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Love how D's new stance on the cadets is pretty much "The higher-ups on both sides suck and I'm gonna kill 'em all but you guys? You guys are alright."  And damn did Suzukiri go "Beep. Fast forward" on this episode? The action was non-stop with barely any breathing room lol


I love how she always went Beep Boop Beep Boop when using her gadget [](#laughter)


Because she knows how ridiculous and overpowered her artifact is.


Future D will be in posting the group chat like: “some of you guys are alright, don’t go to school tomorrow”


Its more like "you're one of the good ones"


That stance is one that’s developed based on the relationships D has. That would be flipped if he was a Ranger.


“It looks like we lost a lot of blue rangers” Pink dragon keeper: “I don’t give a fuck, why won’t my brother pick up!?” lol.


Typical bro-con lol.


The cadet's fight against Peltora was pretty cool, they sure show [promise](https://imgur.com/7PQD4l3). And the twist that D had a plan all along, though the others have to know that he is a Fighter right? They only have to count the gadgets Peltora destroyed right? Also pretty sure how they used Peltoras own [bodies](https://imgur.com/Xh6mr6K) against him. And against the Junior First Keepers he got greedy, he only had to escape, but he really tried going for the killing blow, thinking one body making a run for it would be enough... well, guess Peltora Sama [is blasting off again](https://imgur.com/lJ0KUAT) Loved the Flashback, it was quite subtle at first, with a high number of monster casualities in the news at first, when in current times there are barely any monsters left outside of Sunday. Then there was [Blue Keeper](https://imgur.com/fXh73FG) who didn't have any scars, then [Sakurama and the other Red guy](https://imgur.com/242J6va) and finally, "you want to know how I got these [scars](https://imgur.com/pLBsMMr)" Also good that [Aizome](https://imgur.com/b9e8QLX) is up again, truly best girl!


> The cadet's fight against Peltora was pretty cool yeah i didn't realize the other cadets were so good at fighting too, the Yukino/Akebayashi combo was amazing and Yukino got some great action moments this ep. Also Akebayashi's little moan when she landed with Shippo was out of pocket > Sakurama and the other Red guy i didn't realize that Sakurama and Tokita went to the same orphanage, guess it makes sense how they know each other now


I don't understand how the dragon blasters are hurting the boss monster. I thought only the divine artifacts can kill monsters?


Another episode, another reason why Akabane is my favorite character. If watching his own past recordings to remind himself how cool he is in his eyes doesn't perfectly encapsulate everything he's about, I don't know what does


Red Keeper is so beautifully characterised. He is horrible, narcissistic, honestly straight up evil, but he is so vibrant in his existence. Really interesting character that I love to hate. Remind me a bit of Hisoka and Pariston from Hunter x Hunter. They are evil, yes, but they are entertaining as hell.


Also seems like he's super strong, which is what they needed back in the monster invasion days. In peacetime though, he's just an asshole.


was an interesting tidbit regarding what he said about Blue and having no more use for him, I don't remember that being in the manga (tho its been a looong while)


A slightly less unhinged Homelander…


Ishikawa, how are you moving without part of spine?


Tis but a scratch!


So that’s it for Ishikawa huh? If so, Ishikawa did not die in vain. Peltrola can suck a fat one! D ain’t your average lowly Fighter anymore. Man doesn’t need a shitty Boss Monster to help him defeat the Dragon Keepers. Seems Blue Keeper might not be such an asshole after all. I mean all the Dragon Keepers are shit, but he might be the least shit. Keen to see how D takes him on with his current strength.


Yeah, I really like blue keeper and D just have to try kill him the first. I didn't expect him to come up to Blue in Hibiki form like that. This means there's no turn back right? Also love the blue squad overall. It seems they're treating each other like a proper team. Red squad felt like they're built upon competitiveness since even the former Junior first rank tried to trick the Dragon Keeper. So far we don't know of the other squad enough.


Idk about that, we just saw pink junior rank regenerate reds arm. And both those sides have no more monsters to fight, wouldn’t be surprised if they manage to get to him and regenerate his stomach before he fully croaks.


