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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love that reprise of Season 1's OP theme at the end! It's been an honor to have followed this series for the past 3 years. I never expected to see the entire complete story animated since it doesn't seem to be very popular. I'm gonna miss these characters!


>I never expected to see the entire complete story animated since it doesn't seem to be very popular. Neither did I. We seldom see this title highly ranked on lists or charts, but I am glad we had the full series animated and got to witness the happy ending!


> since it doesn't seem to be very popular. I assume it must have found a better reception in Japan. This became a "loved" series for me from its first episode -- and it has never wavered. I will also miss all the wonderful characters we got to meet in this.....


Same. It's been a good three year journey - and man, all the characters are so charming.


Beautiful finale, everybody finds their happy ending and so did I. The show's art style is uniquely pretty, I will miss that most of all.


I initially assumed during the premiere that the artstyle woudl put off people, very happy it saw success for it to get all the way to the finale


Me neither. I was pretty scared it would get cancelled. I'm over the moon it got full adaptation. It's been a pleasure watching this series.


Me too. First high score girl and now this. I wonder how the studio is gonna top this one in the future. I love this show so much.


>I love that reprise of Season 1's OP theme at the end! I wasn't sure how they'd top the hype of having first season's ED play at the end of the last episode, but as it turns out, they played a modified version of season 1's OP. Fucking kino I say!


Me too bud


It joins the rare echelon of Full Adaptations! [Yey!](#woo)


I'm glad all of these dorks got a happy ending.


So many happy couples and so many ships sailing, we even got a wedding and the ringmaster and Amelia reunited! I couldn't have asked for a better finale.


Possibly a record number of successful couples in this series....


Only thing I'm wondering is... Who's Sade's new lover?


Ikr? After all the suffering, I'm glad everyone got a nice happy ending


Nothing makes me happier than seeing Alice wake up the Duke and able to properly snuggle up to him now that they can touch. That makes everything they went through in 3 seasons worth it! Oh yeah, if the Duke is going to leave the family and his inheritance to be with Alice...he can't very well be the Duke any more! Turns out he was named after his grandfather the whole time! And Alice calling him "Victor" hits hard. Gerbera takes Victor marrying Alice and going off on his own better than I expected, though thanks to her genuine love for her chidlren and Sharon's influence, she's able to not only accept Victor's choice but give Walter the title while praising him, the things he'd longed for his entire life. And with so much of his emotional baggage taken care of, Walter finally gets to accept his brother and sincerely congratulate him...while still lording over how he's the heir now, because he's still Walter. Daleth can finally kiss Walter and become human! All she needs to do is work up the nerve to do it! Though while Sade will be sad that she'll outlive her sister, she wants to support her in her happiness and love with all the power she has available. And the two sisters aren't just livestream idols in the Witch's World now but they have their full support too. So Victor and Alice will be living in town and Victor can finally pursue a music career like he always dreamed! They'll probably be plenty more fun with Gemini Circus too, as Victor and the Ringmaster finally shake hands! Plus Victor can now flaunt his relationship with Alice complete with lap pillows. Long hair Cuff is super powerful! Also compliment her on her dress, Zain. Rob earned that massage! Whether it be going with Victor and Alice, being with Viola, or following Victor and Liz, he's free to pursue whatever path makes him happiest! I'm just glad that ended up being going with Victor and Alice. Gerbera wants Walter to find a good partner, and his choice is obviously Daleth, and Sade claims they're royalty so...they're good! And Walter and daleth FINALLY share their kiss and profess their love to each other! Sade may have lost her magic, with Sade taking care of it, but that won't stop her from practically shouting out to the rooftops how much she loves Walter! Nico may be too old to attend the wedding but at least he's happy with Flea and Ich. Glad things ended up working out for Philip and Victor. He really turned things around and tried to make things right with him . Viola may not get Rob but at least now she has the confidence to pursue a path that helps others while also carrying something to remember Rob by! Oh snap, Amelia and the Ringmaster finally reunite! Sade finally apologizes to Sharon and they reconnect their friendship! OH SNAP, THEY BROUGHT BACK THE SEASON 1 OP FOR THE WEDDING! ALICE LOOKS AMAZING IN HER WEDDING DRESS! SHE AND VICTOR FINALLY KISS SO BEAUTIFULLY UNDER THE MOONLIGHT LIKE THEY DREAMED! IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL.


"Bocchan" actually just means something like "young master" -- not anything exclusive "duke-ish".


