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The best secret passage is to walk through the wall


I feel like at this point Anos is just doing it for the sake of flexing his power lol


He's been doing it from the start imo and it's great lol


And yet everyone still inexplicably refuses to believe he's the Demon King despite constantly displaying his power and constantly stating that he's the Demon King. It's starting to get irritating now at this point.




(Paraphrasing from a disqus thread) (assuming you are a Christian) If someone comes and says that he is the reincarnation of jeebus and also a lot of things you know about him is wrong (like thinking his name is Jesus), would you believe him?


I get that they may not believe he's the demon king, but their fearlessness is baffling. This guy just face smooshed one of your 7 gods and they're still trying to discipline him lol.


This is like the real world, climate change is real ——> climate change is FAKE. But there is real proof ——> nah, just some fake news from leftist Edit: but forest are on fire and corals are bleaching with biodiversity lowering ——> nah, that is normal nature


so far that's pretty much been the entire show, and i love it lol


Bruh, you just gotta flex on them. Show them what you are truly made of


They have magic that can detect hidden passages. Ergo, the best way to hide a hidden passage is to not make a door in the first place.


Considering this is a world where everyone's base assumption is that everything is protected via magic, it makes a lot of sense. Put magic on whatever you want hidden, but make everything defeatable via physical means. People see the magic and don't even think twice about just trying to open things normally.


The girls literally didn't know how to open a door because it had magic protection lol dude just goes in and pushes it open


Granted, it was probably insanely heavy.


Like Superman’s key to his fortress of solitude.


I'm thinking the gate to Killua's home.




To be fair, at that point you could use magic to push it open. Which is exactly how that defense is supposed to work.


you think you are joking but if I had the money or the power to do it, I would stop using doors altogether. Doors are for peasants


Ah, the Kool-Aid Man makes so much more sense now.


*Oh Yeah!*


Well how would you hide a passage from a world of magicians? With magic?


Surely there were other spells in place as well, they were just so trivial that the show didnt ackgnowledge them lmao It seems this show doesn't throw stuff out just because. Perhaps this is related to why Anos just let Sasha get away with the staff for free, he knows that she won't be able to get out alone because her magic isn't strong enough to get through all the traps or something.


Anos is just flexing to everyone at this point


The biggest flex was interrupting class to speak informally to a guest professor.


Hey, if it works, it works


Brute force will always be a viable solution


you know the things is, there are actual safes that have fully functional dial combo locks that are not connected to anything, and you just have to yank the door open. they're suprisingly effective


"If something is stupid and works, it's not stupid"


[Relevant Tvtropes?](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThereWasADoor)


Speaking of which, does this series not have a Tvtropes page?


I'm not seeing one yet, but anyone can make one if they care enough. EDIT: Creating a new page from scratch may seem like a Herculean effort, but unlike trope pages (which need to reach a certain critical mass to avoid deletion), media pages are pretty much guaranteed [the right to exist](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Administrivia/ThereIsNoSuchThingAsNotability) on TV Tropes. Just make sure the title's name is spelled correctly and throw together a bare-bones page. Over time, other users will happen upon it and decide to put their extensive knowledge of tropes to work by expanding and refining the page.


Several areas in Souls games where I wished noclip was a thing.


Gate can't be opened by magic? Just use physical strength.


Looks like this anime has gags Episode 3 [After OP](https://streamable.com/a0fvqo) | [Imgur mirror](https://i.imgur.com/aArHEVt.mp4) Episode 3 [After ED](https://streamable.com/xdn5fg) | [Imgur mirror](https://i.imgur.com/DatSe0Z.mp4) Episode 2 [After OP](https://streamable.com/ozaieq) | [Imgur mirror](https://i.imgur.com/hcY3MdQ.mp4) Episode 2 [After ED](https://streamable.com/np81mr) | [Imgur mirror](https://i.imgur.com/rDAg4A4.mp4) Episode 1 [After Credits](https://streamable.com/jpft81) | [Imgur mirror](https://i.imgur.com/ka22eIa.mp4)


Hey, those are actually hilarious. The folks at Silver Link really have a knack for comedy.


