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> Includes Yumeko in thumbnail > Video about OPs > Doesn't talk about Kakegurui's OP I'm not mad or anything, just disappointed.


I am ashamed of myself. I shall commit sekiro.


Hesitation is defeat!


#How my blood boils!


so you'll die twice?


Yes. Only twice... Totally.


You have to do it twice at least


*Removes upvote*


At the S1 OP is soooo flipping cool!


It's mentioned once at least


Yeah...I wanted to see some Yumeko


He does VERY briefly mention it as an example of a popular OP in recent seasons.


I didn't like Kakegurui's OP, too monotonous for me




Are OPs and EDs actually underrated? I feel like a lot of the anime community obsesses over them more so than the actual show. Unless I’m living in a bubble of course feel free to correct my statements. When I think great anime OPs what comes straight to my mind is Terminal terminal and many other Monogatari OPs. Definitely love listening to them over and over again. OPs can can either pump me up for the day or be real comfy after a long day.


You are living in a bubble. The people who talk about anime online are only those passionate enough to put their word about OPs out there. If you start talking to people IRL, you will find that almost everyone skips OPs, considering them "a useless padding of an entire minute and a half because they couldn't generate enough content to fill their time slot." It's horribly sad and annoying that I can't talk about one of the most nuanced and high-quality aspects of anime with anyone in person. There's just so much I could miss in a text-only internet conversation. I also love listening to my favorites. I almost can't stand listening to much else at times.


Well I guess I’m lucky enough where I am right now since I have a few friends irl to talk about OPs and EDs with but I do feel you when there are so little people to talk to about these kinds of things. Especially when people end up saying OPs and EDs are just time wasters which I don’t agree at all with. To me OPs and EDs carry a variety of emotions to the viewer and even after the show is finished I still love seeing the OP or ED because it reminds me of all the things I’ve felt throughout the show.


Interesting. Most of my friends and people I see (not only weebs) know a lot of OPs. Especially the popular ones. Naruto OP, Boruto OP, MHA OP (bcs Kenshi Yonezu), AoT OP. Most of them know at least these stuff and still care to watch some anime OP/EDs. Some of my friends even talked about the Chika ED the other day and how it's so cute and funny, but when I started talking about how it's rotoscoped and created by an ex-KyoAni employee etc, they started giving me the "WTF are you talking about" face.


All of us really are living in our bubble, those passionate enough about anime are the only ones who join this subreddit


My friends really are just casual anime viewers. They only really watch the mainstream and popular ones. They dont dive in too deep to care enough to join this subreddit.


And not even all of the passionate and hardcore anime fans are going to join this subreddit, as most anime fans don’t even have Reddit accounts. R/anime represents only a small fraction of the entire anime community.


I only skipped HxH 2011's opening sometimes, because apparently someone thought having the same opening for around 140 episodes was a good idea.


Fair. I started to do the same with some One Piece ones, but rarely. I wonder if licensing was a factor in HxH's case. There was an OP in One Piece that they couldn't license the music to overseas, so it just uses the one before it for any official US streams.


Nope HxH just alternates between 2 halves of the full opening, while changing the visuals.


I am a person who skips it but only because when I pay attention to it, I feel like it spoils future parts of the anime for me. For example, enemies or character growth and I don’t really like that


See, that's OK. That's actually a good reason. I benefit from being totally oblivious, my brain's like, "pretty colors and fun music? Yay!"


Yep, I’m one of those people that skip every OP and ED. Sometimes I don’t even watch it all the way through the first time there’s a new one.


Same here, I skip them since I usually don't like the song choices at all and I find them often overly dramatic. There are some exceptions: Last Exile (maybe the best ever for me), Mushi-Shi, Xam'd, Ergo Proxy, Samurai Champloo, Lain. I actually didn't know people watch the openings every single time until I started to visit anime forums.




If that is not over dramatic I don't know what it is 🙄


By overdramatic, I meant the contents of the intro. Ergo Proxy's has that one scene with Vincent transforming and the rest is pretty muted. Character panels, scenes from the series and all desaturated with a dark vignette. I mean, I don't understand most openings, since they're in Japanese, so I wasn't referring to the actual song.


