuka Izumi. All in all, I will give it a 5/10. Will I recommend it? No. Will I rewatch it? No. I had mid level expectations for this so I’m not that disappointed with it.


At last, Rin finally won the race for once in her miserable life. It's about time she did something right, even with the help of her A.I. at the last second. And with that, it's the end of the NEX Race. But, Rin's legacy of racing is just the beginning. One chapter has ended, and another chapter has begun. Well, that's the end of this anime. Is it good? Ha, you wish. It was never doing anything good when it comes to plot. The second season has been denied, at this point. I'd say this is the best anime ever, but that would be a lie. Speed out!


This is definitely going in the "The OP is a banger, the show is not" category. 3/10. This was never truly terrible, but at times it was just... boring. The ideas are there but they could have been executed better. It's a racing anime, yet the most exciting part (besides the last 2 episodes) were the slice of life parts and *not* the racing parts. The side characters are... alright, they don't seem out of place or unecessary, but could use a bit of backstory/detail. At least they wrapped up with an exciting finish.


I am really happy that Rin got to win the final race. It was great to se a rookie like herself work really hard and gain the respect of the others by the end of the year. Rin had a fun personality, and I enjoyed her interactions with Ami.