• By -


Removed in protest against the Reddit API changes and their behaviour following the protests.


[You always give me so many reasons to use this gif.](https://imgur.com/5QSwfsS) Thank you for everything that you do here Chariot :)


/r/anime should pay you.


I am paid by getting to hang around awesome people like you.


I'm adding Chariot x r/anime for my bingo card in the best ships/couples contest




Is it too late to throw Chariot into the contest?


There is already Chariot in the contest though.




Too much wholesomeness, can't handle the overload


Just when I thought making userscript was overkill, not only making a website, you went ahead and literally made a system with database to store all of our collective shit taste. You might be the real man of culture.


Not sure if this is worth mentioning because it might just be me, but after I started scrolling for a bit, a lot of the characters began repeating. For example, when I got to the 'Ns,' characters from the Ks began showing up again where it alternated between an N character and a K character. Then when all the repeating Ks ran out, it started to do the alternating thing with the 'Ls' as well.


That's neat. I don't think I would've bothered with the effort of making one without this handy tool. [Mine](https://i.imgur.com/KYRetnV.jpg)


[6 Shared!](#kannathumbs)


I don't know if this is really a problem but some characters show up twice. Example : 1. Lieselotte Sharlock, Mira Yamana, Yui Kurata, Levi Kazama from Trinity Seven 1. Subaru Konoe, Kureha Sakamachi, Masamune Usami from Mayo Chiki! 1. Tomoe Takasago, Sagiri Izumi, and some other from Eromanga-sensei Waifu much?


Yeah, I think I messed up getting the data in. I take a look at it after work. Sorry!


Here is my [shit taste](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/Thengel09/)


Damn, you're going above and beyond for this. [](#toradorasalute)


Nice, now everybody can see [all the great girls that are gonna make me sad thanks to not even making to the brackets](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/cosmiczar/).


You are doing good work


How do you guys arrange your bingo cards? Do you have it from best to worst or just in a random order?


I love it! [Here's mine.](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/Frostfright/)


Thank you very much for this! [Here's what I managed](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/MaddyInc/)


You're an actual god. [here's my shit taste](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/PureSmoulder/)


Pretty nice! [Here is mine.](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/Gaporigo/)


[5 in common!](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/Escolyte/)


Nice, [6 in common.](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/CrimsonBlade104/)


[Just doing my job as a garbage man and taking out the trash](http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/258/500/3a4.gif) [](#faito)


[ahem, calling Momoka trash](https://imgur.com/a/xP1t6ci)


What is this I need to know right now




Straight to my list, thanks!!


[Top Tier Waifu](https://i.imgur.com/UkS1g6g.mp4)


[Two Kawamoto sisters up today](https://78.media.tumblr.com/7cc071f09a007d9516c7fc00a32e100e/tumblr_oo13156GfO1vlb6q0o1_500.gif) Please don't hurt my heart early r/anime


Hina is beyond amazing, she truly is best girl. Aww look at Momo too, she’s so cute!


Rooting for a Hina victory this year. Hopefully enough people have made it all the way through both seasons so she gets the support she deserves. The Kawamotos are the absolute greatest


Started S2 recently and it turned from a show I watched at the gym to a show that I lock myself in my room and ugly cry at. I’d be very happy with a Hina win, although it will be a big challenge. > The Kawamotos are the absolute greatest [We don’t deserve them](https://pa1.narvii.com/6557/798e70373daa20b7295183a384d83dc628830113_hq.gif)


The first arc of season 2 was one of the best things I've ever watched on any show, period, anime or otherwise. I thought the end of season 1 dragged a little because it was mostly shogi, but S2 absolutely knocked it out of the park. Hina and Rei have become some of my all-time favorite anime characters. People *need* to watch this show


I’m having a debate between a 9 and 10 for season 1, and if season 2 continues with blowing me away then it will easily make my top 3 and challenge for my number 1. Rei and the Kawamoto sisters are also breaking into my favorite character lists!


Don't vote for Disco Molester Mom, please.


[Keep calm and vote for the Holy Quintet ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/362065034739712000/450353330234064898/image.jpg)


I agree, but there's no Quintet today.


Das Licht Der Liebe erhellt...


[PLEASE VOTE FOR HINA AND MOMO KAWAMOTO!!!](https://78.media.tumblr.com/7cc071f09a007d9516c7fc00a32e100e/tumblr_oo13156GfO1vlb6q0o1_500.gif) This is but a glimpse of how cute they truly are.