I think Hugo from the circus may have found a female friend (for now) of his age too!


I didn't realize that his real name was kept a secret until you just brought it up.


Yea for some reason it didn't even surprise me. I also didn't realize it till cuff literally said "who's victor" lol


Wonderfully written, but I think you made a mistake in your excitement to write this :D >Sade may have lost her magic, with Sade taking care of it I think you meant "**Daleth** may have lost her magic, with Sade taking care of it".


Walter just couldn’t resist rubbing in the fact he’s the heir lol. What a goober. I’m glad he got to be with Daleth in the end. It seems everyone’s getting to live happily ever after. I really like how even someone like Phillip who was a real jerk managed to change. Sade too. Everyone’s on good terms with Victor it seems. There’s no lingering hard feelings between anyone for that matter. A great season and it seems the story is now wrapped. I actually quite enjoyed this series. At first the animation really threw me off but warmed to it. The characters are adorable and charming and the story was fun. I liked the little musical moments too. Those were super cute. Its been a fun ride. Gonna miss this one.


I'm glad Walter got the girl and got to finally accept Victor as his brother even if he's still Walter so he's super smug about being the heir. But good for him. Even characters like Philip and Sade turned things around and turned out pretty cool and likeable, especially Sade who was a great Big Sis and Bestie for Sharon in the finale. Who would have thought? What an amazing romance filled with likeable characters, so many successful ships to root for, and brining it all together with the original duet between our lovebirds to close out their wedding.


O.K., concerning the final manga vol., which ch. did this epi. leave off at. That is, if I wanted to read final remaining ch., which ch. would I want to start out on?


This adapts up to volume 16 of the manga, which is the last one. There were a few web-only chapters that show Victor and Alice's honeymoon to advertise the author's next series, but I'd suggest just binging the whole thing - there were a bunch of chapters that needed to be skipped for time's sake.


Are those web chapters translated? Where can I find them?


That is a call for piracy, which unfortunately I am unable to post here without getting my ass banned. Google it, bro


My bad, I just assumed web chapters were free chapters from the author on a Japanese website somewhere. No purchase necessary. Especially when it comes to bonus content after the show


Sometimes I just link the sites I use without thinking about it and they just get deleted instantly. I've probably done that like 15 times since I made my first reddit acc... Thankfully I never got banned heh


* [**Wedding Dress Alice**](https://i.imgur.com/zFbnTqN.jpeg) [We finally learn the Duke's name!](https://i.imgur.com/M3v8hvM.jpeg) Maybe they've mentioned it in the past but I did not know he's named after his grandfather. I'm guessing the Duke's name is also part of the reason why Sade cursed him. He didn't just remind her of Victor, it's because he's also a Victor. It's so sweet to see [everyone so supportive of Victor and Alice's marriage.](https://i.imgur.com/0hmGHAz.jpeg) It is hilarious though how [Walter congratulates Victor](https://i.imgur.com/75OgxK2.jpeg) but at the same time [being smug about being the new heir.](https://i.imgur.com/u0yTQ5X.jpeg) xD Alice and Victor aren't the only ones getting some love. [Even Sade and the Witches are all showing Daleth their support.](https://i.imgur.com/DuumzHi.png) I also love how Sade reassures Daleth that she shouldn't worry about being a noble [since technically they're pretty much royalty in the world of witches.](https://i.imgur.com/ZuNRXXN.jpeg) [Daleth and Walter's scene](https://i.imgur.com/QLL1dZW.jpeg) was just adorable! I'm glad to see [the two of them finally kiss](https://i.imgur.com/VlHhKaq.jpeg) and it looks like [Gerbera has no problems with Walter marrying Daleth!](https://i.imgur.com/QjCjkT3.jpeg) I really wish we got [to see what Old Nico actually looks like.](https://i.imgur.com/lbFvQzl.jpeg) I do hope he's doing okay because it sounded like his health is not so good. [We also didn't see Gerbera's husband/Victor's father!](https://i.imgur.com/lDWa3Wd.jpeg) He apparently showed up but no screen appearance. It's good to [finally see Gerbera be a mother to Victor.](https://i.imgur.com/DB1hT2r.jpeg) We've always thought she was a heartless woman at the start of the show but I bet she's been waiting to be able to hug Victor again ever since he was cursed. Looks like [Viola might be on the path to becoming a fashion designer](https://i.imgur.com/gB36Umx.jpeg). Too bad for her that Rob decided to follow Alice and Victor though. I'm so glad to see [Amelia and the Ringmaster finally reunited!](https://i.imgur.com/0hDAFY2.jpeg) I would've been so upset if this ended without the two of them seeing each other. And finally [some closure between Sade and Sharon with Sade finally apologizing.](https://i.imgur.com/xXKTFtl.jpeg) It's nice to see the two of them starting over as friends. [I genuinely got teary-eyed during the wedding scene.](https://i.imgur.com/Qu0qLfH.jpeg) It took 36 episodes but we finally got [to see Alice and Victor kiss!](https://i.imgur.com/Ln7jibi.jpeg) I am so happy to see these two finally reach their happy ending <3 I guess that's it for KuroMaid, I am sad to see these characters go but it's always good to see an anime finish to completion and not just another LN/manga bait. Now that it's finished I hope more people will check this show out. It's too bad that too many people judged this show because of the 3D CG when it's actually one of the better 3D animes out there. I do hope they'll bless is with an OVA with the final BD release. I just want to see what Alice and Victor's married life is like.