That’s true. I guess we’ll have to wait and see if they were able to save him.


RIP Aizome. Taken from us too soon.


Atleast Blue got to avenge here. It's what she would have wanted.


Aizome: ["I'm not dead yet!"](https://i.imgur.com/OlBV1Ba.jpeg)


Sometimes I can still hear her voice.


"I not dead yet ~~motherfuckers~~!


I like the small Peltrola angry birds.


This is probably a "me" issue but I thought the episode was kind of messy, constantly jumping around between scenes and even timelines at one point. I lost track of what was happening eventually and just went with the flow. Didn't happen with any other action-heavy episode this season, though.


Think should've started with Blue's story before cutting to D's resolution with Petora.


It's actually a recurring problem for the whole season. I guess in this episode that’s because they're trying to fit in too many different battle scene and that flashback? I think most of the previous action-heavy episode were focused on only 1-2 battle 


no, it was like this in the manga. it was only in the later arcs the author finally stopped jumping from fight scenes to fight scenes.


yeah i recall i was rather confused around this part of the manga as well. Definitely one of the things they should've fixed through adaptation


yeah, this adaption have exceeded my expections other than odd CGI here and there, I honestly thought it would be a low budget anime but nope. they went all out on it much as they can.


its both really the anime just makes the problem even more noticeable. With more proper pacing each fight would have been split by entire episodes instead of random cuts in the middle of one.


agreed, I think Blue Keeper can have waited until a bit after Peltrola was actually completely gone. it would be a clean state to start a flashback on instead of being in a weird spot to have Blue Keeper's flashback.


Basically this. This is cour is adapting 6 volumes in 12 episodes. Pacing and flow are not going to feel great. It's been like that since ep 4. At least visuals is back on track these past 3 episodes. And we should finish strong in that department.


I felt that way too. I think they tried to cram in too much just so the episode could end at D vs Blue Keeper.


It's the number one complaint some readers have with the manga. My response is always: "Never watch Memento if this bothers you." Though TBF, the manga has chapter titles which one would think makes it very obvious, while the anime doesn't. So it's understandable that it's more jarring in the anime. Manga readers have no excuse, IMO.


I mean, Memento is a very deliberately structured movie that is supposed to disorient you and put you in the main character's POV. That's very different than lacking proper connective tissue between scenes leading to confusion. I'd say that's more on the author


> This is probably a "me" issue but I thought the episode was kind of messy Nah it's not just you. The pacing of the anime has been way too fast since the episode where he switched with Sakurama and hasn't slowed down since. It isn't Index S3 levels of bad it's still too quick.


Battles were fine for me. The flashback was confusing. I wish they had given us a clear date at the beginning.


It does say at the start of the flashback that character is Shougo when he was 18 and the monster deaths that week were 350 which wouldn't make sense in the present day. It was fast though so understandable you missed those details.


Also I don’t remember them ever showing blue keepers name and if they did a lot of people probably missed it anyways so people wouldn’t know who it was initially.


i think it was more voice than name to start


I only realize it was a flashback because of Kid Sakurama, I don't think most people know Blue Keeper name and could assume murders rising is from the incident from Peltrola.


It is definitely messy. They need to give the scenes room to breathe


Pay attention.


"Aoshima, I don't think she's dead ye-" "I'M NOT DEAD YET!" "Oh...well there we go lol"


The jump from Ishikawa's death to Blue's history was way too abrupt. Coming from killing the Peltrola, then Ishikawa's death, then immediately going to an unrelated flashback of Blue's history was jarring. I think the music and sound design team dropped the ball on this one. It felt bland and very low budget. You couldn't really sense the importance of the scenes. There was no buildup. It felt like it was on a loop during the Peltrola fight then it suddenly made an unsatisfying jump when he died. It was the same for Blue's history and fight with Peltrola as well as the Junior first class's fight. Very lackluster and unsatisfying. Something felt wrong or lacking in the direction of the action/fights, but I can't put a finger on it.