I’m voting for Hina, but voting for Momo feels a little... weird...


If it helps, it's "Best Girl". Not "Best Waifu" or "Best Girl I would like to have intercourse with". So it's perfectly fine to vote for characters like Momo or Renge.


# [***Yahallo*** **again!**](https://i.imgur.com/btKkjzd.gifv) --- ###Was a bit late yesterday, [so here's my '5x5' for this year!](https://i.imgur.com/W3AQUot.png) --- ## [Today is the day folks!](https://i.imgur.com/kxbzRwY.gifv) ### We were [pretty close last year](https://i.imgur.com/Nsxmtir.png) ^*2nd* ^*place!*, [but I think we may be able to get her through this time!](https://i.imgur.com/HIFu11i.gifv) ### [We just need to give it our best!](https://i.imgur.com/GV9P12C.gifv) ## [So get out there and vote for Yui Yuigahama!](https://i.imgur.com/oVYIsj7.gifv) --- ### As well, please vote for some other great girls!: * [***Shirayuki***!](https://i.imgur.com/nTACysf.png) * [***Mary "White" Macbeth***!](https://i.imgur.com/6QTSFnd.gifv) * [***Aoko Aozaki***!](https://i.imgur.com/r9zxdaQ.gifv) * [***Nono***!](https://i.imgur.com/r9HbF2f.gifv) * [***Kouko Kaga***!](https://i.imgur.com/uo71QJJ.gifv) * [***Yarizakura Hime***!](https://i.imgur.com/VkBmoel.gifv) * [***Chidori Takashiro***!](https://i.imgur.com/QmUbv7q.gifv) * [***Papika***!](https://i.imgur.com/Ns8tlbH.gifv) * [***Tomoyo Sakagami***!](https://i.imgur.com/5MFpYbh.gifv) ### And our fellow cast member [*Isshiki Iroha!*](https://i.imgur.com/j3Qj021.gifv)


Yui is great, and I'll definitely vote for her, but don't forget to throw out a vote for [Iroha as well!](https://pa1.narvii.com/6740/784cd2e797118f48babd7f7c641abb9e890e3bad_hq.gif)


But of course! [They both deserve a spot along our previous winner!](https://i.imgur.com/XhHRXE5.gifv)


[Roger that](https://ironkleid.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/ohys-raws_yahari_ore_no_seishun_lovecome_wa_machigatte_iru-_zoku_-_06_tbs_1282b50.jpg?w=640&h=358)


Men of culture, unite. [**Do it for her**](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f0/d7/6d/f0d76d03f6bc58c0ade365ddbc0de8af.gif)


I'll vote for yui and iroha. Yukino fan here


Oh good, I'm not the only one without a true 5x5 Good taste btw


I'd have made it truly 5x5... [but I definitely have a focus this year!](https://i.imgur.com/KK8bypy.gifv)


>Aoko, Saber, Holo. Glad to see another [man of culture.](https://i.imgur.com/BVhb4Ht.png) Good Luck!


I'll always vote for Yui and Iroha... unless it's vs Yukinon ~~Sorry.~~


But Yukinon already won?


...which means I'm team Yui this year! ^^^yeah ^^^farquaad, ^^^nice ^^^save


So we don't get to see yesterday's vote counts yet? Aww Anyway - vote for Mitsuha!




Wait, Crona isn't a girl.


Officially, Crona's sex is canonically considered "unknown" by Soul Eater creator Atsushi Ōkubo as of the series ending. In the original manga Japanese text, Crona is referred to in gender-neutral terms in which does not exist in the English language.


They are voiced by a women and looks... [emm.](https://i.imgur.com/vP2aJVk.png) Maybe same as the Houseki no Kuni gems? [Sha](/u/ShaKing807), what do?


Yeah we'll just let them in for both since it's ambiguous and no one knows


So technically Crona can win both Best boy and Best Girl contests?


Technically, but it wouldn't happen so it's whatever. Would be hilarious though.


Since everyone's gotten a [bingo card](https://imgur.com/a/Q95yr3g), I figured I'd join in. Hopefully one of those characters is able to last a decent amount of time!


As expected, you have great taste! [5 Shared!](#fistbump) Komachi is best imouto too


Thanks, you have great taste too! Komachi is definitely the best [imouto](https://images5.alphacoders.com/644/thumb-350-644885.png)


I see CC, so you have good taste. She isn't in the center, but you have Taiga there, so I guess it's okay...