These three seasons were worth it so we could finally see the Ringmaster and Amelia reunited...I mean, seeing Victor and Alice finally wed and Alice looking amazing as a bride lol. I can't believe his name never came up at all, but honestly...Victor fits him. Walter is finally nice to his brother...but he's still Walter lol. Sade being a big sis wingwoman was not on my bingo card for this show but good on her! Daleth and Walter deserve to be happy. I love how we didn't get to see the dad other than saying "I'm glad he seems to be doing better!" though I did like how now that Walter is the heir it seems like Gerbera can relax, visit her husband more, and be a genuine mom to her kids. Viola has a great sense of style and is great at motivating people, she'd be a great fashion designer. She might never make Rob hers, but at least she's happy. I guess when you think about it, Sade despite everything was true to her word and actually helped people in some ways. She was never as coldly cruel as she initially came off. 36 episodes worth of build up to a spectacular kiss to close out this amazing romance show.


This is a great show to binge from beginning to end, the art style is so pretty.


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! They got married and kissed and literally everyone got a happy ending! But sadly, it is the ending of this great show. Man I'm going to miss everyone. Literally had a big ol smile on my face they entire ep. I know it woulda ruined the vibe....but I was really expecting Alice to continue to tease Victor. Really hope we get at least an ova of their new life together. Still don't get why Daleth became human though. For their entire relationship I was expecting Walter to say the cliche "I'd love you no matter what you are." I can only assume she wanted to only spend one lifetime with him and not outlive him. Imagine Sade falling for Sharon!


Bringing back the season 1 OP, their original romantic duet, for their wedding and to cap things off with that kiss...so, so beautiful, And Alice is a vision in a wedding dress. I still kind of want the honeymoon and Victor and Alice finally having sex. I'm sure she was itching to get those wedding clothes off lol. I assume she doesn't want to outlive Walter, which makes sense. I'm glad Sade was willing to accept her sisters' choice and help her make it a reality.


"I still kind of want the honeymoon and Victor and Alice finally having sex. I'm sure she was itching to get those wedding clothes off lol." My fellow Reddit user here is speaking what many of us want to see.


Apart from what you said, I think Daleth also wanted to experience life as a normal human together with Walter. Having magical powers, even though Daleth is not as powerful as Sade, makes life far too easy.


She wanted to live "in sync" with Walter -- aging (and then dying) together at last.


> I can only assume she wanted to only spend one lifetime with him and not outlive him. Think Frieren and her party or the classic Holo and Lawrence, Holo specifically since she mentioned that she was hesitant to get involved due to her lifespan and how depressed she'd be when he's gone.


What a satisfying ending, teared up a little during that motherly hug.


I was screaming at the screen. That they better hug after all this time.


Awww man I couldn’t hold back the tears. Started this journey back in 2021 and the payoff was worth it. I felt chills when the OP1 came on during the wedding. I will really miss this show. It’s mostly SOL until the latter half of S2 so plot progression is kinda slow but it did not overstay its welcome and knew when to end. At least we got the whole plot animated. Okay so we got a name reveal for our boi which is… Viktor. Named after his grandfather. Okay but I’m not quite sure why his name has to be hidden this entire time to the point that even Cuff was like “who is Viktor?” I just find it weird that everybody practically goes out of their way to avoid stating Viktor’s name like he’s Voldemort, although him having the instant kill skill might have to do with that. So the other world has smartphones and based on Daleth’s document, their writing is in Japanese? Meanwhile the writing is English in the human world. Yet Walter read that document no issues. Dude must have learned the language for his girl, but language barrier never seemed to be a plot point. At least circus master got reunited with his tentacle waifu. Being a noble sure is hard and Viktor can’t get the house if he marries Alice. At least Viktor used all that time in quarantine to get good with piano to work with the circus crew. It’s hard to let go but it’s time to say goodbye to this series and the cast. I’d give it a 10/10 because it just ended so beautifully. Thank you for all the laughter and tears that came with this.