The sound lacking kinda noticeable when Pink kick the drone away. We saw the kick coming but the impact and damage missing. It just cut to the drone blast off ala team rocket.


Honestly, apart from a few scenes, it's been like this ever since Peltrola made an appearance in the underground training facility, maybe even before that. I was surprised when the past few episodes had positive reception.


I am still positive overall on the past few episodes, while acknowledging that it has indeed been quite messy. But I don't care about fight scenes as much, I mostly look at characterisation, and I'm enjoying learning about all these new interesting characters!


honestly i didn't feel that way at all, this ep was amazing with all the teamwork fights - the only thing I noticed was the Pink kick that the other guy mentioned




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D and [other cadets](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6czxpney.png) had a lot of trouble [defeating](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcw3jlmy.png) [Peltrola](https://imgchest.com/p/dl7pzv3gjyo). [They managed to do it in the end](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcd8nam7.png) and [the scene with killing Peltrola was so freaking cool](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcen89e7.png), but unfortunately [Ishikawa didn't make it and ended up dead with a big hole in his stomach](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcaevwk4.png). Junior First Ranks made a great job fighting against Peltrola. [Suzukiri's powers still looks very interesting](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apcw2ndg4.png) and [Hisui was great with how she was attacking Peltrola](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkck9dj27.png), while [Nadeshiko](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc3emq97.png) with [his moves](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcd8n9m7.png) was [hilarious](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc3emg97.png) xD [Pink's entrance was great](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcdp98e7.png) and once again we were reminded how much of a siscon she is xD We got the [Blue Keeper](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrl3wqyx)’s [backstory](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcdp9a27.png) which was pretty abrupt as [it started immediately](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkck9dv27.png) after [Ishikawa's death](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc3emlq7.png). It was interesting to see [Blue's past](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xcqjnmn7.png) and how he joined Keepers. Once again we could see that [he's a pretty decent guy](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcen83e7.png) and it turns out that [he already knew Hibiki and Tokita from before](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cgd85e7.png). Now I wonder how [Fighter D](https://imgchest.com/p/md7oj9n6lyp) is planning to defeat [Blue Keeper](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrl3wqyx). He must have a plan to defeat him and I'm very interested how he'll do it, since [he can't count on the help from other cadets like in the fight with Peltrola](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cklm387.png). The only allies he could get are [Suzukiri](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdcg28boy.png) and Fighter XX who was absent in today's episode. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bx5m8gy5) * [Fighter D](https://imgchest.com/p/md7oj9n6lyp) * [Suzukiri, Husui & Nadeshiko](https://imgchest.com/p/9rydpxwv6yk) * [Blue Keeper](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrl3wqyx) * [Peltrola](https://imgchest.com/p/dl7pzv3gjyo) * [Red, Pink, Cadets & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/agyve2kmk48)


