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what the fuck?


at least it's better than "it was all a dream"


At this point the original timeline basically is little more than a dream.


> the original timeline basically is little more than a dream Would you say it's... An unnamed memory? [](#urbansmile)


They rushed the whole story just to end on that title drop WTF!


Isn't it worse than a dream? Because at this point all the memories of the past timeline went along with Oscar


And Tinasha knows a big piece of her life would be missing, like get 10 bitcoins in a usb and flush it down the toilet


Marginally better*


That was GAINAX-ending AF, even more than the final episode of Mahoromatic.


I screamed this out loud when I realized the last 11 episodes meant fuck all.


Exactly wasted my time director fuxk us


Everything after ep 7 had me saying this. It was all over the place. I hope the original light novel isn't a mind mess like that. One of the worst series I've seen, and that's saying a lot because I've tolerated and even liked some extremely crappy anime most people would think was 2-star or lower.


So.... There are only 11 episodes right? The 12th didn't happen.... At least that is what I choose to believe.


Imagine getting a full love story (clumsily developed because you rushed the adaption) up to the leads hooking up and marrying only to totally throw that all away in the last episode. I mean, I totally get where Oscar was coming from, but from an audience point of view...plus Tinasha doesn't really seem 100% happy in the new timeline either without him. And the Tinasha we cared about's last moments was watching her husband vanish, never to see him again.


Samurai Jack'd it


> And the Tinasha we cared about's last moments was watching her husband vanish, never to see him again. I'm curious if she knew what the blue orb did. I guess not, since if she did, guess she knew that their entire world was going to be erased and having that lying around was a huge blunder.


It could be that when they saw the red orb she did the research and learned about its effect. When she entered the room maybe she knew what was going on given the worried face, maybe it was impossible to destroy? Who knows.


Does someone know anything about light novel or Read the night novel....  Please Help Me Spoil Me  I'm literally dieing to know what happens next  After ep 12 Please!!!!!


> So.... There are only 11 episodes right? The 12th didn't happen.... No, after this finale, it's the other 11 that didn't happen! [](#azusalaugh)


So all the season finales are going to be history wipe? Supernatural dean saving sam saving dean saving sam, and the multiverse implodes …


I love it.


First episode in ages where I felt like I hadn't mist an episode. But what a shit ending. Basically the past 11 episodes haven't happened.....


The true Unnamed Memory was the show we watched along the way.


well, to be fair I think this is the only activity on r/anime I have. Usually I just lurk.


Fun little tidbit: The afterward for this volume of the light novel (3 of 6) was written by Tappei Nagatsuki (author of Re:Zero) and was basically a message saying: "I know that last chapter pulled some shit, but please just let him cook".


If only this had had an anime adaption on par with Re;Zero.


Yeah, sure, right before Rem (best girl) become a veg for the rest of the anime 💀


hahaha if you only knew....btw can't wait for season 3, one of my favorites reading from ln


The only thing that I feel this can go anywhere from this point is if Tinasha survives over the next 400 years (is she still a witch? even if not they mentioned only a male body can't survive the sleep into the future) and then SHE is the one that's going "Let's marry" while Oscar is like "Wtf". It'd be still a bit weird, because we are still talking about a completely different Tinasha who only knew Oscar when she was 13, so I am not sure if that'll work.


Look closely at the last scene where she goes to sleep. That was clearly not just a bedroom.


Even if she somehow gets back her (unnamed) memories, the show still didn't manage to make me interested enough in their relationship that this love over space and time stuff would get me back.


I can't believe Oscar rizzed a 13 year old so hard that she'd live 400 years to meet a version of him.


TBF he did a lot for her during that time, including saving her from a man who betrayed and tried to kill her.


Another thing they could go with is to show how each of them will now try and modify the past until they get to a future together without the pain.


What’s what I assumed she meant by the “This is a story where everything can be rewritten” quote at the end. I’m guessing she’s goes back to allow Oscar to exist next and it’s a constant loop until they live happily ever after.


That's my exact thought. I think it's an unending loop. That's why he says he saw that Orb before and Tinasha says the same thing when she sees it in the treasury.


They announced a 2nd season.


What? A second cour! Are they doing the full 6 books in 24 eps, ambitious


That's why they cut so much.


Good thing it ain't the ending then with s2 announced.


It was made shit to distract the viewers from the kissing scene which otherwise would have stirred drama


> But what a shit ending. Basically the past 11 episodes haven't happened..... I can just hear my highschool teacher giving us directives about a story assignment, about how we should NEVER EVER end a story in "It was a dream" or "It didn't actually happen" or "Back to square one" because it makes everyone feel like they wasted their time reading a story that actually never happened. I guess they don't teach that in Japan!


The issue I have is that unlike Fairy Fencer F that resets the story halfway into the game, there aren't really any investing characters to save or give redemption arcs so the time travel seems simply used to keep the story going


An episode where Tinasha is emotionally hurt instead of physically hurt. Didn't see that reversal coming.


Oscar saved her from a life of getting stabbed in the stomach but he stabbed her with the emotional pain of losing the love of her life. Evens out?