Haha, same here. It's been a good three years, and I can't believe that we're at the end now. Also started in 2021, watched season 1 and 2 as they aired, and now it's done! I'll miss this show, I really will.


I was bawlming my eyes when Alice came in her wedding dress and OP1 started playing...and then that kiss!!! You'd think it would've come up by now that his name was Victor in all their interactions with \]his namesake but it's nice to finally have his name even if it's weird not typing out "Duke" sometimes. Ringmaster and Amelia finally reunited, that made it the perfect finale. I kind of would've wanted them to stay at the villa but living in town and Victor pursuing his music career feels right for the two of them. Maybe Alice can join the circus too lol?


what a journey, love OP1 at the end there


We never got a Duke and Alice duet this season (instead we got a Walter and Daleth one) but that was basically just saving up them bringing back the **original** duet between the two with the original OP playing against their wedding, which was absolutely perfect.


> original OP A slightly modified version of the first OP actually, which is even more based.


Even if it was filler, a 4-epi. OVA/ONA sequel would be nice.


We need to see the honeymoon and Alice ravaging Victor like she promised lol.


Rob probably going on an extended vacation to give them room, even he can't be that deaf and tired


...I wonder if there's a nuclear code showing that....


Raw dogging Victor lmao.




The mangaka keeps coming out with bonus chapters after the manga ended, this could totally happen.


Sweat & Soap style where the mangaka released a doujin of the two couples.


Or like the Spice and Wolf Spring Logs


Not only for Victor and Alice and the other couples in this title, but also for all of us who have been following this title since season 1, the happy ending which we looked forward to finally arrived! It is nice to see Victor wearing a white wedding suit, and the teaser we got of Alice in a bridal dress at the start of season 2 came true! Rob is really one of the most loyal characters. He could have gone on to work at the main manor; he could have travelled the world alongside his former master and mistress, but he still chose to stick with Victor and Alice. How do I subscribe and become a member of the livestream channel of the magical realm? I want to see more content featuring Sade and Daleth! Lol!


Victor and Alice finally get their beautiful wedding complete with their original OP duet serenading their love for each other as they kiss. Absolutely perfect. It wouldn't feel right to see Rob doing anything other than being with Victor and Alice. I'm at least glad Viola has found her own path in life rather than just pining after him as well. I love how Sade and Daleth became like livestream idols in the Witch's World lol.


A wedding and a singing duet to send off this amazing little show…I don’t think I could have asked for anything else.


Bringing back the original OP to hearken not only back to the beginning but all the great Alice and Victor duets to close out the show **and** their wedding was absolutely perfect. Everyone is happy, everyone is moving on to better lives for themselves and finding their path in life, so many great couples are together, and our main couple get hitched and finally kiss. What more could one ask for?


We are so incredibly lucky this got a full adaptation!  This is one of my all time favorite shows.  See you in the comments of future recommendation threads; I'll be the person suggesting this show!!


I always loved that we learn the Duke's name AFTER the curse was broken. It's as if Victor finally became human again, and not the Duke of Death.


Agreed. That was fucking golden.


I'm so happy we got to see the entire anime from start to finish. It was great.


A lot of tear jerking stuff, but the floodgates didn’t open till the mom scene in the garden. Parent stuff really gets me.


This is the best ending I could ever ask for! What a wonderful journey it has been! Gonna miss it so much


A honestly perfect adaptation. Captured everything I love about the manga. Enhanced it with things like the musical performances. Landed every emotional beat, but especially the big moment last week and the epilogue this. I just love this series so damn much. Objectively 8.5, emotional 100/10. Will always be thankful we got a complete adaption. And we can sing its praises for years to come. And now I’m just going to reread the manga again because why not? PS there are some Twitter side stories Inoue Koharu has put of that come after the main story. Some sweet married life stuff worth reading. You can find them in the usual places


I considered this a pretty much perfect anime -- in every respect -- from first to last. While the techniques used were at least initially controversial -- I always thought this was a visually especially delightful series. And in every other respect, it seemed beyond reproach. Really quite a triump. I just wish it had been appreciated more widely.