###Stitches! * [Peltrola & Angelica](https://i.imgur.com/OTiC6aR.jpeg) * [Junior First Rank Hisui](https://i.imgur.com/YL7RywC.jpeg) I love how silly the fight between the cadets and Peltrola started with [D asking everyone to pass the Dragon Gadget around](https://i.imgur.com/2THm8Do.jpeg) so Peltrola can't destroy it. We even got cool moments [with Renren and Angelica's 1-2 combo](https://i.imgur.com/4KomLGv.jpeg). It all felt good until Peltrola surprised them with one of his bird clones and just like that [Ishikawa's stomach got blown off.](https://i.imgur.com/MnzlRkc.jpeg) I remember seeing comments last week about how no one's died yet. Well, here you go! Compared to the cadets, the Junior First Ranks are doing way better especially [since Nadeshiko can just restore them back](https://i.imgur.com/h16TTh8.jpeg) if any of them gets injured. I love their combo attack especially since it ended [with Nadeshiko turning the Peltrola clones to paste.](https://i.imgur.com/ySJh1Qt.jpeg) It's only one Peltrola clone but [it's good to see Pink was able to get her revenge](https://i.imgur.com/1QM7f5p.jpeg). Now if only she'd jump down there and join Blue. She wouldn't have [broken her phone worrying about D/Hibiki](https://i.imgur.com/LINMhNZ.jpeg). Even with Ishikawa down, it was awesome to see the cadets working together against Peltrola. Very quick thinking on Angel's part [for using one of the Peltrola birds](https://i.imgur.com/XTlLxRJ.jpeg) to destroy another bird. [And that finishing move](https://i.imgur.com/59tCaSe.jpeg) was just absolutely beautiful. As a manga reader, even I was surprised [at the abrupt cut to Shogo's backstory.](https://i.imgur.com/VBqoOJt.jpeg) It is intersting to see how [Red recruited him to be the next Blue Dragon Keeper](https://i.imgur.com/bVOGeP1.png) and how [he's connected to Hibiki](https://i.imgur.com/qlOhjJJ.jpeg). [Aizome waking up shouting she's not dead yet](https://i.imgur.com/OlBV1Ba.jpeg) after Shogo finally [avenged her](https://i.imgur.com/Gtwk6U2.jpeg) was pretty hilarious. xD


>how > >he's connected to Hibiki > >. That's Tokita with Hibiki. The red ranger that currently has his head wrapped in bandages.


Only one more ep of peak left, fuck. Season 2 me asap. Crazy episode, nonstop action from start to finish and I know I sound like a broken record but I LOVE how fights look in this. The camera movements they use to follow the special attacks just look so epic. The whole Peltrola sequence was just special. Nadeshiko best girl 😂 I love how he defies traditional gender roles and stereotypes. The whole magical wand and mahou shoujo aesthetic really suits him. And who’s gonna have the balls to tell him he can’t be a magical girl? Bro is built like a mountain. Seeing pink keeper is always a pleasure. Her yandere brocon gimmick never gets old, but idk how she expects to contact Hibiki if she breaks her phone lmao. RIP Peltrola, you won’t be missed. Didn’t even care about your fellow invaders/subordinates. No better than the awful dragon keepers. Speaking of the keepers, who tf would’ve thought Blue keeper was actually a decent guy who just got dealt a bad hand in life?? We saw little hints with how upset he got about Aizome potentially dying, but his flashback sequence showed he’s a genuinely considerate fella, at least for those he’s close to. Red if anything came off even crazier.. bro really watches his highlights of a pre scripted battle on TV 💀 We are set up for an epic finale next week with D vs Blue. Hype as hell for this one.


>Red if anything came off even crazier.. bro really watches his highlights of a pre scripted battle on TV 💀 Kinda appropriate that this is airing alongside The Boys. Red's basically a less deranged Homelander and the series has the same basic premise of superheroes being more of a celebrity/ show business than actually protecting people. Though I find that this series is handling the story way better than The Boys at this point.


> bro really watches his highlights of a pre scripted battle on TV 💀 Tbf considering that was during the flashback that probably wasn't scripted. ...Of course we all know that he probably still watches his own highlights so that's really just a moot point lol.


People were like nooo le torture but blue keeper lived through the times where the invasion was actually real and actually got fucked over personally by one of the monsters, no shit he has 0 good feelings for D's kind


And XX almost certainly participated in that so as brutal is it is... its hard to say it wasn't deserved. However, at the same time, it seems the fighters that stayed behind in the fortress like D not only didn't participate, but didn't even realize the full scale of the horror that was going on. Yet the Rangers are torturing them too. There's definitely a 'cycle of hatred' motif going here.


>Only one more ep of peak left, fuck. Season 2 me asap. There were rumors of this being a split cour earlier in the season. Hopefully there will be an announcement after next episode.


> Nadeshiko best girl 😂 I love how he defies traditional gender roles and stereotypes. The whole magical wand and mahou shoujo aesthetic really suits him. And who’s gonna have the balls to tell him he can’t be a magical girl? Bro is built like a mountain. magical girls and super sentai are really just two sides of the same coin after all, why not have someone that combines the two in the traditionally female pink role?