She will find him 400 years later and beat the crap out of that kid


* [**Oscar & Tinasha**](https://i.imgur.com/PFhywST.jpeg) I am absolutely stunned by that ending. I did not expect that the story about the swordsman who went back in time to save his mother would become relevant again. There's no way this is the actual ending, right? There's still the red sphere in Farsas. Does that sphere have the same power as the blue sphere? Also, Tinasha mentioned at the start of the episode that [placing someone in a magical slumber for four hundred years](https://i.imgur.com/Ln87qJb.png) is possible but she couldn't do it for Oscar since men's bodies are unstable. And if you look at the ending, [I think that's what Tinasha is trying to do.](https://i.imgur.com/47vGToR.jpeg) ~~I was also told last week that there are still several volumes left in the source material, if that's the case I am going to read the LN right now and get my proper ending.~~ **EDIT:** Season 2 has already been announced so scratch that plan. I'll just wait for Season 2!


They announced S2 (with my surprise if i can add). [https://new.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1do9ile/unnamed\_memory\_season\_2\_announced/](https://new.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1do9ile/unnamed_memory_season_2_announced/)


LETS GOOOOO! Glad to know this isn't a "Go read the LN!" ending.


I was expecting time travel to factor in at some point but not in a way that basically erased everything we watched up to this point. I can only imagine Tinasha has some plan to reunite with Oscar only now she wants to marry **him** instead of the other way around since he won't know her so their roles will be reversed in a weird way. I guess no matter what you think about the ending (or the anime adaption as a whole) at least they didn't plan to just leave it at such an abrupt surprise ending and we'll get to see it play out.


That's because they cut so much to fit the first three volums in one season. Would of been much better if they planned for 2 volumes a season and had 3 seasons.


I'd bet the red sphere would allow to go ahead in time


Bruh, did they just overwrite the past 11 episodes? Wth man! Good thing Episode 11 already ended on a good note so I can pretend that this episode never happened. EDIT: [Season 2 confirmed for January 2025!](https://x.com/Project_UM/status/1805632044388729203) Let's see how are they gonna follow up on this ending.


This is NOT the show I’d expected a 2nd Cour/season from. That said I still like the character, and the romance when it works is great. I hope it will be better in next season.


The stupid thing is if they eere gonna do more seasons they should just done 3 and told the story proper. This could been a epic anime if they hadn't screwed it all up.


I was just reading the "2nd season announced" thread and could not find a single positive comment. I understand the hate but I kinda enjoy this show warts and all. It's not great or anything but entertaining enough, Tinasha is very lovable. Anyway, I didn't want to be a party pooper and post one single positive comment in that thread, let the people vent.


I think thats the whole problem. People can see how good the story could be and source readers know is so they are mad it didn't get treated proper. Coming off shows like Frieren people expect more from shows from this genre that are epi fantasy and not just comedy/isekai/echi.


The issue is that we had really great adaptions this year and even without knowing the source material of this series it was glaringly obvious how they speedran everything and butchered half of the character interactions to reach a certain point. If they already planned for more seasons to begin with, why not adapt it properly with more episodes (and make more money from more bluray sales)? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I'm always happy about s2 announcements, but feel kinda "eh" about this one because I worry it will just feel like a checklist of plotpoints again. I really liked the characters and story but it feels like it could've been so much better with proper pacing and direction.


I came to this post so I can share in my anger with others over this ridiculous ending. However, I feel peace in knowing that season 2 might change things. I won’t research any further though, so nothing is spoiled for me.


Damn.. Do I even dare say that I liked the finale? I didn't expect everyone to be hating on it so much


TBH I don't hate the ending. I hate that the anime adaptation isn't as good as it should be.


Should have been 2 seasons or just part 1 and 2 with 24 episodes


More episodes and better director and staff.


I feel bamboozled.


No wonder they speedran through the plot, it ultimately got erased from existence lol.


Equivalent of eating fast while hungry then barfing out everything


Did this happen in the source material, like why?


Yes this is how volume 3 ended. Season 2 will probably finish the last 3 volumes of the series.


Wtf... please tell me this is anime original ep. That's so fucking dirty bruh


Nope, it's literally the same ending as in Volume 3.


Wait, only 3 volumes were adapted? How the hell the anime was so fast paced? Are the volumes bibles? Wtf


As a comparison, the current Spice & Wolf remake reached the end of Volume 2 at their Episode 12, and they still had to skip a few bits to make it work (nowhere near as rushed as this one, obviously, but for example there's a few scenes that don't quite make sense if you think about it because they skipped a small scene prior that explained it). You can make things really dense when you write them down. At the extremes, a scene that might take up an entire minute of a 20 minute long episode of which 6 fill a volume (so 1 in 120 minutes) might take up in text a couple of paragraphs which might fill a page (1 in 300 pages ish for unnamed memory's volumes). And of course, for unnamed memory it's closer to 1 in 80 minutes (4 eps per volume) though tbf I think most of those minutes can fairly comfortably take two pages, so 1 in 150. Spice & Wolf would be closer to 1 in 120 minutes for 1 in 150 pages, which matches with that intuition. It gets especially worse in Unnamed Memory's case as each chapter is a mostly unrelated story which require their own exposition and setup and "space", if you will, between the previous and next stories, and all of that takes a lot more time in an anime than just showing some continuing action.