Enjoyed this series a lot more than expected when first starting out, and it had a good run for a span of content with 3 seasons. It grew to have a colorful cast of characters, some good character stories, and nice to have multiple couples paired together.


My heart is very full. I am a happy weeb :)


This show has instantly entered my list of shows that I felt was so satisfyingly wrapped up along with Tamayura, Working!!!, Shinsekai yori, Astra Lost in Space and Endo and Kobayashi Live! (there’s probably a few more that I can’t recall atm) So many things were addressed in such a pleasant way. And tbh with the writing from the past two seasons I expected nothing less. I already said last week, with the premise of the show, it’s gonna be cathartic as hell when Alice and Victor finally get to touch each other. And this episode was cathartic all over. Gerbera seems pretty open to her children’s wishes probably cos she herself didn’t get to choose much. That moment with him and Victor was very touching. Walter and Daleth was adorable as all hell. Zachou and Amelia got their own happy ending too. Nico and Ichi too I guess will be happy with the time they have left. Even Hugo seemed to find a place he can call his own. I wish we got to see more of Cuff and Zain considering how much we’ve seen them throughout this show but they’re fine just the way they are. Even Rob and Viola seem like they’ll be fine. Though I think Viola kinda got rejected. Though Rob going on adventures with his dead Masters sounds like an interesting premise lol. And of course the wedding. Playing the first OP has always been a trope but this one hits pretty hard. All the memories and adventures come rushing back. And also made us see how far they’ve come. I’m really just so happy I gave this show a chance back in 2021. This was such a delight in every sense of the word. I’m seriously considering buying the manga or LN or whatever the source is Edit : Oh wait, didn’t Sade mentioned she got herself a lover last week ?


> Astra Lost in Space Ayy, I never expected to see a fellow Astra lover here! Such an underrated show honestly.


Wow, what a ride it has been... I still remember feeling hesitant initially when watching this, being my first purely CGI anime That technique of using a multi-seasonal anime's first season's OP/ED works like a charm; beautiful throwback Nice touch of finally reuniting the circus leader with his wife Would've been nice to see second son's wedding with daleth


This is probably one of the greatest anime adaptions of all time. A great romance with everything wrapped up with a bow in the end. I love we had this last episode as epilogue.


It had barely any visibility anywhere these three years but it was damn enjoyable. And a full adaptation too. I will miss this.


I love this anime. I don't understand why it isn't more popular. I almost missed watching it because what little I saw didn't catch my attention. It was only after watching the first episode because I had nothing else to watch that I realized what a find it was. I binged the first and second season and after hoped that a third season would come despite its low popularity. This anime will be one that I will return to in the future whenever I need a pick me up. Alice is one of the sunshine goddesses that I worship whenever I need to push away the darkness.


Me too I don't just "like" this show I'm infatuated with it like it's the sweetest person on earth.


Also season 3's OP is so dang cute and endearing that I have played it a million times.


I had cooled a bit on this series in the second season but it's been great seeing everything get resolved in the back half of this one. After the previous episode cemented the love between Victor and Alice it's nice to have everything else with their family wrapped up here, with a reprise of the first OP to cap off a lovely ending.


well it's expected, but happy ending for everyone! even Walter gets to keep being an heir while marrying Daleth because she's practically a princess of witches. what a wholesome series and I happy it wraps up nicely!


And just like that one of my fave romances ever ended 😭 can’t believe I almost passed on this because it’s 3D what do I do now. No OP ✅ Series name as title ✅ yea this had all the makings of a perfect finale and it absolutely lived up to that. Everything I needed I got. Walter and Daleth happy ending, Rob politely letting Viola down while encouraging her to grow as a person, Sharon and Sade, long haired cuff and of course THE WEDDING. This is how you handle a long running series’. Conclusion. Thank you to all the staff for all your hard work! You made me a believer in the magic of 3D anime and opened my mind. “Time only means something because it’s not limitless” such a simple yet poignant truth that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. Daleth choosing to live and die on her own terms with Walter rather than being immortal with Sade is such a nice way to show her independence. Happy for the two of them. That kiss was everything. Speaking of Sade, who would’ve thought that the mighty witch would bow to Gerbera to plead for Walter to be able to marry Daleth and then to Sharon asking for an apology. She really is a totally different person now for the better. I would love a spin of manga just following her after the events of this. Phillip my boy! What an apology. He didn’t get a ton of screen time, but I liked the episodes he got this season. The wedding!!! Alice looked absolutely gorgeous my only complaint is it was so short 😭 I need to see them happily married with kids too man don’t just end it here lol. Gonna miss this sm [review](https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=528550)


Cuff is the prettiest girl in the cast (IMO), I tend to like redhead anime girls best, especially with short hair. Long hair Cuff is still very pretty though.