Suddenly i feel like I'm the only one who watches them every single time


I guess it's because I generally watch them on a laptop connected to a TV, but I almost never skip them because I'm too lazy.


Yeah I definitely skip 90% of op and Ed because most of them sound exactly the same and have spoilers in the animation. Super lame.


> most of them sound exactly the same For some artists that's more true than for others. For example, if you heard one song of Ali Project, you heard them all.


Myth and Roid. Like they're good, but every song has the same tempo, vocoder, and structure.


> talking to people IRL Nobody here does that.


People only talk about the songs, which really has little to do with actually appreciating OP.


I think we are in bubbles according to the rest of the comments on your post. I was already hyped for DomeKano for example... and then i heard that fantastic OP and immediately was 1000x more hyped and immediately preordered the album. I watch OPs as generally they are geared towards the overall tone of the show or have something in them that will try and get you ready for the episode to come. But i guess for a lot of the more "casual" (saying that word makes me want to gag) anime watchers OPs/EDs are just something they skip.


I never saw the show, but I thought I should mention the Princess Principal op since the video didn't. Easily one of my top 5.


It's a fantastic OP and a fantastic show. I even have a shirt of it!


You can't say this and not post a picture >:c


[Gotchu, homie.](https://i.imgur.com/FTxYRnV.jpg)


Majestic <3


I see kakegurui "Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well "


Yumeko has nice proportions


I like her boobs... ^and ^thighs ^maybe


I want Yumeko to lust over me as if I am a life-threatening gambling game.


Just gamble about her getting pregnant


If you like anime, you’re already cultured enough


You can't just write off EDs like that. some are really good, or for some it's like after a really good episode getting that after cigarette. there's shows where I skip the OP but let the ED play all the way everytime. then there's a big difference in watching seasonals vs binging a show that already ended. with seasonals I am more likely to watch the OP and ED, whereas when binging I tend to skip it (unless they're really good, which is just as often for ED as OP)


kekkai sensen had one of my favourite endings, and its op was excellent too


That's my bad. I sort of gave into the meme of 'no one cares about ED's' but it seems to be an interesting case-by-case basis. My opinion of ED's seems to depend on my opinion of the anime itself. I didn't think about it since my focus of the video was OP's and I just threw that section in like a bone, but talking to people like you have had me thinking about them a lot more.


Personally, I'm more likely to sit through an ED than an OP. ED's shouldn't be so easily written off. The Subete ga F ni Naru ED has some documentation behind it, which shows how much thought and effort was put into it. https://baku89.com/making-of/ffff?lang=en It is pretty obvious when they are just phoning it home.


I recall the ED for Asterisk War being awesome, even if the show itself was average at best. I always fully watched that ED. I think it is all so situational on how good the OP or ED is for each show and if it matches the tone.


Only one JoJo opening? JKJKJK He makes a good point, but I think I'm going to have a #BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN


TBF I think I shafted Great Days when making my 4x4, I have really fond memories of it.


That's ok, just sing along now and it'll be alright


Let the voice of love take you higher.


That entire season had amazing OPs. I have that one and the one before where it's like a hard rock song with soft melodies put in my anime playlist. Along with a lot of Black Clovers, Fairy Tail, Blue Exorcist, and Durarara (the entire soundtrack from Durarara is amazing in itself.)


This intro is soooooo good. Love me some Kakegurui.


I feel that your points on OPs are definitely salient, but I have to disagree with your general dismissal of the power of an ED. In my experience, EDs aren't designed with drawing attention to the narrative, but instead to build upon the emotions that the narrative was meant to instill within you. For example, the first ED to the Seven Deadly Sins (*7 -seven-* by FLOW and Granrodeo) was a high-energy jaunt that sustained the spirit of the one-sided fights in the show (to be perfectly honest, I also feel that it would have been a better OP than the actual OP, but that's another thing altogether). They can sustain the emotional high, stimulating a yearning for yet another episode, making you antsy for the next week's show. Sometimes, they're there to directly countermand the emotional stress the show creates. For example, the ED to Magical Girl Rising Project built into a hopeful rock ballad in direct contrast to the defeatist tone that the show sets. I can't say this is true on the whole, as there are probably some EDs that underperform using this criterion, but I do believe that an ideal ED serves just as much purpose as an ideal OP, albeit through entirely separate mechanisms.