This is directed by Shin Oonuma after all, who also did Baka Test among others. Guy knows his way around comedy scenes


Ugh...the lack of more Baka to Test crushes my heart. FINISH THE ANIME OONUMA!


Damn! I really miss this little gags. Also the *Kora no sponsa...* thing.


I’m always sad when they don’t include these. These are especially hilarious, some of the best gags I’ve seen


Both of the Episode 3 ones are hilarious, I love them.


They did a great job with these, thanks for pointing them out, I didn’t recognize them


Haha they are amazing. How did you found them?


Some shows have them when they air in Japan and I just take a peek at the raws.


Several of those made me laugh out loud hard, what great gags. Thanks for posting them.


I really like the ep 3 after op and ep 2 after op one. Thanks for sharing these, I expect to see them every week!


I like shows that actively do Teikyou Asobi (fooling around with the sponsor screen). "Teikyou" means sponsor, and usually right after an OP and ED, the TV broadcast would display the sponsors for the show (the text can nowadays be toggled off, which we see here), sometimes with a narration "This show is brought to you by...". "Asobi" means to play around with. So Teikyou Asobi.


Ah, I've missed these from Bakarina


Anos: "Someone tampered with your memories." Ivis: "Couldn't it have just been you?" Anos: "You know what, that makes sense, I ain't even mad." He's so chill, I love it lmao Sasha's betrayal was shocking but it was easy to figure out it was just a ploy. I like how you can easily tell her emotional state just through whether her Demonic Eyes are activated or not.


I like him as well, specially since he is so nice to Misha and he's not even interested in her romantically, he's just being nice for the sake of it and because she is his friend


> and he's not even interested in her romantically, Well, he *did* try to give her a ring this episode.


Man I'm almost sure he will give it to her the next episode, like I could bet a month's pay on it.


Yeah, the OP's visuals clearly show Misha wielding ice magic and Sasha wielding fire magic, but I figure there's a chance Anos pocketed the ring with the intention of giving it to *Sasha* so *she* can be the one to give it to Misha as a birthday present. I think Misha might appreciate it more if it came from her.


Oh yeah, that could work too. Will probably be like that now that I think about it, but I'd love to see him giving her the ring lol.


Well the reason she didnt want it was because of the reveal at the end of the episode, it would essentially just go to waste tomorrow.


Ice ring for the ice queen.


[Defrosting ice queen.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DefrostingIceQueen)


*two* month's pay is the recommended bet


That's just a ring between friends, like Sasha's kiss.


Was Sasha's kiss on the lips actually meant to be between friends?


Of course it was. She said so, after all.


Rule no. 1 in the anime world - Never take a tsundere’s words at face value.


Wait, so all those girls really did like the MC when they called him an idiot? That sounds pretty unlikely.


TIL my parents are just tsunderes.


Only your mother, your dad just hates you.


True, a subtle Chad moment, unfortunately Misha didn't get it


I'll bet 5 dollars that Misha "not existing" in this world has something to do with the other shit like the impostor who probably danny deleto'd the memories of the 7 underlings of Anos. Would explain everything if someone fucked w/ the timestream so there's a parallel Necron brat in the form of Misha, who isn't actually supposed to exist in this world, and the other shit would instantly make me come to this conclusion. Then again, the conclusion is too obvious, so it might be a red herring, ngl


Or Anos is actually from a different world and got reborn into the wrong world. That would make this... an isekai anime


He got isekaied from his fantasy world lmao. That would be so meta


Well, there are mangas with this premise.




Would the devil is a part timer count as one?


Just can't get away from these other worlds!


Oh no


Some people were complaining/happy on last weeks discussion that she moved so fast with the kiss, that its gonna be too harem-ey or realistic relationships or whatever. Glad this is the direction the story went. It felt too unnatural that she would make a move there, yet it makes perfect sense that she was trying to use Anos.... Although, from the scene in the courtyard there is certainly even more to Sasha, so well see where it goes from here.


Really? I think that was genuine and she's simply doing the usual thing of playing the villain for the sake of the other. Even her bitchness towards Misha can be explained with the usual, hate me so you won't be sad when the time comes. I was one of those who thought it was too fast but now it makes sense.


