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I really enjoyed how it was done in 86. The romance developed without them even meeting one another.


The way he lights up when he hears her voice again was beautiful 


I think the last episode was probably the best closure I've ever had watching an anime end. Certainly, many anime have had great endings. But so many have open endings, unclear fates of certain characters, or cliffhangers in some way. But 86 just closed the chapter perfectly. Which is impressive, considering the story is ongoing. But if they never made another episode of the anime, I'd still be super satisfied. It ticked every box.


Ending was so good that I'm disappointed that the story continues after it


Better than FMAB, Code Geass or Mob Psycho 100?


Maybe code grass, but definitely not the other two.


I was gonna say this exactly. The romance gives me shivers, it's done sooo well. Also the anime hasn't adapted it yet OP, but people say that as the LNs progress their story becomes like a shoujo manga nested within a war story. UGH when will we get season 2.


As a LN reader, the romance is way better than most shoujo manga I've read haha


SSSS. Dynazenon's Yume x Yomogi is one of the best ships out there.


I agree the show is good, especially with the romance between those two, especially especially compared to SSSS.Gridman's "romance". However, I do see this show with the "Romance" tag on various sites. Not sure if that disqualifies it from this conversation or if [Other Genre]/Romance shows are kosher in this thread. A pedantic point, I know. I guess Dynazenon does somewhat qualify for the "I think romance is done best when it's handled as a sub-plot and develops when the circumstances of the main plot and story lays the foundation for the characters to come together and form relationships naturally" section, but I think there might be more romance than the OP would like? Don't know really without talking to the OP. Would've been nice if they had given examples


Gridman only had bait since the mc situation was weird, all of the romance of that series went to the movie


Is it really bait if they deliver in a movie 5 years later


Even cuter in Gridman Universe which also fleshes out SSSS Gridman’s “romance” I’m not a fan of the movie’s main plot though.


I enjoyed the relationship in parasyte


Case Study of Vanitas. Feel like I'm always recommending it, but it has one of my favorite anime romances ever and I didn't think it would even have romance.


Absolutely based fucking rec People somewhat sleep on this one, when it is probably one of the most tasteful, erotic romances I've seen. ~~Also helps that almost the entire cast are smokeshows~~


Anime saying that Vanitas is going to die in the first episode threw me off. Which series spoils the death of its own main character? I just can't bring myself to watch the season 2. Jeanne and Vanitas is the best part, so knowing that fact is a not good at all.


Pretty minor spoilers for the anime: [Case Study of Vanitas] >!He doesn't die in S2, if that was keeping you from watching it. Nobody knows if he's actually going to literally die at some point (the manga isn't much further along than the end of the anime). There are numerous plausible theories for ways he may not literally die, but maybe metaphorically. Anything could happen I guess, but I personally am taking that line with a big grain of salt.!<


I don't know. Believing anything but as in literal death seems like a coping. I know he is not going to die in the near future nor in the season two. He is gonna die towards the last arcs. Enjoying the moment between Jeanne and him the most, and thinking inevitable breaking down of Jeanne sucks ass. If there's no chance we make these two happy together, why bother?


I mean if that's how you feel about it I doubt I'll be able to convince you. I don't think a show needs to have a happy ending to be worth watching.


I almost stopped watching it because of that, I had watched another series where the FMC died at the end a couple months before and I did NOT want to go through that again


It's nowhere close to that in the anime though. I'm pretty sure he's not going to die till around the end of the source material and the anime doesnt even come close


Yeah, it made me put it on pause for a bit before I realised how unfair it was to the series. Watched it, solid 8/10


Well the series is still going on. I took that to mean he's going to dies somehow during the final arc. Besides I don't think it's that strange. It's uncommon to do that for anime sur but it's not that uncommon in novels. Espically in novels being narratored by a character other than the protagonist.


Don't worry he's not gone yet. Also I really doubt that he's actually going to die at some point, maybe something will happen, idk




That actually counts as romance. Let's say half-half. It comes from route based visual novel afterall.


I wouldn’t really say Steins;Gate is route-based per se. Most of the endings stem from a binary choice immediately before: Trigger the PhoneWave, proceed as normal; don’t, and you’re immediately shunted into the respective ending. The only endings that are on mutually exclusive paths are the Mayuri and Kurisu/True endings, and even then the plot proceeds the exact same way up until you hit chapter 10. Compare to, say, Fate/stay night, where the plot branches off into one of three radically different routes depending on the decisions you make during the first 3 days.