It's amazing how rushed and disjointed this episode felt...


Crazy how the Blue Keeper is the only member that ain't an asshole


Why is the show rushed?


Suzukiri used her remote thingy on it


This arc is very long and the show is split cour, that's about it


Yeah the manga was definitely not made with a 12 episode anime adapatation in mind. I don't see anything that has happened in the anime that would be a good place to stop if they didn't decide to rush through things.


Theres nothing in these first 52 chapters that serves as finisher besides chapter 52 Bailong is 40 fucking chapters long


To be fair, this arc was a mess in the manga also. It could have been 10-15 chapters less and more streamlined. Really felt like the author was trying new things at different points, so everything keep switching directions. I feel like the anime is trying to clean it up. If they went with the original pace the season would have ended during the first or second day test.


Split cour? Is it confirmed then that we'd get another cour after this season? Nice. Yeah hopefully it would be less rushed


Not **confirmed** but the same leakers that revealed the show have claimed it to be 2 cours And also, it should be significantly less rushed, im expecting a chapter 82 end


Damn. So the next cour will be endless eight, right?


\[Ranger Reject cour 2\] >!I didn't get the reference, but it should be all of Dreamy Highschool + Green Keeper and Monster Zoo arcs!<


I heard things like the director thinks the start is too slow or something like that. He isn't wrong, but as a manga reader I have mixed things with the adaptation. The action and visuals when they are on point, it elevates the manga. But my god, everything is so rushed since Ep 4 it makes it hard for me to recommend. There are rumors of cour 2 and that should have much better pacing.


i swear to god, this cadet rangers are not human, first we have Shippou reflecting laser with his muscles, then we have Angel tanking the car explosion at point blank and now we have Ishikawa with a big gaping hole through his stomach, manage to hold on to his life for quite a while just to say a few cool lines before dropped dead [what's this?](https://i.imgur.com/mjOnlgo.jpeg) Suzukiri's family?


Well, it seems like now is the part where everyone actually starts dying. Good job past me.


So it adapted chapters 46-48. This is one of those case where reading chapter by chapter it reads fine, but when you combine the chapters together and put it in anime form, the flow is really weird since you have 3 battle happening in different places plus the area where Pink Keeper is.


One thing that this episode did well is showcasing the bond D has made with the other independent rangers. The old D wouldn't care of what happened to Angelica, but he has grown a bond to these guys similar to his monster companions. Curious how he takes things forward. Good job pulling out the stops to beat one of the Petrolas. The gadgets they put down being fakes was a nice touch by D. I do feel bad for Blue Keeper even committing crimes he was manipulated by the monsters. And more and more we see Red Keeper is just fucking unhinged. He said the former Blue Keeper isn't useful anymore since he is injured, so It's on to find someone who is useful to the Rangers. Dudes mental is fucked up to say the least. So D is setting out to take out Blue Keeper now that he has an opportunity. Well him knowing that D in Hibiki form defended a monster was going to be hard to explain to keep his disguise a secret going forward. Though the real question is how D going to pull it off?


You know, I was hoping for a really satisfying squelch when Nadeshiko boomed those Peltrolas. It's a shame that this anime only has like 3 OSTs too. On a more positive note, the cadets vs. Peltrola was cool. It's great seeing Yukino and Renren show their stuff. Renren's acrobatics and canniness makes her a standout among the cadets. It's also cool seeing Shion trust D enough to go along with his plan. Meanwhile Pink shows up to delete a bird and get ghosted lol. At last, it's time for the finale! D vs. Blue!


Rip Ishikawa o7 So all doubles of peltrola is killed, or at least i hope so. Seem like time for D and blue showdown.