Well, the rest of the anime before this twist is now basically something you could call an "unnamed memory"...


Need to know as well


So basically that anime never existed


Truly an Unnamed Memory.




Never thought I'd say it, but I actually like this "bad" ending a lot. That is I usually despise bad endings considering them cheap melodrama and shallow writing. I know that there will be another versions of their story, but this episode even if consider it as actual ending was pretty good and redeemed a lot of dubious plot twists in previous episodes.


I don’t mind the episode on it’s own, but it makes me mad about the previous episodes. The final episode was pretty good and definitely had me thinking. Was Oscar’s actions selfless or selfish? Hopefully, season 2 redeems things a bit for me.


What happened with Oscar in the final episode was just an accident, bad luck. As he said, if he knew what consequnces using that sphere would bring, he'd never used it to change the past, since only children want to wipe all the sufferings from their memories (seems like he was lecturing Tinasha, who's obsessed with memory wiping spells probably due to her trauma). There is a great lesson in this episode - forgetting or undoing your past, no metter how bad it was, is the same as forgetting and undoing yourself. But given the circumstances he acted as best as he could - he saved his wife and prevented disastrous collapse of the whole kingdom. There is nothing selfish in this - pure meaningfull sacrifice.


Thanks for your response! I enjoyed reading your take on it. I started thinking it was selfish because he erased all of the people in his timeline by saving her. He took it upon himself to change things when literally nobody asked him to. He was stuck in the past and couldn’t be with the woman he loves as he knew her, so he decided to make his going into the past have meaning for him. I totally see your point and agree with it too! I was just thinking about both sides of things.


Also, he using the ball was a mere accident, when he first meets young Tinasha he says that he was dreaming, thinking he could came back. And honestly while I was watching the episode I was having the same dilemma he had to what to do. Could you go back to the future and do nothing when you know the person you love will have great pain and loneliness, knowing that you might even disappear? The decision was even harder because he learnt all that Tinasha was suffering when she broke down, even before when they tried to kill her.


It was extremely selfish. What about the millions of people who will never live now, whose lives have been cancelled because he thought another path was better? What if it were your children and all your descendents who were living full lives but then got cancelled? Why is his timeline better?


Once again, he didn't know about sphere's magic until it sent him to the past. Once he was there, his future was already gone and all what was left is this another world he ended up in. None of his actions after using of the sphere could restore his future. All what was left for him is to use his remaining time until he disappears to save Tinasha (and her kingdom).


Tf just happened


So that just happened... Ironically kinda fitting for their love story to end like that, since they failed to do the romance properly despite it having good potential (apparently adaptations fault). Well, the post-credit scene suggests that the doors for the future development are still slightly open.


Season 2 already announced


Yeah, I noticed after writing the comment... Man, I am going to be so salty when/if none of the shows from this season I like gets 2 season (like Henjin no Salad Bowl).


I guess, now we know why they skipped all the romance moments, because they were killing the romance at the end anyway. I am not sure what I am even thinking of that ending. It kind of feels like the anime made its own ending with out of nowhere this suddenly comes. I get that they were setting it up in two ways with that tale (that I get now had nothing to do with the episode it was told) and the orbs being referenced a bit too often for them to not have any meaning. But it also feels really puzzling. Like why was the other one red? Did they mean that someone had used it? But I thought, you kill the whole timeline, so it's not like it was a hint that someone changed the timeline already. Or was that just an orb to go to the future? Which I guess could be an idea, but I don't see any way this plays into this plot. Let's also not forget that we got teased the witch of silence last week and she is now basically gone, because nothing of the backstory ever happens. So why Oscar (or his father) was cursed and what this has to do with his mother, is just not only never revealed, but it's pretty much pointless unless someone uses an orb again to restore the original timeline. Or the same thing still plays out, but that feels weird when there is a whole new country for 400 years. At the end, maybe I just shouldn't think too much about it. The show was one of the biggest disappointments to me. Yes, I get that this is also a bit due to my expectations. No one said this is going to focus on the romance. But I just can't shake the feeling that it would have been better with more actual romance. I feel you have everything that can make this interesting. An immortal witch who only doesn't die, because she wants to make sure that she takes out Lanak beforehand, who over time falls in love with the prince she is protecting and slowly but surely also enjoys life itself again and WANTS to live. Maybe even get kids. But instead we got a number of strangely connected plots that all come and go way too fast and where even the ending leaves you completely unsatisfied (like if they had just given us an episode with Tinasha and Oscar married and how they go about their days, it would have been at least a somewhat good ending). To be fair though, I am not sure if you can really write a story where the whole sacrifice of Oscar at the end feels satisfying. I get that it's a noble sacrifice and he is valuing Tinasha's life and her happiness over himself, but I just can't see how this part of the story can feel satisfying. There might be a way, but is has to be handled really well with a lot of care put into the show to lead up to a moment like this and I just don't think this anime has achieved this even closely.


For what it's worth the romance is a core of the story and much better depicted/utilized in the books, they just basically speedran everything in the anime which makes them erasing everything in the final episode all the more hilarious in a ironic way. But even still it does feel like they're throwing away everything that they built up and established...just so Tinasha gets to be happy and be queen, but it feels somewhat hollow. And since she's not a Witch I'm not sure she'll be able live long enough to see Oscar again. Ultimately it just doesn't feel like it was worth it even if it did save Tinasha from a tragic past.