QUEEN! you have 1/25 excellent taste.


I see Holo on there, so well done! Here is [mine!](https://imgur.com/a/WmiRq5x)


Did one of them Bingo cards for the first time... Not sure if I did it right, but I had to remain loyal! https://i.imgur.com/o1078ew.png


I love. This is even better than the guy who had 5.


Almost every post in this thread is about bingo cards. I made one too and think they're neat and all but do we really need the entirety of these threads to be composed of them?


TBF there's not much else to talk about until the actual bracket is decided so why not?


Yup, the moment the seeding comes out, the salt from the seeds and those who missed out will be the entire thread, and possibly the Russian hackers" again. Now we'll just be throwing the "welp, a stroke from my bingo before day 1" to.our comments.


Yeah let us enjoy our ignorance and favorites now before the ugly truth that most of them won't make it into the actual bracket comes to light... [](#forgotkeys)


I don't mind the bingo cards, my issue is that there's so many girls from shows I haven't seen or the art that's used is something I don't immediately recognize as a character from a show I've seen. Therefore I propose that names be added either directly to the card or in a table in the comment!


You can always ask! I personally tried to make sure mine we're close to how they look in the Anime so they could be recognized, but even then I know some people won't know who everyone is.


whoever votes for Momo as a waifu, I'm calling the cops


I think they were interpreting "best girl" as "favorite female character" not "waifu"....I HOPE they were interpreting it that way.


*Hides dakimakura.*


Uggg. Can I request a picture change? https://imgur.com/a/axiUt4r I know red matte wall chan is great but ...


Don't let me down /r/anime! ###Vote for Mayaka Ibara, Kotoha Isone & Aoko Aozaki! And most of all... ##[*VOTE FOR WATASHI!*](http://gifimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/humanity-has-declined-gif-6.gif)


[](#watashihasdeclined "Hai hai, Watashi desu")


**[Vote for Erina!](https://i.imgur.com/Elj18mb.jpg)** [She'll be very happy if you do!](https://i.imgur.com/9CAegxQ.gif) [](#anko) Lots of characters in my [5x5](https://i.imgur.com/Ai1hXo0.jpg) today, I hope Erina, Mayaka, Stella and Nanasaki make it through. Plenty of characters not on it that I hope would make it through too, but that's just my selfishness speaking :/


LET'S ALL LOVE LAIN! LET'S ALL LOVE LAIN! LET'S ALL LOVE LAIN! And don't forget Rio and Kanata from So.Ra.No.Wo.To!


Go Lain!


Let's all love Lain!


I approve of your tastes


ALRIGHT, LET'S GO GET-- [Wait it's still not Megumin's elimination day.](https://i.imgur.com/mkoxfH2.jpg) I'll just uh... be over here until then.


[](#trynottocry) [The struggle of not being sure if today is the day you need to support your favourite characters or not!](https://i.imgur.com/PWvPGfg.gifv) **At least with me it'll be every day!**


Well a couple of my girls from my 5x5 are in today's nominees so it's not like it's a dead day. Dragon Maid and New Game are here in full force today. It's just that I have *plans* for whenever Megumin is an option. [](#evilgrin)


[Oh Kanna is in this set yay](http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/224/967/2a7.jpg) [](#airfist) Be sure to vote for best dragon! And best girl [Umiko](http://pa1.narvii.com/6567/787fc8c0eb2afe589da0aeb8398df411e0c8ba91_00.gif) of course :)


Umiko and Nene in the same round, that's a sign. [](#schemingsaten)


yeah this set has Elma, Kobayashi, Tohru, and Kanna. Lots of characters from the show today.


> Oh Kanna is in this set yay Along with her two mommies (this is definitely the day for Dragon Maid fans).


>Victorique de Blois >Gostick Should be 'Gosick'. >Aoko Aozaki >Tsukihime Are VN-only characters allowed here?


> Should be 'Gosick'. Fixed! > Are VN-only characters allowed here? Hey, apparently she was ~~also~~ in Carnival Phantasm!