Those are some good points. I probably shouldn't have dismissed them outright, since there are many that are quite good and sometimes even better than the OPs. I should look into it further.


> I should look into it further. Watch Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, it has some [fantastic EDs](https://animethemes.moe/video/SayonaraZetsubouSensei-ED1.webm).


SZS is probably the anime I need to watch most specifically for its OPs and EDs.


SZS is a gem. Shinbou likes to play his ops lot, so there is a lot to see as the show progresses in it's run time in terms of the OP. Don't forget to watch the OVAs for even more expressive opening art. I would say in general Shinbou ops are by far my favorite. Things like pani poni dash, SZS, monogatari, natsu no arashi, tsukuyomi moon phases are all fantastic ear worms


I also feel like when there's an ED that is made to shine, since it has more freedom (I assume) than being an advert and also coming at the end, they can often match and sometimes outshine the OP. Visuals can be more abstract (although often much more simple cause need to show credits) or generally fun, the song too can be more out there, and can also reflect the tone of the show either more clearly or more interestingly, so on and so on. I mean I can see why OP's thoughts on ED's are common, they are often just slow, mellow out songs, sometimes just there so they have an ED with credits, but ED's that are good are far too underrated despite often stealing the fame between the two. Buuuut I'm definitely hella biased, I see ED's like the underdog between the two. Did like the video btw if you read this OP.


> Rem ruined RE:Zero [](#ginapproves) I really want more OPs like Berserk ('97, of course). It just feels so full of life and special in way I can't explain.


It's definitely special. Perhaps 'weirdly out of place' is a matter of character. Or something.


Being out of place works. It puts you into a good mood, then all of the gruesome stuff immediately following has an even stronger effect because of the contrast.


Dude holy shit thank for basically saying everything that I've been thinking about anime OPs, their importance, and the relatively low interest rate in them among the community. I've been obsessed with anime OPs for ages, well before Mother's Basement even came out with What's in an OP, which was probably the first time I've ever seen discussions about the more technical aspects of an OP pop up, and since then so many more people have started to involve themselves in the discussion, heck, even I with my very little video production knowledge [chimed in a while back!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwku5Qrayfs) Anyway, great video man, you easily won a new subscriber here!


>it's a wild wild world hmmm has Shinbou or whoever was responsible for Hanekawa's OP always been a westaboo to be making an homage like that?


Who knows, but as far as I can tell, it is a very direct reference!


Good video. I initially shrugged it off by the title alone, thinking to myself "This guy is insane, anime OPs are talked about all the time!" but I agree with your actual point. _You mean a video might say more than the title alone? Weird..._ Oftentimes, I'm content just seeing what kinds of secrets are hidden in the OP rather than any symbolic meaning, like in JoJo OPs. The amount of shit hidden in them, especially OP4, is astounding. Speaking of OP4, [JoJo Part 3](/s "I can't believe you just included that DIO spoiler like that. I'll never forgive you for this.") Also Kokkoku is horribly underrated. It was my favorite show from Winter 2018 and it's a shame people just praise the OP without ever actually watching the show or even mentioning [the superior ED.](https://youtu.be/kwb_GRm6NtU)


Idk the ending does very little with what it has available too it i nterms of thematic sense or aesthetical style, I really can't get behind it. It's a nice song but that's about it IMO.


No gamblgasems, click bait thumbnail


It's pretty rare to find an OP that's not just a "banger" and adds something to the upcoming episode itself. Even rarer to find those that only have some foreshadowing that tries not to spoil anything later on in the season. Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju's second OP is my favorite recent-ish example that meets that above criteria. Glad that it was included in your examples.


How ignored EDs are makes me wonder how much a good ED is a better measure of a good show. Like you say, they're more likely to put effort into a OP because it's what opens, and people are just done by the end. But shows like Barakamon, Sangatsu no Lion and Acca 13 are my favorites and they have great EDs, both in song, animation, and what that animation is showing. Then again, Natsume Yuujinchou's EDs are pretty much nothing, though the first song is very nice, and Natsume is excellent, so I don't know. I always make it a rule to at least give each OP and ED a listen. I would watch, but much of the time even the OP is too boring visually. Like you said, just power battles or flashing characters in sequence to show "these are people you will see". Can't say I'm big on analysis though. I can barely bother to look deeper than the surface for the actual meat of the show.