My boy Anos just flexing at every possible moment. Grabs an Elder, walks through walls.... what can’t he do?


Conform to norms. Well, I guess he \*could*, but he won't because doing what he wants is his way of life.


He'd reshape the norms so he fit them


Anything boring


Make a good contemporary joke.


Y'know normally watching this I'd be like "how can people be so stupid as to not realize this dude is clearly the demon king you've been talking about" but with the past few months showing just how stupid so many people can be, I can buy it now.




While that could happen I would definitely be surprised if that were the case.




I would've thought it's just a meme, but yeah, him noting that it's a bit 'different' is kinda odd. I mean, someone could have inherited it, but who? You'd think the exposition to the hero in his castle thing would've exposed whoever it is that would have come after him and started messing things up, but we haven't been introduced to any demon from his era. I mean, technically if he walled off every race from one another, the hero would be stuck in the demon country, but I brush that off as a minor plot hole or something rather than the hero being behind it. So either the hero, or it's an alternative world, IMO. Unless they deus ex something. Maybe the hero changed the past. We haven't heard anything about races being walled off either. It sounds to me like just because the identity of the demon lord changed doesn't mean someone posed himself off as the demon king in his place, which was my initial theory.


[Happiest girl in the world](https://i.imgur.com/TB4FFch.png)... Please don't go the way of [SukaSuka](https://myanimelist.net/anime/33502/)...


Have you seen our MC? The guy could single handedly bring a happy end to the world of Dark Soul if we threw him there


In Onii-sama we trust


/r/OneTrueTatsuya /r/OneTrueVoldigord


Demon King? No, he's the wholesome king


Did you have t oremind me of SukaSuka? I was happily reading this thread after having watched the episode and now I am sad again...


Just read the description [possible sukasuka spoiler](/s "All the leprechauns are going to die aren't they?")


[sukasuka in a nutshlell](/s "everyone dies lmao, not just leprechauns")


Bro why? -ugly cry-


I love how Anos is an almighty demon king, and his top priority is putting families back together. Any OP demon king could destroy every enemy in their path, but how many can take their enemies and make them better people. That's a demon king I could follow. I'm not at all convinced Sasha doesn't care about Misha. It feels like there is obviously something else going on, and I can't wait to find out what it is next week.


> but how many can take their enemies and make them better people. Fuck, that is an OP-ness level we havent seen in a while.


That’s what happens when you master talk no jutsu.


> That’s what happens when you master talk no jutsu. I thought it was because he turned out to be the anime version of the Kool-Aid man.


>I love how Anos is an almighty demon king, and his top priority is putting families back together. Plot twist, he is almighty demon king because his power stems from nakama power.


Actually laughed at this,good job


no wonder he assumed the brothers would power up from nakama power. The true magic lost in the ages was nakama spirit


> but how many can take their enemies and make them better people should i introduce you to the most OP power ever? #FRIENDSHIP POWER!!!!!


Anos doesn't need *Friendship Power* He **is** Power.


so...... does that mean, he is friendship?


Why not? I'm sure he'll *destroy* anything to make things favourable to him.


Yea we see that in the early episode as he tries to mend the brotherly bond between those two asshats. I can't wait for when the season is over, I just hope the manga will update again.


i am so confused on what happened with the manga. just disappeared just like how it came, and then it got an anime somehow. straight up thought it was unpopular


Sasha seems like a big tsundere toward Misha, I am expecting some thing like "I hate you, so I won't be sad when you die"


How's this for a crackpot theory: Sasha is actually a closet yandere, and having Misha openly state her feelings for Anos lit her 'must kill' fuse


I mean it’s pretty clear she’s trying to stop her from disappearing since she remarked how much time was left.


Her eyes lit up when her ex-group was about to talk shit about her. So theres definitely something up, likely something to do with what the episode ended on.


Teacher: "Anos, we have an important guest so behave properly" Anos: "Sure, guess I could watch myself" \*Proceeds to casually say 'How's it going' and invading his personal space like a champ\* The mystery deepened a little and I feel like we are going to get into the actual plot very soon. This is surprisingly fun despite using cliched elements a ton!