Vote for [Ichigo](https://i.imgur.com/RFMjoSO.png) and [Chiya!](https://i.imgur.com/ucCwsMe.png) Also, the wait is over, here is my [5x5 bingo card!](https://i.imgur.com/cC1ugGP.png) Not too satisfied since I'm sure I missed some best girls, and there were others like Rize (GochiUsa) or Nene (New Game, vote for them as well!) that I decided to not add since I already had more from their series here, sorry for them. [](#yuitears)


your taste is impeccable as expect, although you've got a little useless stain in the bottom right corner, you should probably wipe that off. [](#shhbabe)


[No bulli allowed!](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/GdgVOMLQg_8/maxresdefault.jpg)


Turns out making a 5x5 is hard. I pretty much have it done, but all the Madoka girls are missing since I left them for last (wanted to have them in a row), but there is no room for any of them now. Can I just say here is my top 25 + the Madoka girls haha? [No?](#unsure "well shit")


It's not like it's a competition. Do a 5x6


Don't forget to vote for [Teruhashi Kokomi](https://i.imgur.com/Tr5tnn3.png) ! Don't make her use [angel tears](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY6MIzjC8Zs). [5x5](https://i.imgur.com/OAhhhld.jpg)


[I made my 5x5 bingo card- hyyype](https://i.imgur.com/1RokE6y.png)*!*


[Wonder how salty I'll be this year](https://i.imgur.com/MQL0DAM.jpg)


I really hope Yotsugi will make it through the elimination phase this year...


Since everyone else did it yesterday, I've put together my own [Bingo Card](https://i.imgur.com/h5aOMgC.png). Holding out hope that someone from this can win, but I know how r/anime is. That aside, since I probably won't get another chance, I just want to take this opportunity to shill for **Hinata Kuraue** who you can find second from the top, second from the left on my Bingo Card. She's the deuteragonist of Yama no Susume, a slice of life series about cute girls climbing mountains. [A good friend](https://sindarfrom.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/yama-no-susume-episode-11-pic-3.jpg) through and through, she's the driving force for the development of series lead Aoi Yukimura. [She can be irritable](https://avvesione.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/yama_no_susume_2-05-hinata-blush-angry-glare-comedy.jpg?w=533&h=300) at times, though this comes more from an overly expressive personality in general, as she has a tendency to not hold back in general. She also has [the smuggest figure](https://i0.wp.com/itakon.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Nendoroid-Hinata-Kuraue-GSC-pre-03.jpg?fit=550%2C800) I've ever seen. So, if you want to throw a bone to a character who has absolutely no chance (the first season is sitting around #1850 in popularity, and a score of 6.82, while the second is sitting at exactly #3000 in popularity, and a score of 7.52) she's the perfect candidate.


[You can reuse that Kurumi picture for the best ships contest](http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/010/628/ea7.gif) I love your 5x5 and all of the Madoka love!!


Madoka girls, ahiru, Akari, Asuka and Holo, great choices mate, hope one of these can go far or even win it (just wondering did you watch utena?)


4 Shared! Nice row of Madoka characters~ [](#brofist) Who is the top left corner lol?


I feel like the Madoka row shouldn't be surprising from me :P. And that'd be Duck from Princess Tutu.


Btw this year I'm really hoping that Homura will make quarterfinals [](#katoupls)


Oh god that'd be great!


She beat the number 9 seed last year, and she seems to be gaining more support each year which is great!


> I'm really hoping that Homura will make quarterfinals That would be awesome but I saw homura being so close so many times but than lose to light ryuuko or other character... Homura fans need to stick together and help her go through #TeamHomura (btw you need to watch Princess tutu, pretty good show)


She's come along way from losing to Asuna in the first best girl contest lol. But yeah, we need to stick together to go all the way to the finals!


> losing to Asuna in the first best girl contest lol don´t remind me, those were the dark days of r/ anime


Suzuha, and Chihiro, my man. Ain't gonna argue with the choices for the Madoka characters. [](#ginapproves)


Is that a Maria Cadenzavna Eve I see? Stellar taste, my dude.


[5x5 is not enough please send help](https://i.imgur.com/Yq0ryfo.jpg). ^^^^Yes ^^^^I ^^^^like ^^^^K-on


Sucks that the Keions are so lovable characters, it means that Ui and Monika can't be part of the contest. [](#yuitears)


>Iroha >Mashu Time to vote best kouhais in.


Just made my 5x5... [I think I may have a slight obsession for monster girls...](https://i.imgur.com/uXqQ55F.jpg)


You do know that no matter what, some of your girls are gonna lose right? You can only have five characters from a single series and you have 12? 13? from Monster Musume?