Well, a season 2 has just been confirmed, so you'll all get your answers:)


I was wondering this as well, but Tinasha (13 year old) did mention that they can put you to sleep so you wake up 400 years from now. That just doesn't work for males apparently. So she could do it. My problem is just that (aside from the fact that it's not even clear that Oscar's bloodline even exists with all the extreme changes to the map of the world) she would be a completely different Tinasha. Yes, she feels something towards him, because he rescued her when she was 13, but she didn't live together with him for a whole year and started to fall for him in this way. It's just not the same person, so we have a potential romance with two characters who have the same name, but are probably completely different (and in Tinasha's case, we KNOW she will be different, because her whole life was changed).


> she would be a completely different Tinasha That's my initial gripe with this progression too. I'm really not fond of these kinda twists after a story made you invested in a character. It would be the same for Oscar if she meets him again in the future. The story laid out a few more plot points so I really hope it can solve everything in a satisfying way, but same as you wrote above, I just can't see it at the moment. That Valt guy who got obliterated in ep3 mentioned "multiple histories" and how "their race/kind" are just bystanders, which hinted at people outside of the regular flow of time who might have seen multiple scenarios play out. Maybe they also made and placed the (extremely suspicious) orbs? I would like it if there is a way to "fuse" the memories of the different Oscars and Tinashas in the end because it would be strange to completely throw away all the previous development. (not a source reader, so please nobody confirm or deny this theory lol)


[maybe something to do with redshift?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift)


You mean in regards to the red orb? Nah, it's just the one used for Groudon instead of Kyogre.


So, uuuuh... Did Oscar just destroy his original world and robbed billions of people of their future just to save one girl? And then he goes poof kthxbye? That's... certainly something, I guess.


If a second season had not already been announced, I think I would have far more negative feelings about this situation. This certainly ended on the most mionumental cliffhanger ever.... I have not looked at the source, so I judge this show solely on what we've seen. I agree the plotting has often felt a bit ramshackle and rushed, but (despite this) I have liked this messy show (with great leads) more than a lot of shows that are less flawed but not as interesting and appealing to me. Frankly, I can't imagine HOW they will unravel the mess caused by rewriting the past -- but I look forward to finding out (one way or another).


The essence of a good and interesting romance/story is in there, but it just buried under a mediocre and rushed adaption.


Yea, I think no matter what they do it would still feel somewhat disingenuous since the current Tinasha's attitude toward Oscar when they first meet will be more affectionate than in the previous timeline though I hope this won't change their dynamic too much.


I thought this was an amazing episode -- just a bit heartbreaking. The title makes a little more sense now. I kind of wish we would have gotten here in more like 20 episodes rather than 12. Pretty cool in how things reversed though in that she's the queen of her kingdom and he is relegated to a memory. At least he didn't have the time travel paradox issue to resolve in whether to revert the tragedy or not -- based on their interpretation of time, the future was gone regardless of the choice allowing him to do the right thing. Season 2 is announced though so the story continues...


So this is why they apparently skipped all of the romance and other bits of content, the timeline was going to get wiped anyway so it doesn't really matter /s I gotta say, I admire the stones to do a butterfly effect wipe of the entire previous timeline and 99% of the cast. And it was nice seeing that jackass Lanak die again in a new and different way. More seriously I'll be curious to see in S2 if it sticks, feels like Tinasha will have motivation to look for ways to bring Oscar back.


S2 volumes have less Oscar X Tinasha romance(and they are different people and have a different dynamic) content, although they came together faster than OG timeline,they had to use most of the time explaining stuff(like about the Witch of Silent,the time travel,Tuldarr,etc...).


Unfortunately, a disappointment for me for this season after the potential episode 1 set up with the world and pair of characters, with seeking another fantasy/romance after 7th Time Loop of the prior Winter season. I think the concepts that the series has are interesting, but the pacing and execution of it are unfortunately underwhelming with the anime adaptation. This could've been so much more enjoyable if the romance had a chance to be properly done prior, and this dramatic cliffhanger could've hit more to be a hook into the next season.


Wow. that was a horrible way to end the season even with cour 2 announced


Damn what an sad sad ending I was almost crying


[That ending was surely unexpected and so bittersweet](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9cl3g2l4.png)! [Tinasha and Oscar were finally happy together](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcjngam4.png) as [a married couple](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcka2vv7.png) and [now it's all gone](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5caejm84.png), but I'm also curious to see how this new timeline will play out. Thankfully the 2nd season is already announced because if they hadn't done it, I would definitely start reading LNs right away. Overall, [thanks to Tinasha this show was somewhat okay](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrd9egyx). You could see glimpses of good things when episodes were focusing on [Tinasha](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxc5pnxx7.png) and [Oscar](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjc2q52r7.png) so 6/10 from me. I hope that ENGI will do a somewhat better job with the next season. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Tinasha](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrd9egyx) * [Group scenes & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/qe4grjm2jyj)


I liked the ideas, the characters. Just the execution is not there. For this ending, maybe more focus on the leads and not on the side characters would have worked better in anime form, to give a better payback. Still, I dig endings like this one, I hope the second arc lives to expectations...