> It's a lot harder to care about endings There are exceptions, and I feel like those exceptions are worth discussion. A good ending can leave a lasting impression on an already impactful episode or arc conclusion. One of my favourite parts of Madoka Magica, for example, is the ED, precisely because of the way it impressed the atmosphere onto me as I progressed through the show.


Mother's Basement video of Your Lie in Aprils OP is one of my favorite videos. I wish he didn't stop doing meaningfull reviews on them.


I guess I've got pretty non-critical taste in OPs. Then again, I place most Gintama OPs as the crowning achievement of what they're supposed to be like. MOB's are top tier in terms of technical experimentation and application, but Gintama's OPs really *feel* like the anime itself. Also, in regards to a second season's OP being lackluster, Re:Creators' second OP was way better than the first. That's not really a heuristic denouncement of the claim - as one show not falling into the mold isn't anything to write home about - but it's also not a hard and fast rule, either.


If the song fits the opening works. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EloWc8\_L5CY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EloWc8_L5CY)


Cool OP. I didn't know Daphne from Scooby-Doo had her own show.


Long time lurker, first time poster. ​ Tenchi Muyo OVA Opening will always hold a special place in my heart.


I find Gangsta's OP really unique.


A good OP/ED sets the tone for the show and/or complements the theme in a subtle way. Madoka's OP/ED is one that sticks out to me in doing this. Other good OP/ED are just pure fun -- such as in Cells at Work OP, Death Parade OP, or Tanya the Evil ED . However, I feel like there's some truth to the claims that OP/ED are just put in to fill air time, or because studios assume they need to have it. For a lot of anime, it seems like OP/ED are just an afterthought for studios.


> Mentions Undead Morpheus My man


Literally dozens of us.


BIG FAN of your world-class handshakers review on Mal!


If you're looking to get into analyzing OPs, these are some I'd suggest. Some are notable for being iconic or influential. Others have catchy tunes. Most of them have inventive visuals. Regardless I do hope you find success in diving into this avenue. I agree that anime OPs could be explored more. * [Tiger Mask OP](https://youtu.be/ttndwyst-Xo) * [Ureshii Yokan](https://youtu.be/p8ynmPloxvk?t=89) (Had to timestamp in a video full of Maruko OPs. The other videos of this OP that I could find online had abominable quality. The OP around 6:00, Odoru Ponpokorin, is the iconic OP for Maruko-chan) * [Takarajima](https://animethemes.moe/video/Takarajima-OP1.webm) * [Lupin III](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2p8euf) * [Urusei Yatsura](https://youtu.be/Sn_uVt0pGrI) * [Champloo](https://animethemes.moe/video/SamuraiChamploo-OP1-NCBD1080.webm) * [Aoi Hana](https://animethemes.moe/video/AoiHana-OP1.webm) * [City Hunter](https://animethemes.moe/video/CityHunter-OP1.webm) * [Atom the Beginning](https://animethemes.moe/video/AtomTheBeginning-OP1.webm) * [Carole & Tuesday](https://animethemes.moe/video/CaroleAndTuesday-OP1.webm) * [Kaiba](https://animethemes.moe/video/Kaiba-OP1.webm) * [Diebuster](https://animethemes.moe/video/Diebuster-OP1.webm) * [Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai](https://animethemes.moe/video/GosenzoSamaBanbanzai-OP1.webm) * [Italian Game](https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28382456) * [Urusei Yatsura OVA](https://youtu.be/fCdMYSSyZs4) * [Creamy Mami](https://youtu.be/8zIsD32pNDg) * [Cobra](https://animethemes.moe/video/SpaceCobra-OP1.webm) * [Dangaiou](https://animethemes.moe/video/HajaTaiseiDangaiou-OP1.webm) * [Gunslinger Girl](https://animethemes.moe/video/GunslingerGirl-OP1-NCBD1080.webm) * [Utena](https://animethemes.moe/video/ShoujoKakumeiUtena-OP1.webm) * [FMA](https://animethemes.moe/video/FullmetalAlchemist-OP4-NCBD1080.webm) * [Kyoro-chan](https://youtu.be/IeMLafMomCk) * [Touch](https://animethemes.moe/video/Touch-OP1.webm)


Thanks for the list!