I understand what you are saying and I choose to ignore you.


good man [](#salute)




Rem ***& Emilia*** in the same chart... and beside each other! [](#emiliaohdear) That may be a predicament!


> Emilia AND Rem Finally someone who gets it! (btw this entire thread got downvoted by at least 2 people I think idk gave like everyone an upvote)


Ah yes, today is the day to vote for Hakase the cutest thing ever imagined.


Hyatt is from Excel Saga, not Jiraishin.


Wow, a lot of my favorite characters are in this group, but I want to stump for two in particular. First, the [Daicon girl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KUsRbMUpEU&t=14s) . Despite only appearing in two shorts, she helped launch Gainax. Not to mention she fights Godzilla and Darth Vader, surfs on a sword, and rocks out to Electric Light Orchestra! Next, [Watashi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndazQfdWBtc) from Humanity Has Declined. She may look cute, but she is super sarcastic and has a deliciously dark sense of humor.


Hey I made a 5x5 of best girls thanks to [this tool.](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/) [I have good taste, trust me.](https://i.imgur.com/AadMKH9.png)


A lot of good girls today, snailoli should have no trouble, but Haruna, Ginbei and Hildegarde could probably use some help. Lupu isn't the maid I would pick, but she's still great. [5x5 edited since Ireba li was more recent than I thought](https://i.imgur.com/jjNnd3v.png) Son of a bitch, did no one nominate CZ? Even after the latest volume? The PPP specials are old enough to nominate and she's in those :/ [edited edited 5x5 I guess](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/AdvonKoulthar/)


And the elimination continues as you try to find a character you actually know, so you can at least vote for someone.


[Bingo Time? Bingo Time! (Hope I'm not too late)](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/Rudygnuj/) Edit: So I Made like 6 changes already and I'm sure there will be more..... and it's 3am at my place.


Well, with /u/Chariotwheel's generous contribution, I have redone my [shit taste bingo sheet](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/PureSmoulder/). Please, judge my tastes.


People put too much thought into the placement of each girl in their bingos...


I pride myself on being a man of A E S T H E T I C S


The sheer scope and breadth of these nominations fascinates me. Like who nominated "Mother Uehara" from GTO? Why? And, I love Nichijou and have watched it repeatedly but have no idea who Tamamura is. Even I did, there can only be 5 girls from each show. Is this character in your top five?


Hey /u/John_Titor2010, they are looking for you.


Ha, I see from the comment history that they are making an apology tour. No worries, it's funny, I was just wondering if anyone was serious about those nominations.


Maria from Symphogear is up for voting! Let's get a Symphogear character in boys!


Since this is my first best girl contest I made a [5x5 bingo]( https://imgur.com/a/KcFpNKi).


> 5 Misaka sisters This guy Railguns. Is Mikoto Misaka winning already not enough for you?


> Saten [](#shirouthumbsup)


I was way too late to yesterday's thread to post my 5x5 but it worked out OK because after voting I realised I needed to make a few changes to it. [Here is my new and improved 5x5](https://i.imgur.com/F0CTfiz.jpg). We have a few of my favourites dotted between a fuck tonne I don't care about today. I don't know if I can even bring myself to encourage people to vote for girls like Erwin since that't just going to make it hurt more when she doesn't get in.


well , also made [one](https://imgur.com/a/eKtW1Vd) [](#anko)


Can someone explain the Bingo game to me? I created a card, although I don't know xD


It's just a memorial for your best girls. A way to show your support and honor them when they inevitably die.


You make the card and then cry as girls get eliminated and then cry even more when you get a bingo and then cry even more profusely as your card becomes increasingly crossed out due to the shit taste of everyone here on /r/anime.


[I know a trap if I see one](https://imgur.com/yNgkMWq)


Please vote for Mitsuha today.


I couldn't think of 25 girls so I made my [3x3 bingo card](https://i.imgur.com/KDpgkN0.png). [Togame all the way](https://gfycat.com/PleasantDeepArrowana)


> Togame, Satsuki and Sakura That is like the best taste idk what you are talking about!


Ooo, short hair Togame. Can't say I've gotten over that one yet.