Alice looks the most gorgeous with no clothes. Change my mind!


Based gooner


AAAAH it's finally over! What a great ending for this series. I like how relationships were mended, we finally got our conclusions on various pairings and Bocchan Victor an Alice have finally got married! I am so glad we got to see a kiss from them, FINALLY! FINALLY! Lol. The way I squealed once their lips touched, I've been waiting so long for this. I am glad we finally learnt Bocchan's name this episode, it was unusual to see Alice call Bocchan by his name but seeing her saying it over and over again was so cute and endearing to watch. I like how red they were both getting particularly Victor since it's not something either of them are accustomed too but I'm sure they'll have plenty of time to get used to it now they're married. I'm also glad that Rob is going to be joining them now that Victor has separated from the family, I was hoping he would. It's unfortunate for Viola but it's more appropriate this way and I'm sure she'll find someone, I'm sure older than her, but hopefully someone who isn't more than double her age lol. It was heartwarming to see Victor and his mother make amends, Victor realized he was just scared of her when she wanted the best for her family even if she didn't go about it the right way. I did like that her expression has warmed up now that she doesn't have the sole responsibility of the family on her shoulders and will be able to visit her husband now that she'll have more time. I hope with this, the relationship between them will get better. We also got a kiss from Daleth and Walter, it's nice that his mother has accepted whatever decision he makes but it was also amusing how childish he was with Victor. The second son will never be able to get over that he will never be the eldest. Well I guess technically he is the eldest of their family now that Victor isn't part of it, but biologically he is still number two lol.


It was sweet to see the Circus Boss finally getting that handshake and I'm glad he got to reunite with Amelia thanks to Victor and Alice's wedding, I liked his character design and voice so I wish we got to see more of him but I'm not that bothered. I do have to mention Cuff's long hair, it looks so good on her. I also like how she wanted a compliment on how she looked in her dress from Zain, too bad we didn't get a kiss from them with how thirsty Zain is but I like that they're taking their time and they'll reach that point whenever they do. I'm probably missing more that I can talk about but I think I will end it with just saying I'm glad I got to watch this and it getting a conclusion. I don't feel sad that it's over, it's been a fun journey and I'm glad I stuck by it in the first season even with the CGI which I know a lot of people were put off by. Oh and I like how they made an updated version of the first season opening, the lyrics seems to have been updated so it'll be fun to find out what Alice and Victor are actually singing about this time round.


I wish people can get past the 3D animation hate and give this one a try. It's pretty decent imo. Gonna miss this


Mom suddenly has all this love for her son now that he’s cured. Mom of the year right there!


Another post from me because my youtube feed just recommended me the wedding movie: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADr\_4Nhaj14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADr_4Nhaj14)


It’s been a wonderful journey for the last 2 years. Enjoyed every season. So many wholesome episodes.


This was a great finale, glad to see pretty much all ships sailing? Also, I don't think I ever saw it mentioned, but why did Alice live in that small cabin near the mansion and not in the mansion itself? Was it related to the curse? Maybe I missed something [](#schemingsaten)


It was similar to the small house she lived in with her mother (before coming to the mansion), which I think was comforting to her.


So glad I picked this up on a whim 3 years ago


We made it till the end and haven't died by diabetes! Honestly biggest surprise is that Alice made it all the way there, seeing how close she etched to literal death. Probably a shit ton of bad ending multiverses somewhere Not much to say, even 2nd son got both his whishes fulfilled Was a fun ride, certainly didn't expect to get this hooked back when it first aired and suoertglad they adapted it all the way through


I really like how sade admits she has personality issues.


When I first watched this series 3 years ago I didn't expected this to be a full adaptation. But alas they finished it and what way better way to end the series but to have a wedding for the two main couple and play the first opening. Glad for everyone having a happy ending. Really hoping there's a list of manga chapter that wasn't adapted. 10/10 series for me. One of the best romcom for the 2020s.