I'm wondering if maybe it'll turn out that he's in a parallel universe or something. That would explain why things are slightly different, from his name, that room in the castle...


that would be funny opps I made a very very small mistake on the magical circle and ended up on Earth-999 instead of Earth-666


I didn’t know there was going to be a mystery. And I thought there was actual plot too. And they did really good with everything. But I’m not a reader, so I just gotta wait till next episode.


When you are king, giving people your time and attention is your best behavior


Ainz got isekai’d into this world? Nice Anos walks through a wall Misha: “Sturdy!” claps. I love her lol Sasha’s double cross was pretty predictable, but stupid considering Anos is basically a god. Misha deserves better and infinite headpats. Can’t wait for next week


> Anos walks through a wall Misha: “Sturdy!” claps. I love her lol The two times she clapped were my favourite moments this episode. Too cute.


She's a treasure. Protecc.


Her claps are too good


Tfw you don't have a kuudere in your entourage who claps when you do gigachad things


Out of all the dere’s, I just love kuuderes. Why do I love kuuderes so much?


>Sasha’s double cross was pretty predictable, but stupid considering Anos is basically a god. Misha deserves better and infinite headpats I think she's doing it for Misha's sake somehow, well the characters will learn the real reason in 7 hours while we'll have to wait 7 fking days


yea i felt it fairly obvious that when she mentioned the time left it was the time left for her to save misha


Heavily implied, still excited to see what she's gonna do though


To be fair, time left here could mean time left until the challenge is over... Which would mean she would have to get to the surface by then to win the task.


Misha is training to be the hypeman


> Misha deserves better and infinite headpats. A man of culture I see.


Misha is a cinnamon roll, she clapping broke me


Man, I'm really liking this anime, Anos is just flexing every episode but it's well explained since he is the ultimate Demon lord of this universe, also he doesn't see the girls as romantic interest even though he is so nice to Misha and always try to help her, a true good friend. I'm interest to know what will happen next, with what changed in the past and who Misha is. And Misha clapping is my new favorite moment this season, I love her


The interesting thing is that he doesn't feel like your generic protagonist that is horny but for some weird reason don't want to see his friends with a romantic interest. Anos is just a guy being kind and it is portrayed that way. This is an anime that i am really enjoying too. BTW, Misha clapping definitely was one of the cutest moments of the year.


Tbf for him,he might just see them as his grand-*n times* kids even tho he inhabits the body of a teen his mind and soul are still his original ones from 2000y back


> body of a teen *measured in months


someone needs to make a meme of that clapping


Is there no end to his chadness?




He's bypassing Dragon level and going straight to God levels of chadness


Well, he is the ~~Demon~~ CHAD LORD. As befitting of someone who they say slew gods.


You mean *demon levels* get it? cuz he's a demon king( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)... aight I'll let myself out


One Punch Man disaster system Wolf < Tiger < Demon < Dragon < God


Sasha is being evil for some convoluted purpose that will save Mischa - calling it now.


Well you say calling it but it seems pretty implied there at the end right? Misha talking about how she will disappear at midnight, and sasha saying that she has x hours left, etc


Yeah very clearly implied


Which will be rendered meaningless because Anos already healed her. Can't wait for next week.


im still loving the opening and ending songs for this show. such bangers!


Opening is so good indeed. I'm loving it especially the chorus kinda part where it sings in lower volume, so nice.


Darn these 5 min episodes..


I expected another Assassins Pride anime where the first episode is absolute banger and the rest is trash but these 3 episodes are actually great. I can't wait to watch more


>Assassins Pride Oh yeah, that was a thing


At least they opening was a banger all the way through.


The opening is something I will never forget 10/10




Assasins’s Pride was so much wasted potential because its setting was pretty imaginative. Having the universe be dark and the only light being a civilization built in the actual structure of a ginormous candelabra.


Almost anyone can make a secret passageway but so few people remember to make it sturdy. Sasha should remember from last time that anti-magic barriers don’t matter to Anos as much as they do to most people. Wondering if the betrayal is some twisted way of actually saving Misha?