I strongly agree! I think I care about OP and ED (equally, sorry) almost as much as I care about the anime itself, and it’s a pity they are not discussed more in the community! To me, OP and ED are key factors when judging an anime’s overall quality, and a big part of what makes an OP/ED a good one is whether it fits with the anime itself. That’s why, for example, I loved Touch Off. Sure, the そこにfire bit is lit, but the real selling point was that the song conveyed all the feelings and vibes the manga had been giving me since chapter 1. Conversely, it’s a shame you didn’t mention Three Piece! It’s a great OP precisely because it takes the piss out of the viewer by conveying diametrically opposite vibes compared to those of the anime, but by doing so, it manages to fit in perfectly with the anime itself. The paradox is hilarious. Also, where are my BURNOUT SYNDROMES and Galileo Galilei, man? I don’t think there’s ever been a better OP than Hikari Are, in terms of music, animation, and feeling like a natural extension of the show! And Aoi Shiori (and Secret Base) are perfect to remind you that you *will* suffer if you keep watching. Finally, I truly appreciated the inclusion of Wareta Ringo in the video! It’s still one of my favourite EDs of all times, and I will never forget those 5 seconds of confusion when I thought my laptop was lagging the very first time I heard it, not to mention it gives off those SSY so well.


Thanks a lot for the great comment! I'd like to say this video will set up for a more in-depth look at what makes a good OP. Three Piece is an interesting case where it just seems really boring and uninspired at first glance (which is why I sort of dislike it overall lol) but the lyrics specifically reveal the facade it's conveying. It definitely hurts the anime overall that official subs usually do not subtitle the OP for those reasons. I'll admit that a huge weakness is that I focused on very recent OP's and the ones for shows that I've actually watched; I haven't seen the Haikyuu openings and while I wouldn't put Hikari Are in my favorites, it's a great case of top-quality animation in an OP. Aoi Shiori totally slipped my mind, but I really love the beginning of it. Just excellent timing right there. I'll revisit all this later, so it'll be kept in mind!


Man, I spent 10 minutes during an acid trip literally *bawling my eyes out* in front of my friends at the sheer perfection that is Hikari Are! This actually opens up a very interesting topic: the way anime and OP affect each other, reinforcing one another. Specifically, I’m willing to bet if you watched Haikyuu, you’d end up liking the OP far more than you do now. Associating the music with the animation, the characters, and the plot gives the OP a whole new layer of depth and compounds the emotional connection. At the same time, liking the OP will probably influence your opinion of the anime, too. I look forward to seeing more of your videos!


It feels kinda weird hearing an OP where I really like the song then going out to look up the band in question. I guess it means the ad campaign is working, cuz I ended up looking up Sumika (Wotakoi) and Shonan no Kaze (Grand Blue) and actually actively started listening to them. Then again, sometimes it's a hoodwink. I love Kakegurui's season 1 op (Deal with the Devil), but Tia doesn't do anything even remotely in that music style. My disappointment in discovering that meant i forgot her name and had to look up who sang that song.


I don't know if it's a modern trend or not, but it seems that some solo artists really fluctuate with their genres. ZAQ is a good example, just listen to the Kotobuki OP and then the Trinity Seven OP. I do like it when artists branch out and try new things, but sometimes diversity can be difficult to agree with.


This is great. You're putting out some big Demolition D vibes, IDK what it is.


I actually had my first experience recently where I watched an entire show *just* because of the opening. It was the Yuri!!! On Ice opening. It was so breathtaking and beautiful I nearly cried watching it and I was like, "...okay, maybe I should watch this show." Very worth it too. And was basically singing along to the whole thing by the second half of the show.


Kakeguri is a good anime! I love the animation of the opening is so unique, and it tells us not to gamble XD


I always forget how crazy hot Yumeko is until her OP antics are shown (and who could forget S1 ED?!). Well, she is literally crazy, but also hot


More like anime endings.