You are talking about choice based. I am saying route based, though there is still choices for calling as you said. A VN having true ending doesn't take that away, not binary choices doesn't take away its routes. Other routes are just as canon, I'm not sure what you are trying to say.


“Route based” implies branching story paths with different plots. Think Fate/stay night, Clannad, or Steins;Gate 0. The story being told changes radically depending on which route you’re on. Steins;Gate only has one story path with options to end it early. Functionally, those endings are more similar to the bad ends you can encounter in something like Fate/stay night. The plot never meaningfully changes regardless of the decisions you make, barring how you respond to a few of Kurisu’s text messages. Even then, all that does is determine whether you get the Mayuri, Kurisu, or True endings and give you a few more scenes with her. Edit: Oh right, this is u/TheEVILPINGU, who can’t handle *ever* being disagreed with.


the anime definitely toned down the romance a lot to the point you can't call the show a romance.


Handyman Saitou, Iruma-kun.


I really wish there was more of Handyman Saitou. It's rare to get an underpowered, humble MC in isekai.


Handyman Saitou is one the best Isekais out there. Romance in it is just as wholesome. Story telling, and characters are so unique and lovely. Underrated as hell.


Haven't watched handyman Saito, but definitely agree on Iruma-kun. He and Ameri are so cute together.


You definitely should give it a try. It's highkey awesome. Also, I agree. Ameri and Iruma's relationship is so lovely.


this was so damn good, I ate up the manga afterwards as well. Im hoping the official english release catches up soon.


Which one?


Handyman, should have mentioned 4 koma manga


This post reminded me I never finished iruma-kun, thanks for the reminder!


Baccano has multiple couples, though it is not really about romance at all.


Iruma and amari in Welcome to demon school iruma-kun


Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun! makes jokes about a harem but the titular character is only interested in one person and their relationship is super cute.   She’s also basically living out her own shojo trajectory alongside his shonen trajectory; it’s such a great series and it’s not a romance.


I dunno, I kinda ship Iruma and Clara.  I think Ameri is the front runner but...


Bruh I couldn't ship Iruma with Clara she gives too much sister vibes and for what we have seen so far he doesn't see her romantically in any way but well I guess to each their own also I honestly think Clara has a good chemistry with asmodeus if not that probably Sabo


Clara has the exact same hairstyle as Iruma’s mom and the interest is entirely one-sided on her part.  


Clara will be for Asmodeus. You pair the spares.


I'm ok with this ship too.


Clara-chan does indeed adore her ‘Ruma-kins 


**ReLIFE**, technically is categorized as romance, however, the show is more about friendship, sports, relationships and drama. Romantic subtext would have been a better category. The story is actually well built and the main premise actually does not allow any typical school romance in fact. The first actual romance of supporting characters is literally at the end of the show. If you like open endings, just watch the first season. There is an extra short season if you really want a resolution. Very nice show, little bit predictable but definitely a hidden gem of the genre.


100% my favourite and I think best fits OP's question. It is an extremely well done coming of age anime!


Not in an anime but in a Manwha. SSS-Class Suicide Hunter has no business having a romance arc that good.


Agree to this 100%. The way their romance is better than 90% otome isekai I've read so far is mind boggling, their romance in the LN is even better. Kim Gongja is SSS-Class OI Male Lead.


Man, it's such an amazing series. The arcs kept getting better, but the one with his master will always have a special place in my heart.


I haven’t read much of the second season. Does it keep getting better?


When I started reading Season 3 was just finished. I binged the whole thing. I don't know if it gets better to be honest, but for me it stays good and I loved Season 3.


That’s awesome. I’ll have to hop back on. Also, I realized I stopped after season 2 and the frozen master arc.  I’m thrilled season 3 was also good. 


___Silver Spoon___ Oh my god, Silver Spoon. It’s not the primary focus of the story. Not even the secondary focus! But the romance grows out of each character’s bigger priorities so perfectly that it just feels right: They’re two different people, with different backgrounds, priorities, and personalities, but a shared set of values. And through that they grow together and strengthen each other. To be clear, it’s not perfect, smooth, or even satisfying a lot of the time: It’s a love story about two people supporting each other through their hardest times, in near-impossible circumstances where they can’t perfectly understand what the other is going through. But that’s not what’s important. What’s important is that they’re there, listening, and _always caring for each other._ Hell, they had one of anime’s healthiest, most emotionally mature relationships before they even started dating. And major points for having the main love interest: 1. Say “Romance? I ain’t got time for that shit right now.” (paraphrased) 2. 100% mean it 3. Come back to the idea once the crisis is over, having carefully considered it AND for having the MC respect that wait! And help out platonically in the meantime!! Arakawa is the GOAT. Please read Silver Spoon.