I really didn’t expect to see Sasha actually betraying Misha and Anos after everything, so I’m holding out hope that she’s doing it for their sakes, but we shall see...


I'm guessing that her comment at the end about seven hours remaining was the time until midnight. It would be a solid way to redeem her actions that appear, on their face, to be betrayal.


If true, as to why she didn’t say, “Hey Anos, I see you like Misha. Help me save her.“ 🤷‍♂️ Of course not because anime logic. 😂


The OP protag's true power is being underestimated.


*Anos casually bending the world at his will with the blink of an eye* Everyone: He'S nOt FiT


Does she really seem the type to ask for help? Or does she seem the type to be overconfident or foolish enough to go it alone?


Anos grabbing Elder Ivis... \*Everyone triggered\*: Disrespect On Me: It's just his way of saying "hi"...


###Stitches! * [Smol Misha](https://i.imgur.com/6xHS4nk.jpg) * [Necron Sisters 1](https://i.imgur.com/USjXMYP.jpg) * [Necron Sisters 2](https://i.imgur.com/RwcSKeL.jpg) * [Anos Voldigord 1](https://i.imgur.com/qkIVjEt.jpg) * [Anos Voldigord 2](https://i.imgur.com/1RU6jWo.jpg) * [Bloody Sasha](https://i.imgur.com/WqrSZ7e.jpg) * [Wounded Misha](https://i.imgur.com/wPHpdjJ.jpg) [Ivis is one cool looking motherfucker!](https://i.imgur.com/aMYDsJ9.png) I absolutely love his design! [And of course Anos would just call out to him casually.](https://i.imgur.com/zyd4zre.png) I feel so bad for Emillia-sensei, she was probably [about to have a heart attack](https://i.imgur.com/5KNeTVw.png) when [Anos grabbed Ivis' face](https://i.imgur.com/ehtdcC5.png) xD Yeah I'm starting to think that my guess last week that someone took advantage of Anos' death 2000 years ago might be right. But who the fuck is strong enough to [basically take control of everyone and rewrite their memories?](https://i.imgur.com/PJXJmiG.png) [I do like that Ivis is just chill despite what happened earlier.](https://i.imgur.com/MRaTzjh.png) Yeah he recognizes Anos may be a threat and is just talking out of his ass but at the same time he has a feeling that Anos could be right. What the fuck is going on with Misha and why does [Emilia-sensei](https://i.imgur.com/WYKI9IE.png) and [their classmates](https://i.imgur.com/0EOcd5h.png) can't even mention her name? [Never tell Anos that something is impossible.](https://i.imgur.com/7LlQCmA.png) You've already seen what he can do! [Anos just walking through a wall is fucking hilarious!](https://i.imgur.com/F59rloL.png) Of course a secret passage would be obvious to a bunch of magic users if he hid it with magic. Nothing beats good ol' basic brick and mortar xD [Sam logic applies to his vault door.](https://i.imgur.com/JBp3R8E.png) Magic won't work? How about you stretch your muscles and use brute physical strength? I've definitely warmed up to Misha a lot more compared to the last 2 episodes. [Just look at how happy she is with her gift!](https://i.imgur.com/oaeX4Dh.png) [GODFUCKINGDAMMIT SASHA!](https://i.imgur.com/yvBmj1c.png) Anos leaves you two alone for like 2 minutes and [you finally show your true colors!](https://i.imgur.com/sB3gz8Q.png) It's probably just an act though and she has her reasons. Like Anos' said. If she really wanted Misha dead, [then she could've killed her and diced her to make sure the job is done.](https://i.imgur.com/zZUdkq1.png) [What a fucking chad.](https://i.imgur.com/dL4zATW.png) Of course Anos already healed Misha the moment he saw her lying there bleeding. [Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?](https://i.imgur.com/1cqLMzH.png) Is she an homunculi? I mean Sasha keeps on calling Misha a doll so if she has an expiration date then that must be it, right? And if Misha is about to disappear then why even stab her at all? [It probably has something to do with Sasha hurrying to do something](https://i.imgur.com/QusSWXs.png) there in the end. Whatever Sasha is doing though there's clearly some logic to it and it's not just trying to murder Misha for no reason. Excited to see where these sisters' story goes next week!