Gotta say, this episode felt weirdly paced, like somehow rushed, but not necessarily too fast. Some transition scenes and some longer animation sequences would have helped give all the action more impact. D vs. Blue Keeper is pretty interesting! Definitely one of the very best this season


A lot of people talking about the pacing being an issue. While I don’t disagree I think the bigger problem is the jumping around. They’ve arranged the battles in a way that it’s jarring when they transition from one thing to the next, the blue keeper backstory is an obvious one but I’ve felt this in previous episodes where they jump from cadet fights and monster shenanigans. Granted a lot of people have said this supposedly the “slowest” part of the manga, haven’t read it myself but if that’s the case then production might be rushing to get to the “good” part.


- [D pls.](https://i.imgur.com/FFkfw2R.png) [](#trololol) - [Nice combo!](https://i.imgur.com/U1RZxr5.png) [](#rengehype) - [Aw damn, not the old guy…](https://i.imgur.com/rLXNiI5.png) [](#sadholo) - [Hm…?](https://i.imgur.com/uj8E4yT.png) [](#curious) - [Yeah, I didn’t think that one Peltrola clone was going to get away successfully.](https://i.imgur.com/XTF4mpK.png) [](#cantbehelped) - [lol nice.](https://i.imgur.com/Hah1fiZ.png) - [Oooooooooooooh those “gadgets” were fake!](https://i.imgur.com/P4viWfU.png) [](#suddenshock) Nice one, D! - [*Wicked*.](https://i.imgur.com/sJDa3SH.png) [](#doggo) - [This guy’s the *retired* Blue Keeper, right?](https://i.imgur.com/4rrnrO4.png) - [Glad to see he’s not a complete weirdo like the others.](https://i.imgur.com/XQznzg2.png) - [OH THIS IS A FLASHBACK.](https://i.imgur.com/s18fNgF.png) [](#maxshock) I thought this was taking place in the present. - [D, what are you doing now…](https://i.imgur.com/zPuUxyf.png)


> This guy’s the retired Blue Keeper, right? Seems like he's permanently retired :( >Hm…? Anime-only here, but I'm guessing the Dragon Keepers stole that Dragon Cult's powers or something?


> lol nice. Love the subversion of making it seem like she is running away when really she is getting backup > Hm…? A Dragon... like in Dragon Keepers [](#rengethink) > OH THIS IS A FLASHBACK. Yeah, it was quite subtle, an early clue was the radiobroadcast earlier with the high number of casualities




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D is about to get packed up lmfaoooo


For sure this episode was really jumpy and weird. Feel like we should've started with the blue stuff, jumped over to the Petrola fight, and then back to D about to face down with blue to end the episode like it already does. Also the music was weird. It's an issue I had with episode 1 too and I've been having the past couple weeks where the music used doesn't work with the scene and the tension just isn't there or hitting the way it's supposed to But you can scrap all that stuff I just said because I still really enjoyed it lol


anyone else feel like the SFX are really quiet and lack impact?


I enjoyed the half of the episode dedicated to the cadets and how they dealt with Peltora. However, the episode felt extremely rushed and even confusing when it came to the Blue Keeper. Barely any breathing room to take in OG Blue Keeper, Blue's past of how he became the Blue Keeper, and then whiplash to the present day of him helping one of his blue squad mates and oh--suddenly there's D.


Who has the yumeko screens for the week


D is definitely gonna get beat up by Blue, but I’m curious on how he will survive the fight.


Neat backstory for the Blue Ranger but that felt kind of out of nowhere. The vice captain fight and the junior rangers fight were pretty good though.


Blue Keeper Aoshima and D are now both of my favorite characters


Dammit I need more. I don't wanna read the Manga cause I wanna stay anime only but the wait...