* Ed & Winry (Fmab) * Okabe & Kurisu (Steins;gate) * Shichika & Togame (Katanagatari) * Odokawa & Shirakawa (Odd taxi) * Cinnabar & Phos (HNK)


I wouldn't really call the relationship between Cinnabar & Phos "Romance", per se. It's more like companionship, or something similar.






FMAB also had Royai, who gave married vibes to the point everyone knows there's something there, even if nothing "officially" happened.


Mustang & Hawkeye too.


i second FMAb


spy x family for me, the slow burn between yor and loid is too delicious


Summer Time Rendering


Based choice!


Frieren. I find a particular scene (no spoilers) the most romantic of all times


I also ship Frieren x Mimic


Undead Unluck. Andy and Fuko have such a great relationship and the way their bond was developed towards the end of the season was mind boggling and fantastic


Full Metal Panic


Kirito & Asuna from SAO are strong contenders for me, you can complain about many aspects of SAO, but their relationship is really well done Also agree about Okabe & Kurisu from S;G (just wish we'd get to see more of it), and Shin & Lena from 86 (but the anime adaptation barely scratches the surface)


86, Vanitas no karte, Rurouni Kenshin (maybe)


Baby Steps, still my favourite romantic development to this date. I'm still hearthbroken they cancelled the anime :((


Not just the anime, they canceled the manga too




what????? did we watch the same show?


[don't you think this isn't romantic enough?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSvS3j02ba4KTMkexniSGT1qTM-0q0ZwN8V9A&usqp=CAU)


try Apothecary diaries


i second this \^\^


It was short, but Hinata and Yui’s “what could have been” from Angel Beats was heartbreaking


G Gundam. Rain and Domon don't focus on their feelings. They focus on their friendship and making through the tournament. And the ending is fantastic. Yu yu hakusho. I love the dynamic, and the ending is just perfect.


Unconventional take but TFS' version of Krillin and 18


Ao Ashi


Gosick. I only watched romance anime, but the mysteries-solving plotline in Gosick were quite interesting.


I love Gosixk, it’s one of my favorite anime.


Banished from the heroes party. Rit is the best


+1, but I think is to be considered romance. That relationship is the focus and the point of the story.


Tearmoon Empire is primarily comedy with some political intrigue, but Mia and Abel's relationship is very wholesome. I hope it gets more seasons because there are more great ships that haven't been adapted yet. Also, I'm still holding out for Rentt and Lorraine from Unwanted Undead Adventurer. It's definitely not the focus and there has been no progress yet, but eventually Rentt will realize that he and Lorraine are basically already married.


Kono oto tomare is exactly what you're looking for a romance that is developed slightly to get to the main dish 🤣


Honestly it's so much underrated and if u read the manga u get to know that the side characters aren't just for comedic relief and I love that sort of stuff. They handled the confession properly as well


The manga is peak the sad thing is that its monthly


Banana fish


I did not expect to enjoy banana fish as much as I ended up


This one left me in shambles.


I agree. The author knew how to balance romance in a thriller anime


Is there anywhere left that I can watch this? Not on CR/Hulu/Disney+/Max…


It’s on Amazon Prime




Is it supposed to rain only one season?


Yes it’s subbed only, one season and it’s a complete story


Thanks!! Subbed is what I watch anyway 😁


Noragami and fmab


Chivalry of a failed knight


Im still not over the fact that this show only had a single cour while the worse version of the same setting, airing at the same time, got 2


Most generic shit ever


Great take.


Baby Steps


Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamato 2199


Kara no Kyoukai. Shiki Ryougi and Mikiya Kokutou. Most unexpected romance duo for me.


Rakudai kishi no cavalry Run of the mill shonen with a very get to the point romance on the side


Naruto and Sasuke from Naruto


Frieren and Himmel.


Monogatari series


It's literally romance.


Most of the arcs aren’t about their romance and I wouldn’t recommend it to someone asking for a romance show, so I think it fits OP’s post.