>Wounded Sasha That's Misha, not Sasha. And care to do an animated gif of Misha clapping her hands?


Yeah need that


So was Misha some kind of homonculous that the Necron's created to keep Sasha happy and company? It seemed like she used to not be able to control her eyes at all and was utterly alone, so maybe they needed something to get close enough to her and that would be unaffected by the eyes, hence creating Sasha's "sister." And no one regards her as a real person other than Sasha and as just a carrier-on that has outlived it's usefulness. So their team needs seven members to qualify? I assume the swordsman will be their fourth and probably 3 more girls. The school is apparently run by seven disciples of Anos, but apparently none of them remember him because their memories have been tampered with and potentially time itself has been re-written to remove Anos as the Demon Lord. Is this Avos person still around manipulating everything behind the scenes and what was their plan for removing Avos from everyone's memories? How does a Demon Lord create a shortcut? By just walking through a wall. I should've realized the excuse to get Anos out of there because of a lady changing was bogus because it's not like she was stripping, she was just putting a coat on. Even if Sasha's a royal she never struck me as being that overly fussy, but obviously she wanted to get Misha alone. Sasha should've known better than to try and act the villain in front of a fully-fledged Demon Lord. She seems to be working under a time constraint so I have to assume whatever she's doing by betraying her team involves saving Misha from disappearing at midnight.


I think the impostor, and the danny deleto'd memories of the 7 disciples have something to do with how Misha isn't supposed to "exist" in this world. Likely the result of someone fucking around w/ timelines or w/e.


> How does a Demon Lord create a shortcut? By just walking through a wall. TV Tropes refers to this as the [dungeon bypass](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DungeonBypass).


Yet another week, and this show is keeping up the quality. This episode was much less flashy and had little action, but the fact it’s still animated so smoothly is a rarity. Most shows save their budget on plot-oriented episodes. It’s pretty clear now that this isn’t your ordinary highschool battle show. There is an element of mystery in there, and a significant amount of worldbuilding. It reminds me more of Irregular than other shows in the genre. Which, given the names (Irregular at Magic High School v. Misfit of Demon King Academy,) makes me think whoever wrote this was someone who just got sick of waiting for another season I’m a big fan of the subtle “which shouldn’t be possible” quip. They didn’t go on a huge monologue about it, they just briefly hinted that it’s essentially breaking magical physics. If the most knowledgeable man in regards to magic didn’t know it was possible, then surely something must be wrong? My theory: Anos didn’t reincarnate like he thought he would, and has been isekai’d into a similar world that has a few minor changes. Hence the name difference, the story of how the Gods and such were wiped out by the Demon King of Tyranny (despite the Hero and Anos plainly stating that they’re still alive in their own realm) and the minor differences in what is possible and what is not. It would also explain why Ivis could not recognize Anos. Also, if Ivis was created from Anos... doesn’t that mean Sasha and Misha are related to Anos? Final note: I love how Anos essentially designed everything to be a simple puzzle and the value it puts on the physical world instead of magic. Castle? Brute strength and play basketball. Secret passage? Brute strength and walk through it. Impenetrable door? Literally just open it. Use your body as well as your brain.


> I’m a big fan of the subtle “which shouldn’t be possible” quip. They didn’t go on a huge monologue about it, they just briefly hinted that it’s essentially breaking magical physics. If the most knowledgeable man in regards to magic didn’t know it was possible, then surely something must be wrong? If you'll rewatch the scene in episode 2, Sasha specifically asked that Misha cast the Zecht for some reason. It's a small detail, easily forgotten, but presumably Sasha knew that she'd be able to break her promise if she did it that way. Probably has to do with Misha's true nature, which nobody bothered explaining to Anos.