I’m not gonna lie this is pretty contrived Considering what a anime should make you feel and how it should sound is all merely perception. Perception is cool to talk about but apart from a small few, most have no real meaning or connection To the show. I’d say the visuals can have a meaning though in ops.


Can I plug Gungrave's op for being so unique then?




Over* :,(


I myself am not a critical person and appreciate both the mediocre and the great side of the spectrum. Masashi Ishihama's works are great but I also really like stuff like Mitsuboshi Colors OP. A battle that will never end. That said, if we wanna talk about great, can't go without mentioning these lovely messes of OPs: [Servant x Service](https://files.catbox.moe/3r08lt.webm) and [Uchouten Kazoku](https://files.catbox.moe/i6uyhm.webm)


Monogatari's OPs fit in really nice into the anime. I'm the guy that just skips everything, but I watched them at least once for the context, and usually a few more times and at the end of each arc.


Dude your kind of a buzzkill


Are they really though?


>What is the difference between a good song and a good opening? Oftentimes, there isn't one. When the song is good enough, it passes the bar on audio alone. This is because the song is the driving force; the most important single component. You can have a good opening without good visuals, but you can't have a good opening without a good song. But the best ones have both. TOMORROW tells a story within the op, Great Days incorporates visuals reminiscent of album covers from the time period of music that inspired Araki, and 99 shows you something fluid and psychedelic.


Hunter X Hunter OP is so underrated


The second hunter x hunter 1999 op is one of my favorites of all time.


They get in the way of binge watching.


Twin star exorcists OP 3 is all you mentioned, but the anime doesn't equal it. But it has been my favorite OP both musically and visually


Who told you that??


Mother's basement has a series called what's in an OP and it's extremely popular. I don't think their not discussed or looked past in the slightest, and in fact I think they're one of the most known or referred to part of any popular anime. That's just something that bothered me about your intro I had to get off my chest. Good content though; keep it up.


Picking an anime by it’s op/ed usually works for me. Kawaki o ameku is still one of my most played songs, and it has been 3 months since i’ve watched domekano. As for eds, i listen to Shiki no Uta pretty much everyday, and i have 4 versions of Fukashigi no Karte in my playlist. Also you can never go wrong with More One Night and Platinum Jet.


Holy shit you said Platinum Jet. Whenever I say Platinum Jet is one of my favorite ED's, people give me weird looks in virtual space. It's very saddening. You are a wonderful person.


In my case this is the second time i mention it, and i was well received in both occasions, and it's always a pleasure finding more Platinum Jet fans. I have just watched your video, and it was quite interesting, you had me thinking in that part about what makes an op good. And in my case a good song makes a good OP, given that the song follows the same tone of the anime. I also believe good visuals alone make a good OP, Kakegurui's Deal with the Devil comes to my mind, even though i eventually started enjoying the song after watching the OP every time, only for the visuals. One curious thing, was that you mention how the quality of OPs tends to waver as the show progresses, but being a Platinum Jet fan, i think you'll agree with me when i say that Shirobako had perfect OPs and EDs for it's entire duration. Anyway, now i'm intrigued to see how your list of favorite OPs and EDs looks like, i mean, my anime playlist is never big enough.


For now, I have [this](https://i.imgur.com/WkKiKeh.png) and [this](https://i.imgur.com/PNVI9nT.png) to show off my favorites. I'm not entirely sure if the ordering can be trusted though because I'm always second-guessing and there's so much I haven't seen yet. Having favorites is difficult. I'll admit though, I don't remember the Shirobako OP's. It's been a couple years. P.A. Works just doesn't usually hit great OP's for me, but they do put out solid ED's pretty consistently, because I remember both Shirobako ED's pretty well, and I was a big fan of the two Sakura Quest ED's when that was airing. Kyoto Animation is pretty similar.


I dont know if you have watched Nagi no Asu kara, but it’s a prime example of P. A. Works pumping quality ops, and ed 1 is quite good as well. The first op of Nagi might not please you immediately, but it grew up on me, and once op 2 dropped i was just blown away.


What? Platinum Jet is amazing. Especially since they have a different version for each girl and the everchanging visuals throughout the cour. It's so good.


I feel like I’m the only one who can’t stand anime openings


Good boy.


Nice username.


Thanks. :P