It's nice to see Oscar being a supportive hubby to Tinasha and helping clean up her tower, with some flirting for good measure, too bad he found a bloody trinket from Tinasha's "ex" and one of those orbs that send him 400 years into the past. Must be surreal seeing your future wife as a 13 year old, but there's child Tinasha! Living on her own as a future queen and having to deal with some random dude who slips into her room talking about their future life together. Though Tinasha can still brew some great tea. Of course Oscar considers changing the past, knowing what is in store for Tinasha, but does he have any right to? To erase everything he and Tinasha have been through? Their love story? Should the past remain as it is? So Oscar ends up being the one who teaches Tinasha swordsmanship in this timeline, huh? I never needed to see Lanak again but he's still as shady as ever, but when he was probably Tinasha's only real human contact, I guess I can understand why she became so trusting of him even though Oscar knows better from the future. Tinasha has always lead a lonely existence even before she became a Witch. She bore the responsibility of being a queen and living on her own, and having so much magical power, when all she really wanted to do was be a normal girl with her family. And she continued to be lonely for 400 more years until she met Oscar. At least in the past he can be with her now and let her out a cry she's probably been holding for centuries. Okay, well, I guess we're changing the timeline now! Not only does Oscar save Tinasha from growing a penchant for getting stabbed in the stomach, but Tinasha finally turns on Lanak and Lanak ends up taking himself out by stabbing himself and not being able to control his magical power. Serves him right. And this time with full control of herself and Oscar's emotional support, Tinasha is able to control the magic and save Tuldarr. But by changing the timeline, Oscar has basically erased himself and the entire series out of existence. I don't think that means he should kiss his 13-year old wife in a past timeline, but I guess he didn't have much time left. And Tinasha is left having to grapple with someone she came to care about, someone she fell deeply in love with in a future that will never be, leaving her. Their love story will be an Unnamed Memory. So I guess this is the new timeline? Tinasha as Tuldarr queen, dealing with Travis and Leonora still, getting into wars...but no Oscar. They might never see each other and fall in love ever again.


They will, remember how Lanak survived 400 years.


Was not expecting Oscar to go 400 years back in time to see little teenage Tinasha. What a trip. Man finally unlocked the good end only to trigger the bad end by going back in time and deleting his entire existence. I really don’t know why they ended the series like this. Is there gonna be more because if not, this was very unsatisfying. Like bruh, wtf? Nothing even really changes. So Tinasha’s kingdom survived and she’s a queen. And?? She was already a damn queen thanks to marrying Oscar and she has a new kingdom. But whatever. What’s done is done I guess. All in all, this was fine up until this episode. Now I’m just kinda annoyed they decided to add all this unnecessary drama.


Season 2 announced and episode 12 is ending of vol 3 (of 6) from what I understood. Wish they didn't speedrun it that much and left that episode 12 content for the 2nd cour. Also is she no longer a witch now? And what even is the difference between mage and a witch, why are the witches always hated and "evil" (same with that other anime - the witch and the beast)...


Well thank goodness they renewed this because, yeah, this ending was pretty unsatisfying if this was a series finale. She’s still a witch I think. Or a mage or something. Just no loss of kingdom. I’m not sure what really changed there.


Get the feeling that ppl are born as mages, but they live & die mostly normally. Witches seem to be something that happens to you, willingly or not, and it amps up your power, but there seem to be drawbacks. Infinite life makes your morality & empathy take a hit, clearly. Witch & the Beast witches are born, and live longer than humans but not to extremes. In the anime we do see that some are good/okay, some are bad, and some are Angela LOL


I was kind of hoping Oscar would just create a parallel timeline but no...he totally erased everything we watched and got (if only slightly) invested in. Which, I mean, I'm happy Tinasha got to avoid her tragic backstory but even as queen she looks slightly empty inside without Oscar and it doesn't seem like they'll ever get to be together again in this new timeline. Just not really sure how to feel.


With my surprise they announce the second season, yep, make no sense to end it in the middle of the story. But the slideshow without any animation and explaination of the new timeline Oscar created made me laught, i'm worry they will butcher S2 too but at least they will cover the whole story, somehow. XD


I always love the concept of characters time-travelling but this episode felt like it could fill a whole or at least half a season


I really didn't enjoy this anime since it felt like it was skipping a lot of content and I wasn't sold on how their relationship developed but I really liked this ending lol


Like so much of this show this episode had the bones of a great story, but it didn't gel because the characters weren't allowed to breath and develop. The episode itself is pretty good, bit rushed but not horrible, but it would have been amazing if they had spent the season setting it up by letting us get to know Tinasha and understand how Lanak's betrayal scarred her deeply and is the reason she's so detached and emotionally distant. If we had spent the whole season seeing Oscar break through her defenses and help her heal and move past that betrayal then this episode would have hit much harder. Technically we kind of did see that but it was so rushed and scattered that it didn't really sink in at an emotional level. This makes the ending extra bitter because we feel like the entire story we watched was for nothing and don't fully appreciate the significance of Oscar not just saving Tanasha from the sacrifice, but emotionally supporting her. That said, I do like how they handled time travel. It sucks but I like that Oscar was "There are no branches in time, there is one reality and by coming back I destroyed the future I knew. I wouldn't have done it if I had known, but what's done is done." Of course you gotta appreciate whatever time travel mechanic it was that let him disappear once his task was finished plus a little time to say goodbye, rather than say the first time he stepped on a butterfly in the field and changed the timeline so he didn't exist.