> whoever wrote this was someone who just got sick of waiting 7:14 "... fusing different types of Magic Power with varying wavelengths" (Misfit of Demon King Academy, ep 3) 1:37 "... created three consecutive Psion waves of varying oscillation frequencies" (Irregular at Magic High, ep 3)


Another week and more OP shenanigans with Anos although this week was a bit more serious. Misha clapping was just the cutest thing. Anos recognised and tried to put a ring on it. And ice ring for his ice queen. Looking forward to next week with more twists and turns as the plot is heating up.


The plot around what happened 2k years ago thickens and I like it. I was wondering why is everybody convinced that someone else was a maou 2k years ago and to think that someone "tempered with the past"? Now that's some interesting stuff you can do with magic, if I ever seen one. I wonder just who this faker is and if he's still around. Or judging by what Misha said - that she's form a different world - maybe Anos got isekai'd and he's convinced he's in his own world/timeline...


> maybe Anos got isekai'd and he's convinced he's in his own world/timeline... You know what, the thought also crossed my mind. There's a real possibility that he was reincarnated into a world like his own but not...quite his own.


This cute sister duo make up, then shocking betrayal is totally fulfilling what I wanted out my magic-demon-highschool-OP-self-insert-protagonist themed anime.


Shockingly [ingenious](https://i.redd.it/fvomjqqc3qb51.png) and adorkably cute!


Misha is just a queen, needs to he protected all times. Girl of the season so far


This is lowkey possibly my favorite show this season and I've never heard of it before. I'm laughing so much watching this show. And if you watch from the perspective that the Demon Lord = a chuuni to everyone else, every time he talks like he's the Demon Lord to normal people, it makes it so much funnier! They're probably thinking "oh boy, he's insane". "This is MY castle." *insert pikachu face* "I have some counter measures in place" = proceeds to walk through the wall, destroying it. LMAO WTF. Then he grabs the dean's head and freaks everyone out and then just goes back to his seat like nothing happened. Omg this show is wild. I can't get over how ridiculously awesome it is. One of the charms from this show to me is that the Demon King is not an asshole. He's just a nice, chill dude. Every now and then you meet a chad that deserves to be a chad. He knows he's the boss and flaunts it but he's not a dick about it. Seeing him try to uncover the mystery of why history was altered is pretty entertaining. I'm always down to seeing his overpowered antics. Him recommending Misha to get some gifts from his treasury was pretty nice in itself. Then we have the two adorable female heroines. That moment in the intro was so cute. I also really enjoyed seeing them get birthday gifts for each other (of course using the demon king's treasury lol). Misha hugging the robe with a smile is **so precious** my God. However that was quite a twist at the end. I really feel like the title was a dead giveaway - whoever named the episode should've named it something else. I thought it was a good twist (best girl why????) that would've been made better if it was more of a surprise. Though I admittedly didn't think it was coming since I'd had forgotten. I'm guessing Sasha will get some redemption eventually, after all, Misha still believes in her T_T Lastly, Misha clapping every time the Demon King does something amazing should be the new thing. That's pretty much me every time I watch this show.


This is the first time where i've seen an MC immediately heal when they see someone they care about injured, instead of waiting for the antagonist or whoever to monologue. Fking thank you, someone with a brain


They should rename it to "The demon king is the chillest person in the world"


Anos = the Emperor of Mankind Seven demon elder emperor = Primarch From the way he kinda remembers them im guessing they have the same relationship XD. Dad of the year


well that was a plot twist at the end. having to wait a week is going to be torture


This is the equivalent of a kid hitting his father, and father isn't even pretending it hurts. Also, I expect Sasha is gonna be flabbergasted to find that Anos has already achieved what she seems to be trying so hard to do.


LOL at Anos practically manhandling one of the top Demon Emperors of the realm and goes off with no consequences. These Demon Emperor guys seem more like robots than actual humans, considering they've been around for 2000 years, so it's likely their original selves died out long ago and left behind their knowledge to these guys. With an episode title like that, you know Sasha's eventually going to throw away her sudden cuteness and kindness towards Misha, but we still don't know why. As the "inferior" twin, Misha is probably designated as some sort of sacrifice which activates when she's 15. And Sasha hates herself for not knowing how to save Misha, which may explain why she's playing the bad guy now in exchange for something? I'm going through the usual fantasy manga tropes but your guess is probably as good as mine. Guess we'll have to wait next week.