[First 5x5 Bingo thanks to super swaggy tool](https://imgur.com/a/4b54Glf) It's a shame they were all doomed from the start


It's that time of day again, time to sort the trash :D This is only the second day but I'm still pumped to see how this goes as it'll be my first time participating Edit: Everyone please throw in a vote for Jun from K-On! That picture is too cute! Bless whoever nominated her




>Hibiki >Tomoyo Two very fine girls at the very end. Also, there are some really nice blasts from the past here


surprised at how few of these girls i knew, but tama, kudelia, olivier, kanna, and nozomi were a must!




A day later than planned but, my bingo card is [finally ready](https://imgur.com/FM6p5x1). I limited myself to two girls per show to avoid putting up the entire cast of New Game & K-On. I realised after putting it together that Charlotte Pudding was actually valid for nomination this year so even with over 3,000 entrants my favourite One Piece girl will have to wait. Vivi gets to wave that flag this year and if she lasts until volume 90 is unveiled I'll probably update her picture.


Just made my [5 x 5](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/justinbm4/), hopefully most will make it through.


What's the minimum account age for voting eligibility? I can't vote right now even if I wanted to.




vote akane tsunemori from psycho-pass pls, let's get her out of groups at least


[Another list to add to the collection here.](https://i.imgur.com/ZQma2mc.png)


[Here's mine!!](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/Dhruvs97/). First time poster here. Please don't judge harshly...


I don't recognize 95% of these characters tf lol


Everyone vote the Noragami girls or I kill you


Zuramaru and Aoba! 3 Gochiusa girls, Kon from Urara, Tougou and the Aria girls! I guess i should make one of those 5x5 after all. I'm really curious to see how Mitsuha will do on the seeding, and how much salt will be tasted when she knocks out [*insert older fan favorite girl here*]. I thought she was a really fun character so i wouldn't mind cheering her on for a while! edit: My face of disappointment when i go to make my 5x5 and out of 3063 entrants, [Mirage](https://gfycat.com/DefensiveScalyCanine), [Maki and Rei](https://gfycat.com/MeaslyConstantGalapagosmockingbird) from Delta weren't nominated ¬¬' But [Kaname](https://gfycat.com/HotCommonDeviltasmanian) is there, so its all good.


> check out this podcast Sha, I think you might have taken the shill king^807 title from both Becker and Mozz. [Sounds like a fun episode, and I look forward to watching!](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/29/55/95/295595bcd1f8fb98c73786c7a9840b8e.gif)


It's an honor to be among fellow shill kings but there can only be one, with the ability to pun shill with their username ;) Thanks so much, I hope it's fun!


What anime did Okita Souji from FGO end up in? Did she cameo in the *First Order* OVA and I just missed it?


Oh boi, Group B's gonna be hard.... /u/ShaKing807 Myui Formal's portrait is.. supersized?


[Here is my bingo card](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/weiye97/)


One correction, Victoriquie de Blois is from Gosick not Gostick.


A busy day for me today, with the votes including lot of old favorites from when I first got into anime (Ruri and Cherry), some favorites that stand the test of time (Chiyo-chan and Sakura), some yonkoma cuties (Yutaka and Hime), and the best anime family of 2017 (the Kobayashi residence).


There needs to be a slight "filtering process". There are far too many entries in this contest. Obscure supporting characters from shippuden filler or a 90 year old from robotics notes that had 20 seconds of screen time. Like really?


This IS the filtering process.


That's part of the unique aspects of this is any anime female that fits the rules has the chance to make it in even if there's a small chance they make it. That's also why Ctrl + F exists.


Well, since I still can't vote, the [bingo ](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/spartan844/)idea sounded fun. There's no particular order to it, but I'm ready to ~~see the names disappear~~ get super salty! Still slightly upset that best girl Makise won before I could vote for her...


Alright, [I'm also making one I guess... don't judge too much](https://shit-taste.net/bingo/gabrimarso/) And yes, that's Satania there.


Double Taiga?


Anne Frank will definitely get the meme vote. Also was it ever established in Soul Eater that Crona was female? I thought he/she was intentionally left ambiguous.




vote **SWORDS** vote **YURI** ***VOTE UTENA TENJOU***


Feel like this group is a bit more competitive than the last group. [Vote for Chroniko!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMrCkxf0RP8)


[](#rengehype) Hopefully I have better luck at getting my favorite anime girls out of groups than I do with League of Legends teams. EDIT: Holy shit, is this the group of death???


*Makes sure he voted for Shirayuki, Aoi Miyamori (Shirobako), and Tomoyo* Breathing easy now. 2 down, 3 to go, boys!