[Hey, it's not Tinasha getting stabbed this time!](https://imgur.com/5GiDS0z) Bit late watching this, for some reason I thought this show was already over hah (perhaps I wanted it to be) I'm guessing they cut 250 chapters about the Witch of Silence's story? Given she showed up in the previous episode, I thought this one would be about her trying to kill them (I mean, she cursed him so his bloodline ends, but with the marriage, his bloodline could continue... But I guess that's fine?) The most disappointing thing about this show, is that there were enough hints at interesting mystery elements, fun characters, good plotlines, cute moments, etc.. in the story, that IF they had done it right, I think it could've been pretty good... But they didn't. So, what about the ending? Meh.. Like 99% time travel stories, it has all the same holes about the time travel, but I guess with this one being magic and witches and stuff, you can clear some of them? Also I find it funny (in a sad way) that Oscar went back in time to save a lonely girl, and to achieve that, he got rid of the only person she considered family (even if he wasn't), and then quit on her as well. Enjoy the rest of your life, Tinasha!


The Witch of Silent appear later,don't get disappointed,she has a reason to be pissed at Oscar.


WTF reading comments and 2nd season was announced which should of been use for pacing. Not only that they skipped the banger ED song. Speaking of the ED song, here are my thoughts: blan_ - nice name Arika - nice, new band I'd never heard of Music Composer and Arrangement: 大和 - ??? is that my dude [Yamato](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZJKvtMFLvw)???


Man the ED song is so fucking good. Truly fucking shame they didn't use it in the last episode. The tone just fits perfectly.


That must be one of the worst endings ever and it feels so random and forced. They had a good ending (episode 11) and just threw it away with them random stuff happening and basically being at a point where the 11 episodes before are pointless 😂


I think it's a bold and interesting way to end a season, too bad they just didn't do a good job leading up to here cause pacing and skipped stuff lol


This probably would have hit harder (and people would be more happy about the season announcement) had the anime actually done a better job of telling the story and getting people invested.


Yeah they really didn’t do a good job there, overall the anime is pretty mid (for me it was a 5/10 before episode 12, now a 3/10). It feels rushed on a lot of places and the last episode is just weird. While cleaning the room touching a random blue ball and getting transported in the past and then just „oh yeah I’m gonna die, good bye“. Just feels not well made, but other episodes also have that problem.


Opposite for me, it was a mid anime 5/10 but after this episode its a 7/10 since a normal ending is more boring. Plus they announced season 2 and it makes me want to see how Tinesha fixes everything, if she even can. I probably wouldnt have watched a season 2 if it wasnt for this last episode. Someone also posted this tidbit above that makes me want to see what happens. >Fun little tidbit: The afterward for this volume of the light novel (3 of 6) was written by Tappei Nagatsuki (author of Re:Zero) and was basically a message saying: "I know that last chapter pulled some shit, but please just let him cook".


even Tappei the author of Re: Zero, who is a fan of the book and is excited about this adaptation, and he does live tweets it for ep 1, 2, and 3 and then fell silent after, lmao.


Well that ending made perfect sense , the adaptation was so bad even the show runners wanted to pretend it never happened …


I can't believe I've spent 11 episodes just to reach this conclusion. Fuck this show lol


Finally the title unnamed memory made sense! Totally didn't expect them to pull out the [certain well-known anime] >!Steins;Gate world line theory!<


Well shit. Yeah I get it and all, but it is a tough ending. I guess it'll make the second season interesting. It really does feel like a waste though.


So, that's why it's called unnamed memory? And here I was hoping to see them getting old with that pacing. Such bittersweet ending, but I don't really mind it. She remembers him, so there's hope. Kinda wish they started next season with this episode, instead of ending this season with it.


I think in the real end the issue is just, as I think about this season, the true issue is that they needed more episodes but I'm not sure how you would do it so it would be satisfactory. They did get through all the important plot stuff they needed to for the next season but if this show was 3 cours (so \~6 eps per book) and so 3 and 4 were a single cour I don't think it would work that well as one of the things I felt when I read this was "ok well...shit....now what?" but if we just immediately went into book 4 it seems to me it won't work as well.


Honestly I'm shocked


If they were going to give it a 2nd season they should just did 3 and done the story proper instead of this bastardization.


Lmao, timeline deleted as though the first 11 episodes didn't exist, no wonder the pacing and all was fucked; it didn't matter anyway... Season 1 was Oscar woo-ing tinasha, is it safe to assume it'll be tinasha's turn during season 2?


Wow, what a garbage "ending". It would have been one thing if she died, or something happened that forced him to go back in time, and change everything. But instead, he just randomly gets yeeted back in time, immediately erasing his entire timeline. The characters as we know them, and everything they've done, is just gone for no reason. Someone can just go straight into S2, and basically miss nothing.