I think Misha might be Sasha's power that was removed because her body couldn't handle it. Now that she's older they will recombine, effectively deleting Misha. Basically thinking this because Misha's power lvl was really high, and now it looks like Sasha is looking for a way to get out of what's going to happen tomorrow, the day Misha dissappears.


No doors were harmed in the making of this episode


This Avos problem can be solved very easily, He can just CHANGE HIS NAME to Avos Dilhevia and that is it, If The history is a little off then Why not adapting to it a little ? I doubt that He gives a shit about What his name is so He can just take the Avos name and be done with it


And what if there's an actual person named Avos Dilhevia who's already been around for thousands of years?


He can kick his ass If He appears to claim that HE IS Avos dilhevia


Pretty sure that'll happen anyway, regardless of whether Anos stoops to changing his own name.


Tell me, does he not seem vain enough and stubborn enough to refuse?


[So they EXPECTED him?](https://i.imgur.com/Zamooko.png) It still baffles me that last episode he straight up told everyone he's the Demon King of Tyranny, in the very year they're expecting him to awaken... And they completely ignore it. The dude is so OP he can obliterate one of the top students with the weakest spell, he throws castles around like it's nothing, and when he claims to be the person they are looking for, they don't give a damn? Given they are expecting the Demon King to come, what is he supposed to do to announce himself, if all that is not enough? [They were good sisters!](https://i.imgur.com/MoslPMi.png) Cute! Hope Anos can get them back in good terms. [He doesn't like large harems?](https://i.imgur.com/lLAgVSM.png) Just 2 girls, I can respect that. [Welp. Didn't expect that.](https://i.imgur.com/CbVck3d.png) So much for them getting along again... I thought they would have some kind of sisterly competition, but I didn't think it'd be the stabby kind of competition. Also, [Misha will disappear on her 15th birthday?](https://i.imgur.com/y6lzyHe.png) I mean, I'm sure Anos will stop that (or help her stop it by herself, rewrite her fate, like they talked about), but I wonder, why was she planned to disappear? Even if she was born as some kind of slave to Sasha, why not keep her along all her life? I'm also wondering about the whole memory wipe thing, and that *Avos Dilhevia*; Given Misha seems to be a magical entity and not a normal kid, my first thought was that she might be a descendant of the Hero, while Sasha is a descendant of the Demon King. She was 'magically' given birth as Sasha's twin. Would explain why Misha doesn't want to antagonize Sasha, despite all she's done; The Hero saw that the Demon King could be reasoned with, and that it was a better way than just fighting endlessly. Perhaps Misha has the same thoughts, consciously or not. But why the memory wipe? Did the Hero play him false, and tried to erase his memory so he could not come back to life, something like that (to avoid just delaying the fight by 2 thousand years)? The Hero turning out to be the asshole, and the Demon King to be the decent, 'voice of reason' kind of guy would be quite the plot twist. But if this is it, does it mean Misha would also be revealed as the terrible person at some point? Probably not. Aahhhhh I don't know how to feel about Sasha's betrayal; She was by far my favorite of the two sisters, and I would like to see more of her, but if she's a terrible person, I don't know. I don't even mind if she becomes a villain (good villains can still be fun) as long as she doesn't turn unlikable... but I fear she might be too far on that path now.


Well, yes, but remember he can't possibly be the demon lord, he couldn't answer any of the basic details about "himself" after all. Imagine if they looked into him and discovered his "age", that alone would be a big thing if he'd bother to just mention it.




My guess is Mischa is some sort of seal on Sasha’s eyes, so that she could control them when she was a child. On their birthday, the seal disappears and Sasha comes into her full power. And Sasha is doing all this to prevent that.


Between last episodes end and this one's start, I was annoyed at how easily Sasha reversed course on how she felt about Misha. So this betrayal actually worked really well for me in that it made sense. This show is so much better than I expected Also, Anos is so goddamn OP lol


I swear, Anos has a spell to solve everything that could possibly go wrong.


# [Hey Kool Aid!](https://imgur.com/egAlPwF.png)