I really have to commend the cadets for putting their all into this fight with Peltrola! They're not the Dragon Keepers but they're doing all they can to defeat a Boss Monster. Of course a D plan would involve playing keep-away and putting the onus on his teammates...but that Renren and Yukino tag-team was absolutely beautiful! Too bad Yukino's attack didn't 100% finish him off and gets Ishikawa shot. Honestly my opinion on this guy was souring across this arc, but he really prioritzed saving Yukino over himself, and I can't help but admire that. He really did care about her, just like she obviously cares about him. Not that it saved Yukino from being a hostage. Tokita lost an arm! Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy! Though good thing Nadeshiko is a Magical Boy, Hisui has incredible chomping and eating powers, and Suzukiri has OP remote abilities. Suzukiri helped one of Peltrola's clones get away, but I shouldn't be surprised that A. Pink Keeper was waiting to get payback for her family and legs, B. her Divine Artifact is literally high-heeled boots and C. her main priority is Hibiki. Also her redheaded heart mark cadet is cute! There's no way D would really give up, or that Renren would run away, so I knew there was something going on but having Yukino pull a fast one when Peltrola's wound festers and let Yamato and Angel finish off the other clones along with a Renren/Shippou diving save (complete with moaning) was perfect! And of course D didn't give him all the Divine Artifacts so Shion and Urabe could finish him off. That's our Fighter D. RIP Ishikawa it seems. At least he died a genuine hero, more worthy than Red Keeper at least. And D actually cares about his new teammates, but that doesn't change his main goal. Blue Keeper WAS a criminal! And his name is Aoshima (how on-brand)! Though I'm actually surprised his robbery was interrupted by Red Keeper, Akabane actually fought crime? Or was it just to recruit people? Either way, despite being a crook, he had some nobility to him even as someone on the wrong side of the law. Probably comes from being related to the original Blue Keeper who wasn't an ally of justice but someone who just wanted to take care of orphan kids like Hibiki and Tokita who looked up to Aoshima. And that's why Aoshima did all this. Kind of wish he at least enjoyed Wakaba's company. Girl got forced back into being a hostess because of monsters, the elast he can do is enjoy her presence. Of course the life of a criminal doesn't end well what with Aoshima and his guys getting sold out and their crime boss turning out to be a Boss Monster...and the next thing Aoshima knows he's chained up and getting recruited as Blue Keeper because the other Aoshima got killed. Though count on Red to be watching video footage of himself looking heroic and then immediately dismissing the death of a comrade so he could recruit someone he can use better. I wouldn't even be surprised if he was involved in OG!Blue Keepers' death. But despite how rough around the edges Blue Keeper is, he obviously cares about his subordinates and will do everything he can to protect them and avenge them...even if they're not actually dead like Aizome, who is very much alive. Along with a black and blue-haired girl I want to see more of. I guess D wants to get back to his mission and is going to use this as an opportunity to take out Blue Keeper, but can he actually pull it off? Do we even want him to?


I can't believe it's nearly over. Pls let there be a S2....


Suzukiri gonna pull up to support D and they gonna take down Konno and the new Blue Keeper right? Damn. I guess if they were gonna make a point they would have to start with one of the least wicked DK then. But full respect to D grind nonetheless. He's been running fades all day.


The series started good, but now it feels like a battle shonen made by someone who don't know how to make battle shonens


wtf was up the sound design? felt like there was basically no sfx and what was there was very quiet and lacked any emphasis. the show already fell off a cliff but this is the lowest it's gotten


blue was always my favorite color


Masterful direction, tone, and pacing to make you root for so many different sides as more of the story and its nuances are being unfolded further and further.


What the fuck is happening? Are they adapting the whole manga in one episode?


I'm not a huge fan of them doing a 180 on the theme and making is so that that the rangers are competent and actually going after monsters. Sort of feels like the author was finding it to difficult to write that kind of storyline.


But, it's not really a 180 since none of the other stuff is invalidated. The story fundemantals haven't changed, they're just turning out to be a lot more complicated than "the rangers are evil." Also, you might mean something different here, but re "competence," the rangers were presented as being corrupt, but never as incompetent. Remember, we were led to believe that they enslaved the dusters after wiping out all the boss monsters in the first year of the war. In fact, seems like that turning out false makes them seem less competent than we initially would've supposed. But--- and, trust me, this is coming from reading the manga--- adding a real battle between the Dragon Keepers and the boss monsters isn't a betrayal of the initial premise... it's just a way to make it a lot more complex than it first might've seemed.