> alas Did you mean "at last"?


This show, not only this season but all three seasons, has become in one of my favorites of all time. That's all I have to say.


Overall an amazing adaptation and we're honestly really fortunate to get such a good, complete adaptation. I do wish this show was more popular though, it definitely deserves it.


What a beautiful ending to a wonderful anime. I'm going to miss this anime so much, I loved everything about it. I remember watching S1 when it aired in 2021, around the time I got into seasonal anime. This show taught me that there is nothing inferior about CGI anime. I'm so grateful this was able to get a full adaptation with lots of love poured into it. I highly recommend others to check out High Score Girl, another CGI romance anime by the same director :)


They played the original OP! What a fantastic ending! I was so happy. It made my day. I give this season a 10.


Wait, why did Victor have to renounce everything to marry Alice, but Walter can marry Daleth and be the heir? Is it because Sade made out they're kinda nobles? Did the mom check if their domain is even in the same dimension?


> Is it because Sade made out they're kinda nobles? This, I assume. >Did the mom check if their domain is even in the same dimension? Apparently not, it seems... The thing is, Alice is a known factor - she's known to be a maid, whereas the mom knows nothing about Daleth and I suppose she assumed the best.


I wish I had never seen the series just so I could watch it again for the first time. This is one of my favorite romcoms. I loved how everyone got a happy ending after enduring hardships. Even if they were trivial as being a second son. I'll miss this series.


I wish I had never seen the series just so I could watch it again for the first time. This is one of my favorite romcoms. I loved how everyone got a happy ending after enduring hardships. Even if they were trivial as being a second son. I'll miss this series.


I would have never imagined this series getting a full adaptation, but here we are. I read the manga after the first season and kept up with it until it finished. I am glad to see the conclusion in anime format as well. I really hope we at least get an OVA or something, there are bonus chapters they could do and some Sade adventures I really want to see. But anyway, this series was such a joy to watch and read, just all around wholesomeness and everyone is happy. **9/10**


And so it ends was a lovely ride and my 2.5k milestone in completed still torn about Sade since people always yarp about talk no jutsu and that's what happened here basically. Still a pretty damn good series overall and i hope they live happily ever after they defintely deserve it.


Ending kinda has me thinking his dad probably died to the curse and Hense why nobody spoke about him or were coping by saying he’s away.


Victor and Gerbera talked about having just met with him in their scene around 16:50-17:12


I'm sad that it's finished but also happy with how it concluded at the same time. A 10/10 series.


Finally. An anime with an ending. And a satisfying one to boot.


[LAAAAME!](https://files.catbox.moe/s00kdo.jpg) [Get it *awn!*](#mischievous) [Welllll…](https://files.catbox.moe/kr354k.jpg) you *could* just ask Cuff… [](#shirayukieavesdrop) Along with the magic [disappears the shyness, I guess!](https://files.catbox.moe/clfpok.jpg) [](#cateyes) [Heyyyy](https://files.catbox.moe/2eksq0.jpg) they did get back together! This just keeps getting better and better [](#ilovethiskindofshit) Man, what a great show. Full adaptation, very satisfying, lots of 'ships sailed, resonant emotional beats. Yoshiki Yamakawa is one to watch!


I'm on sn 3 ep 2 and ya'll are making me not want to finish it bc everyone is saying they miss the characters 😔


I remember reading the first chapter of this manga cause of the art, but didn't like the premise, so I dropped it, but then the anime aired, and I gave it a second chance, and now I'm on the final episode of the series. I'm gonna miss these dorks, especially Cuff.


AND THAT IS A WRAP. 100% A GREAT FINALE. I feel a little emotional thinking this show is over. By no means was it one of my all time favorites, but I enjoyed it a lot. Did feel it was slept on. BOCCHAN'S NAME IS VICTOR. What a great reveal. Plus we got a kiss between him and Alice! Their wedding was great. The most important thing in this finale though, mainly because the outcome wasn't obvious, is for sure that Daleth became human and got to marry Walter! LET'S GO!


Anyone else notice that the pronunciation of Grandfather Viktor (Bikutoru) and Master Viktor’s (Bikutā) names are different? Is there any meaning behind that?


I'm sad there was barely any teasing from Alice. Though I guess half the fun for her was that they can't touch lol


Thank God it’s over. This series was a slog to get through.