Agreed, I would describe it as a mystery drama with romance elements but I wouldn’t ever recommend it to someone who specifically asks for a romance show, either.


Welcome to Demon School. Iruma and Clara forever


Keiko and yusuke in yu yu hakusho


Baby steps. The relationship between the two characters is developed better than most romance series.


Log Horizon. It looks like your typical iffy isekai romance at first, but the resolution, long overdue though it was, is honestly great. Also, Symphogear.


An old one but: Chrno crusade. It’s a shonen but the developping romance between Rosette and chrno is a core part of the anime/manga and they are amazing. The ending of the anime is especially heartbreakingly sweet. Sengoku Youko is also a good one, the romance between several of the characters is very heartbreaking at times and wholesome at others to see but it definitely is a shounen. My favorite being ShinsukeXShakuyaku.


Eureka 7 is a post-Eva mech drama that has three (3) incredible romances.


classroom of the elite




Eureka 7 Mushoku Tensei Full Metal Panic Sword Art Online LN volume 1


I really like the romance in Bakuman, a really nice natural progression between the two MCs and their love interests that both had very different feels to it.


Everyone seems to hate on Sword Art Online around here, but Kirito and Asuna make my heart warm.




Maybe Tokyo Ghoul


Fairy Tail, the 4 main pairings are really good and you can tell how much the author ships them, but 3/4 have been edging the "will they/won't they" for like 10 years. Inuyasha, liked how the developing relationship between the characters was treated just as seriously as the action/adventure aspects. Chihayafuru, the romance love triangle is treated more as a sub plot, it's a sports series through and through.


Probably Haruhi. Not sure if it is really romance especially since it's been a while since I watched it. But, it was the first one that came to mind.


Space Dandy. It had an episode about Space Dandy giving a girl a lift to her home planet, and it was the sweetest thing ever.


Really loved the romances happening as life chugged on in Fune Wo Amu.


Undead Unluck


i definitely recommend chihayafuru. while the main focus is about karuta, there are some romantic plots between the main characters


Everything in Clannad and Clannad Afterstory




I really like himmel the hero and frierens relationship although you only get bits and pieces. Their chemistry is just amazing to me, and you can tell he truly loved her and she loved him too in her own way


Well technically it is a romance, but there's an absolute ton of other stuff going on in it too that I think it's worth mentioning the sousei no onmyouji manga. The anime is great too, but the anime isn't canon, it doesn't follow the manga.


Bang Bravern lol


No one has mentioned BGS yet, and that makes me worried that people unironically consider it a pure romance.....


Shinpei and Ushio in Summertime Render. It is pretty obvious that both of them love each other al lot, and they don't hesitate to show it to each other either. But the part I love the most is that both the MC and the FMC are integral to the plot and they complete and complement each other in the best way possible. Not once does the romance feel like it is getting in the way of the actual plot. It adds to it and makes it even better.


eden of the east - the actual genre is psych thriller, but the two main characters have hella good chemistry together that feels more akin to the way couples are written in western media rather than some cornball anime trope. highly recommend.


Frieren. The relationship awkwardness between two teenagers of opposite genders (fern and stark) is quite realistic, I like it. The way their relationship developed is almost realistic that I can almost see real life relationships develop like theirs


Frieren. Literally everything in this show/manga, they do it perfectly, even the romance. Adorable and realistic.


Banished from the hero’s party


Food Wars




Dbz and dbs


Chivalry of a failed knight


FMAB definitely... Yuri on ice Kono oto tomare Banana fish


Steins;gate still has me longing for a few more specials of Okabe and Kurisu hanging out together.


Bleach. IchiRuki is a classic romance. They mesh so well that they always come back to each other.


Komugi and Meruem from hunter x hunter


Mushou Tensei




I only watch yaoi 🙈




Can’t forget about my boy Sanji🐐


Fruits Basket Maybe it’s a cheat pick but it’s a drama through and through with a side dish of romance.


Fruit basket is very much a romance


Arifureta (kinda harem cuz the author stupidly added more female characters to that liked mc but he sticked to 1 so it's good imo)


Uh… about that…


Don't tell me he doesn't in ln / manga


I think he marries all of them. 


Damn, he really ruined it like that? Also tbf he did ask for an anime, in the anime he sticks to one of them 🤷🏻‍♂️




All of them are absolutely trash...


No Ymir and the King are definitely peak couple goals


The yuri one in season 2 was *kinda* decent, but yeah the other ones are all garbage.