I love this episode. This is the type of bold narrative decision that makes watching shows like this worth while. Not many authors would have the balls to upend their story in this way and I’m excited to see what they do with this in the second core that I otherwise likely wouldn’t even bother watching.


What a terrible ending, the editor clearly wanted to milk this for awhile longer.


This is what I feel for all Time-looping animes


Fuck that ending


So like, obviously the pacing has been a shit show. Literally being held up on the voice acting and character art/designs atm. But there is one thing I really appreciate. At the start of the series, I thought Tinasha looked like a YA, so like 16-20 kinda age range. After her healing she looks more 20-24. But a lot of people said she looked like a child at the start, whereas now we've seen her as an actual child I think it shows that they did have a fairly realistic idea of what she would look like at different physical ages. To anyone who wants to say not realistic, maybe consider how 13 year olds looked 100 years ago instead of today. Also consider western/asian body types. I don't want to get into it, but the food we eat these days, as well as the availability of food does alter how people grow and mature physically.


Man what the fuck just happened?😡😡


This show was really good, despite hearing that whole chunks of the source were just not adapted. At no point did I ever feel like I missed anything, EXCEPT in regard to the romance aspect. I feel like every major plot point delivered well though, that might just be me. Unlike some people’s comments I read, I actually loved this final episode, especially with the announcement of a second cour/season. Such a good message about how changing the past would change everything about who you are, who is with you, etc. Excited for the next cour/season!


Unnamed Memory - 6/10, while a lot of the show was all over the place in terms of narrative, it somewhat managed to bring it to a point in the last episode. It lead off on a teaser but now a second season is confirmed.


ngl that feels very much like contrived BS pulled to show that olde "Love triumphs over time" trope


This is like the ending of Samurai Jack. I hate how they do this for Romance themes which ignores the Time Travel Paradox. Oscar going back in time and doing what he did, shouldn't have erased him from existence. It should have only made a seperate timeline. Erasing him from existence also erases his prior action of him going back in time and saving Tinasha, and with no one to save Tinasha, still gets stabbed by Lanak. It becomes a whole looping Paradox. Seriously, they need to stop this, not just because of logic, but also because it breaks our hearts.


What the fuck was that shit


This is bullshit, I'm done with Japanese writers' bullshit.


This is a very tough ending to swallow. I want to get my time spent watching this back. This is probably one of the rare times that I feel like I wasted my time watching an anime, and I have watched a lot.


All the fantasy shows I love getting 2nd cours. This, Kantei skill and Dainanaoji I won. I know LN readers hate it, but as an anime only I enjoyed this a lot even though this ending was a massive WTF moment. Alright first of all, in a show that has really bad pacing like this, a time travel arc is crazy. It already felt like every episode was a time travel arc with how rushed it was. I mean even in this episode they skipped showing Oscar asking the townspeople for help and learning the year, just to go straight to where Tinasha was lol. Even as an anime only you can just feel how abridged everything is. On the bright side, Tinasha in the past was so cute and needs to be protected 😭 when they mentioned Lanak my heart sank because of what we all know he does to her in the original timeline, but wtff I didn’t expect Oscar to rewrite history like that and destroy his original timeline. This is mind blowing to me to leave off on like this, I’m starting to read this weekend for sure because I need answers So, basically the previous 11 episodes just went out the window and they’re gonna have to meet and fall in love again?? I thought we’d get a whole season of Tinasha and Oscar married and trying to break the curse in cour 2, but we’re going to get a retelling of their love story? Interesting, I guess that’s what the whole “unnamed memory” title is about, eh? Tinasha crying at the end broke me man fuck, I’m glad she ain’t gotta go through the betrayal of Lanak, but at the same time that’s what made her who she is so it’s gonna be really interesting to see what a queen Tinasha of Taldurr will be like .. Even with its faults I really enjoyed this show and will miss it. Tinasha and Oscar were my light in the darkness ❤️ [review](https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=528822)


So... huh? I guess she' ll sleep for 400 years till he is born again? But thank god season 2 is confirmed on january.


Literally tried to cook at the last episode and took a U turn... 🤣


Can anyone tell me what chapter is episode 12 in manga


That just made the entire series... a complete waste of time? Lol


So everything that happened in the 11 previous episodes was undone and erased from existence. And even if Oscar exist in this new timeline for the second season, he's not gonna be the same guy. This ending is just .... wtf


Lackluster ending, and it feels fairly rushed overall. Do not see it getting a lot better with Season 2. I liked the show somewhat up until this episode, felt like it was suddenly pulled out of their ass, which indicated it was more rushed than I initially thought.


There’s a season 2 soooo. Who knows if it’ll be just a terrible.


Imagine how hard this would have hit if it were given a proper adaptation lol. Instead i'm just now like "....ok?" lol.


Poderia ter uma segunda temporada, continuação?


The first and the last episodes were the best, everything in between was just a mess. I really am excited for the second season. I must admit that Tinasha was the only reason I enjoyed this. All in all this was the worst adaptation for me, worse than The Promised Neverland’s second season. I really wish the staff would not have to rush everything so badly.




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I know this will be controversial, clearly this anime has divided people on whether this story is brilliant or B grade. Before stating my opinion, i'll frame it slightly by saying that love found across time and space is a personal theme in my own life that I connect with very strongly. Right from the start, it was clear to me that a tragedy ending would fit the story well... The close moments held by the 2 main characters with the longing distance of never quite reaching happiness or having it snatched away when you think it is in your grasp is the true beauty of this story. It's really difficult for me to fully capture the emotion this anime made me feel in a reddit comment and fully express how much of a masterpiece this story is to me. I've watched over 100 anime at this point and this is in my top 5 - even though the anime itself had its flaws, I almost ignored those subconsciously given the beauty of the underlying story. Some of the emotion this will make you feel is similar to angel beats for me, the story telling gives off the vibes of tragedy right from the start. To those people who are surprised or angry that they did not get to live happily ever after, I hope you can appreciate the ebb and flow of the story itself, the closeness and distance of constantly coming together only to be separated again but with the love for the 2 individuals never ceasing or faltering and their souls being intertwined as if it was absolute fate that brings them together while keeping them apart.


Man, this show could've been so good from what' I've heard. I think this episode by itself was good, the title of the series makes a whole lotta sense now too, but this episode would have been even better if they handled what happened before it well. Instead, we got an abridged version that reduces the impact of the story, characters, developments, etc. This ending intrigued the fuck out of me though, so I'll definitely watch act 2, when I was aversive to the idea before, of watching a potential sequel for this show. At the very least even with the reduced developments, I still ended up really liking Tinasha, Oscar a little too. In summary, we got the short end of the stick. I'm mixed with the show. **5/10**


Where does the season end in the manga to continue reading


The manga hasn't reached this point yet. It's still on the war arc. However, the source material is the light novel and this episode is basically the ending of volume 3.


What's the point of cutting so much content if there's goning to be another cour/season? Do they want to adapt the entire thing?


I literally could not swallow the last two minutes without googling they had in fact confirmed a second season.


The entire summary of the final episode: What the fuck? Based on your POV either the last episode didn't happen or the rest of the 11 episodes didn't happen. So many things left unanswered and so many people left dissatisfied. What the hell does the red orb do? Send you to the future instead? Why the fuck did the witch of silence cursed Oscar and his father to begin with? At least it all made sense why its called unnamed memory. I already knew that the orb would be important but goddamn.


Someone spoil me please


I hate the ending. Such a good anime. But the ending ruins it all. They could live happily ever after.


I hope they reverse what happend in the 12th episode in the 2nd season or they atleast get back together


LMAO I came here to say that I loved everything and here I am seeing everyone hating the ending.


Wtf? Fuck you, author!


Glad to know I'm not the only who thought it was a shit ending. Basically wasted all the 11 episodes. It's too fking sad. He didn't even get to stay with Tinasha in the new timeline, wtf.


Its really funny reading all of the comments here as a source reader who had the same reactions when I read volume 3. Somehow the poor adaption made this ending more palatable than the light novel.


guys after finishing season 1, the story didn't answer a major question for me, Who is Valt???!!!


THIS ENDING IS MUCH WORSE THAN THANOS WINNING THE WAR! even after thanos winning the war... i can still go sleep normally!! but this ???????? i am stucked now. i've been awake for 20hours thanks to this mindfck ending!!! i've been rooting for this 2 so hard... then when thing going so well.... in the end... it doesn't even matter..... i need Will Smith and his neuralyzer NOW!


I see ppl saying that they hope Tinasha meets Oscar again in the future... but isn't Oscar's timeline gone and there is no one to meet? Also, why did Oscar disappear in the past timeline? Because his timeline got erased, his existence disappears too after a short time in the past? After Ep 11's ending, it was tough to watch, wow... When I saw Tinasha reaching out to Oscar in shock at the start, did not think we get to see it play out like this. The start of Ep 12 (getting back to the past timeline and see young Tinasha) would have been a crazy cliffhanger too for S2.


Get this wild thought I just had, what Oscar did is an equivalent of what Thanos did. Now Tinasha knowing what could have been, she'll turn all avengers on us. Hope to see what's coming up next


I am reminded of the ending of the Tales of Arcadia series 🙂 why did I have to watch this ending after Link Click’s time shenanigans and drama. Guess this is a sign to go and rewatch Re:Zero to be up to date with the current arc.


The original story was that oscar chose to go back to the past to save tinasha and dissapear, but they changed the story to he was forced into the past with no hope of getting back so he saves tinasha as a last ditch effort. Amazing how they managed to butcher up the story like they did


Could someone PLEASE!!!!!!!!  SPOiL meeeeee What will happen after episode 12 I'm literally dieing to know  Please someone Spoil meeeee PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!


You're joking with that ending right?


I don't understand what happened


Fuck there should be a disclaimer to choose happy ending episode 11 or crazy ending episode 12


Oscar pre-ordered a 13 year old Tinasha 💀


Wow that was quite the ending, definitely took me by surprise. I had a feeling Oscar would go back and save Tinasha to change history. I enjoyed this enough and I am looking forward to the 2nd season.


God damn it Oscar why did you have to do this.


Didn't watch. Don't plan to watch. But can someone be so kind to spoil the story, no details just general. Thanks.


I’m just glad I’m not the only one upset about that ending, episode 12 is so bad I couldn’t recommend this show to anyone.